HomeMy WebLinkAbout3507 ORDINANCE NO. 0-7
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, relating to
utilities rates, making changes to Title 13, Chapters 13.54 and 13.57
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Section 1. Ordinance No 3243 as amended, and Title 13 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code Chapter 13.54 is amended to read as follows:
13.54.050 Schedule R-01—Residential weekly service.
A. The rate shall be $32 '' per month for one collection of a 90-gallon refuse container per
week.. and Tthe rate per month for each additional refuse container shall be $32.17. the
rates shown in the following table:
201 ZQ-16 2017
Rate Sur h r 1 Total Rate urcharge Total Rate Surcharge Total
72 34.4 $15 2a 1.21 $36.SQ $37.02 $1.68 38.70
2018 2019 n
Rate Sur har Total Rate rchar a Total
4 $2.Al $41.01 S39.70 2.68 L42.38
Upon request, a refuse container collection in addition to the weekly collection may be made
P q � Y Y
and a utility service fee shall be charged per occurrence in accordance with PAMC
3.70.010.B.3. If a person does not request every-other-week service in accordance with PAMC
13.54.060.A. the rate specified within this section shall apply.
B. Upon request a 96-gallon recycling container may be provided and shall be collected every
other week. The recycling container and collection of the recycling container shall be
provided at no additional charge.
C. A utility service fee in accordance with PAMC 3.70.010.B.4. shall be charged per
container each time the same person at the same service location (1) changes from
Schedule R-01 - Residential Weekly Service to Schedule R-02 - Residential
Every-Other-Week Service, or (2) requests a recycling container where the recycling
service has been voluntarily discontinued or terminated in accordance with 13.54.150.H.
D. A utility service fee shall not be charged to resume recycling service if the same person at
the same service location voluntarily terminates water,wastewater, garbage collection,and
recycling services providing that electric service is maintained.
13.54.060 Schedule R-02—Residential every other week service.
A. Upon request the rate shall be $20 per month for one collection of a 90-gallon refuse
container—. T and the rate per month for each additional refuse container shall be $20.35.
the rates shown in the following table:
2D 1-5 ZQ-16 2DI7
Total Rate I ��r �e Total Rate To
ZQ-1-8 2019 and beyo
RM Surcharge Total Rate
B. A refuse container set out in accordance with the scheduled date and time for weekly
service shall not be collected. Upon request, a refuse container collection in addition to the
every other week collection may be made and a utility service fee shall be charged per
occurrence in accordance with PAMC
C. Upon request a 96-gallon recycling container may be provided and shall be collected every
other week. The recycling container and collection of the recycling container shall be
provided at no additional charge.
D. A utility service fee in accordance with PANIC shall be charged per container
each time the same person at the same service location (1) changes from Schedule R-02 -
Residential Every Other Week Service to Schedule R-0 I- Residential Weekly Service, or
(2) requests a recycling container where the recycling service has been voluntarily
discontinued or terminated in accordance with 13.54.150.H; provided, however, this
paragraph shall not apply to any changes or requests made during the two weeks beginning
six weeks prior to the effective date of any amendments to the rates under Schedule R-01 or
Schedule R-02.
E. A utility service fee shall not be charged to resume recycling service if the same person at
the same service location voluntarily terminates water,wastewater, garbage collection,and
recycling services providing that electric service is maintained.
F. Under no circumstances shall the rate for any single dwelling or multiple dwelling be less
than the rate specified in this Section, except as allowed by PANIC 13.20
...... r
13.54.070 Schedule R-03—Residential yard waste service.
A. Upon request the rate shat be $8.40 per month per 96-gallon yard waste container for one
collection of yard waste every other week during the months of March through November
and once per month during the months of December through February shall be the rates
shown in the followinc table. The rate per month for each additional yard waste container
shall be X8:48. as shown in the following table.
2Q�1 2016 2017 2018 bevond
Rate Rate Reset Rate Rate
$8.50 $8 67 8.85 .04 .24
B. A utility service fee in accordance with PAMC shall be charged each time
the same customer at the same service location requests the yard waste service where the
yard waste service has been terminated. A utility service fee in accordance with PAMC shall be charged for each additional and waste container if the additional
g Y
container is discontinued by the same customer at the same service location within a period
of 120 days.
C. A utility service fee shall not be charged to resume yard waste service if the same person at
the same service location voluntarily terminates water,wastewater, garbage collection, and
yard waste services providing that electric service is maintained.
13.54.090 Schedule C-01—Commercial 90-gallon service.
A. The rate shat be $26.49 per month for one collection of a 90-gallon refuse container per
week and semi-weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container shall be the rate
shown in the following table. The rate per month for each additional refuse container and
for each additional weekly collection of a refuse container shall be$26.89. the rate shown
in the following table. The rate shall be reduced by 4.6 percent for the federal
government, its agencies and instrumentalities.
2015 2016 2Q17
Rate 5 rchar Total Rate r har a Total Rate r h r e Total
M.77_ S31.84 1.1 32. 4 J3A.84 $1.52 $36.43
2t�1$ 2 19 and bevond
Rate Surcharge Total Rate 5mrcharge Total
14 2.14 $_4" 4174 $2.80 44. 4
B. Under no circumstances shall the rate for any commercial building be less than the rate
specified in this section.
13.54.100 Schedule C-02—Commercial 300-gallon service.
A. The rate shall be $81.54 per month for one collection of a 300-gallon refuse container per
week and semi-weekly collection of a cardboard recycling container shall be the rates
shown in the following table. The rate per month for each additional refuse container and
for each additional weekly collection of a refuse container shall be$81:5 1. the rates shown
in the following table. The rate shall be reduced by 4.6 percent for the federal government,
its agencies and instrumentalities.
2015 2Q�1 Z017
Rate rhre Total Rate ur h r Total Rate rhre Total
201 2019 and beyo n
Rate Surcharge Total Rate rhre Total
590.9 4. 1 $_ 5 $o93.78 56.08 $99.$7
B. Where approved by the Director, a 300-gallon refuse container may be shared by up to five
persons. The Director shall determine the rate charged to each person that shares the use of
a 300-gallon refuse container based on each person's waste volume and/or weight and
Schedule C-02-Commercial 300-Gallon Service. Under no circumstances shall the rate for
any person that shares a 300-gallon refuse container be less than Schedule C-01 -
Commercial 90 - Gallon Service. The rate shall be reduced by 4.6 p ercen t h for r t e federal
g overnment its agencies
and instrumentalities
C. Where a restricted use container is required by the Director, the Director shall determine
the rate charged to each person that is assigned a restricted refuse container based on each
commercial dwelling's waste volume and/or weight and Schedule C-02-Commercial
300-Gallon Service. Under no circumstances shall the rate for any person that is assigned a
restricted refuse container be less than Schedule C-01 -Commercial 90-Gallon Service.
The rate shall be reduced by 4.6 percent for the federal government, its agencies and
13.54.110 Schedule C-03—Commercial recycling service.
When the commercial recycling service is requested in addition to semi-weekly collection of
cardboard, the rate shall be $1-3.80 the rate shown in the following table per month for one
collection of a recycling container per week for each location within the City limits of Port
Y g P Y
Angeles. The rate per month for each additional recycling container and each additional weekly
collection of a recycling container shall be$13.80 the rate shown in the following table.
2 2016 2017 2018 b n
Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
1 . 0 SUM $13.80 MM. =.
Section 2. Ordinance No. 3243 as amended and Title t e 13, Chapter 13.57 is amended to read
as follows:
13.57.020 Rates.
The following rates include all applicable taxes except as noted and shall be charged at the solid
waste processing facility:
A. All collection entities shall be charged and pay the following rates at the transfer
1. Collection entities that provide the City an exemption certificate in accordance
with WAC 458-20-250(7) and City of Port Angeles accounts shall be charged
$139.13 the rate shown in the following table per ton for municipal solid waste.
This rate does not include the Washington State solid waste collection tax.
2015 2q�f1
Rate &ghLr&g Total Rate I surc hr Total Rate rch r e Total
$139.11$ 147. 1 141. 1 $13.91 1 2 S144.75 $19.51 1 4.2
2(x$1 2 19 and bevond
R r h r
Total R��� rhr Total
ate ��
147. 8L.1 $17 .1 $150.60 31. $182.5
2. Collection entities that provide the City an exemption certificate in accordance
with WAC 458-20-250(7) and City of Port Angeles accounts shall be charged
$29.09 the rate shown in the following table per ton for clean yard waste. This rate
does not include the Washington State solid waste collection tax. The transfer
station attendant shall determine whether each load qualifies as clean yard waste
eligible for this rate. Yard waste that is not eligible for this rate shall be deemed
municipal solid waste for determining rates.
2015 2016 2017 2018 n
Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
S29.09 $Z9L67 $�27 $�87 $31.49
3. $74.06 The rate shown in the foLlowin per ton for wastewater treatment
plant biosolids.
2015 2016 2017 2"1 bevond
Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
$14M. L75.54 S77.Q5 .1
$78M $0 _6
4. The City shall pay the collection entity charges for municipal solid waste received
at the transfer station from the contractor for the Blue Mountain drop box
operation under the service agreement. The City shall pay the collection entity
charges for yard waste received at the transfer station from the contractor for
curbside collection of yard waste under the service agreement.
5. Collection entities that do not provide the City an exemption certificate in
accordance with WAC 458-20-250(7) shall be deemed self-hauler for purposes of
determining rates.
B. All self-haulers shall be charged and shall pay the following rates at the transfer station
(except as set forth herein):
1. $170.11 The rate shown in the following table per ton for municipal solid waste
with a$10.00 minimum fee.
ZQ-1-6 Z017
Ate Total Rate Total Rate_ &�r
$M,�11 �. 4 $HOM. $173.51 Ll�68 9 $M-.4-Q $1Z6--.9-8 $U.-7-Q
2018 2019 and beyo
DWI Rate-T-Wokral Total
$211.51 51�41 1 S38.78
2. $470 The rate shown in the following table per ton for clean yard waste, with a
$5.00 minimum fee. The transfer station attendant shall determine whether each
load qualifies as clean yard waste eligible for this rate. Yard waste that is not
eligible for this rate shall be deemed municipal solid waste for determining rates.
2015 2016 2017 2018 n
Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate
47.2 48.14 549-11
3. In addition to the fees established by subsections 1. and 2. of this section, a
self-hauler that delivers an unsecured load to the transfer station shall be charged
a$10.00 fee.
4. There will be no fee charged for recyclable materials deposited into the recycling
drop-off facility.There will be no fee charged for acceptable household hazardous
waste received at the transfer station.
5. There will be no fee charged for acceptable moderate-risk waste received at the
m ode r ate risk waste fac ili ty from residents covered under the rote rl oca
agreement. Commercially exempt small quantity generators rs shall not deposit
moderate-risk waste at the moderate-risk waste facility.
6. Self-hauler rates shall be reduced by 4.6 percent for the federal government, its
agencies and instrumentalities.
7. Rates for acceptable special waste shall be charged the rate shown in the
201. 2016 2017 201g n
Rate Rate Rate Rate Rye
Self Haul--Tires $170.11 S173.51 $176.98 $180.52 $184.13
Self Haul--Asbestos $447.24 $A 5 .1 $46-5.31 S474.61 $A84.11
Self Haul--Metal&White Goods S72.29 S73.74 $75.21 $76.71 678.25
Environmental Fee $23.80 $24.28 $ 77 $25.27 2 .78
Self Haul--Contaminated Soils 2 7.7fi 242. 2 247.37 2 2.31 2 7
I Rate �
Asbestos -nn 7.24 pd,.to G
Tir-es (automobile and truek4
Metals and white geo�.
x72.2 9 per-to
ronl a, ;,ato �. a„aan soils- �$237 76 per-to.n
The environmental fee per unit shall be in addition to the rate per ton for metals and white
8. In lieu of requiring multiple scale house transactions for loads with mixed
municipal solid waste the Director may establish weight reductions for
recyclable materials, metals, acceptable household hazardous waste, and
acceptable moderate-risk waste. Under no circumstances shall a weight reduction
result in a reduction of the minimum fee. The weight reductions approved by the
Director shall be issued at the scale house.
C. The self-hauler rate 13.57.020.B.1. may be waived or reduced by up to 50 percent
subject to the following requirements:
1. The person requesting a waiver or reduction submits a written application to the
Director at least 30 days before disposal of refuse at the transfer station. The
Director shall accept or deny the application before refuse is disposed at the
transfer station.
2. A waiver may be available for disposal of refuse which is collected as p art of a
beautification or cleanup p ro ram, such as the annual transfer station benefit
dump day, Clallam County chain gang, and Washington State Department of
Transportation Adopt a Highway program, which must dispose of litter.
p g YP g p
3. A reduction may be available for disposal of refuse, which is collected as part of
the annual City of Sequim benefit dump day.
4. A reduction may be available to charitable, nonprofit organizations, such as the
Salvation Army, St. Vincent DePaul and Serenity House,the primary purpose of
which is provide necessary support for the poor or infirm and which must dispose
of unusable donated items.
5. Pursuant to Chapter 35.83 RCW a reduction on ma be applied to the Housing
Y PP g
Authority of Clallam County for self-haul of materials left by tenants who vacate
housing authority premises and for disposal of demolition debris.
6. All waivers or reductions approved by the Director shall be valid for 30 days and
shall be limited to projects that further the public health, safety, or welfare,
enhances the environment or is otherwise t erwise in the public interest for parties of the
interlocal agreement.
7. In order for the waiver or reduction to be valid, applications approved by the
Director shall be presented to the scale house attendant at the time of disposal.
D. All self-haulers shall be charged and shall pay the following rates per ton at the Blue
Mountain drop-box:
1. $237.40 The rate shown in the following table per ton for municipal solid waste
with a$5.00 minimum charge.
2015 2016 Z 17
RM ur h r Total Rate §Mr&h rge Total RRate Lur Tota)
2 L7.4 165.52 S246..9� 2.79 27 .7�
U-1-8 2019 n n
Rate ur h r Total Rate rhr Total
2 1. 42. 7 294. 2 7
� 10. 2
;� S 80
2. Recyclable materials deposited into the recycling drop-off facility will not be
charged a fee. Acceptable household hazardous waste will not be charged a fee.
3. The self-hauler rate shall be reduced by 4.6 percent for the federal government, its
agencies and instrumentalities.
Section 3 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the
correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering,
section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
Section 4 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to
any person or circumstances,are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of
the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 5 -Effective Date. This Ordinance being an exercise of a
p ower
specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This
ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 2015 after passage and publication of an approved
summary thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 3rd day of June, 2014.
�4� 1 9/"
'L D4i _uilio, Mayor
Ja e sa Hurd City Clerk � � _.,.
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
B ummary
Summaries of Ordinances Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
On June 3, 2014
Ordinance No. 3507
THIS ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, relating to utility rates, makes
changes to Title 13, Chapters 13.54 and 13.57 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office, on the City's
website at www.cit oTpa.us, or will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. this Ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 2015, after passage
and publication of summary.
Janessa Hurd, CMC
City Clerk
Publish: June 8, 2014