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5.944 Amendment (3)
a ' AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND PERTEET, INC. PROJECT 08 -03B RELATING TO: THE CITY'S TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE THIS AMENDMENT NO. 3 is made and entered into this day of 2009, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non - charter code city of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY ") and Perteet, Inc., a Corporation authorized to do business in the State of Washington (hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT "). I REVISED SCOPE OF WORK II TIME OF PERFORMANCE III MAXIMUM COMPENSATION Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, the CITY entered in to an AGREEMENT with the CONSULTANT on May 13, 2009, (the AGREEMENT) and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to amend the AGREEMENT to amend the Scope of Work, Budget, and Time of Performance. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the representations and the terms, conditions, covenants and agreements set forth in the original AGREEMENT and this AMENDMENT, the parties hereto agree as follows: The amended scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be achieved by the CONSULTANT pursuant to the AGREEMENT shall be amended to read as shown in the attached Exhibits A -1 thru A -5. The Scope of Work shall include all services and material necessary to accomplish the work. The work for each Task shall be completed according to the schedule in the attached Scope of Services, Exhibits A -1 thru A -5 inclusive. Work is authorized for all Tasks for each of the Exhibits and the Notice to Proceed will be issued immediately upon execution of Amendment No. 3. The CONSULTANTS initial compensation and reimbursement are stated in the attached Exhibit B -1 thru B -5 inclusive. The budget for any Task may be further adjusted by mutual agreement without an amendment to the Agreement, as long as the maximum compensation N:IPROJECTS\FEMA 1817 -DR -WA 2009 Winter Storm105 Consultant Agreements\Perteet Contract Amendmcnt\Amendment No. 31Amendment No 3 to Perteet Agreement, 08 -03B.doc 1� amount of $123,073.00 is not exceeded under this amendment and not to exceed a total project cost $279,608.00. IV SIGNATURES Except as modified herein, the original Agreement, all previous amendments and Exhibits A -1 thru A -5 and B -1 thru B -5 shall remain in effect. In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES: MAYOR CONSULTANT: SZ c-() 1 � TITLE: 6XeG• V ©E N APPROVED AS TO FORM: T ATTORNEY ATTEST: d atAtei..441 1 440-e CITLERK N:IPROJECTSIFEMA 1817 -DR -WA 2009 Winter Storm105 Consultant AgreementsWPerteet Contract Amendment\Amendment No. 3\Amendment No 3 to Perteet Agreement, 08 -03B.doc Page 2 of 2 INTRODUCTION Storm - related damage contributed to a shallow slide at the bottom and below the lagging of the existing soldier pile wall at the Tumwater Street — 5 Street intersection. The upper grouted portions of the steel H. piles are exposed near the slide area. Exposed soils below the lagging are near vertical in the slide area. Inclination of the slope below the wall is on the order of 1 H:1 V. Slide debris extends to the bottom of the steeper inclined portion of the slope. Based on the Perteet team preliminary assessment of wall conditions (report dated June 29, 2009) for the FEMA Storm Repair Evaluations project, the structural integrity of the existing wall appears to have been compromised by the slide. AMENDMENT NO. 3 Exhibit "A -1" SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY OF PORT ANGELES TUMWATER STREET RETAINING WALL The City of Port Angeles proposes to assess the conditions of the existing wall and slope to determine whether repairs are required and feasible, or if a replacement wall will be necessary. TIME FOR COMPLETION All work shall be completed within 3 months of Notice to Proceed. During the term of this Contract Perteet Inc. (CONSULTANT) will perform professional services as detailed below. Qualified subconsultants for this effort will include Terracon and Wengler Surveying and Mapping. SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT • Provide continuous project management administration throughout the project. • Prepare monthly billings, progress reports, and updated monthly project schedule. • Communicate with key staff every week with regular scheduled telephone calls as required to review project status and coordinate activities for current work tasks. • Conduct internal project coordination meetings with team. Deliverables: • Invoice and project progress reports submitted monthly in hard copy form via US Mail. Port Angeles Tumwater Wall Geotechnical Investigation Page 1 TASK 2 GEOTECHNICAL I'N'VESTIGATIONS The geotechnical investigation services, subcontracted to our subconsultant, Terracon, will include a subsurface exploration program, laboratory testing, engineering analyses, and preparation of a summary report. This includes obtaining survey information regarding the existing wall location, length, wall elevations and survey information of the slope (inclinations and height), as well as the location and invert elevations of utilities in the street adjacent to the wall. In addition to the wall assessment, a visual assessment of near surface soil conditions on the slope below the wall will be completed. Following the field and laboratory testing programs, engineering analyses will be performed to assess current wall and slope conditions. Assumptions: • The subsurface evaluation will consist of advancing two borings located near the north and south ends of the wall. One of the borings is anticipated to be advanced to a depth of at least 60 feet below existing grade to assess deeper slope soil conditions. The second boring is anticipated to be advanced to a depth of approximately 30 feet. SPT samplers and possibly thin -wall (Shelby -tube) samplers will be driven at 2.5- to 5 -foot intervals to assess in -situ strength parameters of subgrade soils and obtain soil samples. • The borings will be completed by a drilling firm subcontracted to our subconsultant, Terracon. • A Terracon geotechnicaI engineer or geologist will observe the explorations, prepare field logs of observed subsurface conditions, and collect select soil samples to be returned to Terracon's laboratory • Laboratory testing to assess soils characteristics for use in the analyses may include gradation testing, Atterberg tests, and possibly direct shear testing, as appropriate. • The CONSULTANT will contact the Utility Underground Locating Center prior to drilling. • Every effort to minimize disturbance to the site will be taken, however field explorations will result in some disturbance to the site. Cuttings from borings will be spread around the boring locations. No repairing or replacement of disturbed areas or vegetation will be completed. • Borings located in paved areas will be backfilled and capped with a concrete patch. • If adverse conditions are encountered during the field exploration, we would inform you as soon as possible and no farther work would be performed beyond the authorized scope of work without your prior approval. Port Angeles Tumwater Wail Geotechnical Investigation P age 2 Deliverables: A summary report will be prepared of our field observations, interpretations, and alternatives for repair or replacement and submitted to the City via e -mail in PDF format or on CD. Specific items that would be addressed in the report would include: • Description of the project site with exploration locations shown on a site plan; • General subsurface and slope conditions; • Discussion of analyses regarding condition of existing wall; • Feasibility of repair alternatives and general design recommendations; • Construction considerations for wall and slope repair alternatives; • Drainage considerations including mitigating potential upslope groundwater impacts; • Preliminary design recommendations for replacement wall, if required; and, • Recommendations for further study, if necessary. ITEMS TO BE FURNISHED BY THE CITY • The CITY will be required to mark any CITY utilities not otherwise located by Utility Underground Locating Center. • CITY to provide existing and future traffic counts. • CITY agrees by providing Notice To Proceed for this scope of work, that Consultant has right -of entry to the site to complete scope of work as defined in this document. OPTIONAL SERVICES Optional services that may be performed include: • Design and PS &E Preparation • Preparation of addenda and assist in the public bid process. • Construction Management Provision of optional services will require a supplement to this agreement. Port Angeles Tumwater Wall Geotechnical Investigation Page 3 . - •, - Petteet'Aiic. - - — • • T Consultant Fee Determination-'- Sheet . , REIMBURSABLES: GRAND TOTAL: Total Hours 1 ' ■'''" = !Col.or Cobds Mi1agL curretf e dra1 l rate - ;h AMENDMENT NO. 3 EMI 1BIT H-1 12 INourly Cost 41' 'OCI • $22,000 Rates shown reflect the typical compensation rate of employees assigned to the billing category listed. Each category may have multiple employees assigned to that billing category and each employee may have a different hourly rate of pay. Employee compensation is subject to adjustment in June of each calendar year. Prepared By: Mike Horton Date: 11/11/2009 INTRODUCTION SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 3 Exhibit "A -2" SCOPE OF SERVICES PORT ANGELES EDIZ HOOK RIP -RAP REPAIR PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL WORK The City of Port Angeles proposes to construct repairs to damage caused by storm events along the Ediz Hook in areas located within the City's Urban Growth Boundary which includes reconstruction the embankment, place filter fabric along the face of the gravel borrow, install quarry spalls and install a row of heavy loose riprap; and in locations where the pedestrian/bike trail was damaged, reconstruct the trail consistent with the plans that originally constructed the trail (Ediz Hook Waterfront Trail Project), place filter fabric along the face of the newly constructed slope install quarry spalls and install a row of heavy loose riprap. This agreement involves: Preparing a draft of the biological assessment (BA) of the project's likely effects on species that are listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. TIME FOR COMPLETION AB work shall be completed within 3 months of Notice to Proceed. During the term of this Contract Perteet Inc. (CONSULTANT) will perform professional services as detailed below: • Provide continuous project management administration throughout the project. • Prepare monthly billings, progress reports, and updated monthly project schedule. • Communicate with key staff every week with regular scheduled telephone calls as required to review project status and coordinate activities for current work tasks. • Conduct internal project coordination meetings with team. • Conduct internal kick-off meeting with team. Deliverable: • Invoice and project reports submitted monthly in hard copy form via US Mail. • Project workplan and schedule Port Angeles FE MA Repair Projects - Ediz Hook Erosion Damage - Preliminary Work Page 1 TASK 2 ENVIRONMENTAL It is anticipated that federal, state and state environmental review and permitting will be required for this project. These reviews and approvals include. • US Army Corps of Engineers Permit 404 (JARPA) • Washington State DOE Water Quality 401 (JARPA) • Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Hydraulic Permit Approval (JARPA) • SEPA Environmental Checklist • Shoreline Substantial Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit (City of Port Angeles) • Biological Assessment for the Corps permit • Coastal Zone Management (CZM) consistency form 1.0 Field Reconnaissance The CONSULTANT will perform a site visit to the areas proposed for slope and bulkhead repairs. The CONSULTANT shall confirm the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) or Median Higher High Watermark (MHI--1W), document existing conditions, document conditions and assess the impacts of the proposed project on the shoreline. If the OHWM or MHHW has not been established or the reconnaissance indicates a different elevation, this line shall be flagged and a GPS (mapping grade GPS) utilized for mapping purposes. 2.0 Anuatic Permits 2.1 The CONSULTANT will prepare a biological assessment (BA) of the project's likely effects on species that are listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. NOAA Fisheries, USFWS, WDFW and WDNR databases will be consulted. The 13A will provide a discussion of the habitat needs of listed species, document any occurrences in the project area, and provide documentation for an affect determination for listed species. The BA will be submitted to the Army Corps of Engineers for review and forwarded for federal resource agency concurrence. It is assumed that the effect determination will be "May affect, but not likely to adversely affect." Should a determination of "No effect" be made, a Iower level of documentation will be required. Deliverables: • Draft BA prepared for peer review and city review Assumptions: • A maximum of one (1) day of field work is assumed. • One field visit, with WDFW and other regulatory agency staff, is budgeted. Port Angeles FEMA Repair Protects - Ediz Hook Erosion Damage - Preliminary Work Page 2 OPTIONAL SERVICES Optional services that may be performed include: ■ Preparation of Plans Specifications and Estimate (PS &E) • Preparation of addenda and assist in the public bid process. • Construction Management • Preparation of Local Permit applications o US Army Corps of Engineers Permit 404 (JARPA) o Washington State DOE Water Quality 401 (JARPA) o Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Hydraulic Permit Approval (JARPA) o SEPA Environmental Checklist o Shoreline Substantial Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit (City of Port Angeles) o Coastal Zone Management (CZM) consistency form • Preparation of NEPA documentation ■ Preparation of Cultural Resources screening or survey Port Angeles FEMA Repair Projects - Ediz Hook Erosion Damage - Preliminary Work Page 3 REIMBURSABLES: GRAND TOTAL: Total Hours SUB- CONSULTANTS: .erracaro =Fame 'Btalogi .ettee oIlsiu 1ta it: Fee; Determiinatialn? � Siindma AMENDMENT NO. 3 EXHIBIT B-2 97.5 :Hau COSt ✓.:I1ir:� �'. �.'C..T:' _ $11,835 Rates shown reflect the typical compensation rate of employees assigned to the billing category listed. Each category may have multiple employees assigned to that billing category and each employee may have a different hourly rate of pay Employee compensation is subject to adjustment in June of each calendar year Prepared By Mike Horton Date 11/1312009 AMENDMENT NO. 3 Exhibit "A-3" SCOPE OF SERVICES PORT ANGELES EDIZ HOOK RIP -RAP REPAIR ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLEMENTAL INTRODUCTION The City of Port Angeles proposes to construct repairs to damage caused by storm events along the Ediz Hook, which includes reconstruction the embankment, place filter fabric along the face of the gravel borrow, install quarry spalls and install a row of heavy loose riprap; and in locations where the pedestrian/bike trail was damaged, reconstruct the trail consistent with the plans that originally constructed the trail (Ediz Hook Waterfront Trail Project), place filter fabric along the face of the newly constructed slope install quarry spalls and install a row of heavy loose riprap. This agreement involves: • Preparing environmental documentation and permitting for the Ediz Hook Rip -Rap Repair project. Note: This Scope of Services assumes that work on the two Ediz Hook projects are completed simultaneously. This Scope of Services shall be amended if one of the two projects is abandoned. TIME FOR COMPLETION All work shall be completed within 12 months of Notice to Proceed. During the term of this contract, Perteet Inc. (CONSULTANT) will perform professional services as detailed below: SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT • Provide continuous project management administration throughout the project. • Prepare monthly billings, progress reports, and updated monthly project schedule. • Communicate with key staff every week with regular scheduled telephone calls as required to review project status and coordinate activities for current work tasks. • Conduct internal project coordination meetings with team. Deliverables: • Invoice and project reports submitted monthly in hard copy form via US Mail. TASK 2 ENVIRONMENTAL it is anticipated that federal, state and state environmental review and permitting will be required for this project. These reviews and approvals include: Port Angeles FEMA Repair Projects — Ediz Hook Rip -Rap Repair Environmental Supplemental Page 1 • US Army Corps of Engineers Permit 404 (JARPA) • Washington State DOE Water Quality 401 (JARPA) • Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Hydraulic Permit Approval (JARPA) • SEPA Environmental Checklist • Shoreline Substantial Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit (City of Port Angeles) • Biological Assessment for the Corps permit • Coastal Zone Management (CZM) consistency form 1.0 Field Reconnaissance (Completed in Preliminary Scone) 2.0 Local Permits 2.1 The CONSULTANT shall prepare a SEPA environmental checklist for the City of Port Angeles' review and issuance of a SEPA determination. 2.2 The CONSULTANT shall prepare a Critical Area Report consistent the critical area regulations contained in the Port Angeles Municipal Code. 2.3 The CONSULTANT shall prepare a Mitigation Plan consistent with the regulations in PAMC 15.20.080(1). The Mitigation Plan shall address impacts and proposed mitigation to fish and wildlife habitat and geologically hazardous areas. The Plan shall reference the recommendations made under task 2.4. 2.4 The CONSULTANT shall prepare a geotechnical report consistent with the City of Port Angeles critical areas report requirements. The report shall assess the geologically hazardous areas as defined by the PAMC. The report shall make recommendations for slope and landslide stability, which shall be appended to the Mitigation Plan as described in Task 2 3 above. 2.5 The CONSU1 shall prepare a permit application to apply for a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, consistent with the permit application requirements established by the City of Port Angeles. The Shoreline Environment is designated as Urban Harbor in the City's Shoreline Master Program. Revetments, docks and bulkheads are all permitted uses in this Shoreline Environment. 2.6 The CONSULTANT shall attend one (1) pre - application meeting with City staff in the public works and planning departments to review permit application requirements. Deliverables: • Draft SEPA Environmental Checklist • Final SEPA Environmental Checklist • Critical Area Report • Critical Area Mitigation Plan • Shoreline permit application and associated application materials • Geotechnical report Port Angeles FEMA Repair Projects - Edis Hook Rip -Rap Repair Environmental Supplemental Page 2 3.0 Aa uatic Permits 3.1 The CONSULTANT shall have the biological assessment prepared in the preliminary scope peer- reviewed and submitted to the city for review. 3.2 The CONSULTANT shall apply for Section 404 Permit from the Army Corps of Engineers (COE) for fill within United States waters. This will include compiling information on the required permit, completing necessary permit and technical applications, preparing mitigation measures, and coordinating with the COE to monitor the review of the Section 404 Permit application. Consultant will prepare for submittal for the Section 404 Permit by preparing a JARPA form and 8.5 -inch by 11 -inch plans (standard COE submittal requirement) to accompany the form. This permit will cover ditch jurisdiction by the Corps and required documentation. 3.3 The CONSULTANT shall apply for an HPA for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) for any activity affecting the bed or flow of State Waters. This will include compiling information on the required permit, completing necessary permit and technical applications, preparing mitigation measures, and coordinating with the WDFW to monitor the review of the permit application. Application will be made using the above referenced JARPA form. It is assumed that the above referenced 8.5 inch by 11 inch plans will be submitted to accompany the JARPA form and no other plans will be required. 3.4 The CONSULTANT shall apply for Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology )_ Ecology will review the project water quality information and the specific permit type issued by the COE to determine if an Individual Certification is required. The submittal will include compiling information on required approvals, completing necessary approval and technical applications, preparing additional studies as necessary, and coordinating with Ecology and Corps to monitor the review of Section 401 Certification application. 3.5 The CONSULTANT shall prepare a Coastal Zone Management Consistency notice for the State Department of Ecology. It is assumed that no additional follow up for this task will be required. Deliverables: • Draft Biological Assessment for City review • Final Biological Assessment • Draft JARPA form and associated application materials • Final JARPA form and associated application materials • CZM Consistency form Assumptions: • The City of Port Angeles will issue a SEPA Determination of Nonsignificance for this project. • Only one draft and one final version of each of the permit items described above will be produced. • The CONSULTANT will attend one meeting with City of Port Angeles staff on permitting and will not attend the public hearing required for the Shoreline permit. • The City of Port Angeles shall be responsible for the payment of any permit fees. Port Angeles FEMA Repair Projects - Ediz Hook Rip -Rap Repair Environmental Supplemental Page • The project shall permitted by the Army Corps as a Nationwide Permit (NWP). Preparation of an Individual permit, if required, shall be prepared under a separate scope. • The Army Corps, HPA and 401 Certification shall utilize the JARPA application form. • The Army Corps submittal plan set shall include no more than 20 individual sheets. • One field visit, with WDFW and other regulatory agency staff, is budgeted. • The scope and budget allows for one (1) round of review comments from the client and associated revisions. • The scope and budget allows for one (1) round of review comments from federal and state agencies, and associated responses. • Environmental documentation under NEPA will be completed by FEMA. • Cultural Resources investigations required by NEPA or DAHP will be covered by FEMA and/or the CITY_ OPTIONAL SERVICES Optional services that may be performed include: • Design and PS &E • Preparation of addenda and assist in the public bid process. • Construction Management • Preparation of NEPA documentation • Preparation of Cultural Resources Survey • Preparation, attendance, or presentation and any public hearing or public meeting Provision of optional services will require a supplement to this agreement. Port Angeles FEMA Repair Projects - Ediz Hoak Rip -Rap Repair Environmental Supplemental Page 4 ,r9Jec itTi=an"s ortationanfrastruetureirraj u8.u3 '''.11.11;f • .400.11,14020 ,•• [Edii Ri nvironmetAatiSuRpierneg iv---ertn g ortik 3.7 1 I D.- ne, jAEL-4 Classification Hours ow-arr% • SetiftivEngufeef EngitteeMil • chiiariiffl ' Senfor-Engineer, P1 ariner 11S Lad L re' eaulitirit REIMBURSABLES: Total Hours SUB-CONSULTANTS. ioI6 Seyes GRAND TOTAL: AMENDMENT NO. 3 EXHIBIT B •-? • -4 C■rt % k :Weth , 7:-5.F4 • termrnat-ionSummarvSh 294 libilayt€05t Rates shown reflect the typical compensation rate of employees assigned to the billing category listed. Each category may have multiple employees assigned to that billing category and each employee may have a different hourly rate of pay. Employee compensation is subject to adjustment in June of each calendar year. Prepared By Mike Horton Cost 11 8 *950Y0Oir, $40,358 Date: 11/13/2009 INTRODUCTION TIME FOR COMPLETION TASK 2 ENVIRONMENTAL AMENDMENT NO. 3 Exhibit "A -4" SCOPE OF SERVICES PORT ANGELES EDIZ HOOK BOAT DOCK REPAIR PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL WORK The City of Port Angeles proposes to construct repairs to damage caused by storm events along the Ediz Hook in areas located within the City's Urban Growth Boundary which includes removing and replacing the soldier pile wall and replace and compact the material behind the existing wall. This agreement involves: Preparing a draft of the biological assessment (BA) of the project's likely effects on that are listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. All work in this preliminary scope shall be completed within 3 months of Notice to Proceed. During the term of this Contract Perteet Inc. (CONSULTANT) will perform professional services as detailed below- SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT • Provide continuous project management administration throughout the project. • Prepare monthly billings, progress reports, and updated monthly project schedule. • Communicate with key staff every week with regular scheduled telephone calls as required to review project status and coordinate activities for current work tasks. • Conduct internal project coordination meetings with team. • Conduct internal kick -off meeting with team. Deliverable: • Invoice and project reports submitted monthly in hard copy form via US Mail. • Project workplan and schedule It is anticipated that federal, state and state environmental review and permitting will be required for this project. These reviews and approvals include: Port Angeles FEMA Repair Projects - Ediz Hook Boat Dock - Preliminary Work Page 1 • US Army Corps of Engineers Permit 404 (JARPA) • Washington State DOE Water Quality 401 (JARPA) • Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Hydraulic Permit Approval (JARPA) • SEPA Environmental Checklist • Shoreline Substantial Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit (City of Port Angeles) • Biological Assessment for the Corps permit • Coastal Zone Management (CZM) consistency form 1.0 Field Reconnaissance The CONSULTANT will perform a site visit to the areas proposed for slope and bulkhead repairs. The CONSULTANT shall confirm the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) or Median Higher High Watermark (MHHW), document existing conditions, document slope, and assess the impacts of the proposed project on the shoreline. If the OHWM or MHHW has not been established or the reconnaissance indicates a different elevation, this line shall be flagged and a GPS (mapping grade GPS) utilized for mapping purposes. 2Auuatic Permits 2.1 The CONSULTANT will prepare a draft of the biological assessment (BA) of the project's likely effects on species that are listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. NOAA Fisheries, USFWS, WDFW and WD,NR databases will be consulted_ The BA will provide a discussion of the habitat needs of listed species, document any occurrences in the project area, and provide documentation for an affect determination for listed species. The BA will be submitted to the Army Corps of Engineers for review and forwarded for federal resource agency concurrence. It is assumed that the effect determination will be "May affect, but not likely to adversely affect." Should a determination of "No effect" be made, a lower level of documentation will be required. Deliverable: One draft of BA prepared for peer review and city review. Assumptions: • A maximum of one (1) day of field work is assumed. • One field visit, with WDFW and other regulatory agency staff, is budgeted. OPTIONAL SERVICES Optional services that may be performed include: • Preparation of Plans Specifications and Estimate (PS &E) • Preparation of addenda and assist in the public bid process. • Construction Management Port Angeles FEMA Repair Projects -- Ediz Hook Boat Dock — Preliminary work Page 2 • Preparation of Local Permit applications o US Army Corps of Engineers Permit 404 (JARPA) o Washington State DOE Water Quality 401 (JARPA) o Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Hydraulic Permit Approval (JARPA) a SEPA Environmental Checklist o Shoreline Substantial Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit (City of Port Angeles) o Coastal Zone Management (CZM) consistency form • Preparation of NEPA documentation • Preparation of Cultural Resources screening or survey Port Angeles FEMA Repair Projects - Ediz Hook Boat Dock - Preliminary Work Page 3 , lieat Classification REIMBURSABLES: Total Hours ,, CADD 1 ;Col'or. Copies: " ;Milage • @' currentTeder'al tat GIS 'Misc: GRAND TOTAL: Perteet TInc. Consultant Fee Determination.- :Summary Sfieet AMENDMENT NO. 3 EXHIBIT B -4 97.5 Hourly .Cost $11,835 - 0 = =: .._ T67rtj Rates shown reflect the typical compensation rate of employees assigned to the billing category listed. Each category may have multiple employees assigned to that billing category and each employee may have a different hourly rate of pay. Employee compensation is subject to adjustment in June of each calendar year. Prepared By: Mike Horton Date: 11/13/2009 AMENDMENT NO. 3 Exhibit "A - 5" SCOPE OF SERVICES PORT ANGELES EDIZ HOOK BOAT DOCK REPAIR ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLEMENTAL INTRODUCTION The City of Port Angeles proposes to construct repairs to damage caused by storm events to the Ediz Hook boat dock, which includes removing and replacing the soldier pile wall and replace and compact the material behind the existing wall This agreement involves: Preparing environmental documentation and permitting for the Ediz Hook Boat Dock Repair project. Note: This Scope of Services assumes that work on the two Ediz Hook projects are completed simultaneously. This Scope of Services shall be amended if one of the two projects is abandoned. TIME FOR COMPLETION All work shall be completed within 12 months of Notice to Proceed. During the term of this contract, Perteet Inc. (CONSULTANT) will perform professional services as detailed below: SCOPE OF SERVICES TASK 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT • Provide continuous project management administration throughout the project. • Prepare monthly billings, progress reports, and updated monthly project schedule. • Communicate with key staff every week with regular scheduled telephone calls as required to review project status and coordinate activities for current work tasks. • Conduct internal project coordination meetings with team. Deliverables: • Invoice and project reports submitted monthly in hard copy form via US Mail. TASK 2 ENVIRONMENTAL It is anticipated that federal, state and state environmental review and permitting will be required for this project. These reviews and approvals include: • US Army Corps of Engineers Permit 404 (JARPA) • Washington State DOE Water Quality 401 (JARPA) • Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Hydraulic Permit Approval (JARPA) Port Angeles FEMA Repair Projects - Ediz Hook Boat Dock Repair Envimnrnental Supplemental Page 1 • SEPA Environmental Checklist • Shoreline Substantial Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit (City of Port Angeles) • Biological Assessment for the Corps permit • Coastal Zone Management (CZM) consistency form 1.0 Field Reconnaissance (completed in preliminary scone). 2.0 Local Permits 2.1 The CONSULTANT shall prepare a SEPA environmental checklist for the City of Port Angeles' review and issuance of a SEPA determination. 2.2 The CONSULTANT shall prepare a Critical Area Report consistent the critical area regulations contained in the Port Angeles Municipal Code. 2.3 The CONSULTANT shall prepare a Mitigation Plan consistent with the regulations in PANIC 15.20.080(1). The Mitigation Plan shall address impacts and proposed mitigation to fish and wildlife habitat. The Plan shall reference the recommendations made under task 2.4. 2.4 The CONSULTANT shall prepare a permit application to apply for a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, consistent with the permit application requirements established by the City of Port Angeles. The Shoreline Environment is designated as Urban Harbor in the City's Shoreline Master Program. Docks are permitted uses in this Shoreline Environment. 2.5 The CONSULTANT shall attend one (1) pre - application meeting with City staff in the public works and planning departments to review permit application requirements. Deliverables: • Draft SEPA Environmental Checklist • Final SEPA Environmental Checklist • Critical Area Report • Critical Area Mitigation Plan • Shoreline permit application and associated application materials 3.0 Aquatic Permits 3.1 The CONSULTANT will have the biological assessment prepared under the preliminary scope peer reviewed and submitted to the CITY for review. 3.2 The CONSULTANT shall apply for Section 404 Permit from the Army Corps of Engineers (COE) for fill within United States waters. This will include compiling information on the required permit, completing necessary permit and technical applications, preparing mitigation measures, and coordinating with the COE to monitor the review of the Section 404 Permit application. Consultant will prepare for submittal for the Section 404 Permit by preparing a JARPA form and 8.5 -inch by 11 -inch plans (standard COE submittal requirement) to accompany the form. This permit will cover ditch jurisdiction by the Corps and required documentation. Port Angeles FEMA Repair Projects - Ediz Hook Boat Dock Repair Environmental Supplemental Page 2 3.3 The CONSULTANT shall apply for an HPA for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) for any activity affecting the bed or flow of State Waters. This will include compiling information on the required permit, completing necessary permit and technical applications, preparing mitigation measures, and coordinating with the WDFW to monitor the review of the permit application. Application will be made using the above referenced JARPA form. It is assumed that the above referenced 8.5 inch by 11 inch plans will be submitted to accompany the JARPA form and no other plans will be required. 3.4 The CONSULTANT shall apply for Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology). Ecology will review the project water quality information and the specific permit type issued by the COE to determine if an Individual Certification is required. The submittal will include compiling information on required approvals, completing necessary approval and technical applications, preparing additional studies as necessary, and coordinating with Ecology and Corps to monitor the review of Section 401 Certification application. 3.5 The CONSULTANT shall prepare a Coastal Zone Management Consistency notice for the State Department of Ecology. It is assumed that no additional follow up for this task will be required. Deliverables: • Draft BA for peer review • Draft and final BA for city reivew • Draft JARPA form and associated application materials • Final JARPA form and associated application materials • CZM Notice Assumptions: • The City of Port Angeles will issue a SEPA Determination of Nonsignificance for this project. • Only one draft and one final version of each of the permit items described above will be produced. • The CONSULTANT will attend one meeting with City of Port Angeles staff on permitting and will not attend the public hearing required for the Shoreline permit. • The City of Port Angeles shall be responsible for the payment of any permit fees. • The project shall permitted by the Army Corps as a Nationwide Permit (NWP). Preparation of an Individual permit, if required, shall be prepared under a separate scope. • The Army Corps, HPA and 401 Certification shall utilize the JARPA application form. • The Army Corps submittal plan set shall include no more than 20 individual sheets. • One field visit, with WDFW and other regulatory agency staff, is budgeted. • The scope and budget allows for one (1) round of review comments from the client and associated revisions. • The scope and budget allows for one (1) round of review comments from federal and state agencies, and associated responses. • Environmental documentation under NEPA will be completed by FEMA. Port Angeles FEMA Repair Projects - Ediz Hook Boat Dock Repair Environmental Supplemental Page 3 • Cultural Resources investigations required by NEPA or DAHP will be covered by FEMA and/or the CITY. OPTIONAL SERVICES Optional services that may be performed include: • Design and PS &E • Preparation of addenda and assist in the public bid process. • Construction Management • Preparation of Local Permit applications • Prepare Clallam County Grading Permit • Prepare Clallam County Right -of -Way Permit • Preparation of NEPA documentation • Preparation of Cultural Resources Survey • Preparation, attendance, or presentation at any public hearings or meetings Provision of optional services will require a supplement to this agreement. Port Angeles FEMA Repair Projects — Ediz Hook Boat Dock Repair Environmental Supplemental Page 4 'rajectPC- �€H ,� �:•;i` ,�SdT�•; s,�';w,•.- ��tFY. � 3��;,'ts:�"_k��5�n� ids.`- :E(s`, y =,�,,..,�yp��:,�� : �; Edit Roof Boat rioek`Repatr Wnytrolnmental;(Supplemen_ Classification Hours REIMBURSABLES: GRAND TOTAL: Viz £ T111'c. Consultan Fee:�I]eermrnatitin,: S►iimai s . 1 r 1�� :'4i1. .. ^W :� - •_e.��?:�•�rii'.n .:95'w:r.,::: .T'• s;Transportatio f•Infrastr,ucture roject UB 0 Total Hours SUB- CONSULTANTS. perracOn Came )3tologtcat Serutces • AMENDMENT NO. 3 EXHIBIT B -5 287 Rate x $4 aQ x r 1:50h , _ x '$12Oroo, _ x x$95 QQ x :Dour Cost Asok ;t p4,5_ Oz M $37,045 3:6 .238 #07 Rates shown reflect the typical compensation rate of employees assigned to the billing category listed. Each category may have multiple employees assigned to that billing category and each employee may have a different hourly rate of pay. Employee compensation is subject to adjustment in June of each calendar year. Prepared By: Mike Horton Date: 11/13/2009