HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.918 Amendment (3)RELATING TO: PORT ANGELES LANDFILL POST CLOSURE CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES AND PERMIT COMPLIANCE SERVICES THIS AMENDMENT NO. 2 is made and entered into this /6 5414- day of 2011 by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non charter code city of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY and Aspect Consulting, LLC., a Washington Corporation (hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT WHEREAS, the CITY entered in to an AGREEMENT with the CONSULTANT on October 27, 2008, (the AGREEMENT) and .WHEREAS, the CITY desires to amend the AGREEMENT to amend the Scope of Work, Budget, and Time of Performance. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the representations and the terms, conditions, covenants and agreements set forth in this AMENDMENT, the original AGREEMENT is hereby amended as follows: I REVISED SCOPE OF WORK AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND ASPECT CONSULTING, LLC. PROJECT SW08 -01 The amended scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be achieved by the CONSULTANT pursuant to the AGREEMENT shall be amended to read as shown in the attached Exhibit A to Amendment 2. The Scope of Work shall include all services and material necessary to accomplish the work. II TIME OF PERFORMANCE The work for all Tasks shall be completed by February 28, 2012. III MAXIMUM COMPENSATION The CONSULTANT'S total compensation and reimbursement are stated in the attached Exhibit B to Amendment 2. The maximum compensation amount, referenced in Section VI of the Agreement, is amended from $185,100 to 249,100, an increase of $64,000. The budget for any Task may be further adjusted by mutual agreement without an amendment to the Agreement, as long as the maximum compensation amount of $249,100 is not exceeded. Amendment No 2 to Aspect Consulting Agreement, SW08 -01 Page 1 of 2 IV SIGNATURES Except as modified herein, the original Agreement and Exhibits A through D shall remain in effect. 2 In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. '11to the Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES: MAYOR CONSULTANT: A3pe.:k C o d Sr. ASSaci TITLE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,e'S CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: UGGO► f CITY /CLERK C0.4,14 '1, L.L. 54ru...k Amendment No 2 to Aspect Consultmg Agreement, SW08 -01 Page 2 of 2 BACKGROUND EXHIBIT A Professional Services Agreement SW08 -01 Amendment 2 SCOPE OF WORK The Port Angeles Landfill has been owned and operated by the City of Port Angeles (City) since 1979. Three separate areas were developed within the landfill. The original landfill area was closed in 1983 under WAC 173 -301. The second area was closed in 1990 under WAC 173 -304. Both the 301 and 304 cells are unlined. The third developed area was lined, and is approximately 11 acres total. This area was closed in October of 2007 under WAC 173 -351. The landfill is now completely closed. All waste is transferred to a site in eastern Oregon. The Port Angeles Landfill (PALF) is now regulated by a Landfill Post Closure Permit issued by Clallam County Department of Environmental Health and Human Services (CCEHS) on August 29, 2008. The Post Closure Permit references the March 2008 Port Angeles Landfill Post Closure Plan. The Post Closure Plan details the monitoring and maintenance requirements for the landfill in its post closure period. This scope of work is based on those requirements. Amendment 2 to the Professional Services Agreement SW08 -01 extends the work in support of PALF Post Closure Permit compliance through 2011. The original task descriptions are reiterated here. Three new tasks are added. These include an evaluation of access and viability issues at monitoring well 3, an evaluation of the 304 compliant landfill environmental monitoring and an evaluation of the landfill gas system. The macro -algae survey was completed in 2010. The budget for these services is presented in Exhibit B on a per -task basis. Project invoices will be submitted to the City allocating incurred labor and expense costs at the task level. Consultant travel to the City will be at the request of the City, and will be a reimbursable expense to be charged against the applicable task. TASK 1— COMPLIANCE AND REPORTING SUPPORT This element of work will provide regulatory reporting and permit coordination for landfill post closure operations. Work will include assisting the City with the preparation of routine reports for submittal to CCEHS, to the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) and other regulatory agencies. Reporting will be compiled so as to achieve compliance with the Landfill Post Closure Permit and the Criteria for Solid Waste Facilities (WAC 173 -351). Task 1.1— Groundwater Reports Exhibit A to Amendment 2— Professional Services Agreement SW08 -01 Scope of Work Objective: To assist the City with regulatory reporting related to groundwater monitoring as required by CCEHS and DOE. Activities: 1 Assistance in preparation of two (2) Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring Results Reports. The City performs groundwater monitoring and creates time series plots, trilinear diagrams, stiff diagrams, and potentiometric maps. The City also calculates cation/anion balances, groundwater flow directions and rates of flow, and compares the groundwater data to groundwater quality standards. a) The Consultant shall indicate appropriate sampling times for the new 304 compliant landfill monitoring wells based on previous tidal study (Parametrix, 2008a) and sampling time (Aspect Consulting, 2009a) memorandums. b) Review and analyze the data provided by the City. c) Write summaries and make recommendations for subsequent groundwater monitoring events. d) Assist the City in updating data spreadsheets for inclusion in the Biannual and Annual reports, as needed. e) Provide the statistical analysis of the sampling results. f) Professionally certify and stamp all reports. 2. Preparation of the Groundwater Annual Report. The annual report for the landfill in the past has been written in two sections. These sections represented the closed landfill (landfill cells closed under 173 -301 and 173 -304 regulations) and the active landfill. The 173 -351 landfill cells at the site were closed in October of 2007. In the Post Closure Permit, CCEHS lumps the 301 and 304 compliant cells together and calls these the 304 compliant cells and then refers to the rest of the landfill areas as the 351 compliant cells. Because the groundwater monitoring requirements are different for the 304 and 351 compliant cells, it seems reasonable to continue to divide the annual and the biannual report into two separate sections to reflect the different post closure monitoring requirements. The annual report should include the following for both 351 and 304 compliant cells: a) A summary of engineering and groundwater monitoring activities for the previous year. b) Summary tables containing 304 compliant and 351- compliant landfill and leachate sample results. Page 2 of 8 Exhibit A to Amendment 2— Professional Services Agreement SW08 -01 Scope of Work c) Comparison of groundwater quality data to groundwater standards, including Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs). d) Conduct statistical analyses, and provide a summary of statistical calculations and an update of Upper Prediction Limits (UPLs) for the subsequent year. e) Notification of any exceedences of UPLs or MCLs. f) Calculation of groundwater flow rate and direction based on potentiometric surface contour maps of groundwater level data. g) An evaluation and recommendation of leachate indicator parameters to be used in the subsequent data analysis program, based on historical leachate chemistry and upgradient groundwater chemistry. Leachate samples are analyzed for the parameters indicated in Table 3 -2 of the Post Closure Plan. h) Review of time series plots for leachate indicator parameters (ammonia, chloride, chemical oxygen demand, dissolved iron, dissolved manganese, nitrate, specific conductivity, total organic carbon, vinyl chloride and dissolved zinc). i) Analysis of well geochemistry based on trilinear plots of major element composition, stiff diagrams and cation/anion balance calculations in milliequivalents per liter. j) Summarize and make recommendations for groundwater monitoring for the next year. The City will provide the Consultant with the appropriate data tables and figures from the Groundwater Biannual Reports to facilitate creation of the Groundwater Annual Report. Assumptions: 1. One round of comments from the City will be required to finalize the Annual and Biannual reports. In addition, there are likely to be comments from the regulatory Agencies to which response must be made. 2. The City will collect all groundwater samples and will contract for all required laboratory analysis. The City will provide the Consultant with copies of all laboratory and field data sheets for the sampling period. The City will update the data spreadsheets with the laboratory results. Deliverables: Draft and final versions of the following reports: 2011 1 Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring Results Report 2011 2 °a Semiannual Groundwater Monitoring Results Report 2010 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Results Report Task 1.2 Seawall Monitoring Report and Beach Monitoring Objective: Page 3 of 8 Task 1.3 Evaluation of Monitoring Well 3 (MW3) Objective: Exhibit A to Amendment 2— Professional Services Agreement SW08 -01 Scope of Work To assist the City with regulatory reporting related to monitoring of the seawall, beach erosion, and beach morphology as required by CCEHS and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). The seawall was constructed in 2006 and 2007, and the monitoring and maintenance requirements are detailed in the Post Closure Plan, Appendix B, Operations and Maintenance Plan for Toe Protection and Beach Nourishment. Activities: 1. Analyze beach transect data to be provided by NTI surveying. Transects will be measured in April or May through 2011. After 2011, a decision will be made about continuation of monitoring, based upon results of the first five years. 2. Prepare a single technical memorandum to summarize the results of the transect analysis. Include a comparison of past and current transects, showing changes in the beach profile graphically at each transect location and graphically showing wind speed and direction and wave height contributing to the changes in beach profile at the seawall. (See Pacific International Engineering Technical Memorandums for guidance.) 3. The Consultant shall review pertinent past data and analysis, to be provided by the City. Review of all pre- and post- project transects, and transect analysis reports. Review of visual inspection reports. Review of vertical and oblique aerial photography. 4. Prepare the 2011 Annual Beach Morphology Monitoring Report. The Annual Report will analyze all transect data, visual inspection data and aerial photography to determine the changes in beach morphology due to the seawall. Make recommendations for replacement of beach nourishment material, if necessary. Assumptions: 1. One round of comments from the City will be required to finalize the Beach Transect Technical Memorandums and the Annual Beach Morphology Monitoring Report. 2. The City will contract separately with the surveyor to provide transect data. Data will be provided to the Consultant. 3. The City will provide visual monitoring data to the Consultant. 4. The City will contract separately for aerial photography, and will provide the data to the Consultant. Deliverables: Draft and final versions of the following reports: 2011 Beach Transect Technical Memorandum (April or May data) 2011 Annual PALF Beach Morphology Monitoring Report Page 4 of 8 Exhibit A to Amendment 2— Professional Services Agreement SW08 -01 Scope of Work To evaluate the well for access issues and increasing seawater influence. Activities: 1. Analyze specific conductivity and pressure /depth data from a new sensor to be purchased and installed in MW3 by the City. 2. Prepare a technical memorandum to summarize the results of the specific conductivity analysis. Based on the study results, provide a recommendation to the City on changes to the well sampling procedures to increase the safety of well access to minimize seawater influences on the groundwater sampling. Assumptions: 1. One round of comments from the City will be required to finalize the MW3 Sampling Technical Memorandum. In addition, there are likely to be comments from the regulatory Agencies to which response must be made. 2. The City will purchase and install the meter to provide specific conductivity and pressure /depth data. Data will be provided to the Consultant. Deliverables: Draft and final versions of the following reports: Technical Memorandum Recommendations to Address Increasing Seawater Influence and Access Issues at MW3 Task 1.4 Evaluation of Environmental Monitoring of the 304 Compliant Landfill Objective: To evaluate whether the 304 compliant landfill cells should proceed with post closure certification. Activities: 1. Assess the environmental monitoring history of the 304 compliant cells (gas, groundwater and any settlement data that may exist) to determine whether the landfill no longer poses a risk to human health or the environment. 2. Prepare a technical memorandum to summarize the results of the analysis. Based on the study results, provide a recommendation to the City on whether to proceed with post closure certification of the 304 compliant cells. Assumptions: 1. One round of comments from the City will be required to finalize the technical memorandum. In addition, there are likely to be comments from the regulatory Agencies to which response must be made. 2. The City will provide the necessary historical groundwater and gas monitoring data and survey data to the Consultant. Deliverables: Page 5 of 8 Draft and final versions of the following reports: Technical Memorandum 304 Compliant Landfill Cells Post Closure Certification Task 1.5 Evaluation of the Landfill Gas System Exhibit A to Amendment 2— Professional Services Agreement SW08 -01 Scope of Work Objective: To evaluate landfill gas production and optimal gas flare operation to determine whether the existing gas handling equipment will be adequate to flare gas until the end of gas production and to determine procedures to close the gas system and mitigate odors when gas production tapers off. Activities: 1. Assess the existing landfill gas production, gas monitoring history and existing gas handling equipment. 2. Prepare a technical memorandum to summarize the results of the analysis. Based on the study results, provide recommendations to the City on optimal gas flare operation, the adequacy of the existing gas equipment and procedures for closure of the gas system. Assumptions: 1. One round of comments from the City will be required to finalize the technical memorandum. In addition, there are likely to be comments from the regulatory Agencies to which response must be made. 2. The City will provide the necessary historical gas monitoring data to the Consultant. Deliverables: Draft and final versions of the following reports: Technical Memorandum Landfill Gas System Recommendations TASK 2 MAINTENANCE SUPPORT This element of work will provide support for landfill post closure maintenance operations. These operations may include beach nourishment, access road repair, or repair of the seawall. Consultant activities may include preparation of Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) and Joint Aquatic Resources Project Approval (JARPA) permit submittal documents for seawall and access road maintenance, or the preparation of related contract documents in whole or in part. This element of work may also include inspection of the seawall and making recommendations to repair cracks or spalling of the concrete wall panels. Consultant work under Task 2 will be defined and authorized separately on an as- needed basis. The following task descriptions are provided as examples. Page 6 of 8 Exhibit A to Amendment 2— Professional Services Agreement SW08 -01 Scope of Work Task 2.1— Prepare HPA and JARPA applications for submittal by the City. Objective: To prepare environmental permit submittal documents to enable the City to perform seawall or access road maintenance. Activities: Prepare HPA and JARPA permits as required for seawall or access road maintenance. Beach nourishment, toe armor or back beach berm may either be placed as recommended by the consultant, or as required by WDFW. Assumptions: One round of comments will be required to finalize the HPA and JARPA permit submittal documents. Deliverables: Draft and Final HPA or JARPA permit applications. Task 2.2 Prepare contract construction documents for placement of beach nourishment, seawall toe armor or back beach berm. Objective: To prepare contract construction documents which will allow the City to place beach nourishment, toe armor or back beach berm as necessary, through a competitive bid process. Activities: Prepare contract documents as required to place beach nourishment, wall toe armor or back beach berm. Beach nourishment, wall toe armor or back beach berm will either be placed as recommended by the consultant, or as required by WDFW. Assumptions: Base maps will be provided by the City Contract documents will be based on Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, WSDOT, 2010. Two rounds of comments from the City will be required to finalize the contract construction documents. Deliverables: Final contract construction documents in electronic format. Page 7 of 8 Task 2.3 Evaluate and make recommendations as necessary for the repair of cracks or spalling of the concrete wall panels. Objective: To evaluate the concrete seawall panels and make recommendations for repair, as necessary. Activities: Exhibit A to Amendment 2— Professional Services Agreement SW08 -01 Scope of Work Annually inspect and evaluate the condition of the seawall panels using the visual inspection reports and a site visit. Assumptions: One site visit will be necessary to evaluate the seawall panels. Deliverables: An annual recommendation for seawall panel maintenance, if necessary. Page 8 of 8 EXHIBIT B to Amendment 2 Professional Services Agreement SW08 -01 BUDGET 2008 -2009 2010 2011 Original Contract Amount Amendment 1 TOTAL Amend 2 TOTAL Task 1 COMPLIANCE AND MONITORING SUPPORT Task 1.1 'Groundwater Reports 1 1 1 Biannual (midyear) Groundwater Monitoring 1.1.1 Reports $6,500 $19,600 $26,100 $8,000 $34,100 1.1.2 'Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report 1 $13,5001 $29,9001 $43,400 $15,0001 $58,400 1.1.3 'Seawall Fluid Report Addendum 1 $8,0001 $7,500 $15,500 1 $15,500 1 1 1 I Seawall Monitoring Report and Beach Task 1.2 Monitoring Analysis of transect data, tech memo and 1.2.1 recommendations (one) $9,000 $5,800 $14,800 $5,000 $19,800 1.2.3 'Annual Beach Morphology Monitoring Report $8,0001 $10,3001 $18,300 $9,0001 $27,300 1.3' Evaluation of MW 3 1 1 $6,0001 $6,000 Evaluation of Environmental Monitoring of the 1.4 304 Compliant Landfill $8,000 $8,000 1.5' Evaluation of the landfill gas system 1 1 $7,0001 $7,000 Task 2 'MAINTENANCE SUPPORT $13,0001 $7,0001 $6,000 $6,0001 $12,000 Task 3 IMACRO -ALGAE SURVEY $01 $61,0001 $61,000 $01 $61,000 1 1 1 TOTAL $58,000 $127,100 $185,100 $64,000 $249,100