HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/03/2014 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
June 3, 2014
Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Councilmembers Bruch,Collins, Gase,Kidd and Whetham.
Members Absent: Deputy Mayor Downie
Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd,C. Delikat,K. Dubuc, C. Fulton,T.Gallagher,B.
Olson, N. West, B. Coons, C. Hagar, J. Norberg, C. Kochanek, A. Gates, B. Smith, P. Lusk, T. Agesson and D.
It was moved by Collins and seconded by Gase to:
Excuse Deputy Mayor Downie from the June 3,2014,City Council meeting.
Motion carried 6-0.
Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
1. Carol Hagar-Recognize for Years of Service&Present Proclamation
Mayor Di Guilio presented retiring Finance Department Administration Assistant Carol Hagar a proclamation in
recognition of her years of service to the City of Port Angeles. Clerk Hurd presented Assistant Hagar with flowers in
thanks for her many years serving as Deputy City Clerk.
2. Bob Coons-Recognize for Years of Service&Present Proclamation
Mayor Di Guilio read aloud a proclamation in recognition of retiring Human Resources Manager Bob Coons and his
many years of service to the City of Port Angeles. Manager McKeen presented Manager Coons with a framed
proclamation and City coin and spoke regarding Manager Coons many accomplishments over the years.
Eloise Kailin, Cindy Turney,Larry Maciolek,Jessica Dressel,Melvina Worman,Dick Pilling and Edna Willadsen
spoke in opposition to smart meters.
Thomas Mitchell spoke in favor of smart meters.
Bill Berger spoke regarding crisis intervention training and the need to ensure all law enforcement agencies are
properly trained. He also stated our mental health system is broken and needs to be fixed because so many
individuals are being jailed rather than helped.
Devon Graywolf and William Hunt spoke in opposition to cutting trees at Lincoln Park.
1. Solid Waste Utility Rate Ordinance
Director of Public Works and Utilities Fulton discussed public comments received regarding the proposed rate
ordinance and provided answers to some of the questions received. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing at 6:58 p.m.
Devon Graywolf,438 Lopez,stated the utility bills are too high and proposed the City sell the utilities.
Cindy Turney, 530 W. 8"'St.,stated the utility bills are too high and low income and disabled individuals can't
handle these proposed increases.
Edna Willadsen, 1719 E. Lambert Ln.,inquired about funding for the utility discount program.
Dale Wilson stated the City doesn't have to complete all these projects at once and encouraged the Council to say no
to the Department of Ecology.
Mayor Di Guilio closed the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the proposed ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,relating to utilities rates,making changes to Title 13,
Chapters 13.54 and 13.57 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Gase to:
Adopt the ordinance as read by title. Council discussion followed.
Motion carried 5-1,with Collins voting in opposition.
Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7:17 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:25 p.m.
2. Transportation Improvement Plan
Manager McKeen introduced the Transportation Improvement Plan(TIP) and discussed the recent changes staff had
made to the process. He explained the TIP and the Capital Facilities Plan(CFP)used to be adopted together and this
year they would be separated with the CFP coming back before Council in July. He also explained the Finance
Department had taken over the responsibility of completing these plans.
Chief Financial Officer Olson conducted a PowerPoint presentation regarding the TIP with Senior Accountant
Public Works and Utilities Director Fulton conducted a PowerPoint presentation regarding the City's needed street
improvements and discussed a transportation benefit district. Council discussion followed.
Mayor-Di Guilio opened the public hearing at 8:08 p.m.
Cindy Turney, 530 W. 8"' St.,inquired how a transportation benefit district would work and how the City could
continue to get more money out of already over taxed citizens.
Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing to June 17,2014.. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the resolution by titled,entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City Port Angeles,Washington,adopting the Transportation
Improvement Program for 2015-2020.
Council discussion followed.
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l. Teamster Collective Bargaining Agreement
Human Resources &oakmt Gates presented the Teamsters Collective Bargaining Agreement, stating the agreement
covered the period u[January l, 2012 through December 3l, 2814. She also informed them the final agreement was
the result o[un interest arbitration award. Council discussion followed.
]N was moved by0ruob and seconded byWDribunuto:
Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the labor contract between the City and the Teoouatcm Union, B"/ocn
Officers Union for the contract period covering January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2014, including retroactivity
for the wage increase effective January l,20l3.
Motion carried 6-0.
2. MucUcrAMl SioudaiH|/\grccmcut
Director Fulton introduced the proposed standstill agreement with Mueller Systems regarding the AMI prQject. He
provided u brief history of the pnQjuo(including the City's breach o[contract letter sent W Mueller earlier this year.
Uo explained the City and Mueller agreed to move forward with o atuudeiiU ugocc00001 after numerous discussions
which would outline the yiopu ucodc6 to move forward to u uugodutuJ tenoiuubuu of the contract for the /QMI
yojeo( with MoeUcc He coanrod Council if unsuccessful, idigudou is edU an option and the acceptance of the
standstill agreement does not waive either party's rights(oclaims.
Director Fulton explained the second part ofthe agenda item which included u contract amendment with Woo(
K4uozoe PnUucm to pn»v(6o (ocboiou\ 000io(aoce and ooQodadou support before, during and after contract
negotiations with Mueller. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Collins and seconded by Gaseiu:
Authorize the City K4aougur to sign the S\uu6ob8 Agreement with Mueller and to approve minor
modifications/corrections aaneeded. Council discussion followed.
Motion carried 5-1,with Wbotbumo voting tnopposition.
Council discussion followed regarding the proposed staff recommendation regarding the amendment to the contract
with West Monroe Partners.
It was moved hyBruob and seconded by Collins to:
Second,Authorize the City Manager to sign a contract amendment with West Monroe Partners ooah000'uod'
during,and after contract negotiations with Mueller.
Councilmember Whetham stated for the record his position includes only hiring West Monroe Partners after the City
begins litigation proceedings against Mueller.
Motion carried 5-{,with Wbetbumu voting luopposition.
Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 8:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:55 p.m.
ConocJzuemherWbethumronoiodud Council and staff o[the previously
scheduled Civic Field funding discussion for June l7,2U|4.CnnucUmembcrBrucb inquired about how the Council
could support crisis intervention training and Police Chief Gallagher stated the City of Port Angeles began this type
of training |0 years ago.
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Clerk Hurd noted minor changes to the minutes. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. City Council Minutes: May 20`x',2014,as amended
2. Expenditure Approval List: 5/10/2014 to 5/23/2014 for$1,888,486.73
3. Rayonier Diffuser Repair/Modification,Project WW08-2008 (US06-01)Change Order 4 1ARlarave and
authorize the City Manager to sign Change Order No. 4 to the construction contract with Richard Phillijrs
Marine, Inc.,fn•CSO Phase 1, Rayonier Diffuser Relmir/Modi'fication contract, an increase of
$23,976.96 for a revised total contract amount of'$504,536.96
Motion carried 5-1,with Collins voting in opposition.
1. Issuance of Solid Waste Revenue Bonds/Issuance of Solid Waste LTGO Bonds
Chief Financial Officer Olson provided a brief update on the bonds,stating the City had received a better bond
rating of the Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds than anticipated. He explained the rating for the revenue bonds
would be in later in June. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the city of Port Angeles,Washington,authorizing the issuance of solid waste utility revenue
bonds of the city in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed$9,200,000,to finance costs related to
improving and stabilizing the Port Angeles landfill,to fund the reserve account,to capitalize interest on the bonds,
and to pay costs of issuing the bonds;providing the form,terms and covenants of the bonds;providing for the
disposition of the proceeds of sale of the bonds;and delegating authority to approve the final terms of the bonds.
It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Kidd to:
Adopt the ordinance as read by title. Council discussion followed.
Motion carried 5-1,with Collins voting in opposition.
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the city of Port Angeles,Washington,authorizing the issuance of limited tax general
obligation bonds of the city in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed$9,200,000,to finance costs related
to improving and stabilizing the Port Angeles landfill,to capitalize interest on the bonds,and to pay costs of issuing
the bonds;providing the form,terms and covenants of the bonds;providing for the disposition of the proceeds of
sale of the bonds;and delegating authority to approve the final terms of the bonds.
It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Gase to:
Adopt the ordinance as read by title. Council discussion followed.
Motion carried 5-1,with Collins voting in opposition.
3. Mixed Use Overlay Zone
Community and Economic Development Director West discussed the proposed Mixed Use Overlay Zone, stating
some minor changes had been made to the proposed ordinance regarding the size of a standard City block. Council
discussion followed.
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Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
relating to Zoning by adding a new Chapter 17.37 Mixed Commercial Overlay,MCO.
It was moved by Collins and seconded by Kidd to:
Adopt the ordinance as read by title.
Motion carried 6-0.
1. Waterfront Transportation Improvement Project Phase 2A,TR02-2003
Director West introduced the Waterfront Transportation Improvement Project, Phase 2A beach project, stating the
construction bid award came in under engineers estimate. He also explained Bruch and Bruch; a local Port Angeles
company was the low bidder. He stated a bid protest letter was received by the City and reviewed, and City staff
determined all bid documents were in compliance. He asked Council to approve the construction contract award
subject to the expiration of the required time period regarding bird protest letters, which would expire shortly.
Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Whetham to:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract for the Waterfront Development Project Phase 2A
(Beach Project),Project"IR02-2003,with Bruch&Bruch of Port Angeles,WA in the total bid amount of
$1,011,325.39, including applicable taxes,and to make minor modifications to the contract,if necessary. Subject to
the expiration of the response time for the bid protest letter.
Motion carried 6-0.
2. WTIP, Studio Cascade Design Amendment#6 Phase II
Director West discussed the proposed design changes to Phase 2 of the Waterfront Transportation Improvement
Project, stating the changes were to comply with Washington State Department of Transportation requirements.
Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Kidd and Bruch to:
Authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment 6 of the agreement for professional services with Studio
Cascade,Inc.,in an amount not to exceed 5146,600 to complete WSDOT required design changes and Phase II
design during construction.
Motion carried 6-0. Council discussion followed regarding maintenance costs.
Councilmember Collins spoke regarding his attendance with Councilmember Kidd at the North Olympic Discovery
Councilmember Bruch spoke regarding the planned removal of eight trees in Lincoln Park and suggested working
with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe to carve them in their current locations.
Councilmember Kidd spoke regarding her planned attendance at Canada Day on July 1,2014..
Mayor Di Guilio spoke regarding his attendance at Chamber and the presentation from Esquimalt regarding their
upcoming Rib Fest celebration. Councilmember Gase agreed to go in place of Mayor Di Guilio,as the Mayor has
another engagement.Mayor Di Guilio also spoke regarding his lunch with Representative Kilmer and their
discussion about involving Governor Inslee in the Landfill Bluff Stabilization project funding needs.
No other reports were given.
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City Manager Reports:
1.Public Works&Utilities Construction Status Report
2.Public Works&Utilities Grants&Loans Status Report
3.Public Works&Utilities Quarterly Consultant Report
4.Parks,Recreation&Beautification Commission Minutes
EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was determined there was no need for an executive session.
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 9:37 p.m.
an Di Guilio, ayor Jan s a Hurd, City Clerk
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