HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/15/2014 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 15, 2014 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Di Guilio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Downie, Councilmembers Bruch, Collins, Gase, Kidd and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Hurd,C. Fulton,N. West and A. Gates. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Di Guilio announced the need for an Executive Session, under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel, and under authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(d), to review negotiations on the performance of publicly bid contracts; and a Closed Session under RCW 42.30.140(4)(b), for the purpose of planning, or adopting, the strategy or position to be taken by the City during the course of collective bargaining, for approximately 45 minutes. The Executive/Closed Session convened at 5:04 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: The Executive Session concluded at 5:55 p.m. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:55 p.m. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Downie, Councilmembers Bruch, Collins, Gase, Kidd and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd,T. Agesson, C. Delikat,K. Dubuc, C. Fulton, T. Gallagher,N. West,A. Gates, S. Wright,M. Abed, S. Johns,T. McCabe and H. Freilich. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag PUBLIC COMMENT: Jan Butler, 1310 S. I St., spoke regarding the excessive use of legal and illegal fireworks and her concerns over chemicals being released,injuries to people and property,and excessive noise levels. Randy Yaple, 1304 E. 2"d St., spoke on behalf of his mother Mary Watson, a property owner here in Port Angeles with an abandoned vehicle in front of her house. He stated he tried to work with the Police Department to get them to remove the vehicle and was unsuccessful. Larry Michelik spoke regarding issues with our southern borders and his concerns over our local Border Patrol `� facility becoming a processing center-and endangering our community as a result. PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—July 15, 2014 Eloise Kailin spoke on behalf of Hardwired for Safety, stating the group provided a list of concerns and questions to Clallam County PUD #1 regarding their meter policies. She informed Council PUD #1 had agreed to provide answers to their questions within a couple months and that the group would provide this information to the Council as well. Peter Ripley, 114. E. 6°i St., expressed his concerns over the City Hall front automatic door opener needing repairs. He also spoke in favor of private interest and ownership in the Morse Creek Hydroelectric plant. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Couneilmennber Councilmember Kidd stated she was concerned about fireworks set off in the City limits as well and Councilmember Bruch agreed with her stating the discussion would be good for another Council meeting. Councilmember Collins stated he believed they should be banned. CONSENT AGENDA: It was moved by Gase and seconded by Bruch to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes:June 10 and 24, and Jule 1, 2014 2. Expenditure Approval List.-612112014 to 7/4/2014 for$3,443,947.91 Motion carried 7-0. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Budget Amendment#2 Senior Accountant Wright introduced the second reading of the proposed second amendment to the 2014 Budget, stating no changes had been made since the first reading. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3510 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington amending the 2014 budget and funds. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Downie to: Adopt the ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7-0. FINANCE: I. Equipment Purchase: Solid Waste Collection Truck Public Works and Utilities Director Fulton presented the equipment purchase proposal for a Solid Waste collection truck,and explained the bid came in approximately$4,000 over budget,but that the City had funds to cover the difference. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Kidd to: Approve the acquisition of one refuse truck from Western Peterbilt,through the Tacoma contract ES 14-0170F,and authorize the City Manager to sign the purchase contract for a total price not to exceed$314,703.88 and to make minor modifications to the contract,if necessary. Motion carried 7-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS—OTHER: 1. Capital Facilities Plan Senior Accountant Agesson introduced the second reading of the Capital Facilities Plan Resolution and explained the changes to the plan since the first reading. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing at 6:37 p.m. There being no public comment Mayor Di Guilio closed the public hearing and read the resolution by title,entitled, Page 2 of 6 i PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—July 15, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 13-14 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,adopting the Capital Facilities Plan and for 2015-2020. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Gase to: Pass the resolution as read by title. Motion carried 7-0. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2. Street Trees Ordinance Community and Economic Development Director West introduced Associate Planner Johns who conducted a PowerPoint presentation regarding the proposed Street Trees Ordinance. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guillio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3511 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adding a new Chapter 11.13 to Title 11 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code establishing a system for management of trees in the City of Port Angeles public rights-of- way. It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Collins to: Adopt the ordinance as read by title. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6-1,with Whetham voting in opposition. 3. Council Tenn Limits Manager McKeen introduced the agenda topic and turned it over to Council for discussion letting them know they could discuss the item or conduct a first reading of the attached ordinance and continue it to the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Gase and seconded by Whetham to: Not bring the ordinance forward for a first reading. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 4-3,with Kidd,Bruch and Collins voting in opposition. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Clallam County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan Resolution Director Fulton introduced Meggen Uecker,the Clallam County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan Update Coordinator,who conducted a PowerPoint presentation regarding the proposed update to the Plan. Council discussion followed. RESOLUTION NO. 14-14 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,adopting the Clallam County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan update. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Collins to: Pass the resolution as read by title. Motion carried 4-3,with Bruch,Gase and Whetham voting in opposition. Page 3 of 6 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—July 15, 2014 2. Resolution to Amend Transportation Improvement Program(TIP) Senior Accountant Agesson provided a brief description regarding the need to amend the 2015-2020 Transportation Improvement Program based on the Peabody Creek Culvert Rehabilitation project. Director Fulton described the project and related issues. Council discussion followed. RESOLUTION NO. 15-14 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,adopting the Transportation Improvement Program for 2015-2020,as amended. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Kidd to: Pass the resolution as read by title. Motion carried 7-0. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Chamber Report Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce Russ Veenema provided a semi-annual update as required by contract. He also recognized numerous board members in attendance. Council discussion followed. 2. Criminal Justice Costs Manager McKeen introduced the agenda item as an update to the recent City Council worksession regarding increasing Criminal Justice Costs. He provided a brief history regarding the issue and then discussed the recent positive developments that have taken place since the Council worksession. He also congratulated the City Attorney and his staff for all their hard work on this issue. He recognized District Court Judge Porter and Clallam County Sheriff Benedict for their willingness to collaborate on the issue. Attorney Bloor described staff's plan to consider changing charging and sentencing guidelines and modify court calendars presented at the worksession. I-Ie stated Judge Porter recently modified his court calendar and changed the way he calculates the standard charge for usually property crime sentencing. He suggested postponing discussion and decisions on charging and sentencing guidelines until staff can see how the recent changes develop. He also described Sherriff Benedict's suggested cap on jail costs for 2014 at the current budget level, and proposed changes to the jail contract for 2015 and future years which would include a flat rate for jail costs. He stated staff intended to report back to Council at the August 19`1'City Council meeting. Council discussion followed. 3. AFSCME Contract Amendment Director Fulton and Human Resources Manager Gates presented the proposed amendments to the AFSCME contract pay classification for Water Department Operators based upon increased certification requirements. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Downie to: Approve the changes made to Attachment A of the AFSCME union contract. Motion carried 7-0. FINANCE: 2. Eclipse Feeder Upgrade Director Fulton introduced the proposed upgrade to the Eclipse Feeder which provides electricity to the Eclipse Industrial Park,the Fairmount Residential area and customer along Highway 101. He explained the upgrade would provide increased reliability,redundancy and capacity for these areas. Council discussion followed. It was moved by DovNmie and seconded by Gase to: Authorize transfer of$40,000 within the 2014 funding account(451-7188-594.65-10)from project CL01-2013 (Substation Fencing)to project CLO1-2006(Eclipse Feeder Upgrade); and award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Cannon Construction of Milton,WA,in the amount of$235,895.74,including tax, for the Eclipse Feeder Upgrade,and to make minor modifications if necessary. Motion carried 7-0. Page 4 of 6 i PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—July 15, 2014 3. Landfill Cell Stabilization Change Order No. 2,Retail Taxes Director Fulton explained the need for the change order stating certain portions of the project are subject to sales tax, when they were originally thought to not be subject to this tax. He explained tax professionals were consulted and agreed the amendment needed to be made to the contract. He stated the additional funds will come from the project's contingency fund. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign change order#2 to the Landfill Cell Stabilization project with Magnus Pacific Corporation in the amount of$210,400.49,increasing the total contract amount to$13,297,026.11. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6-1,with Whetham voting in opposition. 4. Award Tree Trimming Contract Director Fulton presented the annual Tree Trimming Contract for tree trimming around power lines. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Collins to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Elliott's Tree Care,LLC for 2014 Tree Trimming, Project#LO-14-018, at the rate of$207.00 per hour,in an amount not to exceed$100,000.00,and to make minor modifications to the agreement,if necessary. Motion carried 7-0. 5. Equipment Purchase: Hook Truck-Wastewater Director Fulton presented the equipment purchase for a new Container Hook Truck for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. He provided a brief description of how the truck is used at the Plant as well as some other City facilities. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Gase to: Approve the purchase of one container hook truck from Wester Peterbilt,through the Tacoma contract ES 14- 0170F,and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract for a total price not to exceed$228,256.83,and to make minor modifications to the contract,if necessary. Motion carried 7-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Whetham spoke regarding the intensity of the fireworks in his neighborhood during the 4°i of July this year and expressed his interest in further exploring the reduction or elimination of fireworks in the City limits. Deputy Mayor Downie spoke regarding the recent meeting of the Civic Field Funding Task Force and their upcoming meeting this week. He stated they are aggressively looking at possible funding partners. He also spoke regarding the Cascade Bike Club from Seattle coming to Port Angeles in August as part of their "Ride Around Washington"tour. Councilmember Kidd spoke regarding her attendance as a representative of the City at the unveiling of the Tse- Whit-Sen artifacts at the Klallam Heritage Center. She also expressed her concerns over fireworks in the City, stating this year was especially bad in her neighborhood. She also agreed the issue needed to be addressed. Councilmember Collins stated his preference to ban fireworks in the City limits. Councilmember Gase spoke regarding his tour of the Corp Yard with Councilmember Bruch. Mayor Di Guilio spoke regarding his attendance with Councilmember Kidd at the recent Saturday Farmers' market, and his tour of the Port of Port Angeles facilities. He also agreed with the other Councilmembers concerns with fireworks and that it needed to be addressed. Page 5 of 6 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—July 15, 2014 Manager McKeen stated staff would bring back the fireworks issue to a later City Council meeting. No other reports were given. INFORMATION: City Manager Reports: 1. Public Works&Utilities Quarterly Report 2. Well City Award 3. June Building Permit Report Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports in the packet and congratulated Human Resources Manager Gates on the Well City Award which provides a 2%discount on medical premiums for the City. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m. r an Di Guilio,Mayor Jan t�Hurd,City Clerk Page 6 of 6