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000742 Original Contract
City of Port Angeles Record #000742 PROJECT MANUAL for TUMWATER ROAD SOLDIER PILE RETAINING WALL PROJECT NO. TR06 -09 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON 2013 CRAIG FULTON, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES MIKE PUNTENNEY, P.E., DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES For information regarding this project, contact: James Mahlum, City of Port Angeles 360- 417 -4701 cbOi? V4El') CO pti Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 7 7) MEMO W A S H I N G T O N, U.S. PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM NO. 2 TO PROJECT MANUAL FOR Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall PROJECT NO. TR06 -09 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS Bid Opening December 10, 2013 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the instructions and requirements of the subject bid are amended as follows: RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED AS OF December 5, 2013 1. The pile section shows an H 14x145, should that be a W14x145? Yes, it is a W14X145. The Bid Opening Date has not been changed. This addendum must be acknowledged in the space provided on the Bid Form in the Project Manual that is s itted to the City. Failure to do so may result in the proposal being rejected o - res•onsive. hae en en y,P. City Engineer Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project No. TR06 -09 ADDENDUM NO. 2 12/6/2013 MEMO PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO PROJECT MANUAL FOR Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall PROJECT NO. TR06 -09 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS Bid Opening December 10, 2013 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the instructions and requirements of the subject bid are amended as follows: RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED AS OF December 5, 2013 1. Can the Street be closed during the work? Other close routes are available for traffic, as there is limited work room at the site. Yes the street can be closed as needed to do the installation of the soldier piles and lagging. 2. Is there a weight restriction on the lower part of Tumwater Street (Bridge)? No, there is no weight restriction. 3. The 6" slope drain — is that on the surface of the slope or does it have to be dug in? Yes, the 6" slope drain is to be placed on the surface anchored as per specification 7 -01. 4. No item for sidewalk- The sidewalk and curb area already in bad shape — but I assume that if they are replaced it is on the contractor. If the sidewalk is damaged, or removed, it will be the responsibility of the contractor to replace at their own expense. 5. In Division 8, page IV -33, the mulch rate is listed at 40,000 pounds per acre, is this the correct rate? Yes, the hill is very steep and already it has had some problems with establishing plant material on it to stabilize it. This project is being done in the winter so there will definitely be rain on the hill side. The mulch does not have to be applied at the same time as the seeding. In fact, we anticipate that it not be seeded until the weather warms up in the spring. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project No. TR06 -09 ADDENDUM NO. 1 12/5/2013 6. Looking at the bid documents for the soldier pile shoring wall, I am not finding any description of the inclusion or exclusion of a coating on the soldier pile beams. While the timber lagging and concrete is well described, nothing describing type or limits of painting the beams. Section 6- 16.3(4) calls for shop painting with one coat of primer to the limits shown on the plans. The limits shall be one foot below the concrete in the shaft. 7. The pile section shows an H 14x145, should that be a W14x145? Yes, it is a W14X15. The Bid Opening Date has not been changed. This addendum must be acknowledged in the space provided on the Bid Form in the Project Manual that ubmitted to the City. Failure to do so may result in the proposal being rejected as . n -res ael C Puntenney, City Engineer Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project No. TR06 -09 ADDENDUM NO. 1 12/5/2013 PROJECT MANUAL for TUMWATER ROAD SOLDIER PILE RETAINING WALL PROJECT NO. TR06 -09 CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON 2013 CRAIG FULTON, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES MIKE PUNTENNEY, P.E., DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING SERVICES Prepared by: Monte Smith, P.E. Re iewed by Willi Bloom Projedt Engineer Reviewed By: James Mahlum, EIT roject Manager Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project City Attorney TABLE OF CONTENTS TUMWATER ROAD SOLDIER PILE RETAINING WALL PROJECT PROJECT NO. TR06 -09 PART I BIDDING REQUIREMENTS: Page No(s). Advertisements for Bids 1 -1 Information for Bidders 1 -2 Bidder's Checklist 1 -3 Non - Collusion Affidavit 1 -4 Bidder's Construction Experience 1 -5 List of Proposed Subcontractors 1 -6 Bid Form 1 -7 -9 Bid Security Transmittal Form 1 -10 PART 1I CONTRACT FORMS SUBMITTED FOLLOWING AWARD OF CONTRACT Contract 11 -1 -5 Performance Bond 11 -6 Public Works Payment Bond 11 -7 Escrow Agreement for Retained Percentage 11 -8 Certificate of Insurance (provided by bidder) 11 -9 PART III AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS PART IV SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS PART V ATTACHMENTS A. State and Federal Contract Provisions B. Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates for Clallam County C. Request For Information (RFI) and Construction Change Order (CCO) Forms D. Contractor's Application for Payment Form and Certification of Work Completion and Acceptance Form E. Request for Approval of Material Form (DOT Form 350 -071 EF) F. Request to Sublet and Subcontract Certification Forms (COP Form PW- 0407_25) G. Geotechnical Report H. Project Plans Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project PART I BIDDING REQUIREMENTS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS TUMWATER ROAD SOLDIER PILE RETAINING WALL PROJECT PROJECT TR06 -09 City of Port Angeles Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Public Works & Utilities at 321 East Fifth Street, P. 0. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, until 2:00 PM, December 10, 2013, and not later, and will then and there be opened and publicly read at that time in the for the construction of the following improvements: Soldier Pile Retaining Wall The City owns a retaining wall on Tumwater Road near West 5th Street that runs approximately 100 feet along the southeast side of the road. The wall holds up Tumwater Road above a steep slope that is known for minor shallow soil slides. The soil along the center 50 feet of the wall has slide out exposing the soldier piles. This project includes the construction of a new soldier pile wall three feet off the existing retaining wall along this 50 foot section. The void between the two walls will be filled with free draining gravel fill and a redundant drainage system will be emplaced The City Engineer's estimate range is $130,000 to $170,000. The time of completion (performance period) is 20 working days. Plans, specifications, addenda, and plan holders list for this project are available on -line through Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc. at http: / /www.bxwa.com. Click on: "Posted Projects ", "Public Works ", "City of Port Angeles ". Bidders are encouraged to "Register as a Bidder ", in order to receive automatic email notification of future addenda and to be placed on the "Bidders List ". Contact the Builders Exchange of Washington (425- 258 -1303) should you require further assistance. Informational copies of any available maps, plans and specifications are on file for inspection in the office of the Port Angeles Public Works Engineering Services (360- 417- 4700). All questions regarding the plans and specifications shall be submitted in writing or electronically to James Mahlum, Project Manager, at jmahlumc cityofpa.us. Minority and women owned businesses shall be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation, shall not be discriminated against on the grounds of gender, race, color, age, national origin or handicap in consideration of an award of any contract or subcontract, and shall be actively solicited for participation in this project by direct mailing of the invitation to bid to such businesses as have contacted the City for such notification. Further, all bidders are directed to solicit and consider minority and women owned businesses as potential subcontractors and material suppliers for this project. Craig Fulton Director of Public Works & Utilities Publish: Peninsula Daily News November 11 and 17, 2013. Daily Journal: November 17, 2013 Cc: NPBA Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 1 -1 INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the City of Port Angeles (herein called "Owner "), at 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, until the time and date as stated in the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS or as amended through addendum, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. Each bid shall be received by the Owner in the manner set forth in the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope, so marked as to indicate its contents without being opened, and addressed in conformance with the instructions of the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Each bid shall be submitted on the required bid form contained in Part I of the Project Manual. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in, in ink or typewritten, and the Bid Form must be fully completed and executed when submitted. Only one copy of the Bid Form is required. In addition, all other forms included in Part I shall be filled out and completed, including any addendum(s), and enclosed in a sealed envelope endorsed with the name of the work. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a cashier's check, postal money order, or surety bond to the City of Port Angeles for a sum of not less than 5% of the amount of the bid, and no bid will be considered unless accompanied by such bid deposit. In addition, the bidder shall submit a copy of a valid certificate of registration in compliance with 18.27 RCW. The Owner may waive any irregularities or minor defects or reject any and all bids. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled time for the opening of bids or authorized postponement thereof. Any bid received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No bidder will be permitted to withdraw its bid between the closing time for receipt of bids and execution of the Contract, unless the award is delayed for a period exceeding sixty (60) calendar days. A conditional or qualified bid will not be accepted. The City of Port Angeles reserves the right to accept the bid that is in the best interest of the City, to postpone the acceptance of bids and the award of the Contract for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days, or to reject any and all bids. If all bids are rejected, the City may elect to re- advertise for bids. Subject to the foregoing, the contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. The work will begin within ten (10) calendar days after notice to proceed from the Director of Public Works & Utilities and shall be completed within the time as stated in the Advertisement for Bids. The Owner may make such investigations as it deems necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the Owner all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. The Owner reserves the right to reject any bid, if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such bidder fails to satisfy the Owner that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. Subject to the foregoing, the bid award may be made to the lowest responsible bidder. The party to whom the Contract is awarded will be required to execute the Contract and obtain the Performance and Payment Bonds within ten (10) calendar days from the date the notice of award is delivered to the bidder. Such bond(s) shall be on the form provided by the Owner, specify the name, contact phone, and address of the surety, and shall include a power of attorney appointing the signatory of the bond(s) as the person authorized to execute it (them). The notice of award will be accompanied by the necessary Contract and bond forms. In case of failure of the bidder to execute the Contract, the Owner may, at its option, consider the bidder in default, in which case the bid deposit accompanying the bid shall become the property of the Owner. The Owner, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the acceptable Performance and Payment Bonds and the Contract signed by the party to whom the Contract was awarded, will sign the Contract and return to such party an executed duplicate of the Contract. Should the Owner not execute the Contract within such period, the bidder may, by written notice, withdraw its signed Contract. Such notice of withdrawal will be effective upon receipt of the notice by the Owner. The notice to proceed will be issued within ten (10) calendar days of the execution of the Contract by the Owner. Should there be reasons why the notice to proceed cannot be issued within such period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Owner and Contractor. If the notice to proceed has not been issued within the ten (10) calendar day period or within the period mutually agreed upon, the Contractor may terminate the Contract without further liability on the part of either party. All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the Contract throughout. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 1 -2 BIDDER'S CHECKLIST 1. Has the Bid Security Transmittal form been completed, either by (1) attaching a bid deposit in the form of a postal money order, cashier's check or other security and filling out the part of the form above the words "Bid Bond" or (2) a surety bond in the proper form and filling out the section of the form below the words "Bid Bond "? Is the amount of the bid deposit at least five percent (5 %) of the total amount of the bid? 3. Have the bid forms been properly signed? 4. Does the amounts column of the bid form agree with the numbers for unit price times the number shown in the quantity column? 5. Have you bid on all items? 6. If Addendum(a) have been issued, have it/they been acknowledged on the Bid Form? 7. Has the non - collusion affidavit been properly executed? 8. Have you shown your contractor's state license number on the Bid Form? 9. Have you included a copy of a valid certificate of registration in compliance with 18.27 RCW? 9. Have you listed all proposed subcontractors that you will use for the project on the Listing of Proposed Subcontractors form? 10. Have you filled out the Bidder's Construction Experience form? The following forms are to be executed after the Contract is awarded: A. Contract - To be executed by the successful bidder and the City. B. Performance and Payment Bonds - To be executed on the form provided by Owner, by the successful bidder and its surety company. To include name, contact and phone number, and address of surety and power of attorney of signatory. C. Insurance certificate(s). Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 1 -3 NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WASHINGTON } COUNTY OF � } The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath, says that the bid herewith submitted is a genuine and not a sham or collusive bid, or made in the interest or on behalf of any person not therein named; and (s)he further says that the said bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any bidder on the above work or supplies to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that said bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to him /her self an advantage over any other bidder or bidders. Subscribed and sworn to before me this (( day ofd°°,., , 201 NCY v4 NOT.► co FXp 4 v 06// If07§ N Slk AG ©�`,BCIC �grHINC' Turnwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project Public in and for the f Washington. ng at y Comm. Exp.: f� (4) /)IS 1-4 age 8 Non - Collusion Affidavit Provided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com - Always Verify Scale Department of Labor and Industries PO Box 44450 Olympia, WA 98504 -4450 2 GRADE LLC PO BOX 1570 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 2 GRADE LLC Reg: CC 2GRADGL923JH UBI: 602 -812 -715 Registered as provided by Law as: Construction Contractor (CC01) - GENERAL Effective Date: 4/8/2008 Expiration Date: 4/8/2014 BIDDER'S CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE Answer all questions and provide clear and comprehensive information. 1. Name of bidder: 2 is d'r L C Registration Number: 16 all A (L92- 3 T 2, Permanent main office address: Y(o /lo O /dM',. / //e! Rri- f 404idkt� k 4• yf3C 3. When organized: ZOO, 4. Where incorporated: WF.JZ,-,; 5. How many years have you been engaged in the contracting business under your present firm name? Cs� 6. * Contracts on hand. (Schedule these, showing gross amount of each contract and the approximate anticipated dates of completion), contact name and phone number. o clod • n � 4! /f9 -'M /1.. //en. - 3G d y5 7 03 7. * General character of work performed by your company: ,° y °dnJ 8. * Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? 4/ If so, where and why? 9. * Have you ever defaulted on a contract? NO 10. * List the more important projects recently completed by your company, stating approximate cost for each, the month and year ,4 completed, contact name and phone number. � ei/e G O v > ,r2 , f.' -, 0 /, 7L-%.: . .f G O `i77 3G, I • t-('hae'st. cytGK If ,drC, Tc /Arson Co✓o+47Coel vc7,'e.d [�:S�i;t '��i►�.DOO� CO44.� .Ttl•y CAL, k. 340 - 385-- y /OS" 11. * List your major equipment available for this contract: b r' k z 54o 71ruekti, 4t '4irc7 12. *�E+xperience of bidder in construction similar to this project in work and importance: CovnI �(J Sul s ��GN. G✓e ' ff- flit. St, 461 -,..1 dsl17 r,' /k Clot— • St�O�IQH1t C/ And v/o /-o L Z /c I br c /% 74 60,re c 13. Will you, upon request, fill out a detailed financial statement and furnish any other information that may be required by the City? Vr) * Add separate sheets if necessary. / The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or corporation to furnish any information requested by the City of Port Angeles. Bidder's Signature: Print Name: Title: Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 1 -5 age 9 Bidder's Construction Experience rrovided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com - Always Verify Scale SUBCONTRACTOR LIST Prepared in compliance with RCW 39.30.060 as amended Must be submitted with and at the same time as the Bid Proposal package Turnwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project Project No. TR06 -09 Name of Bidder 2 6rcc c✓ c. Each bidder shall list subcontractors for the following categories of work: • heating, ventilating, and air conditioning; • plumbing (18.106 RCA!): and • electrical (1928 RCN). or shall note that Bidder will self- perform the work, or state that there is no such work on the Project. Do not list more than one subcontractor for each category, unless subcontractors vary with bid additives or alternates, in which case the Bidder must indicate which subcontractor will be used for which additive or alternate. If Bidder is to perform such work itself, so state. Failure to submit names of subcontractors, or of Bidder to name itself, will render the bid void_ The successful Bidder must have the written permission of the Contracting Agency to make any change to this list. Percent of total bid to be performed by Bidder's own forces Z Trade HVAC Plumbing Electrical Subcontractor Bidder will No such self- work on perform Project SC Di -I»Ft2 d Litrt I". Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 1 -6 age 10 Subcontractor List rrovided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com - Always Verify Scale PROPOSAL FORM - Project TRH-09 Page 1 of 3 Honorable Mayor and City Council Port Angeles City Hall 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 BIDDER: 2 6„,:tic z c REGISTRATION NO.: 2 6/A66 . q �3 TH DATE: /2./0 7-D /3 UBI NUMBER: 6O z. - e/ -7/5- STATE EXCISE TAX NO.: 03SS5-6,3 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY NO.: Y./r,5---040 'CS The undersigned, hereinafter called the bidder, declares that the only person(s) interested in this bid are those named herein; that the bid is in all respects fair and without fraud; and that it is made without any connection or collusion with any other person making a bid on this project. The bidder further declares that it has carefully examined the plan, specifications, and contract documents, hereinafter referred to as the Project Manual, for the construction of the proposed project improvement(s); that it has personally inspected the site(s); that it has satisfied itself as to the types and quantities of materials, the types of equipment, the conditions of the work involved, including the fact that the description of and the quantities of work and materials, the types of equipment, the conditions of and the work involved as included herein, are brief and are intended only to indicate the general nature of the work and to identify the said quantities with the corresponding requirements of the Project Manual; and that this bid is made in accordance with the provisions and the terms of the Contract included in the Project Manual. The bidder further agrees that it has exercised its own judgment regarding the interpretation of surface information and has utilized all data which it believes is pertinent from the City Engineer, hereinafter also referred to as the City or Owner, and such other source of information as it determined necessary in arriving at its conclusion. The bidder further certifies that the subcontracting firms or businesses submitted on the LISTING OF PROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORS will be awarded subcontracts for the described portions of the work: If the bidder is awarded a construction contract on this bid, the name and address of the surety who will provide the performance bond is: 7/A ✓e%'S CG. ii4 /7// and fort /y Surety / e ' Agent /CO/ 4"`4 9ye. /./e iovo,.srah', WA. 1"D,$ox ?r7 /5; $414, WA. 9f/71- Surety address 9k /0/ Agent Address lye /4. & - 206 -32h - V2.90 za6 - l- 693 _ Surety Contact and Phone Number Agent Contact and Phone Number Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 1 -7 age 11 Proposal Form Provided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com - Always Verify Scale PROPOSAL FORM — Project TRH-09 Page 2 of 3 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Pro "ect ITEM Standard Specification 1 -09.7 2 -01 6 -16 7 -01 7 -01 6 -02 6 -16 6 -16 6 -16 DESCRIPTION MOBILIZATION CLEARING AND GRUBBING REMOVING SOLDIER PILE SHAFT OBSTRUCTIONS UNDERDRAIN PIPE 6 IN. DIAM. 1 L.S. 1 EST. L.F 218 L.F. 47 C.Y. 335 L.F. 459 L.F. 645 S.F. 20 DAY 1 EST. 130 L.F. 1 L.S. 130 L.F. 1 L.S. C.Y L.S. 1 L.S S.Y. 29 S.F. 1 L.S. DRAIN PIPE 6 IN. DIAM. GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR WALL SHAFT - 30 IN. DIAMETER IFURNISHING SOLDIER PILE LAGGING 8 -01 8 -01 8 -01 8-01 1 -10 7 -01 ESC LEAD UNIT PRICE za 000.° $8,710 2 /, °0 '/3 0 1 Zd, °Q EROSIONNVATER POLLUTION CONTROL SILT FENCE SEEDING, FERTILIZING, AND MULCHING HIGH VISIBILITY FENCE PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR DRAIN SPEC. STRUCTURE SURVEYING PROV. 1 -07.15 TRIMMING AND CLEANUP CONSTRUCTION GEOTEXTILE FOR UNDERGROUND DRAIN. GEOSYNTHETIC RETAINING WALL SPCC PLAN $1,500 $9.06,00 AMOUNT $8,710 '4 /z /r. °' 4'28331." �Y89/v.,a iv. `'`) �3DD. a° $1,500 'r /3o0. °a ?Yoe . " c3-0, 3©. °° Da °° TW OD, o0 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 1 -8 T �QC. da Lfir/ a Za3.° 2'0.06 "206 ,11.4, Sub - Total ' ras-, ° ° Total (Bid) 16(1.52-- $ age 12 - rovided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com - Always Verify Scale 471 PROPOSAL FORM — Project TR06 -09 Page 3 of 3 Please show your estimated amount of Rule 171 sates tax included in all of the bid items above. Refer to Section 1 -07.2 in the Special Provisions. e0 $ La 2,- If you believe Rule 170 tax applies to any portion of this project, please identify and show the calculated amount of tax. ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER CRITERIA The bidder hereby acknowledges that it has received Addenda No(s). 4 1 2.- to this Project Manual. The name of the bidder submitting this bid and its business phone number and address, to which address all communications concerned with this bid and with the Contract shall be sent, are listed below. Bidder's firm name 2. LL Complete address "/G/6 o I /7, S3 G Z tStreul addr . ) Telephone No. 360 - 47/:/-17 Z Current Contractor's Registration No. 2-644b 6 1-123 T/1 Current UBI No. (O 2_ 87 2.- 7/5 Current Industrial Insurance Acct. No. t5 R', 617 -• 0 0 Current Employment Security Acct. No. W%ygs= 00 - U Current State Excise Tax No. 52C ' 0 3 _CS -SCE 3 By signing below the bidder acknowledges it has received any and all Addenda and represents it is not disqualified from bidding on this Contract Signed by Printed Name: Title r e r4 €#€- Notes: (1) If the bidder is a partnership, so state, giving firm name under which business is transacted. (2) If the bidder is a corporation, this bid must be executed by its duly authorized officials. Project Description and Location: The City owns a retaining wall on Tumwater Road near West 5th Street that runs approximately 100 feet along the southeast side of the road. The wall holds up Tumwater Road above a steep slope that is known for minor shallow soil slides. The soil along the center 50 feet of the wall has slide out exposing the soldier piles. This project includes the construction of a new soldier pile wall three feet off the existing retaining wall along this 50 foot section. The void between the two walls will be filled with free draining gravel fill and a redundant drainage system will be emplaced. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 1 -9 age 13 trovided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For usage Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com - Always Verify Scale SEC UR' T RAN S TTAL Fri RM Bond No. T-029 HoreiNith find an executed Bid BOhd: or 2 deposit in the form ftif cashier'e chack, poistal money ofeigi or seendty in of a t:Ad bond in the ;amount of 5 5% of bid winlefiii amount not let,:s than t6ve (3/ii„) aarcent of j,n0 iNHLR tor KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE ,:-'RESENITS: Travelers Casualty and Surety 2 Grade, LLC p 1 (1,D Company of America s I 3FiLt id bound unto the CrTY ANGELES es Obiiigide. in the 0I• Five percent (5%) of the total amount bid - the Surely inind tneir noirs executors. atintlinisti,nfos, sticciesolis atticj ,ee \Jeri-3:11y, by ti presents-. lihe condition of this tiibligaUon i3 SL/Ch that if the ()bee shall filake any award to ihe 'PrincipiA for: Turnyvirater 1F-to/d He Retaining Wail Project PR.OtiECT TR06.09 iii,cciording to the terms of tha big made Prinotpai, and the Principal etiall difiy roito and egti,-Jr contract with The (i.1.-tibiipee accordinice vii'ith the terms cif said bki Emig award end sinzili give bond tor the pertumainge thereof, SUffety Or Sureties approved by the Obligee-, or "if the Prindipai citeit, caste fieHunei .so to OCL day afict forfeit lei The Obiipae canal amount, aepositeosoffieri tn, The attivertisairrient Shafli ouil arid vo3; Other:Vise it 'sr:an tie and Fern...a-Lc: in flTh ar„c-I, affect anci the, Surety shie.it forthwith pafii and fictfeit to the. Obiigee. penotty and liqui,,tiLated ciamages, the amount ani3 SIGNED, SE AL D AND D H!3 lO1ey c December 2 Grade, LLC By: PriritiApal Travelers Cas lty and Surety Company o America N.B. Fix By: N.B. FIX, Att rney-in-Fact 1501_ 4:th..Ave., Ste. 1000, Seattle, W 98101 sJ(;/ y acitifess Dave Hruska / 206-326-4290 sor6ty Contact and :Ltto,G: return, cf: deposit in the Sum 'it Pd Hte Prc„,lecr. c/o CB & MS of WA, INC. PO Box 75715, Seattle, WA 98175 k•dms3 N.B. Fix / 206-361-9693 Adent Contact. anr-I Phone Page, "Id Oici Security Transmittal Form Provided to Builders Exchange of WA, Inc. For us-age Conditions Agreement see www.bxwa.com - Aiways Verify Scaie TRAVELERS J Attorney -In Fact No. WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER POWER OF ATTORNEY Farmington Casualty Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company 221140 St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Certificate No. 005616516 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Farmington Casualty Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin (herein collectively called the "Companies "), and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Christine V. Feiicetty, N. B. Fix, R. A. Fix, Myung S. Fix, and Chris A. Fix Seattle Washington their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, of the City of , State of each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign, execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, recognizances, conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies have caused this instrument to be signed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed, this 23rd August 2013 day of b Farmington Casualty Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company State of Connecticut City of Hartford ss. By: Robert L. Raney, . enior Vice President 23rd August 2013 On this the day of , before me personally appeared Robert L. Raney, who acknowledged himself to be the Senior Vice President of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. My Commission expires the 30th day of June, 2016. 58440 -8 -12 Printed in U.S.A. Marie C. Tetreault, Notary Public WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, which resolutions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows: RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attorneys -in -Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company, provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that any bond, recognizance, contract of indemnity, or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary; or (b) duly executed (under seal, if required) by one or more Attorneys -in -Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signature of each of the following officers: President, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys -in -Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on the Company in the future with respect to any bond or understanding to which it is attached. I, Kevin E. Hughes, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary, of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies, which -sin full force and effect and has not been revoked. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this rh day o 1977 1 Rw' Kevin E. Hughes, Assistant Sect 'tary TcTY A. 9J/ 0 00 Waft, F 3 HARTFORD, s HARM CONN. _ a CONS ab Pk 1 To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney, call 1 -800- 421 -3880 or contact us at www.travelersbond.com. Please refer to the Attorney -In -Fact number, the above -named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power is attached. WARNING:THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER PART II CONTRACT FORMS SUBMITTED FOLLOWING AWARD OF CONTRACT PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT This ontract is made and entered into in duplicate this day of , by and between the City of Port Angeles, a non - charter code ciJof the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "the City," and 2 Grade LLC , Contractor , hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor." Gitr of Port Anv�los Record #000742 WITNESSETH: Whereas, the City desires to have certain public work performed as hereinafter set forth, requiring specialized skills and other supportive capabilities; and Whereas, the Contractor represents that it is qualified and possesses sufficient skills and the necessary capabilities to perform the services set forth in this Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Work. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment in order to accomplish the following project: Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project - Complete the following: Construct a new soldier pile retaining wall along Tumwater Road near West 5th Street. The retaining wall will be 54 feet long and 16 feet at its highest point and 8.5 feet at its lowest point. The retaining wall will be placed approximately three feet out from the existing soldier pile wall with the space between the two walls filled with free draining gravel fill. The gap between the two walls at the ends of the new retaining wall shall be plugged by use of a Geosynthetic Retaining Wall. The project will also include the emplacement of a redundant drainage system. in accordance with and as described in A. this Contract, and B. the Project Manual, which include the attached plans, Specifications, Special Provisions, submittal requirements, attachments, addenda (if any), Bid Form, Performance and Payment Bond, and C. the 2012 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation, as may be specifically modified in the attached Specifications and /or Special Provisions, hereinafter referred to as "the standard specifications," and D. the most current edition of the City of Port Angeles' Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract and every part thereof. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work, and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in this Contract, except as may otherwise be provided in the Project Manual. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 11 -1 2. Time for Performance Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract and in adhering to the time frames specified herein. The Contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days after notice to proceed from the City, and said work shall be physically completed within twenty (20) working days after said notice to proceed, unless a different time frame is expressly provided in writing by the City. 3. Compensation and Method of Payment. A. The City shall pay the Contractor for work performed under this Contract as detailed in the bid, and as incorporated in the Project Manual. B. Payments for work provided hereunder shall be made following the performance of such work, unless otherwise permitted by law and approved in writing by the City. No payment shall be made for any work rendered by the Contractor except as identified and set forth in this Contract. C. Progress payments shall be based on the timely submittal by the Contractor of the City's standard payment request form. D. Payments for any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this Contract shall be in accordance with the Request For Information (RFI) and /or Construction Change Order (CCO) process as set forth in the Project Manual. Following approval of the RFI and /or CCO, the Contractor shall submit the standard payment request form(s). E. The Contractor shall submit payment requests with a completed and unaltered Application for Payment form, an example of which is included in the Attachments to this Contract. This form includes a lien waiver certification and shall be notarized before submission. Applications for Payment not signed or notarized shall be considered incomplete and ineligible for payment consideration. The City shall initiate authorization for payment after receipt of a complete Application For Payment and shall make payment to the Contractor within approximately thirty (30) days thereafter. 4. Independent Contractor Relationship. The relationship created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. No agent, employee, servant, or representative of the Contractor shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant, or representative of the City, and the employees of the Contractor are not entitled to any of the benefits the City provides for its employees. The Contractor shall be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and the acts of its agents, employees, servants, subcontractors, or representatives during the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all wages and salaries and all federal, state, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, workers compensation insurance, social security, and income tax withholding. 5. Prevailing Wage Requirements. The Contractor shall document compliance with applicable prevailing wage requirements of the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, as set forth in Chapter 39.12 RCW and Chapter 296 -127 WAC and shall file with the City appropriate affidavits, certificates, and /or statements of compliance with the State prevailing wage requirements. The Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts, Clallam County, incorporated in this Contract Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 11 -2 have been established by the Department of Labor & Industries and are included as an Attachment to this Contract. The Contractor shall also ensure that any subcontractors or agents of the Contractor shall comply with the prevailing wage and documentation requirements as set forth herein. 6. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. A. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers against and from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or lawsuits, including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this Contract, except as expressly provided herein. B. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Contract. 7. Insurance. The insurance coverage shall be in accordance with and as described in the Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications Division 1- 07.18. A. Verification of Coverage The Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. B. Subcontractors The Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Contractor. 8. Compliance with Laws. A. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including regulations for licensing, certification, and operation of facilities and programs, and accreditation and licensing of individuals, and any other standards or criteria as set forth in the Project Manual. B. The Contractor shall pay any applicable business and permit fees and taxes which may be required for the performance of the work. C. The Contractor shall comply with all legal and permitting requirements as set Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 11 -3 forth in the Project Manual. D. Non - Discrimination. Non - discrimination shall be in accordance with and as described in the Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications and the Special Provisions Division 1- 07.11. 10. Assignment. A. The Contractor shall not assign this Contract or any interest herein, nor any money due to or to become due hereunder, without first obtaining the written consent of the City, nor shall the Contractor subcontract any part of the services to be performed hereunder without first obtaining the consent of the City. B. The Contractor hereby assigns to the City any and all claims for overcharges resulting from antitrust violations as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this Contract, except as to overcharges resulting from antitrust violations commencing after the date of the bid or other event establishing the price of this Contract. In addition, the Contractor warrants and represents that each of its suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims for overcharges to the City in accordance with the terms of this provision. The Contractor further agrees to give the City immediate notice of the existence of any such claim. 11. Contract Administration. This Contract shall be administered by Contractor and by Jim Mahlum, on behalf of the City. Any written notices required by the terms of this Contract shall be served or mailed to the following addresses: on behalf of the Contractor: 2 Grade, LLC 4616 Old Milli Road Port Angeles, WA 98362 12. Interpretation and Venue. City: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362- 0217 This Contract shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The venue of any litigation between the parties regarding this Contract shall be Clallam County, Washington. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 11-4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first set forth above. CONTRACTOR: 2 Grade, LLC Name of Contractor Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 11 -5 CITY OF PORT ANGELES: By: Approved as to Form: /1/4 -�—� Attest: y Attorney City Clerk 1 of 2 Originals PERFORMANCE BOND to City 01' Port Angeles, WA Bond No. 106 018 031 � Grade, LLC City ofPo� Angeles, Washington, (City) has awarded k/ / _(Phncipa|). a contract for the construction of the project designated as Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wail Pnoiont, Project No, TROG'09' in Port Angeles, Washington (Contract), and said Principal is required to furnish a bond for performanoe of alt obtigations under the Contract. Travelers Casualty and Surety The principal, and Company of America (800aty)'a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut and licensed to do business in the State of Washington on surety and nomad in the current iist of "Surety Companies Acceptable in Federal Bonds" as published in the Federal Register by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts, U.S. Treasury DepC, are jointly and severally held and ir dv b�qd . to the �� in the cI ne 00 USDnUas - eighty .. ve c0000aou our hundred ) Total Contrac Amount, subject to the provisions herein, This statutory performance bond shall become null and void, if and when the Phndpa|. its heirs, executors, udministroWm, xucoessons, or assigns shall well and faithfully perform all of the Principal's obligations under the Contract ancl fulfill alt the terms and conditions of alt duly authorized mod0oahono, additions, and changes to said Contract that may hereafter be mado, at the time and in the rnanner therein specified; and if such performance obligations have not been fulfilled, this bond shall remain in full force and effect., The Surety for value received agrees that no rhonge, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract, the specifications accompanying the Contract, or to the work to be performed under the Contract shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and waives notice of any change, extension of Uma, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or the work performed. The Surety agrees that modifications and changes to the terms end conditions of the Contract that increase tho total amount to he paid tbe Principal shall automatically increase, the obligation of the Surety on this bond and notice to Surety is not required for such increased obligation This bond may be executed in two (2) original counterparts, and shall be signed by the parties' duly authoriz.ed officers. This bond will only be accepted if it is accompanied by a fully executed and oriainal power of attorney for the officer executing on hehalf of the surety. PRINCIPAL Gr de,/LLC By: - Phnoi PrinedWIr Title SURETY Travelers Casualty and Surety Com any of America 1-15-14 By Date Surety Signature Chris A. Fix 1-15-14 Date____ Printed Name Attorney in Fact Title Name, address. and telephone of local ofiice/agnnt af Surety Company is: _ CB&MS of WA., INC. PO Box 75715 | Seattlp*_]QA 98175. (206) 3G]-9169_3 \ Approved as to form: Signature DOT Form znz-0O2AsF ua/2o1z Title Date 11-6 PUBLIC WORKS PAYMENT BOND to City of Port Angeles, WA Bond No. 106 018 031 The City of Fort Angeles, Washington, (City) hos awarded 2 Grade' LLC (Principal), a contract for the construction of the project designated as Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall protect, Project No. TRUG'OO' in Port Angeles, Washington (Cont/ucU, and said Principal is required under the terms of that Contract to furnish a payment bond in accord with Title 39.08 Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and (where applicable) 60.28 RC'iV. Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America The Principal, and (Surety), a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut and licensed to do business in the State of Washington as surety and named in the current list of "Surety Companies Acceptable in Federal Bonds" as published in the Federal Register by the Audit Staif Bureau of Accounts, U.S. Treasury Dept., are ] intiv —~a �- held and firmly bo u to the. City, in the sum of ne ho ~ r�-�b five thooSanI �onr hundred '~and U8 Dollars ($ 5,405h0 - Tota|Con\raotAmuunt. subject to the provisions herein. This statutory payment bond shall become null and void, if and when the Phnoipa|, its haira, execohzrs, adrninistrators, successors, or assigns shall pay all persons in accordance with RCVVTitles 39.08. 6028. and 39.12 including all workers, laborers, mouhan|cu, uuboordnadorn, and material aupp|iora, and ail persons who shall supply such contractor or subcontractor with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work, • and all taxes incurred on said Contract under Title 50 and 51 RCW and all taxes imposed on the Principal under Title 82 ROW; and if such payment obligations have not been fulfilled, this hond shall remain in futi force and effect. The Surety for value received agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Cunkac1, the specifications accompanying the Cnntrac\, or to the work to be performed under the Contract shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, except as provided herein, and waives notice of any change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or the work performed. The Surety agrees that modifications and changes to the terms and conditions of the Contract that increase the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obtigation of the Surety on this bond and notice to Surety is not required for such increased obligation. This bond may be executed in two (2) original ouunharports, and shall be signed by the parties' duly authorized officers. This bond will only be accepted if it is accompanied by a fully executed and original powor of attorney for the officer executing on hehalf of the surety. _ T` ,a"f , el `~' r s Casualty ""^ +y and Surety re+y "m.mu.P^L^ Grad LLC Company of America By: 1-15-14 Surety Signature Dale Chris A. Fix Principal Sig Printed, Title Printed Name Attorney in Fact Title Nome. address, and telephone of local office/agent of Surety Company is: CB&MS of WA., INC. 20 �� 75715 baa���e �& 98175 Approved as to forrn: Signature oorFonnzrz-0ooAs8 08/2012 (206) 361-9693 Title Date 11-7 TRAVELERS Attorney -In Fact No. WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER POWER OF ATTORNEY Farmington Casualty Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Lrsurance Underwriters, Inc. St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company 221140 St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company Certificate No. 0 0 5 616 5 5 9 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Farmington Casualty Company, St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company are corporations duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Iowa, and that Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin (herein collectively called the "Companies"), and that the Companies do hereby make, constitute and appoint Christine V. Felicetty, N. B. Fix, R. A. Fix, Myung S. Fix, and Chris A. Fix of the City of Seattle , State of Washington their true and lawful Attorney(s) -in -Fact, each in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign, execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, recognizances, conditional undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the Companies in their business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons, guaranteeing the performance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in any actions or proceedings allowed by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Companies have caused this day of August 2013 • State of Connecticut City of Hartford ss. nstrument to be signed and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed, this 23rd Farmington Casualty Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc. St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company By: Robert L. Raney, Senior Vice President 23rd August 2013 On this the day of , . before me personally appeared Robert L. Raney, who acknowledged himself to be the Senior Vice President of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, and that he, as such, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained by signing on behalf of the corporations by himself as a duly authorized officer. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and official seal. My Commission expires the 30th day of June, 2016. 58440 -8 -12 Printed in U.S.A. Marie C. Tetreault. Notary Public WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER This Power of Attorney is granted under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Boards of Directors of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, which resolutions are now in full force and effect, reading as follows: RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attorneys -in -Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the Company and may give such appointee such authority as his or her certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's seal bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him or her; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman, the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company, provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that any bond, recognizance, contract of indemnity, or writing obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President, any Second Vice President, the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary; or (b) duly executed (under seal, if required) by one or more Attorneys -in -Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority; and it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signature of each of the following officers: President, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries or Attorneys -in -Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding on the Company in the future with respect to any bond or understanding to which it is attached. I, Kevin E. Hughes, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary, of Farmington Casualty Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Company, Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Underwriters, Inc., St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul Guardian Insurance Company, St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Power of Attorney executed by said Companies, which is in full force and effect and has not been revoked. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seals of said Companies this 1 5th day of January 201 4 tife4`. Kevin E. Hughes, Assistant Sect tary To verify the authenticity of this Power of Attorney, call 1- 800 - 421 -3880 or contact us at www.travelersbond.com. Please refer to the Attorney -In -Fact number, the above -named individuals and the details of the bond to which the power is attached. WARNING: THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS INVALID WITHOUT THE RED BORDER ESCROW AGREEMENT for RETAINED PERCENTAGE Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Escrow No.: City of Port Angeles Contract No. Completion Date: TO: THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT is for the investment of the retained percentage of the above contract, in accordance with chapter 60.28 of the Revised Code of Washington. It is limited to FDIC insured Washington State Chartered Banks who are covered by the State of Washington Public Deposit Protection Act. The undersigned, , (as "Contractor "), has directed the CITY OF PORT ANGELES (as "City "), to deliver to you its warrants which shall be payable to you and /or the Contractor. The warrants are to be held and disposed of by you in accordance with the following instruction: INSTRUCTIONS 1 Upon delivery the warrants shall be endorsed by you and forwarded to the City for collection. You shall use the monies to purchase investments selected by the Contractor and approved by the City. You may follow the last written direction received by you from the Contractor, for each purchase, provided the direction otherwise conforms with this agreement. Acceptable investments are: A. Bills, certificates, notes or bonds of the United States; B. Other obligations of the United States or its agencies; C. Obligations of any corporation wholly owned by the Government of the United States; D. Indebtedness of the Federal National Mortgage Association; E. Time deposits in commercial banks; F. Other investments, except stocks, selected by the Contractor, subject to express prior written consent of the City. 2. The investments shall be in a form which allows you alone to reconvert them into money if you are required to do so by the City. 3. The investments must mature on or prior to the date set for the completion of the contract, including extension there of or thirty (30) days following the final acceptance of the work. 4. When interest on the investments accrues and is paid, you shall collect the interest and forward it to the Contractor unless otherwise directed by the Contractor. 5. You are not authorized to deliver to the Contractor all or any part of the investments held by you pursuant to this agreement (or any monies derived from the sale of such investments, or the negotiation of the City's warrants) except in accordance with the written instructions from the City. Compliance with such instructions shall relieve you of any further liability related thereto. 6. In the event the City orders you, in writing, to reconvert the investments and return all monies, you shall do so within thirty (30) days of receipt of the order. 7. The Contractor agrees to compensate you for your services in accordance with your current published Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project schedule of applicable escrow fees. Payment of all fees shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor and shall not be deducted from any monies placed with you pursuant to this agreement until and unless the City directs the release to the Contractor of the investments and monies held hereunder, whereupon you shall be entitled to reimburse yourself from such monies for the entire amount of your fee. 8. This agreement shall not be binding until signed by both parties and accepted by you. 9. This document contains the entire agreement between you, the Contractor, and the City, with respect to this Escrow, and you are not a party to, nor bound by any instrument or agreement other than this. You shall not be required to take notice of any default or any other matter, nor be bound by nor required to give notice or demand, nor required to take any action whatever except as herein expressly provided. You shall not be liable for any loss or damage not caused by your own negligence or willful misconduct. CONTRACTOR Federal Tax I.D. No. By: Title: Address: DATE: CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: Title: DATE: THE ABOVE ESCROW AGREEMENT RECEIVED AND ACCEPTED on the day of 20 . BANK By: Title: Address: DISTRIBUTION: City Clerk Financial Institution Contractor File Copy 11 -8 Certificate of Insurance (provided by bidder) Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 11 -9 4 Rb CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDD/YYYY) 1/15/2014 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER I CALLIS & ASSOCIATES , INC. 806 So Vine St IPort Angeles WA 98362 CONTACT Melissa Middleton NAME: INC No Extl: (360) 452 -2314 I rtcX. No): (360)452 -1701 E-MAIL ss:melissa @callisinsurance.com INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURER A :Liberty Northwest 41939 INSURED 2 Grade LLC I PO Box 1570 Port Angeles WA 98362 INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURERF: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:CL1331900782 REVISION NUMBER: ITHIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. I INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE NSR sWVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF (M PIYYY) (MMID Y) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE X J OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO- JECT LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X X ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS X X Y C06 171563 4/8/2013 4/8/2014 EACH OCCURRENCE 1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) MED EXP (Any one person) PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 100,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 SCHEDULED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS X Y C06 171563 4/8/2013 4/8/2014 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ 1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) Uninsured motorist combined 1,000,000 A X A UMBRELLA UAB X EXCESS UAB DED 1 I RETENT ON $ OCCUR CLAIMS -MADE 06 171563 4/8/2013 4/8/2014 EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE $ 1,000,000 1,000,000 WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS'UABILITY Y/N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER /EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below Y� NIA C06 171563 WA State Stop Gap 4/8/2013 4/8/2014 WC STATU- 0TH - TORY LIMITS X ER E.L EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS /LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required) The Certificate Holder is an additional insured with respect to the General Liability as required by written contract & only per the terms of form: GL Master Pak 8416 Blanket Additional Insured. See policy for all applicable terms, conditions, endorsements and exclusions. Evidence Only. Project:Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall - #TR06 -09 LATION City of Port Angeles Po Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE M Middleton /MELISS X-Nte\A-4.6.LAAVIN ACORD 25 (2010/05) INS025 1701nns1 01 ©1988 -2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The. AffP l names end Innn pro ranictarorl mnrkc of Annin COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CG 84 16 12 03 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. GENERAL LIABILITY MASTER PAK PLUS® FOR CONSTRUCTION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART INDEX SUBJECT PAGE BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED (OWNERS, LESSEES, CONTRACTORS OR LESSORS) 2 FIRE, LIGHTNING, EXPLOSION AND SPRINKLER LEAKAGE DAMAGE TO PREMISES YOU RENT 3 NON -OWNED WATERCRAFT 4 SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS (BAIL BONDS) 4 PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY - ELECTRONIC PUBLICATION EXTENSION 5 AGGREGATE LIMITS (PER LOCATION) 5 AGGREGATE LIMITS (PER PROJECT) 5 VOLUNTARY PROPERTY DAMAGE COVERAGE 6 OFF PREMISES CARE, CUSTODY OR CONTROL COVERAGE 6 NEWLY FORMED OR ACQUIRED ORGANIZATIONS 7 DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF OCCURRENCE, OFFENSE, CLAIM OR SUIT 7 BODILY INJURY (MENTAL ANGUISH) 8 WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS 8 MEDICAL PAYMENTS 8 BROAD NAMED INSURED 8 BROADENED MOBILE EQUIPMENT 8 INCIDENTAL MALPRACTICE LIABILITY 8 NON -OWNED AIRCRAFT 9 PROPERTY DAMAGE - ELEVATORS 9 CG 84 16 12 03 Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission. ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 Page 1 of 9 1. BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED (Owners, Lessees, Contractors or Lessors) (Includes a Primary /Non - Contributory provision) Who Is An Insured - Section H is amended to include as an insured any person or organization whom you are required to name as an additional insured on this policy in a written contract or written agreement. The written contract or written agreement must be currently in effect or becoming effective during the term of this policy and executed prior to the "bodily injury," "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury." The insurance provided the additional insured is limited as follows: A. The person or organization is only an additional insured with respect to liability: 1. Arising out of real property, as described in a written contract or written agreement, that you own, rent, lease or occupy; or 2. Caused in whole or in part by your ongoing operations performed for that insured. The insurance provided the additional insured in 1.A.2. above does not apply to: a. Coverage A - Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, Coverage B - Personal and Advertising Injury Liability or defense coverage under the Supplementary Payments arising out of an architect's, engineer's or surveyor's rendering of or failure to render any professional services including: (1) The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; and (2) Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. b. "Bodily injury" or "property damage" occurring after: (1) All work, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other than service, maintenance or repairs) were performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the site where the covered operations have been completed; or (2) That portion of your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as part of the same project. B. The limits of insurance applicable to the additional insured are those specified in a written contract or written agreement or the limits of Insurance as stated in the Declarations of this policy and defined in Section III - Limits Of Insurance of this policy, whichever are less. These limits are inclusive of and not in addition to the limits of insurance available under this policy. C. The insurance provided the additional insured does not apply to the liability resulting from the sole negligence of the additional insured. CG 84 16 12 03 Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission. ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 Page 2 of 9 D. As respects the coverage provided to the additional insured under this endorsement, Section IV- Conditions is amended as follows: 1. The following is added to Condition 2. Duties In The Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim, or Suit: An additional insured under this endorsement will as soon as practicable: a. Give written notice of an "occurrence" or an offense, that may result in a claim or "suit" under this insurance to us; b. Tender the defense and indemnity of any claim or "suit" to all insurers whom also have insurance available to the additional insured; and c. Agree to make available any other insurance which the additional insured has for a loss we cover under this Coverage Part. 2. The following is added to Condition 3. Legal Action Against Us: We have no duty to defend or indemnify an additional insured under this endorsement until we receive written notice of a claim or "suit" from the additional insured. 3. The following is added to Paragraph a., Primary Insurance of Condition 4. Other Insurance: If the additional insured's policy has an Other Insurance provision making its policy excess, and a Named Insured has agreed in a written contract or written agreement to provide the additional insured coverage on a primary and noncontributory basis, this policy shall be primary and we will not seek contribution from the additional insured's policy for damages we cover. 4. The following is added to Paragraph b., Excess Insurance of Condition 4. Other Insurance: Except as provided in Paragraph 4.a. Primary Insurance as amended above, any coverage provided hereunder shall be excess over any other valid and collectible insurance available to the additional insured whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis. In the event an additional insured has other coverage available for an "occurrence" by virtue of also being an additional insured on other policies, this insurance is excess over those other policies. 2. FIRE, LIGHTNING, EXPLOSION AND SPRINKLER LEAKAGE DAMAGE TO PREMISES YOU RENT If Damage To Premises Rented To You under Coverage A is not otherwise excluded from this policy, the following applies: CG 84 16 12 03 A. The last paragraph of 2. Exclusions of Section I - Coverage A is replaced by the following: If Damage To Premises Rented To You is not otherwise excluded, Exclusions c. through n. do not apply to damage by fire, lightning, "explosion" or sprinkler leakage to premises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with permission of the owner. A separate limit of insurance applies to this coverage as described in Section III - Limits Of Insurance. Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission. ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 Page 3 of 9 B. Paragraph 6. of Section ID - Limits Of Insurance is replaced by the following: 6. Subject to 5. above, the higher of $300,000 or the Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit shown in the Summary of Limits and Charges section of this policy is the most we will pay under Coverage A for damages because of "property damage" to premises rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with the permission of the owner arising out of any one fire, lightning, "explosion" or sprinkler leakage incident. C. Paragraph b.(1)(b) of Condition 4. Other Insurance (Section IV — Conditions) is replaced by the following: (1) That is Fire, Lightning, Explosion or Sprinkler Leakage insurance for premises rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with the permission of the owner; D. Paragraph 9.a. of the definition of "insured contract" in Section V- Definitions is replaced by the following: 9. "Insured contract" means: a. A contract for the lease of premises. However, that portion of the contract for a lease of premises that indemnifies any person or organization for damages by fire, lightning, "explosion" or sprinkler leakage to premises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with the permission of the owner is not an "insured contract "; E. The following definition is added to Section V - Definitions: "Explosion" means a sudden release of expanding pressure accompanied by a noise, a bursting forth of material and evidence of the scattering of debris to locations further than would have resulted by gravity alone. "Explosion" does not include any of the following: 1. Artificially generated electrical current including electrical arcing that disturbs electrical devices, appliances or wires; 2. Rupture or bursting of water pipes; 3. Explosion of steam boilers, steam pipes, steam engines or steam turbines owned or leased by you, or operated under your control; or 4. Rupture or bursting caused by centrifugal force. 3. NON -OWNED WATERCRAFT Subparagraph g.(2) of Paragraph 2., Exclusions of Section I - Coverage A is replaced by the following: (2) A watercraft you do not own that is: (a) Less than 51 feet long; and (b) Not being used to carry persons or property for a charge; 4. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS In the Supplementary Payments - Coverages A and B provision: The limit for the cost of bail bonds in Paragraph 1.b. is changed from $250 to $1000. CG 84 16 12 03 Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission. ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 Page 4 of 9 5. PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY - ELECTRONIC PUBLICATION EXTENSION Paragraphs 14.b., d. and e. of Section V - Definitions are replaced by the following: b. Malicious prosecution or abuse of process; d. Oral, written, televised, videotaped or electronic publication of material that slanders or libels a person or organization or disparages a person's or organization's goods, products or services; e. Oral, written, televised, videotaped or electronic publication of material that violates a person's right of privacy; The following is added to Paragraph 14. "Personal and Advertising Injury" of Section V - Definitions: h. Discrimination or humiliation that results in injury to the feelings or reputation of a natural person, but only if such discrimination or humiliation is: (1) Not done intentionally by or at the direction of: (a) An insured; or (b) Any "executive officer" director, stockholder, partner or member of the insured; and (2) Not directly or indirectly related to the employment, prospective employment or termination of employment of any person or persons by any insured. Subparagraphs b. and c. of 2., Exclusions of Section I - Coverage B - Personal And Advertising Injury Liability are replaced by the following: b. Material Published With Knowledge Of Falsity "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of oral, written, televised, videotaped or electronic publication of material, if done by or at the direction of the insured with knowledge of its falsity; c. Material Published Prior To Policy Period "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of oral, written, televised, videotaped or electronic publication of material whose first publication took place before the beginning of the policy period; 6. AGGREGATE LIMITS OF INSURANCE (PER LOCATION) The General Aggregate Limit under Section III Limits Of Insurance applies separately to each of your "locations" owned by or rented to you or temporarily occupied by you with the permission of the owner. "Location" means premises involving the same or connecting lots, or premises whose connection is interrupted only by a street, roadway, waterway or right -of -way of a railroad. 7. AGGREGATE LIMITS OF INSURANCE (PER PROJECT) The General Aggregate Limit under Section III Limits Of Insurance applies separately to each of your projects away from premises owned by or rented to you. CG 84 16 12 03 Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission. ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 Page 5 of 9 8. VOLUNTARY PROPERTY DAMAGE COVERAGE At your request, we will pay for "loss" to property of others caused by your business operations. The most we will pay for this coverage is $500 each "occurrence." The "loss" must occur during the policy period. The "occurrence" must take place in the "coverage territory". "Loss" means unintended damage or destruction. "Loss" does not mean disappearance, abstraction or theft. This coverage does not apply to: 1. Damage arising out of the use of any "auto "; 2. Property you own, occupy, rent or lease from others; or 3. Property on your premises for sale, service, repair or storage. None of the other policy exclusions apply to this coverage. If the policy to which this endorsement is attached is written with a property damage liability deductible, the deductible shall apply to Voluntary Property Damage. The limit of coverage stated above shall not be reduced by the amount of this deductible. 9. OFF PREMISES CARE, CUSTODY OR CONTROL COVERAGE A. We will pay those sums that you become legally obligated to pay as damages because of "property damage" to personal property of others while in your or your "employees" care, custody or control or real property of others over which you or your "employees" are exercising physical control if the "property damage" arises out of your business operations. This Coverage is subject to sections B., C., D. and E. below. B. Exclusions This insurance shall not apply to: 1. "Property damage" of property at premises owned, rented, leased, operated or used by you; 2. "Property damage" of property while in transit; 3. The cost of repairing or replacing: (a) Any of your work defectively or incorrectly done by you or by others on your behalf; or (b) Any product manufactured, sold or supplied by you, unless the "property damage" is caused directly by you after delivery of the product or completion of the work and resulting from a subsequent undertaking; or 4. "Property damage" of property caused by or arising out of the "products- completed operations hazard ". C. Limits Of Insurance - The most we will pay for "property damage" under this Section 9. is $25,000 for each "occurrence ". The most we will pay for the sum of all damages covered under this Section 9. because of "property damage" is an annual aggregate limit of $25,000. The Limits Of Insurance provided under this Section 9. are inclusive of and not in addition to any other limits provided in the policy or endorsements attached to it. D. Deductible - We will not pay for "property damage" in any one "occurrence" until the amount of "property damage" exceeds $250. If the policy to which this endorsement is attached contains a "property damage" deductible, that deductible shall apply if it is greater than $250. E. In the event of "property damage" covered by this endorsement, you shall, if requested by us, replace the property or furnish the labor and materials necessary for repairs thereto at your actual cost, excluding profit or overhead charges. CG 84 16 12 03 Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission. ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 Page 6 of 9 10. NEWLY FORMED OR ACQUIRED ORGANIZATIONS A. Paragraph 4. of Section II - Who Is An Insured is deleted and replaced by the following: 4. Any business entity acquired by you or incorporated or organized by you under the laws of any individual state of the United States of America over which you maintain majority ownership interest exceeding fifty percent. Such acquired or newly formed organization will qualify as a Named Insured if there is no similar insurance available to that entity. However: a. Coverage under this provision applies only until the expiration of the policy period in which the entity was acquired or incorporated or organized by you. b. Coverage A does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" that occurred before the entity was acquired or incorporated or organized by you. c. Coverage B does not apply to "personal and advertising injury" arising out of an offense committed before the entity was acquired or incorporated or organized by you. d. Records and descriptions of operations must be maintained by the first Named Insured. B. This Section 10. does not apply to newly formed or acquired organizations if coverage is excluded either by provisions of the Coverage Part or by other endorsement(s) attached to it. 11. DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF OCCURRENCE, OFFENSE, CLAIM OR SUIT A. The requirements in Section IV - Conditions, Paragraph 2.a., that you must see to it that we are notified of an "occurrence" applies only when the "occurrence" is known to: 1. You, if you are an individual; 2. A partner, if you are a partnership; 3. A member or manager, if you are a limited liability company; 4. An executive officer or designee, if you are a corporation; 5. A trustee, if you are a trust; or 6. A designee, if you are any other type of organization. B. The requirements in Section IV - Conditions Paragraph 2.b. that you must see to it that we receive written notice of a claim or "suit" will not be considered breached unless the breach occurs after such claim or "suit" is known to: 1. You, if you are an individual; 2. A partner, if you are a partnership; 3. A member or manager if you are a limited liability company; 4. An executive officer or designee, if you are a corporation; 5. A trustee, if you are a trust; or 6. A designee, if you are any other type of organization. Knowledge of an "occurrence," claim or "suit" by the agent, servant or "employee" of any insured shall not in itself constitute knowledge of the insured unless an officer or designee shall have received notice from its agent, servant or "employee ". CG 84 16 12 03 Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission. ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 Page 7 of 9 12. BODILY INJURY Paragraph 3. of the definition of "bodily injury" in the Section V - Definitions is replaced by the following: 3. "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including mental anguish or death resulting from any of these at any time. 13. WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against any person or organization for whom you perform work under a written contract that requires you to obtain this agreement from us. This agreement shall not operate directly or indirectly to benefit anyone not named in the agreement. 14. MEDICAL PAYMENTS If Coverage C Medical Payments is not otherwise excluded, the Medical Expense Limit provided by this policy shall be the greater of: A. $10,000; or B. The amount shown in the Declarations. 15. BROAD NAMED INSURED Paragraph 2.a.(1)(d) of Section II - Who Is An Insured is replaced by the following: (d) Arising out of his or her providing or failing to provide professional health care services. However, this exclusion does not apply to nurses, emergency medical technicians or paramedics who are employed by you to provide medical or paramedical services to your employees. 16. BROADENED MOBILE EQUIPMENT Paragraph 12.f.(1) of Section V - Definitions is replaced by the following: (1) Equipment designed primarily for: (a) Snow removal; (b) Road maintenance, but not construction or resurfacing; or (c) Street cleaning provided that vehicles have a Gross Vehicle Weight of 1,000 pounds or greater; 17. INCIDENTAL MALPRACTICE LIABILITY Paragraph 3. of Section V - Definitions is replaced by the following: 3. "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, sickness, disease or "incidental medical malpractice" sustained by a person, including mental anguish or death resulting from any of these at any time. The following is added to Section V - Definitions: CG 84 16 12 03 23. "Incidental medical malpractice" means injury arising out of the negligent rendering or failure to render medical or paramedical services to persons by any physician, dentist, nurse, emergency medical technician or paramedic who is employed by you to provide such services to your employees, provided you are not engaged in the business or occupation of providing any services referred to in this definition. Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission. ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 Page 8 of 9 18. NON -OWNED AIRCRAFT The following is added to Subparagraph g. of 2., Exclusions of Section I - Coverage A Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability: (6) An aircraft with a paid crew, that is hired, chartered or loaned but is not owned by any insured. 19. PROPERTY DAMAGE - ELEVATORS The following is added to Subparagraph j. of 2., Exclusions of Section I - Coverage A Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability: Paragraphs (3) and (4) of this exclusion do not apply to damages that result from the use of elevators. All other terms and conditions of your policy remain unchanged. CG 84 16 12 03 Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Inc., with its permission. ISO Properties, Inc., 2003 Page 9 of 9 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public 1 -07 RCW 1 9.122 relates to underground utilities. In accordance with this RCW, the Contractor shall call the One - Number Locator Service for field location of utilities. If no locator service is available for the area, notice shall be provided individually to those owners of utilities known to, or suspected of, having underground facilities within the area of the proposed excavation. 1- 07.17(1) Utility Construction, Removal, or Relocation by the Contractor If the Work requires removing or relocating a utility, the Contract will assign the task to the Contractor or the utility owner. When the task is assigned to the Contractor it shall be performed in accordance with the Plans and Special Provisions. New utility construction shall be performed according to the appropriate Contract requirements. To ease or streamline the Work for its own convenience, the Contractor may desire to ask utility owners to move, remove, or alter their equipment in ways other than those listed in the Plans or Special Provisions. The Contractor shall make the arrangements and pay all costs that arise from work performed by the utility owner at the Contractor's request. Two weeks prior to implementing any such utility work, the Contractor shall submit plans and details to the Project Engineer for approval describing the scope and schedule of all work performed at the Contractor's request by the utility owner. In some cases, the Plans or Special Provisions may not show all underground facilities. If the Work requires these to be moved or protected, the Engineer will assign the task to others or issue a written change order requiring the Contractor to do so as provided in Section 1 -04.4. 1- 07.17(2) Utility Construction, Removal, or Relocation by Others Any authorized agent of the Contracting Agency or utility owners may enter the Highway right of way to repair, rearrange, alter, or connect their equipment. The Contractor shall cooperate with such effort and shall avoid creating delays or hindrances to those doing the work. As needed, the Contractor shall arrange to coordinate work schedules. If the Contract provides notice that utility work (including furnishing, adjusting, relocating, replacing, or constructing utilities) will be performed by others during the prosecution of the Work, the Special Provisions will establish the utility owner's anticipated completion. The Contractor shall carry out the Work in a way that will minimize interference and delay for all forces involved. Any costs incurred prior to the utility owners anticipated completion (or if no completion is specified, within a reasonable period of time) that results from the coordination and prosecution of the Work regarding utility adjustment, relocation, replacement, or construction shall be at the Contractor's expense as provided in Section 1- 05.14. When others delay the Work through late performance of utility work, the Contractor shall adhere to the requirements of Section 1- 04.5.The Contracting Agency will either suspend Work according to Section 1 -08.6, or order the Contractor to coordinate the Work with the work of the utility owner in accordance with Section 1 -04.4. When ordered to coordinate the Work with the work of the utility owner, the Contractor shall prosecute the Work in a way that will minimize interference and delay for all forces involved. 1 -07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance The Contractor shall obtain and keep in force the following policies of insurance. The policies shall be with companies or through sources approved by the State Insurance Commissioner pursuant to RCW 48.05. Unless otherwise indicated below, the policies shall be kept in force from the execution date of the Contract until the date of acceptance by the Secretary (Section 1- 05.12). 1. Owners and Contractors Protective (OCP) Insurance providing bodily injury and property damage liability coverage, with limits of $3,000,000 per occurrence and per project in the aggregate for each policy period, written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CG0009 1204, together with Washington State Department of Transportation amendatory endorsement CG 2908 1195, specifying the Contracting Agency, the State, the Governor, the Commission, the Secretary, the Department, and all officers and employees of the State as named insured. 2014 Standard Specifications M 41 -10 Page 1 -63 Amended January 6, 2014 1 -07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public 2. Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance written under ISO Form CG0001 or its equivalent, with minimum limits of $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for each 1 -year policy period. This coverage may be any combination of primary, umbrella, or excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $3,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. Products and completed operations coverage shall be provided for a period of 3 years following Substantial Completion of the Work. 3. Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance providing bodily injury and property damage liability coverage for all owned and nonowned vehicles assigned to or used in the performance of the Work, with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000, 000 per occurrence. This coverage may be any combination of primary, umbrella, or excess liability coverage affording total liability limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, with the State named as an additional insured or designated insured in connection with the Contractor's Performance of the Contract. If pollutants are to be transported, MCS 90 and CA 99 48 endorsements are required on the Commercial Automobile Liability insurance policy unless in- transit pollution risk is covered under a Pollution Liability insurance policy. 4. The Contractor shall be Named Insured and the Contracting Agency, the State, the Governor, the Commission, the Secretary, the Department, all officers and employees of the State, and their respective members, directors, officers, employees, agents, and consultants (collectively the "Additional Insureds ") shall be included as Additional Insureds for all policies and coverages specified in this Section, with the exception of the OCP policy. Said insurance coverage shall be primary and noncontributory insurance with respect to the insureds and the Additional Insureds. Any insurance or self - insurance beyond that specified in this Contract that is maintained by any Additional Insured shall be in excess of such insurance and shall not contribute with it. All insurance coverage required by this Section shall be written and provided by "occurrence- based" policy forms rather than by "claims made" forms. All endorsements adding Additional Insureds to required policies shall be issued on (i) form CG 20 10 11 85 or a form deemed equivalent by the Contracting Agency, providing the Additional Insureds with all policies and coverages set forth in this Section, with the exception of the OCP and Commercial Auto policies or (ii) form CA 20 48 or forms deemed equivalent by Contracting Agency, providing the Additional Insureds with all coverages required under the Commercial Automobile Liability. 5. The coverage limits to be provided by the Contractor for itself and to the Contracting Agency and Additional Insureds pursuant to this Section or any Special Provision, shall be on a "per project" aggregate basis with the minimum limits of liability as set forth herein for both general liability and products /completed operations claims. The additional insured coverage required under this Section for products /completed operations claims shall remain in full force and effect for not less than 3 years following Substantial Completion of the project. If the Contractor maintains, at any time, coverage limits for itself in excess of limits set forth in this Section 1 -07.18 or any Special Provision, then those additional coverage limits shall also apply to the Contracting Agency and the Additional Insured. This includes, but is not limited to, any coverage limits provided under any risk financing program of any description, whether such limits are primary, excess, contingent, or otherwise. 6. All insurance policies and coverages required under Sections 1 -07.18 and 1 -07.10 shall contain a waiver of subrogation against the Contracting Agency, the State, and any Additional Insureds, and their respective departments, agencies, boards, and commissions, and their respective officers, officials, agents, and employees for losses arising from Work performed by or on behalf of the Contractor. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. Page 1 -64 2014 Standard Specifications M 41 -10 Amended Jer:'., ry 6. 2014 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public 1 -07 7. Where applicable, the Contractor shall cause each Subcontractor to provide insurance that complies with all applicable requirements of the Contractor - provided insurance as set forth herein, in circumstances where the Subcontractor is not covered by the Contractor - provided insurance. The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for determining the limits of coverage required, if any, to be obtained by Subcontractors, which determination shall be made in accordance with reasonable and prudent business practices. In the event that a Subcontractor is required to add the Contractor as an Additional Insured pursuant to its contract for Work at the Project, then the Contractor shall also cause each Subcontractor to include the Contracting Agency and the Additional Insureds, as Additional Insureds as well, for primary and noncontributory limits of liability under each Subcontractor's Commercial General Liability, Commercial Automobile Liability, and any other coverages that may be required pursuant to a "Special Provision ". 8. Unless specifically noted otherwise in the Contract Documents, the parties to this Contract do not intend by any of the provisions of this Contract to cause the public or any member thereof or any other Person to be a third -party beneficiary of the Contract Documents. Nothing in this Contract authorizes anyone not a party to this Contract or a designated third -party beneficiary to this Contract to maintain a suit for personal injuries or property damage pursuant to the terms or provisions of this Contract. It is the further intent of the Contracting Agency and the Contractor in executing the Form of Contract that no individual, firm, corporation, or any combination thereof that supplies materials, labor, services, or equipment to the Contractor for the performance of the Work shall become thereby a third -party beneficiary of this Contract. The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create a contractual relationship of any kind between the Contracting Agency and a Subcontractor or any other Person except the Contractor. 9. The Owners and Contractors Protective Insurance policy shall not be subject to a deductible or contain provisions for a deductible. The Commercial General Liability policy and the Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance policy may, at the discretion of the Contractor, contain such provisions. If a deductible applies to any claim under these policies, then payment of that deductible will be the responsibility of the Contractor, notwithstanding any claim of liability against the Contracting Agency. However, in no event shall any provision for a deductible provide for a deductible in excess of $50,000.00. 10. With the exception of the Commercial Automobile liability coverage, no policies of insurance required under this Section shall contain an arbitration or alternative dispute resolution clause applicable to disputes between the insurer and its insureds. Any and all disputes concerning (i) terms and scope of insurance coverage afforded by the policies required hereunder and /or (ii) extra contractual remedies and relief, which may be afforded policy holders in connection with coverage disputes, shall be resolved in Washington Superior Court, applying Washington law. 11 Prior to Contract execution, the Contractor shall file with the Department of Transportation, Contract Payment Section, PO Box 47420, Olympia, WA 98504 -7420, ACORD Form Certificates of Insurance evidencing the minimum insurance coverages required under these Specifications. Within 30 days of being awarded a Contract, the Contractor shall provide the Department with complete copies, which may be electronic copies, of all insurance policies required under this Section and any Special Provisions. 12.The Contractor shall provide written notice to the Engineer of any policy cancellations and provide the Department of Transportation, Contract Payment Section, PO Box 47420, Olympia, WA 98504 -7420, by U.S. Mail, notice of any policy cancellation within two business days of receipt of cancellation. 2014 Standard Specifications M 41 -10 Page 1 -65 Amended _.,.. ar/ 5. 2014 1 -07 Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public 13. Failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required, or not to provide certification and copies of the insurance prior to the time specified in Subsection 11 above, shall constitute a material breach of Contract upon which the Contracting Agency may, after giving 5- business days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the Contract or, at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the Contracting Agency on demand, or at the sole discretion of the Contracting Agency, offset against funds due the Contractor from the Contracting Agency. All costs for insurance, including any payments of deductible amounts, shall be considered incidental to and included in the unit Contract prices and no additional payment will be made. 1 -07.19 Gratuities The Contractor shall not extend any loan, gratuity, or gift of money in any form whatsoever to any employee or officer of the Contracting Agency; nor will the Contractor rent or purchase any equipment or materials from any employee or officer of the Contracting Agency. Before payment of the final estimate will be made, the Contractor shall execute and furnish the Contracting Agency an affidavit certifying compliance with these provisions of the Contract. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable sections of the State Ethics law, RCW 42.52, which regulates gifts to State officers and employees. Under that statute, any Contracting Agency officer or employee who has or will participate with the Contractor regarding any aspect of this Contract is prohibited from seeking or accepting any gift, gratuity, favor or anything of economic value from the Contractor. Accordingly, neither the Contractor nor any agent or representative shall offer anything of economic value as a gift, gratuity, or favor directly or indirectly to any such officer or employee. 1 -07.20 Patented Devices, Materials, and Processes The Contractor shall assume all costs arising from the use of patented devices, materials, or processes used on or incorporated in the Work, and agrees to indemnify, defend, and save harmless the State, Governor, Commission, Secretary, and their duly authorized agents and employees from all actions of any nature for, or on account of the use of any patented devices, materials, or processes. 1 -07.21 Rock Drilling Safety Requirements It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain safe working conditions during rock drilling, by keeping dust concentration below the threshold limit value or by providing those protective devices that may be required by the State Department of Labor and Industries. 1 -07.22 Use of Explosives When using explosives, the Contractor shall use the utmost care to protect life and property, to prevent slides, and to leave undisturbed all materials, outside the neat lines of the cross - section. Explosives shall be handled, marked, stored, and used in compliance with WAC 296 -52 and such local laws, rules, and regulations that may apply. The stricter provisions shall apply. All explosives shall be stored securely as required by all laws and ordinances that apply. Each storage place shall be clearly marked: "Dangerous- Explosives ". No explosives shall be left unprotected. If public utilities or railroads own equipment near the blast site, the Contractor shall notify the owners of the location, date, time, and approximate duration of the blasting. This notice shall be given sufficiently in advance to enable all owners to take any steps as they deem necessary to protect their property from injury. Blasting near proposed Structures shall be completed before Work on them begins. When the use of explosives is necessary for the prosecution of the Work, the Contractor's insurance shall contain a special clause permitting the blasting. Page 1 -66 2014 Standard Specifications M 41 -10 Amended January 13, 2014 PART III AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wail Project III -1 INTRODUCTION The following Amendments and Special Provisions shall be used in conjunction with the 2012 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. AMENDMENTS TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS The following Amendments to the Standard Specifications are made a part of this contract and supersede any conflicting provisions of the Standard Specifications. For informational purposes, the date following each Amendment title indicates the implementation date of the Amendment or the latest date of revision. Each Amendment contains all current revisions to the applicable section of the Standard Specifications and may include references which do not apply to this particular project. Section 1 -01, Definition and Terms August 5, 2013 1- 01.2(2) Items of Work and Units of Measurement The following abbreviation in this section is deleted: ATB Asphalt Treated Base 1 -01.3 Definitions The definition for "Bid Documents" is revised to read: The component parts of the proposed Contract which may include, but are not limited to, the Proposal Form, the proposed Contract Provisions, the proposed Contract Plans, Addenda, and, for projects with Contracting Agency subsurface investigations, the Summary of Geotechnical Conditions and subsurface boring logs (if any). The definition for "Superstructures" is revised to read: The part of the Structure above: 1. The bottom of the grout pad for the simple and continuous span bearing, or 2. The bottom of the block supporting the girder, or 3. Arch skewback and construction joints at the top of vertical abutment members or rigid frame piers. Longitudinal limits of the Superstructure extend from end to end of the Structure in accordance with the following criteria: 1. From the face of end diaphragm abutting the bridge approach embankment for end piers without expansion joints, or 2. From the end pier expansion joint for bridges with end pier expansion joints. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -2 Superstructures include, but are not limited to, the bottom stab and webs of box girders, the bridge deck and diaphragms of all bridges, and the sidewalks when shown on the bridge deck. The Superstructure also includes the girders, expansion joints, bearings, barrier, and railing attached to the Superstructure when such Superstructure components are not otherwise covered by separate unit measured or lump sum bid items. Superstructures do not include endwalls, wingwalls, barrier and railing attached to the wingwalls, and cantilever barriers and railings unless supported by the Superstructure. Section 1 -02, Bid Procedures and Conditions January 2, 2012 1- 02.4(2) Subsurface Information The first two sentences in the first paragraph are revised to read: If the Contracting Agency has made subsurface investigation of the site of the proposed work, the boring log data, soil sample test data, and geotechnical recommendations reports obtained by the Contracting Agency will be made available for inspection by the Bidders at the location specified in the Special Provisions. The Summary of Geotechnical Conditions, as an appendix to the Special Provisions, and the boring logs shall be considered as part of the Contract. Section 1 -03, Award and Execution of Contract April 2, 2012 1- 03.1(1) Tied Bids This section's title is revised to read: 1- 03.1(1) Identical Bid Totals Section 1 -05, Control of Work August 6, 2012 1- 05.13(1) Emergency Contact List The second sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: The list shall include, at a minimum, the Prime Contractor's Project Manager, or equivalent, the Prime Contractor's Project Superintendent, the Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Lead and the Traffic Control Supervisor. Section 1 -06, Control of Material August 5, 2013 1- 06.1(3) Aggregate Source Approval (ASA) Database The last paragraph is revised to read the following two new paragraphs: Aggregate materials that are not approved for use in the ASA database may be sampled and tested by the Agency, for a specified use on a project, from the source or from a processed stockpile of the material and all cost for the sampling and testing will be deducted from the Contract. The Contractor agrees to authorize the Project Engineer to deduct the sampling and testing costs from any money due or coming due to the Contractor. Tumv,'ater Road Soldier Pile Retaining `Mall Project 0-3 1- 06.1(4) Fabrication Inspection Expense The first paragraph is revised to read: In the event the Contractor elects to have items fabricated beyond 300 miles from Seattle, Washington, the Contracting Agency will deduct from payment due the Contractor costs to perform fabrication inspection on the following items: • Bridge Bearings (Cylindrical, Disc, Fabric Pad, Pin, Pendulum, Rocker, and Spherical) • Cantilever Sign Structures and Sign Bridges • Epoxy - Coated Reinforcing Steel • Metal Bridge Railing and Handrail • Modular Expansion Joints • Painted Piling and Casing • Painted and Powder- Coated Luminaire and Signal Poles • Precast Concrete Catch Basins, Manholes, Inlets, Drywells, and Risers • Precast Concrete Drain, Perforated Underdrain, Culvert, Storm Sewer, and Sanitary Sewer Pipe • Precast Concrete Three Sided Structures • Precast Concrete Junction Boxes, Pull Boxes. Cable Vaults, Utility Vaults, and Box Culverts • Precast Concrete Traffic Barrier • Precast Concrete Marine Pier Deck Panels • Precast Concrete Floor Panels • Precast Concrete Structural Earth Walls, Noise Barrier Walls, and Wall Stem Panels • Precast Concrete Retaining Walls, including Lagging Panels • Prestressed Concrete Girders and Precast Bridge Components • Prestressed Concrete Piles • Seismic Retrofit Earthquake Restrainers • Soldier Piles • Steel Bridges and Steel Bridge Components • Steel Column Jackets • Structural Steel for Ferry Terminals, including items such as Dolphins, Wingwalls, and Transfer Spans • Treated Timber and Lumber 6 -inch by 6 -inch or larger • Timber • Additional items as may be determined by the Engineer The footnote below the table is revised to read: An inspection day includes any calendar day or portion of a calendar day spent by one inspector inspecting, on standby, or traveling to and from a place of fabrication. An additional cost per inspection day will be assessed for each additional inspector. Reimbursement will be assessed at $280.00 per day for weekends and holidays for each on site inspector in travel status, but not engaged in inspection or travel activities when fabrication activities are not taking place. Section 1 -07, Legal Relations and Responsibilities to the Public April 1, 2013 1 -07.1 Laws to be Observed The following two sentences are inserted after the first sentence in the third paragraph: Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project li -4 In particular the Contractor's attention is drawn to the requirements of WAC 296.800 which requires employers to provide a safe workplace. More specifically WAC 296.800.11025 prohibits alcohol and narcotics from the workplace. 1- 07.9(2) Posting Notices This section is revised to read: Notices and posters shall be placed in areas readily accessible to read by employees. The Contractor shall ensure the following are posted: 1. EEOC - P /E -1 (revised 11/09) - Equal Employment Opportunity is THE LAW published by US Department of Labor. Post for projects with federal -aid funding 2. FHWA -1022 (revised 11/11) - NOTICE Federal -Aid Project published by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Post for projects with federal -aid funding 3 WH 1321 (revised 04/09) - Employee Rights under the Davis -Bacon Act published by US Department of Labor. Post for projects with federal -aid funding 4. WHD 1088 (revised 07/09) - Employee Rights under the Fair Labor Standards Act published by US Department of Labor. Post on all projects 5. WHD - 1420 (revised 01/09) - Employee Rights and Responsibilities under The Family and Medical Leave Act published by US Department Of Labor. Post on all projects 6. WHD -1462 (revised 01/12) — Employee Polygraph Protection Act published by US Department of Labor. Post on all projects F416 -081 -909 (revised 12/12) - Job Safety and Health Law published by Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. Post on all projects 8. F242- 191 -909 (revised 12/12) - Notice to Employees published by Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. Post on all projects 9. F700- 074 -909 (revised 12/12) - Your Rights as a Worker in Washington State by Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L &I). Post on all projects 10. EMS 9874 (revised 04/12) - Unemployment Benefits published by Washington State Employee Security Department. Post on all projects 11. Post one copy of the approved 'Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages" for the Contractor, each Subcontractor, each lower tier subcontractor, and any other firm (Supplier, Manufacturer, or Fabricator) that falls under the provisions of RCW 39.12 because of the definition of "Contractor' in WAC 296- 127 -010 12. Post one copy of the prevailing wage rates for the project 1- 07.9(5) Required Documents Item number 2. in the first paragraph is revised to read: 2. A copy of an approved "Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid ", State L &I's form number F700- 007 -000. The Contracting Agency will not grant Completion until all approved Affidavit of Wages paid for Contractor and all Subcontractors have been received by the Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 0-5 Project Engineer. The Contracting Agency will not release to the Contractor any funds retained under RCW 60.28.011 until all of the "Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid" forms have been approved by State L &I and a copy of all the approved forms have been submitted to the Engineer. 1 -07.14 Responsibility for Damage The fifth paragraph is revised to read: Pursuant to RCW 4.24.115, if such claims, suits, or actions result from the concurrent negligence of (a) the indemnitee or the indemnitee's agents or employees and (b) the Contractor or the Contractor's agent or employees, the indemnity provisions provided in the preceding paragraphs of this Section shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence or the negligence of its agents and employees. 1 -07.15 Temporary Water Pollution /Erosion Control The third paragraph is deleted. Section 1 -08, Prosecution and Progress April 1, 2013 1 -08.1 Subcontracting In the eighth paragraph, 'Contracting Agency" is revised to read ''WSDOT ". 1- 08.3(1) General Requirements The following new paragraph is inserted after the first paragraph: Total float belongs to the project and shall not be for the exclusive benefit of any party. 1 -08.5 Time for Completion The last paragraph in this section is supplemented with the following: e. Copies of the approved "Affidavit of Prevailing Wages Paid" for the Contractor and all Subcontractors 1 -08.7 Maintenance During Suspension The second paragraph is revised to read: At no expense to the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall provide through the construction area safe, smooth, and unobstructed roadways and pedestrian access routes for public use during the suspension (as required in Section 1 -07.23 or the Special Provisions.) This may include a temporary road, alternative pedestrian access route or detour. Section 1 -09, Measurement and Payment April 1, 2013 1 -09.1 Measurement of Quantities The following new sentence is inserted after the sentence ° "Ton ":2,000 pounds of avoirdupois weight ": Items of payment that have "Lump Sum" or "Force Account" in the Bid Item of Work shall have no specific unit of measurement requirement. Turnwater Road Soldier Ple Retaining Wall Project III -6 1- 09.2(5) Measurement The second sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: The frequency of verification checks will be such that at least one test weekly is performed for each scale used in weighing contract items of Work. 1 -09.6 Force Account In item No. 3. For Equipment, the last sentence in the third sub- paragraph is revised to read: In the event that prior quotations are not obtained and the vendor is a firm independent from the Contractor or Subcontractor, then after- the -fact quotations may be obtained by the Engineer from the open market in the vicinity and the lowest such quotation may be used in place of submitted invoice. Section 3 -01, Production From Quarry and Pit Sites August 5, 2013 3 -01.1 Description In the first paragraph, "asphalt treated base" is deleted. Section 3 -04, Acceptance of Aggregate August 5, 2013 3- 04.3(7)D4 An Entire Lot The last sentence is deleted. 3- 04.3(8) Price Adjustments for Quality of Aggregate The calculation in the first paragraph is revised to read: Aggregate Compliance Price Adjustment = (Composite Pay Factor — 1.00) (quantity of material) (unit bid price or Contingent Unit Price as shown in Table 1, whichever is higher.) 3 -04.5 Payment In the second paragraph, the reference "Section 3- 04.3(6)C " is revised to read Section 3- 04.3(8)'. In Table 1, the top two rows are revised to read the following three new rows: 2000 10001 { $15.002 9 -03.1 Concrete Aggregate (except pavement) 9 -03.1 Concrete Aggregate (pavement) 9- 03.4(2) Crushed Screening' 4000 ( 20001 $15.00' 1000 500 I $20.00 $30.00' $30.00` $40.00 In Table 1, the row containing the item "Gravel Borrow for Geosynthetic Retaining Wall" is revised to read: 9- 03.14(4) Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Walls The footnotes below the Table 1 are revised to read: Based on 1000 CY of Concrete. Turnwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 0-7 4000 2000 $30 $60 2 Price adjustment only applies to the actual quantity of aggregate used in the concrete. 3 Contingent unit price per S.Y. is $0.30. In Table 2, the first row is revised to read: 9 -03.1 i Concrete Aggregate (all concrete aggregate - including pavement) 2 2 2 10 20 In Table 2, the row containing the item "Gravel Backfill for Foundations Class A" is revised to read: 9- 03.12(1)A Gravel Backfill for Foundations Class As In Table 2, the row containing the item "Gravel Borrow for Geosynthetic Retaining Wall' is revised to read: 9- 03.14(4) Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Walls 2 12 5 Item 1 in the footnotes below Table 2 is revised to read: 5 j5 10 Other4 1 For Aggregate, the nominal maximum size sieve is the largest standard sieve opening listed in the applicable specification upon which more than 1- percent of the material by weight is permitted to be retained. For concrete aggregate, the nominal maximum size sieve is the smallest standard sieve opening through which the entire amount of aggregate is permitted to pass. The footnotes below the Table 2 are supplemented with the following: 3 Use the price adjustment factors for the material that is actually used. 4 Resistivity 10, pH 10, Chlorides 5, and Sulfates 5. Section 4 -06, Asphalt Treated Base August 5, 2013 This section including title is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Vacant Section 5 -01, Cement Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation August 5, 2013 5- 01.3(2)B Portland Cement Concrete The fifth sentence in the third paragraph is revised to read: The lower Specification limit for compressive strength shall be 4,000 -psi. The last two sentences in the third paragraph are deleted. Turnwater Rohd Soldier Pile Retaining wall Project 5- 01.3(4) Replace Portland Cement Concrete Panel This section is supplemented with the following: Replacement panels that crack shall be repaired as specified in Section 5- 05.3(22) at no cost to the Contracting Agency. Epoxy- coated dowel bars meeting the requirements of Section 9- 07.5(1) may be substituted for the corrosion resistant dowel bars specified. 5- 01.3(6) Dowel Bar Retrofit The second sentence in the ninth paragraph is revised to read: The foam insert shall fit tightly around the dowel and to the bottom and edges of the slot and extend to the top of the existing pavement surface. 5- 01.3(11) Concrete Slurry This section including title is revised to read: 5- 01.3(11) Concrete Slurry and Grinding Residue All concrete slurry and grinding residue shall be removed from the pavement surface on a continual basis immediately behind the grinding or cutting operations. Slurry shall not be allowed to drain into an area open to traffic. off of the paved surface or into any drainage structure. The Contractor shall collect the concrete slurry and grinding residue from the pavement surface and dispose of it in accordance with Section 2- 03.3(7)C. Opening to traffic shall meet the requirements of Section 5- 05.3(17). Section 5 -02, Bituminous Surface Treatment August 5, 2013 In this section, "Asphalt Emulsion" is revised to read "Emulsified Asphalt ". 5- 02.1(1) New Construction This section is revised to read: This method of treatment requires two applications of emulsified asphalt and three applications of aggregate. The first application of emulsified asphalt is applied to an untreated Roadway that is followed with an application of aggregate. The second application of emulsified asphalt is followed with two additional applications of aggregate. 5- 02.1(2) Seal Coats This section is revised to read: This method requires the placing of one application of emulsified asphalt and one or more sizes of aggregate as specified to an existing pavement to seal and rejuvenate the surface and to produce a uniform Roadway surface with acceptable nonskid characteristics. 5 -02.2 Materials The following new paragraph is inserted after the second paragraph: Each source of aggregate for bituminous surface treatment shall be evaluated separately for acceptance in accordance with Section 3 -04. Turnwa;er Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project HI-9 The second and fourth paragraphs (after implementing the preceding Amendment) are deleted. 5- 02.3(1) Equipment The second sentence in the second paragraph is revised to read: A temperature measuring device shall be capable of reporting the temperature of emulsified asphalt in the tank. 5- 02.3(2)A New Construction The fourth and fifth paragraphs are revised to read: Immediately before the first application of emulsified asphalt, the Roadway surface shall be in the following condition: firm and unyielding, damp, free from irregularities and material segregation, and true to line, grade, and cross - section. No traffic will be allowed on the prepared surface until the first application of emulsified asphalt and aggregate has been completed. 5- 02.3(3) Application of Asphalt and Aggregate The table `Application Rate" is revised to read: Application Rate Undiluted Emulsified Asphalt (gal. per sq. yd.) Applied First Application Second Application Aggregate Size New Construction Aggregate Application Rate (Ibs. per sq. yd.) 0.35 -0.65 1/2 inch- No. 4 , 25 -45 or % inch-1/2 inch 0.35 -0.60 Choke Stone N/A 1/2 inch- No. 4 25 -40 No. 4 - 0 Seal Coats 4 -6 5/8 inch — No. 4 Choke Stone 1/2 inch — No. 4 Choke Stone 0.40 -0.65 5/ inch- No. 4 No. 4 - 0 25 -45 4 -6 0.35 -0.55 1/4 inch- No. 4 No. 4 - 0 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -1C 20 -35 4 -6 % inch — No. 4 Choke Stone 0.35 -0.55 N/A % inch- No. 4 20 -30 No. 4 - 0 The table "Pavement Sealing" is deleted. The second paragraph is revised to read: 4 -6 The Project Engineer will determine the application rates. The second application of emulsified asphalt shall be applied the next day, or as approved by the Project Engineer. The second to last paragraph is revised to read: Before application of the fog seal, all surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, soil, pavement grindings, and other foreign matter. The fog seal emulsified asphalt shall be CSS -1 or CSS -1 h diluted with water at a rate of one part water to one part emulsified asphalt unless otherwise approved by the Project Engineer. The fog seal shall be uniformly applied to the pavement at a diluted rate of 0.10 — 0.18 gal /sy. The finished application shall be free of streaks and bare spots. 5- 02.3(5) Application of Aggregates The sixth paragraph is revised to read: The Contractor shall apply choke stone to the Roadway with additional spreading equipment immediately following the initial rolling of the coarse aggregate unless otherwise specified in the Contract documents or specified by the Project Engineer. Excess aggregate shall be removed from the Roadway. A minimum of one pass with a pneumatic roller shall be made across the entire width of the applied choke stone. 5- 02.3(7) Patching and Correction of Defects The last sentence in the last paragraph is revised to read: The CSS -1 or CSS -1 h emulsified asphalt may be diluted with water at a rate of one part water to one part emulsified asphalt unless otherwise specified by the Project Engineer. 5 -02.5 Payment The first sentence in the second paragraph is revised to read: The unit Contract price per mile for "Processing and Finishing" shall be full pay for all cost to perform the specified work including, blading, scarifying, processing, leveling, finishing, and the manipulation of aggregates as required The third paragraph is revised to read "Emulsified Asphalt ( ) ", per ton. The fourth paragraph is revised to read: The unit Contract price per ton for 'Emulsified Asphalt ( )" shall be full pay for all costs to perform the specified Work including furnishing, heating, hauling, and spreading the emulsified asphalt on the Roadway. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -11 The sixth paragraph is revised to read: The unit Contract price per ton for "Asphalt for Fog Seal" shall be full pay for all costs to perform the specified Work for the fog seal. The eighth paragraph is revised to read: The unit Contract price per cubic yard for "Aggregate from Stockpile for BST' shall be full pay for all costs to perform the specified Work including loading, transporting, and placing the material in the finished Work. The eleventh paragraph is revised to read: The unit Contract price per cubic yard or per ton for "Furnishing and Placing Crushed ( ) shall be full pay for costs to perform the specified Work including furnishing, transporting, and placing the material in the finished Work. The thirteenth paragraph is revised to read: The unit Contract price per hour for "Additional Brooming" shall be full pay for all costs to perform the specified Work including rebrooming the Roadway. Section 5 -04, Hot Mix Asphalt April 1, 2013 5 -04.2 Materials The following material reference is deleted from this section: Blending Sand 9- 03.8(4) The fourth paragraph is revised to read: The grade of asphalt binder shall be as required by the Contract. Blending of asphalt binder from different sources is not permitted. 5- 04.3(7)A1 General This section is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall include the brand and type of anti- stripping additive in the mix design submittal and provide certification from the asphalt binder manufacture that the anti - stripping additive is compatible with the crude source and formulation of asphalt binder proposed in mix design. 5- 04.3(7)A3 Commercial Evaluation The second sentence in the second paragraph is deleted. 5- 04.3(10)B3 Longitudinal Joint Density The section including title is revised to read: 5- 04.3(10)B3 Vacant 5- 04.3(11)D General The last sentence in the first paragraph is deleted. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining wall Project 1I1 -12 5- 04.3(12)A Transverse Joints In the second paragraph "planning" is revised to read ''planing ". 5- 04.3(20) Anti - Stripping Additive This section is revised to read: Anti - stripping additive shall be added to the liquid asphalt by the asphalt supplier prior to shipment to the asphalt mixing plant. For HMA accepted by statistical and nonstatistical evaluation the anti- stripping additive shall be added in the amount designated in the WSDOT mix design /anti -strip evaluation report provided by the Contracting Agency. For HMA accepted by commercial evaluation the Project Engineer will determine the amount of anti -strip to be added; paving shall not begin before the anti -strip requirements have been provided to the Contractor. 5 -04.4 Measurement The first sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: HMA CI. PG , HMA for CI. PG , and Commercial HMA will be measured by the ton in accordance with Section 1-09.2, with no deduction being made for the weight of asphalt hinder, mineral filler. or any other component of the mixture. The last paragraph is deleted. 5 -04.5 Payment The bid item "Longitudinal Joint Density Price Adjustment ", by calculation and paragraph following bid item are deleted. Section 5 -05, Cement Concrete Pavement August 5, 2013 5- 05.3(1) Concrete Mix Design for Paving The title in the table titled "Portland Cement Concrete Batch Volumes" is revised to read: Portland Cement Concrete Batch Weights, per cubic _yard of Concrete 5- 05.3(6) Subgrade The last paragraph in this section is deleted. Section 6 -02, Concrete Structures January 7, 2013 6- 02.3(2) Proportioning Materials The Lean Concrete value in the column "Minimum Cemetitious Content (pounds)" in the table titled "Cementitious Requirement for Concrete" is revised to read: ****145 The following new note is inserted after the note " * ** No maximum specified" in the table titled "Cementitious Requirement for Concrete ": 'Maximum of 200 pounds Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -13 The paragraph following the table "Cementitious Requirements for Concrete" is revised to read: When both ground granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash are included in the concrete mix, the total weight of both these materials is limited to 40 percent by weight of the total cementitious material for concrete Class 4000D and 4000A, and 50 percent by weight of the total cementitious material for all other classes of concrete. 6- 02.3(2)B Commercial Concrete The second paragraph is revised to read: Where concrete Class 3000 is specified for items such as, culvert headwalls, plugging culverts, concrete pipe collars, pipe anchors, monument cases, Type PPB, PS, I, FB and RM signal standards, pedestals, cabinet bases, guardrail anchors, fence post footings, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, the Contractor may use commercial concrete. If commercial concrete is used for sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, it shall have a minimum cementitious material content of 564 pounds per cubic yard of concrete, shall be air entrained, and the tolerances of Section 6- 02.3(5)C shall apply. 6- 02.3(2)D Lean Concrete This section is revised to read: Lean concrete shall meet the cementitious requirements of Section 6- 02.3(2) and have a maximum water /cement ratio of 2. 6- 02.3(4)A Qualification of Concrete Suppliers The first paragraph is revised to read : Batch Plant Prequalification requires a certification by the National Ready Mix Concrete Association (NRMCA). Information concerning NRMCA certification may be obtained from the NRMCA at 900 Spring Street, Silver Springs, MD 20910 or online at www.nrmca.org. The NRMCA certification shall be valid for a 2 -year period from the date of certificate. The following documentation shall be submitted to the Project Engineer; a copy of the current NRMCA Certificate of Conformance, the concrete mix design(s) (WSDOT Form 350 -040), along with copies of the truck list, batch plant scale certification, admixture dispensing certification, and volumetric water hatching devices (including water meters) verification. 6- 02.3(5)G Sampling and Testing Frequency for Temperature, Consistency, and Air Control The last sentence in the second paragraph is revised to read: Sampling shall be performed in accordance with WSDOT FOP for WAQTC TM 2 and random samples shall be selected in accordance with WSDOT TM 716. 6- 02.3(14)C Pigmented Sealer for Concrete Surfaces This section is revised to read: The Contractor shall submit the pigmented sealer manufacturer's written instructions covering, at a minimum, the following: 1. Surface preparation 2. Application methods 3. Requirements for concrete curing prior to sealer application Ti_irn,vater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 0-14 4. Temperature, humidity and precipitation limitations for application 5. Rate of application and number of coats to apply The Contractor shall not begin applying pigmented sealer to the surfaces specified to receive the sealer until receiving the Engineer's approval of the submittal. All surfaces specified in the Plans to receive pigmented sealer shall receive a Class 2 surface finish (except that concrete barrier surfaces shall be finished in accordance with Section 6- 02.3(11)A). The Contractor shall not apply pigmented sealer from a batch greater than 12 months past the initial date of color sample approval of that batch by the Engineer. The pigmented sealer color or colors for specific concrete surfaces shall be as specified in the Special Provisions. The final appearance shall be even and uniform without blotchiness, streaking or uneven color. Surface finishes deemed unacceptable by the Engineer shall he re- coated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations at no additional expense to the Contracting Agency. For concrete surfaces such as columns, retaining walls, pier walls, abutments, concrete fascia panels, and noise barrier wall panels, the pigmented sealer shall extend to 1 foot below the finish ground line, unless otherwise shown in the Plans. 6- 02.3(16) Plans for Falsework and Formwork Item No. 4 in the seventh paragraph is revised to read: 4. Conditions required by other Sections of 6- 02.3(17), Falsework and Formwork. Item's No. 5, 6, 7, and 8 in the seventh paragraph are deleted. The following paragraph is inserted after the seventh paragraph: Plan approval can be done by the Project Engineer for footings and walls 4 to 8 feet high (excluding pedestal height) provided: 1. Concrete placement rate is 4 feet per hour or less. 2. Facing is 3/4-inch plywood with grades as specified per Section 6- 02.3(17)1. 3. Studs, with plywood face grain perpendicular, are 2 by 4's spaced at 12 inches. 4. Walers with 3,000 pound safe working load ties spaced at 24 inches are two 2 by 4's spaced at 24 inches 6- 02.3(17)F Bracing In the first paragraph, the phrase per Section 6- 02.3(17)1" is revised to read "in accordance with Section 6- 02.3(17)1 ". This section is supplemented with the following new sub- section: Tumwater Road soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project II! -15 6- 02.3(17)F5 Temporary Bracing for Bridge Girders During Diaphragm and Bridge Deck Concrete Placement Prestressed concrete girders shall be braced to resist forces that would cause rotation or torsion in the girders caused by the placing of precast concrete deck panels and concrete for the bridge deck. Bracing shall be designed and detailed by the Contractor and shall be shown in the falsework /formwork plans submitted to the Engineer for approval. These braces shall be furnished, installed, and removed by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency. The Contractor may consider the bracing effects of the diaphragms in developing the falsework /formwork plans. The Contractor shall account for the added load from concrete finishing machines and other construction loadings in the design of the bracing. Falsework support brackets and braces shall not be welded to structural steel bridge members or to steel reinforcing bars. 6- 02.3(17)F4 Temporary Bracing for Bridge Girders This section including title is revised to read: 6- 02.3(17)F4 Temporary Bracing for Bridge Girders During Erection Steel girders shall be braced in accordance with Section 6- 03.3(7)A. Prestressed concrete girders shall be braced sequentially during girder erection. The bracing shall be designed and detailed by the Contractor and shall be shown in the falsework /formwork plans submitted to the Engineer for approval. The Contractor shall furnish, install, and remove the bracing at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency. At a minimum, the Contractor shall brace girders at each end and at midspan to prevent lateral movement or rotation. This bracing shall be placed prior to the release of each girder from the erection equipment. If the bridge is constructed with cast -in -place concrete diaphragms, the bracing may be removed once the concrete in the diaphragms has been placed and cured for a minimum of 24 hours. 6- 02.3(17)H Formwork Accessories The first paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following two new paragraphs: Formwork accessories such as form ties, form anchors, form hangers, anchoring inserts, and similar hardware shall be specifically identified in the formwork plans including the name and size of the hardware, manufacturer. safe working load, and factor of safety. The grade of steel shall also be indicated for threaded rods, coil rods, and similar hardware. Wire form ties shall not be used. Welding or clamping formwork accessories to Contract Plan reinforcing steel will not be allowed. Driven types of anchorages for fastening forms or form supports to concrete, and Contractor fabricated `J" hooks shall not be used. Field drilling of holes in prestressed girders is not allowed. Taper ties may be used provided the following conditions are met: 1. The structure is not designed to resist water pressure (pontoons, floating dolphins, detention vaults, etc.) 2. After the taper tie is removed, plugs designed and intended for plugging taper tie holes shall be installed at each face of concrete. The plug shall be installed a minimum of 1 1/2" clear from the face of concrete. Tumvlater Road soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -16 After the plug is installed, the hole shall be cleaned of all grease, contamination and foreign matter. 4. Holes on the exposed faces of concrete shall be patched and finished to match the surrounding concrete. 6- 02.3(25)N Prestressed Concrete Girder Erection The third sentence in the fifth paragraph is revised to read: The girders shall be braced in accordance with Sections 6- 02.3(17)F4 and 6- 02.3(17)F5. 6- 02.3(26)E5 Leak Tightness Testing The first sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: The Contractor shall test each completed duct assembly for leak tightness after placing concrete but prior to placing post tensioning reinforcement. The second paragraph is revised to read: Prior to testing, all grout caps shall be installed and all vents, grout injection ports, and drains shall either be capped or have their shut -off valves closed. The Contractor shall pressurize the completed duct assembly to an initial air pressure of 50 psi. This pressure shall be held for five minutes to allow for internal adjustments within the assembly. After five minutes, the air supply valve shall be closed. The Contractor shall monitor and measure the pressure maintained within the closed assembly, and any subsequent loss of pressure, over a period of one minute following the closure of the air supply valve. The maximum pressure loss for duct assemblies equal to or less than 150 feet in length shall be 25 psig. The maximum pressure loss for duct assemblies greater than 150 feet in length shall be 15 psig. If the pressure loss exceeds the allowable, locations of leakage shall be identified, repaired or reconstructed using methods approved by the Engineer. The repaired system shall then be retested. The cycle of testing, repair and retesting of each completed duct assembly shall continue until the completed duct assembly completes a test with pressure loss within the specified amount. Section 6 -03, Steel Structures August 5, 2013 6- 03.3(7)A Erection Methods The following new paragraph is inserted after the second paragraph: The Contractor may submit for approval the use of an engineered and fabricated lifting bracket bolted to the girder top flanges providing the following requirements are satisfied: 1. The lifting bracket shall be engineered and supporting calculations shall be submitted with the erection plan; 2. The calculations shall include critical stresses in the girder including local stresses in the flanges at lifting bracket locations; 3. The calculations shall include computation of the lifting bracket and associated bolt hole locations and the expected orientation of the girder during picking operation; 4. The lifting bracket shall be load tested and certified for a load at least 2 times the working load and at all angles it will be used (angle of load or rigging). Certification documentation from a previous project may be submitted for approval; Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -17 Bolt holes in girders added for the lifting bracket connections shall be shown in the shop plans and shall be drilled in the shop. Field drilling of bolt holes for lifting brackets will not be permitted; 6. Bolt holes in girder top flanges shall be filled with high strength bolts after erection in accordance with Section 6- 02.3(17)K. The last sentence in the fourth paragraph (after implementing the preceding Amendment) is revised to read: The plan, including lifting bracket working drawings and calculations, shall be prepared by (or under the direct supervision of) a Professional Engineer, licensed under Title 18 RCW, State of Washington, in the branch of Civil or Structural, and shall carry the engineer's seal and signature, in accordance with Section 6- 02.3(16). 6- 03.3(13) Fabricating Tension Members Item number 2. is revised to read: 2. Fabricated from plate stock with the primary rolling direction of the stock parallel to the length of the member, or as shown in the Plans. 6- 03.3(28)A Method of Shop Assembly The first sentence in Item 2.C. is revised to read: For Trusses and Girders — After the first stage has been completed, each subsequent stage shall be assembled to include: at least one truss panel or girder shop section of the previous stage and two or more truss panels or girder shop sections added at the advancing end. 6- 03.3(32) Assembling and Bolting The first sentence in the fourth paragraph is revised to read: To complete a joint following one of the methods listed above, the Contractor shall fill all remaining holes of the field connection or splice place with bolts and tighten to snug- tight. The following two new paragraphs are inserted after the fourth paragraph: The Contractor shall complete the joint or connection within ten calendar days of installing the first bolt or within a duration approved by the Engineer. Any bolts inserted in an incomplete connection, either loose or tightened snug- tight, which exceed the specified duration for completing the connection, shall be subject to the following requirements: 1. Three assemblies for each size and length shall be removed from connection(s) that are to be tensioned. Rotational capacity tests shall be performed on the removed assemblies to demonstrate the assembly has sufficient lubricant to be tensioned satisfactorily. Five assemblies shall be removed from the connection to establish the inspection torque. 3. In the case of tension controlled bolts, three assemblies shall be removed and tested in accordance with Section 6- 03.3(33)A to verify the minimum specified tension can be achieved prior to shearing of the spline. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -18 Assemblies removed for the purpose of rotational capacity testing, determination of the inspection torques, or verification of tension controlled bolt performance shall be replaced with new bolts at no additional expense to the Contracting Agency. To minimize the number of removed assemblies, the Contractor may combine rotational capacity testing and inspection torque determination as approved by the Engineer. 6- 03.3(33) Bolted Connections The fourth paragraph is revised to read: All bolted connections are slip critical. Painted structures require either Type 1 or Type 3 bolts. Unpainted structures require Type 3 bolts. Bolts shall not be galvanized unless specified in the Contract documents. AASHTO M 253 bolts shall not be galvanized and shall not be used in contact with galvanized metal. In the tenth paragraph, the first paragraph of Item number 3. is revised to read: 3. Twist Off Type Tension Control Structural Bolt /Nut/Washer Assembly Method (Tension Control Bolt Assembly) - Tension control bolt assemblies shall include the bolt, nut, and washer(s) packaged and shipped as a single assembly. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, tension control bolt assembly components shall not be interchanged for testing or installation and shall comply with all provisions of ASTM F 1852. If approved by the Engineer, the tension control bolt assembly components may be interchanged within the same component lot for girder web splices or other locations where access to both sides of the connection is restricted. 6- 03.3(33)A Pre - Erection Testing The following new paragraph is inserted after the fourth paragraph: Three twist off -type tension controlled bolt assemblies, per assembly lot, shall be tested in a bolt tension calibrator. The bolts shall first be tensioned to a snug tight condition. Tensioning shall then be completed by tightening the assembly nut in a continuous operation using a spline drive installation tool until the spline shears from the bolt. The bolt assembly tension shall meet the requirements of Table 1. If any specimen fails, the assembly lot is rejected. 6- 03.3(33)B Bolting Inspection The first paragraph is revised to read: The Contractor, in the presence of the Project Engineer, shall inspect the tightened bolt using a calibrated inspection torque wrench, regardless of bolting method. The Contractor shall supply the inspection torque wrench. Inspection shall be performed within seven calendar days from the completion of each bolted connection or as approved by the Project Engineer. 6- 03.3(36) Setting and Grouting Masonry Plates Item number 2. in the second paragraph is revised to read: 2. Place steel shims under the masonry plates to position pin centers or bearings to line and grade and in relationship to each other. Steel shims shall be the size and be placed at the locations shown in the Plans: 6- 03.3(39) Swinging the Span The second and third paragraphs are revised to read: After the falsework is released (spans swung free), the masonry plates, shoes, and keeper plates are grouted, and before any load is applied, the Contractor (or the Engineer if the Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -19 Contracting Agency is responsible for surveying) shall survey elevations at the tenth points along the centerline on top of all girders and floorbeams. The Contractor shall calculate the theoretical top of girder or floorbeam flange elevations and compare the calculated elevations to the surveyed elevations. The theoretical pad or haunch depth shown in the Plans shall be increased or decreased by the difference between the theoretical and surveyed top of girder or floorbeam elevations. The soffit (deck formwork) shall be set based on the Plan bridge deck thickness and the adjusted pad or haunch depth. The Contractor shall submit all survey data and calculations to the Engineer for review ten working days prior to placing any load, beyond the maximum five pounds per square foot of form weight allowed, on the Structure. Section 6 -05, Piling August 6, 2012 6 -05.5 Payment The paragraph following the bid item, "Driving St. Pile ", per each is revised to read: The unit Contract price per each for "Driving (type) Pile ( ) shall be full pay for driving the pile to the ultimate bearing and /or penetration specified. Section 6 -06, Bridge Railings August 6, 2012 6- 06.3(2) Metal Railings The third paragraph is revised to read: Anchor bolts shall be positioned with a template to ensure that bolts match the hole spacing of the bottom channels or anchorage plates. Section 6 -07, Painting August 5, 2013 6- 07.3(9)A Paint System The first sentence in the second paragraph is revised to read: All paint coating components of the selected paint system shall be produced by the same manufacturer. 6- 07.3(10)H Paint System The first and second sentences in the second paragraph are revised to read: All paint coating components of the selected paint system shall be produced by the same manufacturer. 6- 07.3(10)N Field Coating Application Methods The first sentence is revised to read: The Contractor shall apply paint materials in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations by air or airless spray. brush, roller, or any combination of these methods unless otherwise specified. The third sentence is revised to read: Tumwater Road Solder Pile Retaining Wall Project III -20 The Contractor shall use brushes to apply the stripe coat, to ensure complete coverage around structural geometric irregularities, and to push the paint into gaps between existing steel surfaces and around rivets and bolts. 6- 07.3(10)0 Applying Field Coatings The first sentence in the sixth paragraph is revised to read: All steel surfaces cleaned to bare metal by abrasive blast cleaning shall receive the primer coat within the same working day as the cleaning to bare metal and before any rust begins to form. 6 -07.5 Payment The third paragraph is revised to read: The lump sum Contract price for 'Cleaning and Painting - shall be full pay for the Work as specified, including developing all submittals, arranging for and accommodating contact and on -site attendance by the paint manufacturer's technical representative, furnishing and placing all necessary staging and rigging, furnishing, operating and mooring barges, furnishing and operating fixed and movable work platforms, accommodating Contracting Agency inspection access, conducting the Contractor's quality control inspection program, providing material, labor, tools, and equipment, furnishing containers for containment waste, collecting and storing containment waste, collecting, storing, testing, and disposing of all containment waste not conforming to the definition in Section 6- 07.3(10)F, performing all cleaning and preparation of surfaces to be painted, applying all coats of paint and sealant, correcting coating deficiencies, completing coating repairs, and completing project site cleanup. The first sentence in the fourth paragraph is revised to read: Progress payments for "Cleaning and Painting - " will be made on a monthly basis and will be based on the percentage of the total estimated area satisfactorily cleaned and coated as determined by the Project Engineer. Section 6 -10, Concrete Barrier August 5, 2013 6 -10.3 Construction Requirements This section is supplemented with the following: Steel welded wire reinforcement deformed, conforming to Section 9 -07.7, may be substituted in concrete barrier in place of deformed steel bars conforming to Section 9 -07.2, subject to the following conditions: 1. Steel welded wire reinforcement spacing shall be the same as the deformed steel bar spacing as shown in the Standard Plans. 2. The minimum cross sectional area for steel welded wire reinforcement shall be no less than 86 percent of the cross sectional area for the deformed steel bars being substituted. 3. Development lengths and splice lengths shall conform to requirements specified in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, current edition. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -21 6- 10.3(6) Placing Concrete Barriers The first and second sentences in the first paragraph are revised to read: Precast concrete barrier Types 2 and 4, precast single slope barrier, and transitions shall rest on a paved foundation shaped to a uniform grade and section. The foundation surface for precast concrete barrier Types 2 and 4, precast single slope barrier, and transitions shall meet this test for uniformity: 6 -10.5 Payment In the second paragraph, the bid item "Conc. Class 4000" is revised to read: "Conc. Class 4000 Section 6 -12, Noise Barrier Walls August 6, 2012 6- 12.3(3) Shaft Construction The third sentence in the fifth paragraph is revised to read: When efforts to advance past the obstruction to the design shaft tip elevation result in the rate of advance of the shaft drilling equipment being significantly reduced relative to the rate of advance for the rest of the shaft excavation, then the Contractor shall remove the obstruction under the provisions of Section 6 -12.5. 6- 12.3(6) Precast Concrete Panel Fabrication and Erection The second sentence in item number 3 is deleted. 6 -12.5 Payment This section is supplemented with the following: "Removing Noise Barrier Wall Shaft Obstructions ", estimated. Payment for removing obstructions, as defined in Section 6- 12.3(3), will be made for the changes in shaft construction methods necessary to remove the obstruction. The Contractor and the Engineer shall evaluate the effort made and reach agreement on the equipment and employees utilized, and the number of hours involved for each. Once these cost items and their duration have been agreed upon, the payment amount will be determined using the rate and markup methods specified in Section 1 -09.6. For the purpose of providing a common proposal for all bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount for the item "Removing Noise Barrier Wall Shaft Obstructions" in the bid proposal to become a part of the total bid by the Contractor. If the shaft construction equipment is idled as a result of the obstruction removal work and cannot be reasonably reassigned within the project, then standby payment for the idled equipment will be added to the payment calculations. If labor is idled as a result of the obstruction removal work and cannot be reasonably reassigned within the project, then all labor costs resulting from Contractor labor agreements and established Contractor policies will be added to the payment calculations. The Contractor shall perform the amount of obstruction work estimated by the Contracting Agency within the original time of the contract. The Engineer will consider a time adjustment and additional compensation for costs related to the extended duration of the shaft construction operations, provided: Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining `Nall Project III -22 1. the dollar amount estimated by the Contracting Agency has been exceeded, and; 2. the Contractor shows that the obstruction removal work represents a delay to the completion of the project based on the current progress schedule provided in accordance with Section 1 -08.3. Section 6 -13, Structural Earth Walls April 1, 2013 6 -13.2 Materials In the first paragraph, the following item is inserted after the item "Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete ": Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Walls 9- 03.14(4) 6 -13.4 Measurement In the second paragraph, "Backfill" is revised to read "Gravel borrow". 6 -13.5 Payment In this section, the bid item "Backfill for Structural Earth Wall Incl. Haul ° is revised to read: "Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Wall incl. Haul". Section 6 -14, Geosynthetic Retaining Walls April 1, 2013 6 -14.2 Materials The first paragraph is revised to read: Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Portland Cement 9 -01 Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete 9 -03.1 Sand 9- 03.13(1) Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Wall 9- 03.14(4) Polyurethane Sealant 9 -04.2(3) Closed Cell Foam Backer Rod 9- 04.2(3)A Anchor Rods and Associated Nuts, Washers, and Couplers 9- 06.5(1) Reinforcing Steel 9 -07 Wire Mesh for Concrete Reinforcement 9 -07.7 Grout 9- 20.3(4) Construction Geosynthetic 9 -33 6 -14.4 Measurement In the second paragraph, "geosynthetic retaining wall backfill" is revised to read "structural earth wall backfill ". 6 -14.5 Payment In this section, the bid item 'Gravel Borrow for Geosynthetic Ret. Wall Incl. Haul ". Is revised to read: "Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Wall incl. Haul" Turnwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining wall Project III -23 Section 6 -15, Soil Nail Walls January 2, 2012 6 -15.2 Materials The referenced section for the following item is revised to read: Grout 9- 20.3(4) 6- 15.3(3) Submittals Item f beneath item number 3 is revised to read: f. Mix design and procedures for placing the grout. 6- 15.3(6) Soil Nailing This section is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall make and cure grout cubes once per day in accordance with WSDOT Test Method T 813. These samples shall be retained by the Contractor until all associated verification and proof testing of the soil nails has been successfully completed. If the Contractor elects to test the grout cubes for compressive strength, testing shall be conducted by an independent laboratory and shall be in accordance with the WSDOT FOP for AASHTO T106. Section 6 -16, Soldier Pile and Soldier Pile Tieback Walls January 2, 2012 6- 16.3(3) Shaft Excavation The third sentence in the seventh paragraph is revised to read: When efforts to advance past the obstruction to the design shaft tip elevation result in the rate of advance of the shaft drilling equipment being significantly reduced relative to the rate of advance for the rest of the shaft excavation, then the Contractor shall remove the obstruction under the provisions of Section 6 -16.5. 6 -16.5 Payment This section is supplemented with the following: "Removing Soldier Pile Shaft Obstructions ", estimated, Payment for removing obstructions, as defined in Section 6- 16.3(3), will be made for the changes in shaft construction methods necessary to remove the obstruction. The Contractor and the Engineer shall evaluate the effort made and reach agreement on the equipment and employees utilized, and the number of hours involved for each. Once these cost items and their duration have been agreed upon, the payment amount will be determined using the rate and markup methods specified in Section 1 -09.6. For the purpose of providing a common proposal for all bidders, the Contracting Agency has entered an amount for the item "Removing Soldier Pile Shaft Obstructions" in the bid proposal to become a part of the total bid by the Contractor. If the shaft construction equipment is idled as a result of the obstruction removal work and cannot be reasonably reassigned within the project, then standby payment for the idled equipment will be added to the payment calculations. if labor is idled as a result of the obstruction removal work and cannot be reasonably reassigned within the project, then all Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -24 labor costs resulting from Contractor labor agreements and established Contractor policies will be added to the payment calculations. The Contractor shall perform the amount of obstruction work estimated by the Contracting Agency within the original time of the contract. The Engineer will consider a time adjustment and additional compensation for costs related to the extended duration of the shaft construction operations, provided: 1. the dollar amount estimated by the Contracting Agency has been exceeded, and; 2. the Contractor shows that the obstruction removal work represents a delay to the completion of the project based on the current progress schedule provided in accordance with Section 1 -08.3. Section 6 -17, Permanent Ground Anchors August 6, 2012 6- 17.3(3) Submittals The first sentence in the sixth paragraph is revised to read: The Contractor shall submit the mix design for the grout conforming to Section 9- 20.3(4) and the procedures for placing the grout to the Engineer for approval. 6- 17.3(7) Installing Permanent Ground Anchors The following new paragraph is inserted after the sixth paragraph: The Contractor shall make and cure grout cubes once per day in accordance with WSDOT Test Method T 813. These samples shall be retained by the Contractor until all associated verification, performance and proof testing of the permanent ground anchors has been successfully completed. If the Contractor elects to test the grout cubes for compressive strength, testing shall be conducted by an independent laboratory and shall be in accordance with the WSDOT FOP forAASHTO T106. 6- 17.3(9) Permanent Ground Anchor Acceptance Criteria The fourth paragraph is deleted. Section 6 -19, Shafts August 5, 2013 6- 19.3(2) Submittal This section including title is revised to read: Shaft Construction Submittals The shaft construction submittal shall be comprised of the following three components: construction experience; shaft installation narrative; and shaft slurry technical assistance. The submittal shall be submitted in a PDF format to the Project Engineer a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to the start of the Work. 6- 19.3(2)A Construction Experience Submittal This section's title is revised to read: Construction Experience Turnwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -25 The first sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: The Contractor shall submit a project reference list to the Project Engineer for verifying the successful completion by the Contractor of at least three separate foundation projects with shafts of diameters and depths similar to or larger than those shown in the Plans, and ground conditions similar to those identified in the Contract. The first sentence in the second paragraph is revised to read: The Contractor shall submit a list identifying the on -site supervisors and drill rig operators potentially assigned to the project to the Project Engineer. The first and second sentences in the last paragraph are deleted. 6- 19.3(2)B Shaft Installation Narrative Submittal This section's title is revised to read: Shaft Installation Narrative The first sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: The Contractor shall submit a shaft installation narrative to the Engineer. Item number 4. (except the table) is revised to read: 4. A slurry mix design, including all additives and their specific purpose in the slurry mix, with a discussion of its suitability to the anticipated subsurface conditions shall be submitted and include the procedures for mixing, using. and maintaining the slurry. A detailed plan for quality control of the selected slurry, including tests to be performed, test methods to be used, and minimum and /or maximum property requirements which must be met to ensure the slurry functions as intended, considering the anticipated subsurface conditions and shaft construction methods, in accordance with the slurry manufacturer's recommendations and these Special Provisions shall be included. As a minimum, the slurry quality control plan shall include the following tests: Item number 9. is revised to read (except the lettered items): 9. Reinforcing steel shop drawings with details of reinforcement placement, including bracing, centering, and lifting methods, and the method to ensure the reinforcing cage position is maintained during construction, including use of bar boots and /or rebar cage base plates, and including placement of rock backfill below the bottom of shaft elevation, provided the conditions of Section 6- 19.3(5)D are satisfied. The reinforcing steel shop drawings and shaft installation narrative shall include, at a minimum: The paragraph following item number 9 n is deleted. The first sentence in the paragraph following item number 9 n.. (after implementing the preceding Amendment) is revised to read: The Engineer will evaluate the shaft installation narrative for conformance with the Plans, Specifications, and Special Provisions. within the review time specified. Tumwater Road Soldier PHe Retaining Wall Project HI-26 6- 19.3(2)C Shaft Slurry Technical Assistance Submittal This section's title is revised to read: Shaft Slurry Technical Assistance The second sentence in the first paragraph (except for the numbered items) is revised to read: The Contractor shall submit the following to the Engineer: 6- 19.3(4)B Minimum Level of Slurry in the Excavation This section is revised to read: When slurry is used in a shaft excavation the following is required: 1. The height of the slurry shall be as required to provide and maintain a stable hole to prevent bottom heave, caving, or sloughing of all unstable zones. 2. The Contractor shall provide casing. or other means, as necessary to meet these requirements. The slurry level in the shaft while excavating shall be maintained above the groundwater level the greater of the following dimensions: a. Not less than 5 feet for mineral slurries. b. Not less than 10 feet for water slurries. c. Not less than 10 feet for synthetic slurries. 4. The slurry level in the shaft throughout all stops as specified in Section 6- 19.3(3)A and during concrete placement as specified in Section 6- 19.3(7) shall be no lower than the water level elevation outside the shaft. 6- 19.3(4)F Slurry Disposal This section including title is revised to read: 6- 19.3(4)F Disposal of Slurry and Slurry Contacted Spoils The Contractor shall dispose of the slurry and slurry- contacted spoils as specified in the shaft installation narrative in accordance with Section 6- 19.3(2)B. item 8, and in accordance with the following requirements: 1. Water slurry with no additives may be infiltrated to an upland area within the confines of the Contracting Agency Right of Way for the project. Infiltration is allowed provided the ground -line at the disposal site is at least 5 feet above the current water table, and that disposal operations conform to the temporary erosion and sedimentation control (TESC) requirements established for this project. For the purposes of water slurry disposal, upland is defined as an area that has no chance of discharging directly to waters of the State, including wetlands or conveyances that indirectly lead to wetlands or waters of the State. Spoils in contact with this slurry may be disposed of as clean fill. Synthetic slurry and water slurry with polymer -based additives shall be contained and disposed of by the Contractor at an approved facility. The Contractor shall acquire all permits or approvals necessary for disposal of the slurry and shall provide copies to Turmvater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -27 the Engineer. Spoils in contact with synthetic slurry or water slurry with polymer - based additives shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 2- 03.3(7)C. With approval of the Engineer, the Contractor may re -use these spoils on -site. 3. Mineral slurry may be infiltrated to a temporary sediment trap located in an upland area within the confines of the Contracting Agency Right of Way for the project. Infiltration is allowed provided the ground -line at the disposal site is at least 5 feet above the current water table, and that disposal operations conform to the temporary erosion and sedimentation control (TESC) requirements established for this project. For the purposes of mineral slurry disposal, upland is defined as an area that has no chance of discharging directly to waters of the State, including wetlands or conveyances that indirectly lead to wetlands or waters of the State. Spoils in contact with mineral slurry shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 2 -03.3(7)C. With approval of the Engineer, the Contractor may re -use these spoils on -site. Section 7 -02, Culverts August 6, 2012 7 -02.2 Materials Note 3 in the table titled, "Culvert Pipe Schedules" is revised to read: 'Polypropylene pipe, 12 inch to 30 inch diameters approved for Schedule A and Schedule B, 36 inch to 60 inch diameters approved for Schedule A only. 7 -02.5 The bid item "Steel Rib Reinforced Polyethylene Culvert Pipe revised to read: In. Diam.", per linear foot is "St. Rib Reinf Polyethylene CuIv. Pipe In. Diam. °, per linear foot Section 7 -03, Structural Plate Pipe, Pipe Arch, Arch, and Underpass August 6, 2012 7- 03.3(1) Foundations, General This section is supplemented with the following: When aluminum pipe or pipe arch is in contact with cement concrete, two coats of paint shall be applied in accordance with Section 7- 08.3(2)D. 7- 03.3(5) Headwalls This section is supplemented with the following: When aluminum pipe or pipe arch is in contact with cement concrete, two coats of paint shall be applied in accordance with Section 7- 08.3(2)D. Section 7 -04, Storm Sewers August 6, 2012 7- 04.3(1)B Exfiltration Test — Storm Sewers The fifth column title "PE4" is revised to read I`PP4" from the table titled, "Storm Sewer Pipe Schedules ". Note 4 in the table titled, "Storm Sewer Pipe Schedules" is revised to read: Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 0-28 4PP = Polypropylene Pipe, 12 inch to 30 inch approved for Schedule A and Schedule B, 36 inch to 60 inch diameters approved for Schedule A only. 7 -04.5 The bid item "Steel Rib Reinforced Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe is revised to read: In Diam", per linear foot "St. Rib Reinf Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe In. Diam ", per linear foot Section 7 -05, Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins, and Drywelis April 2, 2012 7 -05.3 Construction Requirements The third paragraph is supplemented with the following: Leveling and adjustment devices that do not modify the structural integrity of the metal frame, grate or cover, and do not void the originating foundry's compliance to these specifications and warranty is allowed. Approved leveling devices are listed in the Qualified Products List. Leveling and adjusting devices that interfere with the backfilling, backfill density, grouting and asphalt density will not be allowed. The hardware for leveling and adjusting devices shall be completely removed when specified by the Project Engineer. Section 7 -08, General Pipe Installation Requirements August 6, 2012 7- 08.3(2)D Pipe Laying — Steel or Aluminum The following new sentence is inserted after the first sentence in the second paragraph: The paint shall cover all the surface in contact with the concrete and extend one inch beyond the point of contact. Section 7 -09, Water Mains August 6, 2012 7- 09.3(19)A Connections to Existing Mains In the second paragraph, "Special Conditions" is revised to read "Special Provisions Section 8 -01, Erosion Control and Water Pollution Control August 5, 2013 8 -01.2 Materials The first paragraph is revised to read: Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections: Corrugated Polyethylene Drain Pipe 9- 05.1(6) Quarry Spalls 9 -13 Seed 9 -14.2 Fertilizer 9 -14.3 Mulch and Amendments 9 -14.4 Tackifiers 9- 14.4(7) Erosion Control Devices 9 -14.5 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -29 8- 01.3(3) Placing Biodegradable Erosion Control Blanket Biodegradable Erosion Control Blankets are used as an erosion prevention device and to enhance the establishment of vegetation. Erosion control blankets shall be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Seeding and fertilizing shall be done prior to blanket installation. Select erosion control blanket material for an area based on the intended function: slope or ditch stabilization, and site specific factors including soil, slope gradient, rainfall, and flow exposure. Erosion Control Blankets shall not be used on slopes or in ditches that exceed the manufacturer's recommendations. 8- 01.3(4) Placing Compost Blanket This section is revised to read: Compost blanket shall be placed to a depth of 3 inches over bare soil. Compost blanket shall be placed prior to seeding or other planting. An organic tackifier shall be placed over the entire composted area when dry or windy conditions are present or expected before the final application of mulch or erosion control blanket. The tackifier shall be applied immediately after the application of compost to prevent compost from leaving the composted area. Compost shall be Medium Compost. 8-0t3(5) Placing Plastic Covering This section including title is revised to read: Plastic Covering Erosion Control - Plastic coverings used to temporarily cover stock piled materials, slopes or bare soils shall be installed and maintained in a way that prevents water from intruding under the plastic and prevents the plastic cover from blowing open in the wind. Plastic coverings shall be placed with at least a 12 -inch overlap of all seams and be a minimum of 6 mils thick. Containment - Plastic coverings used to line concrete washout areas, contain wastewaters, or used in secondary containment to prevent spills, shall be seamless to prevent infiltration and be a minimum of 10 mils thick. Vegetation Management - Plastic covering placed over areas that have been seeded shall be clear and where vegetative growth is to inhibited it shall be black and be a minimum of 4 mils thick. 8-0t3(6) Check Dams This section is revised to read: Check dams are used as an erosion and sediment control device in channels or conveyance areas. Check dams shall be installed as soon as construction will allow, or when designated by the Project Engineer. The Contractor may substitute a different check dam material, in lieu of what is specified in the contract, with approval of the Project Engineer. Check dam materials shall meet the requirements in Section 9- 14.5(4). Straw bales shall not be used as check dams. The check dam is a temporary or permanent structure, built across a minor channel placed perpendicular to the flow of water. Water shall not flow freely through the check dam structure. Check dams shall be constructed in a manner that creates a ponding area upstream of the dam to allow pollutants to settle, with water from increased flows channeled over a spillway in the check dam. The check dam shall be constructed to prevent erosion in the area Turnwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -31 site, or to create small detention areas. Silt fence shall be installed at locations shown in the Plans. The geotextile shall be securely attached to the posts and support system. Post spacing and attachments shall be as shown in Standard Plans. Geotextile material shall meet the requirements of Section 9- 33.2(1), Table 6 and be sewn together at the point of manufacture, or at a location approved by the Engineer, to form geotextile lengths as required. All sewn seams and overlaps shall be located at a support post Posts shall be either wood or steel. Wood posts shall have minimum dimensions of 11/4 by 1'/4 inches by the minimum length shown in the Plans. When sediment deposits reach approximately 1/3 the height of the silt fence, the deposits shall be removed and stabilized in accordance with Section 8- 01.3(15). If trenching is not feasible due to rocky soils or not advisable due to proximity to a downslope sensitive area, a different sediment control device that does not require trenching shall be used in place of silt fence. Silt Fence with Backup Support Where backup support is needed for sift fence in areas where extra strength may be required, such as the toe of steep cut or fill slopes or areas where equipment may push excessive soils toward the fence When backup support is used, wire shall have a maximum mesh spacing of 2 inches, and the plastic mesh shall be as resistant to ultraviolet radiation as the geotextile it supports. The strength of the wire or plastic mesh shall be equivalent to or greater than as required in Section 9- 33.2(1), Table 6, for unsupported geotextile (i.e., 180 lbs. grab tensile strength in the machine direction). Post spacing and attachments shall be as shown in Standard Plans. 8- 01.3(9)A3 High Visibility Silt Fence High visibility silt fence (HVSF) shall be orange in color and only be used for the dual purpose of demarcating site preservation lines and a sediment control device in a location where high visibility mesh fence and black silt fence would otherwise be used together at same location. If use of HVSF is allowed the geotextile material shall meet the material requirements of Section 9- 33.2(1), Table 6. Post spacing and attachments shall be as shown in Standard Plans. High Visibility Silt Fence with Backup Support Where backup support is needed for high visibility silt fence (HVSF) in areas where extra strength may be required, such as the toe of steep cut or fill slopes or areas where equipment may push excessive soils toward the sensitive or protected areas. When backup support is used, wire shall have a maximum mesh spacing of 2 inches, and the plastic mesh shall be as resistant to ultraviolet radiation as the geotextile it supports. The strength of the wire or plastic mesh shall be equivalent to or greater than as required in Section 9- 33.2(1), Table 6, for unsupported geotextile (i.e., 180 lbs. grab tensile strength in the machine direction). Post spacing shall be as shown in Standard Plans. When sediment deposits reach approximately 1/3 the height of the silt fence, or 8 inches whichever is lower, the deposits shall be removed and stabilized in accordance with Section 8- 01.3(15). 8- 01.3(9)B Gravel Filter, Wood Chip, or Compost Berm The first paragraph is revised to read: Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining wall Project III -33 Compost sock shall be laid out, spaced and staked in accordance with the Standard Plans. Live stakes in accordance with Section 9- 14.6(1) can be used in addition to, but not as a replacement for, wooden stakes. If staking is not possible or if the compost sock is being used on concrete, heavy blocks or an equivalent item shall be used to weigh down and secure the sock. Compost socks shall be laid out, spaced and staked in accordance with the Standard Plans. The Contractor shall exercise care when installing compost socks to ensure that the method of installation minimizes disturbance of waterways and prevents sediment or pollutant discharge into water bodies. Stakes shall be removed to minimize soil disturbance. 8- 01.3(13) Temporary Curb This section is revised to read: Temporary curbs shall divert or redirect water around erodible soils. Temporary curbs shall be installed along pavement edges to prevent runoff from flowing onto erodible slopes. Water shall be directed to areas where erosion can be controlled. The temporary curbs shall be a minimum of 4 inches in height. Ponding shall not be in roadways. 8- 01.3(16) Removal The first sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: When the Project Engineer determines that an erosion control BMP is no longer required, the Contractor shall remove the BMP and all associated hardware from the project limits. The first and second sentences in the second paragraph are revised to read: The Contractor shall remove BMPs and associated hardware in a way that minimizes soil disturbance. The Contractor shall permanently stabilize all bare and disturbed soil after removal of BMPs. 8 -01.4 Measurement The third paragraph is revised to read: Check dams will be measured per linear foot one time only along the completed check dam. No additional measurement will be made for check dams that are required to be rehabilitated or replaced due to wear. The ninth paragraph is deleted. The twelfth paragraph (after the preceding amendment is applied) is revised to read: Seeding, fertilizing, liming, mulching, mowing, and tackifier will be measured by the acre by ground slope measurement or through the use of design data The fifteenth paragraph (after the preceding amendment is applied) is revised to read: Fencing will be measured by the linear foot along the ground line of the completed fence. This section is supplemented with the following: Outlet Protection will be measured per each initial installation at an outlet location. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -35 8 -01.5 Payment The paragraph following the bid item, "Plastic Covering", per square yard is revised to read: The unit Contract price per square yard for "Plastic Covering" shall be full payment to perform the Work as specified in Section 8- 01.3(5) and as shown in the Plans, including removal and disposal at an approved disposal site. The bid item "Straw Bale ", per each is deleted. The bid item " Erosion Control Blanket ", per square yard is deleted. The bid item "Soil Binder or Tacking Agent ", per acre is deleted. This section is supplemented with the following: "Outlet Protection ", per each. The unit Contract price per each for "Outlet Protection" shall be full payment for all costs incurred to complete the Work. Tackifier ", per acre. The unit Contract price per acre for `Tackifier" shall be full payment for all costs incurred to complete the Work. "Biodegradable Erosion Control Blanket ", per square yard. The unit Contract price per square yard for "Biodegradable Erosion Control Blanket" shall be full pay for all costs to complete the specified Work. "High Visibility Silt Fence ", per linear foot. Section 8 -02, Roadside Restoration August 5, 2013 In this section, °psiPE" is revised to read "PSIPE" 8- 02.3(2) Roadside Work Plan The first sentence in the second paragraph is revised to read: The Roadside Work Plan shall also include a copy of the approved progress schedule. The sub paragraph titled "Progress Schedule" is deleted. 8- 02.3(4)C Topsoil Type C In this section, "9- 14.1(2)" is revised to read ` 9- 14.1(3) ". 8- 02.3(8) Planting Item number 1 in the second paragraph is revised to read: 1. Non - Irrigated Plant Material West of the summit of the Cascade Range - October 1 to March 1. East of the summit of the Cascade Range - October 1 to November 15. 8 -02.4 Measurement The first sentence is revised to read: Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project n -36 Topsoil, mulch and soil amendments will be measured by the acre along the grade and slope of the area covered immediately after application. The seventh sentence is revised to read: Compost will be measured by the acre along the grade and slope of the area covered immediately after application. 8 -02.5 Payment The bid item "Topsoil Type ', per cubic yard and following paragraph are revised to read: "Topsoil Type , per acre. The unit contract price per acre for `Topsoil Type " shall be full pay for providing the source of material for topsoil Type A and C, for pre - excavation weed control, excavating, loading, hauling, intermediate windrowing, stockpiling, weed control on stockpiles or windrows, and removal, placing, spreading, processing, cultivating, and compacting topsoil Type A, Type B, and Type C. The bid item "Fine Compost ", per cubic yard is revised to read: "Fine Compost ", per acre. The bid item "Medium Compost ", per cubic yard is revised to read: "Medium Compost ", per acre. The bid item 'Coarse Compost ", per cubic yard and following paragraph are revised to read: "Coarse Compost ", per acre. The unit Contract price per cubic yard for "Fine Compost ", Medium Compost' or "Coarse Compost" shall be full pay for furnishing and spreading the compost onto the existing soil. The bid item 'Soil Amendment', per cubic yard and following paragraph are revised to read: "Soil Amendment ", per acre. The unit Contract price per acre for "Soil Amendment" shall be full pay for furnishing and incorporating the soil amendment into the existing soil. The bid item Bark or Wood Chip Mulch ", per cubic yard and following paragraph are revised to read: "Bark or Wood Chip Mulch ", per acre. The unit Contract price per acre for "Bark or Wood Chip Mulch" shall be full pay for furnishing and spreading the mulch onto the existing soil. Section 8 -03, Irrigation Systems April 2, 2012 8- 03.3(7) Flushing and Testing The fifth paragraph is deleted. Tun-mvater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 0-37 Section 8 -04, Curbs, Gutters, and Spillways April 2, 2012 8- 04.3(1) Cement Concrete Curbs, Gutters, and Spillways This section is supplemented with the following new sub - section: 8- 04.3(1)B Roundabout Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter Roundabout cement concrete curb and gutter and roundabout splitter island nosing curb shall be shaped and finished to match the shape of the adjoining curb as shown in the Plans. All other requirements for cement concrete curb and cement concrete curb and gutter shall apply to roundabout cement concrete curb and gutter. 8 -04.4 Measurement This section is supplemented with the following: Roundabout splitter island nosing curb will be measured per each. 8 -04.5 Payment The bid item, "Roundabout Truck Apron Cement Concrete Curb ", per linear foot is deleted. This section is supplemented with the following: "Roundabout Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter ", per linear foot The unit Contract price per linear foot for "Roundabout Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter" shall be full payment for all costs for the Work including transitioning the roundabout cement concrete curb and gutter to the adjoining curb shape. "Roundabout Splitter Island Nosing Curb ", per each. The unit Contract price per each for "Roundabout Splitter Island Nosing Curb" shall be full payment for all costs for the Work including transitioning the roundabout splitter island nosing curb to the adjoining curb shape Section 8 -07, Precast Traffic Curb and Block Traffic Curb January 7, 2013 This section's title is revised to read: 8 -07 Precast Traffic Curb 8 -07.1 Description This section is revised to read: This Work consists of furnishing and installing precast traffic sloped mountable curb or dual faced sloped mountable curb of the design and type specified in the Plans in accordance with these Specifications and the Standard Plans in the locations indicated in the Plans or as staked by the Engineer. 8 -07.2 Materials The material reference "Block Traffic Curb 9- 18.3" is deleted from this section. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -38 The referenced section for the following item is revised to read: Paint 9 -34.2 8- 07.3(1) Installing Curbs The fifth and seventh paragraphs are deleted from this section. 8 -07.4 Measurement The first paragraph is deleted from this section. 8 -07.5 Payment The following bid items are deleted from this section: "Type A Precast Traffic Curb ", per linear foot. "Type C Precast Traffic Curb ", per linear foot. "Type A Block Traffic Curb ", per linear foot. "Type C Block Traffic Curb ", per linear foot. Section 8 -11, Guardrail August 5, 2013 8 -11.2 Materials The following material reference is deleted from this section: Weathering Steel Beam Guardrail 9 -16.8 8- 11.3(1)B Erection of Rail The last sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: All holes shall he painted with two coats of paint conforming to Section 9- 08.1(2)B. The fourth paragraph is revised to read: Galvanized steel rail plates shall be fastened to the posts with galvanized bolts, washers. and nuts of the size and kind shown in the Plans. The last paragraph is deleted. 8- 11.3(1)D Removing Guardrail and Guardrail Anchor The first two sentences in the first paragraph are revised to read: Removal of the various types of guardrail shall include removal of the rail, cable elements, hardware, and posts, including transition sections, expansion sections, terminal sections and the rail element of anchor assemblies. Removal of the various types of guardrail anchors shall include removal of the anchor assembly, including concrete bases, rebar, steel tubes, and any other appurtenances in the anchor assembly. 8 -11.4 Measurement The seventh paragraph is revised to read: Measurement of removal of guardrail will be by the linear foot measured along the line of guardrail removed including transition sections, expansion sections, guardrail anchor rail elements and terminal sections. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -39 8- 12.3(1)B Top Rail This section's content including title is deleted and replaced with: 8- 12.3(1)B Vacant 8- 12.3(1)C Tension Wire and Tension Cable This section's content including title is revised to read: 8- 12.3(1)C Tension Wire Tension Wires shall be attached to the posts as detailed in the Plans or as approved by the Engineer. 8- 12.3(1)D Chain Link Fabric The first three paragraphs are revised to read: Chain link fabric shall be attached after the cables and wires have been properly tensioned. Chain link fabric shall be placed on the face of the post away from the Highway, except on horizontal curves where it shall be placed on the face on the outside of the curve unless otherwise directed by the Project Engineer. Chain link fabric shall be placed approximately 1 -inch above the ground and on a straight grade between posts by excavating high points of ground. Filling of depressions will he permitted only upon approval of the Project Engineer. The fourth sentence in the fourth paragraph is revised to read: The top and bottom edge of the fabric shall be fastened with hog rings to the top and bottom tension wires as may be applicable, spaced at 24 -inch intervals. 8- 12.3(1)E Chain Link Gates The third paragraph is deleted. 8- 12.3(2)A Posts In the second paragraph, "commercial is deleted. The first sentence of the fifth paragraph is revised to read: After the post is set and plumbed, the hole shall be filled with Grout Type 4. The fourth sentence in the sixth paragraph is replaced with the following two sentences: After the post is set and plumbed, the hole in the portion of the post in solid rock shall be filled with Grout Type 4. The grout shall be thoroughly worked into the hole so as to leave no voids The tenth paragraph is revised to read: Where the new fence joins an existing fence, the 2 shall be attached in a manner satisfactory to the Project Engineer, and end or corner posts shall be set as necessary. The eleventh paragraph is deleted. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project II -41 be placed such that the free -fall is vertical down the center of the shaft without hitting the sides, the steel reinforcing bars, or the steel reinforcing bar cage bracing. The Section 6- 02.3(6) restriction for 5 -feet maximum free -fall shall not apply to placement of Class 4000P concrete into a shaft. Steel reinforcing bars for foundations shall conform to Section 9 -07. 8- 20.3(5) Conduit This sections content is deleted and replaced with the following new sub - sections: 8- 20.3(5)A General The ends of all conduit, metallic and nonmetallic, shall be reamed to remove burrs and rough edges. Field cuts shall be made square and true. The ends of unused conduits shall be capped. When conduit caps are removed, the threaded ends of metal conduit shall be provided with approved conduit bushings and non -metal conduit shall be provided with end bells. Reducing couplings will not be permitted. Existing conduit in place scheduled for installation of new conductor(s) shall first have any existing conductor(s) removed and a cleaning mandrel shall be pulled through. The existing conduit shall then be prepared subject to the same requirements outlined in this paragraph, for new conduit and innerduct, unless otherwise indicated in the plans. All new conduit and all innerduct shall be blown clean with compressed air. Then in the presence of the Engineer, an 80 percent sizing mandrel, correctly sized for the raceway. shall be pulled through to ensure that the raceway has not been deformed. This shall be done prior to pulling wire or fiber optic cable and after final assembly is in place. Existing conductor(s) shall be reinstalled unless otherwise indicated in the Plans. As soon as the sizing mandrel has been pulled through innerduct, a 200-lb minimum tensile strength pull string shall be installed and attached to duct plugs at both ends. When conduit is installed for future use, as soon as the bushing or end bell has been installed and the sizing mandrel has been pulled through, the ground wire shall be installed and both ends shall be capped. 8- 20.3(5)A1 Fiber Optic Conduit Where conduit to contain fiber optic cable or conduit identified to contain future fiber optic cable is installed by open trenching, Detectable Underground Warning Tape shall be placed 12- inches above the conduit unless otherwise detailed in the Plans. Detectable Underground Warning Tape shall extend 2 -feet into boxes or vaults. Splicing of the tape shall be in accordance with tape manufacturer's recommended materials and procedures. Location Wire shall be installed with all nonmetallic conduit that contains fiber optic cable and all conduits identified to contain future fiber optic cable. When open trenching is used, the location wire shall be placed in continuous lengths directly above the conduit. Where conduit is installed by other methods, the Location Wire shall be attached to the outside of the conduit with electrical tape placed at minimum 18 -inch intervals. Location Wire shall extend 12 -feet into boxes or vaults. Splices shall be crimped using a non - insulated butt splice, soldered and covered with moisture - blocking heat shrink. 8- 20.3(5)A2 ITS and Cabinet Outer and Inner Duct Conduit ITS conduit and both ends of conduit runs entering cabinets, with the exception of the 1/2 inch grounding conduit, shall be sealed with self expanding water proof foam or mechanical plugs; unless otherwise required. At other locations conduit shall be sealed with Duct Seal. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -43 k Innerduct shall have a smooth wall non ribbed interior surface, with factory pre - lubricated coating. Innerduct within the Traveled Way or Shoulders and innerduct which is not factory installed shall be schedule 40 high- density polyethylene (HDPE). The innerduct shall be continuous with no splices. lnnerduct which is pulled into the outer duct in the field shall be installed with an extra 2 feet of conduit beyond each end of the outer -duct and shall be allowed to finish contracting for 21 calendar days before it is terminated. lnnerduct shall be terminated with end bells flush to 'i4 inch out of the outer -duct and the space between the outer -duct and innerduct shall be sealed with rodent and moisture resistant foam designed for this application and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 8- 20.3(5)B1 Rigid Metal Conduit Slip joints or running threads will not be permitted for coupling metallic conduit; however, running threads will be permitted in traffic signal head spiders and rigid metal conduit (RMC) outer -duct. When installing rigid metal conduit (RMC), if a standard coupling cannot be used, an approved three -piece coupling shall be used. Conduit bodies, fittings and couplings for rigid metal conduit (RMC) shall be cleaned first and then painted with one coat of paint conforming to Section 9- 08.1(2)B. The paint shall have a minimum wet film thickness of 3 -mils. The painted coating shall cover the entire coupling or fitting. The threads on all metal conduit shall be rust -free, clean, and painted with colloidal copper suspended in a petroleum vehicle before couplings are made. All metallic couplings shall be tightened so that a good electrical connection will be made throughout the entire length of the conduit run. If the conduit has been moved after assembly, it shall be given a final tightening from the ends prior to backfilling. Rigid metal conduit (RMC) ends shall be terminated with grounded end bushings. Rigid metal conduit (RMC) entering cable vaults or pull boxes shall extend 2- inches beyond the inside wall face. (for the installation of grounded end bushing and bonding.) Rigid metal conduit (RMC) entering concrete shall be wrapped in 2- inch -wide pipe wrap tape with a minimum 1 -inch overlap for 12- inches on each side of the concrete face. Pipe wrap tape shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Rigid metal conduit (RMC) bends shall have a radius consistent with the requirements of Code Article 344.24 and other articles of the Code. Where factory bends are not used, conduit shall be bent, using an approved conduit bending tool employing correctly sized dies. without crimping or flattening, using the longest radius practicable. Where the coating on galvanized conduit has been damaged in handling or installing, such damaged areas shall be thoroughly painted with paint conforming to Section 9- 08.1(2)B. Metal conduit ends shall be threaded and protected with a snug fitting plastic cap that covers the threads until wiring is started. 8- 20.3(5)B2 Non - Metallic Conduit Where non - metallic conduit is installed, care shall be used in excavating. installing, and backfilling, so that no rocks, wood, or other foreign material will be left in a position to cause possible damage. PVC conduit ends shall be terminated with end bell bushings. PVC or HDPE conduit entering cable vaults and pull boxes shall terminate with the end bell flush with the inside walls of the Structure. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -45 2. 24- inches below the top of the roadway base. 3. 48- inches below the bottom of ties under railroad tracks unless otherwise specified by the railroad company. 4. 36- inches below finish grade when installed using conduit plowing method. 5. 24- inches below the finish grade in all other areas. Conduit entering through the bottom of a junction box shall be located near the end walls to leave the major portion of the box clear. At all outlets, conduit shall enter from the direction of the run, terminating 6 to 8- inches below the junction box lid and within 3- inches of the box wall nearest its entry location. Conduit runs shown in the Plans are for Bidding purposes only and may be relocated with approval of the Engineer, to avoid obstructions. 8- 20.3(5)D1 Surface Mounting Where surface mounting of conduit is required, supports shall consist of channel with clamps sized for the conduit. Support spacing shall comply with the Code, with the exception that spacing of channel supports for conduit shall not exceed 5 -feet. The minimum distance between adjacent clamps and between the clamp and the end of the channel supports shall be 1 -inch. Channel supports shall be installed with stops, to prevent clamps from sliding out of the ends. 8- 20.3(5)D2 Structures All conduits attached to or routed within bridges, retaining walls, and other structures shall be equipped with approved expansion, deflection, and /or combination expansion/deflection fittings at all expansion joints and at all other joints where structure movement is anticipated, including locations where the Contractor, due to construction method, installs expansion and/or construction joints with movement. All conduit fittings shall have movement capacity appropriate for the anticipated movement of the Structure at the joint. Approved deflection fittings shall also be installed at the joint between the bridge end and the retaining wall end, and the transition from bridge, wall, or other structure to the underground section of conduit pipe 8- 20.3(5)E Method of Conduit Installation Conduit shall be placed under existing pavement by approved directional boring, jacking, or drilling methods at locations approved by the Engineer. The pavement shall not be disturbed unless allowed in the Plans or with the approval of the Engineer in the event obstructions or impenetrable soils are encountered. High density polyethylene (HDPE) conduit runs, which enter the traveled way or shoulders, shall be installed using the directional boring method. 8- 20.3(5)E1 Open Trenching When open trenching is allowed, trench construction shall conform to the following: 1. The pavement shall be saw -cut a minimum of 3- inches deep. The cuts shall be parallel to each other and extend 2 -feet beyond the edge of the trench. Pavement shall be removed in an approved manner. 3. Trench depth shall provide a minimum cover for conduit of 24- inches below the top of the roadway base TumNater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -47 The depth of installation shall be continually adjusted as necessary to compensate for changes in terrain. Plowed conduit shall be laid so that the top of the conduit is a minimum depth of 36- inches below the finish grade with the exception that the conduit shall be swept up to enter the knock outs of associated pull boxes or cable vaults. The plow placing the conduit shall be marked at a proper distance above the plow's conduit exit point to indicate when the minimum installation depth is not met. The mark shall be visible from a safe distance from the plowing operation when it is exposed above ground. While plowing this mark must remain below ground level at all times, with the exception of the entry and exit points at the end of the run, in order to ensure that minimum burial depth of the conduit is achieved. If the depth mark on the plow comes above ground, the Contractor shall stop the plowing operation and attempt to correct the placement depth. If the conduit depth can be verified to meet the minimum burial requirements at the location where the depth mark came above ground, the plowing operation shall resume subject to the Engineers approval. The compacted surface shall be firm, non - yielding, and result in a finished surface that matches the lines and grades of the terrain prior to plowing. 8- 20.3(5)E3 Boring Bore pits shall be backfilled and compacted in accordance with Section 2- 09.3(1)E. Directional boring, jacking or drilling pits shall be a minimum of 2 -feet from the edge of any type of pavement, unless otherwise approved by the engineer. Excessive use of water that might undermine the pavement or soften the Subgrade will not be permitted. When approved by the Engineer, small test holes may be cut in the pavement to locate obstructions. When the Contractor encounters obstructions or is unable to install conduit because of soil conditions, as determined by the Engineer, additional Work to place the conduit will be paid in accordance with Section 1 -04.4. 8- 20.3(5)E4 Directional Boring Directional boring for electrical installations shall be supervised by a licensed electrical contractor in accordance with Section 8- 20.1(1). Where directional boring is called for, conduit shall be installed using a surface - launched, steerable drilling tool. Drilling shall be accomplished using a high- pressure fluid jet tool -head. The drilling fluid shall be used to maintain the stability of the tunnel, reduce drag on the conduit, and provide backfill between the conduit and tunnel. A guidance system that measures the depth, lateral position, and roll shall be used to guide the tool -head when creating the pilot hole. Once the pilot hole is established, a reamer and swivel shall be used to install the conduit. Reaming diameter shall not exceed 1.5 times the diameter of the conduits being installed. Conduit that is being pulled into the boring shall be installed in such a manner that the conduit is not damaged during installation. The pullback force on the conduit shall be controlled to prevent damage to the conduit. A vacuum spoils extraction system shall be used to remove any excess spoils generated during the installation. Excess drilling fluid and spoils shall be disposed of. The method and location used for disposal of excess drilling fluid and spoils shall be subject to the Engineer's approval. Drilling fluid returns (caused by fracturing of formations) at locations other than the entry and exit points shall be minimized. Any drilling fluid that surfaces through fracturing shall be cleaned up immediately. Mobile spoils- removal equipment capable of quickly removing spoils from entry or exit pits and areas with returns caused by fracturing shall be used as necessary during drilling operations. Turnwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III-49 8- 20.3(5)E5 Boring with Casing Where boring with casing is called for, the casing shall be placed using an auger inside the casing to remove the soil as the casing is jacked forward. The auger head shall proceed no more than 4- inches ahead of the pipe being jacked. Boring operations shall be conducted to prevent caving ahead of the pipe. Installed casing pipe shall be free from grease, dirt, rust, moisture, and any other deleterious contaminants. The space between the conduit and casing shall be plugged with sandbags and a grout seal 12- inches thick at each end of the casing. Casing abandoned due to an encountered obstruction shall be grout sealed in the same manner. Grout shall conform to Section 9- 20.3(4). In lieu of sandbags and grout, unopened prepackaged concrete and grout may be used to seal the casing. Material shall not be removed from the boring pit by washing or sluicing. All joints shall be welded by a Washington State certified welder. Welding shall conform to AWS D 1.1 -80 Structural Welding Code, Section 3, Workmanship. 8- 20.3(8) Wiring The fifteenth through seventeenth paragraphs are revised to read: When conductors, either cable or single, are being installed, the Contractor shall not exceed the tension limitations recommended by the manufacturer. Conductors may be pulled directly by hand, or with mechanical assistance. If conductors are pulled by any mechanical means. a dynamometer with drop- needle hand shall be used on every mechanically assisted pull. On mechanically assisted pulls, insulation shall be stripped off the individual conductor and the conductor formed into a pulling eye and firmly attached to the pulling rope /tape, or a cable grip shall be used. The Contractor shall determine the maximum allowable pulling tension, taking into account the direction of the pull, type of raceway, cable geometry, weight of the cable, the coefficient of friction, and side wall pressure, using the information from the cable manufacturer. If there are bends in the raceway or sheaves are used for the cable pull, the Contractor shall use the cable manufacture's side wall pressure limits to determine the maximum pulling tension. The maximum pulling force applied directly to the conductor when pulling eyes are used or when the conductor is formed into a loop, shall be limited to that shown in the following table for copper conductor. When a cable grip is applied over nonmetallic sheathed cables, the maximum pulling force shall be limited to 1,000- pounds provided this is not in excess of the force as determined above. Conductor 8 6 4 3 Pounds 132 210 334 421 Turmhvater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 0-50 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 531 669 845 1,065 1,342 1,693 250Kcmil 500Kcmil 2,000 4,000 Adequate lubrication of the proper type to reduce friction in conduit and duct pulls shall be utilized. The grease and oil -type lubricants used on lead sheathed cables shall not be used on nonmetallic sheathed cables. 8- 20.3(9) Bonding, Grounding The first sentence in the second paragraph is replaced with the following two sentences: All conduit installed shall have an equipment ground conductor installed in addition to the conductors noted in the Contract. Conduit with innerducts shall have an equipment ground conductor installed in each innerduct that has an electrical conductor. Section 8 -21, Permanent Signing January 7, 2013 8 -21.2 Materials The third sentence is revised to read: Materials for sign mounting shall conform to Section 9- 28.11. 8- 21.3(9)4 Fabrication of Steel Structures The first sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: Fabrication shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section 6 -03 and 9 -06. This section is supplemented with the following: All fabrication, including repairs, adjustments or modifications of previously fabricated sign structure members and connection elements, shall be performed in the shop, under an Engineer approved shop drawing prepared and submitted by the Contractor for the original fabrication or the specific repair, adjustment or modification. Sign structure fabrication repair, adjustment or modification of any kind in the field is not permitted. If fabrication repair, adjustment or modification occurs after a sign structure member or connection element has been galvanized, the entire member or element shall be re- galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 111. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 5'1 S u�_ 1. The Contractor shall submit the method and equipment to be used to remove the portion of the concrete foundation to be removed and reconstructed to the Engineer for approval in accordance with Section 1 -05.3. The submittal shall include confirmation that the equipment and the method of operation is appropriate to ensure that the existing anchor bolt array and primary shaft vertical steel reinforcing bars will not be damaged. 2. All steel reinforcing bars, except for steel reinforcing bars extending from the bottom portion of the foundation to remain, shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with Sections 2 -02.3 and 2- 03.3(7)C, and shall be replaced with new steel reinforcing bars conforming to the size, dimensions and geometry shown in the Plans. All concrete of the removed portion of the foundation shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with Sections 2 -02.3 and 2- 03.3(7)C. 3. The Contractor shall adjust the primary shaft vertical steel reinforcing bars as necessary in accordance with Section G- 02.3(24)C to provide clearance for the anchor bolt array. Sign structures shall not be erected on concrete foundations until the Contractor confirms that the foundations and the fabricated sign structures are either compatible with each other and the design geometry shown in the Plans, or have been modified in accordance with this Section and as approved by the Engineer to be compatible with each other, and the foundations have attained a compressive strength of 2,400 -psi. Item number 4 in the twelfth paragraph (after implemented the preceding Amendments) is revised to read: 4. Concrete shall be Class 4000P, except as otherwise specified. The concrete for the shaft cap (the portion containing the anchor bolt array assemblies above the construction joint at the top of the shaft) shall be Class 4000. Item number 3 in the thirteenth paragraph (after implemented the preceding Amendments) is revised to read: 3. Unless otherwise shown in the Plans, concrete shall be Class 4000P. 8 -21.5 Payment This section is supplemented with the following: All costs in connection with surveying completed concrete foundations for sign bridges and cantilever sign structures shall be included in the lump sum contract price for "Structure Surveying ", except that when no Bid item is included in the Proposal for "Structure Surveying" then such costs shall be included in the lump sum contract price(s) for "Sign Bridge No. and "Cantilever Sign Structure No. Section 8 -22, Pavement Marking January 7, 2013 8- 22.3(3)D Line Applications The last paragraph is supplemented with the following: Grooved line pavement marking shall not be constructed on bridge decks or on bridge approach slabs. Turnwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 0-53 All round posts for Type 1 Design B and Type 2 glare screen shall be fitted with a watertight top securely fastened to the post. Line posts shall have tops designed to carry the top tension wire. 8- 25.3(5) Tension Cables This sections content including title is deleted: 8- 25.3(6) Fittings, Attachments, and Hardware This sections content including title is deleted. Section 8 -29, Wire Mesh Slope Protection January 7, 2013 This section is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 8 -29 Wire Mesh Slope Protection 8 -29.1 Description This Work consists of furnishing and installing the anchors and the wire mesh slope protection in accordance with these Specifications and the details shown in the Plans and in conformity with the lines and dimensions shown in the Plans or established by the Engineer. 8 -29.2 Materials Materials shall meet the requirements of Section 9 -16.4. 8 -29.3 Construction Requirements 8- 29.3(1) Submittals The Contractor shall submit a wire mesh slope protection plan to the Project Engineer a minimum of seven calendar days prior to beginning the work. The wire mesh slope protection plan shall include the following: 1. Plan sheets for anchor layout and installation, and the equipment and process used to confirm the capacity of the constructed anchors including the calibration data for the stressing devices used to proof test the anchors, as completed by an independent testing laboratory within 60 calendar days of the wire mesh slope work. Working drawings for the temporary yoke or load frame to be used for anchor proof testing in accordance with Section 6 -01.9. 3. Plans and details for assembling wire mesh and erecting the assembled mesh on the slope. AM costs for the Work required for Submittals shall be included in the unit Bid price detailed in Section 8 -29.5. 8- 29.3(2) Anchors The Contractor shall install anchors of the type shown in the Plans and in conformance with the layout shown in the Wire Mesh Protection Plan as described in Section 8- 29.3(1). The spacing and number of the anchors and wire ropes as shown in the Plans are approximate only, and upon review of the wire mesh slope protection plan, the Engineer may arrange the spacing to better hold the wire mesh against the slope. Backfill material shall be thoroughly compacted with a mechanical compactor. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -55 K 9 -02.1 Asphalt Material, General In this section, "Cationic Emulsified Asphalt" is revised to read "Emulsified Asphalt ". The first paragraph is revised to read: Asphalt furnished under these Specifications shall not have been distilled at a temperature high enough to produce flecks of carbonaceous matter, and upon arrival at the Work, shall show no signs of separation into lighter and heavier components. 9- 02.1(6) Cationic Emulsified Asphalt The `Cationic Emulsified Asphalt Table" is revised to read: Grade Type AASHTO Test Method Cationic Emulsified Asphalt Table Rapid Setting Medium Sefting Slow Setting CRS -1 CRS -2 CMS -2S CMS -2 CMS -2h CSS -1 CSS -1h Min. Max Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Tests on Emulsified Asphalts: Viscosity SFS @ 77 °F (25`C) Viscosity SFS 122T (50 °C) T 59 T 59 20 100 150 400 ® 450 50 450 50 Storage stability test 1 day Demulsibili ty 35 ml 0.8% sodium dioctyl sulfosucci nate, %" T 59 Particle charge test T 59 T 59 Pos 40 450 20 100 Max. 20 100 40 Pos Pos Sieve T 59 Test, 55 Cement mixing test, % Distillation: Oil distillate T 59 T 59 0.10 0.10 k).10 Pos Pos 0.10 0.10 Posb Pos' .10 0.10 2.0 2.0 3 1.5 3 Turnwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project HI -57 20 12 12 Section 9 -03, Aggregates August 5, 2013 9- 03.1(1) General Requirements The eighth paragraph is deleted. 9 -03.6 Aggregate for Asphalt Treated Base (ATB) This section including title is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Vacant 9- 03.8(4) Blending Sand This sections including title is revised to read: Vacant 9 -03.13 Backfill for Sand Drains This section is supplemented with the following: That portion of backfill retained on a No. 4 sieve shall not contain more than 0.05 percent by weight of wood waste. 9- 03.13(1) Sand Drainage Blanket The last paragraph is revised to read: That portion of backfill retained on a No. 4 sieve shall not contain more than 0.05 percent by weight of wood waste. 9- 03.14(1) Gravel Borrow Note ' is deleted, including the reference in the table. 9- 03.14(2) Select Borrow Note ' is deleted. Note ` is re- numbered Note ', including the reference in the table. 9- 03.14(4) Gravel Borrow for Geosynthetic Retaining Wall This section including title is revised to read: Gravel Borrow for Structural Earth Wall All backfill material within the reinforced zone for structural earth walls shall consist of granular material, either naturally occurring or processed, and shall be free draining, free from organic or otherwise deleterious material. The material shall be substantially free of shale or other soft, poor durability particles, and shall not contain recycled materials, such as glass, shredded tires, portland cement concrete rubble, or asphaltic concrete rubble. The backfill material shall meet the following requirements for grading and quality: Sieve Size 4 Geosynthetic Metallic Reinforcement Reinforcement P ercent Passing Percent Passing 99 -100 2 11 /a "d 75 -100 99 -100 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project Ill -59 Section 9 -04, Joint And Crack Sealing Materials January 7, 2013 9 -04.2 Joint Sealants This section is supplemented with the following new sub- sections: 9- 04.2(3) Polyurethane Sealant Polyurethane sealant shall conform to ASTM C 920 Type S Grade NS Class 25 Use M. Polyurethane sealant shall be compatible with the closed cell foam backer rod. When required, compatibility characteristics of sealants in contact with backer rods shall be determined by Test Method ASTM C 1087. 9- 04.2(3)A Closed Cell Foam Backer Rod Closed cell foam backer rod for use with polyurethane sealant shall conform to ASTM C 1330 Type C. 9 -04.10 Crack Sealing — Rubberized Asphalt This section is deleted. 9 -04.11 Butyl Rubber and Nitrile Rubber This sections number is revised to read: 9 -04.10 Section 9 -05, Drainage Structures, Culverts, and Conduits January 7, 2013 9 -05.0 Acceptance by Manufacturer's Certification This section including title is revised to read: 9 -05.0 Acceptance and Approval of Drainage Structures, and Culverts The Drainage Structure or Culvert may be selected from the Qualified Products List, or submitted using a Request for Approval of Materials (RAM) in accordance with Section 1 -06. Certain drainage materials may be accepted by the Engineer based on a modified acceptance criteria when materials are selected from the Qualified Products List (QPL). The modified acceptance criteria are defined in the QPL for each material. 9- 05.1(6) Corrugated Polyethylene Drain Pipe, Couplings, and Fittings (Up to 10 Inch) This section is supplemented with the following: Corrugated polyethylene drain pipe manufacturers shall participate in the National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) work plan for HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) Thermoplastic Pipe and be listed on the NTPEP audit website displaying they are NTPEP compliant. 9- 05.1(7) Corrugated Polyethylene Drain Pipe, Couplings, and Fittings (12 Inch Through 60 Inch) This section is supplemented with the following: Tumwiater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 6't Corrugated polyethylene drain pipe manufacturers shall participate in the National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) work plan for HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) Thermoplastic Pipe and be listed on the NTPEP audit website displaying they are NTPEP compliant. 9- 05.2(7) Perforated Corrugated Polyethylene Underdrain Pipe (Up to 10 Inch) This section is supplemented with the following: Perforated corrugated polyethylene underdrain pipe manufacturers shall participate in the National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) work plan for HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) Thermoplastic Pipe and be listed on the NTPEP audit website displaying they are NTPEP compliant. 9- 05.2(8) Perforated Corrugated Polyethylene Underdrain Pipe (12 -Inch Through 60 Inch Diameter Maximum), Couplings, and Fittings This section is supplemented with the following: Perforated corrugated polyethylene underdrain pipe manufacturers shall participate in the National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) work plan for HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) Thermoplastic Pipe and be listed on the NTPEP audit website displaying they are NTPEP compliant. 9 -05.19 Corrugated Polyethylene Culvert Pipe, Couplings, and Fittings The word "producer.' is revised to read 'manufacturer'. The second paragraph is revised to read: Joints for corrugated polyethylene culvert pipe shall be made with either a bell /bell or bell and spigot coupling and shall incorporate the use of a gasket conforming to the requirements of ASTM D 1056 Type 2 Class B Grade 3 or ASTM F 477. All gaskets shall be factory installed on the coupling or on the pipe by the qualified manufacturer. This section is supplemented with the following: Corrugated polyethylene culvert pipe manufacturers shall participate in the National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) work plan for HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) Thermoplastic Pipe and be listed on the NTPEP audit website displaying they are NTPEP compliant. 9 -05.20 Corrugated Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe, Couplings, and Fittings The word "producer" is revised to read 'manufacturer ". The first paragraph is revised to read: Corrugated polyethylene storm sewer pipe, couplings, and fittings shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 294 Type S or D. The maximum pipe diameter for corrugated polyethylene storm sewer pipe shall be the diameter for which a manufacturer has submitted. Fittings shall be blow molded, rotational molded, or factory welded. This section is supplemented with the following: Corrugated polyethylene culvert pipe manufacturers shall participate in the National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) work plan for HDPE (High Density Turnwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project HI -62 Polyethylene) Thermoplastic Pipe and be listed on the NTPEP audit website displaying they are NTPEP compliant. 9 -05.24 Polypropylene Culvert Pipe, Polypropylene Storm Sewer Pipe, and Polypropylene Sanitary Sewer Pipe This sections content is deleted and replaced with the following: All joints for polypropylene pipe shall be made with a bell /bell or bell and spigot coupling and shall conform to ASTM D 3212 using elastomeric gaskets conforming to ASTM F 477. All gaskets shall be factory installed on the pipe in accordance with the producer's recommendations. Qualification for each producer of polypropylene storm sewer pipe requires joint system conformance to ASTM D 3212 using elastomeric gaskets conforming to ASTM F 477 and a formal quality control plan for each plant proposed for consideration. A Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance shall be required and shall accompany the materials delivered to the project. The certificate shall clearly identify production lots for all materials represented. The Contracting Agency may conduct verification tests of pipe stiffness or other properties it deems appropriate. This section is supplemented with the following new sub - sections: 9- 05.24(1) Polypropylene Culvert Pipe and Storm Sewer Pipe Polypropylene culvert and storm sewer pipe shall conform to the following requirements: 1. For dual wall pipe sizes up to 30 inches: ASTM F2736. . 2. For triple wall pipe sizes from 30 to 60 inches: ASTM F2764. 3. For dual wall profile pipe sizes 36 to 60 inches: AASHTO MP 21, Type S or Type D. 4. Fittings shall be factory welded, injection molded or PVC. 9- 05.24(2) Polypropylene Sanitary Sewer Pipe Polypropylene sanitary sewer pipe shall conform to the following requirements: 1. For pipe sizes up to 30 inches: ASTM F2736. 2. For pipe sizes from 30 to 60 inches: ASTM F2764. 3. Fittings shall be factory welded, injection molded or PVC. Section 9 -06, Structural Steel and Related Materials April 1, 2013 9- 06.5(3) High Strength Bolts In this section, "AASHTO M 291" is revised to read "ASTM A 563 ", " AASHTO M 164" is revised to read "ASTM A 325 ", " AASHTO M 293" is revised to read "ASTM F 436', "AASHTO M 253" is revised to read "ASTM A 490 ", and "AASHTO M 298" is revised to read "ASTM B 695 ". 9- 06.5(4) Anchor Bolts In this section, "AASHTO M 291" is revised to read `ASTM A 563 ". Tur water Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 0-63 a Water Holding Capacity ASTM D 7367 Strontium — < 40 mg /kg Zinc — < 30 mg /kg 800 percent minimum 9- 14.4(2)A Long Term Mulch In the first paragraph, the phrase "within 2 hours of application" is deleted. 9- 14.4(4) Wood Strand Mulch The last sentence in the second paragraph is deleted. This section is supplemented with the following new paragraph: The Contractor shall provide Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that demonstrates that the product is not harmful to plant life and a test report performed in accordance with WSDOT Test Method 125 demonstrating compliance to this specification prior to acceptance. 9- 14.4(8) Compost The second paragraph is revised to read: Compost production and quality shall comply with WAC 173 -350 and for biosolids composts, WAC 173 -308. The third paragraph is to read: Compost products shall meet the following physical criteria: 1. Compost material shall be tested in accordance with U.S. Composting Council Testing Methods for the Examination of Compost and Composting (TMECC) 02.02 -B, "Sample Sieving for Aggregate Size Classification ". Fine compost shall meet the following gradation: Sieve Size 1" Percent Passing Minimum 100 90 75 Note Maximum particle length of 4 inches. Medium compost shall meet the following gradation: Maximum 100 100 Sieve Size 1„ Percent Passin Minimum 100 85 70 Maximum 100 85 Note Maximum particle length of 4 inches. Medium compost shall have a carbon to nitrogen ration (C:N) between 18:1 and 35:1. The carbon to nitrogen ration shall be calculated using dry weight of "Organic Carbon" using TMECC 04.01A divided by the dry weight of "Total N" using TMECC 04.02D. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -65 Item No. 2 in the first paragraph is revised to read: 2. A copy of the Solid Waste Handling Permit issued to the manufacturer by the Jurisdictional Health Department in accordance with WAC 173 -350 (Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling) or for biosolid composts a copy of the Coverage Under the General Permit for Biosolids Management issued to the manufacturer by the Department of Ecology in accordance with WAC 173 -308 (Biosolids Management). 9 -14.5 Erosion Control Devices This section is supplemented with the following new sub- section: 9- 14.5(9) High Visibility Silt Fence High visibility silt fence shall be a minimum of 5 feet in height, high visibility orange, UV stabilized and shall meet the geotextile requirements in Section 9 -33 Table 6. Support posts shall be in accordance with the Standard Plans. The posts shall have sufficient strength and durability to support the fence through the life of the project. 9- 14.5(1) Polyacrylamide (PAM) The fourth sentence is replaced with the following two new sentences: The minimum average molecular weight shall be greater than 5 -mg /mole. The charge density shall be no less than 15 percent and no greater than 30 percent. 9- 14.5(2) Erosion Control Blanket This section including title is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 9- 14.5(2) Biodegradable Erosion Control Blanket Biodegradable erosion control blankets shall be made of natural plant fibers, and all netting material, if present, shall biodegrade within a life span not to exceed 2 years. The Contractor shall provide independent test results from the National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) meeting the requirements of Section 9- 14.5(2)B, 9- 14.5(2)C and 9- 14.5(2)D. 9- 14.5(2)A Approval and Acceptance of Biodegradable Erosion Control Blankets The erosion control blanket may be selected from the Qualified Products List. or submitted using a Request for Approval of Materials (RAM) in accordance with Section 1- 06. Erosion control blankets may be accepted by the Engineer based on the modified acceptance criteria when materials are selected from the QPL. The modified acceptance criteria are defined in the QPL for each material. 9- 14.5(2)B Biodegradable Erosion Control Blanket for Slopes Steeper than 3:1 (H:V) Table 6 Properties ASTM Test Method Tumwater Road soldier Pi■e Retaining Wall Project 0-67 Requirements for Slopes Steeper than 3:1 9- 14.5(2)D Biodegradable Erosion Control Blanket for Ditches Properties Performance in Protecting Earthen Channels from Stormwater- Induced Erosion Table 8 Test Method ASTM D 6460 Soil tested shall be sandy loam as defined by the NRCS *t Soil Texture Triangle Mass per Unit Area Light Penetration ASTM D 6475 ASTM D 6567 Tensile Strength MD x XD* ASTM D 6818 Tensile Elongation MD x XD` Requirements Limiting Shear (TLI„,lt) = 2.0 psf minimum. Limiting Velocity (VLif,:it) = 7.5 ft/sec flow minimum. 7.4 oz./ sq. yd. minimum 65 % maximum ASTM D 6818 9.6 x 3.2 Ibs /inch minimum 38% x 33% maximum *MD is Machine Design and XD is Cross Direction 'Natural Resource Conservation Services 9- 14.5(3) Clear Plastic Covering This section including title is revised to read: Plastic Covering Plastic covering shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 4397 for polyethylene sheeting. 9- 14.5(4) Geotextile Encased Check Dam This section including title is revised to read: 9- 14.5(4) Check Dams All materials used for check dams shall be non -toxic and not pose a threat to wildlife when installed. This section is supplemented with the following new sub - sections: 9- 14.5(4)A Biodegradable Check Dams Biodegradable check dams shall meet the following requirements: Biodegradable Check Dams Wattle Check Dam Compost Sock Check Dam Coir Log Check Dam Materials 9- 14.5(5) 9- 14.5(6) 9- 14.5(7) Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 69 Section 9 -15, Irrigation System April 1, 2013 9- 15.1(2) Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe and Fittings In the first paragraph, `ASTM D 1784" is revised to read "ASTM D 1785'. Section 9 -16, Fence and Guardrail August 5, 2013 9- 16.1(1)A Post Material for Chain Link Fence The first paragraph is revised to read: Except as noted otherwise, post material shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 181, Type 1 (zinc- coated steel), Grade 1 or 2, and shall include all round and roll- formed material (line posts, brace posts, end posts, corner posts, and pull posts). The last sentence in the fourth paragraph is deleted. 9- 16.1(1)C Tension Wire and Tension Cable This section including title is revised to read: 9- 16.1(1)C Tension Wire Tension wire shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 181. Tension wire galvanizing shall be Class 1. 9- 16.1(1)D Fittings and Hardware The second sentence in the first paragraph is deleted. The last paragraph is deleted. 9- 16.1(2) Approval This section is deleted. 9- 16.2(2) Approval This section is deleted. 9- 16.3(2) Posts and Blocks The first sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: Posts and blocks may be of creosote, pentachlorophenol, waterborne chromate copper arsenate (CCA), or ammoniacal copper zinc arsenate (ACZA), treated timber, or galvanized steel (galvanized steel posts only — no blocks). The following reference is deleted from the third paragraph: ACA 0.50 lbs. pcf The sixth paragraph is deleted. 9- 16.4(2) Wire Mesh This section is revised to read: Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining wall Project 0-71 Grade B, hexagonal, or Section 9- 07.11. Nuts shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M 111 for plate washers and AASHTO M 232 for all other hardware. Grout for ground anchors shall be Grout Type 2 for Nonshrink Applications, conforming to Section 9- 20.3(2). Concrete for soil anchor deadmen shall be either commercial concrete conforming to Section 6- 02.3(2)B or Class 3000 conforming to Section 6 -02. Steel reinforcing bars for soil anchor deadmen shall conform to Section 9 -07.2, and shall be epoxy - coated in accordance with Sections 6- 02.3(24)H and 9 -07.3. 9- 16.6(3) Posts This section is revised to read: Line posts for Types 1 and 2 glare screens shall be 2 inch inside diameter galvanized steel pipe with a nominal weight of 3.65 pounds per linear foot. End, corner, brace, and pull posts for Type 1 Design A and B and Type 2 shall be 2 1/2 inch inside diameter galvanized steel pipe with a nominal weight of 5.79 pounds per linear foot. Intermediate pull posts (braced line posts) shall be as specified for line posts. The base material for the manufacture of steel pipes used for posts shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 53, except the weight tolerance on tubular posts shall be applied as provided below. Posts provided for glare screen will have an acceptance tolerance on the weight per linear foot, as specified. equal to plus or minus 5 percent. This tolerance will apply to each individual post. All posts shall be galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 181 Section 32. The minimum average zinc coating is per square foot of surface area. This area is defined as the total area inside and outside. A sample for computing the average of mass of coating is defined as a 12- inch piece cut from each end of the galvanized member. 9- 16.6(5) Cable This section including title is revised to read: 9- 16.6(5) Vacant 9- 16.6(6) Cable and Tension Wire Attachments This section including title is revised to read: 9- 16.6(6) Tension Wire Attachments All tension wire attachments shall be galvanized steel conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M 232 unless otherwise specified. Eye bolts shall have either a shoulder or a back- up nut on the eye end and be provided with an eye nut where needed or standard hex nut and lock washer 3/8 -inch diameter for tension wire and of sufficient length to fasten to the type of posts used. Turnbuckles shall be of the shackle end type, 1/2 inch diameter. with standard take - up of 6 inches and provided with 3/8 inch diameter pins. 9- 16.6(9) Fabric Bands and Stretcher Bars The first paragraph is revised to read: Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 0-73 Fabric bands shall be '/z inch by 1 inch nominal. Stretcher bars shall be %, , inch by 3/4 inch nominal or 5 /16 inch diameter round bar nominal. A 5/15 inch diameter round stretcher bar shall be used with Type 1. Nominal shall be construed to be the area of the cross section of the shape obtained by multiplying the specified width by thickness. A variation of minus 5- percent from this theoretical area shall be construed as "nominal" size. All shall be galvanized to meet the requirements of ASTM F 626. 9 -16.7 Vacant This section including title is deleted in its entirety. 9 -16.8 Weathering Steel Beam Guardrail This section including title is deleted in its entirety. Section 9 -18, Precast Traffic Curb and Block Traffic Curb August 6, 2012 This section's title is revised to read: 9 -18 Precast Traffic Curb 9 -18.3 Block Traffic Curb This section including title is revised to read: 9 -18.3 Vacant Section 9 -20, Concrete Patching Material, Grout, and Mortar January 2, 2012 9- 20.3(3) Grout Type 3 for Unconfined Bearing Pad Applications This section is revised to read: Grout Type 3 shall be a prepackaged material meeting the requirements of ASTM C 928 — Table 1, R2 Concrete or Mortar. 9- 20.3(4) Grout Type 4 for Multipurpose Applications In the third sentence of the first paragraph, the reference "0.40" is revised to read "0.45 ". Section 9 -23, Concrete Curing Materials and Admixtures August 5, 2013 9 -23.2 Liquid Membrane - Forming Concrete Curing Compounds In the first paragraph, "moisture loss" is revised to read "water retention ". 9- 23.6(9) Type S Specific Performance Admixtures The first sentence is revised to read the following two new sentences: Type S Specific Performance admixtures are limited to ASR - mitigating, viscosity modifying, shrinkage reducing, Theology-controlling, and workability - retaining admixtures. They shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 494 Type S. TumiiAiiater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project W-74 Section 9 -26, Epoxy Resins August 5, 2013 9- 26.3(1)A Traffic Bearing Applications The first sentence in the first paragraph is revised to read: Epoxy grout/mortar /concrete for traffic bearing applications shall have a 7 -day compressive strength of not less than 4,000 psi when tested in accordance with ASTM C 579. Section 9 -28, Signing Materials and Fabrication April 1, 2013 9- 28.14(2) Steel Structures and Posts "AASHTO M 291" is revised to read "ASTM A 563" and "AASHTO M 293' is revised to read "ASTM F 436 ". Section 9 -29, Illumination, Signal, Electrical August 5, 2013 9- 29.1(4) Non - Metallic Conduit This section is supplemented with the following new sub - section: 9- 29.1(4)D Deflection Fittings Deflection Fittings for use with rigid PVC conduit shall be as described in 9- 29.1(2)A 9 -29.2 Junction Boxes, Cable Vaults, and Pull Boxes The section is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall perform quality control inspection. The Contracting Agency intends to perform Quality Assurance Inspection. By its inspection, the Contracting Agency intends only to verify the quality of that Work. This inspection shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for identifying and replacing defective material and workmanship. Prior to the start of production of the precast concrete units, the Contractor shall advise the Engineer of the production schedule. The Contractor shall give the Inspector safe and free access to the Work. If the Inspector observes any nonspecification Work or unacceptable quality control practices, the Inspector will advise the plant manager. If the corrective action is not acceptable to the Engineer, the unit(s) will be rejected. 9- 29.2(1) Standard Duty and Heavy -Duty Junction Boxes The third paragraph is deleted and replaced with the following new paragraphs: The Contractor shall provide shop drawings for all components, hardware, lid, frame, reinforcement, and box dimensions. The shop drawings shall be prepared by (or under the supervision of) a Professional Engineer, licensed under Title 18 RCW, State of Washington, in the branch of Civil or Structural, and each sheet shall include the following: 1. Professional Engineer's original signature, date of signature, original seal, registration number, and date of expiration. 2. The initials and dates of all participating design professionals 3. Clear notation of all revisions including identification of who authorized the revision, who made the revision, and the date of the revision. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project HI-75 . y \ Locking and Latching Mechanism Hardware and Bolts In accordance with approved shop drawings 9- 29.2(1)B Heavy Duty Junction Boxes The section is revised to read: Heavy -Duty Junction Boxes shall be concrete and have a minimum vertical load rating of 46,000 pounds without permanent deformation and 60,000 pounds without failure when tested in accordance with Section 9- 29.2(1)C. The Heavy -Duty Junction Box steel frame, lid support and lid shall be painted with a shop applied, inorganic zinc primer in accordance with Section 6 -07.3. Materials for Type 4, 5, and 6 Concrete Junction Boxes shall conform to the following: Materials Concrete Reinforcing Steel Lid Frame and stiffener plates Handle Requirement Section 6 -02 Section 9 -07 Anchors (studs) Bolts, Studs, Nuts, Washers Hinges and Locking and Latching Mechanism Hardware and Bolts ASTM A 786 diamond plate steel, rolled from plate complying with ASTM A 572, grade 50 or ASTM A 588, and having a min. CVN toughness of 20 ft-lb at 40 degrees F. ASTM A 572 grade 50 or ASTM A 588, both with min. CVN toughness of 20 ft-lb at 40 degrees F ASTM A 36 steel or ASTM A 1011 Grade CS or SS Section 9 -06.15 ASTM F 593 or A 193, Type 304 or 316, or Stainless steel grade 302, 304. or 316 in accordance with approved shop drawing In accordance with approved shop drawings The lid stiffener plates shall bear on the frame, and be milled so that there is full even contact, around the perimeter, between the bearing seat and lid stiffener plates, after fabrication of the frame and lid. The bearing seat and lid perimeter bar shall be free from burrs, dirt, and other foreign debris that would prevent solid seating. Bolts and nuts shall be liberally coated with anti -seize compound. Bolts shall be installed snug tight. The bearing seat and lid perimeter bar shall be machined to allow a minimum of 75 percent of the bearing areas to be seated with a tolerance of 0.0 to 0.005 inches measured with a feeler gage. The bearing area percentage will be measured for each side of the lid as it bears on the frame. 9- 29.2(1)C Testing Requirements The first paragraph is revised to read: Tumwaer Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -77 0 9- 29.6(5) Foundation Hardware °AASHTO M 291" is revised to read "ASTM A 563 ". 9 -29.10 Luminaires The third paragraph is revised to read: All luminaires shall be provided with markers for positive identification of light source type and wattage in accordance with ANSI C136.15 -2011. Legends shall be sealed with transparent film resistant to dust, weather, and ultraviolet exposure. 9- 29.10(2) Decorative Luminaries The second sentence in the third paragraph is deleted. 9 -29.13 Traffic Signal Controllers This section and ail sub - sections including title is revised to read: 9 -29.13 Control Cabinet Assemblies Control cabinet assemblies shall include all necessary equipment and auxiliary equipment for controlling the operation of traffic signals, programmable message signs, illumination systems, ramp meters, data stations, CCTV, and similar systems as required for the specific application. Traffic Signal Controller Cabinet Assemblies shall meet the requirements of the NEMA TS1 and TS2 specification or the California Department of Transportation "Transportation Electrical Equipment Specifications" (TEES) dated March 12, 2009 as defined in this specification. 9- 29.13(1) Environmental, Performance, and Test Standards for Solid -State Traffic Controller Assemblies The scope of this Specification includes the controller of solid -state design installed in a weatherproof controller cabinet. The controller assembly includes the cabinet, controller unit, load switches, signal conflict monitoring circuitry, accessory logic circuitry, AC line filters, vehicle detectors, coordination equipment and interface, and preemption equipment. NEMA control assemblies shall meet or exceed current NEMA TS 1 Environmental Standards. Normal operation will be required while the control assembly is subjected to any combination of high and low environmental limits (such as low voltage at high temperature with high repetition noise transients). All other control equipment shall meet the environmental requirements of California Department of Transportation `Transportation Electrical Equipment Specifications" (TEES) dated March 12, 2009. The Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Agency all guarantees and warranties furnished as a normal trade practice for all control equipment provided. 9- 29.13(2) Manufacturing Quality The fabricator of the Control, cabinet Assemblies shall perform quality control (QC) inspections based on their QC program. Their QC program shall be submitted and approved by WSDOT at least annually. The fabricator of the controller shall certify that the controller meets all requirements of the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions for the specific application. The QC program shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Quality Statement 2. Individual responsible for quality (organizational chart) 3. Fabrication procedures Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -81 eta; .t 9- 29.13(3) Traffic Signal Controller The traffic signal controller shall conform to the Contract requirements and the applicable Specifications as listed below: All solid -state electronic traffic - actuated controllers and their supplemental devices shall employ digital timing methods. A. NEMA control and all auxiliary equipment shall conform to current NEMA TS1 or TS2 Specification. Every pin of every connecting plug shall be utilized as described within the NEMA requirement, except that those pins identified as "spare" or "future" shall remain unused. B. Type 170E controllers shall conform to the TEES. The 170E controller shall be provided with a program card, one blank ROM chip, and two 64K non - volatile memory chips. C. Type 170E /HC -11 controllers shall conform to the current Oregon Department of Transportation Specification for model 170E/HC -11 controller. The 170E controller with the HC11 chip shall be compatible with the software specified in the Contract. The controller shall be provided with one ROM chip and one 64K non - volatile memory chip. D. Vacant E. Type 2070 controllers shall conform to the TEES. The standard 2070 controller shall consist of the following: 2070 2070 -5 VME cage 2070-1E CPU Card 2070 -3B Front Panel 2070 -4 Power Supply 2070 -2A Field I/O X 2070E 2070N1 2070-1E CPU Card 2070-1E CPU Card 2070 -3B Front Panel 2070 -4 Power Supply 2070 -2A Field I/O X 2070 -3B Front Panel 2070 -4 Power Supply 2070 -2B Field I/O 2070 -8 Interface 9- 29.13(4) Traffic - Signal Controller Software All traffic signal controllers shall operate with software specified in the contract. Traffic - actuated controllers shall be electronic devices which, when connected to traffic detectors or other means of actuation, or both, shall operate the electrical traffic signal system at one or more intersections. If the complete traffic controller defined in the Special Provision requires NTCIP compliance the following are the minimum requirements for NTCIP operation. Communication The traffic controller hardware and software shall communicate with the central computer in a polled multi -drop operation. In the polled multi -drop operation, several traffic controllers shall share the same communication channel, with each controller assigned a unique ID number. Controller ID numbers shall conform to the NTCIP requirements for address numbers. A traffic controller shall only reply to messages labeled with its ID. In Tumwater Road soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -83 Object Name Global Configuration Database Management Time Management Timebase Events Schedule Report PMPP Object ID moduleType dBCreateTransaction dBErrorType globslDaylightSavings maxTimeBaseScheduleEntries MaxDayPlans MaxDayEvents maxEventLogCongifs MventConfigMode mventConfigAction MaxEventLogSize MaxEventClasses maxGroupAddress Minimum Requirements Value 3 All Values All values Values 2 and 3 16 15 10 50 Values 2 thru 5 Values 2 and 3 255 7 2 ASC Phase Rings Detector Unit Special Function Coordination maxPhases pPhaseStartp phaseOptions maxPhaseGroups maxRings maxSequences maxVehicleDetectors vehicleDetectorOptions maxPedestrianDetector unitAutoPedestrianClear unitControlStatus unitFlashStatus unitControl maxAlarmGroups maxSpecialFunctionsOutputs coordCorrectionMode coordMaximumMode coordForceMode maxPatterns patternTableType maxSplits splitMode IocalFreeStatus 8 Values 2 thru 6 All Values 1 2 16 64 All Values 8 All Values All Values All Values All Values 1 8 Values 2 thru 4 Values 2 thru4 Values 2 and 3 48 Either 2,3 or 4 16 Values 2 thru 7 Values 2 thru 11 Time Base Preempt Overlaps Channels Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project maxTimebaseAscAction maxPreempts preemptControl preemptState maxOverlaps overlapType maxOverlapstatusGroup maxChannels channelControlGroup channelFlash channelDim II! -S5 48 4 All Values Values 2 thru 9 4 Value 2 and 3 1 16 Values 2 thru 4 Value 0,2,4,6,8,10,12 and 14 Values 0 thru 15 .91ct 9 No. 2 above after a power interruption of 1.75 plus or minus 0.25 seconds. The 6- second flash period will not be required. Any power interruption to a 2070 type controller shall result in a 6 second flash period once power is restored. 5. Conflict Monitor. Upon detecting a fault condition the conflict monitor shall immediately cause the signal to revert to flash and the controller to stop time. After the conflict monitor has been reset, the controller shall immediately take command of the signal displays at the beginning of major street green. 9- 29.13(6) Emergency Preemption Immediately after a valid call has been received, the preemption equipment shall cause the controller to terminate the appropriate phases as necessary with the required clearance intervals and enter any programed subsequent preemption sequence. Preemption sequences shall be as noted in the Contract. 9- 29.13(7) Wiring Diagrams Schematic wiring diagrams of the controllers, cabinets and auxiliary equipment shall be submitted when the assemblies are delivered. The diagram shall show in detail all circuits and parts. The parts shall be identified by name or number in a manner readily interpreted. Two hard copies of the cabinet wiring diagram and component wiring diagrams shall be furnished with each cabinet and a pdf file of the cabinet wiring and component drawings. The schematic drawing shall consist of a single sheet, detailing all circuits and parts, not to exceed 52- inches by 72- inches. The cabinet wiring diagram shall indicate and identify all wire terminations, all plug connectors, and the locations of all equipment in the cabinet. Included in the diagram shall be an intersection sketch identifying all heads, detectors, and push buttons and a phase diagram. 9- 29.13(8) Generator Transfer Switch When specified in the contract, A generator transfer switch shall be included. . The Generator Transfer Switch shall be capable of switching power from a utility power source to an external generator power source. The Transfer Switch enclosure shall be of identical materials and dimensions and installation methods as the Police Panel type enclosure specified in the first paragraph of Special Provision 9- 29.13(10)D except that the enclosure door shall include a spring loaded construction core lock capable of accepting a Best 6 -pin CX series core. The core lock shall be installed with a green construction core. Upon contract completion, two master keys for the construction core shall be delivered to the Engineer. The enclosure shall include the following Transfer Switch equipment: 1. One Nema L5 -30P Flanged Inlet generator connector 2. One Utility power indicator light 3. One generator indicator light 4. Two 30 amp, 120 volt, single pole, single phase, circuit breakers. One circuit breaker shall be labeled "Generator' and the other circuit breaker shall be labeled "Utility". Both labels shall be engraved phenolic name plates. 5. A mechanical lock out feature that prevents the Utility circuit breaker and the Generator circuit breaker from being in the ON position at the same time. The circuit breakers shall be capable of being independently switched. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -87 any exposed current conductor and any other metallic parts with an insulation factor of 100 -200 rnegohms dependent on external circuit conditions. Suppressers shall be designed for operations on 50 amperes, 125 volts, 60 cycles, single wire circuits, and shall meet standards of the Underwriters' Laboratories and the Radio Manufacturers Association. e. A Surge Protection Device connected to the controller power circuit for protection against voltage abnormalities of 1 cycle or less duration. The Surge Protection Device shall be a solid state high energy circuit containing no spark gap, gas tube, or crow bar component. The device shall provide transient protection between neutral and ground, line and ground, as well as line and neutral. If the protection circuits fail, they shall fail to an open circuit condition. The minimum interrupting capacity shall be 10,000 Amps. The Voltage Protection Rating shall be 600 volts or less when subjected to an impulse of 6,000 volts, 3,000 amp source impedance, 8.0/20 microsecond waveform as described in UL 1449. In addition, the device shall dissipate a 13,000 Amp or greater repeated single peak 8/20 microsecond current impulse, and withstand, without failure or permanent damage, one full cycle at 264 volts RMS. The device shall contain circuitry to prevent self - induced regenerative ringing. There shall be a failure warning indictor which shall illuminate a red light or extinguish a green light when the device has failed and is no longer operable. Cabinet ground busbar independent (150K ohms minimum) of neutral. 4. A police panel located behind the police panel door with a flash automatic switch and a control - display power line on -off switch. See Section 9- 29.13(5) for operational requirements. 5. An auxiliary control panel located inside the controller cabinet with a flash - automatic switch and a controller on -off switch. See Section 9- 29.13(5) for operational requirements. A three wire 15 ampere plug receptacle with grounding contact and 15 ampere ground fault interrupter shall also be provided on the panel. 6. A conflict monitor conforming to NEMA standards. See Section 9- 29.13(5) for operational requirements. The unit shall monitor conflicting signal indications at the field connection terminals. The unit shall be wired in a manner such that the signal will revert to flash if the conflict monitor is removed from service. Supplemental loads not to exceed 10 watts per monitored circuit or other means, shall be provided to prevent conflict monitor actuation caused by dimming or lamp burn -out. Supplemental loads shall be installed on the control side of the field terminals. Conflict monitors shall include a minimum of one indicator light for each phase used. The monitoring capacity of the unit shall be compatible with the controller frame size. Conflict monitors shall include a program card. A "Detector Panel ", as specified in Standard Specification Section 9- 29.13(10)B, shall be installed. The panel shall be mounted on the inside of Tumwater Road soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -89 vie j from the bottom of the cabinet when viewed from the rear, and meet the requirements described in TEES. K. The PED yellow terminals on the CMU edge connector shall be extended with a 2 foot wire, coiled, heat shrink tipped and labeled for the correct corresponding terminal as CH -13Y /CMU -8, CH -14Y /CMU -11, CH- 15Y /CMU -K, CH -16Y /CMU -N. L. An "Absence Of Red Programming Assembly" shall be provided. There shall be provided on the back panel of the output file, 17 accessible jumper plug attachment areas, made up of three male pins per position (one, for each conflict monitor channel and one for red enable function). Each jumper plug shall be a two position connector, It shall be possible, by inserting and positioning one of the 16 connectors on the right two pins on the monitor board, to apply 120 VAC into a corresponding channel of the conflict monitor red channels. The connection between the red monitor board and the conflict monitor shall be accomplished via a 20 pin ribbon cable and the industry standard P -20 connector that attaches on the front panel of the monitor. It shall be possible, by inserting and positioning one of the 16 jumper plugs on the two left pins on the monitor board, to enable the corresponding channel to monitor for red fault by the conflict monitor. There shall be installed on the red monitor board a red fail monitor disable function that controls the 120 VAC red enable signal into the conflict monitor. During stop -and —go operation, 120VAC is sent via pin #20 on the P20 connector to enable red failure monitoring on the conflict monitor by having the connector moved to the side labeled `Red Enable ". If this is disengaged by moving the connector to the side labeled "Red Relay ", then 120VAC is removed from pin #20, and the conflict monitor will no longer monitor for red fail faults. The red enable function will also be wired such that if the traffic signal is in cabinet flash, then there will be no voltage on pin #20, and the conflict monitor will not monitor for red fail faults. M. Each cabinet shall be provided with at least 20 empty neutral connections to accommodate field wiring. The neutral bus bars shall be of the style in which a lug is not needed to be applied to the neutral field wire(s). All of the neutral bars shall be secured in accordance with the TEES. All neutral bars shall be at the same electrical potential. The main breaker on the SPA shall be provided with a cover to prevent accidental tripping. The cover shall be removable and replaceable without the use of tools. VACANT O. Equipment Branch Breaker —The duplex receptacle on the rear of either PDA #2L or 3L shall be wired in parallel with the ground fault current interrupt receptacle on the front of the power supply. The ground fault current interrupt receptacle being in the "Test' mode shall not remove power to the rear receptacle. 9- 29.13(10)C NEMA Controller Cabinets Each NEMA traffic controller shall be housed in a weatherproof cabinet conforming to the following requirements: 1. Construction shall be of 0.073 -inch minimum thickness series 300 stainless steel or 0.125 minimum thickness 5052 H32 ASTM B209 alloy aluminum. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project II! -93 1 d. A two position doorstop assembly. 6. Fluorescent fixtures or LED light strips (only one type per cabinet) for cabinet lighting. Color temperature shall be 4100K (cool white) or higher. Fluorescent fixtures shall use 12 inch (nominal), 8W, type T5 shatterproof tubular bulbs. LED light strips shall be approximately 12 inches long, and have a minimum output of 320 lumens. Lighting shall be ceiling mounted and oriented parallel to the door face. Lighting shall not interfere with the proper operation of any other ceiling mounted equipment. All lighting fixtures shall energize whenever any door is opened. Each door switch shall be labeled "Light ". 9- 29.13(10)D Cabinets for Type 170E and 2070 controllers Type 170E and 2070 controllers shall be housed in a model 332L cabinet unless specified otherwise in the contract. Type 332L cabinets shall be constructed in accordance with TEES with the following modifications: 1. Each door shall be furnished with the equipment listed in Standard Specifications 9- 29.13(10)C item 5 above. The cabinet shall be furnished with auxiliary equipment described in Standard Specification 9- 29.13(10)B. The cabinet shall be fabricated of stainless steel or sheet aluminum in accordance with Section 9- 29.13(10)C, Item 1 above. Painted steel, painted or anodized aluminum is not allowed. 4. A disposable paper filter element with dimensions of 12" x 6" x 1" shall be provided in lieu of a metal filter. The filter shall be secured in the filter holder with a louvered aluminum cover. The maximum depth of the cover shall not be more than 0.5 inch to provide the filter to be flush against the door. No incoming air shall bypass the filter element. 5. Field wire terminals shall be labeled in accordance with the Field Wiring Chart. 6. Fluorescent fixtures or LED light strips (only one type per cabinet) for cabinet lighting. Fluorescent fixtures shall use 12 inch (nominal), 8W, type T5 tubular bulbs. Tubular bulbs shall be contained within a shatterproof lamp cover. Led strips shall be approximately 12 inches long, and have a minimum output of 320 lumens. There shall be one fixture for each rack within the cabinet. Lighting shall be ceiling mounted and oriented perpendicular to the door face. Rack mounted lights are not allowed. Lighting shall be positioned such that the fixture is centered between the front and rear of the cabinet. Lighting shall not interfere with the proper operation of any other ceiling mounted equipment. Each lighting fixture shall energize automatically when either door to that respective rack is opened. Each door switch shall be labeled "Light ". One drawer shelf, as shown in the TEES 8. 332D Controller Cabinet Turnwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -95 12�e r Police Panel shall contain only one DPDT toggle switch. The switch shall be labeled POLICE CONTROL, ON -OFF. 5. Display Panel A. General Each cabinet shall be furnished with a display panel. The panel shall be mounted, showing and providing detection for inputs and specified controller outputs, at the top of the front rack above the controller unit. The display panel shall be fabricated from brushed aluminum and constructed according to the detail in the Plans. B. Text All text on the detector panel shall be black in color and silk screened directly to the panel except the Phenolic detector and cabinet nameplates. A nameplate for each loop shall be engraved with a '/ -inch nominal text according to the ITS Field Wiring Charts. The nameplates shall be permanently affixed to the detector panel. C. LEDs The LEDs for the display panel shall meet the following Specifications: Case size T 1 -% Viewing angle 50° minimum Brightness 8 Milli candelas LEDs with RED, YELLOW or GREEN as part of their labels shall be red, yellow or green in color. All other LEDs shall be red. All LEDs shall have tinted diffused lenses. D. Detector panel Control Switch Each display panel shall be equipped with one detector display control switch on the panel with labels and functions as follows: ON Detector panel LEDs shall operate consistent with their separate switches. OFF All detector indicator LEDs shall be de- energized. Detector calls shall continue to reach the controller. TEST All detector indicator LEDs shall illuminate and no calls shall be placed to the controller. E. Advance Warning Sign Control Switch Each display panel shall be equipped with one advance warning sign control switch on the panel with labels and functions as follows: AUTOMATIC Sign Relay shall energize upon ground true call from controller. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project II -97 SIGN OFF Sign Relay shall de- energize. SIGN ON Sign Relay shall energize. F. Sign Relay The sign relay shall be plugged into a socket installed on the rear of the display panel. The relay shall be wired as shown in the Plans. The relay coil shall draw (or sink) 50 milliamperes ± 10% from the 170E /HC11 controller and have a DPDT contact rating not less than 10 amperes. A 1N4004 diode shall be placed across the relay coil to suppress voltage spikes. The anode terminal shall be connected to terminal #7 of the relay as labeled in the Plans. The relay shall energize when the METERING indicator LED is lit. G. Detector Input Indicators One LED and one spring - loaded two - position SPST toggle switch shall be provided for each of the 40 detection inputs. These LEDs and switches shall function as follows: TEST When the switch is in the test position, a call shall be placed to the controller and energize the associated LED. The switch shall automatically return to the run position when it is released. RUN In the run position the LEDs shall illuminate for the duration of each call to the controller. H. Controller Output Indicators The display panel shall contain a series of output indicator LEDs mounted below the detection indicators. The layout shall be according to the detail in the Plans. These LEDs shall illuminate upon a ground true output from the controller via the C5 connector. The output indicator LEDs shall have resistors in series to drop the voltage from 24 volts DC to their rated voltage and limit current below their rated current. The anode connection of each LED to +24 VDC shall be wired through the resistor. I. Connectors Connection to the display panel shall be made by three connectors, one pin (labeled P2) and one socket (labeled P1) and one labeled C5. The P1 and P2 connectors shall be 50 -pin cannon D series, or equivalent 50 pin connectors and shall be compatible such that the two connectors can be connected directly to one another to bypass the input detection. Wiring for the P1, P2 and C5 connectors shall be as shown in the Plans. The Contractor shall install wire connectors P1, P2, C1 P, C2, C4, C5 and C6 according to the pin assignments shown in the Plans. 6. Model 204 Flasher Unit Each Model 334 ramp meter cabinet shall be supplied with one Model 204 sign flasher unit mounted on the right rear side panel. The flasher shall be powered from T1 -2. The outputs from the flasher shall be wired to T1 -5 and T1 -6. Turewater Road Soldier Pre Retaining waU Project HI -98 7. Fiber Optic Patch Panel The Contractor shall provide and install a rack - mounted fiber optic patch panel as identified in the Plans. Cabinet Wiring Terminal blocks TB1 through TB9 shall be installed on the Input Panel. Layout and position assignment of the terminal blocks shall be as noted in the Plans. Terminals for field wiring in traffic data and /or ramp metering controller cabinet shall be labeled, numbered and connected in accordance with the following: Terminal Block Pos. TBS Terminal and Wire Numbers 501 -502 Connection Identification AC Power, Neutral T1 -2 T1 -4 T1 -5 T1 -6 14-1 T4 -2 T4 -3 T4 -4 641 643 644 645 631 632 633 621 T4 -5 T4 -6 622 623 Sign on Sign off Flasher Output NC Flasher Output NO Lane 3 - Red Lane 3 — Yellow Lane 3 — Green Lane 2 - Red Lane 2 - Yellow Lane 2 — Green T4 -7 T4 -8 T4 -9 611 612 613 Lane 1 — Red Lane 1 — Yellow Lane 1 — Green Loop lead -in cables shall be labeled and connected to cabinet terminals according to the ITS Field Wiring Chart. This chart will be provided by the Engineer within 20 days of the Contractor's request. 9- 29.13(12) ITS cabinet: Basic ITS cabinets shall be Model 334L Cabinets, unless otherwise specified in the Contract. Type 334L Cabinets shall be constructed in accordance with the TEES, with the following modifications: 1. The basic cabinet shall be furnished with only Housing 1 B, Mounting Cage 1, Service Panel #1, a Drawer Shelf, and Controller Unit Supports. Additional equipment may be specified as part of the cabinet function- specific standards. 2. Housing aluminum shall be 5052 alloy with mill finish. Painted or anodized aluminum is not allowed. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project III -99 Cabinet drawings and wiring diagrams shall be provided in the drawer shelf. Additionally, an electronic (PDF format) copy of all drawings and wiring diagrams shall be provided. 9- 29.16(1)A1 Conventional Optical System This section's title is revised to read: 9- 29.16(1)A1 Non -LED Optical System 9- 29.16(1)D1 Electrical - Conventional This section's title is revised to read: 9- 29.16(1)D1 Electrical — Non -LED 9 -29.20 Pedestrian Signals This section is revised to read: Pedestrian signals shall be Light Emitting Diods (LED) type. The LED pedestrian signal module shall be operationally compatible with controllers and conflict monitors. The LED lamp unit shall contain a disconnect that will show an open switch to the conflict monitor when less than 60 percent of the LEDs in the unit are operational. The Pedestrian signal heads shall be on the QPL or the Contractor shall submit a Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance, in accordance with Standard Specification 1 -06.3, with each type of signal head. The certificate shall state that the lot of pedestrian signal heads meet the following requirements: 1. All pedestrian signal heads shall be a Walk /Don't Walk module with a countdown display. 2. All pedestrian displays shall comply with the MUTCD and ITE publication ST 011B, VTCSH2 or current ITE Specification and shall have an incandescent appearance. The Contractor shall provide test results from a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory documenting that the LED display conforms to the current ITE and the following requirements: a. All pedestrian signals supplied to any one project shall be from the same manufacturer and type but need not be from the same manufacturer as the vehicle heads. Each pedestrian signal face shall be a single unit housing with the signal indication size, a nominal 16 inch x 18 inch with side by side symbol messages with countdown display. c Housings shall be green polycarbonate or die -cast aluminum and the aluminum housings shall be painted with two coats of factory applied traffic signal green enamel (Federal Standard 595- 14056). All hinges and latches and interior hardware shall be stainless steel. 3. Optical units for traffic signal displays shall conform to the following: a. Pedestrian "RAISED HAND' and "WALKING PERSON" modules shall be the countdown display type showing the time remaining in the pedestrian change interval. When the pedestrian change interval is reduced due to a programming Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project HI -101 PART IV SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -1 INTRODUCTION TO THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS (July 31, 2007 APWA GSP) The work on this project shall be accomplished in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 2012 edition, as issued by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the American Public Works Association (APWA), Washington State Chapter (hereafter "Standard Specifications "). The Standard Specifications, as modified or supplemented by the Amendments to the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions, all of which are made a part of the Contract Documents, shall govern all of the Work. These Special Provisions are made up of both General Special Provisions (GSPs) from various sources, which may have project- specific fill -ins; and project- specific Special Provisions. Each Provision either supplements, modifies, or replaces the comparable Standard Specification, or is a new Provision. The deletion, amendment, alteration, or addition to any subsection or portion of the Standard Specifications is meant to pertain only to that particular portion of the section, and in no way should it be interpreted that the balance of the section does not apply. The project- specific Special Provisions are not labeled as such. The GSPs are labeled under the headers of each GSP, with the date of the GSP and its source, as follows: (May 18, 2007 APWA GSP) (August 7, 2006 WSDOT GSP) Also incorporated into the Contract Documents by reference are: • Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, currently adopted edition, with Washington State modifications, if any • Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, WSDOT /APWA, current edition • City of Port Angeles' Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, current edition Contractor shall obtain copies of these publications, at Contractor's own expense. 1 -01.3 Definitions (March 13, 2012 APWA GSP) Delete the heading Completion Dates and the three paragraphs that follow it, and replace them with the following: Dates Bid Opening Date The date on which the Contracting Agency publicly opens and reads the Bids. Award Date The date of the formal decision of the Contracting Agency to accept the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder for the Work. Contract Execution Date The date the Contracting Agency officially binds the Agency to the Contract. Notice to Proceed Date The date stated in the Notice to Proceed on which the Contract time begins. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -2 Substantial Completion Date The day the Engineer determines the Contracting Agency has full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities, both from the operational and safety standpoint, any remaining traffic disruptions will be rare and brief, and only minor incidental work, replacement of temporary substitute facilities, plant establishment periods, or correction or repair remains for the Physical Completion of the total Contract. Physical Completion Date The day all of the Work is physically completed on the project. All documentation required by the Contract and required by law does not necessarily need to be furnished by the Contractor by this date. Completion Date The day all the Work specified in the Contract is completed and all the obligations of the Contractor under the contract are fulfilled by the Contractor. All documentation required by the Contract and required by law must be furnished by the Contractor before establishment of this date. Final Acceptance Date The date on which the Contracting Agency accepts the Work as complete. Supplement this Section with the following: All references in the Standard Specifications, Amendments, or WSDOT General Special Provisions, to the terms "State ", "Department of Transportation ", 'Washington State Transportation Commission ", "Commission ", "Secretary of Transportation ", "Secretary", "Headquarters ", and "State Treasurer" shall be revised to read "Contracting Agency ". All references to "State Materials Laboratory" shall be revised to read "Contracting Agency designated location ". All references to "final contract voucher certification" shall be interpreted to mean the final payment form established by the Contracting Agency. The venue of all causes of action arising from the advertisement, award, execution, and performance of the contract shall be in the Superior Court of the County where the Contracting Agency's headquarters are located. Additive A supplemental unit of work or group of bid items, identified separately in the Bid Proposal, which may, at the discretion of the Contracting Agency, be awarded in addition to the base bid. Alternate One of two or more units of work or groups of bid items, identified separately in the Bid Proposal, from which the Contracting Agency may make a choice between different methods or material of construction for performing the same work. Business Day A business day is any day from Monday through Friday except holidays as listed in Section 1 -08.5. Contract Documents See definition for "Contract ". Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -3 Contract Time The period of time established by the terms and conditions of the Contract within which the Work must be physically completed. Notice of Award The written notice from the Contracting Agency to the successful Bidder signifying the Contracting Agency's acceptance of the Bid Proposal. Notice to Proceed The written notice from the Contracting Agency or Engineer to the Contractor authorizing and directing the Contractor to proceed with the Work and establishing the date on which the Contract time begins. Traffic Both vehicular and non - vehicular traffic, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchairs, and equestrian traffic. 1 -02.2 Plans and Specifications (June 27, 2011 APWA GSP) Delete this section and replace it with the following: Information as to where Bid Documents can be obtained or reviewed can be found in the Call for Bids (Advertisement for Bids) for the Work. After award of the contract, plans and specifications will be issued to the Contractor at no cost as detailed below: To Prime Contractor No. of Sets Basis of Distribution Reduced plans (11" x 17 ") 2 Furnished automatically upon award. Contract Provisions 2 Furnished automatically upon award. Large plans (e.g., 22" x 34 ") 2 Furnished only upon request. Additional plans and Contract Provisions may be obtained by the Contractor from the source stated in the Call for Bids, at the Contractor's own expense. 1 -02.4 Bid Procedures and Conditions Examination of Plans, Specifications and Site of Work Subsurface Information Section 1- 02.4(2) is supplemented with the following: (January 2, 2012) Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV-4 The soils information used for study and design of this project is available for review by the bidder at the following location: Attachment G The soils information includes the following: Geotechnical Engineering Report 1 -02.5 Proposal Forms (June 27, 2011 APWA GSP) Delete this section and replace it with the following: The Proposal Form will identify the project and its location and describe the work. It will also list estimated quantities, units of measurement, the items of work, and the materials to be furnished at the unit bid prices. The Bidder shall complete spaces on the proposal form that call for, but are not limited to, unit prices; extensions; summations; the total bid amount; signatures; date; and, where applicable, retail sales taxes and acknowledgment of addenda; the Bidders name, address, telephone number, and signature; the Bidders D /M/WBE commitment, if applicable; a State of Washington Contractor's Registration Number; and a Business License Number, if applicable. Bids shall be completed by typing or shall be printed in ink by hand, preferably in black ink. The required certifications are included as part of the Proposal Form. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to arrange the Proposal Forms with alternates and additives, if such be to the advantage of the Contracting Agency. The Bidder shall bid on all alternates and additives set forth in the Proposal Form unless otherwise specified. 1 -02.6 Preparation of Proposal (June 27, 2011 APWA GSP) Supplement the second paragraph with the following: 4. If a minimum Bid amount has been established for any item, the unit or lump sum price must equal or exceed the minimum amount stated. 5. Any correction to a Bid made by interlineation, alteration, or erasure, shall be initialed by the signer of the bid. Delete the last paragraph, and replace it with the following: The Bidder shall make no stipulation on the Proposal Form, nor qualify the bid in any manner. A Bid by a corporation shall be executed in the corporate name, by the president or a vice president (or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign). A Bid by a partnership shall be executed in the partnership name, and signed by a partner. A copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the Proposal Form if any D /M/WBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an agreement. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -5 A Bid by a joint venture shall be executed in the joint venture name and signed by a member of the joint venture. A copy of the joint venture agreement shall be submitted with the Proposal Form if any D/W /MBE requirements are to be satisfied through such an agreement. 1 -02.7 Bid Deposit (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Supplement this section with the following: Bid bonds shall contain the following: 1. Contracting Agency- assigned number for the project; 2. Name of the project; 3. The Contracting Agency named as obligee; 4. The amount of the bid bond stated either as a dollar figure or as a percentage which represents five percent of the maximum bid amount that could be awarded; 5. Signature of the bidder's officer empowered to sign official statements. The signature of the person authorized to submit the bid should agree with the signature on the bond, and the title of the person must accompany the said signature; 6. The signature of the surety's officer empowered to sign the bond and the power of attorney. If so stated in the Contract Provisions, bidder must use the bond form included in the Contract Provisions. 1 -02.9 Delivery of Proposal (January 24, 2011 APWA GSP) Delete this section and replace it with the following: Each proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, with the Project Name and Project Number as stated in the Advertisement for Bids clearly marked on the outside of the envelope, or as otherwise required in the Bid Documents, to ensure proper handling and delivery. The Contracting Agency will not consider Proposals it receives after the time fixed for opening Bids in the call for Bids. 1 -02.13 Irregular Proposals (March 13, 2012 APWA GSP) Revise item 1 to read: 1. A proposal will be considered irregular and will be rejected if: a. The Bidder is not prequalified when so required; b. The authorized proposal form furnished by the Contracting Agency is not used or is altered; c. The completed proposal form contains any unauthorized additions, deletions, alternate Bids, or conditions; d. The Bidder adds provisions reserving the right to reject or accept the award, or enter into the Contract; e. A price per unit cannot be determined from the Bid Proposal; f. The Proposal form is not properly executed; Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -6 g. The Bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Subcontractor list, if applicable, as required in Section 1 -02.6; h. The Bidder fails to submit or properly complete a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification, if applicable, as required in Section 1 -02.6; i. The Bidder fails to submit written confirmation from each DBE firm listed on the Bidder's completed DBE Utilization Certification that they are in agreement with the bidders DBE participation commitment, if applicable, as required in Section 1 -02.6, or if the written confirmation that is submitted fails to meet the requirements of the Special Provisions; The Bidder fails to submit DBE Good Faith Effort documentation, if applicable, as required in Section 1 -02.6, or if the documentation that is submitted fails to demonstrate that a Good Faith Effort to meet the Condition of Award was made; k. The Bid Proposal does not constitute a definite and unqualified offer to meet the material terms of the Bid invitation; or I. More than one proposal is submitted for the same project from a Bidder under the same or different names. 1 -02.14 Disqualification of Bidders (March 25, 2009 APWA GSP, Option C; may not be used on FHWA- funded projects) Delete this Section and replace it with the following: A Bidder will be deemed not responsible if: 1. the Bidder does not meet the mandatory bidder responsibility criteria in RCW 39.04.350(1), as amended and PAMC 3.05.050; or 2. evidence of collusion exists with any other Bidder or potential Bidder. Participants in collusion will be restricted from submitting further bids; or 3. the Bidder, in the opinion of the Contracting Agency, is not qualified for the work or to the full extent of the bid, or to the extent that the bid exceeds the authorized prequalification amount as may have been determined by a prequalification of the Bidder; or 4. an unsatisfactory performance record exists based on past or current Contracting Agency work or for work done for others, as judged from the standpoint of conduct of the work; workmanship; or progress; affirmative action; equal employment opportunity practices; termination for cause; or Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, Minority Business Enterprise, or Women's Business Enterprise utilization; or 5. there is uncompleted work (Contracting Agency or otherwise) which in the opinion of the Contracting Agency might hinder or prevent the prompt completion of the work bid upon; or 6. the Bidder failed to settle bills for labor or materials on past or current contracts, unless there are extenuating circumstances acceptable to the Contracting Agency; or 7. the Bidder has failed to complete a written public contract or has been convicted of a crime arising from a previous public contract, unless there are extenuating circumstances acceptable to the Contracting Agency; or 8. the Bidder is unable, financially or otherwise, to perform the work, in the opinion of the Contracting Agency; or 9. there are any other reasons deemed proper by the Contracting Agency; or As evidence that the Bidder meets the bidder responsibility criteria above, the apparent two lowest Bidders must submit to the Contracting Agency within 24 hours of the bid submittal deadline, documentation (sufficient in the sole judgment of the Contracting Agency) demonstrating compliance with all applicable responsibility criteria, including all documentation specifically listed in the supplemental criteria. The Contracting Agency reserves the right to Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -7 request such documentation from other Bidders as well, and to request further documentation as needed to assess bidder responsibility. The basis for evaluation of Bidder compliance with these supplemental criteria shall be any documents or facts obtained by Contracting Agency (whether from the Bidder or third parties) which any reasonable owner would rely on for determining such compliance, including but not limited to: (i) financial, historical, or operational data from the Bidder; (ii) information obtained directly by the Contracting Agency from owners for whom the Bidder has worked, or other public agencies or private enterprises; and (iii) any additional information obtained by the Contracting Agency which is believed to be relevant to the matter. If the Contracting Agency determines the Bidder does not meet the bidder responsibility criteria above and is therefore not a responsible Bidder, the Contracting Agency shall notify the Bidder in writing, with the reasons for its determination. If the Bidder disagrees with this determination, it may appeal the determination within 24 hours of receipt of the Contracting Agency's determination by presenting its appeal to the Contracting Agency. The Contracting Agency will consider the appeal before issuing its final determination. If the final determination affirms that the Bidder is not responsible, the Contracting Agency will not execute a contract with any other Bidder until at least two business days after the Bidder determined to be not responsible has received the final determination. 1 -02.15 Pre Award Information (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Revise this section to read: Before awarding any contract, the Contracting Agency may require one or more of these items or actions of the apparent lowest responsible bidder: 1. A complete statement of the origin, composition, and manufacture of any or all materials to be used, 2. Samples of these materials for quality and fitness tests, 3. A progress schedule (in a form the Contracting Agency requires) showing the order of and time required for the various phases of the work, 4. A breakdown of costs assigned to any bid item, 5. Attendance at a conference with the Engineer or representatives of the Engineer, 6. Obtain, and furnish a copy of, a business license to do business in the city or county where the work is located. 7. A copy of State of Washington Contractor's Registration, or 8. Any other information or action taken that is deemed necessary to ensure that the bidder is the lowest responsible bidder. 1 -03.3 Execution of Contract (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Revise this section to read: Copies of the Contract Provisions, including the unsigned Form of Contract, will be available for signature by the successful bidder on the first business day following award. The number of copies to be executed by the Contractor will be determined by the Contracting Agency. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -8 Within 14 calendar days after the award date, the successful bidder shall return the signed Contracting Agency - prepared contract, an insurance certification as required by Section 1- 07.18, and a satisfactory bond as required by law and Section 1 -03.4. Before execution of the contract by the Contracting Agency, the successful bidder shall provide any pre -award information the Contracting Agency may require under Section 1- 02.15. Until the Contracting Agency executes a contract, no proposal shall bind the Contracting Agency nor shall any work begin within the project limits or within Contracting Agency- furnished sites. The Contractor shall bear all risks for any work begun outside such areas and for any materials ordered before the contract is executed by the Contracting Agency. If the bidder experiences circumstances beyond their control that prevents return of the contract documents within the calendar days after the award date stated above, the Contracting Agency may grant up to a maximum of 7 additional calendar days for return of the documents, provided the Contracting Agency deems the circumstances warrant it. 1 -03.4 Contract Bond (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Revise the first paragraph to read: The successful bidder shall provide an executed Performance bond for the full contract amount. This contract bond shall: 1. Be on a Contracting Agency- furnished form; 2. Be signed by an approved surety (or sureties) that: a. Is registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and b. Appears on the current Authorized Insurance List in the State of Washington published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner, 3. Be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract by the Contractor within the prescribed time; 4. Guarantee that the surety shall indemnify, defend, and protect the Contracting Agency against any claim of direct or indirect loss resulting from the failure: a. Of the Contractor (or any of the employees, subcontractors, or lower tier subcontractors of the Contractor) to faithfully perform the contract, or b. Of the Contractor (or the subcontractors or lower tier subcontractors of the Contractor) to pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, lower tier subcontractors, materialperson, or any other person who provides supplies or provisions for carrying out the work; 5. Be accompanied by a power of attorney for the Surety's officer empowered to sign the bond; and 6. Be signed by an officer of the Contractor empowered to sign official statements (sole proprietor or partner). If the Contractor is a corporation, the bond must be signed by the president or vice - president, unless accompanied by written proof of the authority of the individual signing the bond to bind the corporation (i.e., corporate resolution, power of attorney or a letter to such effect by the president or vice - president). 1 -04.2 Coordination of Contract Documents, Plans, Special Provisions, Specifications, and Addenda (March 13, 2012 APWA GSP) Revise the second paragraph to read: Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -9 Any inconsistency in the parts of the contract shall be resolved by following this order of precedence (e.g., 1 presiding over 2, 2 over 3, 3 over 4, and so forth): 1. Addenda, 2. Proposal Form, 3. Special Provisions, 4. Contract Plans, 5. Amendments to the Standard Specifications, 6. Standard Specifications, 7. Contracting Agency's Standard Plans or Details (if any), and 8. WSDOT Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. 1 -04.4 CHANGES IN WORK Section 1 -04.4, Changes, of the Standard Specifications shall be supplemented with the following: All revisions, clarifications, field requests and field authorizations for construction contracts shall be documented using the "REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI)" form. A construction contract change order may be initiated by the Contractor, City Inspector, or Engineer by using the RFI form contained in Part IV, Attachments. 1 -05.7 Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Supplement this section with the following: If the Contractor fails to remedy defective or unauthorized work within the time specified in a written notice from the Engineer, or fails to perform any part of the work required by the Contract Documents, the Engineer may correct and remedy such work as may be identified in the written notice, with Contracting Agency forces or by such other means as the Contracting Agency may deem necessary. If the Contractor fails to comply with a written order to remedy what the Engineer determines to be an emergency situation, the Engineer may have the defective and unauthorized work corrected immediately, have the rejected work removed and replaced, or have work the Contractor refuses to perform completed by using Contracting Agency or other forces. An emergency situation is any situation when, in the opinion of the Engineer, a delay in its remedy could be potentially unsafe, or might cause serious risk of loss or damage to the public. Direct or indirect costs incurred by the Contracting Agency attributable to correcting and remedying defective or unauthorized work, or work the Contractor failed or refused to perform, shall be paid by the Contractor. Payment will be deducted by the Engineer from monies due, or to become due, the Contractor. Such direct and indirect costs shall include in particular, but without limitation, compensation for additional professional services required, and costs for repair and replacement of work of others destroyed or damaged by correction, removal, or replacement of the Contractor's unauthorized work. No adjustment in contract time or compensation will be allowed because of the delay in the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the Contracting Agency's rights provided by this Section. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -10 The rights exercised under the provisions of this section shall not diminish the Contracting Agency's right to pursue any other avenue for additional remedy or damages with respect to the Contractor's failure to perform the work as required. 1 -05.11 Final Inspection Delete this section and replace it with the following: 1 -05.11 Final Inspections and Operational Testing (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) 1- 05.11(1) Substantial Completion Date When the Contractor considers the work to be substantially complete, the Contractor shall so notify the Engineer and request the Engineer establish the Substantial Completion Date. The Contractor's request shall list the specific items of work that remain to be completed in order to reach physical completion. The Engineer will schedule an inspection of the work with the Contractor to determine the status of completion. The Engineer may also establish the Substantial Completion Date unilaterally. If, after this inspection, the Engineer concurs with the Contractor that the work is substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the Engineer, by written notice to the Contractor, will set the Substantial Completion Date. If, after this inspection the Engineer does not consider the work substantially complete and ready for its intended use, the Engineer will, by written notice, so notify the Contractor giving the reasons therefor. Upon receipt of written notice concurring in or denying substantial completion, whichever is applicable, the Contractor shall pursue vigorously, diligently and without unauthorized interruption, the work necessary to reach Substantial and Physical Completion. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a revised schedule indicating when the Contractor expects to reach substantial and physical completion of the work. The above process shall be repeated until the Engineer establishes the Substantial Completion Date and the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for final inspection. 1- 05.11(2) Final Inspection and Physical Completion Date When the Contractor considers the work physically complete and ready for final inspection, the Contractor by written notice, shall request the Engineer to schedule a final inspection. The Engineer will set a date for final inspection. The Engineer and the Contractor will then make a final inspection and the Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing of all particulars in which the final inspection reveals the work incomplete or unacceptable. The Contractor shall immediately take such corrective measures as are necessary to remedy the listed deficiencies. Corrective work shall be pursued vigorously, diligently, and without interruption until physical completion of the listed deficiencies. This process will continue until the Engineer is satisfied the listed deficiencies have been corrected. If action to correct the listed deficiencies is not initiated within 7 days after receipt of the written notice listing the deficiencies, the Engineer may, upon written notice to the Contractor, take whatever steps are necessary to correct those deficiencies pursuant to Section 1 -05.7. The Contractor will not be allowed an extension of contract time because of a delay in the performance of the work attributable to the exercise of the Engineer's right hereunder. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -11 Upon correction of all deficiencies, the Engineer will notify the Contractor and the Contracting Agency, in writing, of the date upon which the work was considered physically complete. That date shall constitute the Physical Completion Date of the contract, but shall not imply acceptance of the work or that all the obligations of the Contractor under the contract have been fulfilled. 1- 05.11(3) Operational Testing It is the intent of the Contracting Agency to have at the Physical Completion Date a complete and operable system. Therefore when the work involves the installation of machinery or other mechanical equipment; street lighting, electrical distribution or signal systems; irrigation systems; buildings; or other similar work it may be desirable for the Engineer to have the Contractor operate and test the work for a period of time after final inspection but prior to the physical completion date. Whenever items of work are listed in the Contract Provisions for operational testing they shall be fully tested under operating conditions for the time period specified to ensure their acceptability prior to the Physical Completion Date. During and following the test period, the Contractor shall correct any items of workmanship, materials, or equipment which prove faulty, or that are not in first class operating condition. Equipment, electrical controls, meters, or other devices and equipment to be tested during this period shall be tested under the observation of the Engineer, so that the Engineer may determine their suitability for the purpose for which they were installed. The Physical Completion Date cannot be established until testing and corrections have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The costs for power, gas, labor, material, supplies, and everything else needed to successfully complete operational testing, shall be included in the unit contract prices related to the system being tested, unless specifically set forth otherwise in the proposal. Operational and test periods, when required by the Engineer, shall not affect a manufacturer's guaranties or warranties furnished under the terms of the contract. 1 -05.13 Superintendents, Labor and Equipment of Contractor (March 25, 2009 APWA GSP) Revise the seventh paragraph to read: Whenever the Contracting Agency evaluates the Contractor's qualifications pursuant to Section 1- 02.14, it will take these performance reports into account. 1 -05.15 Method of Serving Notices (March 25, 2009 APWA GSP) Revise the second paragraph to read: All correspondence from the Contractor shall be directed to the Project Engineer. All correspondence from the Contractor constituting any notification, notice of protest, notice of dispute, or other correspondence constituting notification required to be furnished under the Contract, must be in paper format, hand delivered or sent via mail delivery service to the Project Engineer's office. Electronic copies such as e-mails or electronically delivered copies of correspondence will not constitute such notice and will not comply with the requirements of the Contract. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -12 Add the following new section: 1 -05.16 Water and Power (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements, and shall bear the costs for power and water necessary for the performance of the work, unless the contract includes power and water as a pay item. Add the following new section: 1 -05.17 Oral Agreements (October 1, 2005 AWPA GSP) No oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the Contracting Agency, either before or after execution of the contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations contained in any of the documents comprising the contract. Such oral agreement or conversation shall be considered as unofficial information and in no way binding upon the Contracting Agency, unless subsequently put in writing and signed by the Contracting Agency. 1 -07.1 Laws to be Observed (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Supplement this section with the following: In cases of conflict between different safety regulations, the more stringent regulation shall apply. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries shall be the sole and paramount administrative agency responsible for the administration of the provisions of the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973 (WISHA). The Contractor shall maintain at the project site office, or other well known place at the project site, all articles necessary for providing first aid to the injured. The Contractor shall establish, publish, and make known to all employees, procedures for ensuring immediate removal to a hospital, or doctor's care, persons, including employees, who may have been injured on the project site. Employees should not be permitted to work on the project site before the Contractor has established and made known procedures for removal of injured persons to a hospital or a doctor's care. The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for the safety, efficiency, and adequacy of the Contractor's plant, appliances, and methods, and for any damage or injury resulting from their failure, or improper maintenance, use, or operation. The Contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for the conditions of the project site, including safety for all persons and property in the performance of the work. This requirement shall apply continuously, and not be limited to normal working hours. The required or implied duty of the Engineer to conduct construction review of the Contractor's performance does not, and shall not, be intended to include review and adequacy of the Contractor's safety measures in, on, or near the project site. 1 -07.1 State Taxes Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -13 Section 1 -07.2 is supplemented with the following: (March 13, 1995) The work on this contract is to be performed upon lands whose ownership obligates the Contractor to pay sales tax. The provisions of Section 1- 07.2(1) apply. 1 -07.6 Permits and Licenses Supplement this section with the following: (March 13, 1995) No hydraulic permits are required for this project unless the Contractor's operations use, divert, obstruct, or change the natural flow or bed of any river or stream, or utilize any of the waters of the State or materials from gravel or sand bars, or from stream beds. 1 -07.9 Wages (April 2, 2007 WSDOT GSP) Application of Wage Rates For The Occupation Of Landscape Construction State prevailing wage rates for public works contracts are included in this contract and show a separate listing for the occupation: Landscape Construction, which includes several different occupation descriptions such as: Irrigation and Landscape Plumbers, Irrigation and Landscape Power Equipment Operators, and Landscaping or Planting Laborers. In addition, federal wage rates that are included in this contract may also include occupation descriptions in Federal Occupational groups for work also specifically identified with landscaping such as: Laborers with the occupation description, Landscaping or Planting, or Power Equipment Operators with the occupation description, Mulch Seeding Operator. If Federal wage rates include one or more rates specified as applicable to landscaping work, then Federal wage rates for all occupation descriptions, specific or general, must be considered and compared with corresponding State wage rates. The higher wage rate, either State or Federal, becomes the minimum wage rate for the work performed in that occupation. Contractors are responsible for determining the appropriate crafts necessary to perform the contract work. If a classification considered necessary for performance of the work is missing from the Federal Wage Determination applicable to the contract, the Contractor shall initiate a request for approval of a proposed wage and benefit rate. The Contractor shall prepare and submit Standard Form 1444, Request for Authorization of Additional Classification and Wage Rate available at http: / /www.wdol.gov /docs /sf1444.pdf, and submit the completed form to the Project Engineer's office. The presence of a classification wage on the Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts does not exempt the use of form 1444 for the purpose of determining a federal classification wage rate. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -14 1 -07.11 Requirements for Nondiscrimination Section 1 -07.11 is supplemented with the following: (January 3, 2011 WSDOT GSP) Requirement for Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity (Executive Order 11246) 1. The Contractor's attention is called to the Equal Opportunity Clause and the Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications set forth herein. 2. The goals and timetables for minority and female participation set by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, expressed in percentage terms for the Contractor's aggregate work force in each construction craft and in each trade on all construction work in the covered area, are as follows: Women - Statewide Timetable Goal Until further notice 6.9% Minorities - by Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) Spokane, WA: SMSA Counties: Spokane, WA 2.8 WA Spokane. Non -SMSA Counties 3.0 WA Adams; WA Asotin; WA Columbia; WA Ferry; WA Garfield; WA Lincoln, WA Pend Oreille; WA Stevens; WA Whitman. Richland, WA SMSA Counties: Richland Kennewick, WA WA Benton; WA Franklin. Non -SMSA Counties WA Walla Walla. 5.4 3.6 Yakima, WA: SMSA Counties: Yakima, WA 9.7 WA Yakima. Non -SMSA Counties 7.2 WA Chelan; WA Douglas; WA Grant; WA Kittitas; WA Okanogan. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -15 Seattle, WA: SMSA Counties: Seattle Everett, WA 7.2 WA King; WA Snohomish. Tacoma, WA 6.2 WA Pierce. Non -SMSA Counties 6.1 WA Clallam; WA Grays Harbor; WA Island; WA Jefferson; WA Kitsap; WA Lewis; WA Mason; WA Pacific; WA San Juan; WA Skagit; WA Thurston; WA Whatcom. Portland, OR: SMSA Counties: Portland, OR -WA 4.5 WA Clark. Non -SMSA Counties 3.8 WA Cowlitz; WA Klickitat; WA Skamania; WA Wahkiakum. These goals are applicable to each nonexempt Contractor's total on -site construction workforce, regardless of whether or not part of that workforce is performing work on a Federal, or federally assisted project, contract, or subcontract until further notice. Compliance with these goals and time tables is enforced by the Office of Federal Contract compliance Programs. The Contractor's compliance with the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60- 4 shall be based on its implementation of the Equal Opportunity Clause, specific affirmative action obligations required by the specifications set forth in 41 CFR 60- 4.3(a), and its efforts to meet the goals. The hours of minority and female employment and training must be substantially uniform throughout the length of the contract, in each construction craft and in each trade, and the Contractor shall make a good faith effort to employ minorities and women evenly on each of its projects. The transfer of minority or female employees or trainees from Contractor to Contractor or from project to project for the sole purpose of meeting the Contractor's goal shall be a violation of the contract, the Executive Order and the regulations in 41 CFR Part 60 -4. Compliance with the goals will be measured against the total work hours performed. 3. The Contractor shall provide written notification to the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) within 10 working days of award of any construction subcontract in excess of $10,000 or more that are Federally funded, at any tier for construction work under the contract resulting from this solicitation. The notification shall list the name, address and telephone number of the Subcontractor; employer identification number of the Subcontractor; estimated dollar amount of the subcontract; estimated starting and completion dates of the subcontract; and the geographical area in which the contract is to be performed. The notification shall be sent to: District Director U.S. Department of Labor Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs Seattle District Office 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 745 Seattle, WA98101 -3212 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -16 Additional information may be found at the U.S. Department of Labor website: http://www.dol.qov/ofccp/TAquides/ctaquide.htm 4. As used in this Notice, and in the contract resulting from this solicitation, the Covered Area is as designated herein. Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications (Executive Order 11246) 1. As used in these specifications: a. Covered Area means the geographical area described in the solicitation from which this contract resulted; b. Director means Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, United States Department of Labor, or any person to whom the Director delegates authority; c. Employer Identification Number means the Federal Social Security number used on the Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, U. S. Treasury Department Form 941; d. Minority includes: (1) Black, a person having origins in any of the Black Racial Groups of Africa. (2) Hispanic, a fluent Spanish speaking, Spanish surnamed person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central American, South American, or other Spanish origin. (3) Asian or Pacific Islander, a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Pacific rim or the Pacific Islands, the Hawaiian Islands and Samoa. (4) American Indian or Alaskan Native, a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintain cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition. Whenever the Contractor, or any Subcontractor at any tier, subcontracts a portion of the work involving any construction trade, it shall physically include in each subcontract in excess of $10,000 the provisions of these specifications and the Notice which contains the applicable goals for minority and female participation and which is set forth in the solicitations from which this contract resulted. 3. If the Contractor is participating (pursuant to 41 CFR 60 -4.5) in a Hometown Plan approved by the U.S. Department of Labor in the covered area either individually or through an association, its affirmative action obligations on all work in the Plan area (including goals and timetables) shall be in accordance with that Plan for those trades which have unions participating in the Plan. Contractors must be able to demonstrate their participation in and compliance with the provisions of any such Hometown Plan. Each Contractor or Subcontractor participating in an approved Plan is individually required to comply with its obligations under the EEO clause, and to make a good faith effort to achieve each goal under the Plan in each trade in which it has employees. The overall good faith performance by Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -17 other Contractors or Subcontractors toward a goal in an approved Plan does not excuse any covered Contractor's or Subcontractor's failure to take good faith effort to achieve the Plan goals and timetables. 4. The Contractor shall implement the specific affirmative action standards provided in paragraphs 7a through 7p of this Special Provision. The goals set forth in the solicitation from which this contract resulted are expressed as percentages of the total hours of employment and training of minority and female utilization the Contractor should reasonably be able to achieve in each construction trade in which it has employees in the covered area. Covered construction contractors performing construction work in geographical areas where they do not have a Federal or federally assisted construction contract shall apply the minority and female goals established for the geographical area where the work is being performed. The Contractor is expected to make substantially uniform progress in meeting its goals in each craft during the period specified. 5. Neither the provisions of any collective bargaining agreement, nor the failure by a union with whom the Contractor has a collective bargaining agreement, to refer either minorities or women shall excuse the Contractor's obligations under these specifications, Executive Order 11246, or the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. 6. In order for the nonworking training hours of apprentices and trainees to be counted in meeting the goals, such apprentices and trainees must be employed by the Contractor during the training period, and the Contractor must have made a commitment to employ the apprentices and trainees at the completion of their training, subject to the availability of employment opportunities. Trainees must be trained pursuant to training programs approved by the U.S. Department of Labor. 7. The Contractor shall take specific affirmative actions to ensure equal employment opportunity. The evaluation of the Contractor's compliance with these specifications shall be based upon its effort to achieve maximum results from its action. The Contractor shall document these efforts fully, and shall implement affirmative action steps at least as extensive as the following: a. Ensure and maintain a working environment free of harassment, intimidation, and coercion at all sites, and in all facilities at which the Contractor's employees are assigned to work. The Contractor, where possible, will assign two or more women to each construction project. The Contractor shall specifically ensure that all foremen, superintendents, and other on -site supervisory personnel are aware of and carry out the Contractor's obligation to maintain such a working environment, with specific attention to minority or female individuals working at such sites or in such facilities. b. Establish and maintain a current list of minority and female recruitment sources, provide written notification to minority and female recruitment sources and to community organizations when the Contractor or its unions have employment opportunities available, and maintain a record of the organizations' responses. c. Maintain a current file of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of each minority and female off - the - street applicant and minority or female referral from a union, a recruitment source or community organization and of what action was taken with respect to each such individual. If such individual was sent to the union hiring hall for referral and was not referred back to the Contractor by the union or, if Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -18 referred, not employed by the Contractor, this shall be documented in the file with the reason therefor, along with whatever additional actions the Contractor may have taken. d. Provide immediate written notification to the Director when the union or unions with which the Contractor has a collective bargaining agreement has not referred to the Contractor a minority person or woman sent by the Contractor, or when the Contractor has other information that the union referral process has impeded the Contractor's efforts to meet its obligations. e. Develop on-the-job training opportunity and /or participate in training programs for the area which expressly include minorities and women, including upgrading programs and apprenticeship and trainee programs relevant to the Contractor's employment needs, especially those programs funded or approved by the U.S. Department of Labor. The Contractor shall provide notice of these programs to the sources compiled under 7b above. f. Disseminate the Contractor's EEO policy by providing notice of the policy to unions and training programs and requesting their cooperation in assisting the Contractor in meeting its EEO obligations; by including it in any policy manual and collective bargaining agreement; by publicizing it in the company newspaper, annual report, etc.; by specific review of the policy with all management personnel and with all minority and female employees at least once a year; and by posting the company EEO policy on bulletin boards accessible to all employees at each location where construction work is performed. g Review, at least annually, the company's EEO policy and affirmative action obligations under these specifications with all employees having any responsibility for hiring, assignment, layoff, termination or other employment decisions including specific review of these items with on -site supervisory personnel such as Superintendents, General Foremen, etc., prior to the initiation of construction work at any job site. A written record shall be made and maintained identifying the time and place of these meetings, persons attending, subject matter discussed, and disposition of the subject matter. h. Disseminate the Contractor's EEO policy externally by including it in any advertising in the news media, specifically including minority and female news media, and providing written notification to and discussing the Contractor's EEO policy with other Contractors and Subcontractors with whom the Contractor does or anticipates doing business. j• Direct its recruitment efforts, both oral and written to minority, female and community organizations, to schools with minority and female students and to minority and female recruitment and training organizations serving the Contractor's recruitment area and employment needs. Not later than one month prior to the date for the acceptance of applications for apprenticeship or other training by any recruitment source, the Contractor shall send written notification to organizations such as the above, describing the openings, screening procedures, and tests to be used in the selection process. Encourage present minority and female employees to recruit other minority persons and women and where reasonable, provide after school, summer and vacation Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -19 employment to minority and female youth both on the site and in other areas of a Contractor's work force. k. Validate all tests and other selection requirements where there is an obligation to do so under 41 CFR Part 60 -3. I. Conduct, at least annually, an inventory and evaluation of all minority and female personnel for promotional opportunities and encourage these employees to seek or to prepare for, through appropriate training, etc., such opportunities. m. Ensure that seniority practices, job classifications, work assignments and other personnel practices, do not have a discriminatory effect by continually monitoring all personnel and employment related activities to ensure that the EEO policy and the Contractor's obligations under these specifications are being carried out. n. Ensure that all facilities and company activities are nonsegregated except that separate or single -user toilet and necessary changing facilities shall be provided to assure privacy between the sexes. o. Document and maintain a record of all solicitations of offers for subcontracts from minority and female construction contractors and suppliers, including circulation of solicitations to minority and female contractor associations and other business associations. p. Conduct a review, at least annually, of all supervisors' adherence to and performance under the Contractor's EEO policies and affirmative action obligations. 8. Contractors are encouraged to participate in voluntary associations which assist in fulfilling one or more of their affirmative action obligations (7a through 7p). The efforts of a contractor association, joint contractor - union, contractor - community, or other similar group of which the Contractor is a member and participant, may be asserted as fulfilling any one or more of the obligations under 7a through 7p of this Special Provision provided that the Contractor actively participates in the group, makes every effort to assure that the group has a positive impact on the employment of minorities and women in the industry, ensure that the concrete benefits of the program are reflected in the Contractor's minority and female work -force participation, makes a good faith effort to meet its individual goals and timetables, and can provide access to documentation which demonstrate the effectiveness of actions taken on behalf of the Contractor. The obligation to comply, however, is the Contractor's and failure of such a group to fulfill an obligation shall not be a defense for the Contractor's noncompliance. 9. A single goal for minorities and a separate single goal for women have been established. The Contractor, however, is required to provide equal employment opportunity and to take affirmative action for all minority groups, both male and female, and all women, both minority and non - minority. Consequently, the Contractor may be in violation of the Executive Order if a particular group is employed in substantially disparate manner (for example, even though the Contractor has achieved its goals for women generally, the Contractor may be in violation of the Executive Order if a specific minority group of women is underutilized). 10. The Contractor shall not use the goals and timetables or affirmative action standards to discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -20 11. The Contractor shall not enter into any subcontract with any person or firm debarred from Government contracts pursuant to Executive Order 11246. 12. The Contractor shall carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of these specifications and of the Equal Opportunity Clause, including suspensions, terminations and cancellations of existing subcontracts as may be imposed or ordered pursuant to Executive Order 11246, as amended, and its implementing regulations by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. Any Contractor who fails to carry out such sanctions and penalties shall be in violation of these specifications and Executive Order 11246, as amended. 13. The Contractor, in fulfilling its obligations under these specifications, shall implement specific affirmative action steps, at least as extensive as those standards prescribed in paragraph 7 of this Special Provision, so as to achieve maximum results from its efforts to ensure equal employment opportunity. If the Contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the Executive Order, the implementing regulations, or these specifications, the Director shall proceed in accordance with 41 CFR 60 -4.8. 14. The Contractor shall designate a responsible official to monitor all employment related activity to ensure that the company EEO policy is being carried out, to submit reports relating to the provisions hereof as may be required by the government and to keep records. Records shall at least include, for each employee, their name, address, telephone numbers, construction trade, union affiliation if any, employee identification number when assigned, social security number, race, sex, status (e.g., mechanic, apprentice, trainee, helper, or laborer), dates of changes in status, hours worked per week in the indicated trade, rate of pay, and locations at which the work was performed. Records shall be maintained in an easily understandable and retrievable form; however, to the degree that existing records satisfy this requirement, the Contractors will not be required to maintain separate records. 15. Nothing herein provided shall be construed as a limitation upon the application of other laws which establish different standards of compliance or upon the application of requirements for the hiring of local or other area residents (e.g., those under the Public Works Employment Act of 1977 and the Community Development Block Grant Program). 16. Additional assistance for Federal Construction Contractors on contracts administered by Washington State Department of Transportation or by Local Agencies may be found at: Washington State Dept. of Transportation Office of Equal Opportunity PO Box 47314 310 Maple Park Ave. SE Olympia WA 98504 -7314 Ph: 360- 705 -7090 Fax: 360- 705 -6801 http://vvvvw.wsdot.wa.gov/equalopportunity/default.htm Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -21 1 -07.18 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Delete this section in its entirety, and replace it with the following: 1 -07.18 Insurance (January 24, 2011 APWA GSP) 1- 07.18(1) General Requirements A. The Contractor shall obtain the insurance described in this section from insurers approved by the State Insurance Commissioner pursuant to RCW Title 48. The insurance must be provided by an insurer with a rating of A -: VII or higher in the A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide, which is licensed to do business in the state of Washington (or issued as a surplus line by a Washington Surplus lines broker). The Contracting Agency reserves the right to approve or reject the insurance provided, based on the insurer (including financial condition), terms and coverage, the Certificate of Insurance, and /or endorsements. B. The Contractor shall keep this insurance in force during the term of the Contract and for thirty (30) days after the Physical Completion date, unless otherwise indicated (see C. below). C. If any insurance policy is written on a claims made form, its retroactive date, and that of all subsequent renewals, shall be no later than the effective date of this Contract. The policy shall state that coverage is claims made, and state the retroactive date. Claims -made form coverage shall be maintained by the Contractor for a minimum of 36 months following the Final Completion or earlier termination of this Contract, and the Contractor shall annually provide the Contracting Agency with proof of renewal. If renewal of the claims made form of coverage becomes unavailable, or economically prohibitive, the Contractor shall purchase an extended reporting period ( "tail ") or execute another form of guarantee acceptable to the Contracting Agency to assure financial responsibility for liability for services performed. D. The insurance policies shall contain a "cross liability" provision. E. The Contractor's and all subContractors' insurance coverage shall be primary and non - contributory insurance as respects the Contracting Agency's insurance, self- insurance, or insurance pool coverage. F. The Contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency and all Additional Insureds with written notice of any policy cancellation, within two business days of their receipt of such notice. G. Upon request, the Contractor shall forward to the Contracting Agency a full and certified copy of the insurance policy(s). H. The Contractor shall not begin work under the Contract until the required insurance has been obtained and approved by the Contracting Agency. I. Failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract, upon which the Contracting Agency may, after giving five business days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the Contract or, at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the Contracting Agency on demand, or at the sole discretion of the Contracting Agency, offset against funds due the Contractor from the Contracting Agency. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -22 J. All costs for insurance shall be incidental to and included in the unit or lump sum prices of the contract and no additional payment will be made. 1- 07.18(2) Additional Insured All insurance policies, with the exception of Professional Liability and Workers Compensation, shall name the following listed entities as additional insured(s): • The Contracting Agency and its officers, elected officials, employees, agents, and volunteers The above - listed entities shall be additional insured(s) for the full available limits of liability maintained by the Contractor, whether primary, excess, contingent or otherwise, irrespective of whether such limits maintained by the Contractor are greater than those required by this Contract, and irrespective of whether the Certificate of Insurance provided by the Contractor pursuant to 1- 07.18(3) describes limits lower than those maintained by the Contractor. 1- 07.18(3) Subcontractors Contractor shall ensure that each subcontractor of every tier obtains and maintains at a minimum the insurance coverages listed in 1- 07.18(5)A and 1- 07.18(5)B. Upon request of the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall provide evidence of such insurance. 1- 07.18(4) Evidence of Insurance The Contractor shall deliver to the Contracting Agency a Certificate(s) of Insurance and endorsements for each policy of insurance meeting the requirements set forth herein when the Contractor delivers the signed Contract for the work. The certificate and endorsements must conform to the following requirements: 1. An ACORD certificate or a form determined by the Contracting Agency to be equivalent. 2. Copies of all endorsements naming Contracting Agency and all other entities listed in 1- 07.18(2) as Additional Insured(s), showing the policy number. The Contractor may submit a copy of any blanket additional insured clause from its policies instead of a separate endorsement. A statement of additional insured status on an ACORD Certificate of Insurance shall not satisfy this requirement. 3. Any other amendatory endorsements to show the coverage required herein. 1- 07.18(5) Coverages and Limits The insurance shall provide the minimum coverages and limits set forth below. Providing coverage in these stated minimum limits shall not be construed to relieve the Contractor from liability in excess of such limits. All deductibles and self- insured retentions must be disclosed and are subject to approval by the Contracting Agency. The cost of any claim payments falling within the deductible shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 1- 07.18(5)A Commercial General Liability A policy of Commercial General Liability Insurance, including: Per project aggregate Premises /Operations Liability Products /Completed Operations — for a period of one year following final acceptance of the work. Personal /Advertising Injury Contractual Liability Independent Contractors Liability Stop Gap / Employers' Liability Explosion, Collapse, or Underground Property Damage (XCU) Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -23 Blasting (only required when the Contractor's work under this Contract includes exposures to which this specified coverage responds) Such policy must provide the following minimum limits: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 General Aggregate $1,000,000 Products & Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury, each offence Stop Gap / Employers' Liability $1,000,000 Each Accident $1,000,000 Disease - Policy Limit $1,000,000 Disease - Each Employee 1- 07.18(5)B Automobile Liability Automobile Liability for owned, non - owned, hired, and leased vehicles, with an MCS 90 endorsement and a CA 9948 endorsement attached if "pollutants" are to be transported. Such policy(ies) must provide the following minimum limit: $1,000,000 combined single limit 1- 07.18(5)C Workers' Compensation The Contractor shall comply with Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the state of Washington. 1 -07.24 Rights of Way (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Delete this section in its entirety, and replace it with the following: Street right of way lines, limits of easements, and limits of construction permits are indicated in the Plans. The Contractor's construction activities shall be confined within these limits, unless arrangements for use of private property are made. Generally, the Contracting Agency will have obtained, prior to bid opening, all rights of way and easements, both permanent and temporary, necessary for carrying out the work. Exceptions to this are noted in the Bid Documents or will be brought to the Contractor's attention by a duly issued Addendum. Whenever any of the work is accomplished on or through property other than public right of way, the Contractor shall meet and fulfill all covenants and stipulations of any easement agreement obtained by the Contracting Agency from the owner of the private property. Copies of the easement agreements may be included in the Contract Provisions or made available to the Contractor as soon as practical after they have been obtained by the Engineer. Whenever easements or rights of entry have not been acquired prior to advertising, these areas are so noted in the Plans. The Contractor shall not proceed with any portion of the work in areas where right of way, easements or rights of entry have not been acquired until the Engineer certifies to the Contractor that the right of way or easement is available or that the right of entry has been received. If the Contractor is delayed due to acts of omission on the part of the Contracting Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -24 Agency in obtaining easements, rights of entry or right of way, the Contractor will be entitled to an extension of time. The Contractor agrees that such delay shall not be a breach of contract. Each property owner shall be given 48 hours notice prior to entry by the Contractor. This includes entry onto easements and private property where private improvements must be adjusted. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, without expense or liability to the Contracting Agency, any additional land and access thereto that the Contractor may desire for temporary construction facilities, storage of materials, or other Contractor needs. However, before using any private property, whether adjoining the work or not, the Contractor shall file with the Engineer a written permission of the private property owner, and, upon vacating the premises, a written release from the property owner of each property disturbed or otherwise interfered with by reasons of construction pursued under this contract. The statement shall be signed by the private property owner, or proper authority acting for the owner of the private property affected, stating that permission has been granted to use the property and all necessary permits have been obtained or, in the case of a release, that the restoration of the property has been satisfactorily accomplished. The statement shall include the parcel number, address, and date of signature. Written releases must be filed with the Engineer before the Completion Date will be established. 1 -08 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS Add the following new section: 1 -08.0 Preliminary Matters (May 25, 2006 APWA GSP) Add the following new section: 1- 08.0(1) Preconstruction Conference (October 10, 2008 APWA GSP) Prior to the Contractor beginning the work, a preconstruction conference will be held between the Contractor, the Engineer and such other interested parties as may be invited. The purpose of the preconstruction conference will be: 1. To review the initial progress schedule; 2. To establish a working understanding among the various parties associated or affected by the work; 3. To establish and review procedures for progress payment, notifications, approvals, submittals, etc., 4. To establish normal working hours for the work; 5. To review safety standards and traffic control; and 6. To discuss such other related items as may be pertinent to the work. The Contractor shall prepare and submit at the preconstruction conference the following: 1. A breakdown of all lump sum items; 2. A preliminary schedule of working drawing submittals; and 3. A list of material sources for approval if applicable. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -25 Add the following new section: 1- 08.0(2) Hours of Work (June 27, 2011 APWA GSP) Except in the case of emergency or unless otherwise approved by the Contracting Agency, the normal straight time working hours for the Contract shall be any consecutive 8 -hour period between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of a working day with a maximum 1 -hour lunch break and a 5- day work week. The normal straight time 8 -hour working period for the Contract shall be established at the preconstruction conference or prior to the Contractor commencing the work. Written permission from the Engineer is required, if a Contractor desires to perform work on holidays, Saturdays, or Sundays; before 7:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. on any day; or longer than an 8 -hour period on any day. The Contractor shall apply in writing to the Engineer for such permission, no later than noon on the working day prior to the day for which the Contractor is requesting permission to work. Permission to work between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. during weekdays and between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on weekends or holidays may also be subject to noise control requirements. Approval to continue work during these hours may be revoked at any time the Contractor exceeds the Contracting Agency's noise control regulations or complaints are received from the public or adjoining property owners regarding the noise from the Contractor's operations. The Contractor shall have no claim for damages or delays should such permission be revoked for these reasons. Permission to work Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or other than the agreed upon normal straight time working hours Monday through Friday may be given subject to certain other conditions set forth by the Contracting Agency or Engineer. These conditions may include but are not limited to: • The Engineer may require designated representatives to be present during the work. Representatives who may be deemed necessary by the Engineer include, but are not limited to: survey crews; personnel from the Contracting Agency's material testing lab; inspectors; and other Contracting Agency employees when in the opinion of the Engineer, such work necessitates their presence. • On non - Federal aid projects, requiring the Contractor to reimburse the Contracting Agency for the costs in excess of straight -time costs for Contracting Agency representatives who worked during such times. • Considering the work performed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays as working days with regard to the contract time. • Considering multiple work shifts as multiple working days with respect to contract time, even though the multiple shifts occur in a single 24 -hour period. Add the following new section: 1- 08.0(3) Reimbursement for Overtime Work of Contracting Agency Employees (May 25, 2006 APWA GSP; may not be used on FHWA- funded projects) Where the Contractor elects to work on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, or longer than an 8 -hour work shift on a regular working day, as defined in the Standard Specifications, such work shall be considered as overtime work. On all such overtime work an inspector will be present, and a survey crew may be required at the discretion of the Engineer. In such case, the Contracting Agency may Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -26 deduct from amounts due or to become due to the Contractor for the costs in excess of the straight -time costs for employees of the Contracting Agency required to work overtime hours. The Contractor by these specifications does hereby authorize the Engineer to deduct such costs from the amount due or to become due to the Contractor. 1- 08.3(2)A Type A Progress Schedule (March 13, 2012 APWA GSP) Revise this section to read: The Contractor shall submit 2 copies of a Type A Progress Schedule no later than at the preconstruction conference, or some other mutually agreed upon submittal time. The schedule may be a critical path method (CPM) schedule, bar chart, or other standard schedule format. Regardless of which format used, the schedule shall identify the critical path. The Engineer will evaluate the Type A Progress Schedule and approve or return the schedule for corrections within 15 calendar days of receiving the submittal. 1 -08.4 Prosecution of Work Delete this section in its entirety, and replace it with the following: 1 -08.4 Notice to Proceed and Prosecution of Work (June 27, 2011 APWA GSP) Notice to Proceed will be given after the Contract has been executed and the contract bonds and evidence of insurance have been approved and filed by the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall not commence with the Work until the Notice to Proceed has been given by the Engineer. The Contractor shall commence construction activities on the project site within ten days of the Notice to Proceed Date, unless otherwise approved in writing. The Contractor shall diligently pursue the Work to the physical completion date within the time specified in the Contract. Voluntary shutdown or slowing of operations by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to complete the Work within the time(s) specified in the Contract. When shown in the Plans, the first order of work shall be the installation of high visibility fencing to delineate all areas for protection or restoration, as described in the Contract. Installation of high visibility fencing adjacent to the roadway shall occur after the placement of all necessary signs and traffic control devices in accordance with 1- 10.1(2). Upon construction of the fencing, the Contractor shall request the Engineer to inspect the fence. No other work shall be performed on the site until the Contracting Agency has accepted the installation of high visibility fencing, as described in the Contract. 1 -08.5 Time for Completion (June 28, 2007 APWA GSP) Revise the third and fourth paragraphs to read: Contract time shall begin on the first working day following the Notice to Proceed Date. Each working day shall be charged to the contract as it occurs, until the contract work is physically complete. If substantial completion has been granted and all the authorized working days have been used, charging of working days will cease. Each week the Engineer will provide the Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -27 Contractor a statement that shows the number of working days: (1) charged to the contract the week before; (2) specified for the physical completion of the contract; and (3) remaining for the physical completion of the contract. The statement will also show the nonworking days and any partial or whole day the Engineer declares as unworkable. Within 10 calendar days after the date of each statement, the Contractor shall file a written protest of any alleged discrepancies in it. To be considered by the Engineer, the protest shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to ascertain the basis and amount of time disputed. By not filing such detailed protest in that period, the Contractor shall be deemed as having accepted the statement as correct. If the Contractor elects to work 10 hours a day and 4 days a week (a 4 -10 schedule) and the fifth dav of the week in which a 4 -10 shift is worked would ordinarily be charged as a working day then the fifth day of that week will be charged as a working dav whether or not the Contractor works on that day. Revise the sixth paragraph to read: The Engineer will give the Contractor written notice of the Completion Date of the contract after all the Contractor's obligations under the contract have been performed by the Contractor. The following events must occur before the Completion Date can be established: 1. The physical work on the project must be complete; and 2. The Contractor must furnish all documentation required by the contract and required by law, to allow the Contracting Agency to process final acceptance of the contract. The following documents must be received by the Project Engineer prior to establishing a completion date: a. Certified Payrolls (Federal -aid Projects) b. Material Acceptance Certification Documents c. Annual Report of Amounts Paid as MBE/WBE Participants or Quarterly Report of Amounts Credited as DBE Participation, as required by the Contract Provisions. d. Final Contract Voucher Certification e. Property owner releases per Section 1 -07.24 1 -08.7 Maintenance During Suspension (October 1, 2005 APWA GSP) Revise the second paragraph to read: At no expense to the Contracting Agency, the Contractor shall provide through the construction area a safe, smooth, and unobstructed roadway, sidewalk, and path for public use during suspension (as required in Section 1 -07.23 or the Special Provisions). This may include a temporary road or detour. 1 -09.6 Force Account (October 10, 2008 APWA GSP) Supplement this section with the following: The Contracting Agency has estimated and included in the Proposal, dollar amounts for all items to be paid per force account, only to provide a common proposal for Bidders. All such dollar amounts are to become a part of Contractor's total bid. However, the Contracting Agency does not warrant expressly or by implication, that the actual amount of work will correspond with those estimates. Payment will be made on the basis of the amount of work actually authorized by Engineer. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -28 1 -09.9 Payments (March 13, 2012 APWA GSP) Delete the first four paragraphs and replace them with the following: The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of Work performed according to the Contract and as specified for payment. The Contractor shall submit a breakdown of the cost of lump sum bid items at the Preconstruction Conference, to enable the Project Engineer to determine the Work performed on a monthly basis. A breakdown is not required for lump sum items that include a basis for incremental payments as part of the respective Specification. Absent a lump sum breakdown, the Project Engineer will make a determination based on information available. The Project Engineer's determination of the cost of work shall be final. Progress payments for completed work and material on hand will be based upon progress estimates prepared by the Engineer. A progress estimate cutoff date will be established at the preconstruction conference. The initial progress estimate will be made not later than 30 days after the Contractor commences the work, and successive progress estimates will be made every month thereafter until the Completion Date. Progress estimates made during progress of the work are tentative, and made only for the purpose of determining progress payments. The progress estimates are subject to change at any time prior to the calculation of the final payment. The value of the progress estimate will be the sum of the following: 1 Unit Price Items in the Bid Form — the approximate quantity of acceptable units of work completed multiplied by the unit price. 2. Lump Sum Items in the Bid Form — based on the approved Contractor's lump sum breakdown for that item, or absent such a breakdown, based on the Engineer's determination. 3. Materials on Hand —100 percent of invoiced cost of material delivered to Job site or other storage area approved by the Engineer. Progress payments will be made in accordance with the progress estimate less: 1. Retainage per Section 1- 09.9(1), on non FHWA- funded projects; 2. The amount of progress payments previously made; and 3. Funds withheld by the Contracting Agency for disbursement in accordance with the Contract Documents. Progress payments for work performed shall not be evidence of acceptable performance or an admission by the Contracting Agency that any work has been satisfactorily completed. The determination of payments under the contract will be final in accordance with Section 1 -05.1. Temporary Traffic Control Traffic Control Management Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -29 General Section 1- 10.2(1) is supplemented with the following: (December 1, 2008) Only training with WSDOT TCS card and WSDOT training curriculum is recognized in the State of Washington. The Traffic Control Supervisor shall be certified by one of the following: The Northwest Laborers - Employers Training Trust 27055 Ohio Ave. Kingston, WA 98346 (360) 297 -3035 Evergreen Safety Council 401 Pontius Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98109 1 -800- 521 -0778 or (206) 382 -4090 The American Traffic Safety Services Association 15 Riverside Parkway, Suite 100 Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406 -1022 Training Dept. Toll Free (877) 642 -4637 Phone: (540) 368 -1701 Measurement Lump Sum Bid for Project (No Unit Items) Section 1- 10.4(1) is supplemented with the following: (August 2, 2004) The proposal contains the item "Project Temporary Traffic Control," lump sum. The provisions of Section 1- 10.4(1) shall apply. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -30 Division 2 Earthwork Clearing, Grubbing, and Roadside Cleanup Description Section 2 -01.1 is supplemented with the following: (March 13, 1995) Clearing and grubbing on this project shall be performed within the following limits: Only clear enough to perform the project within the installed silt fence. Leave as much vegetation as possible. Payment The first and second paragraphs of Section 2 -01.5 are revised to read: (January 5, 1998) Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1 -04.1 for the following bid items when they are included in the proposal: All costs for clearing and grubbing on this project shall be included in the lump sum item "Clearing and Grubbing ". Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -31 Division 8 Miscellaneous Construction Erosion Control and Water Pollution Control Construction Requirements General Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Lead The second and third paragraphs in Section 8- 01.3(1)B are revised to read: (January 7, 2013) The ESC Lead shall implement the TESC Plan. Implementation shall include, but is not limited to: 1. Maintain an on -site TESC plan that reflects current site conditions and work methods. Provide weekly updates to the Project Engineer. 2. Identify arising needs for adaptive management and/or BMPs which were not originally identified in the TESC plan. Coordinate all proposed TESC activities with the Project Engineer. 3. Attend all weekly construction meetings and provide an update on current and planned TESC activities. 4. Ensure that all necessary Best Management Practices (BMP) are identified, implemented and maintained throughout construction. 5. Oversee the installation and maintenance of all TESC control BMP's to ensure continued performance of their intended function. Damaged or inadequate BMP's shall be corrected immediately through coordination with the Engineer. When a TESC Plan is included in the contract plans, the ESC Lead shall also inspect all disturbed areas, on -site BMP's, and stormwater discharge points at least once every calendar week and within 24 -hours of runoff events in which stormwater discharges from the site. Inspections of temporarily stabilized, inactive sites may be reduced to once every calendar month when approved by the Engineer. The ESC Lead shall complete an Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection Form (Form Number 220 -030 EF) for each inspection and a copy shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than the end of the next working day following the inspection. Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching Seeding and Fertilizing Section 8- 01.3(2)B is supplemented with the following: (January 3, 2006) Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -32 Grass seed shall be a commercially prepared mix, made up of low growing species which will grow without irrigation at the project location, and approved by the Engineer. The application rate shall be two pounds per 1000 square feet. (January 3, 2006) Fertilizer shall be a commercially prepared mix of 10 -20 -20 and shall be applied at the rate of 10 pounds per 1000 square feet. Mulching Section 8- 01.3(2)D is supplemented with the following: (August 2, 2010) Wood mulch shall be applied at a rate of 40,000 pounds per acre. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -33 Division 9 Materials Appendices (January 2, 2012) The following appendix is attached and made a part of this contract: Geotechnical Engineering Report APPENDIX A: Geotechnical Engineering Report (August 5, 2013) Standard Plans The State of Washington Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction M21 -01 transmitted under Publications Transmittal No. PT 13 -037, effective August 5, 2013 is made a part of this contract. The Standard Plans are revised as follows: A -50.10 Sheet 2 of 2, Plan, with Single Slope Barrier, reference C -14a is revised to C -70.10 A -50.20 Sheet 2 of 2, Plan, with Anchored Barrier, reference C -14a is revised to C -70.10 A -50.30 Sheet 2 of 2, Plan (top), reference C -14a is revised to C -70.10 B -10.20 and B -10.40 Substitute "step" in lieu of "handhold" on plan B -25.20 Add Note 7. See Standard Specification Section 8 -04 for Curb and Gutter requirements B -90.40 Offset & Bend details, add the subtitle, "Plan View" above titles C -16a Note 1, reference C -28.40 is revised to C -20.10 C -16b Note 3, reference C -28.40 is revised to C -20.10 C- 70.10 -00 Elevation, and Barrier Connection Detail, callout for premolded joint filler, revise' /" to 3/8" Note 1, revise' /" to 3/8 ". The Welded Wire Reinforcing Substitution Option Table is deleted. The note, " *Optional Substitutions to Welded Wire Reinforcements shall conform to Standard Specification Sections 6- Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -34 10 and 9 -07" is revised to read: "Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement Deformed, for Concrete may be substituted for reinforcing steel in accordance with Standard Specification 6- 10.3." C- 75.10 -00 Elevation, callout for premolded joint filler, revise' /" to 3/8 ", Note 1, revise'/" to 3/8 ". The Welded Wire Reinforcing Substitution Option Table is deleted. The note, " *Optional Substitutions to Welded Wire Reinforcements shall conform to Standard Specification Sections 6- 10 and 9 -07" is revised to read: "Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement Deformed, for Concrete may be substituted for reinforcing steel in accordance with Standard Specification 6- 10.3." C- 75.20 -00 Elevation, callout for premolded joint filler, revise 1/4" to 3/8 ", Note 1, revise 1/i" to 3/8 ". The Welded Wire Reinforcing Substitution Option Table is deleted. The note, " *Optional Substitutions to Welded Wire Reinforcements shall conform to Standard Specification Sections 6- 10 and 9 -07" is revised to read: "Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement Deformed, for Concrete may be substituted for reinforcing steel in accordance with Standard Specification 6- 10.3." C- 75.30 -00 Elevation, and Plan views, callout for premolded joint filler, revise 1/4" to 3/8" ", Note 1, revise 1/4" to 3/8" The Welded Wire Reinforcing Substitution Option Table is deleted. The note, " *Optional Substitutions to Welded Wire Reinforcements shall conform to Standard Specification Sections 6- 10 and 9 -07" is revised to read: "Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement Deformed, for Concrete may be substituted for reinforcing steel in accordance with Standard Specification 6- 10.3." C- 80.10 -00 The Welded Wire Reinforcing Substitution Option Table is deleted. The note, " *Optional Substitutions to Welded Wire Reinforcements shall conform to Standard Specification Sections 6- 10 and 9 -07" is revised to read: "Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement Deformed, for Concrete may be substituted for reinforcing steel in accordance with Standard Specification 6- 10.3." C- 80.20 -00 The Welded Wire Reinforcing Substitution Option Table is deleted. The note, " *Optional Substitutions to Welded Wire Reinforcements shall conform to Standard Specification Sections 6- 10 and 9 -07" is revised to read: "Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement Deformed, for Concrete may be substituted for reinforcing steel in accordance with Standard Specification 6- 10.3." C- 80.30 -00 The Welded Wire Reinforcing Substitution Option Table is deleted. The note, " *Optional Substitutions to Welded Wire Reinforcements shall conform to Standard Specification Sections 6- 10 and 9 -07" is revised to read: "Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement Deformed, for Concrete may be substituted for reinforcing steel in accordance with Standard Specification 6- 10.3." C- 80.40 -00 The Welded Wire Reinforcing Substitution Option Table is deleted. The note, " *Optional Substitutions to Welded Wire Reinforcements shall conform to Standard Specification Sections 6- 10 and 9 -07" is revised to read: "Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement Deformed, for Concrete may be substituted for reinforcing steel in accordance with Standard Specification 6- 10.3." C -85.14 General Notes, Note 1, reference to Standard Plan C -13 is revised to C -70.10 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -35 C -85.15 General Notes, Note 2, reference to Standard Plan C -13 is revised to C -70.10 C -85.16 General Notes, Note 1, reference to Standard Plan C -13 is revised to C -70.10 C -85.18 General Notes, Note 1, reference to Standard Plan C -13 is revised to C -70.10 C -85.20 General Notes, Note 3, reference to Standard Plan C -13 is revised to C -70.10 D -3.10 Key Note 7, reference to 1130.04(5).06 is revised to 730.05(5) F -10.12 Note 1. See Standard Plan F -30.10 for Curb Expansion and Contraction Joint spacing. Is revised to read; "See Standard Plan F -30.10 for Curb Expansion and Contraction Joint spacing and see Standard Specification section 8 -04 and 9 -04 for additional requirements." F -10.62 Plan Title, Precast Concrete Sloped Mountable Curb is revised to read; "Precast Sloped Mountable Curb" F -10.64 Plan Title, Plan Title, Precast Concrete Dual Faced Sloped Mountable Curb is revised to read; "Precast Dual Faced Sloped Mountable Curb" F -30.10 Sections, left side of sheet, (4 places), dimension, Sidewalk - 6' - 0" MIN.(See Contract) is revised to read; "Sidewalk (See Contract)" Section, top middle of sheet, dimension, Sidewalk - 6' - 0" MIN. (See Contract) is revised to read; "Sidewalk (See Contract)" F -80.10 callout, top middle of sheet, Match Sidewalk Width See Contract Plans - 4' - 0" MIN. is revised to read; "Match Sidewalk Width See Contract Plans" dimension, PLAN VIEW TYPE 2, (2 places), 4' - 0" MIN, is revised to read; "(See Contract)" dimension, SECTION C, See Contract Plans - 4' - 0" MIN. is revised to read; "See Contract Plans" G -60.20 Side View, callout, "Anchor Rod - 1 -3/4" Diam. x 4' -4" Threaded 8" Min. Each End; W/ 2 Washers & 4 Heavy Hex Nuts - Galvanize Exposed Anchor Rod End for 1' -0" Min." is revised to read; "Anchor Rod - 1 -3/4" Diam. x 4' -4" Threaded 8" Min. Each End; W/ 2 Washers & 6 Heavy Hex Nuts - Galvanize Exposed Anchor Rod End for 1-0" Min." G -60.30 End View, callout, "Anchor Rod - 1 -3/4" Diam. x 4' -4" Threaded 8" Min. Each End; W/ 2 Washers & 4 Heavy Hex Nuts - Galvanize Exposed Anchor Rod End for 1' -0" Min." is revised to read; "Anchor Rod - 1 -3/4" Diam. x 4' -4" Threaded 8" Min. Each End; W/ 2 Washers & 6 Heavy Hex Nuts -- Galvanize Exposed Anchor Rod End for 1' -0" Min." Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -36 H -70.20 Sheet 2, Spacing Detail, Mailbox Support Type 1, reference to Standard Plan 1 -70.10 is revised to H -70.10 1 -50.10 Deleted J -3b Sheet 2 of 2, Plan View of Service Cabinet, Boxed Note, "SEE STANDARD PLAN J- 6C..." is revised to read: "SEE STANDARD PLAN J- 10.10..." Sheet 2 of 2, Plan View of Service Cabinet Notes, references to Std. Plan J -9a are revised to J- 60.05 (3 instances). J -10.10 Note 2.The contractor shall install the conduits in the locations shown. Conduits shall extend 2" min. above the coupling. The conduit containing unfused utility conductors shall extend into the utility chase is revised to read: "The contractor shall install the conduits in the locations shown. Conduits shall extend 2" min. above the coupling. The grounded end bushing on GRS conduit and the end bell bushing on PVC conduit shall extend 3" max. above the coupling. The conduit containing unfused utility conductors shall extend into the utility chase." Note 4. The cabinets shall be attached to the foundation with 4 each: 1/2" x 12" x 2" x 4" hot dip galv. anchor bolts, washers, and nuts. Stainless steel epoxy anchors may be used as an alternative, and shall be 1/2" diam. x 9 ", or 5/8" diam. x 8 ". Bolts shall extend 1 1/2" min. to 2" max. above the concrete pad is revised to read: "The cabinets shall be attached to the foundation with 4 each: ' /2" x 12" x 2" x 4" anchor bolts, washers, and nuts conforming to Section 9- 06.5(1) and galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M 232. Stainless steel epoxy anchors may be used as an alternative, and shall be '/2" diameter x 9 ", or 5/8" diameter x 8 ". Threaded Rod (conforming to ASTM F 593), washers (conforming to ASTM A 240), and nuts (conforming to ASTM F 594), all shall be Type 304 stainless steel. Bolts shall extend 1 ' /2" min. to 2" max. above the concrete pad." J -10.15 ANCHOR BOLT detail, callout - ASTM A307 with washer and nut - Galvanized per AASHTO M 232 is revised to read; "Anchor bolts, washers, and nuts conforming to Section 9- 06.5(1) and galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO M 232 " J -15.10 Elevation View (3x), Depth dimension, reads; "Depth - See Std. Spec. 9- 20.3(14)E and Contract ", revised to read; "Depth - See Std. Spec. 8- 20.3(13)A and Contract" J -15.15 General Notes, Note 3, reference to Standard Plan J -7c is revised to J -27.15 J -16b Deleted J -16c Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project 1V-37 Deleted J- 20.10 -02 Foundation Detail, callout, "1/2" diameter steel hex nut, with 1 1/2" flat washer (2) each req'd per anchor bolt" is revised to read; 1/2" diameter steel heavy hex nut, with 1/2" flat washer (2) each req'd per anchor bolt J- 20.11 -01 Sheet 1, View A, callout, "1/2" x 26" full thread - (4) required 1/2" hex nuts - (4) required per anchor bolt" is revised to read; "1/2" x 24" full thread - (4) required 1/2" heavy hex nuts ^' (4) required per anchor bolt" Section B, callout, "1/2" diameter steel hex nut, with 1/2" flat washer, (2) required per anchor bolt" is revised to read; 1/2" diameter steel heavy hex nut, with '/2" flat washer, (2) required per anchor bolt Sheet 2, Elevation, callout, "Anchor bolt ' /2" x 28" full thread - (4) required 1/3" hex nuts - (4) required per anchor bolt" is revised to read: Anchor bolt 3/4" x 36" full thread - (4) required 3/4" heavy hex nuts - (4) required per anchor bolt" J -20.16 Elevation, callout, "1/4" Premolded Joint Filler" is revised to read; "3/8" Premolded Joint Filler" Add General Note 9. "Junction Box serving the Standard shall preferably be located 5' - 0" (10' - 0" Max.) from the Standard." J- 21.10 -03 Sheet 1, Round Concrete Foundation Detail, Elevation, callout, "%" hex nuts, steel, (4) Req'd. per Anchor Bolt" is revised to read; Anchor bolt 3/4" x 30" full thread -- (4) required 3/4" heavy hex nuts, steel, (4) Req'd. per Anchor Bolt Sheet 1, Square Concrete Foundation Detail, Elevation, callout, "3/" hex nuts, steel, (4) Req'd. per Anchor Bolt" is revised to read; Anchor bolt 3/4" x 30" full thread -- (4) required 3/4" heavy hex nuts, steel, (4) Req'd. per Anchor Bolt Sheet 1, Detail C, callout, "Base Plate Assembly -1/2" Diam. steel hex nut, with 1 1/2" flat washer, 2 each req'd per anchor bolt - minimum of 2 threads above top of nut or 5/8" maximum (Typ.)" is revised to read; Base Plate Assembly - 3/4" heavy hex nut, with 3/4" flat washer, 2 each req'd per anchor bolt - minimum of 2 threads above top of nut or 5/8" maximum (Typ.)" Sheet 2, Round Concrete Foundation Detail, Elevation, callout, "Anchor Bolts - (4) req'd per assembly (Typ.)" is revised to read; Anchor Bolt 3/4" x 30" full thread -- (4) req'd per assembly (TYp. )" Callout, "3/4" hex nuts, steel - (4) req'd. per anchor bolt" is revised to read; 3/4" heavy hex nuts, steel - (4) req'd. per anchor bolt Sheet 2, Round Concrete Foundation Detail, Elevation, callout, "Anchor Bolts - (4) req'd per assembly (Typ.)" is revised to read; Anchor Bolt 3/4" x 30" full thread (4) req'd per assembly (TYPO" Callout, "3/4" hex nuts, steel - (4) req'd. per anchor bolt" is revised to read; 3/4" heavy hex nuts, steel -- (4) req'd. per anchor bolt J- 22.15 -01 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -38 Ramp Meter Signal Standard, elevation, dimension 4'6" is revised to read; 6' -0" J -29.10 Galvanized Welded Wire Mesh detail, callout - "Drill and Tap for 1/4" Diam. Cap Screw, 3 Places, @ 9" center, all 4 edges S.S. Screw, ASTM F593 and washer" Is revised to read; "Drill and Tap for 1/4" Diam. Cap Screw, 3 Places, @ 9" center, all 4 edges S.S. Screw, ASTM F593 and washer. Liberally coat the threads with Anti -seize Compound." J -29.15 Title, "Camera Pole Standard" is revised to read; "Camera Pole Standard Details" J -29 -16 Title, "Camera Pole Standard Details" is revised to read; "Camera Pole Details" J -60.14 All references to J -16b (6x) are revised to read; J -60.11 J -75.40 Monotube Sign Structure, elevation, callout - EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR - SIZE PER NEC. MINIMUM SIZE # 8 Is revised to read; EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR - SIZE PER NEC minimum size # 4 AWG Detail C, callout- EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR - CLAMP TO STEEL REINFORCING BAR, SIZE PER NEC MIN. SIZE # 8 Is revised to read; EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR - CLAMP TO STEEL REINFORCING BAR, SIZE PER NEC minimum size # 4 AWG Detail C, callout - Stainless Steel, selftapping 1/4" Diam. Screw w/ S.S. Washer, space approx. 9" O.C. is revised to read; "Stainless Steel, selftapping 1/4" Diam. Screw w/ S.S. Washer, space approx. 9" O.C., liberally coat the threads with Anti -seize compound" J -75.45 elevation, callout - EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR - SIZE PER NEC. MINIMUM SIZE #8 Is revised to read: EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR - SIZE PER NEC minimum size # 4 AWG Detail D, callout- EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR - CLAMP TO STEEL REINFORCING BAR, SIZE PER NEC. MIN. SIZE # 8 Is revised to read: EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR - CLAMP TO STEEL REINFORCING BAR, SIZE PER NEC minimum size # 4 AWG Detail C, callout - Stainless Steel, selftapping 1/4" Diam. Screw w/ S.S. Washer, space approx. 9" O.C. is revised to read; "Stainless Steel, selftapping 1/4" Diam. Screw w/ S.S. Washer, space approx. 9" O.C., liberally coat the threads with Anti -seize compound" Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -39 J -90.10 Section B, callout, "Hardware Mounting Rack - S. S. 1 -5/8" Slotted Channel" is revised to read: "Hardware Mounting Rack (Typ.) - Type 304 S. S. 1 -5/8" Slotted Channel" J -90.20 Section B, callout, "Hardware Mounting Rack (Typ.) - S. S. 1 -5/8" Slotted Channel" is revised to read: "Hardware Mounting Rack (Typ.) - Type 304 S. S. 1 -5/8" Slotted Channel" K -80.30 In the NARROW BASE, END view, the reference to Std. Plan C -8e is revised to Std. Plan K -80.35 The following are the Standard Plan numbers applicable at the time this project was advertised. The date shown with each plan number is the publication approval date shown in the lower right - hand corner of that plan. Standard Plans showing different dates shall not be used in this contract. A- 10.10 -00 A- 10.20 -00 A- 10.30 -00 A- 20.10 -00 A- 30.10 -00 A- 30.15 -00 A- 30.30 -01 B- 5.20 -01 B- 5.40 -01 B- 5.60 -01 B- 10.20 -01 B- 10.40 -00 B- 10.60 -00 B- 15.20 -01 B- 15.40 -01 B- 15.60 -01 B- 20.20 -02 B- 20.40 -03 B- 20.60 -03 B- 25.20 -01 B- 25.60 -00 B- 30.10 -01 B- 30.20 -02 B- 30.30 -01 B- 30.40 -01 8/7/07 A- 30.35 -00 10/12/07 A- 50.20 -01 9/22/09 10/5/07 A- 40.00 -00 8/11/09 A- 50.30 -00 11/17/08 10/5/07 A- 40.10 -02 6/2/11 A- 50.40 -00 11/17/08 8/31/07 A- 40.15 -00 8/11/09 A- 60.10 -01 10/14/09 11/8/07 A- 40.20 -02 5/29/13 A- 60.20 -02 6/2/11 11/8/07 A- 40.50 -01 6/2/11 A- 60.30 -00 11/8/07 6/16/11 A- 50.10 -00 11/17/08 A- 60.40 -00 8/31/07 6/16/11 B- 30.50 -01 4/26/12 B- 75.20 -01 6/10/08 6/16/11 B- 30.70 -03 4/26/12 B- 75.50 -01 6/10/08 6/16/11 B- 30.80 -00 6/8/06 B- 75.60 -00 6/8/06 2/7/12 B- 30.90 -01 9/20/07 B- 80.20 -00 6/8/06 6/1/06 B- 35.20 -00 6/8/06 B- 80.40 -00 6/1/06 6/8/06 B- 35.40 -00 6/8/06 B- 82.20 -00 6/1/06 2/7/12 B- 40.20 -00 6/1/06 B- 85.10 -01 6/10/08 2/7/12 B- 40.40 -01 6/16/10 B- 85.20 -00 6/1/06 2/7/12 B- 45.20 -00 6/1/06 B- 85.30 -00 6/1/06 3/16/12 B- 45.40 -00 6/1/06 B- 85.40 -00 6/8/06 3/16/12 B- 50.20 -00 6/1/06 B- 85.50 -01 6/10/08 3/15/12 B- 55.20 -00 6/1/06 B- 90.10 -00 6/8/06 3/15/12 B- 60.20 -00 6/8/06 B- 90.20 -00 6/8/06 6/1/06 B- 60.40 -00 6/1/06 B- 90.30 -00 6/8/06 4/26/12 B- 65.20 -01 4/26/12 B- 90.40 -00 6/8/06 4/26/12 B- 65.40 -00 6/1/06 B- 90.50 -00 6/8/06 4/26/12 B- 70.20 -00 6/1/06 B- 95.20 -01 2/3/09 4/26/12 B- 70.60 -00 6/1/06 B- 95.40 -00 6/8/06 C -1 C-la C-lb C-lc C -1 d C -2 C -2a C -2b C -2c 6/16/11 C -6 5/30/97 C- 23.60 -02 6/21/12 10/14/09 C -6a 10/14/09 C.24.10 -00 7/12/12 6/16/11 C -6c 1/6/00 C- 25.18 -03 7/2/12 5/30/97 C -6d 5/30/97 C- 25.20 -05 7/2/12 10/31/03 C -6f 7/25/97 C- 25.22 -04 7/2/12 1/6/00 C -7 6/16/11 C- 25.26 -02 7/2/12 6/21/06 C -7a 6/16/11 C- 25.80 -02 7/2/12 6/21/06 C -8 2/10/09 C- 40.14 -02 7/2/12 6/21/06 C -8a 7/25/97 C- 40.16 -02 7/2/12 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -40 C -2d 6/21/06 C -8b 6/27/11 C -2e 6/21/06 C -8e 2/21/07 C -2f 3/14/97 C -8f 6/30/04 C -2g 7/27/01 C -10 6/3/10 C -2h 3/28/97 C -16a 6/3/10 C -2i 3/28/97 C -16b 6/3/10 C -2j 6/12/98 C- 20.10 -01 6/20/13 C -2k 7/27/01 C- 20.14 -02 7/2/12 C -2n 7/27/01 C- 20.15 -01 7/2/12 C -2o 7/13/01 C- 20.18 -01 7/2/12 C -2p 10/31/03 C- 20.19 -01 7/2/12 0-3 6/27/11 C- 20.40 -03 7/2/12 C -3a 10/4/05 C- 20.42 -03 7/2/12 C -3b 6/27/11 C- 20.45.01 7/2/12 C -3c 6/27/11 C- 22.14 -02 6/16/11 C -4b 6/8/06 0- 22.16 -03 4/18/12 C -4e 2/20/03 C- 22.40 -02 6/16/10 C -4f 7/2/12 C- 22.45.00 6/16/11 D- 2.04 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.48 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.06 -01 1/6/09 D- 2.64 -01 1/6/09 D- 2.08 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.66 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.14 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.68 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.16 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.80 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.18 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.82 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.20 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.84 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.32 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.86 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.34 -01 1/6/09 D- 2.88 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.36 -02 1/6/09 D- 2.92 -00 11/10/05 D- 2.42 -00 11/10/05 D- 3.09 -00 5/17/12 D- 2.44 -00 11/10/05 D- 3.10 -01 5/29/13 D- 2.60 -00 11/10/05 D- 3.11 -02 5/29/13 D- 2.62 -00 11/10/05 D- 3.15 -02 6/10/13 D- 2.46 -00 11/10/05 D- 3.16 -02 5/29/13 E -1 2/21/07 E -4 8/27/03 E -2 5/29/98 E -4a 8/27/03 F- 10.12 -02 6/16/11 F- 10.62 -01 9/05/07 F- 10.16 -00 12/20/06 F- 10.64 -02 7/3/08 F- 10.18 -00 6/27/11 F- 30.10 -02 6/20/13 F- 10.40 -02 6/21/12 F- 40.12 -02 6/20/13 F- 10.42 -00 1/23/07 F- 40.14 -02 6/20/13 G- 10.10 -00 9/20/07 G- 24.60 -02 5/20/13 G- 20.10 -00 9/20/07 G- 25.10 -04 6/10/13 G- 22.10 -01 7/3/08 G- 30.10 -02 6/20/13 G- 24.10 -00 11/8/07 G- 50.10 -01 6/20/13 G- 24.20 -01 2/7/12 G- 60.10 -02 6/10/13 G- 24.30 -01 2/7/12 G- 60.20 -01 6/27/11 G- 24.40 -03 6/20/13 G- 60.30 -01 6/27/11 G- 24.50 -02 6/20/13 G- 70.10 -02 6/10/13 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -41 C- 40.18 -02 7/2/12 C- 70.10 -00 4/8/12 C- 75.10 -00 4/8/12 C- 75.20 -00 4/8/12 C- 75.30 -00 4/8/12 C- 80.10 -00 4/8/12 C- 80.20 -00 4/8/12 C- 80.30 -00 4/8/12 C- 80.40 -00 4/8/12 C- 80.50 -00 4/8/12 C- 85.10 -00 4/8/12 C- 85.11 -00 4/8/12 C- 85.14 -00 6/16/11 C- 85.15 -00 6/16/11 C- 85.16 -00 6/16/11 C- 85 -18 -00 6/16/11 C- 85.20 -00 6/16/11 C- 90.10 -00 7/3/08 D- 3.17 -01 5/17/12 D -4 12/11/98 D -6 6/19/98 D- 10.10 -01 12/2/08 D- 10.15 -01 12/2/08 D- 10.20 -00 7/8/08 D- 10.25 -00 7/8/08 D- 10.30 -00 7/8/08 D- 10.35 -00 7/8/08 D- 10.40 -01 12/2/08 D- 10.45 -01 12/2/08 D- 15.10 -01 12/2/08 D- 15.20 -02 6/2/11 D- 15.30 -01 12/02/08 F- 40.15 -02 6/20/13 F- 40.16 -02 6/20/13 F- 45.10 -01 6/21/12 F- 80.10 -02 3/15/12 G-70.20-02....6/10/13 G- 70.30 -02 6/10/13 G-90.10-015/11/11 G- 90.20 -02 3/22/13 G- 90.30 -02 3/25/13 G- 90.40 -01 10/14/09 G- 95.10 -01 6/2/11 G- 95.20 -02 6/2/11 H- 10.10 -00 H- 10.15 -00 H- 30.10 -00 G- 95.30 -02 6/2/11 7/3/08 H- 32.10 -00 9/20/07 H- 70.10 -01 2/7/12 7/3/08 H- 60.10 -01 7/3/08 H- 70.20 -01 2/16/12 10/12/07 H- 60.20 -01 7/3/08 H- 70.30 -02 2/7/12 1- 10.10 -01 1- 30.10 -02 1- 30.15 -02 1- 30.16 -00 1- 30.17 -00 8/11/09 1- 30.20 -00 9/20/07 1- 40.20 -00 9/20/07 3/22/13 1- 30.30 -01 6/10/13 1- 50.20 -01 6/20/13 3/22/13 1- 30.40 -01 6/10/13 1- 60.10 -01 6/10/13 3/22/13 1- 30.60 -00 5/29/13 1- 60.20 -01 6/10/13 3/22/13 1- 40.10 -00 9/20/07 1- 80.10 -01 8/11/09 J -3 8/1/97 J- 26.15 -01 5/17/12 J- 40.40 -00 5/20/13 J -3b 3/4/05 J- 27.10 -00 3/15/12 J- 50.10 -00 6/3/11 J -3c 6/24/02 J- 27.15 -00 3/15/12 J- 50.11 -00 6/3/11 J -10 7/18/97 J- 28.10 -01 5/11/11 J- 50.12 -00 6/3/11 J- 10.10 -01 5/11/11 J- 28.22 -00 8/07/07 J- 50.15 -00 6/3/11 J- 10.15 -00 7/2/12 J- 28.24 -00 8/07/07 J- 50.16 -01 3/22/13 J- 10.22 -00 5/29/13 J- 28.26 -01 12/02/08 J- 50.20 -00 6/3/11 J- 15.10 -00 5/8/12 J- 28.30 -02 6/27/11 J- 50.25 -00 6/3/11 J- 15.15 -00 6/16/10 J- 28.40 -01 10/14/09 J- 50.30 -00 6/3/11 J -16b 2/10/09 J- 28.42 -00 8/07/07 J- 60.05 -00 6/16/11 J -16c 2/10/09 J- 28.45 -01 6/27/11 J- 60.11 -00 5/20/13 J- 20.10 -02 6/10/13 J- 28.50 -02 6/2/11 J- 60.12 -00 5/20/13 J- 20.11 -01 6/10/13 J- 28.60 -01 6/2/11 J- 60.13 -00 6/16/10 J- 20.15 -02 6/10/13 J- 28.70 -01 5/11/11 J- 60.14 -00 6/16/10 J- 20.16 -01 7/12/12 J- 29.10 -00 6/27/11 J- 75.10 -01 5/11/11 J- 20.20 -02 5/20/13 J- 29.15 -00 6/27/11 J- 75.20 -00 2/10/09 J- 20.26 -01 7/12/12 J- 29.16 -01 6/20/13 J- 75.30 -01 5/11/11 J- 21.10 -03 6/10/13 J- 40.10 -03 .5/20/13 J- 75.40 -00 10/14/09 J- 21.15 -01 6/10/13 J- 40.20 -01 5/17/12 J- 75.45 -00 10/14/09 J- 21.16 -01 6/10/13 J- 40.30 -03 5/20/13 J- 90.10 -01 6/27/11 J- 21.17 -01 6/10/13 J- 40.35 -01 5/29/13 J- 90.20 -01 6/27/11 J- 21.20 -01 6/10/13 J- 40.36 -01 5/20/13 J- 22.15 -01 6/10/13 J- 40.37 -01 5/20/13 J- 22.16 -02 6/10/13 J- 40.38 -01 5/20/13 J- 26.10 -02 3/15/12 J- 40.39 -00 5/20/13 K- 70.20 -00 2/15/07 K- 80.10 -00 2/21/07 K- 80.20 -00 12/20/06 K- 80.30 -00 2/21/07 K- 80.35 -00 2/21/07 K- 80.37 -00 2/21/07 L- 10.10 -02 6/21/12 L- 40.10 -02 6/21/12 L- 70.10 -01 5/21/08 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -42 L- 20.10 -02 6/21/12 L- 40.15 -01 6/16/11 L- 70.20 -01 5/21/08 L- 30.10 -01 6/16/11 L- 40.20 -02 6/21/12 M- 1.20 -02 6/3/11 M- 9.60 -00 2/10/09 M- 40.10 -02 5/11/11 M- 1.40 -02 6/3/11 M- 11.10 -01 1/30/07 M- 40.20- 00...10/12/07 M- 1.60 -02 6/3/11 M- 15.10 -01 2/6/07 M- 40.30 -00 9/20/07 M- 1.80 -03 6/3/11 M- 17.10 -02 7/3/08 M- 40.40 -00 9/20/07 M- 2.20 -02 6/3/11 M- 20.10 -02 6/3/11 M- 40.50 -00 9/20/07 M- 3.10 -03 6/3/11 M- 20.20 -01 1/30/07 M- 40.60 -00 9/20/07 M- 3.20 -02 6/3/11 M- 20.30 -02 10/14/09 M- 60.10 -01 6/3/11 M- 3.30 -03 6/3/11 M- 20.40 -02 6/3/11 M- 60.20 -02 6/27/11 M- 3.40 -03 6/3/11 M- 20.50 -02 6/3/11 M- 65.10 -02 5/11/11 M- 3.50 -02 6/3/11 M- 24.20 -01 5/31/06 M- 80.10 -01 6/3/11 M- 5.10 -02 6/3/11 M- 24.40 -01 5/31/06 M- 80.20 -00 6/10/08 M- 7.50 -01 1/30/07 M- 24.50 -00 6/16/11 M- 80.30 -00 6/10/08 M- 9.50 -01 1/30/07 M- 24.60 -03 5/11/11 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project IV -43 PART V ATTACHMENTS Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -1 Attachment A State and Federal Contract Provisions Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -2 STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS TO BE OBSERVED The applicant must comply with all state and federal laws in performing all tasks undertaken with respect to the Public Assistance Program. The following sections are included for informational purposes and are not professed to include all relevant laws. It is the applicant's responsibility to comply with all federal, state, and local laws. 1. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY — All contracts shall contain a provision requiring compliance with E.O. 11246, "Equal Employment Opportunity," as amended by E.O. 11375, "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity," and as supplemented by regulations at 41 CFR part 60, "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor." 2. COPELAND "ANTI- KICKBACK" ACT (18 U.S.C. 874 AND 40 U.S.C. 276c) — AlI contracts and subgrants in excess of $2,000 for construction or repair awarded by recipients and subrecipients shall include a provision for compliance with the Copeland "Anti- Kickback" Act (18 U.S.C. 874), as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR part 3, "Contractors and Subcontractors on Public Building or Public Work Financed in Whole or in Part by Loans or Grants from the United States "). The Act provides that each contractor or subrecipient shall be prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person employed in the construction, completion, or repair of public work, to give up any part of the compensation to which he is otherwise entitled. The recipient shall report all suspected or reported violations to the Federal awarding agency. 3. CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS ACT (40 U.S.0 327- 333) — Where applicable, all contracts awarded by recipients in excess of $2,000 for construction contracts and in excess of $2,500 for other contracts that involve the employment of mechanics or laborers shall include a provision for compliance with Sections 102 and 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327 -333), as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR part 5). Under Section 102 of the Act, each contractor shall be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than 1 ' times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work week. Section 107 of the Act is applicable to construction work and provides that no laborer or mechanic shall be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. 4. RIGHTS TO INVENTIONS MADE UNDER A CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT — Contracts or agreements for the performance of experimental, developmental, or research work shall provide for the rights of the Federal Government and the recipient in any resulting invention in accordance with 37 CFR part 401, "Rights Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -3 to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grants, Contracts and Cooperative Agreements," and any implementing regulations issued by the awarding agency. 5. CLEAN AIR ACT (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) AND THE FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT(33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.), as amended — Contractors and subgrants of amounts in excess of $100,000 shall contain a provision that requires the recipient to agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) Violations shall be reported to the Federal awarding agency and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 6. BYRD ANTI - LOBBYING AMENDMENT (31 U.S.C. 1352) — Contractors who apply or bid for an award of $100,000 or more shall file the required certification. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each tier shall also disclose any lobbying in non - Federal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining any Federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the recipient. 7. DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION(E.O.s 12549 and 12689) — No contract shall be made to parties listed on the General Services Administration's List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Nonprocurement Programs in accordance with E.O.s 12549 and 12689, "Debarment and Suspension." This list contains the names of parties debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, and contractors declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than E.O. 12549. Contractors with awards that exceed the small purchase threshold shall provide the required certification regarding its exclusion status and that of its principal employees. 8. PUBLIC LAW 88 -352, TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964(42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.) (24 CFR Part 1). The APPLICANT must comply with the provisions of "Public Law 88- 352," which refers to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.). The law provides that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin, be denied the benefits of, be excluded from participation in, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. 9. SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT, 1973, AS AMENDED (29 U.S.C. 794). The APPLICANT must comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, which provides that no otherwise qualified individual shall, solely by reason of his or her disability, be excluded from participation (including employment), denied program benefits or be Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V-4 subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal assistance funds. 10.AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (42 U.S.C. 12101, et seq.) The APPLICANT shall comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. 12101, et. seq. That Act provides a comprehensive national mandate to eliminate discrimination against individuals with disabilities. The Act may impose requirements on the APPLICANT in four principle ways: 1) with respect to employment; 2) with respect to the provision of public services; 3) with respect to transportation; 4) with respect to existing facilities and new construction. 11.THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT OF 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.0 Section 4321 et seq., and 24 CFR Part 58). The APPLICANT shall comply with the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The purpose of this Act is to attain the widest use of the environment without degradation, risk to health or safety, or other undesirable and unintended consequences. Environmental review procedures, including determining and publishing a Finding of Significance or of No Significance for a proposal, are a necessary part of this process. Pursuant to these provisions, the APPLICANT must also submit environmental certifications to the DEPARTMENT when requesting that funds be released for the project. The APPLICANT must certify that the proposed project will not significantly impact the environment and that the APPLICANT has complied with environmental regulations and fulfilled its obligations to give public notice of the funding request, environmental findings and compliance performance. 12. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11990, MAY 24, 1977: PROTECTION OF WETLANDS (42 F.R. 26961 et seq.) The APPLICANT shall comply with Executive Order 11990. The intent of this Executive Order is (1) to avoid, to the extent possible, adverse impacts associated with the destruction or modification of wetland, and (2) to avoid direct or indirect support of new construction in wetlands wherever there is a practical alternative. The APPLICANT, to the extent permitted by law, must avoid undertaking or providing assistance for new construction located in wetlands unless (1) there is no practical alternative to such construction, and (2) the proposed action includes all practical measures to minimize harm to wetlands which may result from such use. In making this determination, the APPLICANT may take into account economic, environmental and other pertinent factors. 13. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11988, MAY 24, 1977: FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT (42 F.R. 26951 et seq). The APPLICANT shall comply with the provisions of Executive Order 11988. The intent of this Executive Order is to (1) avoid, to the extent possible, adverse impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of floodplains, and (2) avoid direct or indirect support of floodplain development wherever there is a practical alternative. If the APPLICANT proposes to conduct, support or allow an action to be located in a floodplain, the APPLICANT must consider alternatives to avoid adverse effects and incompatible involvement in the floodplain. If siting in a floodplain is the only Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -5 practical alternative, the APPLICANT must, prior to taking any action (1) design or modify its actions in order to minimize any potential harm to the floodplain, and (2) prepare and circulate a notice containing an explanation of why the action is proposed to be located in a floodplain. 14.THE WILD AND SCENIC RIVERS ACT OF 1968, AS AMENDED (16 U.S.C. 1271 et seq.). The APPLICANT shall comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The purpose of this Act is to preserve selected rivers or sections of rivers in their free - flowing condition, to protect the water quality of such rivers and to fulfill other vital national conservation goals. Federal assistance by loan, grant, license, or other mechanism cannot be provided to water resources construction projects that would have a direct and adverse effect on any river included or designated for study or inclusion in the National Wild and Scenic River System. 15.COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1972, AS AMENDED (16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq.). The APPLICANT shall comply with the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. The intent of this Act is to preserve, protect, develop, and where possible, restore or enhance the resources of the nation's coastal zone. Federal agencies cannot approve assistance for proposed projects that are inconsistent with the state's Coastal Zone Management program except upon a finding by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce that such a project is consistent with the purpose of this chapter or necessary in the interests of national security. 16.THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT OF 1973, AS AMENDED (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The APPLICANT shall comply with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. The intent of this Act is to ensure that all federally assisted projects seek to preserve endangered or threatened species. Federally authorized and funded projects must not jeopardize the continued existence of endangered and threatened species or result in the destruction of or modification of habitat of such species which is determined by the U.S. Department of the Interior, after consultation with the state, to be critical. 17.THE RESERVOIR SALVAGE ACT OF 1960, AS AMENDED BY THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT OF 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469 et seq.). Under the Reservoir Salvage Act, the APPLICANT must comply with provisions for the preservation of historical and archaeological data (including relics and specimens) that might otherwise be irreparably lost or destroyed as a result of any alteration of the terrain caused as a result of any federal construction project or federally licensed activity or program. Whenever the APPLICANT finds, or is notified in writing by an appropriate historical or archaeological authority, that its activities in connection with any federal funded construction project or federally licensed project, activity or program may cause irreparable loss or destruction of significant scientific, prehistoric, historical or archaeological data, the APPLICANT must stop work immediately and must notify the U.S. Secretary of Interior and the Department in writing and provide appropriate information concerning the project or program activity. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -6 18.THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL DATA PRESERVATION ACT OF 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469 a -1 et seq.). The APPLICANT shall comply with the Archaeological and Historical Data Preservation Act, which provides for the preservation of historic and archaeological information that would be lost due to development and construction activities as a result of federally funded activities. 19.THE SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT OF 1974, AS AMENDED (42 U.S.C. Section 201, 300(0 et seq., and U.S.C. Section 349). The APPLICANT must comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended, which is intended to protect underground sources of water. No commitment for federal financial assistance, according to this Act, shall be entered into for any project, which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency determines, may contaminate an aquifer that is the sole or principal drinking water source for an area. 20.THE FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT OF 1972, AS AMENDED, INCLUDING THE CLEAR WATER ACT OF 1977, PUBLIC LAW 92 -212 (33 U.S.C. SECTION 1251 et seq.). The APPLICANT must assure compliance with the Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, which provides for the restoration of chemical, physical and biological integrity of the nation's water. 21.THE SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT, AS AMENDED BY THE RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY ACT OF 1976 (42 U.S.C. SECTION 6901 et seq.) The APPLICANT must assure compliance with the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended. The purpose of this Act is to promote the protection of health and the environment and to conserve valuable material and energy resources. 22.THE FISH AND WILDLIFE COORDINATION ACT OF 1958, AS AMENDED (16 U.S.C. SECTION 661 et seq.) The APPLICANT must assure compliance with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended. The Act assures that wildlife conservation receives equal consideration and is coordinated with other features of water resources development programs. 23. RELOCATION ASSISTANCE AND REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION POLICY, CHAPTER 8.26 RCW. The APPLICANT shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 8.26 RCW and Chapter 365 -24 WAC when its activities involve any acquisition of real property assisted under this Grant Agreement or the displacement of any family, individual, business, nonprofit organization or farm that results from such acquisition. 24.STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA), CHAPTER 43.21 (C) RCW. The APPLICANT shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 43.21(C) RCW and Chapter 197 -11 WAC, the guidelines by which local agencies will (1) require environmental checklists from private and public entities considering an action potentially subject to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) requirement of SEPA, (2) make "threshold determinations" that such an action will not have a significant environmental impact, (3) provide for the preparation of a draft and Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wail Project V -7 final EIS if the action has significant impact, and (4) circulate the EIS to other agencies and interested parties. 25. NOISE CONTROL, CHAPTER 70.107 RCW. The APPLICANT shall assure compliance with the state Noise Control Act. Objectives of the Act are to assist local governments in implementing local noise ordinances and to control and reduce excessive noise in Washington. 26.SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971, CHAPTER 90.58 RCW. The APPLICANT shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 90.58 RCW. This Act defines a planning program and a permit system, which are initiated at the local government level under state guidance. Its purpose is to protect and enhance the state's shoreline and it includes a comprehensive shoreline inventory process and a master program for regulation of shoreline uses. A permit application at the local level must be in compliance with those plans and consistent with the state Coastal Zone Management program if substantial developments and shoreline modifications occur, and a record of the application and decision must be submitted to the state. 27. STATE BUILDING CODE, CHAPTER 19.27 RCW; ENERGY RELATED BUILDING STANDARDS, CHAPTER 19.27A RCW; AND PROVISIONS IN BUILDINGS FOR AGED AND HANDICAPPED PERSONS, CHAPTER 70.92 RCW. The APPLICANT shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 19.27 RCW, Chapter 19.27A RCW, Chapter 70.92 RCW and the regulations for building construction and for barrier free facilities adopted by the Washington State Building Code Council pursuant to these statutes. The State Building Code Act provides for a uniform state building code and mandates counties, cities and towns to administer and enforce its provisions. Local governments are authorized to modify the state building code to fit local conditions as long as such modifications do not result in a code that is less than the minimum performance standards and objectives contained in the state code. 28.OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT, CHAPTER 42.30 RCW. The APPLICANT shall comply with provisions of Chapter 42.30 RCW which require that all meetings of the governing body which pertain to this Grant Agreement shall be open to the public except those where specific provision is made for executive sessions pursuant to RCW 42.30.110. 29. LAW AGAINST DISCRIMINATION, CHAPTER 49.60 RCW. The APPLICANT shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 49.60 RCW in all activities relating to this Grant Agreement. 30.GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER 89 -10, DECEMBER 11, 1989: PROTECTION OF WETLANDS, AND GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER 90- 04, APRIL 21, 1990: PROTECTION OF WETLANDS. The APPLICANT shall ensure that it avoids any activities that would adversely affect wetlands and adequately mitigates unavoidable impacts. For the purposes of this requirement, except where a contrary definition is provided by statute, mitigation Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -8 means: (1) avoiding the impact altogether by not taking certain action or part of an action; (2) minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation, by using appropriate technology, or by taking affirmative steps to avoid or reduce impacts; (3) rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affected environment; (4) reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations during the life of the action; (5) compensating for the impact by replacing, enhancing, or providing substitute resources or environments; and (6) monitoring the impact and taking appropriate corrective measures. Mitigation for individual actions may include a combination of the above measures. Mitigation may not include any of the above measures to the extent that they may be contrary to statute as applied under the particular circumstances. Emergency work that is essential to save lives and protect property and public health is exempt from these provisions. 31. PREVAILING WAGES ON PUBLIC WORKS, CHAPTER 39.12 RCW. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 39A2, Prevailing Wages on Public Works. This statute mandates that the prevailing rate of wage, as determined by the State Department of Labor and Industries, be paid to workers performing under public works contracts. Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -9 Attachment B Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates for Clallam County Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -10 Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates for Public Works Contracts- Journey Level and Apprentices, Clallam County, effect on the bid due date, shall apply to this contract. To access applicable prevailing rate of wage by trade, use the following Department of Labor and Industries website Zink: http:// www. lni. wa. gov/ TradesLicensing /PrevWage/WageRates /defauit.asp A copy of the applicable prevailing wage rates is available for viewing at 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, WA, 98362 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -11 Attachment C Request for Information And Contract Change Order Forms Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -12 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) FORM PROJECT NAME: PROJECT /CONTRACT NUMBER: ORIGINATOR: C Owner ❑ Contractor ITEM: REFERENCE DRAWING OR SPECIFICATION: DESCRIPTION OF CLARIFICATION /REQUEST: DATE REPLY REQUESTED: CRITICAL TO SCHEDULE: L YES ❑ NO ORIGINATOR SIGNATURE: DATE: COMMENTS: RFI Number: Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -13 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER (CCO) NO. Project Name Date Contractor Project No. DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: 1. Describe work here 2. Additional work, etc.... Such work will be compensated by: check one or more of the following as applicable [ ] Increase or [ ] Decrease in bid items; [ ] Force Account; [ ] Negotiated Price: The described work affects the existing contract items and /or adds and /or deletes bid items as follows: Item No. Description RFI # Qty. Unit $ Cost Per Unit $ Cost Net $ Cost Adj. Days Orig. Rev. 2 Orig. Rev. ORIGINAL CONTRACT CURRENT CONTRACT EST. NET CHANGE THIS CHANGE ORDER TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS, INCLUDING THIS ONE EST. CONTRACT AFTER THIS CHANGE ORDER CITY ENGINEER CONTRACTOR * * * DAYS: XX DAYS: YY DAYS: ZZ DAYS: XX +ZZ -YY DAYS: YY +ZZ * Amount with applicable sales tax included All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the original contract and /or the standard specifications and special provisions for the type of construction involved. The payments and /or additional time specified and agreed to in this order include every claim by the Contractor for any extra payment or extension of time with respect to the work described herein, including delays to the overall project. APPROVED BY: SIGNATURE: DATE: PROJECT ENGINEER CITY ENGINEER CONTRACTOR PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -14 Attachment D Contractor's Application for Payment Form and Certification of Work Completion and Acceptance Form Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -15 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project, Project No. Pae 1 of 2 g TO: City of Port Angeles DATE: Public Works & Utilities Department P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 FROM: PAYMENT REQUEST NO. PERIOD From: to [end of period]: STATEMENT OF CONTRACT ACCOUNT 1 Original Contract Amount [Excluding Sales Tax] $ 2 Approved Change Order No(s). [Excluding Sales Tax] $ STATEMENT OF CONTRACT ACCOUNT 1 Original Contract Amount [Excluding Sales Tax] $ 2 Approved Change Order No(s). [Excluding Sales Tax] $ 3 Adjusted Contract Amount (1 +2) $ 4 Value of Work Completed to Date [per attached breakdown] $ 5 Material Stored on Site [per attached breakdown] $ 6 Subtotal (4 +5) $ 7 8.4% Sales Tax [at 8.4% of subtotal], As Applicable $ 8 Less Amount Retained [at 5% of subtotal] $ 9 Subtotal (6 +7 -8) $ 10 Total Previously Paid [Deduction] $ 11 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST (9 -10) $ WAIVER OF CLAIMS FOR EXTRA COST OR TIME: The undersigned Applicant waives and releases, up through the date hereof, any and all claims for costs or item extensions arising out of or relating to extra or changed work or delays or acceleration not specifically identified and reserved in the amounts identified below or previously acknowledged in writing by the City of Port Angeles. CERTIFICATE OF THE CONTRACTOR: I hereby certify that the work performed and the materials supplied through the ending period date noted above represent the actual value of accomplishment under the terms of the contract (and all authorized changes) between the Applicant and the City of Port Angeles, relating to the above referenced project, and that the remaining contract balance is sufficient to cover all costs of completing the work in accordance with the contract documents. Continued on Page 2 Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -16 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Page 2of2 I also certify that all lower -tier payments, less applicable retention, have been made by the Applicant for the periods covered by previous payment(s) received by the Applicant to (1) all lower - tier subcontractors/ suppliers, and (2) for all materials, equipment and labor used or in connection with the performance of this contract. I further certify that I have complied with all federal, state and local tax laws, including Social Security laws and Unemployment Compensation laws and Workmen's Compensation laws, insofar as applicable to the performance of this work, and have paid all such taxes, premiums and /or assessments arising out of the performance of the work. I further certify that, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, all work for which previous payment(s) have been received shall be free and clear of liens, claims, security interests and encumbrances in favor of the Contractor, subcontractors, material suppliers, or other persons or entities making a claim by reason of having provided labor, materials and equipment relating to the work. Within seven (7) days of receipt of the payment requested herein, all payments, less applicable retention, will be made through the period covered by this pay request to all my lower -tier subcontractors /suppliers and for all materials, equipment, labor, taxes and assessments arising out of the performance of all said lower -tire work. DATED: CONTRACTOR: SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME AND TITLE: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of , 20 Notary Public in and for the State of residing at My appointment expires APPROVAL: Project Manager City Engineer Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -17 Date Date PROJECT: PROJECT NO.: CERTIFICATION OF WORK COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE All work on the above referenced project has been completed in accordance with the contract documents and the final inspection and the warranty provision included therein or relating thereto. The final estimate in the amount of $ , including any applicable taxes, has been reviewed and is in agreement with our records. I further certify that the final estimate amount shown above is a true and correct statement showing all the monies due me from the City of Port Angeles for work performed and material furnished under this contract. City Council acceptance and final payment, including retained percentages, is hereby respectfully requested. , Contractor, hereby releases the City of Port Angeles, Washington, from any and all liens arising out of this Contract or is, herewith, providing a bond covering all unpaid obligations for work, materials, equipment or any other liens outstanding on this Contract. CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL: DATE: PW- 402_03 [Revised 03/30/04] Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -18 Attachment E Request for Approval of Material Form Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -19 � Washington State �// Department of Transportation Request for Approval of Material Contract FA Number SR Date Section County Contractor Subcontractor For assistance in completing, see Instructions and Example For WSDOT Use Only RAM # Bid Item No. Material or Manufacturer's Product/Type Name and Location of Fabricator, Manufacturer or Pit Number Specification Reference Appr'l Code APpr9 Code File No. Project Engineer Date State Materials Engineer Date Approval Action Codes for use by Project Engineer and State Materials Laboratory 1. Conditionally Approved: Acceptance based upon 'Satisfactory Test Report for samples of materials to be incorporated into project. 2. Conditionally Approved: Submit Mfg. Cert. of Compliance for 'Approval' prior to use of material. 3. Conditionally Approved: Submit Catalog Cuts for 'Approval' prior to use of material. 4. Conditionally Approved: Submit Shop Drawings for 'Approval' prior to fabrication of material. 5. Conditionally Approved: Only 'Approved for Shipment' or 'WSDOT Inspected' material shall be used. 6. Conditionally Approved: Submit Materials Certificate of Origin to Project Engineer. 7. Approval Pending: Request Transmitted to State Materials Laboratory for Approval Action. 8. Source Approved: S. Approval Withheld: Submit samples for preliminary evaluation. 10. Approval Withheld: 11. Remarks: Project Engineer Distribution ❑ Contractor ❑ Region Operations Engineer DOT Form 350 -071 EF Revised 3/07 ❑ Region Materials ❑ State Materials Lab M/S 47365 State Materials Engineer Distribution ❑ General File ❑ Signing Inspection ❑ Fabrication Inspection ❑ Other Attachment F Request to Sublet and Subcontract Certification Forms Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -20 Washington State Department of Transportation Request to Sublet Work ❑ Subcontractor ❑ Lower Tier Subcontractor ❑ DBE Prime Contractor Federal Employer I.D. Number * State Contract Number Job Description (Title) Request Number Approval is Requested to Sublet the Following Described Work to: Subcontractor or Lower Tier Subcontractor Federal Employer I.D. Number * Address Telephone Number City State Zip Code Estimated Starting Date If Lower Tier Subcontractor, ID of Corresponding Subcontractor * If no Federal Employer I.D. Number, Use Owner's Social Security Number Item No. Partial Item Description Amount I understand and will insure that the subcontractor will comply fully with the plans and specifications under which this work is being performed. Prime Contractor Signature Date Department of Transportation Use Only Percent of Total Contract This Request Previous Requests Sublet to Date % DBE Status Verification Project Engineer ❑ Approved Date Approved - Region Construction Engineer (When Required) Date DOT Form 421 -012 EF Revised 7/02 Distribution: White (Original) - Region Canary (Copy) - Project Engineer Pink (Copy) - Contractor Contractor and Subcontractor or Lower Tier Subcontractor Certification for City of Port Angeles Projects (Required for each Subcontractor or Lower Tier Subcontractor on all projects) Project N-limber Project Name Subcontractor or Lower Tier Subcontractor To be signed by proposed subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor The contract documents for this subcontract include the minimum prevailing wage rates. I certify the above statement to be true and correct. Company By Date Title Contractor Certification To be completed and signed by the contractor 1. ❑ A written agreement has been executed between my firm and the above subcontractor. 2. ❑ A written agreement has been executed between (the subcontractor) and the above lower tier subcontractor. The contract documents for (1) or (2) marked above include the minimum prevailing wage rates. I certify the above statements under Contractor Certification to be true and correct. Company By Date Title PW — 0407 25 [New 07/05] ATTACHMENT G GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -21 Geotechnical Engineering Report Port Angeles Transportation Infrastructure Tumwater Street Retaining Wall Assessment Port Angeles, Washington March 10, 2010 Terracon Project No. B2095051 Prepared for: Perteet, Inc. Everett, Washington Prepared by: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Tacoma, Washington GaateaVtitical Eirairanrneatal Gans ctina idatarials Facillttes _ _ _ March 10, 2010 Perteet, Inc. 2707 Colby Avenue, Suite 900 Everett, Washington 98201 Attention: Mr. Darrell Smith, P.E. PH: (425) 252 -7700 FAX: (425) 339 -6018 Email: darrells @perteet.com Regarding: Geotechnical Engineering Report Port Angeles Transportation Infrastructure Tumwater Street Retaining Wall Assessment Port Angeles, Washington Terracon Project No, B2095051 Dear Mr. Smith: lierracon Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) has completed the geotechnical engineering services for the above referenced project, These services were performed in general accordance with our proposal number B2090022 dated October 12, 2009. This geotechnical engineering report presents the results of the subsurface exploration and provides our geotechnical assessment of the existing soldier pile wall and slope. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact us. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. Timothy H. Roberts, P.E. Senior Associate /Office Manager Copies to: Addressee (1 via email, 3 via mail) ti7■� John E. Zipper, P.E. Senior Vice President Terracon Consultants, Inc. 2115 S. 56TH St, Ste. 405 Tacoma, WA 98409 P (253] 573.9939 F [2531573.9959. `terracon:com TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 1 2.1 Project Description 1 2.2 Site Location and Description 2 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 2 3.1 Site Geology 2 3.2 Typical Subsurface Profile 2 3.3 Groundwater 3 4.0 SLOPE AND WALL ASSESSMENT 4 4.1 2009 Slope Failure 4 4.2 Slope Stability 4 4.3 Wall Assessment 5 4.3.1 Current Wall Conditions 5 4.3.2 Pre -Slide Conditions 6 4.4 Remedial Actions 6 4.4.1 Slope Repair 7 4.4.2 Wall Repair 7 4.4.3 Wall Drainage 7 4.5 Seismicity 9 5.0 GENERAL COMMENTS 9 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION Site Plan and Boring Location Diagram A -1 Cross - Section A -A' A -2 Field Exploration Description A -3 Boring Logs A -4 thru A -7 General Notes A-8 Unified Soil Classification System A-9 APPENDIX B — LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory Test Description B -1 Grain Size Distribution B -2 to B -5 _. Atterberg Limits B 6 APPENDIX C — SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS Slope Stability Analysis (Static) C-1 Slope Stability Analysis (Seismic) C -2 APPENDIX D — REPAIR SCHEMATIC Tie -back Repair Schematic D-1 Reliable Responsive 8 Convenient is Innovative Geotechnical Engineering Report Tumwater Street Retaining Wall al Port Angeles, WA March 10, 2010 n Terracon Project No. B2095051 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY lierracon This geotechnical executive summary should be used in conjunction with the entire report for design and /or construction purposes. It should be recognized that specific details were not included or fully developed in this summary, and the report must be read in its entirety for a comprehensive understanding of the items contained herein. The section titled General Comments should be read for an understanding of the report limitations. A geotechnical exploration has been performed for the Tumwater Street Retaining Wall Assessment located on the southeastern side of the intersection of Tumwater Street and 5'i' Street in Port Angeles, Washington. Terracon's geotechnical scope of work included the advancement of two borings to depths ranging from 30.5 to 60.5 feet. Based on the information obtained from our subsurface exploration, the following geotechnical considerations were identified: Site Soils: Fill soils of variable consistency make up a portion of retained soils behind the wall. Native soils below the fill and in the hillside generally consist of competent glacial soils comprised of till (and /or drift) and glaciolacustrine deposits. Slope Failure: Failure of the slope below the existing wall is attributed to a buildup of hydrostatic pressures exceeding soil strength during the winter 2008/2009 storm events. Slope Stability: Our analyses indicate that overall global stability factors of safety of the southeast facing hillside are considered adequate under both static and seismic conditions. Wall Stability: Our analyses indicate that the current condition of the existing wall is marginally stable under static loads. Our analyses indicate potential instability under seismic loads, with a factor of safety of less than 1.0. Groundwater: Perched groundwater was observed at a depth of around 13 feet in our boring near the eastern end of 5t' Street. This groundwater is partially attributed to probable preferential flow of groundwater through bedding and /or backfill in utility trenches in the street. Remedial Actions: Providing drainage behind the wall to prevent future hydrostatic buildup is paramount to reduce the risk of future failure of the wall and scope below. Structural improvements to the existing wall are considered more appropriate than attempts to repair the slope for overall stability Rellabie ® Responsive Convenient a Innovative GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PORT ANGELES TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE TUMWATER STREET RETAINING WALL ASSESSMENT PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON Project No. B2095051 March 10, 2010 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical engineering services performed for the Tumwater Street retaining wall located on the south side of the intersection of Tumwater Street and 5th Street in Port Angeles, Washington. The purpose of our evaluation is to provide geotechnical recommendations and considerations for the following: • subsurface soil conditions • slope conditions • feasibility of repair alternatives • general design recommendations • groundwater conditions El wall conditions • drainage considerations construction considerations Our geotechnical engineering scope of work for this project included the advancement of two borings to depths ranging from approximately 30.5 to 60.5 feet below existing site grades. Logs of the borings along with a Site Plan and Boring Location Diagram (Exhibit A -1) are included in Appendix A of this report. The results of the laboratory testing performed on soil samples obtained from the site during the field exploration are included in Appendix B of this report. Descriptions of the field exploration and laboratory testing are included in their respective appendices. The results of the slope stability analysis are provided in Appendix. C. 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1 Project Description Storm events in- December 2008 and January -2009 eaused4ailure of soils below-the lagging of a portion of the soldier pile retaining wall along the southeastern side of Tumwater Street near the intersection with 51" Street. The wall is approximately 120 ( +1 -) feet long and consists of W6x20 steel H -piles with 4 "x12" wood lagging per design drawings by Milbor -Pita Associates, Inc (dated June 1999). Design length of the piles was 20 feet. Anecdotal information provided by McDowell Northwest (pile contractor who installed the piles) indicates that the piles were driven to embedment depths of 10 feet or less at the time of construction. We are unaware of construction documentation indicating actual pile lengths or embedment, or if the wall was constructed as designed. Reliable m Responsive El Convenient in Innovative 1 Geotechnical Engineering Report Tumwater Street Retaining Wall n Port Angeles, Washington March 10, 2010 13 Terracon Project No. B2095051 1Terracon The failure of soils below the lagging extends along an approximate 30 foot section near the middle of the wall. The failure resulted in exposure of up to 6 feet of the upper concreted portion of several of the piles and a near vertical soil scarp below the lagging. The southeast - facing slope below the wall has inclinations between about 1.2H:1 V to 1.5H:1 V. 2.2 Site Location and Description ITEM DESCRiPTION Location Southeast side of the intersection of Tumwater Street and Street in Port Angeles, Washington Section, Township, Range Northeast Quarter of S 4, T 30 N, R 6 W Surrounding developments North and west: Single family housing South and east: Steep slope Current ground cover Paved roadway and sidewalk: Tree, brush, grass covered and partial bare soil slopes Existing topography Approximately 70 foot high slope below Tumwater Street 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 Site Geology Geologic conditions on the subject slope have been classified by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The mapping of the area is presented in the "Geologic Map of the Port Angeles and Ediz Hook 7.5- minute Quadrangles, Clallam County, Washington" issued in 2004. This map indicates that the upper portion of the slope (west of Tumwater Street) consists of predominantly Pleistocene -age recessional outwash and glaciomarine drift. Juan De Fuca lobe till statigraphically underlies the upper glacial soils. This till is described as "unsorted and highly compact mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel and boulders deposited directly by glacier ice? Maximum thickness of this unit is reported to be on the order of 20 feet. Below the till, glaciolacustrine sediment consisting of stratified, well - sorted sand, silt, or clay is mapped. Older advance outwash and till /drift units are mapped below the glaciolacustrine sediments. .Native soils - observed in-the borings appear to correlate to the mapped glacial -till, glaciolacustrine, and older advance and till units. 3.2 Typical Subsurface Profile Specific conditions encountered at each boring location are indicated on the individual boring Togs in Appendix A. Stratification boundaries on the boring logs represent the approximate location of changes in soil types; in -situ, the transition between materials may be gradual. Based on the observed subsurface conditions in the borings, the project site can be generalized as follows: Reliable is Responsive IN Convenient n Innovative 2 Geotechnical Engineering Report Tumwater Street Retaining Walla Port Angeles, Washington March 10, 2010 121 Terracon Project No. B2095051 lierracon Description Depth to Bottom of Stratum (feet) Material Encountered Consistency /Density Stratum 1 <1 to 1.5 Asphalt or Concrete pavement over crushed base course material Medium dense Stratum 2 (boring B -2 only) 8.5 Silty gravelly sand and sand (probable fill} Loose to medium dense Stratum 3 (boring B -1 only) 17.5 Silty sand and silty sandy gravel (Glacial Till) Medium dense to very dense Stratum 4 36 Clayey silt with locally Interbedded sand layer (glaciolacustrine sediments) Hard Stratum 5 (boring B -2 only) >60.5 Silty sand with variable gravel (older advance outwash and till /drift) Very dense Exhibit A -2 (Cross - Section A -A) presents an interpretive profile of soils on the slope and behind the wall based on collected samples in the borings. The cross - section trends through the wall near the location of the most significant failure below the lagging and is based on topographic information provided by Wengler Surveying & Mapping Company. 3.3 Groundwater Perched groundwater was observed at 13 feet in boring B -1 at the time of drilling. This water is perched above the hard glaciolacustrine silt and represents shallow groundwater in the upper soils. The source of this water is interpreted to be a result of probable preferential flow of groundwater through bedding and /or backfill in utility trenches that extend to the west on 5th Street, as well as possible naturally occurring groundwater from the hillside. Groundwater was also observed at a depth of 60 feet in boring B -2 at the time of drilling. Shallower groundwater was not observed in this boring at the time of drilling. Our observations represent groundwater conditions at the time of the field exploration and may not be indicative Of Othertimes, or at other lOcations. Groundwater conditions can change with Varying seasonal and weather conditions, and other factors. Reliable a Responsive e Convenient ® Innovative 3 Geotechnical Engineering Report Tumwater Street Retaining Wall e Port Angeles, Washington March 10, 2010 13 Terracon Project No. B2095051 4.0 SLOPE AND WALL ASSESSMENT lferracon 4.1 2009 Slope Failure We interpret the failure of slope soils below the wall lagging to be a result of excessive hydrostatic pressure behind the wall and resultant seepage on oversteepened native soils on the slope face below the lagging during the December 2008 /January 2009 storm events. Groundwater buildup behind the wall likely caused saturation of the soils behind and below the lagging resulting in lowered soil strength. When pressure from the weight of the saturated soils and groundwater became greater than the reduced soil strength, the failure occurred. Utility lines are located in 5th Street to the northwest of the wall and continue down Tumwater Street to the northeast. A sanitary sewer line is directed to a manhole near the southeastern edge of the street curb, on the order of 30 ( + / -) feet southwest of the failure area. It is our opinion that a significant portion of groundwater that caused the failure can be attributed to probable preferential flow of groundwater through bedding and /or backfill in utility trench lines from upslope areas. Leaks (if present) in the utility lines could also be a contributing source. Sheet flow from stormwater running down the street and entering through cracks and joints in the concrete road panels and curbs are another potential water source. 4.2 Slope Stability We performed global stability analyses of the southeast - facing slope. Analyses were completed using the software program Slope/W 2007 produced by Geostudio Inc. Soil parameters used in the analyses were interpreted based on correlations of soil properties to available data from the borings, and are presented in the table below. Soil Unit Fill Upper glacial till Glaciolacustrine silt Interbedded sand Lower glacial till /drift Unit Weight (pct) 120 Phi Angie (degrees) 35 130 130 40 42 120 36 130 45 Glacial till and glaciolacustrine silts can have cohesive properties that would add to their overall strength characteristics. We ignored cohesion in our analyses as cohesion can be quite variable throughout a soil unit and weathering effects on soils in slopes can significantly alter cohesive properties. We compensated for ignoring cohesion by applying unit weights and Reliable 13 Responsive ® Convenient n innovative 4 Geotechnical Engineering Report Tumwater Street Retaining Wall ® Port Angeles, Washington March 10, 2010 u Terracon Protect No. B2095051 lierracon internal angles of friction (phi angles) on the higher range of correlated values reported for the soil units. Our values are similar to those used in stability analyses for the new 8th Street bridge to the south of the site. Stability analyses were performed using Bishop methods for both static and seismic conditions. The seismic analysis used pseudo - static methods utilizing a seismic horizontal acceleration of 0.15g. Results of the analyses indicate a static factor of safety of 1.8, with a factor of safety of 1.3 for the seismic condition. In general, a static factor of safety of 1.5 and seismic value of 1.15 are considered representative of stable slope conditions. Although the global analyses indicate adequate safety factors against a deeper seated landslide, the observed glacial soils on steep slopes are susceptible to shallow, localized failures. In particular, more permeable soils above the glaciolacustrine silts are known to experience failures throughout the Straight of Juan de Fuca and Puget Sound areas. Additionally, other granular soils that exhibit seeps or springs on slopes are also more prone to localized failures. DNR geologic maps of the area indicate a significant portion of the southeast - facing slope is comprised of historic mass - wasting deposits and localized landslides. 4.3 Wall Assessment We have completed analyses of the wall for the current "as -is" condition and the "pre- slide" condition using the following criteria: • W6x20 piles were used with corresponding section modulus of 13.4 in3 • Piles 20 feet long • Pile diameter (including grouted section) of 12- inches • Pile spacing of 6 feet • Roadway surcharge behind the wall equivalent to 250 psf. The above wall criteria are based on design information provided on the drawing by Milbor -Pita Associates, Inc (dated June 1999). These criteria should be considered assumptions. As -built conditions may be different than those used in our analyses. We understand construction documentation of as -built conditions is unavailable. Our analyses may not be valid if as -built conditions differ significantly from the design plans. Note that anecdotal information from McDowell-Northwest suggests the piles may not h ave the embedmentdepths presented in the plans and assumed in our analyses. 4.3.1 Current Wall Conditions Our analysis was completed for the section of wall with the more significant slope failure below, and was based on the soil properties listed under Section 4.2 of this report. Under static loading conditions, a factor of safety against overturning on the order of 1.1 was calculated. Typically, a factor of safety of 1.5 or greater is used in wall design when considering overturning forces. Reliable ® Responsive • Convenient a Innovative 5 Geotechnical Engineering Report Tumwater Street Retaining Wall El Port Angeles, Washington March 10, 2010 Terracon Project No. B2095051 1Terracon The calculated value indicates that the wall is in a marginally stable condition under static loads within the failed portion of the slope. Seismic loads using Mononobe -Okabe rectangular distribution methods were applied. During a design level earthquake, the factor of safety against overturning on the current wall (within the failed zone) was calculated to be less than 1. A factor of safety of less than 1 indicates an increased risk of failure of the wall during a seismic event. 4.3.2 Pre -Slide Conditions Our assessment of wall stability against overturning prior to the slide assumes that soils in front of the wall extended up to at least the base of the lagging. A factor of safety of around 2.5 was calculated for the static condition, with a seismic factor of safety over 1.5. Again, the results of our analyses are based on the assumption that the wall was constructed per the available plans. The calculated safety factors suggest that the pre -slide wall was designed with an adequate safety factor for the slope condition that existed at the time. However, protection of the exposed soils below the wall was apparently not included in the design. Design level seismic loads on structures have increased since design and construction of the wall. Our analyses indicate that the section modulus of the existing H -piles used in the wall is not sufficient to resist bending moments during a design level seismic event. The existing piles would be considered too small using current seismic loading factors. 4.4 Remedial Actions No evidence of movement of the wall or adjacent street since the winter 2008/2009 slide is apparent based on our observations and reported information. Vertical off -set of adjacent concrete street panels and curbs behind the wall could be attributed to differential settlement of fill or native soils. However, the impacted portion of the wall is considered to be in a marginally stable condition and at risk of damage or failure during a seismic event, or future slope movement below the wall. Repairs are recommended to improve the stability of the wall. In addition, it Is considered very important that drainage provisions behind the wall are incorporated into the remedial measures to prevent hydrostatic pressures from accumulating and risking future landslides. Severat--altematives- to-improving-the-structure-integrity -of-the-wail could - -be- considered depending on the level of improvement desired by the City. These include: 1. Repair the slope below the wall to pre -slide conditions; or, 2. Install tie -backs behind the wall to provide structural support to the wall. Reliable ® Responsive i Convenient a Innovative: 6 Ceotechnicai Engineering Report Tumwater Street Retaining Wall Li Port Angeles, Washington March 10, 2010 ti Terracon Project No. B2095051 lrerraron 4.4.1 Slope Repair It is our opinion that the best method of slope repair would include construction of a geotextile reinforced embankment in the failed slope area to raise soil level in front of the wall to the pre - slide condition. in general, this method entails benched excavation to competent soils on the slope and placement of geogrid reinforced structural fill layers to obtain the desired height of the fill embankment. However, several potential disadvantages to this method should be noted: 1. Slope repair would only bring the stability of the wall back to pre -slide conditions. As we are unaware of the actual as -built condition of the wall, the overall stability cannot be confirmed. 2. Construction of the embankment would be difficult considering access limitations and the steep nature of the slope. 3. The stability of the embankment could be compromised in the future by slides below or adjacent to it. The steep slope is considered susceptible to shallow failures. 4.4.2 Wall Repair It is our opinion that structural repairs to the wall should include a tie -back system (with walers) to provide additional lateral support and compensate for the failed soil area. The dense to hard native soils observed in our borings are considered suitable to provide anchorage (restraint) for the tie - backs. We anticipate that tie -backs would consist of grouted steel rods extending on the order of 20 feet or so behind the wall. Exposed soils below the lagging could be restrained by covering the area with wire- reinforced shotcrete connected to the existing piles. The shotcrete should extend down at least two feet below the existing ground surface in front of the wall. A conceptual repair schematic is provided in Appendix D. We recommend that a structural engineer be retained to design the tie -back system. We are available to provide soil parameters based on the structural engineer's wall repair design concepts. 4.4.3- Wall Drainage As hydrostatic pressure buildup is considered the probable cause of the slope failure below the wall, any repair method should include drainage provisions to reduce the risk of future ' occurrences. The available wall design plans did not include drainage provisions and it is assumed that none exist. Methods to mitigate the buildup of hydrostatic pressures immediately behind the wall could include providing drainage measures to collect shallow groundwater and direct it to an appropriate storm drain system. Accounting for the current street development and structures in Reliable ® Responsive e Convenient e Innovative 7 Geotechnical Engineering Report Tumwater Street Retaining Wall u Port Angeles, Washington March 10, 2010 14 Terracon Project No, B2095051 lierracon the area, a cut -off trench system is considered a more practical method of drainage. Other methods such as installing an impermeable barrier (subsurface trench or wall) consisting of grout or bentonite upslope of the wall are not considered practical at this time based on our understanding of underground utility locations. An impermeable barrier should be located outside of the active soil wedge behind the wall or at least 10 to 15 feet behind the existing wail to limit potential impacts as hydrostatic pressures would buildup behind the barrier. It appears that existing utility lines are within this distance behind the wall and would create construction difficulties of the barrier and future utility line work. A cut -off trench located in the approximate area of the existing sidewalk could provide a means of collecting shallow groundwater from upslope sources including water seepage through utility trenches and not impact the existing utility lines. The trench should extend to a depth of at least 2 feet below the bottom elevation of the lagging on the wall. A minimum 6 -inch diameter rigid perforated pipe encased in free - draining gravel should be placed at the bottom of the trench. Gravel should conform to Section 9- 03.12(4) "Gravel Backfill for Drains" as described in the WSDOT 2008 Standard Specification for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction manual (M41 -10), or as approved by the engineer. A filter fabric such as Mirafi 135N (or approved equivalent) should be placed in the trench prior to gravel and pipe placement and also cover the top of the gravel zone. The gravel should extend to within 2 feet of the surface. Cleanouts should be provided for maintenance of the pipes. We recommend that the cut -off trench extend from the southeastern end of the Tumwater Street/5t Street intersection to at least 25 feet beyond (northeast of) the failed slope area. The perforated pipe should be connected to a non - perforated pipe directed to an approved storm water facility. We recommend that the cut -off trench be constructed prior to installation of tie -back anchors if that is the repair alternative selected. Exposing tie -back rods or completing excavation near the rods after installation can compromise their structural integrity. Depending on the location and elevation of the tie -back rods, the contractor may have to case the portion of the anchor hole through the cut -off drain. It is considered prudent to evaluate the condition of the existing utility lines in 5t' Street and Tumwater_Street for IeaksJh_at may be contributing to shallow groundwater. Leaks should be repaired to reduce the risk of this source from contributing additional water to the wall area. Reliable uResponsive ® Convenient u Innovative 8 Geotechnical Engineering Report Tumwater Street Retaining Wall 13 Port Angeles, Washington March 10, 2010 e Terracon Project No. B2095051 lierracon 4.5 Seismicity The following seismic parameters were used in our analyses and can be used in the design of structural modifications to the wall. DESCRIPTION VALUE 2006 international Building Code Site Classification (IBC) 1 C2 Site Latitude N 48,11° Site Longitude W 123.45° Sa Spectral Acceleration for a Short Period 1.121g Si Spectral Acceleration for a 1- Second Period 0.474g Fa Site Coefficient for a Short Period 1.0 F„ Site Coefficient for a 1- Second Period 1.33 Note: In general accordance with the 2006 International Building Code, Table 1613.5.2. IBC Site Class Is based on the average characteristics of the upper 100 feet of the subsurface profile. 2 Note: The 2006 International Building Code (IBC) requires a site soil profile determination extending to a depth of 100 feet for seismic site classification. The current scope does not include the required 100 foot soil profile determination. Borings extended to a maximum depth of 60 feet, and this seismic site class definition considers that dense to very dense soil continues below the maximum depth of the subsurface exploration. Additional exploration to deeper depths would be required to confirm the conditions below the current depth of exploration. Soil liquefaction is a condition wherein loose sand soils located below the groundwater surface lose strength during ground shaking associated with an earthquake. The native soils encountered in the borings consisted predominantly of silty sand with variable gravel and silt in a dense or hard condition. Observed groundwater is not expected to influence liquefaction potential at the wall elevation, which is considered low for the design level earthquake in the native soils observed. However, the risk of impacts to soils on steep slopes in the form of slumps or sloughing can occur during seismic shaking and would be influenced by seasonal and other weather related conditions. 5.0 GENERAL COMMENTS Terracon should be retained to provide additional geotechnical design recommendations and review the final design plans and specifications so comments can be made regarding interpretation and implementation of our geotechnical recommendations in the design and specifications. Terracon also should be retained to provide observation and testing services during wall repair and other earth - related construction phases of the project. Reliable 11 Resp©riaivs n Convenient m Innovative 9 Geotechnical Engineering Report Tumwater Street Retaining Wall Et Port Angeles, Washington March 10, 2010 8 Terracon Project No. B2095051 1Terracon The analysis and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the data obtained from the borings performed at the indicated locations and from other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect variations that may occur between borings, across the site, or due to the modifying effects of construction or weather. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until during or after construction. If variations appear, we should be immediately notified so that further evaluation and supplemental recommendations can be provided. The scope of services for this project does not include either specifically or by implication any environmental or biological (e.g., mold, fungi, bacteria) assessment of the site or identification or prevention of pollutants, hazardous materials or conditions. If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination or pollution, other studies should be undertaken. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Perteet, Inc. for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No warranties, either express or implied, are intended or made. In the event that changes in the nature, design, or location of the project as outlined in this report are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless Terracon reviews the changes and either verifies or modifies the conclusions of this report in writing. Reliable; a Responsive 13 Convenient ti innovative 10 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION 1) SEE FIGURE 1 FOR LOCATION OF PROFILE. I3J NI Na! A 1 R g 0 0 0 _ g 0 2 S 0 ® CI) 0 L3 NI NG1 A ]] 0 0 2 ( § ■ | 1 GLER SURVEYING & MAPPING CO., 2010). CROSS SECTION PREPARED FROMTOPOGRAP Geotechnical Engineering Report Tumwater Street Retaining Wall fa Port Angeles, Washington March 10, 2010 d Terracon Project No. B2095051 lierraron Field Exploration Description Two (2) borings a were drilled at the site on January 11, 2010. The borings were advanced to depths ranging from 30.5 to 60.5 feet below the ground surface at the approximate locations shown on the attached Site Plan and Boring Location Diagram, Exhibit A -1. The borings were located as follows: Boring Location Depths (feet) 1 In asphalt shoulder pavement near southwest intersection 30.5 2 In concrete roadway northeast of failed slope area 60,5 The borings were advanced with a CME 75 truck - mounted drill rig operated by an independent drilling company subcontracted to our firm. The borings were located in the field by taping or pacing from existing site features. The accuracy of boring locations should only be assumed to the level implied by the method used. Continuous lithologic Togs of each boring were recorded by the staff engineer during the exploration operations. At selected intervals, samples of the subsurface materials were collected and returned to our lab for further observation and analysis. Groundwater conditions were evaluated in each boring at the time of site exploration. Exhibit A -3 or— LOG OF BORING NO. B -1 Page 1 of 1 OWNER City of Port Angeles Engineer Perteet, Inc. SITE W 5th Street & Tumwater Road Port Angeles, WA PROJECT Port Angeles Trans. ortation Infrastructure 0 E n. Boring Location: West DESCRIPTION Approx. Surface Elev.: 114 ft ± a W ❑ 0 2 0) 0 ( D SAMPLES TESTS w z Z a . > > W zcn �O u) c v) m \ o!w H Z a o � U & w % o �- ❑ a. a - z zz 0� 2g. stn . ce 0 �u) m� w � 1- = 3.5" Asphalt over 8" crushed base course 1.5 material 112.5 ■■. 12 ■- ■- GSA GSA Atterberg Limits IF 4 \Driller noted gravels to 1.5 feet. of po 44. oeff 4 4 4� : �'` fill SILTY SAND, trace graves, tan &rust 5 SM ■-■----- SM 1 2 SS SS 18 18 27 73 (oxide staining), medium dense, moist (Weathered Glacial Till) Grades to SILTY SAND, with gravel, tan, very --- ■■. 9 10 SM ■■.■.■■- GW GM ■-■.---_ SW © 4 5 SS SS SS 12 12 12 50/5" 69 53 9.5 moist 104.5 4e .444,- rJ ea a,- ;#5 Odense, SILTY GRAVEL with sand/Well- graded SAND with gravel, grey, very dense, moist (Glacial Till) 9 17.5 8.5 ■■- 15 GM 6 SS 12 44 0 M (q z 0 SILT, grey, hard, moist 20 ML 7 SS 10 52 25 ML 8 SS 18 56 21 30.5 83.5 30 t.71M1111 i•K0L- tt11111101t•� a 6 Boring completed at 30.5 feet bgs. Perched groundwater observed at 13 feet. 0 9 The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines *CME 140H between soil and rock types: in -situ, the transition may be gradual. SPT automatic hammer GSA = Grain Size Analyses N WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft BORING STARTED 1 -11 -10 m WL g 13 WD X BORING COMPLETED 1 -11 -10 dui z WL I RIG CME 75 DRILLER Western w L v LOGGED JGE JOB # B2095051` 18 18 18 35 18 35 12 25 .GOT, 318/10 0 0 LOG OF BORING NO. B -2 Page 1 of 2 OWNER City of Port Angeles Engineer Perteet, Inc. SITE W 5th Street & Tumwater Road Port Angeles, WA Boring Location: East DESCRIPTION U S c9 Approx. Surface Elev.: 107 ft '•4 d. 48 4 4 .0 +. '41. 4 • INN PROJECT Port Angeles Transportation Infrastructure SAMPLES TESTS USCS SYMBOL oa CC 0 t1- w 11 w > z,?� al Q OW p1- G)-}. Q 0 r. g F• F- IX cci)a1 'S0 0 0. _C) LLl 8" concrete , 106.5 FILL: SILTY GRAVELLY SAND brown, loose, moist 100 POSSIBLE FILL: Well - traded SAND with 8.5 silt, brown, medium dense, moist 98.5 CLAYEY SILT, grey, hard, moist 21 86 SILTY SAND, trace gravel, brown, medium dense, moist 2 80 SILT, trace sand and gravel, grey, hard, moist Continued Next Page 10 15 20 25 30 SP SP ML ML ® 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 18 9 38 60 33 GSA Atterberg Limits The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines *CMS 140H SPT automatic hammer between soil and rock types: in -situ, the transition may be gradual, GSA = Grain Size Analyses WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft WL 60 WD WL o' WI- OWNER L lierracon BORING STARTED 1 -11 -10 BORING COMPLETED 1 -11 -10 RIG CME 75 DRILLER Western LOGGED JGE JOB # B2095051 LOG OF BORING NO B -2 Page 2 of 2 OWNER City of Port Angeles Engineer Perteet, Inc. SITE W 5th Street & Tumwater Road Port Angeles, WA PROJECT Port Angeles Transportation infrastructure U ° a o DESCRIPTION a 2 u) 3 SAMPLES - TESTS ua Z wQ y. F- w > a Z U) ' p co Y W - 1-- O Q. W Z = Z O w ac) ° ¢ R u m ~U aO -11- SILT, trace sand and gravel, grey, hard, _ GSA GSA moist 36 71 35 — •— — — SP SM 8 SS 18 68 • • Well - graded SAND, with silt and gravel, brown, very dense, moist 40 67 ' 40 CL 9 SS 9 50/4" 41 CLAY, tan, hard, dry 66 — = ° OC O QDC OC aQ° D� C ' t°< o D .00 o D< OC OD< 0C)., o D\ OC a° m o b M O SILTY SAND, with gravel, brown, very dense, moist EL 45 SM 10 SS 3 50/3" 9 — _ a — — 50 SM 11 SS 1 50/5" 9 — _ — _ 55 —SM 12 SS 12 50/5" 9 _ — — — 46 60 SM 13 SS 5 5Q/5 " GSA nC60.5 2 Boring completed at 60.5 feet bgs. Groundwater observed at 60 feet. _ — _, _ •- vi 9 The between stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines *CME 140H SPT automatic hammer soil and rock types: in -situ, the transition may be gradual. GSA = Grain Size Analyses m WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS, ft BORING STARTED 1 -11 -10 WL SL 60 WD BORING COMPLETED 1 -11 -10 z WL L JL RIG CME 75 DRILLER Western o WL m LOGGED JGE JOB # B2095051, GENERAL NOTES DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS: SS: Split Spoon -1 3/8" I.D., 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted ST: Thin - Walled Tube - 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted RS: DB: BS: Ring Sampler- 2.42" I.D., 3" O.D., unless otherwise noted Diamond Bit Coring - 4 ", N, B Bulk Sample or Auger Sample HS: PA: HA: RB: WB: Hollow Stem Auger Power Auger Hand Auger Rock Bit Wash Boring or Mud Rotary The number of blows required to advance a standard 2 -inch O.D. split -spoon sampler (SS) the last 12 inches of the total 18 -inch penetration with a 140 -pound hammer falling 30 Inches is considered the "Standard Penetration" or "N- value ". WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS: WL: Water Level WCi: Wet Cave In DCI: Dry Cave in AB: After Boring WS: While Sampling WD: While Drilling BCR: Before Casing Removal ACR: After Casing Removal N /E: Not Encountered Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the times Indicated. Groundwater levels at other times and other locations across the site could vary. In pervious soils, the indicated levels may reflect the location of groundwater. In low permeability soils, the accurate determination of groundwater levels may not be possible ta4th only short-term observations. DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION: Soil classification is based on the Unified Classification System. Coarse Grained Soils have more than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; their principal descriptors are: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. Fine Grained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are principally described as clays if they are plastic, and silts if they are slightly plastic or non - plastic. Major constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse - grained soils are defined on the basis of their in -place relative density and fine- grained soils on the basis of their consistency. CONSISTENCY OF FINE - GRAINED SOILS. Unconfined Compressive Strength, Qu, psf < 500 500 — 1,000 1,000 — 2,000 2,000 — 4,000 4,000 — 8,000 8,000+ Standard Penetration or N -value (SS) Blows /Ft. 0 -1 2 -4 4 -8 8 -15 15 -30 > 30 RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF SAND Descriptive Term(s) of other constituents Trace ..... ..... With _. Modifier RELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF Descriptive Term(s) of other constituents Trace With Modifiers Consistency Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard AND GRAVEL Percent of Major Component Dry Weight of Sample RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE - GRAINED SOILS Standard Penetration or N -value (SS) Blows /Ft. 0 -3 4 -9 10 -29 30 — 49 > 50 Relative Density Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense GRAIN SIZE TERMINOLOGY < 15 Boulders 15=29._. —_ -- _Gobbles > 30 Gravel Sand FINES Silt or Clay Percent of Dry Weight <5 5 -12 >12 Particle Size Over 12 in. (300mm) 1210,to 3 In. (300mm to 75 mm) 3 In. to #4 sieve (75mm to 4.75 mm) #4 to #200 sieve (4.75mm to 0.075mm) Passing #200 Sieve (0.075mm) PLASTICITY DESCRIPTION Term Non- plastic Low Medium High Plasticity index 0 1 -10 11 -30 > 30 lrerracon UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory SYSTEM TestsA Soil Classification Group Symbol Group Name' Coarse Grained Soils Gravels More than 50% retained More than 50% of coarse fraction retained on on No. 200 sieve No. 4 sieve Clean Gravels Less than 5 %fines° Cu 4 and 1 s Cc s 3E GW Well -graded gravelF Cu <4 and /or 1 > Cc> 3E GP Poorly graded gravelF Gravels with Fines More than 12% fines° Fines classify as ML or MH GM Silty graveIF'G•" Fines classify as CL or CH GC Clayey graver" Sands 50% or more of coarse fraction passes No. 4 sieve Clean Sands Less than 5% fines° Cu a 6 and 1 s Ccs 3E SW Well- graded sand' Cu < 6 and /or 1 > Cc > 3E SP Poorly graded sand' Sands with Fines More than 12% fines° Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sand °,".' Fines Classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sand ".' Fine- Grained Soils Silts and Clays 50% or more passes the Liquid limit less than 50 No, 200 sieve inorganic PI > 7 and plots on or above °A line' CL Lean clay",`" PI < 4 or plots below "A line' ML Si!' t".`o" organic Liquid limit- oven dried OL Organic clay",'-'w <0.75 Liquid limit - not dried Organic siltK'UA0 Silts and Clays Liquid limit 50 or more inorganic PI plots on or above "A° line CH Fat clayK`• " PI plots below 'A' line MH Elastic Silt" m organic Liquid limit - oven dried 75 OH Organic clad A;' <0 Liquid limit - not dried Organic silt" -m° Highly organic soils Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat A Based on the material passing the B If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name, C Gravels with 5 to 12% fines require gravel with silt, GW -GC well- graded graded gravel with silt, GP -GC poorly °Sands with 5 to 12% fines require sand with silt, SW -SC well- graded sand with silt, SP -SC poorly graded e (D30)2 3 -in. or boulders, dual gravel graded dual symbols: sand sand "with sand" symbol For classification soils -._of coarse Equation Horizontal ... then Equation erticalat-LL16 - then (75 -mm) or symbols: with gravel with clay, with clay to group GC-GM, and fine - grained of 'A" at P1 Pt =0.73 of " U" Pt= 0.9(LL sieve both, add "with GW -GM well - clay, GP -GM poorly with clay. SW -SM well- graded SP -SM poorly name. or SC -SM, of fine - grained - grained fraction soils . -..r` - line =4 to LL =25.5. (LL -20) ........ Ilne -to PI-7 -8) 1�� , cobbles graded graded ____ . ........1 ,' __.......___ ___._ ��ro o-J,{ ,r' .,!.... Gt .Z. i....._.-._`--...__... "If fines are organic, add 'with organic fines" to group name. ' If soil contains z 15% gravel, add "with gravel" to group name. a if Atterberg limits plot In shaded area, soil is a CL -ML, silty clay. K if soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add "with sand" or "with gravel," whichever is predominant. L If soil contains _> 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add "sandy" to group name. "'If soil contains ? 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. "PI z 4 and plots on or above "A" line. °PI < 4 or plots below "A" line. P PI plots on or above "A" line, °PI plots below "A" line. 1 -, ! Cu = Dsc/D10 Cc = DID X D6o F if soil contains ? 15% sand, add °If fines classify as CL -ML, use dual 50 a W 40 p 4`' I i I 1 I � :..... ..._.'s.... 1....... _. 30 CD, 10 ._.._...._;..___.,._1_.___.._.i MN or ON ■ 1 ML (r OL � i 1 w - u 0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LiQUID LIMIT (LL) lierracon Form 11 1 -5198 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Geotechnical Engineering Report Tumwater Street Retaining Wall E Port Angeles, Washington March 10, 2010 ® Terracon Project No. B2095051 lierracon Laboratory Testing Samples retrieved during the field exploration were taken to the laboratory for further observation by the project geotechnical engineer and were classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) described in Appendix A. At that time the field descriptions were confirmed or modified as necessary and an applicable laboratory testing program was formulated to determine engineering properties of the subsurface materials. Laboratory tests were conducted on selected soil samples and the test results are presented in this appendix. The laboratory test results were used for the geotechnical engineering analyses, and the development of foundation and earthwork recommendations. Laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with the applicable ASTM, local or other accepted standards. Selected soil samples obtained from the site were tested for the following engineering properties: Grain Size Analysis ® Atterberg Limits Moisture Content Exhibit B -1 PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT _.. C 0 -o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 cj 1 I I I I GRAIN SIZE OF 36' 12' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIiihliIIIIIllhIlIIIllhIIIIIlIIIIIIIII SIZE OPENING IN 6' ANALYSIS INCHES 2" 2' 1' 3/4' 3/6' Test Results Summary U.S. STANDARD SIEVE 4 10 20 40 60 SIZE 140 200 ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER 11110 11 iiiii 11111 111 1111 01111 11 1 1_ 100 000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS BOULDERS COBBLES Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture ( %) Fines ( %) Description B -1 S -2 5.0 12 29.5 silty SAND trace gravel FerraconDATE 2115 S.6,61h Street, #405 Tacoma, WA 98409 Phone: (253) 673 -9939 Fax: (253) 573-9959 JOB NO: B2095051 OF TESTING: 01 /12/10 PROJECT NAME: Port Angeles Transportation Infrastructure 36' 4 nn GRAIN SIZE OF 12" OPENING SIZE IN 6" INCHES 3" 2" ANALYSIS - 3(4" 3/8" I\ Test U.S. 4 10 Results STANDARD 20 40 1 Summary SIEVE 60 I SIZE 140 200 ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT O 0 O O O Cl O 0 O O C 4 100 000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture ( %) Fines ( %) Description B -1 S -5 12.5 9 17.8 silty sandy GRAVEL FbrraconDATE 2115 6.56th Street, #405 Tacoma, WA 98409 Phone: (253) 573 -9939 Fax: (253) 573 -9959 JOB NO: 82095051 OF TESTING: 01/12/10 PROJECT NAME: Port Angeles Transportation Infrastructure 36' A /In GRAIN SIZE OF SIZE OPENING IN 12' ' i INCHES 0. ANALYSIS 2' 314' 3/ ' Test U.S. 4 10 Results STANDARD 20 40 1 Summary SIEVE 60 1 SIZE 140 200 • ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT O C 1 O • Co' O O O O O O 0.----..,,,,,\ V 1000.000 100 000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Slit Clay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture ( %) Fines ( %) Description B -2 S -6 25.0 25 31.4 silty SAND trace gravel [erracon 2115 S.56th Street, #405 Tacoma, WA 98409 Phone: (253) 573.9939 Fax: (253) 573.9959 JOB NO: 82095051 DATE OF TESTING: 01/12/10 PROJECT NAME: Port Angeles Transportation Infrastructure 411/1 GAIN SIZE OF 36" SIZE OPENING IN 12" 8" ANALYSIS INCHES 3` 2" I 3/4" 3/8" Test U.S. 4 10 Ij Results STANDARD 20 Summary SIEVE 40 � SIZE 140 200 ASTM D 422 HYDROMETER PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT o 0 0 0 0 CO 0 C i\is\ V 1000.000 100 000 10.000 1.000 0.100 0.010 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay BOULDERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND FINE GRAINED Exploration Sample Depth (feet) Moisture ( %) Fines ( %) Description B -2 Combined S -10 - S -12 45 - 55 9 21.9 SILTY SAND with gravel FerraconDATE 2115 S.56ih Street, #405 Tacoma, WA 98409 Phone: (253) 573-9939 Fax: (253) 573 -9959 JOB NO: 92095051 OF TESTING: 01/12/10 PROJECT NAME: Port Angeles Transportation Infrastructure Plasticity Index % 60 60 40 30 20 10 7 4 0 PLASTICITY CHART ASTM D 4318 vairarowire ca inorganic -. , Pr ErAgliffirA W NM MIME '4 * I and �1 ifilliMM , MI/ .AINIPM1111111110111■111111111111111 M Illi 111∎1�01�.rli���l� NPINWRINIMINNI and sa lc silts; -r 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit % Symbol Boring Sample USCS Description Received M.C. ( %) Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index Comments ® B -2 S -7 ML 24 41 29 11 ® B -1 S -8 ML 21 35 23 11 Rennarks: lrerracon 2115 S.56th Street, #405 Tacoma, WA 98409 Phone: (253) 573-9939 Fax: (253) 573 -9959 PROJECT NO: 82095051 DATE OF TESTING: 1/12/2010 PROJECT NAME: Port Angeles Transportation Infrastructure APPENDIX C SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 0 70 a) 60 w so 40 30 20 10 0 B2095051 Port Angeles Global Slope Stability Beneath Soldier Pile Wall Static Conditions 1.816 Soldier Pile Name: MD Silty Sand Unit Weight: 120 pcf Phl: 35 ° Name: Silty Gravelly Sand Unit Weight: 130 pcf Phi: 42 ° Name: Possible Fill Unit Weight: 120 pcf Phi: 35 ° Name: Till Unit Weight: 130 pcf Phi: 40 ° 19 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 00 100 110 120 330 140 150 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 260 • Distance 140 130 120 110 100 00 80 0 70 a) 60 w 50 40 30 20 10 0 .10 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 Distance B2095051 Port Angeles Global Slope Stability Beneath Soldier Pile Wall Pseudo Static Conditions kh @ 0.15g 1,307 Name: Possible Fill Unit Weight: 120 pcf Phi: 35 ° Soldier Pile Name: MD Silty Sand Unit Weight: 120 pcf Phi: 35 ° Name: Silly Gravelly Sand Unit Weight: 130 pcf Phi: 42 ° Name: Till Unit Weight: 130 pcf Phi: 40 ° APPENDIX REPAIR SCHEMATIC Waler Tie -Back (Location & number per structural engineer design) Sidewalk Shot -Crete Facing Existing Slope Cutoff Trench 6" Perforated Pipe Existing Solder Pile Ned Mr r. THR PrdraacNo. 82095051 DI aaro ay, AJD Stela: Not to Scale Checked ay, THR Re Ma Figure D•1.dwg Approved By THR Data March, 2010 lierracon Consulting Engineers and Scientists 2115 S. 56NSL,Ste405 Tacoma, WA 95109 PH. (253) 5739939 MX (253) 5135559 TIE-BACK REPAIR SCHEMATIC Exhibit No Port Angeles Transportation Infrastructure Port Angeles, Washington Prepared for: Perteet, Inc. D -1 Attachment H Project Plans Tumwater Road Soldier Pile Retaining Wall Project V -22 SOLDIER PILE RETAINING WALL 0 0 H z IcZ) C:14 CITY OF PORT ANGELES SHEET INDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2 QUANTITIES 3 RETAINING WALL PLAN & ELEVATION 4 DETAILS 5 SIGN PLAN VICINITY MAP N ROAD RETAINING Tumwater Road & West 5th Street Port Angeles, Washington COVER SHEET - £LOZ 'W_ 1m :pe3Wu N E TUMWATER ROAD RETAINING & West 5th Street sa 3 E Port Angeles, Washington a3 Jam` N no�o "' �� � J� p � F •,n ±!: _ U o2! -� v o< .W uy 6mP'c -70 A'YLlllw\imu 1a1,aioc. _ .13sVA �aiuoI1 OL L — 2IOZ 'BZ 7Q] T.IPEI TUMWATER ROAD RETAINING WALL 'umwater Road & West 51h Street Port Angeles, Washington RETAINING WALL PLAN & ELEVATION wo C YZ1.1 1,01N 0l /l — ClOZ ffZ FO :po4 J EXISTING SOLDER PILE WALL 3• AJAX. ` H 140145 ` IX/5000 WALL f/ LAGGING: 6012 071 AT2 TREATED ROADWAY / SIDEWALK s v.I NEW WALL GRAVEL BACKFILL FOR WALLS 4'� ...... - - . *AA IN aty r - DOWNSPOUT ROUTED BELOW . • B07TOM OF TAGGING , WEDGE 5900/00 ON g INSIDE AS REQUIRED LAGGING _.. I n GRAVEL BACKFILL li FOR DRAINS H 140145 6" 0 FLEXIBLE DRAIN PIPE I= 6" 0 ' STAKED IN PLACE EVERY TO'± I UNDERDRAIN IL PIPE GEOTDOILE FOR 11, i UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE ° TERMINATE AT. CL4S5 A MODERATE _' .. . ... EXISDNC DR4INGE DITCH SURVIVABILITY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NO7 ` - FINISHED - - - > >_ PERFORM ANY MORE GRADE SECTION O EXCAVATION THAN WHAT IS NECESSARY 70 INSTALL THE DRAIN PIPE AT SLOPE LAGGING. EXCAVATION SHALL °' BE M /NIINZE0. THERE IS NO Y 30" 0 MIN. • STAKES SHALL BE 3` ARROWHEAD OR PAYMENT FOR EXCAVATION MONTA RAY 66 ANCHOR EMBEDDED 3fi ". AND !T 15 INCIDENTAL TO i ATTACH PIPE WITH M° MIN. GALVANIZED OTHER BID ITEMS CABLE. GEOTEXTILE FOR UNDERGROUND TOP OF WALL 4•_p° DR4/NAGC CLASS A, MODERATE "; SURVIVABILGY. z s RETAINED SOIL AA GEOSYNTHET00 WITH (n . 10NG TERM STRENGTH, GRAVEL BACKF7LL .-, 7_p Jr` (1;) OF 470 LB /FT FOR WALL iS1:7"a:._ ca 3 !_ CONCRETE CLASS 4000P ,,H‘111 11 111 .I11 i _' i 11-111-1.11=n1— . I=111— Ike I - FOUNDARON 500 TYPICAL STRUCTURAL EARTH WALL CROSS - SECTION ( E SECTION e �/ WIV ,g1 .-;:. ccl 0 — I -- ,. „oc,,.. !:- r, N(Y „f , t" -4401. sAir -Now Pilateitilli. Aii ■IIIIIIIII■ ,z I M IrA I IM I I I II I 1 I I I I ,,, 101 lr ff {,A - I 1,0 11 LI 111,S,501!,II L 1.2nAESV\ .4,0N OCLI. —n� po u") 5, ROAD RETAINING Tumwater Road & West 5th Street Port Angeles, Washington