HomeMy WebLinkAbout000789 Original ContractCity of P�c,rt Arr�+�l��
R�ccird # OG10789
This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is trade and entered into this 1 st day of
%-lay. 201 q. bemeen the Olympic Region Clean Air Auenc\ (hereafter "ORCAA") and the
Cite of fort Angeles. '['his Agreement is adopted to enable operation of an ambient air
quality monitoring station at the Cit}of Port Angeles Fire Department (hereafter "PAI=D')
located 102 ]'vast Fifth Street. Port Angeles. `41'A.
1.0 Purpose
ORCAA seeks to monitor. evaluate and respond to air qualitn conditions and trends in Port
Angeles and Clallant CountV. ORCAA is therefore seeking support from the Cite of Port
Angeles for continuation ofORCAA's ambient air monitoring program.
2.0 Objectives
The objectives of this MOA are to:
2.1 Describe the air monitoring activities at the PAFD performed b\ ORCAA.
2.2 Outline responsibilities of PAI=D and ORCAA and.
2.3 Outline liability
3.0 Agreement and Responsibiiities
3.1 ORCAA Responsibilities:
3.1 .I Purchase, install and maintain the instrumentation and monitoring
facility at the PAFD:
3.1 .2 Record continuous fine particulate observations.
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3.1.3 Plan. document and cxecute all quality assurance activities for the
PAI=D site equipment, including regular maintenance procedures.
3.1.4 Post and display air quality monitorino data on �\chsites at ORUA,A
with near real-time data access.
3.1.5 ORCAA will maintain the Iollovving, equipment: ( I ) MetOne Optical
Particle Counter and modular assembiv. (2) Thermo 48C -TLE CO
sampler. (3) LI -840A CO2 sampler. (4) Scanning `vtobility Particle
Sizer Spectrometer. (5) CO gas e finder. (6) C.02 gas cylinder. (7)
2-N2 gas cylinders and (8) Chemical ionization mass spectrometer.
3.2 Port Angeles Fire Department Responsibilities:
3.2.1 Port Angeles Fire Department v�ill alto« ORCAA representalke's
reasonable access to PAFD for the installation. maintenance. and
routine air monitoring activities.
3.2.2 Port Angeles lire Department will provide an agreed upon location
for placement of air monitoring equipment
3.2.3 Port Angeles Fire Department will provide 110V electrical outlets
for equipment.
4.0 Pavment
4.1 The Cite of Port Anacles aueed to host the station and equipment and Will be
compensated at the end of the contract period. « ith a one -tithe pad meat of
5.0 Gencral Provisions
Both parties hereby agree to the 601lo\vin�g provisii�ns:
5.1 Am dama�ges(s) to the Port Angeles Fire Department I"iCIIIUeS or natural
resources caused by the direct activities at the site \� ill be the direct
responsibility ofORCAA.
5.2 This agreement may be terminated by either parte b\ giving Nvritten notice at
least thiriN (30) days prior to the effcctive date of termination.
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5.3 ]-his a,,reement shall not be valid until signed by an authorized representative
from both parties.
5.4 This MOA shall be in effect once the signed cope is returned to Port Angeles
Fire Department. and will be effective through December 31. 201-4.
The primary contact for the Port Angeles Fire Department. 10'_ East Filth Street. Port
Angeles. W"A. 98362). shall be Ken Dubuc. Fire Chief'. at (360) 417-4653.
The primary contacts for ORCAA. 29.40 Limited lane. Suite B. Olympia. WA. 9$532.
shall be Odelle Hadley. Senior Air Monitoring Specialist. at 360-3s9-7610. extension 105
and Mark Ivloore. Network ,Administrator/ivlonitorin,, Specialist. at (360) 539-7610.
extension 117.
Olympic Region Clean Air Atuenc\�<
Francea McNair. FNeCutive Director Date
Cite of Port An,aeles — (e, �3 t
Dan icKcen. Cite Mana4Ler Date
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