THIS AMENDMENT NO. 15 is made and entered into this o21t7 day of �1lYb1
by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non charter code city of the Stag of
Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY and Brown and Caldwell, Inc., a California
Corporation (hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT
WHEREAS, the CITY entered in to an AGREEMENT with the CONSULTANT on July 5, 2006,
(the AGREEMENT); and
WHEREAS, the CITY and CONSULTANT amended the AGREEMENT on February 21, 2007,
and May 9, 2007 and March 20, 2008, and September 15, 2009, and November 30, 2009,
March 9, 2010, July 27, 2010, November 16, 2011, December 21, 2010, January 4, 2011,
September 20, 2011, January 9, 2012, February 24, 2012, February 21, 2012, and has
Proposed Amendment 15 (the AMENDMENTS); and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to amend the AGREEMENT again to amend the Scope of
Work, Budget, and Time of Performance,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the representations and the terms, conditions,
covenants and agreements set forth in this AMENDMENT, the Agreement and the
Amendments are hereby amended as follows:
PROJECT 06 -01
5 ?88
The scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be achieved by the
CONSULTANT are hereby amended by adding the tasks identified in the attached Exhibit A to
Amendment 15. The CONSULTANT shall provide and furnish all services and material
necessary to accomplish the additional work identified in Exhibit A.
The work for all Tasks shall be completed by June 1, 2014
The maximum total compensation and reimbursement payable to the CONSULTANT is stated
in the attached Exhibit B to Amendment 15. The maximum compensation amount, referenced
Amendment No 15 to Brown and Caldwell Agreement, 06 -01
in Section VI of the Agreement, is amended from $4,739,591 in Amendment 14 to $7,184,201
in Amendment 15, an increase of $2,444,610. The budget for any Task may be further
adjusted by mutual agreement without an amendment to the Agreement, as long as the
maximum compensation amount of $7,184,201 is not exceeded.
As amended herein, the Agreement and the Amendments are ratified and confirmed.
In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. 15 to the
Agreement as of the day and year first written above.
Amendment No 15 to Brown and Caldwell Agreement, 06 -01
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To Amendment 15
This Scope of Work for Phase 2 Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) projects is an amendment to the
referenced services agreement in order to complete the planning and design of facilities identified in
the City of Port Angeles (City)'s approved Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Plan. The CSO Plan
identifies a set of projects that, when completed, will bring the City into compliance with Washington
State's water pollution control laws and regulations and with an Agreed Order the City executed with
the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology).
The Phase 2 projects were identified in the 2006 CSO Reduction Facilities Plan and subsequent
amendments. Those projects include a replacement of Pump Station 4 with a new station which has
a capacity of 28 million gallons per day (mgd), construction of a gravity diversion sewer (Front Street
Diversion Sewer) to convey flow directly from the location of CSO 008 to the new pump station,
completion of the new force mains partially constructed in Phase 1, and a new influent sewer to
divert flows from the existing Pump Station 4 to the replacement at a location directly across Marine
Drive. The existing pump station has experienced power failures resulting in sewage spills. The new
pump station will incorporate redundant systems and storage to contain the system inflow for the
estimated time needed for the emergency generator and pumps to turn on (1.5 minutes). After
construction of the CSO projects are complete (Phase 1 and Phase 2) and performance of the CSO
reduction system is verified, the City anticipates having only one CSO outfall remaining in the
downtown area. All other existing outfalls may be secured, deactivated and abandoned, or placed in
reserve for emergency overflows such as a long pump station 4 outage, The actual number and
configuration of downtown emergency overflows will be based upon a hydraulic evaluation of the
new system. The hydrologic /hydraulic model being updated by Brown Caldwell under separate
contract will show system performance for either CSO 6 or CSO 7 as the sole overflow under the
compliance scenario. The remaining downtown overflow location(s) will be configured to facilitate
monitoring and performance measurement of the completed CSO Reduction system. The 2006 CSO
Plan briefly described a 25 mgd pumping facility to be designed around submersible pumps in a
simple, covered wet well similar to the recent Eastern Urban Growth Area (EUGA) pump stations.
However, raw wastewater pump stations of this size and service are more typically developed to
provide greater enclosure to capture noise and odors, provide improved facilities to support
operations and maintenance activities, provide a higher degree of reliability, and provide other
system management facilities as needed.
A number of City decisions will be required regarding the scope and detail of the facilities to be
incorporated into the final design and preparation of Phase 2 bidding documents. In order to capture
these decisions and provide updates to Ecology, the work under this amendment will first generate a
preliminary design document representing a design that is approximately 30% complete. The
preliminary design will identify and describe the facility components in sufficient detail to show the
general arrangement of required equipment, building space requirements, general site
improvement, architectural features and location of pipeline alignments. Current evaluations
determined that potential high flow surges during power outages will require temporary storage
measures in addition to standby power. The Phase 2 design will determine storage requirements
and include storage features within the new pump station structure.
This scope of work is based on the following general description of the Phase 2 facilities. A
preliminary design report will be prepared to document subsequent decisions regarding the
following items as the basis for continuance into the final design and development of contracting
1. The new Pump Station 4 will be designed for a maximum pumping rate capacity of 28 rngd
using up to four variable- speed, electric motor driven pumps in a vertical configuration.
Electric motors will be located on an upper floor located at finished grade (for flood
protection) with drive shafts or pump columns extended through the floor to the pumps.
Hoist equipment will be included within the station and the building will be configured to
accommodate the removal and movement of equipment to flatbed trucks outside the
building envelope.
2. Electric power, controls, and variable -speed drives will be mounted in panels on the ground
floor in the space that may be common to the pump motors.
3. Tempered outside air will be circulated through the building to maintain dry conditions. High
exchange rate, ventilation airflow will be routed through a wet well separated (and with
separate means of access) from the equipment spaces within the building. Activated carbon
based odor control towers will be provided for the wet well ventilation airflow; the towers may
be enclosed or partially enclosed within space common to the pump station building.
4. The foundation elevation of the building is expected to be around 25 to 30 feet below
existing grade. Below grade structures may require waterproofing. Equipment rooms located
below grade will contain a sump with submersible drainage pumps to control potential
flooding. A building water supply will be provided for washdown and pump seals, if required.
No comfort facilities will be included beyond a hand washing sink with hot and cold water
and safety features that may be required around chemical feed systems (e.g., eyewash and
drench showers).
5. Standby electrical power generation (diesel engine driven) will be provided for the full design
operating capacity (28 mgd maximum pumping rate). The power generation equipment and
its enclosure will be specified to provide a complete vendor designed package including
sound enclosure meeting project performance requirements. Siting, accessibility, and
foundation design will be developed by the Phase 2 design consultant.
6. A chemical feed system (fiberglass storage tank and metering pumps) will be included to
assist with storage system odor control (modify or eliminate sulfide reactions). Consideration
will be given to ozonation as well as Bioxide odor control systems.
7. Building facing and configuration will be developed by an architect for suitability of
appearance at the proposed downtown location consistent with structural design concepts.
This may include decisions on the containment, enclosure, or screening of features such as
standby power and fuel storage, odor control towers, and chemical feed tanks.
8. Noise mitigation features will be incorporated into the building and enclosures minimize or
reduce equipment noise beyond the property line as required by local code or utility
9. The station site will be finished with paved parking and access to the locations for
maintaining the station features. Stormwater will be managed per local requirements and
adhere to City surface water quality goals.
10. A new influent sewer will convey wastewater flows from the existing gravity sewer in Marine
Drive. The design will provide a structure for diversion of flow to either the new or existing
11. The Front Street Diversion Sewer will follow an alignment depicted on Figure 2 -6 of the July
2007 CSO Plan Amendment, although the specific alignment location within Lincoln and
Front Streets will be determined. The final segments of the Phase 1 force mains (including
two preliminary sized 14 -inch- diameter and one 30- inch diameter pipelines) will be
configured from the new station to their point of connection at Oak and Front streets.
12. Preliminary lists of drawings are attached to provide further basis of scope of work and
project deliverables.
13. A general list of deliverables is correlated to proposed reviews at 30% design completion
(preliminary design report), 60% design completion, and 90% design completion. Estimates
of probable construction cost will be prepared at 30 60 and 100% levels of design
completion. City instructions and requests at the 90% review will be incorporated into the bid
document package. The 100% document package will be submitted to Ecology for approval.
14. In order to maintain progress within time and budgets as contracted, design milestones shall
be considered as complete, design issues resolved and decisions made as follows:
a. 30% major pipeline alignments, process mechanical system type and general sizing,
facility configuration for enclosing and supporting required systems, configuration of
facility or components on the property (site), general construction materials and
appearance concepts;
b. 60% specific equipment selection and operating strategies, floor plans, space
arrangement and specific component arrangements, documents suitable for final
permit applications;
c. 90% final details and specifications considered to be near -ready for bidding
following a final review;
d. 100% documents ready for advertisement for bids.
This scope of services has been separated into the following tasks for clarity and cost control:
19.1 Architectural services
19.2 Geotechnical engineering services
19.3 Survey and base mapping services
19.4 Permitting and environmental support
19.5 Acoustic evaluation services
19.6 Preparation of cost estimate
19.7 Facility design and development of construction contract documents
19.8 Project management
Task 19 Phase 2 CSO Improvements Design
This task provides for the detailed planning, design, and preparation of contract documents for the
facilities described as included in Phase 2 of the CSO Plan as amended and approved by the
Department of Ecology.
Task 19.1 Architectural Services
Working with the City, local community, and facility designer, options will be developed for the
building configuration and appearance. Construction drawings and specifications will be prepared for
the selected option.
Pre Design Phase
This phase will include periodic meetings with the design team and the City. Three visits are
estimated with the design team and four visits with the City. There may also be public forums or
meetings with the city council.
Scope of Activity
Review proposed building program, goals, etc. Develop up to three options for building layouts,
material selections, building character studies, and budget reviews.
At the conclusion of the Pre design phase a selected building form, materials, and budget will be
Conceptual drawings and graphic depictions of the proposed structure will be provided (Site Plan,
Floor Plans, Elevations, and perspective renderings will be provided).
Design Phase
This phase will also include periodic meetings with the design team and City; assume minimum of
three meetings with each is estimated.
The Design phase scope may need to be adjusted based on Pre Design review by the City.
Assuming the Pre design phase establishes that the site accommodates a structure of approximately
2,500 to 3,000 square feet, of modest design reflecting the character of the downtown core, the
Design phase will encompass delineation of site and building construction documents integrating the
specialized mechanical and pumping equipment.
Provide an assessment of building code requirements for the nature and use of the pump station
building(s). Coordinate with the project structural engineer and provide building design details
including openings, doors, roofing, weatherproofing, etc.
Scope of Activity
Develop Architectural Drawings and Specifications, including but not limited to the following:
Revisions /adjustments to address Pre Design review comments
Cover sheets, notes, schedules etc. (3 sheets)
Site plan and details (2 sheets)
Floor plans (2 sheets)
Exterior building elevations (2 sheets)
Building sections (2 sheets)
Wall sections (3 sheets)
Roof plan (1 sheet)
Ceiling plan(s) (2 sheets)
General building details (3 sheets)
Door, window, and finish schedules (2 sheets)
Architectural specifications
Approximately 22 architectural sheets
The Design phase fee is to be reassessed after approval of the Pre design phase.
Alternative descriptions including cost and constructability information
Project drawings and specifications for building details
City Involvement /Requirements
City will provide details or photos of similar City wastewater pump station buildings to be evaluated
for suitability by the architect
Task 19.2 Geotechnical Engineering Services
BC will coordinate the services of a geotechnical subconsultant to perform a geotechnical
investigation along the proposed pipeline alignment and at the location proposed for Pump Station
4. The Design phase geotechnical work will verify soils conditions specific to the type of
improvements to be constructed at their proposed locations and provide design criteria for limiting
settlements and identifying groundwater or other adverse conditions.
Scope of Activity
Geotechnical Exolorations
Borings are to be performed using a truck mounted drill rig and mud rotary techniques by
licensed well driller under subcontract to Shannon Wilson, Inc.
Perform one 50- foot -deep boring at the proposed new Pump Station 4 location and
install a monitoring well. Sample intervals will be 2.5 feet in the upper 20 feet and 5
feet below a depth of 20 feet.
Perform three 10- to 20- foot -deep borings along the pipelines. The sample interval
will be 2.5 feet.
All soil cuttings will be placed in barrels and disposed of by the drilling subcontractor
assuming that they are found to be uncontaminated through analytical laboratory
testing (described below).
Cone penetration test (CPT) soundings will be performed using a truck mounted rig under
subcontract to Shannon Wilson to obtain a continuous soil log and reduce exploration
derived cuttings.
Perform one, approximately 50- foot -deep, sounding at the proposed new Pump
Station 4. Include shear -wave velocity measurements.
Perform three soundings, approximately 10 to 20 feet deep, along the pipelines.
Core and patch pavements at boring and CPT sounding locations: Holes through asphalt
pavement will be patched using cold patch asphalt.
Well development and groundwater readings: Develop and sample well proposed at the
pump station location and obtain one reading after well development.
All boring and CPT locations along Front and North Lincoln Streets, as well as at the location
of Pump Station 4, will be accessible by truck mounted drill and CPT rigs.
Traffic control necessary for the explorations will be reviewed and approved by the City
consistent with the proposed boring and sounding plan and schedule.
There is a possibility of encountering contaminated soil and /or groundwater in the proposed
explorations. All drill cuttings and other investigation derived waste (IDW) will be drummed
and left on site (at the Pump Station 4 site) for characterization and disposal. If tests show
the IDW will be uncontaminated it will be disposed of by the drilling contractor. Contaminated
soil and /or groundwater will require be stored on site for disposal at a regulated facility by
the City.
Archaeological field observations or investigations provided by others.
Shannon Wilson, Inc. will arrange for utility locates prior to subsurface explorations using
the One -Call service. Utility locates using a private service are not included in this
scope /estimate.
Geotechnical Laboratory Testing
Test selected soil samples acquired from the borings to evaluate index and engineering properties of
the soils. Tests include water content on all soil samples, 4 Atterberg Limits, 6 grain size analyses,
and 10 fines content tests.
Subsurface Characterization
Prepare boring and CPT logs after review of soil samples in Shannon Wilson's laboratory
and completion of geotechnical laboratory testing.
Develop geologic subsurface profiles at the pump station and along the sewer line
alignments from the information made available from City files and collected in the proposed
geotechnical explorations and laboratory testing.
Geotechnical Engineering Analyses
Perform geotechnical analyses after completion of the geotechnical explorations, geotechnical
laboratory testing, and subsurface characterization. Analyses will include assessment of
geotechnical soil conditions and properties; groundwater conditions; soil and groundwater loads on
shored excavations and permanent structures; estimated pipeline settlements, seismic design
parameters for the pump station, pavement repair; and any other geotechnical engineering
parameters needed for design.
Geotechnical Engineering Report
Prepare a geotechnical engineering report that provides the data, analyses results, and
recommendations for design.
Plans and Specifications
Assist in the preparation and review of geotechnically related plans and specifications. It is assumed
the Geotechnical Consultant will assist in the preparation or review of the lateral earth pressure plan
for shoring and six specification sections including dewatering, excavation support systems,
earthwork, trenching, foundations, and pavements.
Environmental Testing and Reporting
One soil sample will be collected from each soil boring and one groundwater sample will be
collected from the monitoring well and submitted to an analytical laboratory. The analytical
sample results will be used to characterize soil cuttings and well development purge water
for disposal.
Each soil and groundwater sample will be analyzed for the presence of petroleum
hydrocarbons by the Northwest Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (NWTPH) Hydrocarbon
Identification Method (HCID). Each soil sample will also be analyzed for total Model Toxics
Control Act metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury). If a sample is found to
contain detectable hydrocarbons through HCID, then additional analysis to quantify the
hydrocarbon concentrations will be required. For cost estimating purposes it is assumed that
two soil samples and one groundwater sample will need follow -up testing using either the
NWTPH -total gasoline -range extended petroleum hydrocarbons method (TPH -Gx) or the
NWTPH -total diesel -range extended method (TPH -Dx).
Shannon Wilson will provide the results of the analytical testing along with
recommendations, if any, as part of the geotechnical engineering report.
City Involvement /Requirements
The City will provide documentation (drawings, reports, survey data, etc.) in the vicinity of the Front
Street CSO Phase 2 project to assist in characterizing subsurface conditions. If the data are provided
prior to the proposed geotechnical field explorations and laboratory testing, the proposed
explorations and testing plan can be modified to take advantage of this existing information to and
potentially reduce the number and associated costs of the proposed explorations /laboratory tests.
Task 19.3 Survey and Base Mapping Services
This task provides for additional supplemental survey and development of project base mapping for
the new station site and the pipeline street alignments. Detailed ground surveys will be performed as
necessary to accommodate mapping data derived from City GIS and aerial photos. City supplied
mapping will be supplemented with current information on location of existing utilities, surface
improvements, and detail topography. Required survey and mapping will be performed by the survey
subconsultant to provide base mapping for design and drawing production using AutoCAD 2011 Civil
Scope of Activity
Map triangle property (proposed Pump Station 4 site) and adjacent alley; adjacent Marine
Drive; existing Pump Station 4 site; and area north of existing Pump Station to shoreline.
The mapping corridor will be approximately 3,100 feet along Marine Drive, Front Street, and
Lincoln Street (curb face to curb face) with the mapping coverage sufficient to generate 1-
foot contours. The topographic map will include signalization /channelization, road paving
edges, striping, driveway edges, visible surface utilities, storm drain and sanitary sewer pipe
sizes, and invert elevation and stormwater catch basin surface and invert elevations and
dimensions. Underground utilities will be based on visible surface evidence, City GIS,epaint
marks (by others), and visible surface features such as utility patches. Data will be on
horizontal datum North American Datum of 1983, NAD 83 and vertical datum North
American Vertical Datum of 1988, NAVD 88.
A locate request will be performed utilizing 1- 800 424 -5555 One -Call locate services. All
utilities marked on the ground by representatives of One -Call locate services will be mapped
and shown on the survey. In addition, the City will refer to existing facility drawings and olher
sources to verify subsurface obstructions and utilities. All utilities marked on the ground by
the City will be mapped and added to the survey base map.
The survey information will be provided electronically in AutoCAD format along with two complete
stamped and signed hard -copy record sets (scale 1" 20'). The ASCII point file will also be provided,
with an index to any abbreviations and codes.
Easement preparation is not included or anticipated for this work. The boundaries of the city owned
parcel will not be monumented and a record of survey is not anticipated.
Task 19.4 Permitting and Environmental Support
The objective of this subtask is to provide support for the identification and acquisition of required
permits and compliance with environmental regulations and requirements.
Scope of Activity
SEPA Checklist
The firm of ESA Adolfson (ESA) will prepare a SEPA Checklist, and supporting graphics, in
conformance with the requirements of Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 197 -11 and the City's
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) requirements. ESA will prepare a draft and final SEPA
Environmental Checklist.
One draft electronic copy of the SEPA checklist
One final electronic (camera- ready) and three hard copies of the SEPA checklist
Engineering drawings (assumed at 30% design), will be used for project level review in the
SEPA Checklist.
Any refinements or changes to design following initiation of the checklist will be minor and
will not require substantial revisions to the analysis.
The City will be the sole SEPA lead agency.
One field visit by ESA staff is included in this task.
Two internal reviews of the Draft SEPA Checklist are included in this task.
The City will be the lead on distribution and Public Notice for the SEPA checklist.
The City will be responsible for installing notices or signage, if required.
If a public comment period is provided, ESA will assist the City in providing response to five
public comment letters and two public agency review comment letters.
This task does not include preparation of studies or applications for a critical areas review, or
other submittals. This task assumes that work will not affect any wetland or require any in-
water work.
Any appeal or challenge of the SEPA documents or process will require an amendment to this
scope of work.
City Involvement /Requirements
The City will be responsible for finalizing, printing, distributing, and publishing the required SEPA
Shoreline Permit Aoolication
ESA will prepare a Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application (JARPA) to apply for a Shoreline Permit
from the City. The JARPA package to the City will also include copies of the SEPA Checklist and 30%
One draft electronic copy of the JARPA.
One final electronic (camera- ready) and three hard copies of the JARPA.
This task assumes that the project will require a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, and not
a Shoreline Conditional Use Permit.
SERP Documentation (Contingency)
If requested by the City, ESA will prepare State Environmental Review Process (SERP) documentation
to meet Ecology's funding requirements. All projects that receive financial assistance from the State
Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) must meet the provisions of SERP (WAC 173 -98-
100). SERP compliance helps ensure that environmentally sound alternatives are selected and that
these satisfy the state's responsibility to ensure that recipients comply with federal "cross- cutter"
environmental laws. Ecology has recently updated its SERP compliance guidance with specific
instructions on required documentation. This scope of work includes this most recent guidance.
SERP Cross Cutter Report. ESA will prepare a SERP federal "Cross- Cutter" report consistent with
Ecology's SERP and Federal Cross Cutters Guidelines (August 2011). The SERP Report will include
the following elements:
Federal Cross Cutter Report Components Table
Cross Cutter :,,r, Documentation`
Federal Clean Air Act 'Document compliance in report.
Federal Coastal Zone Management Act Prepare federal consistency certification and submit to EcologyShorelands and Environmental
(CZMA) Assistance Program for review
Endangered Species Act
Prepare "No Effect" Biological Assessment (BA) Letter. Respond to request for additional
information from Ecology and /or EPA.
Essential Fish Habitat 'Document "no adverse effect" as part of "No Effect" BA Letter above.
Federal Cross -Cutter Report Components Table
Environmental Justice
Farmland Protection Policy Act
Floodplain Management
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
Safe Drinking Water Act Document compliance in report.
Task 19.5 Acoustic Evaluation Services
Conduct brief demographic analysis to document environmental justice impacts. Assume no
enhanced public outreach is necessary.
Document compliance in report.
(Document compliance in report.
Assume City's archaeologist will prepare documentation and complete consultation as necessary.
Scope includes coordination between ESA and the City's archaeologist.
One draft electronic copy of No Effect BA Letter
One final electronic and three hard copies of No Effect BA Letter
One draft electronic copy of Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) consistency certification
One final electronic and three hard copies of CZMA consistency certification
One draft electronic copy of SERP Report
One final electronic and three hard copies of SERP Report
Ecology will not substantially revise its SERP guidance from the elements listed above.
The information included in the Engineering Report (Facility Plan) will meet Ecology
requirements for cost effectiveness and alternatives evaluation.
The public processes and notices included as part of SEPA, and /or as undertaken by the City,
will meet SERP requirements for public participation and notice.
The City will provide a copy of the affidavit of publication of the SEPA determination to submit
to Ecology as part of the SERP documentation.
The Phase 2 CSO project does not include any other modifications to the outfall or plant
capacity expansion (not addressed in the previous BA and SEPA Checklist prepared for the
Phase 1 CSO project).
BC will coordinate the services of an acoustic engineering subconsultant to determine probable
noise levels generated by selected and sized mechanical equipment and systems. Noise mitigation
measures will be identified for inclusion in the construction contract that limit noise levels to an
identified standard applied at the property line.
Scope of Activity
Visit the pump station site to measure preconstruction ambient sound levels.
Propose acoustical design criteria for the project based on code limits and ambient noise
Predict operational environmental sound levels associated with the project and provide
general mitigation recommendations to satisfy the proposed acoustical design criteria.
Prepare an initial acoustical narrative outlining the proposed design criteria, updated
equipment sound levels, and general mitigation information.
Update equipment sound level information and the computer noise model based on design
changes since the initial design milestone.
Continue to coordinate mitigation recommendations with mechanical, electrical, and
architectural disciplines, as required.
Prepare an acoustical narrative including updated equipment sound levels and additional
mitigation information.
Comment on specification language relevant to noise- generating equipment or acoustic
As the design progresses, coordinate acoustical recommendations not incorporated in the
previous design submittal.
Prepare coordination memoranda or matrices, as warranted to facilitate coordination.
Prepare a Noise Study document encapsulating the design criteria development: analyzed
noise sources, mitigation included in the design, and predicted sound levels.
30% Acoustical Narrative
60% Acoustical Narrative
90% Acoustical Narrative
Noise Study with sound level contours
Sketches of construction types, as required
Specification input for equipment sound levels, as required
Performance specifications for recommended mitigation, as required
The level of effort includes not more than four meetings and two site visits to collect sound data. The
level of effort is based on a linear design process. Significant delays, and revisions or variations that
occur as the design matures, will result in additional design cost. Any other services as may be
authorized will be billed in accordance with our prevailing hourly rates.
Task 19.6 Quality Control
To provide overall quality control and design check and review of documents produced at the 30
60% and 100% levels of completion
Summaries of quality checks and reconciliations.
Task 19.7 Facility Design and Preparation of Construction Contract Documents
This task develops the design basis and prepares documents for bidding. BC will submit a
preliminary design report at the 30% level and a final edited copy prepared for submittal to Ecology.
Five sets of drawings and specifications for review at each of the 60% and 90% completion levels will
be submitted to the City. Two copies of printed 100% level documents and their electronic files will
be delivered to the City and Ecology at their completion and prior to bid advertisement. Only the final
submittal will be stamped and signed. Specifications and contract documents will be prepared in a
similar format as the Phase 1 documents.
Design activities as described below have been organized around the various design disciplines
performing the different elements of the work. Budget estimates for the various discipline areas will
be developed from a detailed scope of activities and the estimated scope of the drawings and
specifications forming the project contract documents.
Contract drawings will be developed using AutoCAD, AutoCAD MEP, and AutoCAD Civil 3D versions
2011. Design of the mechanical system will present details as depicted in the P piping
drawings and will depict mechanical equipment and pipe sizes above 21/2" diameter. Construction
documents will be generated in 2D drawing format consistent with the list of drawings attached.
Preliminary design report documenting decisions on facility hydraulic /mechanical systems,
facility siting, configuration, general materials, appearance, and specific project
implementation requirements. This document will be used to communicate any revision or
expansion of details of the facilities described in the 2006 CSO Reduction Facilities Plan to
the Department of Ecology and finalize specific scope of design.
Five copies of the drawings and specifications at the 30 60 and 90% submittal level.
Two copies of printed 100% level documents will be delivered at their completion and prior to
bid advertisement. Only the final submittal will be stamped and signed.
One copy of estimate of probable construction cost at each submittal.
Electronic copy of the final submittal on CD.
One stamped and signed final submittal drawing and specification set.
City Involvement /Requirements
Identify and schedule all relevant City staff to review submittals and attend teleconference
review meetings as required.
Complete reviews of 30 60% and 90% design submittals and compile written questions or
instructions with no conflicting comments (3 weeks have been allowed in the project
schedule for City reviews).
Civil Design: Preliminary
Scope of Activity
Pipeline alignment: Review and analyze two alternative pipeline alignments for the diversion
sewer and proposed pump station force main utilizing Front Street and the alley between
First Street and Front Street. Existing utility mapping and City records will be used to analyze
the routes.
Pump station arrangement: In coordination with the other design disciplines, review and
arrange facilities on the proposed pump station site, and possibly the existing pump station
site. Prepare general arrangement drawings for the pump station facility structures, which
can be developed for layout of associated yard piping.
The AutoCAD mapping will be supplemented with available record drawings for the existing
pump station.
One site visit is budgeted for two BC staff.
City Involvement /Requirements
Two pipe alignments alternatives will be prepared and documented with 1" =20' scale plan
view drawings.
Two pump station facility arrangement drawings will be prepared and documented with 1"
20' plan view drawings.
The City will provide base mapping for the existing utilities in AutoCAD format to supplement
mapping by the survey subconsultant.
The City will select the preferred alternatives from the proposed alignment and general
arrangement alternatives and give direction to proceed with detailed design on the selected
Civil Design: Detailed
Scope of Activity
Project work within this activity and led by this discipline includes design of all pipelines and surface
restoration and /or improvements necessary to extend the sewer interceptor from the intersection of
North Lincoln Street and First Street to the proposed pump station location at Marine Drive and
Valley Street; re -route the existing pump station source sewer in Marine Drive to the new pump
station; finish grading, drainage, and surfacing of the existing pump station site; and prepare design
of the pump station force main from the new pump station to the inter -tie with the CSO Phase 1 force
main at the intersection of Front Street and Oak Street.
This task will include all necessary contract drawings and specifications in BC standard Construction
Specifications Institute (CSI) 1995 (17 division) format. Specifications for work within the State
right -of -way (Lincoln Street) shall reference the "Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and
Municipal Construction, 2012 Edition (M41 -10). Final bid documents including construction cost
estimates, design drawings, estimate of construction schedule, and specifications for the preferred
alternative will be provided. Electronic AutoCAD format design drawings will be provided to the City
at the 60% design review for use by the City to generate exhibit maps for public outreach and
Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) permit applications as needed.
Utility Permitting/Franchise Permit services with WSDOT are excluded from this scope.
The stormwater drainage system for the pump station site will be designed per City of Port
Angeles Urban Services Standards, Chapter 5 Stormwater. Sanitary sewer service
connections will not be made to the sewer interceptor.
Storm drain modifications or improvements along the route of the sewer interceptor are not
included in this scope. Design package will include temporary erosion and sediment control
Lincoln Street and Front Street will be restored within the areas impacted by construction to
match their existing conditions. Front Street construction is similar to that of First Street and
the level of restoration anticipated is similar to the First Street Stormwater Separation project
completed in 2011.
Process Mechanical Design
Scope of Activity
Project work within this activity and led by this discipline includes design of all mechanical process
systems including pumping systems, standby generator, instrument air if needed, and related
equipment selection.
No demolition will be required related to the existing pump station or new site. The generator is
assumed to be a complete system with integral tank (separate fuel storage and day tanks not
required). The building roof is assumed to be flat and able to support the exhaust silencer. The work
may be done using 3D software, but the work product will be 2D drawings, including PI &Ds and
mechanical drawings.
Plan /profile drawings for pipelines will be presented at 1 =20' horizontal and 5' vertical at
full -size drawing format. Area plans will be presented at 1 =10' at full -size drawing format.
Generally, specifications will include earthwork, pipe materials and installation, site control,
and restoration.
Electronic AutoCAD format design drawing files will be provided with a conformed set
submittal at the completion of the bid phase.
Various design area plans and sections, consistent with the attached drawing list, will be produced.
The 30% design will include process and instrumentation diagrams (P &IDs) and general
arrangement drawings (completed in 2D) only. Design supporting specifications will generally fall into
Divisions 11 through 15.
Surge Analysis
BC will develop a hydraulic transient model of the selected pumping equipment and systems
including the force main systems. The model will be used to estimate the magnitude of hydraulic
transient pressures after a power failure (i.e., pressure surges, water hammer) and identify a strategy
for mitigating the pressures consistent with the constraints of the force mains including those
segments in the Phase 1 design. The design team will incorporate effective surge control elements
into the project design plans and specifications.
The surge analysis will be performed at two phases of the design project. As BC prepares the 30%
design, a surge analysis will be performed to identify surge control requirements and potential
equipment to incorporate into the design. These results will be presented to the City for concurrence
as part of a Preliminary Design Report. As BC prepares the 60% design plans, the initial surge model
will be refined to include any updates to the pump station layout, pump and motor characteristics,
force main profile, and /or operating scenarios. Once the model is updated, the proposed surge
control measures will be distributed to the entire team, and will be reevaluated and modified if
necessary. The results will be summarized in a technical memorandum.
Scope of Activity
The following work activities will be performed in coordination with the 30% design:
Construct a surge model using pump station and force main plans, pump selections, and
hydraulic calculations
Develop flow scenarios for the surge analysis. Scenarios will include the maximum possible
flow rates for the 24 -inch, 30 -inch, and combined 24- and 30- inch diameter service
Use the model to estimate surge pressures (after a power failure) for the baseline "no surge
controls" condition for each scenario
Consult with the design team to select the surge control methods to evaluate (e.g., vacuum
breaker /air release valves, increased system inertia, surge tanks)
Use the model to evaluate the effectiveness of the different surge control approaches (e.g.,
combining vacuum breaker /air release valves with additional inertia vs. only providing
additional inertia)
Develop a preferred strategy to incorporate into the project design
The following work activities will be performed in coordination with the 60% design:
Update the surge model to incorporate any revisions to the pump station layout, pump and
motor characteristics, force main profile, and /or operating scenarios
Evaluate proposed surge control measures and modify if necessary
Prepare a technical memorandum that summarizes the surge analysis method, results, and
recommendations for design
Coordinate with the design team to develop and prepare surge control provisions and
associated detail drawings and specifications
Technical memorandum that summarizes the surge analysis method, results, and recommendations
for design
The surge analysis will focus on power failure /pump failure, because this is the worst -case condition
for generating pressure surges.
Building Mechanical Design
Scope of Activity
Project work within this activity and led by this discipline includes design of all building mechanical
systems and related equipment selection, including HVAC, plumbing, and odor control systems.
No demolition work will be required by the Building Mechanical discipline related to the existing
pump station or new site. The odor control is assumed to be a carbon system and chemical addition
to the force main using bioxide. The work may be done using 3D software, but the work product will
be 2D drawings, including PI &Ds and mechanical drawings.
Various design area plans and sections, consistent with the attached drawing list, will be produced.
Design supporting specifications will generally fall into Divisions 11 and 15. Specifications related to
odor control equipment and ductwork will fall into Division 13.
Structural Design
Scope of Activity
Project work within this activity and led by the Structural discipline includes structural design of the
Pump Station 4 enclosure to house pumps, motors, electrical and control equipment, chemical
feeding components, and HVAC and odor control equipment. Depending on space requirements on
the triangular site, some components could be housed in a second building.
Pump Station 4 structure will consist of a below -grade cast -in -place (CIP) reinforced concrete wet
well and surge storage and may include a pump room depending on pump selection, and an above
grade building to enclose pump motors, electrical equipment and auxiliary systems including odor
control and chemical feeding systems. Separate rooms may be required for proper space
classification and to improve fit on the triangular site. The above -grade building will be a cuslom
design "stick frame" building consisting of solid grout concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls and steel
roof beams with a steel deck (flat roof). Steel monorail beams will be supported from the steel roof
beams. Structural design issues requiring special attention at Pump Station 4 include constrained
site area and setback conditions, triangular shape of site, and shoring and buoyancy issues. A
significant effort will be required for building layout, siting, and coordination /design of geotechnical
components of this building.
The performance specified standby generator and weather /sound enclosure will be supported on a
concrete slab and foundation designed by BC.
Architectural appearance is an important issue for the above -grade buildings to be coordinated with
the project Architect. The appearance schemes and requirements shall be satisfied within the
context of the structural building systems described above.
Various design area plans and sections, consistent with the attached drawing list, will be produced.
Design supporting specifications will generally fall into Divisions 3 through 8.
Electrical Design
Scope of Activity
Project work within this activity and led by this discipline includes design of electrical power supply
and distribution required for electric motor driven equipment, power- operated instruments, and
space lighting and heating. The project includes provisions for new service entrance equipment,
motor control center, standby generator, four variable frequency drive driven pumps, odor control,
chemical metering and pumping, building and site lighting, and HVAC as needed.
The various design area plans and sections (such as Civil and Mechanical), that show locations of
equipment and components that require electric power, will be used to separately show power
systems. Diagrams showing power supply sources and subsystems for power distribution will also be
presented in drawing format as noted on the attached drawing list. Design supporting specifications
will generally fall into Division 16 with two sections from Division 11 included in the electrical design.
Reviews will be conducted at 30 60 and 90
Project design duration is approximately 18 months.
Pumps will require up to four 250 horsepower (hp) VFD- driven, electric motors.
BC will coordinate electrical service with the City electric utility.
At 30% only the single -line diagrams, Site Plan, and General Arrangement drawings will be
All drawings and draft technical specifications will be issued at 60
A complete design package will be issued at 90% and 100% design.
P &IDs will be complete 3 -weeks prior to 60% design submittal.
l&C wire counts will be available for coordination just after 60% design submittal.
Instrumentation and Control Design
Scope of Activity
Project work within this activity and led by this discipline includes design of instrumentation and
control (I &C) systems responsible for manual or automated operation of electric motor driven
equipment, gates, and valves incorporated into the new Pump Station 4. Data and system status
including alarms will be gathered and communicated through l&C systems.
It is intended that this contract will utilize PLC /SCADA hardware as directed by the City. All
programming will be provided by the City designated PLC /SCADA vendor under a separate contract.
The contract documents will include the necessary language for the Phase 2 construction contractor
to coordinate the pump station work with the PLC /SCADA vendor for proper operation of the pump
station and integration into the City SCADA system.
Design drawings will include instrumentation system diagrams, control diagrams, and loop diagrams.
Various design area plans and sections may be used to show field locations of relevant l&C devices.
Estimated drawing requirements are shown in the attached drawing list. Design supporting
specifications will generally fall into Division 17.
Task 19.8 Preparation of Cost Estimate
This scope and budget provides for probable construction cost estimates at the 30 60 and 90%
levels of design completion. The estimate will be based on the level of detail presented in the
submittal with allowances for work not fully described by drawing or specification.
One copy of the estimate of probable construction cost at the designated submittals.
Task 19.9 Project Management
To provide overall design team leadership and guidance to align the project with the City objectives
and provide project deliverables within budget and time constraints. To coordinate, monitor, and
control the project resources to meet the technical, communication, and contractual obligations
required for developing and implementing the Phase 1 CSO improvements.
Scope of Activity
Invoices /Status: Prepare monthly invoices, including expenditures by task, hours worked by
project personnel, and other direct expenses with the associated backup. Comparisons of
monthly expenditures and cumulative charges,will be compared to budget by task.
Coordination with the Owner: Maintain communication with the City via telephone, e-mail,
and fax communication. Conduct weekly one -hour teleconference progress meetings;
prepare and distribute meeting minutes. Monitor project progress and advise the City when
scope, schedule, or budget changes may be required.
Management and Coordination of Staff: Manage and coordinate the technical and scope
issues of the overall project. Conduct specific design progress meetings as appropriate.
Coordination of Subconsultants: Coordinate with subconsultants on specific tasks, scope,
and budget. Conduct design progress meetings as appropriate.
QA/QC: Conduct quality review of the design documents and related materials at 60 90
and 100% completion levels. Review the City's comments and QA /QC reviewers' comments
and incorporate them into subsequent versions of the design documents.
Meeting agenda and summaries of key meeting issues and action items
Monthly status reports that include any scope, schedule, or budget issues anticipated or
Monthly invoices
Labor estimates are based on 19 -month schedule shown in Exhibit C.
City of Port Angeles CSO Phase 2 Design
Preliminary Drawing List
Port Angeles Phase 2 Drawing List
Count Cat Dwg Description
Cover Sheet
Index of Drawings, Location and Vicinity Map
Standard Symbols
Standard Symbols
General Abbreviations
General Notes 1
General Notes 2
PS- Existing Site Plan /Erosion Control Plan
PS -Site Layout /Survey Control
PS- Demolition Plan
1PS -Yard Piping Plan
PS- Paving Plan
PS- Grading, Drainage and Landscaping Plan
1PS -Yard Piping Details
PS- Drainage Details
PS -Site Details
PS- Paving Details
Front Street -Plan and Profile Front St Diversion 1
Front Street -Plan and Profile Front St Diversion 2
Front Street -Plan and Profile Front St Diversion 3
Front Street -Plan and Profile Front St Diversion 4
Front Street -Plan and Profile Front St Diversion 5
Front Street -Plan and Profile Force Main Completion 1
Front Street -Plan and Profile Force Main Completion 2
Front Street -Plan and Profile Marine Dr Source Sewer
Front Street Paving Plan 1
Front Street Paving Plan 2
Front Street- Paving 3
Front Street Paving Plan 4
Front Street Striping Plan 1
Front Street Striping Plan 2
Front Street Striping Plan 3
Front Street Striping Plan 4
Front Street- Erosion Control Plan 1
Front Street Erosion Control Plan 2
Front Street- Erosion Control Plan 3
Front Street Erosion Control Plan 4
Front Street Erosion Control Details 1
Front Street -Sewer Details 1
Front Street -Sewer Details 2
Front Street Drainage Details 1
Front Street Paving and Striping Details -1
Front Street- Paving and Striping Details 2
Front Street Miscelaneous Details 1
Front Street Miscelaneous Details 2
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City of Port Angeles CSO Phase 2 Design
Preliminary Drawing List
Count Cat Dwg Description
Arch Cover sheets, notes, schedules 1
Arch Cover sheets, notes, schedules 2
Arch Cover sheets, notes, schedules 3
Arch ISite Plan and details 1
Arch ISite Plan and details 2
Arch I Floor Plans 1
Arch Floor Plans 2
Arch Exterior building Elevations 1
Arch Exterior building Elevations 2
Arch I Building Sections 1
Arch Building Sections 2
Arch Wall Sections 1
Arch Wall Sections 2
Arch I Wall Sections 3
Arch Roof Plan
Arch Ceiling Plan 1
Arch Ceiling Plan 2
Arch General Building Details 1
Arch IGeneral Building Details 2
Arch General Building Details 3
Arch Door, Window, Finish Schedules 1
Arch I Door, Window, Finish Schedules 2
S IStructural General Notes 1
S Structural General Notes 2
S Special Inspection Notes 1
S Special Inspection Notes 2
S Standard Details 1
S IStandard Details 2
S IStandard Details 3
S (Standard Details 4
S Standard Details 5
S Demolition Miscellaneous Structural
S Pump Station #4 Pump Room Plan
S I Pump Station #4 Storage Addition Plan
S Pump Station #4 Motor Room Plan
S Pump Station #4 Chemical Feed System Room Plan
S Pump Station #4 Ground Floor Plan
S Pump Station #4 Roof Plan
S I Pump Station #4 Sections -1
S I Pump Station #4 Sections 2
S I Pump Station #4 Sections 3
S I Pump Station #4 Sections 4
S I Pump Station #4 CMU Wall Elevations
S Pump Station #4 Monorail Plan and Sections
S Pump Station #4 Sections and Details -1
S Pump Station #4 Sections and Details -2
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City of Port Angeles CSO Phase 2 Design
Preliminary Drawing List
Count Cat Dwg Description
S Pump Station #4 Sections and Details -3
S Pump Station #4 Sections and Details -4
S Pump Station #4 Sections and Details -5
S Pump Station #4 Sections and Details 6
S Generator Enclosure Foundation Plan
S Generator Enclosure Foudation Sections and Details
S Odor Control Room Ground Floor Plan
S Odor Control Room Roof Plan
S Odor Control Room Sections
S 10dor Control Room CMU Wall Elevations
S 1 Odor Control Room Sections and Details 1
S Odor Control Room Sections and Details 2
S Site Retaining Walls
S Miscellaneous Structures 1
S 1 Miscelleneous Structures 2
PID1 Legend and Symbols 1
PID2 Legend and Symbols 2
PID3 1 Legend and Symbols 3
1 PID100 Influent System
PID101 Wet Well Level
PID102 1 Pump 1
PID103 Pump 2
PID104 Pump 3
PID105 Pump 4
PID106 Flow Meter and Force Main Isolation
PID107 Drainage and Sump Pumps
PID108 Utility Water System
PID109 Seal Water Pumps and Flush Water Pump
PID110 Fire Protection Water Supply
PID111 1Instrument Air System
PID112 Miscellaneous Systems
PID2 Legend and Symbols 2
PID200 Standby Generator
PID3 Legend and Symbols 3
PID300 1 Foul Air System
PID301 Chemical Feed System
M1 Pipe Supports
M2 Pipe Anchors
M3 Pipe Guides
M4 Structural Attachments
M5 Seismic Restraints
M6 Wall and Floor Penetrations
M7 Utility Station Details
M8 1Control Unit Details
M9 Drain and Cleanout Details
M10 1Vents, Gauges, and Drain Details
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City of Port Angeles CSO Phase 2 Design
Preliminary Drawing List
Count Cat Dwg Description
M11 Miscellaneous Details 1
M12 Miscellaneous Details 2
M101 Pumping Station Lower Floor Plan
M102 Pumping Station Ground Floor Plan
M103 Pumping Station Wetwell Partial Plan
M104 Generator Area Plan and Section
M105 Pumping Station Section 1
M106 Pumping Station Section 2
M107 Pumping Station Section 3
M108 Pumping Station Section 4
M109 Pumping Station Section 5
M110 Pumping Station Section 6
M300 Pumping Station Odor Control System Plan
M301 'Odor Control Partial Plan
M302 Odor Control Section 1
M303 Odor Control Section 2
H101 HVAC Lower Room Plan
H102 HVAC Ground Floor Plan
H105 'Plumbing Lower Floor Plan
H106 'Plumbing Ground Floor Plan
E 'Symbols Abbreviations
E 'Symbols Abbreviations
E Symbols Abbreviations
E Details
E Details
E 'Details
E Conduit Cable Schedule
E Conduit Cable Schedule
E Panel Schedules
E Panel Schedules
E MCC Schedules
E Single -Line Diagram
E Single -Line Diagram
E Electrical Site Plan
E 'Lower Floor Electrical Plan
E 'Ground Floor Electrical Plan
E 'Odor Control Electrical Plan
E Electrical Room Partial Plan
E Generator Room Partial Plan
l&C l&C Notes
l&C Control System Architecture
l&C Panel Layouts -1
l&C Panel Layouts -2
l&C Panel Layouts -3
l &C Panel Wiring Diagrams -1
l&C Panel Wiring Diagrams -2
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City of Port Angeles CSO Phase 2 Design
Preliminary Drawing List
Count Cat Dwg Description
l&C Panel Wiring Diagrams -3
l&C Analog I/O Wiring Diagrams -1
I &C IAnalog I/O Wiring Diagrams -2
I &C I Digital I/O Wiring Diagrams -1
I &C I Digital I/O Wiring Diagrams -2
I &C I Instrument Details -1
l&C Instrument Details -2
l&C Motor Schematics -1
I &C Motor Schematics -2
l&C Motor Schematics -3
l&C I Motor Schematics -4
I &C I UPS Wiring Diagrams
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1 through 11
To Amendment 15
WW10 -2008
CSO PHASE I (Amendment 1 through 14)
Septage Receiving Station Design
Headworks Screens Design
Integrated CSO Monitoring Design
WWTP Project Integration Monitoring
First St Stormwater Separation
Industrial Outfall Repair and Cleaning
Engineering Services during Construction (of CSO Ph 1)
Through Amendment 14
19 CSO PHASE II (Amendment 15)
19.1 Architectural Services
19.2 Geotechnical Engineering Services
19.3 Surveying and Base Mapping Services
19.4 Permitting and Environmental Support
19.5 Acoustic Evaluation Services
19.6 Quality Control
19.7 Facility Design and Preparation of Construction Contract Documents:
Civil Design; Preliminary
Civil Design; Detailed
Process Mechanical Design
Surge Analysis
Building Mechanical Design
Structural Design
Electrical Design
Instrumentation and Control Design
19.8 'Preparation of Cost Estimate
19.9 IProject Management
Subtotal 'Task 19
To Amendment 15
Schedule is Forthcoming, within 8 weeks of Notice to Proceed.