THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this (o day of 0 ECE I' l] aEQ-
2011, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non charter code city of the State of
Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY and PACE Engineers, Inc., a Washington
Corporation authorized to do business in the state of Washington (hereinafter called the
WHEREAS, the CITY entered in to an AGREEMENT with the CONSULTANT on July 20,
2010, (the AGREEMENT) and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to amend the AGREEMENT to amend the Scope of Work,
Budget, and Time of Performance.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the representations and the terms, conditions,
covenants and agreements set forth in this AMENDMENT, the original AGREEMENT is hereby
amended as follows:
PACE Engineers, Inc.
PROJECT DR03 -2009
The amended scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be achieved
by the CONSULTANT pursuant to the AGREEMENT shall be amended to read as shown in
the attached Exhibit A to Amendment 1. The Scope of Work shall include all services and
material necessary to accomplish the work.
The CITY may review the CONSULTANT'S work product, and if it is not satisfactory, the
CONSULTANT shall make such changes as may be required by the CITY. Such changes
shall not constitute "Extra Work" as related in Section XII of this Agreement.
The CONSULTANT agrees that all services performed under this Agreement shall be in
accordance with the standards of the engineering profession and in compliance with applicable
federal, state and local laws.
The Scope of Work may be amended upon written approval of both parties.
The CONSULTANT may begin work upon execution of this Agreement by both parties and the
duration of the Agreement shall extend through July 1, 2012. The work shall be completed in
accordance with the schedule set forth in the attached Exhibit D.
PW 0410_01 [Revised 03/2010]
Professional Services Agreement doc Page 1 of 2
The CONSULTANT'S total compensation and reimbursement are stated in the attached
Exhibit B to Amendment 1. The maximum compensation amount, referenced in Section VI of
the Agreement, is amended from $165,100 to 333,088, an increase of $167,988. The budget
for any Task may be further adjusted by mutual agreement without an amendment to the
Agreement, as long as the maximum compensation- amount of $333,088 is not exceeded. The
CONSULTANT'S rate schedule is attached in Exhibit C to Amendment 1.
Except as modified herein, the original Agreement and Exhibits A through D shall remain in
In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. 1 to the
Agreement as of the day and year first written above.
TITLE: V l,G E Pe&S//)& Air
PW 0410_01 [Revised 03/2010]
Professional Services Agreement.doc Page 2 of 2
DR03 -2009
Following input from citizens the City has decided to proceed with Alternative 2. Alternative 2
splits the drainage basin into two sub basins. No work will be performed in the western basin.
Alternative 2 consists of a new outfall to be constructed in the ravine north of West 5 and just
west of the extension of I Street. A water quality vault will be installed in I Street prior to the
outfall. New conveyance pipes will be constructed in the 4 alley, between I Street and H
Street and east of H Street. A new pipe will also be installed in H Street between West 7th and
the 4th /5th Alley.
This proposal includes engineering, geotechnical, environmental, and survey services through
the construction documents phase of this project. PACE will be the prime consultant for the
entire Scope of Work and will oversee and administer this Scope of Work. PACE will complete
all civil engineering services in- house. PACE will subcontract with Landau Associates for
Geotechnical and Environmental Services and with Wengler Surveying Mapping for survey
We anticipate starting this work immediately and proceeding with preparation of the 60% PS &E
and drainage report based on the selected alternative. After completing the 60% package, it
will be submitted to the appropriate agencies for permit review. A 90% package will be
developed and submitted for review based on comments during the 60% review. After
incorporating comments from the 90% review, a 100% set of PS &E and Drainage Report will be
developed and submitted as bid documents.
Task 1— Development of Construction Documents
Task 1.1— Topographic Survey
Wengler Surveying Mapping will prepare a topographic map of those areas slated for
improvements as part of the preferred alternative, as needed to assist in development of the
construction plans. The vertical datum used for the survey will be the North American vertical
datum of 1988 (NAVD88) and the horizontal datum will be the Washington coordinate system
grid, north zone, north American datum of 1983, 1991 adjustment (NAD83 /91). The
topographic surveys would include the following:
1. One foot contours and spot elevations at critical points.
2. Centerline monuments, right -of -way lines, property lines, owners name, address
and tax I.D. number as available from the Clallam County web site.
3. Existing drainage system including pipes, catch basins, streams, wetlands (as
delineated by others) and ponds.
4. All subsurface utilities as marked on the ground by representatives of various
utility companies by utilizing one call locate services 1- 800 424 -5555.
5. Overhead utilities
6. Landau Associates will provide a sketch map to the surveyors for their use in
locating specific delineation points placed along the boundaries of identified
wetlands and streams.
7. The edge of pavement, flow line and top of curb, trees, landscaping, fences and
all other surface features lying within the right -of -way and within a strip of land
10 feet outside of said right -of -way.
Deliverables: One set of dated, sealed and signed hard copies of the final drawing at a scale of
1 inch equals 20 feet. Digital files in AutoCAD format.
For Budget Purposes this estimate includes surveying the following areas. If the selected
alternative is different the fees will be adjusted accordingly:
Along 4th /5th Alley from I Street to approximately 1 /2 block east of H Street
Along H Street between 4th /5th Alley and West 7th
I Street between 4th /5th Alley and West 5
The ravine located near 5 Street extending 100 -feet below Hill Street.
Task 1.2 Final Geotechnical Environmental Assessment
Task 1.2A Final Geotechnical Assessment Proposed Outfall into Ravine
Landau Associates will complete a final geotechnical assessment for the proposed outfall into
the ravine off the end of I Street. For the final geotechnical assessment for this portion of the
project, Landau Associates will build upon the geotechnical information gathered during the
preliminary design phase of the project.
To investigate subsurface conditions in the vicinity of the open channel portion of the proposed
outfall, we will advance up to 4 hand excavated borings along the outfall alignment. The
hand excavated borings will extend 2 to 3 ft (or until practical refusal) below existing grades. A
geologist or geotechnical engineer from Landau Associates will advance the explorations, obtain
soil samples from the hand augered borings, and prepare field Togs of conditions encountered in
the explorations. Soil samples will be obtained from the hand augured borings and delivered to
our laboratory for further examination and classification. We will complete a geotechnical
laboratory testing program consisting of natural moisture content and grain size and /or
Atterberg Limits determinations on selected soil samples to aid in classifying site soils. We have
budgeted for 4 moisture content and 4 grain size or Atterberg Limits determinations.
Information from the field investigation will be analyzed by a geotechnical engineer from
Landau Associates and geotechnical engineering conclusions and recommendations for design
and construction of the proposed outfall will be developed.
The results of our field explorations, laboratory testing, engineering analyses, and geotechnical
engineering conclusions and recommendations will be summarized in a draft geotechnical report
for review by PACE and the City. Upon receipt of review comments, we will address the
comments and submit four (4) copies of a signed and sealed geotechnical report. The
geotechnical report will include:
A site plan showing the locations of the explorations completed for this study
Results of laboratory testing and logs of the soil borings
A discussion of the near surface soil and groundwater conditions observed in the
exploratory borings
Geotechnical conclusions and recommendations for the project, including:
a discussion of the observations made during the field reconnaissance
a discussion regarding the geologic hazards associated with the slopes in the
project area, including erosion and landslide hazards
a discussion related to how routing stormwater through an open channel down
the ravine at the end of I Street could impact the stability of the ravine
earthwork recommendations for the open channel portion of the proposed
outfall, including a discussion related to the moisture sensitivity of the onsite
recommendations for pipe anchors for the pipe that will traverse the upper
portion of the ravine
recommendations for a dispersal feature for the pipe that will terminate within
the ravine and above Hill Street
recommendations for stabilizing the existing culvert outfall under Hill Street with
recommendations for geotechnical monitoring and consultation during
Deliverables: Draft Geotechnical Report
Final Geotechnical Report
Task 1.2B Environmental Services
Based on a preliminary selection of the ravine outfall alternative, Landau Associates will
complete environmental studies based upon the needs of the selected alternative and will build
on the environmental information collected during the preliminary design phase of the project.
This includes environmental services related to design, permitting assessment and agency
coordination for the alternative that involves the I Street ravine outfall design.
Following the wetland delineation within the ravine and in the vicinity of the ravine at the base
of the slope north of Hill Street Road (Task 1), Landau Associates will coordinate with PACE on
outfall and open channel design. Landau will assist PACE with the specific layout and planning
of the proposed open channel and outfall location for the I Street ravine. Once the locations of
the open channel are determined, Landau will assist PACE with planning any in- channel
structures such as grade control, gravel retention structures, bank protection features and
planting plan design. This includes time for Landau Associates to conduct a field site planning
visit to evaluate grading and provide feedback in the form of telephone conversation, email
correspondence and one office meeting with PACE if necessary. Summary conclusions will be
provided in a technical memorandum.
Landau Associates will provide set -back recommendations and alternatives for avoidance of
potential wetland and buffer impacts located near the proposed ravine outran channel and north
of Hill Street Road. For unavoidable wetland and buffer impacts, Landau will provide onsite
conceptual mitigation measures. We have included some CAD time to prepare graphics for the
related technical memorandum.
Landau Associates will work with PACE Engineers to develop a viable improvement at the Hill
Street Road culvert crossing to prevent further scour on the downstream end. Deliverables
include telephone conversations, email correspondence and one meeting office meeting with
PACE if necessary.
Wetland grading plans and formal specifications (for wetland and /or buffer
mitigation) will not be required. Specifications for restoration will be in the form of
notes on the conceptual mitigation plans, and we will cite standard specifications as
Planting design will be limited to informal CAD drawings that will be inserted into the
engineering plan set.
A wetland analysis report that details mitigation measures is not included, as we do
not know the extent of impacts (if any) at this time. Evaluation of mitigation
measures will be limited to a brief discussion and sketches of onsite conceptual
mitigation options relevant to general project objectives. More detailed analysis may
be necessary once potential impacts are determined.
Any necessary mitigation can be accommodated onsite. Investigation of offsite
mitigation areas is not included in this scope of services.
Preparation of a detailed mitigation plan is not included, but if the need arises to
plan and design for mitigation restoration or enhancement work as an outcome of
the design process, this service can be provided based on an amended scope of
Based on mapping and alternative selection, team members will provide Landau
Associates with the areas of impact and amount of fill and /or grading within
wetlands and /or wetland buffer, if any.
Deliverables: Draft and Final Outfall and Open Channel Design Memorandum
One site Visit
Telephone conversation, email correspondence
One office meeting
Task 1.2C Permitting Needs Assessment and Agency Coordination
At this time in project development, it is unclear what resources may be impacted by the
proposed project and therefore which agencies, if any, will need to be consulted regarding
project permitting /approval. Information from the wetland determination (Task 1) and
agency jurisdictional determination is needed prior to assessing permitting needs. Landau
Associates proposes to prepare a permitting matrix for the proposed project summarizing
environmental and permitting considerations.
The likely permit /compliance requirements may include City critical areas compliance (Title
15); Section 404 of the Clean Water Act permitting from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
and associated biological assessment documenting effect on listed species, and cultural and
historic resource investigation for compliance with Section 106 of the Historic Preservation
Act; Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) from WDFW; and State Environmental Policy Act
Landau will request a pre application meeting from the USACE Seattle District and
Washington Department of Ecology in order to verify any delineated wetland and /or
waterway boundaries and regulation under the Clean Water Act (Section 404) and /or
Growth Management Act. This meeting will result in jurisdictional determination and
preliminary input from the agencies on acceptance of potential impacts and conceptual
mitigation. PACE, with input from Landau Associates, will make this request via submission
of a Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) to the USACE, including the wetland
delineation report. The JARPA will include a brief project description and the minimum
information necessary for the agencies to determine jurisdiction of delineated features. A
Landau Associates wetland biologist will meet on site with representatives from regulatory
agencies. The USACE typically takes 1 to 3 months to set up a site visit for a JD visit. Part
of the permitting task will involve working with federal, state, and local agencies.
Information on the JARPA form will also be used to coordinate with WDFW to determine if
an HPA will be required.
Final permit applications, including SEPA (see Task 1.2D), are to be submitted to regulatory
agencies pending outcome of agency coordination and final critical areas determination. Permit
applications, excluding SEPA and JARPA, will be submitted based on an amended scope of
Wetland and waterway impacts can be avoided.
Section 404/401 permit will not be required. If it is determined to be required a
separate scope and fee will be negotiated.
This task does not include effort for a separate preapplication meeting with the City
of Port Angeles Community and Economic Development Department.
Deliverables: Permit Matrix
JARPA form seeking Jurisdictional Determination /Pre application Meeting
JD /Pre application Meeting summary (email)
Task 1.2D SEPA Checklist
This project will require compliance with the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA). PACE
will complete an environmental checklist that will include all major components of the project.
Based on the selected alternative and results of the agency preapplication meeting, PACE, with
input from Landau Associates, will prepare a SEPA checklist using the information from the
above tasks. PACE will provide a draft copy of the SEPA Checklist to the City for review. The
City will provide one set of consolidated comments to PACE, and we will prepare a final SEPA
Checklist for publication based on those comments. It is assumed the City will issue the SEPA
document and publish in a local paper as required. This proposal does not include time for
PACE to respond to any public or resource agency comments on the SEPA Checklist after the
Checklist has been published for public comment.
Although a Determination of Non Significance (DNS) or Mitigated DNS is expected, should an
EIS be required, or other permits are determined necessary, those activities would be
considered extra work.
Should additional review and comment be requested by the City, a scope and budget
amendment will be required.
We assume that the City's final determination will be a declaration of Non
Significance and that there will be no public comments or public hearing.
We also assume that the City will circulate the SEPA and conduct the required public
comment procedures.
Deliverables: Draft SEPA in MSWord format
Final SEPA in MSWord and Adobe pdf format
Additional Items not included in Scope
Mitigation plans necessary to compensate for direct wetland impacts or to buffer
impacts, in accordance with standard practice enumerated in City code and
Ecology /USACE guidance on preparation of mitigation plans.
A Biological Assessment to the USACE defining potential impacts to federally
threatened and /or endangered listed species (This will be required if a Section
404 permit is needed.).
Depending on final site design and potential impacts to critical areas, preparation
of a Wetland Analysis Report including detailed mitigation plans may be
necessary to compensate for unavoidable impacts to critical areas or their
Complete permitting tasks for permits identified in Task 1.2C
Task 1.3 60% Plans and Specifications
PACE will provide 60% design plans of the selected option for the City's review and comment.
This task includes hydraulic analysis of the preferred alternative necessary to size the facilities,
which will be sized to convey flow from the 25 -year storm event. As part of this task, PACE will
prepare an estimate of the probable construction costs.
In addition, PACE will provide a drainage report summarizing the conditions and findings. The
60% plans will be submitted as needed to the appropriate resource agencies for review. Utility
coordination will be performed by PACE, as required to design the selected alternative.
In order to assure that reports, plans and specifications are complete, accurate and appropriate,
PACE will conduct a Quality Assurance review of the final documents prior to submittal to the
City. The review will consist of a complete sheet -by -sheet and contract document review to
assure the City that the documents meet the "level of care" of our industry.
Deliverables: 60% plans electronic files plus 2 sets of plans
60% cost estimate
Drainage Report electronic files plus 1 copy of report
Task 1.4 Public Involvement
All public involvement during this phase will be handled by the City of Port Angeles.
Task 1.5 Permitting
PACE will assist the City in acquiring the anticipated project permits identified below. PACE will
complete application forms and submit documents as needed to support the various permit
applications. PACE, in coordination with the City, will respond to all review comments and make
necessary changes to applications and documents as required.
All costs for project approvals and permits are assumed to be paid directly by the City and PACE
has not included a budget for these costs.
Potential permits and reviews include:
DOE Construction Stormwater General Permit (Not required if disturbed area limited to
less than 1 acre. If constructed after January 2016 it will be required no matter of total
disturbed area.)
SEPA Compliance
Tribal Review
City of Port Angeles Environmentally Sensitive Areas Review
Historic and Cultural Preservation
Biological Evaluation
Section 404 Permit
401 Water Quality Certification
The 60% plans will be used for the JARPA and required Permit submittals. If needed due to
wetland or stream impacts, a JARPA will be provided to Ecology, Washington Department of
Fish and Wildlife, and the Corps. At this time, it is unclear what impacts may result from the
proposed project and therefore which agencies, if any, the JARPA will be submitted to.
A Biological Evaluation to the Corps can be provided, if required, defining potential impacts to
waters of the US and potential impacts to listed species. This is not included in the proposed
budget. If this is required a modification to the budget will be required. In addition, work does
not include preparation of a detailed mitigation plan, but if the need arises to plan and design
for mitigation restoration or enhancement work as an outcome of the design process, provisions
for additional work may be necessary.
The cost for 404/401 permits and general construction permit are not included at this time.
If it is determined that variances or deviations are required, PACE can prepare these requests.
However, this activity is not included in the budget and would be billed on a time and expense
Task 1.6 90% Plans and Specifications
PACE will provide 90% construction plans and specifications for City review and comment based
on the City's 60% review comments, public input, utility review, and agency comments. The
City will provide to PACE the City's most recent 'front end' specifications and boilerplate
specification sections. The project specifications shall be based on the most current edition of
the Washington Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and
Municipal Construction. As part of this task, PACE will prepare an estimate of the probable
construction costs and finalize the drainage report summarizing the conditions and findings.
In order to assure that reports, plans and specifications are complete, accurate and appropriate,
PACE will conduct a Quality Assurance review of the final documents prior to submittal to the
City. The review will consist of a complete sheet -by -sheet and contract document review to
assure the City that the documents meet the "level of care" of our industry.
At this time we anticipate there will be a total of 18 sheets in the plan set.
Deliverables: 90% Plans electronic files plus 2 sets of plans
90% Specifications electronic files plus 2 sets of specifications
90% estimate of probable construction cost
Deliverables: 100% Plans electronic files plus 2 sets of full plans
100% Specifications electronic files plus2 sets of specifications
100% estimate of probable construction cost
Task 1.7 100% Construction Plans and Specifications
Based on City comments on the 90% plans and specifications and related agency comments
PACE will prepare 100% construction plans and specifications for the City. As part of this task,
PACE will prepare the final engineers estimate on the probable construction costs.
In order to assure that reports, plans and specifications are complete, accurate and appropriate,
PACE will conduct a Quality Assurance review of the final documents prior to submittal to the
City. The review will consist of a complete sheet -by -sheet and contract document review to
assure the City that the documents meet the "level of care" of our industry.
The following assumptions were made in developing this proposal:
1. The City will provide the following items:
Example of a City of Port Angeles Public Works Contract Bid Document and
Project- related GIS data
2. Road restoration is assumed to be limited to those areas impacted by construction.
3. Relocation of existing utilities is not assumed to be required.
4. The City will coordinate posting contract documents provided electronically by PACE
(Task 1.8) on Builders Exchange.
5. The City will pay all permit fees.
6. All AutoCAD files will be delivered in Version 2008 Civil 3D.
7. The City will provide rights of entry for survey, environmental, geotechnical, and
engineering investigation.
8. The project is to be shelved at 100% completion with bidding and construction to
happen at sometime in the future.
9. Any work performed by PACE following 100% Construction Plans, Specifications and
Estimate will be additional services to be performed for a scope and fee to be negotiated
at that time.
Task 1.8 Bidding and Award
Bidding is not part of this scope. However, it is anticipated that when the project is bid PACE
will assist the City of Port Angeles in the process. We anticipate the project will bid as one
schedule. PACE will incorporate any City forms or special bid /construction requirements within
the bid document. It is assumed that the City will advertise, open bids and award the project
with support from PACE. The following items are included as part of this task.
Deliverables: Issued for Construction Drawings electronic files plus 10 sets of half -size plans
Issued for Construction Specifications electronic files plus 10 sets of
1. Answer questions and provide any clarification, including addenda, needed during the
bid process
2. Attend the bid opening
3. Assist the City in the review of the construction bids and evaluation of the contractors
4. Prepare and reproduce compiled drawings and specifications set with any addenda
issued during bidding.
DR03 -2009
Task 1.1— Topographic Survey 30,626
Task 1.2A Final Geotechnical Assessment- Proposed Ravine Outfall 11,588
Task 1.2B Environmental Services 12,859
Task 1.2C Permitting Needs Assessement Agency Coordination 4,310
Task 1.2D SEPA Checklist 7,699
Task 1.3 60% Plans and Specifications 37,704
Task 1.4 Public Involvement
Task 1.5 Permitting 2,592
Task 1.6 90% Plans and Specifications 37,704
Task 1.7 100% Construction Plans and Specifications 18,852
Task 1.8 Bidding and Award
Reimburseables 4,054
An Engineering Services Company
Exhibit C
Engineers 1 Planners 1 Surveyors
1. Office Tech I, Expediter I 48.00
2. Office Tech II, Expediter II 58.00
3. Jr. Instrument Person, Office Tech III, Intern 68.00
4. Instrument Person, GPS Assistant, Jr. CAD Drafter, Sr. Office Tech 79.00
5. Jr. Engineer, Designer I, Jr. Planner, Party Chief, CAD Drafter I, GIS Tech, Inspector I,
Project Administrator 89.00
6. Engineer I, Designer II, Planner I, Survey Tech I, CAD Drafter II,
GIS Analyst I, Inspector II 100.00
7. Engineer II, Sr. Designer, Planner II, Sr. Party Chief, Survey Technician II,
CAD Drafter III, GIS Analyst II, Inspector III 110.00
8. Sr. Engineer, Project Designer I, Sr. Planner, Project Surveyor, Sr. CAD Drafter,
GIS Analyst III, Sr. Inspector 120.00
9. Project Engineer, Project Designer II, Project Planner, Sr. Project Surveyor, GIS IV,
GIS /CAD Manager 130.00
10. Sr. Project Engineer, Structural Engineer, Sr. Project Designer, Sr. Project Planner,
Survey Project Manager, Robotic/GPS Operator 140.00
11. Project Manager, Principal Surveyor 150.00
12. Sr. Project Manager, Sr. Principal Surveyor, 3D Scanning Operator 160.00
13. Principal Engineer, Principal Planner 170.00
14. Senior Principal 185.00
A. Sub Consultants, Professional and Technical Cost 12%
B. Maps, reports, materials, permit fees, express delivery and messenger, pass -thru bills
and similar items necessary for work in progress Cost 12%
C. Technology expenses associated with computers, software, electronic distance measuring
devices, telephone, cell phone, photo copies, standard survey supplies and
transportation and standard postage will be invoiced as a Technology Charge 2% of labor billing
D. Out -of -Town travel per diem and cost of commercial transportation Cost 10%
E. Transportation within 30 Mile Radius No Charge
Transportation beyond 30 Mile Radius Automobile 0.50 per mile
On job inspection mileage will be billed 0.50 per mile
F. Special Equipment /Software
Special Software for Modeling /Analysis 10 /hour
Large Format Blueprints and Reproduction Bond 0.50 /sq foot
Large Format Blueprints and Reproduction Mylar 1.50 /sq foot
Color Copies In -house (8 x 11) 0.25 /page
G. Expert Witness Rate x 1.5
1. All payment is due within 30 days from date of invoice. A monthly service charge of 2% will be added on all accounts older
than 30 days.
2. The foregoing schedule of charges is incorporated into the agreement for the services provided effective January 1, 2011.
After December 31, 2011, invoices will reflect the schedule of charges in effect at that time.
PACE Engineers, Inc.
11255 Kirkland Way 1 Suite 300 1 IGrkland, WA 98033 -6715
P 425.827.2014 1 f 425 827.5043
Task Name Duration I Start I Finish January February March 4onl JNav [June
1/1 1 118 W1511/2211/291 2151211212/1912 /261 3/413/1113/181312514 1 1 4/8 14/ 1514 1224/2915/615/1315 /2015/2716/3 16!1016/1716/24
Development of Construction 116 days Wed 1/4/12 Wed 6/13/12 VI
2 Topographic Survey 20 days Wed 1/4(12 Tue 1/31/12 x«
3 Final Geotechincal 10 days Mon 1/9112 Fri 1/20/12
4 60% Plans Specifications 15 days Thu 2/2/12 Wed 2/22/12
5 City Review 15 days Thu 2/23/12 Wed 3/14/12
6 JARPA 50 days Fri 2/24/12 Thu 5/3/12
7 SEPA 45 days Fn 2/24/12 Thu 4/26/12
8 90% Plans Specifications 20 days Thu 3/15/12 Wed 4/11/12
9 City Review 15 days Thu 4/12/12 Wed 5/2/12
10 100% Plans& Specifications 20 days Thu 5/3112 Wed 5130/12
11 City Review 10 days Thu 5/31(12 Wed 6/13/12
Project. 4th Street Drainage Project
Date: Wed 11/23/11
Task External Milestone 4 Manual Summary Ro11up
Split Inactive Task i Manual Summary Iii i
Milestone 0 Inactive Milestone Start-only C
Summary 1 J/ Inactive Summary -..1 Finish -only 3
Project Summary 4 4 r Manual Task Gisimemiga Progress
External Tasks r --L+13 Duration -only Deadline
Page 1
Exhibit D