HomeMy WebLinkAboutAssociation of Washington Cities (10) PAA i&
1076 Franklin Street E• Olympia, 1 A 98501-1346
T i E S 360-753-4137• Toll Free:.1-800-562-8981.-fax: 360-753-,0149,m Insurance Services Fax: 360-753-0148
December 1 , 010
Mayor Dan D1 Guilio
City of Port Angeles
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
RE: 2011 AWC Membership Dues
Dear Mayor Di Guilio:
On behalf of the Association of Washhigton Cities Board of D
We also pant to take this opporftmity to let you know about two upcoming events that you may.be
interested in, The first is the 2011 City Legislature Action Conference in Olympia on.February 16-
17. This conference is a great opportunity for you and your.counefl members to learn about the
significant city issues bfre the Legislature and provides the chance for you to meet personally
with your local legislators while they are in Olympia. And,be sure to set aside June 21-24 to attend
the AWC Annual' onfere ee in Spokane.. Continue to watch for other educational opportunities
throughout the year.
As we look forward to 2011,we dope you again join wi
T i 1076 Franklin Street SF- olympia,VIA X38501-1346
C i E S 360-753-4137• Tatt Free: 1- OD}562.8981 • Fax: 360-753-0149■ Insurance Services Fax: 360-753-0148
Uv C E I V E D
DEC 2 0 2010
aity of Port Ang,015s
Mayor Dan Di Gu.ili
City of Port Angeles
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
The Association of Washington Cities 's the official organization of cities and tom in the
State of Washington. AWC's Mission is to serve our members through.advocacy, education
and services. Each city Paying the annual membership fee is member and has an equal
voice in the determination of the Association's policy.
In setting membership dues the AWC Board of hector recently voted to not raise the duos
for 2011, except for increases due to changes in population. This is the second year that dues
have not been raised.
2011 Membership Fee . #.. ....iii.■■ ..#.■ $ 1 1,923
Please make the check payable.to the Association of Washington Cities, and return-a copy of
tljis invoice nth your payment by January 31, 2011. If you have questions regarding the
invoice,please e-mail April Ntersen at gprijpQawcnet.orfz or call (360) 753-4137 or toll-free
(800) 562-8981.
Total Due: S 119923
IRS 9 x^6000045
i 1076��L� �S ���t�s ia 1+A 98501-1 346
C 11ES via
� 0- �-�� •T�[�Free: �-���- - 7 • fax: ��75 ��'! • Insurance rice Fay: 360-753-01
August 9, 2010
1 arm s ndi.ng you a copy of the Certificate of Municipal Leadership (CML)that was
earned by one of your city's l rnb r r the mayor. This is to let you know that
they have earned this distinction and can recognize there for it. The elected official who
earned the CML status received the original certificate.
Also enclosed,you will find the sample press release that 1 sent to the elected official as
well. i encourage there to personalize the release and sand it to the local media.
The Certificate of Municipal Leadership ML Program provides a chance for mayors
and councilmembers in Washington to nhan their knowledge and leadership shills in
order to provide more effective local governance* There are two levers of CML.The
certificate that your elected official earned is the first revel of CML.
Please let me know if you have any questions. You- an reach rye at (360) 753-4137 or at
area Tanner
unicipal Leadership Programs Coordinator
/ .
CD c 0
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(D CD (D
NEWS RELEASE Media Contacts
TITLE &LAST NAME>is Awarded with Certificate of Municipal Leadership
received a Certificate of Municipal Leadership ML from the Association of Washington
Cities WC . TITLE and LAST NAB completed over 30 hours of training credits to cam
this distinction.
The CML program is designed to enhance the ability of elected municipal officials by providing
knowledge and shills to effectively Operate within the law, plan for the future, secure and
manage funds and foster community and staff relationships. To earn this certificate,the
official attends a variety of AWC sponsored municipal workshops; including sessions on
budgeting, land use planning,personnel, and leadership.The courses help the mayors and
councilmembers learn the essentials of municipal service and improve their ability to work with
council colleagues,city staff,and citizens.
Pl[T ORI ANION ABOUT YOURSELF * including how long on council,
positions held,accomplishments,etc
WC is a private, non-profit non-partisan corporation that represents Washington's ton's cities and
towns before the state legislature, the state executive branch, and with regulatory agencies.
Membership is voluntary; however AWC maintains 100%participation from Washington's 281
cities and towns. The goal of AWC is to create and maintain livable cities and towns throughout
the state.
A AUG 2.-0
OF WASHINGTON 1076 Franklin Street F# Mympia,WA 98501-1346
j i E S 360-753-4137 *ToR Free. 1-800-567-8981 • Fax: 360-753-0149 • Insurances Services Fax: 360-753-0148
f •
August 9, 2010
R E.- EBT membem celebrate employee health and gear up for a 2% premium discount
Dear municipal loaders and members of the AWC Employee Benefit Trust K):
record thirty-five cities were recently honored by the AWC Employee Benefit Trust with the 2010 AWC
WellCity Award. The award recognizes cities, towns and EBT members that have developed exceptional
employee wellness programs b sed on health promotion industry best practices.
Beginning next year, the Well it r Award Will come with a significant financial incentive for members of
the EBT. A 2% premium discount will be awarded in 2012 to E 13T members that earn the 2011 We11City
Award. This discount will be applied to Regence lueShi ld suris Northwest Health employee and
spouse premiums.
We invite you to review the enclosed brochure to learn more about the WellCity Awards criteria, the 201
recipients, and whatit takes to earn a 2 premium discount. If you're just beginning your wellness
program or want to work toward meeting the v ellCity standards, this is the perfect time to begin planning
for your 2011 program, which qualifies you for the 2012 award and 2013 premium discount
T wellness staff will be conducting field visits and workshops shops this fall to assist members in planning
programs that meet the WellCity Award criteria. You may call the AWC office to schedule an appointment
or plan to attend the Healthy Wor site Summit, October 2-*I3 in Bellevue or October 14 in Spokane
Studies confirm that well designed workplace wellness programs help reduce employee health risks and
health care costs. Such programs have also been shorn to positively impact employee performance and
Congratulations to the 2010 I el10ity Award winners. Their efforts help control health care costs, build
productive workForces: present a positive public image,-and contribute to building healthy communities.
Kathy TLi
7miLc l a llli art y y
ployee Benefit Trust Board of Trustees Chair CEO
L AUG 16 2616
OF WASHINGTON ,P•}}���� ff pp� kn
OF WASHINGTflcN 1076 fYuLiqua �yrnpia,WA 98501-1346
C I j f E S 360-753-4137•TOR Free: 1-800-562-8981 • Fax:360-753-0149 • Insurance Services Fax: 360.753-0148
August 9, 2010
1 am sending you a copy of the Certificate of Municipal Leadership (CML)that was
earned by one of your city's councilmembers or the mayor. This is to let you know that
they have earned this distinction and can recognize them for it. The elected official who
earned the CML status received the original certificate.
Also enclosed,you will find the sample press release that I sent to the elected official as
well. I encourage them to personalize the release and send it to the local media.
The Certificate of Municipal Leadership (CML) Program provides a chance for mayors
and councilmembers in Washington to enhance their knowledge and leadership skills in
order to provide more effective local governance. There are two levels of CML.The
certificate that your elected official earned is the first level of CML.
Please let me know if you have any questions. You can reach me at (360) 753-4137 or at
karent @awcnet,or
r er
eadership Programs Coordinator
t7 rl d ty
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NEWS RELEASE Media Contacts
<TITLE &LAST NAME>is Awarded with Certificate of Municipal Leadership
received a Certificate of Municipal Leadership (CML)from the Association of Washington
Cities(AWC). TITLE and LAST NAME completed over 30 hours of training credits to earn
this distinction.
The CML program is designed to enhance the ability of elected municipal officials by providing
knowledge and skills to effectively operate within the law, plan for the future, secure and
manage funds and foster community and staff relationships. To earn this certificate,the
official attends a variety of AWC sponsored municipal workshops; including sessions on
budgeting, land use planning,personnel, and Ieadership.The courses help the mayors and
councilmembers learn the essentials of municipal service and improve their ability to work with
council colleagues,city staff,and citizens.
<PUT INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF HERE: including how long on council,
positions held,accomplishments,etc
AWC is a private, non-profit, non-partisan corporation that represents Washington's cities and
towns before the state legislature, the state executive branch, and with regulatory agencies.
Membership is voluntary; however AWC maintains 100%participation from Washington's 281
cities and towns. The goal of AWC is to create and maintain livable cities and towns throughout
the state.
OF WASHINGTON 1076 Franklin Street SE• Olympia, WA 98501-1346
C M E S 360-753-4137. Toll Free:.1-800-562-8981. fax: 360-753,0949• Insurance Services Fax: 360-753-0148
December 17,2010 ,�
Mayor Dan Di Guilio Vile
City of Port Angeles
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362 �Qo
RE: 2011 AWC Membership Dues
Dear Mayor Di Guilio:
On behalf of the Association of Washington Cities Board of Directors,we want to thank you for
your membership this year. Your commitment to this strong and enduring partnership of
Washington cities and towns enables AWC to be a highly respected and effective voice before the
Legislature and the Governor's office. We truly believe that our partnership was a vital factor in
the Governor's decision to retain critical city funding in her proposed 2011-2013 budget, including
city-county and criminal justice assistance, liquor proceeds,streamlined sales tax mitigation,
stornawater funding and state grant programs. The Public Works Trust Fund was reinstated,
funding 83 shovel ready.projects.. It'.s a-good starting point for our 2011 legislative work, and your
voice from home helps us move forward.
Equally important,we continue to offer cost effective,value added services such as employee
health insurance,wellness services,property and liability insurance,workers compensation pooling,
drug and alcohol testing services,programs for small cities like our training scholarships and other
direct services and,products to help manage your resources more effectively.
We consistently strive to offer a wide range of educational opportunities for you,your council
members and staff.Recognizing that many cities have limited training and travel budgets,we
expanded training this year to include a variety of webinars,including infrastructure funding,the
Public Health Care Act,social media, GMA update grants and AWC legislative updates. To cut
down on the volume of information you receive and make it easier for you to access all of AWC's
services, we introduced atwice-weekly e-news letter that brings you legislative,training and
rnenrber services information. AWC's commitment to you is to provide services and programs that
provide exceptional value to the City of Port Angeles.
We know that many Washington cities and towns are facing difficult and unprecedented economic
times. In setting membership dues the AWC Board of Directors recently voted to not raise the dues
for 2011, except for increases due to changes in population. This is the second year that dues have
not been raised.
We also want to take this opportunity to let you know about two upcoming events that you may
interested in, The first is the 2011 City Legislative Action Conference in Olympia on February 16-
17. This conference is a great opportunity for you and your.council members to learn about the
significant city issues before the Legislature and provides the chance for you to meet personally
with your local legislators while they are in Olympia. And,be sure to set aside June 21-24 to attend
the AWC Annual'Conference in Spokane. Continue to watch for other educational opportunities
throughout the year.
As we look forward to 2011,we hope you again join with city officials across the state and
participate in your Association. Your commitment to the Association of Washington Cities helps
us continue to work hard to address the many difficult issues faced by cities throughout the state.
Our mission is to provide outstanding advocacy, education and services to the City of Port Angeles
and to each city and town in our great state?
Enclosed is the invoice for the City of Port Angeles membership fee to AWC for 2011. Please
return one copy of the invoice with your payment by January 31,2011.
Thank vnn strain for vrnir support-and n.9ttkAnafinn Pla_.aca faPIl frPP f-n«nntart Mike MPP..Artv.nt
mikem@awenet.org or(360) 753-4137 or toll-free (800) 562-8981, if you have any questions
regarding this notice or about any AWC services.
7LZ r
Kathy Turner Mike McCarty
AWC President AWC Chief Executive Officer
Cc: Yvonne Ziomkowski,Finance Director
� 1076 Franklin Street 5E• Olympia,WA 98501-1346
360-753-4137• ToU Free: 1.800-562-8981 . Fax: 360-753-0149. Insurance Services Fax: 360.753-0148
DEC 2, 0 2 10
city of Port Angeles
Mayor Dan Di Guilio
City of Port Angeles
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
The Association of Washington Cities is the official organization of cities and towns in the
State of Washington. AWC's mission is to serve our members through advocacy, education
and services. Each city paying the annual membership fee is a member and has an equal
voice in the determination of the Association's policy.
In setting membership dues the AWC Board of Directors recently voted to not raise the dues
for 2011, except for increases due to changes in population. This is the second year that dues
have not been raised.
2011 Membership Fee ...................... $ 11,923
Please make the checic payable to the Association of Washington Cities, and return a copy of
this invoice with your payment by January 31, 2011. If you have questions regarding the
invoice,please e-mail April Petersen at gprilp„gawenet.org or call (360) 753-4137 or toll-free
(800) 562-8981.
Total Due: $ 119923