HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.1031 Amendment (3)AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE
PACE Engineers, Inc.
PROJECT DR03 -2009
5.1031 AMENDMENT 3
RELATING TO: STORMWATER ENGINEERING SERVICES VdiVe-bfrvtle2t-- THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this �U day of
2012, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non charter code city of the State of
Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY and PACE Engineers, Inc., a Washington
Corporation authorized to do business in the state of Washington (hereinafter called the
WHEREAS, the CITY entered in to an AGREEMENT with the CONSULTANT on July 20,
2010, (the AGREEMENT) and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to amend the AGREEMENT to amend the Scope of Work,
Budget, and Time of Performance.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the representations and the terms, conditions,
covenants and agreements set forth in the original AGREEMENTS, and this AMENDMENT,
the parties hereto agree as follows:
The previously amended scope of work and amendments by the CONSULTANT pursuant to
the AGREEMENT shall be amended to read as shown in the attached Exhibit A to Amendment
3. The Scope of Work shall include all services and material necessary to accomplish the
The CITY may review the CONSULTANT'S work product, and if it is not satisfactory, the
CONSULTANT shall make such changes as may be required by the CITY. Such changes
shall not constitute "Extra Work" as related in Section XII of this Agreement.
The CONSULTANT agrees that all services performed under this Agreement shall be in
accordance with the standards of the engineering profession and in compliance with applicable
federal, state and local laws.
The Scope of Work may be amended upon written approval of both parties.
The CONSULTANT may begin work upon execution of this Agreement by both parties and the
duration of the Agreement shall extend through December 31, 2013. The work shall be
completed in accordance with the schedule set forth in the attached Exhibit D to Amendment 3.
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The CONSULTANT'S total compensation and reimbursement are stated in the attached
Exhibit B to Amendment 3. The maximum compensation amount, referenced in Section VI of
the Agreement, is amended from $333,088 to $481,500.19, an increase of $148,412.19. The
budget for any Task may be further adjusted by mutual agreement without an amendment to
the Agreement, as Tong as the maximum compensation amount of $481,500.19 is not
exceeded. The CONSULTANT'S rate schedule is attached in Exhibit C to Amendment 3.
Except as modified herein, the original Agreement shall remain in effect.
In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. 3 to the
Agreement as of the day and year first written above.
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DR03 -2009
PACE Engineers (PACE) is currently working under Contract Amendment No. 2 to Project
DR03 -2009 for the City of Port Angeles to design stormwater improvements to address flooding
and water quality impacts within the neighborhood on the marine bluff above Ediz Hook.
Contract Amendment No. 2 extends the original agreement through December 31, 2012.
Amendment 3 provides for completing the design services for the 4 Street Stormwater Project
and incorporates design modifications that are consistent with grant funding received in 2012.
The City was notified by the Department of Ecology that they were the recipient of a $1,000,000
Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant from Department of Ecology which PACE applied for on
behalf of the City during the intial phase of project design.
With grant funding now available for Low Impact Development stormwater retrofits, the scope of
the project changed significantly from what was approved under the original contract and
subsequent amendments. This change is due to the availability of grant funding for raingardens
which will be retrofit throughout the west and east basins. These raingardens are being utilized
as a more restorative alternative to the end -of -pipe treatment solution that was proposed under
the original City design contract with PACE Engineers.
The City has negotiated a grant agreement with Ecology that includes a modified raingarden
proposal to provide raingardens at intersections dispersed throughout the west and east basins,
rather than installing linear raingardens along entire city blocks. Non grant eligible work is
proposed in the east basin only to alleviate flooding impacts to the residential area at the top of
the marine bluff near H Street, All work is scheduled to be constructed in the summer of 2013.
This scope of work includes civil engineering, geotechnical, environmental, and survey services
through the construction documents phase of this project. PACE will be the prime consultant
for the entire Scope of Work and will oversee and administer this Scope of Work. PACE will
complete all civil engineering services in- house. As in the original contract, PACE will
subcontract with Landau Associates for Geotechnical and Environmental Services and with
Wengler Surveying Mapping for survey services.
PACE anticipates starting this work immediately and proceeding with preparation of the 60%
PS &E and drainage report based on the selected alternative. Following receipt of the City's
comments on the 60% submittal PACE will submit the 60% package (with modifications as
necessary) to appropriate agencies (if required) for environmental permit review. A 90%
package will then be developed and submitted for review based on comments during the 60%
review. After incorporating comments from the 90% review, a 100% set of PS &E and Drainage
Report will be developed and submitted as bid and construction documents. The City has
established a construction cost cap of $1,082,288 for grant eligible construction elements and
$115,000 for non grant eligible construction elements. PACE will endeavor to create a design
package for which the engineers construction cost opinion does not exceed these benchmarks.
Cost opinions will be provided at 60% and 90% design milestones so that the City may evaluate
and delete project scope as needed to keep project within construction budget limits.
Topographic Survey
General Survey Scone MAoolied to Tasks 1.A and 1.B)
Wengler Surveying Mapping will prepare a topographic base map of the areas required for
the improvements. The vertical datum used for the survey will be the North American vertical
datum of 1988 (NAVD88) and the horizontal datum will be the Washington coordinate system
grid, north zone, north American datum of 1983, 1991 adjustment (NAD83 /91). The
topographic surveys would include the following:
1. One foot contours and spot elevations at critical points.
2. Centerline monuments, right -of -way lines, property lines, owners name, address
and tax I.D. number as available from the Clallam County web site.
3. Existing drainage system including pipes, catch basins, streams, wetlands (as
delineated by others) and ponds.
4. All subsurface utilities as marked on the ground by representatives of various
utility companies by utilizing one call locate services 1- 800 424 -5555.
5. Overhead utilities
6. Landau Associates will provide a sketch map to the surveyors for their use in
locating specific delineation points placed along the boundaries of identified
wetlands and streams.
7. The edge of pavement, flow line and top of curb, trees, landscaping, fences and
all other surface features lying within the right -of -way and within a strip of land
10 feet outside of said right -of -way.
Task 1.A Survey Services
Grant Eligible Scope
Survey of up to 9 intersections as needed for the raingarden design. Survey of up to 4
intersections are anticipated to be required in the east basin, and up to 5 intersections are
anticipated to be required in the west basin.
Survey fee is for topographic survey of 5 intersections in the west basin and portions of
one intersection in the east basin.
Topographic survey provided previously for east basin design will be adequate for grant
eligible raingarden retrofit design.
Pricing for additional topographic survey is $3,314.08 per intersection, which reflects
mobilization and work required to complete an individual intersection.
Mid block raingardens will be designed using City- provided lidar contours and GIS data.
Additional survey to pick up these areas would require additional fees.
Deliverables: One set of dated, sealed and signed hard copies of the final drawing at a scale of
1 inch equals 20 feet. Digital files in AutoCAD format.
Task 1.B Survey Services
Non Grant Eligible Scope
Additional topographic survey is required at the toe of slope near the intersection of the
unopened H Street Right -of -Way and Marine Drive. This work is required in order to design the
drainage improvements required at the toe of slope and tie in to the existing drainage system.
Lidar data provided to PACE by the City will be used for design of the surface- staked
HDPE conveyance through the unopened H Street Right -of -Way between the 4 /5
Alley and Marine Drive.
Should permitting agencies require topographic survey of the unopened Right -of -Way,
additional fees to accomplish the additional survey will be required.
Deliverables: One set of dated, sealed and signed hard copies of the final drawing at a scale of
1 inch equals 20 feet. Digital files in AutoCAD format.
Geotechnical Services
Task 2.A Geotechnical Services
Grant Eligible Scope
Landau Associates will complete a supplemental geotechnical investigation related to the
proposed rain gardens. For the geotechnical investigation for this portion of the project,
Landau Associates will build upon the geotechnical information gathered during the original
design phase of the project.
To characterize soil and groundwater conditions in the vicinity of the proposed rain gardens,
Landau Associates will advance boreholes at 7 of the 9 rain gardens locations (2 locations have
already been explored). Each exploratory boring will be advanced up to a depth of about 12.5
feet (ft) below the ground surface. A drilling contractor under subcontract to Landau Associates
will complete the exploratory borings with a truck mounted drill rig advancing hollow -stem
augers. The pavement section at the boring locations will be patched using fast setting
A geologist or geotechnical engineer from Landau Associates will supervise the exploration
work, obtain soil samples from the borings, and prepare field logs of conditions encountered in
the explorations. Soil samples will be obtained from the exploratory borings on about a 2 or
5 -ft depth interval using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) procedure, and returned to
Landau Associates' laboratory for further examination and classification. Soil samples obtained
from the explorations will be held in Landau Associates' laboratory for 30 days after submittal of
the final report. After that date, the soil samples will be disposed of unless arrangements are
made to retain them. Landau Associates does not plan to install piezometers in the proposed
borings to monitor groundwater levels; however, groundwater levels (if observed) will be noted
at the time of drilling. Upon completion of sampling and logging, the borings will be backfilled
in accordance with the applicable sections of WAC 173 -160. Excess cutting from the
exploratory borings will be disposed of at an offsite location.
Landau Associates will complete pilot infiltration tests at three of the proposed rain garden
locations. The infiltration tests will be performed in general accordance with Appendix V -B of
the Washington State Department of Department of Ecology (WDOE) 2005 Stormwater
Management Manual for Western Washington, with the exception of the bottom surface area,
which will be about 25 square ft instead of 100 square ft as recommended by the WDOE
manual. It is expected that in situ testing at each location will require about 14 to 24 hours to
complete. The estimated quantity of water needed to perform an infiltration test is expected to
be in the range of 1,500 to 2,500 gallons. After completion of infiltration testing, the test pits
will be deepened to observe and log soil and groundwater conditions below the planned
bottoms of the proposed infiltration facilities.
The pits for the pilot infiltration tests will be excavated and backfilled using a rubber -tired
backhoe under subcontract to Landau Associates. Landau Associates will rent a water truck to
supply the necessary quantity of water at the test locations to complete the infiltration testing.
A shoulder and /or lane closure will be required to complete the proposed borings and pilot
infiltration tests. Landau Associates will prepare and submit a traffic control plan to the City,
and provide the necessary flaggers and warning signs for a shoulder and /or lane closure.
Landau Associates will also arrange for underground utility location ("call before you dig prior
to performing field activities.
Landau Associates will complete a geotechnical laboratory testing program consisting of natural
moisture content and grain size determinations on selected soil samples to aid in classifying site
soils. For budget purposes, 14 moisture content and 7 combined grain size analyses are
Information from the supplemental field investigation will be analyzed by a geotechnical
engineer from Landau Associates and geotechnical engineering conclusions and
recommendations for design and construction of the proposed rain gardens will be developed.
The results of Landau Associates' supplemental field explorations, laboratory and field testing,
engineering analyses, and geotechnical engineering conclusions and recommendations will be
summarized in a draft geotechnical report for review by PACE and the City. Upon receipt of
review comments, Landau Associates will address the comments and submit four (4) copies of a
signed and sealed geotechnical report. The report will include:
A site plan showing the locations of the explorations completed for this study and
pertinent explorations completed for the original design phase of the project
Results of laboratory testing and logs of the soil borings
Results of the pilot infiltration tests
A discussion of the near surface soil and groundwater conditions observed in the
supplemental exploratory borings
Geotechnical conclusions and recommendations for the project, including:
o a discussion of the feasibility of the proposed rain gardens from a geotechnical
o a discussion related to the infiltration capacity of the near surface soils in the
project area based on soil texture and corresponding published infiltration rates
and the results of the pilot infiltration tests
o recommendations regarding the expected long -term design infiltration rate of the
soils in the vicinity of proposed low impact development facilities
o set -back recommendations for infiltration facilities located near the crests of
steep slopes
o recommendations for geotechnical monitoring and consultation during
The City will issue Landau Associates a no -cost right -of -way use permit.
Portland cement concrete pavement is not present at potential sites for the proposed
exploratory borings and pilot infiltration test locations (i.e., concrete coring /sawing
will not be required).
It will be acceptable to the City to conduct the pilot infiltration tests within the paved
right -of -way.
The pilot infiltration tests will not be performed at the center of an intersection.
The City will be responsible for restoring the pavement section at each pilot
infiltration test location (approximately 225 square ft of restoration at each test
The City will provide Landau Associates access to water that will be used to conduct
the pilot infiltration tests.
If more than three different soil conditions are observed in Landau Associates'
exploratory borings, additional pilot infiltration tests, which are not included in
Landau Associates' proposed scope and budget, may be required.
Deliverables: Draft Geotechnical Report
Final Geotechnical Report
Task 2.B Geotechnical Services
Non Grant Eligible Scope
Landau Associates will complete a geotechnical assessment related to the proposed permanent
surface staked HDPE pipe. For the geotechnical assessment for this portion of the project,
Landau Associates will build upon the geotechnical information gathered during the preliminary
design phase of the project.
To investigate subsurface conditions along the alignment of the proposed permanent surface
staked HDPE pipe, Landau Associates will advance up to 3 hand excavated borings along the
outfall alignment. The hand excavated borings will extend 2 to 3 ft (or until practical refusal)
below existing grades. A geologist or geotechnical engineer from Landau Associates will
advance the explorations, obtain soil samples from the hand augered borings, and prepare field
Togs of conditions encountered in the explorations. Soil samples will be obtained from the hand
augured borings and delivered to Landau's laboratory for further examination and classification.
Landau Associates will complete a geotechnical laboratory testing program consisting of natural
moisture content and grain size and /or Atterberg Limits determinations on selected soil samples
to aid in classifying site soils. Landau Associates has budgeted for up to 3 moisture content and
up to 3 grain size or Atterberg Limits determinations.
Information from the field investigation will be analyzed by a geotechnical engineer from Landau
Associates and geotechnical engineering conclusions and recommendations for design and
construction of the proposed outfall will be developed.
The results of the field explorations, laboratory testing, engineering analyses, and geotechnical
engineering conclusions and recommendations will be summarized in a draft geotechnical
technical memorandum for review by PACE and the City. Upon receipt of review comments,
Landau Associates will address the comments and submit four (4) copies of a signed and
sealed geotechnical technical memorandum. The technical memorandum will include:
A site plan showing the locations of the explorations completed for this study
Results of laboratory testing and Togs of the soil borings
A discussion of the near surface soil and groundwater conditions observed in the
exploratory borings
Geotechnical conclusions and recommendations for the project, including:
o a discussion of the observations made during the field reconnaissance
o a discussion regarding the geologic hazards associated with the slopes in the
project area, including erosion and landslide hazards
o a discussion of the feasibility of installing a permanent surface staked HDPE pipe
down the slope at the end of H Street
o a discussion of the feasibility of burying the pipe or a portion of the pipe at the toe
and top of slope
o recommendations for pipe anchors for the new outfall that will be located on the
slope below the end of H Street
o recommendations for tightlining to the downstream drainage system, or
enhancing the existing outfall near the toe of slope
o recommendations for geotechnical monitoring and consultation during
Deliverables: Draft Geotechnical Technical Memorandum
Final Geotechnical Technical Memorandum
Task 3 Environmental Services (Wetland /Waterway Delineation)
Task 3.A SEPA Checklist
(Includes grant- eligible and non grant eligible work)
This project will require compliance with the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA). PACE
will complete an environmental checklist that will include all major components of the project.
Based on the selected alternative, PACE, with input from Landau Associates, will prepare a
SEPA checklist using the information from the above tasks. PACE will provide a draft copy of the
SEPA Checklist to Landau Associates for review. Landau Associates will provide one set of
consolidated comments to PACE for preparation of the final SEPA Checklist for publication based
on those comments. It is assumed the City will issue the SEPA document and publish in a local
paper as required. This proposal does not include time for Landau Associates to respond to any
public or resource agency comments on the SEPA Checklist after the Checklist has been
published for public comment.
Although a Determination of Non Significance (DNS) or Mitigated DNS is expected, should an
EIS be required, or other permits determined necessary, those activities would be considered
out of scope items.
Should additional review and comment be requested by the City, a scope and budget
amendment will be required.
The City's final determination will be a declaration of Non Significance and that there
will be no public comments or public hearing.
The City will circulate the SEPA and conduct the required public comment
One SEPA checklist will be provided for all work associated with the project,
including Phase 1 and Phase 2 tasks, as well as grant eligible and non grant eligible
Deliverables: Comments of the Draft SEPA in MS Word format
Task 3.0 Wetland /Waterway Delineation
Non Grant Eligible Scope
Landau Associates will conduct a wetland and /or waterway delineation in accordance with the
2010 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers
Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region. The ordinary high
water mark of waterways will be delineated using guidance provided in Washington State
Department of Ecology's (Ecology) Determining The Ordinary Nigh Water Mark on Streams in
Washington State.
Landau Associates will compile and review environmental information from readily available
public domain resources to gain a general understanding of potential wetland issues at the site.
Public domain resources include, but are not limited to:
USDA NRCS Soil Survey data
National Wetlands Inventory mapping
Local Critical Areas mapping
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic mapping
Recent aerial photography.
The field investigation will include an examination of vegetation, soils, and hydrology within the
study area of the proposed project. Flagging will be placed along the wetland /waterway
boundaries and will be confined to the proposed alignment of the surface staked HDPE pipe.
Any wetland /waterway habitat that extends beyond the project footprint, and within 300 ft [as
under the City's Wetland Protection regulations included in Title 15 of the City's municipal
code], will be estimated both visually and using public domain resources in order to assess
wetland /waterway extent. Included in this task is time to provide PACE's surveyors with a hand
sketch of wetland /waterway boundaries to assist the surveyors to locate project flagging. PACE
also included time to review the survey map and request any necessary changes to accurately
represent existing wetland /waterway conditions.
Wetlands within the study area will be rated in accordance with Ecology's Washington State
Wet /and Rating System for Western Washington, and buffer widths will be determined in
compliance with the City's Critical Areas Regulations. Stream typing and buffer widths are based
on the City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and the water typing system presented in Chapter
222 -16 -131 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC).
Landau Associates will prepare a Draft Wetland and Waterway Delineation Report in a format
acceptable to the City and other regulating agencies that will include:
A summary of the methodology used
The size and rating of each wetland and waterway; a characterization of wetland
vegetation, soils, and hydrology; and field data sheets
A scaled site map showing the locations of wetland /surface water boundaries and
buffers, locations of wetland data plots, and site topography.
Supporting photographs.
The draft report will be provided to PACE and the City for review. Comments will be reviewed
and incorporated into a Final Wetland and Waterway Delineation Report.
Flagging will only be placed within the project boundaries where accessible.
PACE will supply survey information in AutoCAD format to Landau Associates pertaining
to the delineation and project plans.
Deliverables: An electronic (Adobe PDF) copy of the draft and final wetland and waterway
delineation report.
Task 3.D Wetland Mitigation and Critical Area Renort
Non Grant Eligible Scope
Landau Associates will support PACE and the City in the calculation of area of impacts to
wetlands, waterways, and /or their buffers based on the 60% project. Areas of impact will be
calculated in AutoCAD and will be summarized on ]ARPA figures and in the Critical Areas Report
described below.
Landau Associates will support PACE and the City in determining adequate wetland/ waterway
impact avoidance and minimization measures. A compensatory mitigation plan will also be
developed by Landau Associates. The compensatory mitigation will include planting plan and
grading plans.
Landau Associates will prepare a Draft Critical Area Report in accordance with the City of Port
Angeles Municipal Code, and in order to meet standards of other state or federal regulatory
agencies. The report will include information from the Wetland Delineation report, and
incorporate any necessary mitigation. This will include:
A summary of the methodology used
A description of impacts to wetlands, waterways, and /or buffers
A wetland, waterway, and /or buffer mitigation planting /grading plan including:
mitigation goals, objectives, and performance standards; a timeline for mitigation
monitoring and reporting; and contingency plans, as necessary
Mitigation objectives, goals, and performance standards
The draft report will be provided to PACE and the City /agencies for review. Comments will be
reviewed and incorporated into a Final Critical Area Report for Streams and Wetlands.
PACE will be responsible for coordination with the City and Landau Associates during review and
finalization of the document bid package. Landau Associates will not coordinate directly with the
City regarding revisions to the contract document.
The planting plan and grading plan will be incorporated into JARPA figures and /or design
plans, which will be included as an attachment to the Critical Areas Report.
Specifications will not be required as part of the report.
Wetland mitigation can be accommodated on site (within the project limits). If offsite
mitigation is required, PACE and the City will identify a suitable site to accommodate the
required mitigation.
Mitigation plans and specifications will be incorporated by PACE into the overall design
package. Landau Associates will supply mitigation plan to PACE in AutoCAD format.
PACE will provide Landau Associates with the areas of impact and amount of fill and /or
grading within wetlands, waterways and /or buffers.
PACE will prepare the bid package documents. Landau Associates will supply information
as requested by PACE to support preparation of these documents.
The project does not intersect areas under jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act.
An electronic (Adobe PDF) and paper copy of the Draft Critical Area Report for Streams
and Wetlands.
An electronic (Adobe PDF) and paper copy of the Final Critical Area Report for Streams
and Wetlands.
Electronic text of specifications will be delivered to PACE for incorporation into the
document bid package.
Task 3.E No Effect Letter Section 7 Endangered Species Act: Maanuson- Stevens Act
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Evaluation
Non Grant Eligible Scope
Note: This Task is optional based on results of Wetland /Waterway Delineation.
Landau Associates will prepare a No Effect Letter for selected species listed as threatened or
endangered in the action area under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and EFH evaluation
under the Magnuson- Stevens Act for the proposed project. Landau Associates will obtain
updated species lists from agency websites, request site specific species and habitat information
from the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) priority habitats and
species database, and review information from the Washington Natural Heritage Program.
Evaluation of specific project details such as construction techniques and equipment used,
timing of construction, temporary sediment and erosion control measures, and best
management practices will be based on information provided by PACE. Information on the
amount of new impervious surfaces, stormwater detention, and stormwater quality treatment
will be based on information provided by PACE. PACE will prepare a draft No Effect Letter for
review and comment by PACE, and then a final document.
A determination of "no effect" (NE) is anticipated. The project is not expected to impact EFH.
The project will have "no effect" on listed species or their designated critical habitat and
a formal Biological Opinion will not be required. The project will have no impact to EFH.
A determination of No Effect will be made if no listed species or habitats occur within the
projects Action Area.
Meetings with agency staff from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) or National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries are not included in this task.
In -water work will not occur, or if necessary, will occur during appropriate work
windows in waters not containing ESA listed species.
Design and construction details required for permit applications that are not directly
related to critical areas determination will be provided to the Landau Associates
biologist. Such elements include but are not limited to grading plans and details, limits of
clearing and grading, sediment and erosion control plan and features, proposed
construction timing, sequencing and duration, and primary types of construction
equipment to be used.
No site visit will be required as part of this task. Characterization of site conditions will
be based on findings from Wetland and Stream Investigation services and Geotechnical
Investigations services.
This task does not include efforts to perform a six month update of species listings, if
An electronic (Adobe PDF) of the draft No Effect Letter/ EFH Evaluation.
An electronic (Adobe PDF) and four paper copies of the final No Effect Letter/ EFH
Task 3.F Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (DARPA) and Agency,
Non Grant Eligible Scope
Note: This Task is optional based on results of Wetland /Waterway Delineation.
Landau Associates will prepare a Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application (JARPA) for
submittal to regulatory agencies. The JARPA will be suitable for submittal to the Washington
Department of Fish and Wildlife for Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA); the US Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) for Section 404 Clean Water Act (CWA) permitting; Ecology for Section 401
CWA Water Quality Certification, and the City for Critical Areas permitting. The JARPA will
include project specific information including listing of adjacent property owners. This task
includes time for coordination and revisions with PACE, the City, and /or agencies, as needed, to
provide accurate information on the JARPA, including a narrative of project information.
This task includes preparation of figures for the JARPA. The JARPA figures will be suitable for
submittal to the reviewing agencies. Landau will incorporate design sheets into the JARPA in a
format acceptable to the agencies. JARPA figures submitted to the USACE are required to fit
paper sized 8.5 x 11 inches and be reproducible in black and white.
Landau Associates will provide support to PACE and the City in responding to USACE comments
on the JARPA. This support is limited to telephone and email correspondence clarifying further
data requests regarding the delineation and mitigation plan.
The project will comply with provisions of a CWA Section 404 Nationwide Permit.
JARPA figures submitted to the USACE are required to fit paper sized 8.5 x 11 inches
and be reproducible in black and white.
Plans and cross sections will be provided by PACE in AutoCad and Adobe pdf format.
A cultural resources assessment to comply with Section 106 of the Historic Preservation
Act or Governor's Executive Order 05 -05 will not be required. If such an assessment is
needed, Landau Associates can provide a subconsultant to provide this service.
Final design alternatives at the 60% completion are suitable to complete the JARPA.
The project does not intersect areas under jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act.
JARPA form seeking Jurisdictional Determination /Pre application Meeting
JD /Pre application Meeting summary (email)
Task 3.G Potential Additional Tasks not included in Scone
Landau Associates anticipates that the following additional tasks may be necessary in the future
depending on funding and the final alternative selection.
Landau Associates will provide review of LID techniques as they relate to natural
resources, including assistance to the raingarden design on plant species selection to
match the regional ecosystem.
A cultural resources assessment to comply with Section 106 of the Historic Preservation
Act or Governor's Executive Order 05 -05 will not be required. If such an assessment is
needed, Landau Associates can provide a subconsultant to provide this service.
Task 4.A Public Involvement
Grant Eligible Scope
This task is to cover public involvement and coordination with City on public outreach.
PACE will attend two public meetings and present information on raingarden design
PACE will prepare presentation materials based on design drawings
PACE will coordinate with City
Task 5.A Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis for Raingardens
Grant Eligible Scope
An update of the hvdroloaic and hydraulic analysis is necessary to understand the benefit of
rainaardens across the basin. In particular. this analysis will look at flow rates throuah the
existina conveyance system. and compare with flow rates after considerina the impact of
rainaardens. Both rate and volume impacts will be considered. Results will be compiled in a
drainaae report. The followina elements are anticipated to be included:
Comparison of flow rates and volumes in the east and west drainage basins between pre
and post construction raingardens including a capacity analysis of affected conveyance
Treatment capacity of raingardens will be estimated based on infiltration rates
determined through the site geotechnical analysis. Note that the raingardens will be
designed to the maximum size feasible given the intersection treatment selected at each
Deliverables: Drainage Report electronic files plus 1 copy of report
Task 5.B Hydraulic Analysis of H Street Caoacity UDgrade
Non Grant Eligible Scope
Results of the rainaarden H &H analysis will also be used in the consideration of uoarades to the
existina H Street conveyance system. This task is separated from 5.A because the work is not
arant- eliaible. A separate drainaae technical memorandum will be prepared that includes the
followina analysis:
Downstream analysis to confirm the stormwater conveyance system located
downstream of the proposed H Street outfall has capacity for additional stormwater
A hydraulic analysis of the existing and proposed pipe system upstream of the proposed
H Street Outfall will be completed to confirm proposed pipe sizes are adequate to
convey flow from the 25 -year storm event and address intermittent flooding impacts to
the neighborhood near 5 and H Streets.
Task 6.A 60% Plans
Grant Eligible Scope
Based upon the City- provided project direction, stakeholder input, and results of the hydrologic
and hydraulic analysis, PACE will provide 60% design plans for the City's review and comment.
As part of this task, PACE will prepare an updated estimate of the probable construction costs.
The City has established a construction cost cap of $1,082,288 for grant eligible construction
elements and $115,000 for non grant eligible construction elements. PACE will endeavor to
create a design package for which the engineers construction cost opinion does not exceed
these benchmarks. Cost opinions will be provided at 60% design so that the City may evaluate
and delete project scope as needed to keep project within construction budget Iimits.PACE will
consult with the City on any design alternatives that are required to stay within the construction
The 60% plans (with modifications if required) will be submitted as needed to the appropriate
resource agencies for review. Utility coordination will be performed by PACE, if required to
design the selected alternative.
PACE will conduct a Quality Assurance review of the final documents prior to submittal to the
City. This review will be assigned to a senior level principal who has not been associated with
the project. The review will consist of a complete sheet -by -sheet and contract document
review to assure the City that the documents meet the "level of care" of our industry.
Deliverables: 60% plans electronic files plus 2 sets of plans
60% cost estimate
Task 6.B 60% Plans
Non Grant Eligible Scope
Deliverables: See Task 6.A above
Task 7.A 90% Plans and Specifications
Grant Eligible Scope
This task includes additional services required to complete non grant eligible design tasks
needed for upgrades to the H Street outfall and associated stormwater conveyance system. If
the City elects to proceed with this task, the design work and cost estimate associated with this
task will be combined on one set of plans and cost estimate with the elements listed in Task
6.A. This task is not anticipated to result in a separate 60% plan submittal, and if so would
require an adjustment to the scope and fee.
PACE will provide 90% construction plans and specifications for City review and comment based
on the City's 60% review comments, public input, utility review, and agency comments. The
City will provide to PACE an example of the City's most recent 'front end' specifications for
reference. The project specifications shall be based on the most current edition of the
Washington Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and
Municipal Construction. As part of this task, PACE will prepare an estimate of the probable
construction costs and finalize the drainage report summarizing the conditions and findings.
The City has established a construction cost cap of $1,082,288 for grant eligible construction
elements and $115,000 for non grant eligible construction elements. PACE will endeavor to
create a design package for which the engineers construction cost opinion does not exceed
these benchmarks. Cost opinions will be provided at 90% design so that the City may evaluate
and delete project scope as needed to keep project within construction budget limits. PACE will
consult with the City on any design alternatives that are required to stay within the construction
PACE will conduct a Quality Assurance review of the final documents prior to submittal to the
City. This review will be assigned to a senior level principal who has not been associated with
the project. The review will consist of a complete sheet -by -sheet and contract document
review to assure the City that the documents meet the "level of care" of our industry.
Deliverables: 90% Plans electronic files plus 2 sets of plans
90% Specifications electronic files plus 2 sets of specifications
90% estimate of probable construction cost
Task 7.B 90% Plans and Specifications
Non Grant Eligible Scope
This task includes additional services required to complete non grant eligible design tasks
needed for upgrades to the H Street outfall and associated stormwater conveyance system. If
the City elects to proceed with this task, the design work and cost estimate associated with this
task will be combined on one set of plans and cost estimate with the elements listed in Task
7.A. This task is not anticipated to result in a separate 90% plan submittal, and if so would
require an adjustment to the scope and fee.
Deliverables: See Task 7.A above
Task 8.A —100% Construction Plans and Specifications
Grant Eligible Scope
Based on City comments on the 90% plans and specifications and related agency comments on
the 60% plans, PACE will prepare 100% construction plans and specifications for the City. As
part of this task, PACE will prepare the final engineers estimate on the probable construction
In order to assure that reports, plans and specifications are complete, accurate and appropriate,
PACE will conduct a Quality Assurance review of the final documents prior to submittal to the
City. This review will be assigned to a senior level principal who has not been associated with
the project. The review will consist of a complete sheet -by -sheet and contract document
review to assure the City that the documents meet or exceed the "level of care" of our industry
and are the highest quality possible.
Deliverables: 100% Plans electronic files plus 2 sets of plans
100% Specifications electronic files plus2 sets of specifications
100% estimate of probable construction cost
Task 8.B 100% Construction Plans and Specifications
Non Grant Eligible Scope
Deliverables: See Task 8.A above
Task 9.A Bidding and Award
Grant Eligible Scope
This task includes additional services required to complete non grant eligible design tasks
needed for upgrades to the H Street outfall and associated stormwater conveyance system. If
the City elects to proceed with this task, the design work and cost estimate associated with this
task will be combined on one set of plans and cost estimate with the elements listed in Task
8.A. This task is not anticipated to result in a separate 100% plan submittal, and if so would
require an adjustment to the scope and fee.
PACE will prepare contract bid documents in accordance with most current edition of the
Washington Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and
Municipal Construction, modified and amended as appropriate. PACE anticipates the project will
bid as one schedule. PACE will incorporate any City forms or special bid /construction
requirements within the bid document. The City will advertise, open bids and award the project
with support from PACE. The following items are included as part of this task.
1. Answer questions and provide any clarification, including addenda, needed during the
bid process
2. Attend the bid opening
3. Assist the City in the review of the construction bids and evaluation of the contractors
4. Prepare and reproduce compiled drawings and specifications set with any addenda
issued during bidding.
Deliverables: Issued for Construction Drawings electronic files plus 10 sets of plans
Issued for Construction Specifications electronic files plus 10 sets of
Task 9.B Bidding and Award
Non Grant Eligible Scope
This task includes additional services required to complete non grant eligible design tasks
needed for upgrades to the H Street outfall and associated stormwater conveyance system. If
the City elects to proceed with this task, the design work and cost estimate associated with this
task will be combined on one set of plans and cost estimate with the elements listed in Task
9.A. This task is not anticipated to result in a separate bid submittal, and if so would require an
adjustment to the scope and fee.
Deliverables: See Task 9.A above
The following general assumptions were made in developing this proposal:
1. The City will provide the following items:
Example of a City of Port Angeles Public Works Contract Bid Document and
Project related GIS data
2. Road restoration is assumed to be limited to those areas impacted by construction.
3. Relocation of existing utilities is not assumed to be required.
4. The City will coordinate posting contract documents provided electronically by PACE on
Builders Exchange.
5. The City will pay all permit fees.
6. All AutoCAD files will be delivered in Version 2011 Civil 3D.
7. The City will provide rights of entry for survey, environmental, geotechnical, and
engineering investigation.
Task Task
1 Preliminary Design and Alternative Analysis
1.1 Project Management and Meetings
1 2 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis
1.3 Initial Environmental Assessment
1.4 Initial Geotechnical Evaluation
1 5 Alternative Analysis Schematic Layout Cost Estimates
1 6 Design and Permitting of Several Small Outfall and Culvert Repairs
1.1 a Topographic Survey
1.2 a Final Geotechnical Assessment Proposed Ravine Outfall
1.2 b Environmental Services
1.2 c Permitting Needs Assessment Agency Coordination
1.2 d SEPA checklist
1.3a 60% Plans and Specifications
1.4a Public Involvement
1.5a Permitting
1.6a 90% Plans and Specifications
1.7a 100% Construction Plans and Specifications
Subtotal Tasks 1.1 1.7a
Task Task
rrnar oesrgn
1 A Survey Services
1.B Survey Services
2 A Geotechnical Services
2 B Geotechnical Services
3.A SEPA Checklist
3.B SEPA Checklist
3.0 Wetland/Waterway Delineation
3.D Wetland Mitigation and Critical Area Report
3 E No Effect Letter Section 7 ESA EFH Eval
3 F JARPA and Agency Coordination
3 G Additional Tasks Enviromental Services
4 A Public Involvement
5.A Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis for Raingardens
5 B Hydraulic Analysis of H Street Capacity Upgrade
6 A 60% Plans
6.B 60% Plans
7.A 90% Plans and Specifications
7 B 90% Plans and Specifications
8.A 100% Construction Plans and Specifications
8,B 100% Construction Plans and Specifications
9 A Bidding and Award
9.B Bidding and Award
Reimbursables Amendment 3
Subtotal Tasks 1.A 9.8
DR03 -2009
Through Amendment
Amendments 1 No 3 Contract
2 Billings to Date Amount
$27,000.00 $26,957 501 $26,957 50
S24,000.00 $23,930 001 $23,930.00
$26,500.00 $26,164561 $26.164.56
538,500.00 $33,519.111 $33.51911
$29,100.00 $27,595.00 $27,595 00
$20,000.00 $19,986 701 $19,986.70
$30,626 00 $27,031 301 $27,031.30
$11,588.00 $5,947.761 $5,947.76
$12,859 00 $7,800.991 $7,800 99
$4,310 00 $0.001 $0 00
57,699.00 $4.200.001 $4,200.00
$37,704.00 $37,702.001 $37,702.00
$0.00 $7,707 50 $7,707.50
$2,592.00 $0 00 $0.00
$37,704.00 $0 001 $0.00
$18,852.00 $0.001 $0.00
$4,054.00 $1,358 021 $1,358 02
$333,088.00 8249,900.441 $249,900.44
Note: Unspent balances from original contract tasks 1.1 through 1.7 have been moved into Amendment No. 3 tasks 1.A -9.B.
No 3 Contract
Billings to Date Amount Complete
$0 001 $13,348 40 0%
$0.001 $4,873.00 0%
$0.001 $41,280.00 0%
$0.001 $9,19500 0 %I
$0 001 $3,885 00 0 %1
$0 00 $3,941.00 0 %1
$0 00 $8,170 00 0 %1
$0 00 $8,476 00 0 %1
$0.00 $4,403.00 0%
$0.00 $8,951.00 0% i
$0.00 $0.00 0%
$0.00 $5,652 50 0%
$0.00 $11,075.00 0%
$0.00 $4,280 00 0 %1
$0.00 $26,207.00 0 %1
$0 00 $7,904.00 0%
$0 00 $25,012.00 0%
$0.00 $6,804.00 0%
$0 00 $18,732 00 0%
$0.00 $5,016 00 0%
$0.00 $5,870.00 0%
$0.00 $3,860 00 0%
$0 00 $4.664 85 0%
Exhibit C
An Engineering Services Company
1. Office Tech I, Expediter I 48.00
2. Office Tech II, Expediter II 58.00
3. Jr. Instrument Person, Office Tech III, Intern 68.00
4. Instrument Person, GPS Assistant, Jr. CAD Drafter, Sr. Office Tech, Inspector 79.00
5. Jr. Engineer, Designer I, Jr. Planner, Party Chief, CAD Drafter I, GIS Tech, Inspector I,
Project Administrator 89.00
6. Engineer I, Designer I1, Planner I, Survey Tech I, CAD Drafter II,
GIS Analyst I, Inspector II 100.00
7. Engineer II, Sr. Designer, Planner II, Sr. Party Chief, Survey Technician II,
CAD Drafter III, GIS Analyst 11, Inspector III 110.00
8. Sr. Engineer, Project Designer I, Sr. Planner, Project Surveyor, Sr. CAD Drafter,
GIS Analyst III, Sr. Inspector 120.00
9. Project Engineer, Project Designer II, Project Planner, Sr. Project Surveyor, GIS IV,
GIS /CAD Manager 130.00
10. Sr. Project Engineer, Structural Engineer, Sr. Project Designer, Sr. Project Planner,
Survey Project Manager, Robotic /GPS Operator 140.00
11. Project Manager, Principal Surveyor 150.00
12. Sr. Project Manager, Sr. Principal Surveyor, 3D Scanning Operator 160.00
13. Principal Engineer, Principal Planner 170.00
14. Senior Principal 185.00
Hammond Collier PACE
104 Ninth Street East 1 PO Box 2509 1 Wenatchee, WA 98801 -1505
p 509 662 1762
A. Sub Consultants, Professional and Technical Cost 12%
B. Maps, reports, materials, permit fees, express delivery and messenger, pass -thru bills
and similar items necessary for work in progress Cost 12%
C. Technology expenses associated with computers, software, electronic distance measuring
devices, telephone, cell phone, photo copies, standard survey supplies and
transportation and standard postage will be invoiced as a Technology Charge 2% of labor billing
D. Out -of -Town travel per diem and cost of commercial transportation Cost 10%
E. Transportation within 30 Mile Radius No Charge
Transportation beyond 30 Mile Radius Automobile 0.60 per mile
On job inspection mileage will be billed 0.60 per mile
F. Special Equipment/Software
Special Software for Modeling /Analysis 10 /hour
Large Format Blueprints and Reproduction Bond 0.50 /sq foot
Large Format Blueprints and Reproduction Mylar 1.50 /sq foot
Color Copies In -house (8Y2 x 11) 0.25 /page
G. Expert Witness Rate x 1.5
Notes: 1 All payment is due within 30 days from date of invoice. A monthly service charge of 2% will be added on
all accounts older than 30 days.
2 The foregoing schedule of charges is incorporated into the agreement for the services provided effective
January 1, 2012. After December 31, 2012, invoices will reflect the schedule of charges in effect at that
Engineers 1 Planners 1 Surveyors
PACE Engineers, Inc.
11255 Kirkland Way I Suite 300 1 Kirkland, WA 98033 -6715
P 425,827 2014 1 f 425 827 5043
I I 1 I 1 1q
'PACE Engineers 1 1 1 1 1 1
(City of Port Angeles 4th Street Stormwater Prolect
(Task Completion Schedule 1 1 11
'From Nov 05 12 To Nov 3013 I 1 (Week
Cost EV Date Jan 00 00 Ahead 11:! Z: 4. o Q Q O
Code (Task y Services G., k EV !Behind! l 151e1 ,1. i t
TasklAlSurveernc I 1 I
Task 1.B ISurvev Services I I I
Task 2AlGeotechnlcalServlces I I
Task 2 B IGeotechnical Services 1 I
Task 3.A SEPA Checklist
Task 3 B SEPA Checklist
Task 3.0 Wetland/Waterwav Deliniatlol
Task 3.D iWetland Mitlpation and CAR I
Task 3 E INo Effect Letter Section 7 ESA
Task 3 F IJARPA and Agency Coord I
Task 3.6 Additional Tasks. Env. Servic9
Task 4A Public Involvement I
Task 5.A H &H Analysis for rainaardens I
Task 5 8 Hyrdaulic Anal. H Street I
Task 8.A 60% Plans I
Task 6 8160% Plans 1
Task 7.A c90 Plans and Soecrficatwns I
Task 7 8 90% Plans and Specifications!
Task 8.A1100% Plans and Specification!
Task 8.81100% Plans and Soecificatlonl
'Task 9.A Biddina and Award I
I Task 9 B Bidding and Award I
I Reim IReimburseables I
i I
Than 2 City ud Lead=oda. duo 11!14!2012
II it II G 1 p_II h h h h 11 1 II 11 I k t 11 k li i !JI I II EV Table date 1 tl O-lan -00 IL_,(I 11 11 11 11 II I I I 11 I ®I Eamed Value per com lets on EV Table 11 1 I li II II II 1 1
I I =Task not complete 1 f 11 It 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 I 11 1
ending (Saturday date) 11 112013 11 1 1I 12013 1 II 112013 11 1 112013 1 ,12013 1 1 12013 1 1 2013 1 120'
I 11 H II 11
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