HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/12/2014 MINUTES
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
March 12, 2014
6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Thomas Davis (by phone), David Miller, Tim Boyle,
Duane Morris, George Reimlinger
Members Absent/Excused: Two vacancies
Staff Present: Sue Roberds, Scott Johns, Heidi Greenwood
Public Present: Kathryn Beck, Scott Headrick
Chair Boyle opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Reimlinger moved to approve the minutes of the February 26,2014 meeting.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and passed unanimously.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT—CUP 14-02 —Verizon Wireless, 850 Ediz Hook
Road: Proposal to place new communication antennas on an existing building in the
Industrial Heavy (11-1) zone.
Planning Manager Roberds reviewed the Department Report and responded to questions from
Commissioners. Chair Boyle opened the public hearing.
Kathryn Beck, 733 7t" Avenue NE, Kirkland WA, representing Verizon Wireless stated that
the staff report was correct and answered questions from the Commission. She thanked staff for
their helpfulness throughout the application process.
Commissioner Reimlinger moved to approve the conditional use permit with the following
conditions, findings, and conclusions:
1. The applicant will retain a current lease from the City of Port Angeles for the activity and
will notify the City of anticipated change to the approved use prior to modification of the
equipment. Routine maintenance is approved that does not change the current approved
status of the equipment. Equipment on the site will be of a neutral color.
Planning Commission Minutes
2. An elevation codifico1c is required for the current placement o[new equipment per
Section 15.12.240 PANIC. /\building permit will be required for future egoipoocu1
maintenance that involves change out of equipment or additional equipment pleceouco1
but unless equipment ia placed above the elevation n[the current equipment, anew
certificate of elevation will not bcrequired.
l. Kathryn Beck, ofCmacudiu PM, submitted u conditional use permit application to the City
o[Port Angeles for modification of an existing support facility fbrl/ezizou Wireless on
pcbrnozy {U, 2014. The application was determined tobc complete onFebruary 18`
2. Application materials indicate a proposal to install 3 new panel antennas to a height of 32
feet(22 feet for the antenna on u 10 foot structure), 3 new Remote Iludin T]oi10 /llI{l1\
and 2 new surge protectors on top of a support structure that houses other emergency and
communications cgoip00001. The structure isowned by \/erizon Wireless under oland
lease from the City of Port Angeles. Co location use has been provided for
cocuzuuoiouliou services at the site and ul0wer for many years. The proposed use is an
upgrade lo services provided oo the site that include City emergency response and other
telecommunication equipment.
3. A shoreline substantial development permit was approved (SMA 97-15) in lg47toallow
construction ofthe mnbicc1 support structure. The land }0000 for the structure is cuu.cu1
and allows for telecommunication use.
4. The City's Telecommunications facilities regulations are codified as Chapter 17.52
(Wireless Telecommunications Towers and Facilities) of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code (PANIC). The development standards have been in place since 2O0l.
4. Section 17.52.015 PANIC states that the purpose for the Wireless Telecommunications
Towers and Facilities regulations is:
A. The gouool purpose m[this ordinance imto regulate the placement, construction,
and modification o[wireless telecommunications towers and facilities in order to protect
the health, safety, and welfare of the public, while at the same time encouraging the
development o[the competitive wireless telecommunications zuurkc<D|aoc io the City.
B. The specific purposes of this ordinance are:
I. To allow the location of wireless telecommunication towers and facilities in the
2. To protect residential zones from potential adverse impact of towers and
telecommunications facilities;
3. To minimize adverse visual impact oftowers and telecommunications facilities
through careful design, siting, landscaping, and innovative camouflaging
4. Tn promote and encourage shared ooc/cn-}ncutionof towers and antenna
support structures as a primary option rather than construction of additional
single-use towers;
Planning("onlinission Alinilles
March 12,2014
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5. To promote and encourage utilization of technological designs that will either
eliminate or reduce the need for erection of new tower structures to support
antenna and telecommunications facilities;
6. To avoid potential damage to property caused by towers and
telecommunications facilities by ensuring such structures are soundly and
carefully designed, constructed, modified, maintained, and removed when no
longer used or are determined to be structurally unsound; and
7. To ensure that towers and telecommunications facilities are compatible with
surrounding land uses.
8. To overcome the potential adverse impacts that poorly or unregulated
telecommunications facilities could have on the public health, safety and
5. Section 17.52.020 PAMC provides exemptions from permitting processes for certain
activities and types of antenna use. Section 17.52.020(C) allows for an exemption for
"Panel, wave, or other similar antennas ten square feet or less regardless of zone." The
proposal is to place panel antenna that are 22 feet in height.
6. The site location is found in the City's IH Industrial Heavy zone on property identified as
being designated OS on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Section
17.52.020 PAMC indicates that Telecommunications uses may be permitted in any zone
by conditional use permit.
7. The site location on Ediz Hook is within the shoreline jurisdiction but is considered
maintenance and is exempt from shoreline permitting.
8. The subject property is located within a 100 year flood plain or area of special flooding
as identified on the Flood insurance rate map (FIRM). The location is in a V6 (high
velocity) area of the shoreline. Per Section 15.12.110 (Flood Damage
Prevention)PAMC, "Development"means "...any manmade change to improved or
unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures... or
storage of equipment or materials located within the area of special flood hazard." As
such, improvement to the support structure to include the antennas is a development. The
City's conditional use permit review also acts as review of the proposed action per
Section 15.12 PAMC.
9. A flood plain certificate will be required to be filed following completion of the
installation per Section 15.12 PAMC.
10. Legal public notice was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on February 23, 2014, and
the site was posted for land use action on February 19, 2014. No written comments were
received by the end of the public comment period that ended on March 10, 2014.
A. The proposed activity has been reviewed for compliance with the City's zoning,
Comprehensive Plan and Shoreline Master Program regulations and has been found to be
compliance with these land development regulations.
B. As conditioned, the proposed activity will not result in alteration to the existing support
structure nor result in construction below an elevation of 10 feet, which is above flood
Planning Commission Minutes
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level for the site. The activity is therefore in compliance with the City's Flood Damage
Prevention Ordinance Chapter 17.52.
C. The proposal will not result in land disturbance and will therefore not require a Cultural
review of the intended activity.
D. The activity is not exempt from those activities listed in Section 17.52.020 PAMC,
specifically Section 17.52.020(C) PAMC, and was therefore processed as a conditional
use permit per Section 17.96.050 PAMC.
Commissioner Miller seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Associate Planner Scott Johns introduced the work session item for a proposed mixed use
overlay zone by saying that staff is hoping to add to the City's development regulations such that
opportunities for development flexibility are available that result in a planned campus
environment in other than residential or industrial zones. The City already has a variety of
overlay zones available for residential uses and overlay zones for industrial uses but not for other
types of zoning.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Scott J07, Scbrelary Tim Boyle, �Ir