HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.788 Amendment (5)AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO THE
PROJECT 06 -01
THIS AMENDMENT NO 4 is made and entered into this 15th day of September
2009, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non charter code city of
the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY and Brown and Caldwell, Inc a
California Corporation (hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT
WHEREAS, the CITY entered in to an AGREEMENT with the CONSULTANT on July 5,
2006, (the AGREEMENT), and
WHEREAS, the CITY and CONSULTANT amended the AGREEMENT on February 21,
2007, and May 9, 2007 and March 20, 2008 (the AMENDMENTS), and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to amend the AGREEMENT again to amend the Scope of
Work, Budget, and Time of Performance,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the representations and the terms, conditions,
covenants and agreements set forth in this AMENDMENT, the Agreement and the
Amendments are hereby amended as follows
The amended scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be
achieved by the CONSULTANT pursuant to the AGREEMENT shall be amended by
adding to the work identified in the Agreement and the Amendments the tasks identified
in the attached Exhibit A to Amendment 4 The Scope of Work shall include all services
and material necessary to accomplish the work
The work for all Tasks shall be completed by December 1, 2011
Amendment No 4 to Brown and Caldwell Agreement, 06 -0 I
The CONSULTANT'S total compensation and reimbursement are stated in the attached
Exhibit B to Amendment 4 Current billing rates referenced in Section V.A of the
Agreement are amended as shown in the attached Exhibit C to Amendment 4 The
maximum compensation amount, referenced in Section VI of the Agreement, is amended
from $1,847,641 in Amendment 3, to $2,997,641 in Amendment 4, an increase of
$1,150,000. The budget for any Task may be further adjusted by mutual agreement
without an amendment to the Agreement, as long as the maximum compensation
amount of $2,997,649 is not exceeded
Except as modified herein, the Agreement and the Amendments shall remain in effect.
In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No 4 to the
Agreement as of the day and year first wntten above.
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Amendment No 4 to Brown and Caldwell Agreement, 06-01
To Amendment 4
Brown and Caldwell (BC) has prepared this complete Scope of Services for Amendment 4
to the referenced services agreement in order to accommodate a suspension of the design
of the major pipehnes for Phase 1 CSO Project, to complete the detailed design of the CSO
Phase 1 projects, and to provide for additional work A substantial shift in the alignment of
the major pipelines was developed dunng review of the May, 2008 submittal of 60% design
documents, and is referred to as the June 2008 Ahgnment
Amendment 4 to the Professional Services Agreement 06 -01 essentially re- budgets the
design scope developed as Amendment 2 in order to incorporate the June 2008 Alignment
into the design and provides for some additional work related to the City's CSO Program
Specific new design requirements and revisions of the May, 2008 60% design are described
below, incorporated with the scope identified in Amendment 2 The City's designated Task
11 describes work required to change and complete contract documents for the project The
scope of work described as Task 11 is arranged to follow the work breakdown structure in
Amendment 2
The original Amendment 2 scope, which was approved May 9, 2007, is summarized below
Brown and Caldwell (BC) has prepared this Scope of Services for the design of Phase 1
improvements as part of the implementation of the Port Angeles CSO Plan. These
improvements are described more completely in the final Engineering Report titled "City of
Port Angeles Phase 1 CSO Projects Amendment to Facility Plan" This report was
submitted to Department of Ecology as a supplement to the City's CSO Plan The Phase 1
improvements are a complete set of projects designed to bring the City into the first level of
comphance in year 2010 as specified in an Agreed Order between the City and Ecology
This Scope of Services provides for engineering design and permitting services to prepare
construction contract documents for the following project elements as described in the
Engineering Report
1 New force mains for the future Pump Station 4 to be inserted through the
industrial waterhne (IWL) between Oak Street and Francis Street Park,
2 New Francis Street siphon from CSO 10 to the City's wastewater treatment
plant The new force mains will parallel the siphon from the park to plant,
all placed in a berm constructed above ground along the toe of the marine
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3 New diversion structure near the plant headworks that will divert flow
exceeding plant capacity Related facilities include overflow piping,
headworks connection piping and a sulfide control chemical feed system
4 Flow diversion systems including pumping stations and pipehnes between
the diversion structure and the new storage facility
5 Conversion and equipping the existing industrial tank for use for storage of
CSO flows Provision of a tank overflow pipeline and connection to the
city outfall
6 New outfall pipeline, parallel the existing outfall between the plant and a
location planned for connection to the industrial outfall and diffuser
7 New splitter box for diverting peak flow to the existing industrial outfall
and diffuser
8 Plant modifications for increasing peak flow rates through the plant
including a new submersible chemical induction system at the existing
chlorine contact tank, replacement of the existing launders in the
rectangular primary clarifier, replacement the existing trickling filter
distributors and addition of a new trickling filter pump
9 Related site work, electrical, instrumentation and control systems, and
miscellaneous appurtenances
The Scope of Services has been separated into the following seven different tasks for clarity
1 Project management
2 Survey and base mapping services
3 Cultural resources consultation services
4 Geotechnical engineering services
5 Permitting
6 Facility design and development of construction contract documents
7 Assistance during Bidding and Award of Contract
A separate scope of services will be prepared for engineering related support during
construction to be based upon the completed designs
Because of the extent of design change, additional costs will be incurred Estimated costs
of the revised and additional effort are presented in Exhibit B, and Exhibit C details current
labor rates The basis for cost projections and scheduling is an assumption that the City
will authorize work to begin no later than August 1, 2009 and that approval -ready
documents will be produced to submit to Ecology by October, 2010 Draft plans and
specifications will be submitted to Ecology for information and discussion at 90%
completion If the work cannot be started by August 1 a direct shift in schedule and
adjustment for cost escalation may be required The revised schedule for completion of
the Phase 1 scope of service is attached as Schedule D
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Brown and Caldwell submitted 60% complete plans and specifications for construction of
the Phase 1 CSO Improvements in May, 2008, as generally descnbed in the Amendment
to 2006 CSO Reduction Facilities Plan as approved by Department of Ecology At
around that time, City implementation of state archaeological review requirements and
increased concerns for construction- related archaeological impacts led the City, with BC
assistance, to re- examine alternatives for design and construction of the needed CSO
pipelines and new parallel outfall In addition, the City determined that a shift in
proposed pipeline alignments would simplify project implementation by avoiding
wetland impacts, reducing impacts to the Olympic Discovery Trail, minimizing street
reconstruction of existing site access roads, and by taking advantage of surface
topography The new alignment requires a bndge that will also carry the Olympic
Discovery trail and provide vehicular maintenance access, rather than the sewer trestle
that was previously proposed
All efforts toward finalizing the design approach were suspended when the City was
unable to gain access to Rayonier -owned properties to complete on -site investigations
associated with the project An access agreement with Rayonier Properties, LLC, was
finalized March 6, 2009 In the intenm, the City consulted with the Lower Elwha Klallam
Tnbe, Rayonier, and other stakeholders regarding the design changes
The pipeline alignments are sufficiently relocated to require new design work to be done
For example, new survey and mapping will be required for much of the new alignment,
and the bndge design is a new element of the design Some planned work need only to
be refocused to the new alignment for example, the soil bonngs and ground condition
analysis will be redirected to the new alignment In addition, the realignment of the major
conveyance pipelines will require revision of other project elements, such as the
diversion structure and the parallel relief outfall, to fully accommodate the changes
This scope and associated budget are based on the design proceeding as quickly as
possible to the development of drawings and specifications Initial tasks for restarting the
design project include a luckoff meeting with the City, BC, and the subconsultants,
additional survey, identification of geotechnical bonng and other site investigation,
coordination with the Dept of Archaeology and Histonc Preservation (DAHP) and the
Lower Elwha Klallam Tnbe (LEKT) to allow excavation on site, assessment of the 42"
FRP pipeline, and adherence to site access terms and conditions of the agreement
between the City and Rayonier
It is recognized that some final facility configurations will be developed in the initial
phase of restarting the design project that are subject to approval of the City and/or
others Insofar as possible, these decisions will be finalized before proceeding with
detailed design These decisions include
1 Alignment and elevations of all major pipelines, including those now routed around
the east side of the industrial storage tank This includes determining the feasibility of
utilizing the existing 42" FRP pipe for WWTP effluent
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2 Preferred conceptual design of the bridge over Ennis Creek, including number and
length of spans and spatial relationships of pipelines, traffic and Discovery Trail
3 Confirm alignment and connection details at Francis St Park, as identified in 60%
4 Confirm location of the terminus of the Industrial Water Line (IWL) work
Schedule and budget estimates are based on these decisions being made within 45
working days following the completion of new project base mapping
Task 11 Complete Detailed Design
Pre design and design were partially completed, through 60% submittal and comments,
under previous amendments to the Agreement specifically as Tasks 1 through 10
Remaining funds for these tasks are transferred to the following appropnate Subtasks
under Amendment 4 Task 11
Task 11.1 Project Management
To provide overall design team leadership and guidance to align the project with City
of Port Angeles (City) objectives and provide project deliverables within budget and
time constraints To coordinate, monitor, and control the project resources to meet
the technical, communication, and contractual obligations required for developing
and implementing the Phase 1 CSO improvements
11.1.1 Invoices /Status
Prepare monthly invoices, including expenditures by task, hours worked by project
personnel, and other direct expenses with the associated backup Comparisons of
monthly expenditures and cumulative charges will be compared to budget by task
11.1 2 Coordination with the Owner
Maintain communication with the City via telephone, email, and fax communication
Conduct monthly teleconference progress meetings, prepare and distribute meeting
minutes Monitor project progress and advise City when scope, schedule or budget
changes may be required What about on -site meetings, and 60% and 90% submittals?
11.1.3 Management and Coordination of Staff
Manage and coordinate the technical and scope issues of the overall project
Conduct specific design progress meetings as appropriate
11.1.4 Coordination of Subconsultants
Coordinate with subconsultants on specific tasks, scope, and budget Conduct design
progress meetings as appropriate
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11.1.5 QA /QC
Conduct quahty review of the design documents and related materials at 60 90
and 100 percent completion levels Review the City's comments and QA /QC
reviewers' comments and incorporate them into subsequent versions of the design
Task Dekverables
1 Meeting agenda and summaries of key meeting issues and action items
2 Monthly status reports that include any scope, schedule or budget issues
anticipated or arising
3 Monthly invoices
Task 11.2. Survey and Base Mapping Services
The budget for this task is increased to provide for additional supplemental survey and
development of project base mapping for that portion of the new alignment that extends
outside the scope of mapping completed to date Budget estimates include cost
escalation to a new extended schedule
This task provides detailed surveying as necessary to upgrade mapping derived from
City GIS and aerial photos for the design of proposed conveyance and flow
management systems Generally it is expected that City mapping will be
supplemented with current information on location of existing uuhues, surface
improvements, and detail topography Required survey and mapping updates will be
performed by a survey subconsultant to provide base mapping for design and
drawing production of the June 2008 Alignment
The survey subconsultant will also prepare permanent and construction easements
required to accommodate the final conveyance pipelines and flow management
system locations
An estimated cost has been included in the Task 2 budget for the preparation
of legal descriptions needed for City acquisition in a form customary for use
m Clallam County The budget estimate is based on an assumed number of
20 properties to be crossed and a cost estimate from the survey
subconsultant of $750 for preparation of easement descripuons for each
City Involvement
The City will negotiate and acquire all property and easements required for the
proposed project
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The survey subconsultant will perform topographic surveying or cross sections to
supplement mapping prepared for the initial 60% design completed in May, 2008
Additional mapping of topography and existing features shall be provided as follows
1 From the 60% alignment near the western edge of Rayomer property along
June 2008 Alignment to new Ennis Creek crossing, and further east to the
previous basemap survey along the outfall alignment,
2 An expanded area near new creek crossing site to allow for roadway
accommodation and hydraulic analysis,
3 Final pipeline ahgnments related to CSO storage, outfall piping, and the
existing foam tank, to extend at least 10 feet beyond the hmits of grading,
4 Additional wetland areas within new alignments as may be dehneated by the
environmental subconsultant,
5 Along Francis Street, extending south one block to the alley between
Georgiana St and Front St A 40 ft wide strip along the southeast margin of
the 2007 survey at Francis St Park, north of the angle point in the proposed
6 Locate and provide survey reference descriptions for the location of the
Rayomer outfall suitable to meet the requirements of the Department of
Natural Resources (DNR) Mapping shall distinguish between the outfall
pipeline and diffuser section
The survey subconsultant will provide ground surveys to collect and compile
mapping of the following data for the above referenced ahgnments and areas
1 Ground Data Provide topographic contours at 1 -foot intervals along
segments above (except where cross sections are required) Provide point
data and TIN model data in AutoCAD format Data will be on horizontal
datum North American Datum of 1983, NAD 83 and vertical datum North
American Vertical Datum of 1988, NAVD 88
2 Cross- section data Provide spot elevations of cross sections No cross
sections required for 2009 work
3 Spot elevations Provide spot elevations at the wastewater treatment plant
4 Utihnes A locate request will be performed utilizing 1- 800 424 -5555 one call
locate services All utilities marked on the ground by representatives of said
service will be mapped and shown on said survey In addition, the City will
refer to existing facility drawings and other sources to verify subsurface
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obstructions and utilities All utilities marked on the ground by the City will
be mapped and added to the survey basemap
5 Media The survey information will be provided electronically in
AutoCAD format along with two complete stamped and signed hardcopy
record sets (scale 1" 20') The ASCII point file shall also be provided, with
an index to any abbreviations and codes
6 Easement research A review of existing records will be performed along the
proposed route to determine if easements must be acquired along the
pipeline alignments and flow management project areas Subconsultant shall
coordinate with the City before beginning this task, because many existing
records have been collected and mapped
7 Survey Soil Bonng Locations Field surveying will be performed to locate
soil borings performed for the pipehne design
Task Deliverable
1 One copy of the survey base map and data files in AutoCAD format The
2009 data will be integrated with the 2007 data, and a new TIN produced as
the basis for an integrated base map
2 Additional survey data as required for instance, to pick up soil boring
3 Legal descriptions and exhibits for required easements
Task 11. 3. Cultural Resources Consultation Services
It is expected that primary responsibility for archaeological considerations and compliance
will be assumed by the City's staff archaeologist The scope presented in Amendment 2 has
been completed The remaining budget is retained to be used in the event of unanticipated
further work including design coordination with the City's archaeologist A specific notice to
proceed will be required from the City before work is undertaken under this task The scope
presented in Amendment 2 is repeated as follows
Prior to design, research studies and limited explorations were made to determine
the likelihood of encountering culturally significant materials Based on these
findings the proposed designs were configured to maximize avoidance of excavation
in previously undisturbed areas Some excavation will be required in areas of
previous filling This task provides on- going, as- needed archaeological consultation
and liaison with the design team, the City and the Tribe, as may be necessary
The subconsultant will be available to meeting with the City and tribal members and
available to address any questions or concerns regarding the proposed design and
construction The estimated budget includes a not -to- exceed allowance for the
subconsultant activity and requires a specific request for subconsultant support
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Task 11 4. Geotechrucal Engineering Services
Most of the work remaining to be done will be work planned and budgeted under
Amendment 2 but shifted to the new alignment. Additional site reconnaissance and
marking of the boring locations, checking utilities, meeting with the City, and re-
coordinating the dnlling subcontractors will be required The new alignment is expected
to cross over areas of early fills of questionable competence therefore, some additional
effort is anticipated to evaluate potential settlement of the pipeline berm Additional
explorations are also required to support the new bndge design
Because investigations by DOE and others have disclosed the presence or suspected
presence of contamination at the Rayonier Mill property, a new subtask provides for an
assessment of subsurface soil and groundwater contamination that could affect the
project design or construction requirements BC will provide field personnel dunng the
geotechnical investigation for identifying and charactenzing contamination within
boreholes and test pits, will develop a Rayonier site investigation plan, and a plan for
managing contaminated soils that may be encountered dunng construction
All ground disturbing activities shall comply with the City's Archaeological Work Plan,
which has been reviewed and approved by DAHP and LEKT The AWP requirements
include but are not limited to
1 All ground disturbances within the Rayonier Mill Property will be supervised
by the City Archaeologist
2 The City will provide training on archaeological monitonng issues to
construction personnel at a pre -work meeting Operators will not be allowed
to work on the Project who have not received this training
Refer to the Archaeological Work Plan for the Czty of Port Angeles Exploratory Design
Work for the complete requirements
Budget estimates include cost escalation to the new extended schedule and expenses
incurred for the onginal dnlhng setups and cancellations An allowance is included for
additional and deeper borings to adequately define foundation conditions for the
proposed traffic /pipeline bndge over Ennis Creek Amendment 2 design scope remains
appropriate, except for the addition of Activity 11 4 4, Site Soils Assessment, as follows
BC will provide and coordinate the services of a geotechmcal subconsultant to
perform a geotechmcal investigation along the proposed pipehne alignment and at
selected facility locations including the open cut pipeline section through Francis
Street Park, the surface pipeline alignment, the aenal pipeline crossing, and the flow
diversion structure adjacent to the wastewater treatment plant Substantial
information on soil conditions in the industrial area exists and will be used to
supplement the geotechmcal investigations The design phase geotechmcal work will
verify soils conditions specific to the type of improvements to be constructed at
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their proposed locations and provide design cntena for limiting settlements or other
adverse conditions
11.4.1 Geotechnical Reconnaissance
BC will coordinate a field reconnaissance along the proposed project alignment to
identify areas of soft or unstable soils, hard to dense soils, erosion, landslides, springs
and seepages, boring locations, construction access, other surface information, and
related issues
11.4.2 Geotechnical Investigations
The geotechmcal subconsultant will perform geotechnical investigations along the
proposed pipeline alignment and at selected facility locauons to characterize
geotechnical conditions The effort includes obtaining permits for drilling, perform
soil borings, develop boring logs, perform laboratory tests, and characterize the
geology The three 30 -foot deep (two at aerial crossing at Ennis Creek and one at
the flow diversion structure) and one 15 -foot deep (at Francis Street Park) soil
borings will be drilled using a track- mounted drill rig and mud rotary techniques
The twelve shallow borings (10- to 15 -feet deep along the surface pipeline
alignment) will be drilled using a small portable auger
11.4.3 Geotechnical Analyses and Report
A geotechnical analyses will be performed and will include assessment of soil
conditions and properties, groundwater conditions, soil and groundwater loads on
shored excavations and permanent structures, dewater requirements and methods,
footing and pile capacities, pile driving criteria, foundation assessment of pipelines
and structures, slope stability, seismic investigation, and other geotechnical
engineering parameters An engineering report will be prepared to summarize the
data, results, and recommendations
11.4.4 Site Soils Assessment
Identify areas within the proposed construction limits that have the potential for
subsurface soil and groundwater contamination that could adversely affect the
project based on a review of the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology)
database and reports for the Rayonier Mill Site
Prepare an investigation plan for identifying contamination during the
geotechnical exploration phase This plan will identify areas with potential soil
and/or groundwater contamination, proposed borehole or test pit locations, field
testing methods, laboratory analysis methods, and management of contaminated
matenal identified Advise Washington Department of Ecology and Rayonier site
representatives as to scope of assessment and methods Based on enquiries with
Ecology, it is our understanding that Ecology will not be involved with oversight
of this project and any plans or data will be presented for information only
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Coordinate with the geotechnical engineer to design monitor wells for
groundwater monitoring and sampling as necessary To maintain efficiency with
the geotechnical and environmental testing, boring locations will be placed in
locations that meet both geotechnical and environmental needs Discussions with
the geotechnical engineer indicate the proposed geotechnical bonngs are
sufficient for both the engineenng and environmental studies
Testing will include field analysis of soil and groundwater encountered within the
bonngs and test pits that possesses either visual or olfactory evidence of
contamination In the event field- testing identifies contamination, laboratory
analysis will be performed to quantify the type and concentration of contaminants
These samples could be for soil and/or groundwater Analysis methods will
follow those utilized in past investigation and remediation operations at Rayonier
and are appropnate for effectively charactenzing potential contamination
Contamination results will be used for prepanng a contaminated media
compliance report and specifications preparation discussed below
Prepare the necessary contractor specifications for identifying, charactenzing,
testing, handling, and manifesting any soil matenal to be removed and disposed
off -site or used as fill and any groundwater to be discharged The construction
contractor will be responsible for the proper means and methods of excavation,
dewatenng, hauling and disposal that meet the specified performance
requirements. We will also provide test parameters for evaluating contractor
performance dunng construction
Prepare a summary report documenting the above efforts including information
relating to potential areas of contamination, the field assessment plan for
identifying and charactenzing contamination, field operations, findings of the
field operations, and management of contaminated soil and/or groundwater
encountered dunng construction
Task Dehverable
1 Two copies of the Geotechnical Invesugauon Report, and a digital copy in pdf
2 Two copies of the Rayonier Site Invesugauon Plan for Contaminated Site Soils,
and a digital copy in pdf format
3 Two copies of the Construction Management Plan for Contaminated Site Soils,
and a digital copy in pdf format
4 Two copies of the Soils Assessment Report, and a digital copy in pdf format
Task 11 5. Permitting and Environmental Support
Amendment 4 provides for additional field surveys that will identify and delineate the
Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of Ennis Creek and any wetlands along the creek
for 200 feet upstream and downstream of the new proposed crossing point Flags will be
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left in the field, to be surveyed and included in base mapping If wetlands are delineated
at the new crossing point, a Wetland Analysis Report to fulfill the requirements in the
PAMC Chapter 15 24 will prepared Additional effort, related to new Ecology funding
requirements for Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance, is required beyond that
necessary at the time of Amendment 2 and will include assistance with informal
consultation with the federal services that may be required under Section 7 of the ESA
The SEPA Environmental Checklist, previously prepared to support the onginal 60%
design, will be revised to address the new pipeline alignment and creek crossing All
submittals to regulatory agencies will be reviewed by the City, and then submitted by the
City to Rayomer LLC, as a condition of the 2009 License Agreement that grants site
access to the City A review time of 10 working days has been incorporated into the
project schedule If Task 5 7, SERP, is activated, all coordination with the LEKT will be
facilitated by the City Archaeologist The full scope of service will remain as follows
BC will prepare and submit all permit apphcauons for the project Environmental
studies are anticipated to support the apphcauons A hst of required permits for this
project is included in Table 5 -1 below These permits and their review time will be
incorporated into the project schedule
Table 11.5 -1. Anticipated Permit Packages Required for CSO Diversion Installation
Anticipated Permitting Activity
JARPA application for U S Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Permit
Section 404 Nationwide permit inc CZM consistency determination, wetland
delineation and Mitigation /Restoration Plan, project description, BE, and 30%
JARPA application for Ecology Section 401 /Water Quality Certification
includes wetland delineation and Mitigation /Restoration Plan, project
description, BE, and 30 60% drawings
JARPA application for WA Depart Of Fish Wildlife (WDFW) for Hydraulic
Project Approval (HPA) includes SEPA checklist and 90% drawings
NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit includes TESC Plan,
description, and 90% drawings
Shoreline Substantial Development Permit includes SEPA checklist, description
and 30% drawings
1 City Sensitive Area Review
1 City Clearing and Grading Permit
City Right -of -Way Permit
City Involvement
Review permit applications poor to submittal to various agencies It is
assumed that the City will submit completed applications and pay any
required permit application fees
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Provide assistance with obtaining existing data that may include prior
environmental studies and permits for the existing system
It is assumed that the City is the SEPA Lead Agency and will provide the
required pubhc notifications and comment period
11 5.1 Permit Acquisition
Permit apphcauons will be prepared as required for the proposed project
construction Application requirements and timing will be coordinated with project
drawing production
11.5.2 Dehneate Wetlands and Prepare a Wetland Analysis Report
Delineate wetlands that may be impacted by the project according to accepted
methods as outlined in the 1997 Washington Wetland Delineation Manual developed
by the Department of Ecology This information will serve as the basis for
determining any mitigation requirements
A Wetland Analysis Report will be prepared to fulfill the requirements in the City's
Municipal Code Chapter 15 24
11.5.3 Attend Pre Application Meetings
BC will attend four 2 -hour pre- apphcauon meetings with the City, Ecology, WDFW,
and the US Army Corps of Engineers The purpose of the meeting will be to
1 Present the results of the wetland dehneation
2 Obtain prehmmary approval of the wetland analysis
3 Discuss the proposed project
4 Present any proposed mitigation concepts
11.5.4 Develop Conceptual Mitigation Plan
If unavoidable, a conceptual mitigation plan will be developed to offset the impacts
to waters of the U S wetland, and or streams
11.5.5 Biological Evaluation
If unavoidable, impacts to waters of the U S wetlands, and /or streams, it is likely
that an Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation is required as part of the
Clean Water Act Section 404 process or to quahfy for federal funding BC has
assumed that a biological evaluation will be developed and no formal consultation
with the NOAA Fisheries and USFWS will be needed
11 5.6 SEPA Checklist
Complete an environmental assessment following the guidelines of SEPA and the
City's SEPA regulations
11.5.7 (Optional Task) State Environmental Review Process (SERP)
Environmental Information Document
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This optional task is dependent on the City applying for federal funding To
complete the SERP, the following is required Ecology's concurrence on the SEPA
threshold determination and associated documents and the SERP Environmental
Information Document (EID) Under this task, an agency /tribe contact will be
developed, a project- specific SERP Environmental Report (ER) will be prepared,
imtial agency, and tribe letters will also be prepared and comments will be tracked
Task Deliverables
1 Permit apphcauon packages (draft and final)
2 Wetland Analysis Report (draft and final)
3 Pre application meeting minutes
4 Conceptual Mitigation Plan (draft and final)
5 Biological Evaluation (draft and final)
6 SEPA Checklist (draft and final)
7 Optional SERP EID(draft and final)
Task 11. 6. Alternative Development and Evaluation
In general, several design changes have been proposed since the May 2008 60% plans were
submitted that include
1 the June 2008 alignment revision,
2 a new bridge over Ennis Creek,
3 evaluation of an option of laying the major pipelines in a trench west of Ennis Creek
m heu of their placement in a berm,
4 diversion of as much of the WWTP effluent as possible to the Rayomer outfall
under gravity flow in heu of a parallel outfall that would carry only overflows and
peak plant flows during extreme high tide
These changes must be developed and determined to be feasible before proceeding with
final design and contract document preparation This work will include
Parallel Outfall and Diversion to Ravonrer Outfall Following the location of existing
buned City utilities and inspection of the 42 "FRP pipeline, develop alignment and grade
for a buned Parallel Outfall to the 42 "FRP, determine hydraulic grades and capacity from
the City's wastewater treatment plant to and through the industnal outfall and diffuser
(using Rayonier design drawings and assumed pipe conditions), allow for gravity flow,
identify all required excavation and potential filling, and determine lengths and earthwork
volumes Identify method and location to intertte City outfall (if necessary to retain) to
Rayonier outfall and identify whether there is any condition under which both outfalls
must carry flow Prepare preliminary plan and profile drawings Prepare cost estimates
for comparative alternatives
New outfall concept will require updating or amending the approved CSO Plan It is
assumed that Ecology will approve a technical memorandum addressing the selected
option and physical requirements for diversion of flow to the industnal outfall and
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Elevation and Alignment of Maior Pipelines In coordination with new parallel outfall
development, develop alignment and grade for the 36" CSO, 16 "Return, and 6 "2w
pipelines Develop the new alignment for the 36 "Siphon 24 "FM 30 "FM group in both
a buried and an above ground/bermed configuration Resolve location and grade of any
pipeline crossings to minimize reconfiguration of Diversion Structure Develop
preliminary design and coordinate transition to new Ennis Creek bndge crossing for each
configuration Coordinate ramping requirements with Discovery Trail design cntena
Recalculate hydraulics and re- validate pipe and pump sizing if necessary Determine
lengths and earthwork volumes for all new pipeline scenarios, depict the alignment
honzontally (i e trench width and toe -to -toe berm), provide typical sections of each,
provide preliminary road ramps coordinated with the bridge span elevation and
pipeline crossing of Ennis Creek, provide earthwork quantities associated with roadwork
fill at bridge Reconfigure 36 "Siphon from Francis Park to match June 2008 alignment
and coordinate with IWL pipelines Prepare preliminary plan and profile drawings
Prepare cost estimates for comparative alternatives
Before proceeding with detailed contract documents, alternatives will be more fully
developed, analyzed and evaluated The City will select the preferred alternative, and give
specific direction to proceed with detailed design of the affected design elements These
decisions include
1 Alignment and elevations of all major pipelines, including those now routed around
the east side of the mdustnal storage tank This includes determining the feasibility of
utilizing the existing 42" FRP pipe for WWTP effluent and diversion of effluent to the
Rayomer outfall
2 Preferred conceptual design of the bndge over Ennis Creek, including number and
length of spans and spatial relationships of pipelines, traffic and Discovery Trail
3 Confirm alignment and connection details at Francis St Park, as identified in 60%
4 Confirm location of the terminus of the Industnal Water Line (IWL) work
Schedule and budget estimates are based on these decisions being made within 45
working days following the completion of new project base mapping
Task 11.7. Preparation of Contract Documents for Phase 1 Improvements
The budget for this task is increased to provide for design services related to a change to the
June 2008 Ahgnment and diversion of plant effluent to the Rayomer outfall These changes
are described below in the context of the major elements of the Phase 1 project
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Major Pipelines This element includes the conveyance pipehnes which are the new Pump
Station 4 force mains and the Francis Siphon A poruon of the force mains will be pulled
through the Industrial Waterhne (IWL) to a location where they join the Francis Siphon
alignment in a pipe berm The June 2008 Alignment changes the 60% design by extending
the force mains /IWL section further east and moving the Francis Siphon far enough north
to completely avoid wetlands The plan /profile drawings for the major pipelines will need
to be redeveloped on the new ahgnment There will be substantial coordinauon of grade
and ahgnment with the CSO Conveyance pipelines near the storage tank required Hydraulic
calculations must be completed to verify pipe sizes to be adequate on the new alignment and
profile to convey projected flows The cross -tie valve and vault will be relocated to the new
eastern end of force mains /IWL section
Design responsibility for the IWL sliphmng subcontracted to Staheh Trenchless includes re-
evaluation of pulling pit locations, evaluation of HDPE pipe wall thickness required for
pulling forces and stresses, and preparation of Contractor specifications to set minimum
requirements for pulling operations and constraints or requirements for correcting failed
work in progress
Flow Diversion Structure If the major pipelines join the alignment of CSO pipelines near
the storage tank, the Diversion Structure must be reconfigured to accommodate a different
direction of approach and connecuon CSO diversion and return pipelines and pumping
systems will be evaluated, and revised if necessary, to operate within the final configuration
of major conveyance piping and diversion structure
CSO Conveyance Final configuration of CSO pipelines and the parallel outfall must still be
developed including whether they will be buried or bermed and to what extent It is
expected that the planned evaluation of the existing 42" FRP pipehne remains an option
Existing pipehnes still require mapping in order to fully complete design of multiple
pipelines within an increasingly congested corridor If all pipelines are expected to be laid on
grade and berm covered there may be potenual conflicts of crossings that will drive the final
alignment and grade decisions alternative layouts that demonstrate functionality will be
required to support these decisions The parallel outfall required to carry peak plant flow
during high tide conditions may need to be connected to the Diversion Structure to avoid
pumping plant effluent if the outfall must be placed on grade in a berm (Effluent pumping
has not been provided for in this scope and budget) Connection to the existing industrial
outfall will remain through the existing foam tank however, a decision on use of the existing
42" FRP or a new bermed pipeline must be made Diversion and return pump selections
must be re- evaluated to conform to the final piping configuration
Structural Design The City Alignment requires moving the Ennis Creek crossing from the
60% design location north and into an area where the stream had been charinelized in earlier
years This section of the creek may be restored to a more original condition in the near
future The pipeline crossing is planned to be combined with a new traffic rated bridge and
a relocated Discovery Trail A subcontracted bridge designer will be provided under this
task to develop the final bridge configuration and contract documents The bridge design
will consider how to allow for the future stream restoration
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Additional structural design effort is provided for the proposed traffic /pipeline badge and
potential re- configuration of the Diversion Structure Tank flushing, inlet and access design
has been complicated by actual tank construction detail and current seismic code and
addressed through additional design evaluation Design of a concrete block building to
contain CSO return flow pumping, electrical and controls is added A subcontracted
Architect is included to assist with specifying building details
BC will complete detail design of improvements and prepare the drawings and
specifications as necessary for bidding and construction of the Phase 1 CSO
conveyance and flow management systems Document progress submittals will be
made at 60 and 90 percent completion levels Final documents will be submitted in
both hard copy and electronic file formats Each submittal will include an estimate
of probable construction cost See Task 11 8
Drawings will be prepared in the latest version of AutoCADTM using a 22" x 34"
full -size drawing format suitable for printing and reading at half -size Drawings will
be in 2- dimensional format The survey supplemented, City topographic mapping
will be utilized for the reference base over which the improvement drawings are
prepared The City's 2006 aerial photo mapping shall be used for drawing
backgrounds where appropriate The contract documents shall conform to the
City's standard forms and the current Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and
Municipal Construction prepared by the Washington State Department of
Transportation (WSDOT), as modified by additional special provisions Technical
specifications not addressed within the WSDOT specifications will be prepared by
BC, using the CSI format, or other approach approved by the City
BC will submit five sets of drawings to the City for review at each of the 60- percent
and 90- percent submittal completion levels Two copies of printed 100% level
documents and their electronic files on a CD will be delivered at their completion
and prior to bid advertisement Only the final submittal will be stamped and signed
Design activities as described below have been organized around the various design
disciplines performing the different dements of the work Budget estimates for the
various discipline areas are developed from the estimated scope of drawings and
specifications forming the project contract documents
Czty Involvement and Reguzrernents
1 Identify and schedule all relevant City staff to review submittals and attend
the review meetings as required
2 Complete reviews of 60 and 90 percent design submittals and compile
written questions or instructions (2 weeks have been allowed in the project
schedule for City reviews)
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11 7.1 Civil Design
Scone of Activity
Project work within this activity and led by this discipline includes design of all
pipelines and surface restoration and /or improvements The task includes general
contract drawings and overall organization and maintenance of drawing package
Plan /Profile drawings for pipehnes will be presented at 1 =20' horizontal and 5'
vertical Area plans will vary between 1 =10' to 50' horizontal depending on level of
detail to be shown Generally, specifications will include earthwork, pipe materials
and installation, site control and restoration
11.7.2 Mechanical Design
Scone of Activity
Project work within this activity and led by this disciphne includes design of all
mechanical process systems including pumping systems and related equipment
selection, treatment process additions or revisions and chlorination system mixing
Various design area plans and sections, consistent with the attached drawing list (See
Amendment 2), will be produced Design supporting specifications will generally fall
into Divisions 11 through 15
11.7.3 Structural Design
Scone of Activity
Project work within this activity and led by this discipline includes design of
structural elements including the flow diversion structure, storage tank
modifications, outfall flow splitting structure, primary clarifier launders and pumping
and chemical feed system housings or protective coverings
Various design area plans and sections, consistent with the attached drawing hst, will
be produced Design supporting specifications will generally fall into Divisions 3
through 10
11.7.4 Electrical Design
Scone of Activi
Project work within this activity and led by this discipline includes design of
electrical power supply and control systems required for electric motor driven
equipment, power operated instruments and space hghung and healing
The various design area plans and sections (such as Civil and Mechanical), that show
locations of equipment and components that require electric power, will be used to
separately show power systems Diagrams showing power supply sources and
subsystems for power distribution will also be presented in drawing format as noted
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on the attached drawing hst (see Amendment 2) Design supporting specifications
will generally fall into Division 16
11.7.5 Instrumentation Control Design
Scone of Activity
Project work within this activity and led by this disciphne includes design of
instrumentation and control systems responsible for manual or automated operation
of electric motor driven equipment, gates and valves Data and system status
including alarms will be gathered and communicated through I &C systems
Design drawings will include instrumentation system diagrams, control diagrams,
and loop diagrams Various design area plans and sections may be used to show field
locations of relevant I &C devices Estimated drawing requirements are shown in
attached drawing hst, Amendment 2 Design supporting specifications will generally
fall into Division 17
Task Deliverables
1 Five copies of the drawings and specifications at the 60 90 and 100
percent submittal level
2 One copy of estimate of probable construction cost at each submittal
3 Electronic copy of the final submittal on CD
4 One stamped and signed final submittal drawing and specification set
Task 11.8. Preparation of Cost Estimate
Cost Estimaunu This scope and budget provides for a second 60% cost estimate that will
reflect the changed ahgnment and bridge crossing Estimates at 90% and 100% remain as
part of the original scope authorized under Amendment 2
BC will complete detail design of improvements and prepare the drawings and specifications
as necessary for bidding and construction of the Phase 1 CSO conveyance and flow
management systems Document progress submittals will be made at 60 and 90 percent
completion levels Final documents will be submitted in both hard copy and electronic file
formats Each submittal will include an estimate of probable construction cost
Task Deliverables
2 One copy of estimate of probable construction cost at each submittal The
estimate shall be based on the level of detail presented in the submittal with
allowances for work not fully described by drawing or specification
Task 11 9. Assistance During Bidding
Support City through bidding process, as needed and requested by the City and to
the extent of budget, through the time of awarding a construction contract
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This Task is currently unfunded, and it is anticipated that Amendment 5 to this
contract will specify a more precise scope for this work and provide adequate
budget, estimated at this time to be $14,000
Review and prepare responses to bidder requests for information (RFIs) Prepare
addenda to formalize RFI responses that either clarify or revise details in drawings or
Cap Involvement
It is assumed that the City will take the lead in distributing bid documents and initial
communications with bidders Questions requiring review for design intent will be
directed to BC by the City
1 Responses to bidder requests for information (RFIs)
2 Formal addenda that either clanfy or revise details in drawings or
Task 11.10. Budge Design
The June 2008Alignment requires moving the Ennis Creek crossing from the 60% design
location north and into an area where the stream had been channeltzed in earlier years.
This section of the creek may be restored by others to a more onginal condition in the
near future and this goal will be considered in setting the bndge span and location. The
pipeline crossing is planned to be combined with a new traffic rated bridge and a
relocated Discovery Trail A subcontracted bridge designer will be provided under this
task to develop the final bridge configuration and contract documents
The bndge design effort will begin with a study phase that will evaluate single and 3-
span alternatives to provide the basis for selection of the bndge configuration and
features that best accommodates the pnmary purpose of the project, 1 e to carry the three
pipelines (24 30- and 36 -inch) over the creek, but also supports a lane of vehicular
traffic and the Olympic Discovery Trail
The study phase shall include a site charactenzation and identification of critical
hydraulic conditions including the local hydrologic and hydraulic conditions, the physical
channel, and hydraulic and scour factors that should be considered in evaluating the
design of the new bndge
Evaluation of the study alternatives will produce a preferred alternative to carry forward
to the plans, specifications, and cost estimate phase
The design advancement of the preferred alternative will result in progress contract
documents being submitted at 30, 60, and 90 percent, and final completion for bid
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documents The bridge design drawings and specifications will be incorporated Into the
bid document package for the Phase 1 CSO Project
Alternative bridge configurations, including a single -span structure, a three -span
structure, and a bottomless culvert, will be developed to the level of detail required
to evaluate their cost and constructibihty
Complete design of selected bridge configuration and prepare drawings and
specifications for bidding and contracting The bridge designer shall coordinate
with BC for requirements related to the pipehne design The bndge design and
production of contract drawings and specifications will be performed by
subcontractor to BC
City Involvement
The City shall provide the design team with criteria or requirements to be met in
configuring the bridge These may include number and width of traffic lanes, width of
Trail, site traffic flow requirements, and any other specific site constraints
The City shall provide a decision on the preferred alternative that will be designed and
incorporated in the project bidding documents
1 Alternative descriptions including cost and constructibihty information
2 Project drawings and specifications for the selected alternative
Task 11.11. Building Design
The CSO Phase 1 project includes a masonry building to house the CSO return
system control valves and pump The task provides for a subcontracted architect to
assist in defining code requirements and specifying building construction details
Provide an assessment of building code requirements for the nature and use of the
CSO return control system building Coordinate with the project structural engineer
and provide certain building design details including openings, doors, roofing,
weatherproofing, etc
City Involvement
City will provide details or photos of similar City wastewater pump station buildings to
be evaluated for suitability by the architect
Alternative descriptions including cost and constructibihty information
Project drawings and specifications for building details
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Task 11.12. DOE Funding Application Assistance
This task provides for BC assistance to the City for communications with
Department of Ecology specific to quahfying the Phase 1 CSO project for funding
programs administered by Ecology The most hkely program is the State Revolving
Fund (SRE)
This Task is partially funded at this time, and it is anticipated that Amendment 5 to
this contract will provide budget to complete Task 11 11, esumated at this time to be
an additional $22,000
BC will determine funding program quahfication criteria and specifically identify
project ranking criteria and current Ecology review and weighting strategies BC will
review the City's 2007 apphcation and provide a revised apphcation for submittal in
2010, including project descripuons that present the project in terms of the ranking
criteria Meeungs with Ecology representatives may be included BC will coordinate
efforts under the guidance of the City
City Involvement
The City will provide various information most available to city staff such as
demographics, funding sources, etc and will assist in the preparation of the base
The City will review and submit the final apphcation to the funding program
Completed SRF loan apphcation If an alternate funding source is identified, BC
will provide similar assistance, up to the limits of the budget for Task 14
Commumcauon and consultation with Ecology and City staff The efforts under
this task are intended to maximize Ecology support for the Phase 1 CSO project
Task 11.13. Outfall Sediment Sampling
Characterize sediments around the Rayomer outfall diffuser as required
under a lease agreement between the City and the DNR A samphng plan
shall be prepared for this work that is consistent with and complementary to
the NPDES requirements for the City's outfalls Using the knowledge
gained from review of the city permit and prior outfall studies, prepare a
separate samphng plan for City outfall sediment sampling
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Cary Involvement
Samples collected shall be subject to Phase 1 testing of various chemical
constituents In the event the analyses show constituents exceeding accepted
values, the samples may be subject to biological testing (bioassays) The cost
of bioassays has not been budgeted
Develop a sampling plan that defines the scope of the sampling and
analytical work, provides for conducting the work and for reporting
results for the Rayonier outfall diffuser
Based on existing NPDES requirements and prior outfall studies,
prepare samphng plan for the existing city outfall
Following the DNR- approved plan and protocols collect sediment
samples at the Rayomer outfall, conduct them to suitable laboratory
for analyses and report results
Provide information developed from prior outfall sediment sampling
and monitoring work
Submit Rayomer outfall samphng plan to DNR for approval
Submit City WWTP outfall samphng plan to DNR for approval
1 Sediment samphng plan for Rayomer outfall
2 Sediment sampling plans for City outfall
3 Rayomer outfall sediment characterization report
Task 12. Septage Receiving Station
Finalize the concept and design of a facility for accommodating dehvery of septage
waste by local haulers The facility will include an unloading station, storage and
pumping of the waste into the plant influent flow stream The budget estimate
assumes the facility will be located near the proposed CSO Diversion Structure and
the design will be integrated into the bid documents for the Phase 1 CSO project
Detailed design (Activities 2 and 3 of Task 12) of the facihty will be deferred until
authorized by the City This Task is partially funded at this time, and it is anticipated
that Amendment 5 to this contract will provide budget to complete Task 12,
estimated at this time to be an additional $54,000
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1 Develop the prehminary siting requirements in coordination with the final
configuration of the CSO Diversion Structure and conveyance piping
Coordinate the conceptual design of the Septage Receiving Station and the
CSO Diversion Structure
2 Develop and design septage handhng components Including unloading
facihty, storage, submersible grinder pumping system, piping and controls
3 Incorporate grading, surfacing and drainage design into the Phase 1 CSO
Caty Involvement
Provide direction on available land area for siting the facility
Designate haul truck arrival and departure routing, the BC scope does not include
roadway improvements outside of the immediate Diversion Structure area
1 Drawings and specifications required to incorporate facihty design into Phase
1 CSO project bid documents
2 Conceptual design drawings of the septage receiving station (approximately
30 showing site parameters that will control the final design
Task 13. Headworks Screen
Identify suitable replacement headworks screens criteria for the WWTP, evaluate
alternative screens, and provide a recommendauon to the City Incorporate the
City's preferred headworks screen into the Phase 1 bid documents
Plant operations staff has been working with a screen vendor and will provide all
pertinent information on at least one screen alternative for BC to evaluate
This Task is partially funded at this time, and it is anticipated that Amendment 5 to
this contract will provide budget to complete Task 13, estimated at this time to be an
additional $24,000
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C Involvement
Provide all relevant documentation and requirements developed in consultation with the
screen vendor /manufacturer
Create authority for bidding the screen equipment from sole source provider, or
purchase the headworks screens separately
1 Idenufy criteria and alternatives, and provide a recommendation to the City
for a headworks screen that is functional, reliable, durable and cost effective
2 Develop a mechanical plan showing location and installation requirements
3 Incorporate screen motor into Phase 1 electrical designs and provide a plan
for routing of power supply and process signals
1 Drawings and specifications incorporated into the Phase 1 CSO bid documents
Task 14. CSO Momtonng Program Support
The NPDES Permit requites that the City monitor all CSO events for duration,
volume, and frequency and to characterize the impacts of CSO overflows The City
is also required to report overflows to the Department of Ecology and other
regulatory agencies, to implement a public notification system, and to submit an
Annual CSO report to Ecology The City's current system involves monitors set up
at each CSO overflow location and a wireless, web -based data management and
reporting system that includes automated alarms in the case of a CSO event
The CSO Phase 1 project will structurally modify some or all of the CSO overflow
locations, will change the operation of the combined sewer system, and will
minimize the occurrence of combined sewer overflows CSO Momtormg will still be
required, and the monitoring system should be evaluated and modified to provide
reliable data and reporting post construcuon
This Task is partially funded at this time, and it is anticipated that Amendment 5 to
this contract will provide budget to complete Task 14, estimated at this time to be an
additional $15,000
This task provides BC support to City for integrating the City's CSO Monitoring,
Reporting, and Documentation System into the CSO Project, Phase 1 and 2 The
purpose of the system is to monitor, track and provide data for NPDES permit
compliance reporting A permanent system connected to the City's SCADA system
could potentially be integrated with the WWTP control system, improve reliability,
and be operated by existing staff
Design CSO monitoring stations to maximize data reliability Integrate design with
changes in CSO conveyance pipelines and with overall system changes
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1 Review of NPDES requirements and parameters and reporting and notification
COI Involvement
The City will provide information on existing facihues, and 2009 installations of flow
monitoring equipment
The City will select a preferred strategy either a SCADA based system or another
Develop documents and procure flow monitoring services and equipment separately
Participate in monitoring site selections and installation activities
1 Technical memorandum describing post construction recommended CSO
monitoring systems including hardware and software requirements
2 Monitoring stations integrated with completed Phase 1 construction drawings
2 Existing System documentation including review of City SCADA and "data
historian" information, field verification, creation of hmited record of construction
drawings, and developing a hydrauhc schematic of the system to identify physical
characteristics that influence process variables and their measurement
3 Coordinate with the City's existing monitoring services provider to identify needed
monitoring improvements, and whether they are best constructed or installed
immediately or during Phase 1 or 2 of the project Identify alternatives for data
collection, communication, and storage If new equipment is recommended, specify
the criteria Prepare a technical memorandum to recommend the most suitable
strategy for CSO flow monitonng during and after completion of the CSO project
4 Ensure that overflow structures that are redesigned for the CSO Phase 1 project will
accommodate flow measuring devices with favorable conditions to collect and
transmit reliable data
Task 15. Treatment Plant Monitonng Support
The CSO Program includes changes to treatment plant operations that may
influence effluent quality Although plant modeling predicts that effluent will remain
within certain regulatory hmits, Department of Ecology has deferred writing these
operational and effluent quality changes into the City's NPDES permit until this
performance has been demonstrated
Several existing wastewater treatment processes will require monitoring, samphng,
and data analysis in preparation for the City's upcoming NPDES permit renewal
apphcation The operational areas to be investigated include the effect of septage
loading, the effectiveness of a mixing system upgrade the disinfection process, and
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the effect of blending primary and secondary process effluent during a CSO event
This task provides BC process engineering support to guide the development of data
to support revision of City NPDES permit to include conditions that are aligned
with the CSO Program approved by Ecology
This task is unfunded at this ume, and it is anucipated that Amendment 5 to this
contract will provide budget to complete Task 15, estimated at this time to be an
additional $22,880
1 Quarterly for the first year following compleuon of Phase 1 WWTP improvements,
BC will visit the plant to help select instrument locations, review progress, and
recommend modifications to City staff
2 One site visit will be made per year for each of three following years
3 City provided data will be analyzed and summarized in an annual report 2 hours per
month is budgeted for telephone support related to the sampling plan
Csy Involvement
Provide required plant operating data for BC evaluation
The City will purchase, install, maintain, and operate sampling equipment over the four
year duration of this support
1 Recommendations for location, type and frequency of sample collecuon
and analysis Revisions as suggested by the City collected data
2 Annual reports that compile City collected data and evaluate plant
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Task Description
To Amendment 4
(Pre- Design and Design through 60% (original contract and Amendments 1-3)
1 'Project Management
2 IMapping Condition Assessment
3 'Cultural
4 IGectechnrcal
5 'Environmental Permits
6 0 I CSO Plan Review and Preparation of Contract
6 1 -6 5 Detailed Civil, Mechanical, Structural,
Electncal PICS Design
$16,893 45
$36,559 05
$6,922 20
$66,115 23
522,789 84
$167,247 93
6 6 'Preparation of 60% Cost Estimate
7 IEngineenng Report Bidding Assistance $22,450 28
8 'Evaluation of Additional Alternatives
9 'Plant Flow Management
10 IAdd'I Cultural Geotechnical Work
Subtotal, Tasks 1-10'1 $338,977 98
frisk 11 Complete detailed design of CSO Phase 1 Projects
11 1 Project Management
11 2 Survey, Mapping Condition Assessment
113 Cultural
11 4 Geotechnical Engineenng
11 5 Environmental Permits
11 6 Alternative Development and Evaluation
11 7 Detailed Civil, Mechanical, Structural,
Electncal PICS Design
Preparation of Cost Estimate
Bidding Assistance
Bndge Design
Bmlding Design
Funding Assistance
Outfall sediment sampling
Subtotal, Tasks 11
12 Septage Receiving Station Design
13 Headworks Screens Design
14 Integrated CSO Monitoring Design
15 W WTP Monitoring Suppport
Total Contract Amount
Original Through
Contract Amendment Billings to
Amount No 4 Date %Complete
5338,977 98
$112,841 19 1 5112,841 19 1 100%
$110,055 641 $110,055 641 100%
$25,092 981 $25,092 981 100%
$144,293 41 I $144,293 41 I 100%
$150,829 67 $150,829 67 100%
$180,100 00 $180,100 001 100%
$958,296 98 $958,296 981 100%
$47,000 00 $47,000 00 100%
$35,279 11 535,279 11 100%
$16,735 00 $16,735 00 100%
$59,092 00 $59,092 00 100%
$8,025 00 $8,025 00 100%
51,847,64098 51,847,64098
$108,10870 $000 0%
$60,761 52 $0 00 0%
$12,497 53 $0 00 0%
$119,665 35 $0 00 0%
$75,298 69 $0 00 0%
$79,740 00 $0 00 0%
$763 201 601 $0001 0%
$50,298 64 $0 00
$0 00 $0 00
$175,000 00 $0 00
$10,000 00 $0 00 0%
$10,00000 $000 0%
$55,000 00 $0 00 0%
51,519,572 03 $0 00 0%
$8,400 00 $0 00 0%
$26,000 00 50 00 0%
$11,00000 $000 0%
$0 00 $0 00 0%
52,997,640 98 51,432,668 95 48%
Amendment 4 redistributed remaining funds in Tasks 1 -10 to Task 11
Some estimated costs have been deferred
It is anticipated that Amendment 5 to this contract will provide budget to complete all tasks
The estimated total amount deferred is $152,712
Budget baseline date March 20, 2009
0 I
City of Port Angeles CSO Phase 1 Amendment 4
StaffName n
Warburton, Jack
1Melcer, Henryk
Memll, Milford S
McCleary, Dave
Johnson, Jeffery S
Kumataka, Gregory
ONeal, Mike
Anderson, Gary
Matthews, James
Ramey, Larry W
Snowden, Donald
Lubke, Linnea
Moms, Melvan
Warford, James
Lord, Alan
Beer, Jon
Paulson, Joel
Vestergaard Hansen, Bo
Jacobsen, Bob
Tam, Patricia S
Pena, Michael
Leavitt, Arthur
Kimball, Kelly
Wagner, David
Hamilton, Ada
Adkins, Una
Wilcox, Shirley
Draheim, Daniel P
Kreider, Tiffany M
Deaterla, Damson
Jimenez, Rudy
Jacquemart, Joseph
Consultant Labor Costs
lob Title_
Sr Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Managing Engineer
Vice President
Managing Engineer
Managmg Engmeer
Managmg Engineer
Supervising Construction Engmeer
Supervising Engineer
Supervismg Construction Engineer
Supervismg Engineer
Supervising Engineer
Pnnicpal Construction Engineer
Senior Engineer
Senior Engineer
Semor Engineer
Engmeer III
Semor Engineer
Senior Engineer
Engmeer II
Engineer III
Engineer II
Engineer I
Geologist/Hydrogeologist I
Project Coordinator II
Word Processor IV
Technical Wnter
Project Coordinator II
Senior Drafter
Senior Drafter
Non -salary Reimbursable Costs
fral Rate
Exhibit C
$241 60
$213 63
$212 34
$206 66
$206 63
$205 47
$198 26
$196 51
$191 29
$186 95
$181 66
$179 78
$172 14
$168 28
$145 10
$144 54
$144 44
$140 74
$139 88
$139 84
$127 41
$127 05
$116 21
$108 24
$92 70
$89 79
$88 07
$82 65
$76 07
$75 48
$75 28
$73 66
Brown and Caldwell does not mamtain pre determined charge -out rates for direct, non -salary
project costs As these costs are incurred on a project as services rendered and charged by invoice
they are billed to the client in accordance with contract terms. Project related travel using
company -owned automobiles is billed at 60 per mile, personal vehicles are billed at the current
rate allowable by IRS and rental vehicles are billed at actual cost
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