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SEP 02014
P.O' Box 1677, Sequink, 0Vas1iingOon, 98382
A non-ptrif it corporation dedicated to the wise laj--id use of the North OFvTnpic Peninsula
To: Editor of Port OCall & guest article 9/18/2014
d |nuh|ishin�oon
Contact: B|oim: Ko |in (36O) 683-6044 : c|oi lynnnus.not
FLUORIDATION—Pro and Coil Eloise VV. Kadin, K4D.
Fluoridation o[drinking water ia not safe for everyone, not-, despite all the hype, is it proven effective to
prevent dental decay. Fluoride is not an csoendu| nutrient; claims to the contrary remain unproven. U is
czbomdy difficult to construct u diet without this very common element. Even "orgunic" y|un\a, most notably
tea and cut-ley kale pick i\ uphonn the soil. In fact Out'conomunity ix overdosed with fluoride from pesticides
onorinfbodo, hcvcru&ee, nnedicutiooa, to/xhpuatoundoU/erdeutu| pn`duds.
Testing done ill |A99'20O4 found 4|% ofl2to |5 year old children, nationwide, carry the stained teeth which
are evidence of fluoride overdose. The excess fluoride, stored in the bones makes them denser but brittle,
more likely to fracture later in life. This is why, in 2011, the federal government recommended average
drinking water |cvc|e for fluoride he |ov/crcd fiom l part per million (ppnn)toO.7 ppnn. Federal mtudica show
children five and Under and particularly non-numing infants in fluoridated areas are oil average consuming
unhealthy levels offluoride.
Out-County Health Officer, a water fluoridation advocate, announced tile start of all organized campaign
allegedly{neducate the Port Angeles City Council. /\D\/0C}\IE statements below are quoted from u
transcript of City tapes ofCouncil meetings held oil Aug. 19, and 8cpL2' 2014. | provide RESPONSES.
/\l)\/()C/\TB: "The safety record Of C01111111,1nity water fluoridation is that the research oil this is voluminous.
It im1othe point that virtually every U. S. and international health agency and body of health experts supports
i(. Now l don't think | oun say that about anything else in hcu|d/ care that people agree oil so hu`ud|y. So from
uonmng scientists, this is not udebatable iaauo"
RESPONSE: In point of fact entire Countries have rejected fluoridation: Portugal, Romania, Denmark,
Austria, China, Japan ( ruusmn "causes health pnnh|uns in Vulnerable people, products available to apply ut
free will"); "France("ethical as well as noediou| concern"); |ho/�c(her|ouds, U�|�ium` Hungary, Switzerland,
Luxembourg, 9wodux (once fluoridated then banned);Not-way, Finland (fluoridated then banned due to obugc
utudy novuu|in& excessive ]lip fractures). Tho European Court o[Justice in 2005 ruled that fluoridated vvutu,
must be treated om medicine and buuood importation ofprocessed foods and drinks s000ntumivatod. In 2014
Israel banned fluoridation.
ADVOCATE: "We don't need to be proving things that we already know and it is scientifically established
beyond u doubt that comnnuni water fluoridation improves the oral health of the community uume^herc
between about 25 and 40%. That has been shown by s1udiuo over and over again."
Visit our web site at www.olympus.neticommunityloeclppf htm
RESPONSE: In point of fact: 1) World health Organization (WHO) data shows over 60% decrease in tooth
decay in I2-year old children in 18 nations from 1970 to 2005. U.S. officials credit the U.S. decline to
fluoridation. But WHO data shows an even greater decrease in the 14 non-fluoridating countries. Simple
logic dictates that factors other than fluoridation must be credited.. 2)In a.Clallam County dental survey,
children in fluoridated Forks were worse off than children in (then non fluoridated ) P.A. and Sequins; 3)
Olympic Medical Center admissions to emergency room for dental complaints has increased in P.A. since
fluoridation was started May 18, 2006. At state level two studies failed to show significant decrease in cavities
in children from fluoridated areas. Most importantly, double blind testing confirms effectivenes of toothpaste
(1,500 ppm fluoride) but no such "gold standard" test has ever been successful for water fluoridation ( I
ADVOCATE: "There is no credible evidence -- there is no harmful human health effects from the optimal
levels of fluoride that we recommend in drinking water. This is a situation where it is all benefit and no risk
and we seldom see that in health care . . . . If you swallow the tooth paste, you call get a condition called
enamel fluorosis. It is harmless white specks on the teeth. I have it. I grew up in a fluoridated area in the
Midwest. It doesn't harm your teeth. It makes your teeth harder and more decay resistant but that is really *he
only known human health effect from community water fluoridation".
RESPONSE: In point of fact severe dental fluorosis damages teeth. A pioneer fluoridation advocate in 1942
(Dean) described even mild dental fluorosis as a public health concern. Fluoride also affects other body
systems including the brain, immune system, and endocrine system. Extensive literature on harm from fluoride
was published in 2006, evaluated by a committee balanced as to opposing views oil fluoridation. As a
consensus document it represents best available science up until 2006.
See "Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards", published by National Research
Council in 2006. For teeth see page 87. Access on the web at littp://www.nap.edu/catalog/1 1571.html
ADVOCATE: "it is effective; it is safe. And you don't often hear this but it is something very natural."
RESPONSE: In point of fact P.A. adds a manufactured product which is far more toxic than natural forms of
fluoride. Most natural fluoride in water-occurs as calcium fluoride which is much less toxic than the
hydrofluorosilicic acid (HFS)taken from filters of fertilizer plants and cooked up to make our water additive.
The HFS added to P.A. water is 25 times more toxic than natural calcium chloride when tested in guinea pigs.
For guinea pigs, acute lethal oral toxicity of calcium fluoride is over 5,000 mg/kg and for HFS the lethal dose
is only 200 mg/kg. Tests on fish show even greater difference.
I am a physician Board Certified in Allergy and Immunology. For over 60 years I spent time in clinical
practice of my specialty including clinical research, editing abstracts for a national allergy journal, teaching at
a medical school, advocating for recognition and for the environmental needs of my chemically sensitive
patients(e.g. clean air and water). I moved to Sequin from "the other Washington" in 1971.
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Leslie A. Russell , D.M . D.
363 Walnut Street CITY OF PORT ANGELES
NewtuoviIle , Mass . 02160 CITY CLERK
Dear Dr, Russell :
Thank you for your letter of March 9 , 1983 , in regard Lo
tie fluoridation of drinking water.
The information available to the Environmental Protectioo
Agency is that fluoridation is a safe and effective means for
ceduciog the occurrence of dental caries . The fluoridation
process has been endorsed by several Presidents of the United
States and by several Surgeons General , including the current
Surgeon General , Dr. C . Everett Koop. A copy of Dr. Koop ' s
statement on fluoridation is enclosed.
Water treatment chemicals , including fluosiIioio acid ,
have been evaluated for their potential for contributing to
the contamination of drinking water. The Water Treatment
Chemicals Codex, published by the National Academy of Sciences ,
prescribes the purity requirements for fIuosilicic acid and
other fluoridation chemicals .
In regard to the use of fluosilicic acid as a source 01,
fluoride for fluoridation, this Agency regards such use as an
ideal environmental solution to a long-standing problem. By
recovering by-product fluosiIicic acid from fertilizer
manufacturing , water and air pollution are minimized , and
water utilities have a low-cost source of fluoride available
to them. I hope this information adequately responds to your
sinnerely yours , '
Rebecca 8anmer
Deputy Assistant Administrator
for Water
_ P.O. Box 1677, aequim, Washington, 98382
A non-profit corpo don dediosted to the mi=e 1wid use of the North Olwnpio Pehinsul-
September 2 2014
To: Port Angeles City Council
From: Eloise Kailin, M.D.
Re: Water fluoridation, Response to remarks of Dr. Kennedy and Dr.Tom Locke at last Council
Over a the next two years we expect to show
* Our community suffers from excessive fluoride from foods, beverages, dental products . There is
no justification for adding more fluoride.
* Claims of dental benefit are illusory, based on inadequate study design
* Water fluoridation is not safe for everyone.
Dr. Locke last week claimed great benefits, and no harm from water fluoridation. He charges
opponents like us with use of junk science , citations to unqualified medical journals, and fear
mongering . He also warned you that we are dangerous because we use references. Indeed we do.
When I offer a research paper to a medical journal it is referred to a knowledgeable reviewer who
recommends its publication . Reference to a peer reviewed journal article adds credibility.
A whole new level of credibility was reached in evaluating safety concerns for fluoridation. When
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency needed to update its standards for safety of fluoride in
drinking water it took the remarkable step of selecting a committee of twelve qualified scientists
chosen for balance of opposing views on fluoride to actually write the report. They were required to
work with a toxicology team of eleven toxicologists with their staff. Also there were agency
participations, including a person assigned from the notoriously fluoride supportive CDC. Whew!
After 3 years language was watered down and consensus was reached. We now have about 1,000
references deemed worthy. We have literature dealing with harm up to end of writing this document
which information is recognized by all parties . Publication was March of 2006. We will be sharing
information in this document as well as later developments with you and the community.
Your access is : http://www.nap.edu/catalog/I 1571.html
It is a principle information source for those of us who study fluoridation, its effects and its
Visit our web site at www.olympus.net/commutiity/oec/ppf.htm
MAY 1 2 2014
To Port Angeles City Council for May 6, 2014
I am Eloise Kailin, a retired physician residing at 160 Kane Lane, Sequim. I have two
action requests:
1. Please stop deployment of smart meters until it can be demonstrated that there will be no
increase in electromagnetic pollution in residences beyond that from analog meters.
2. Please consider use of a health effects consultant: who has no substantial ties to the
metering or energy—related industry. I would like to recommend Dr. Samuel Milman, an
epidemiologist formerly employed by Wa. State Department of Health, who is an expert on
electromagnetic pollution. Contact: is smilham@dc.rr.com tel.(760)775-5878
Due to time constraints I will hit the high points of today's message, and rely
on this written document to fill in the blanks.
My Number One message is: Congratulations! Your decision to hire West Monroe
Partners to assess performance of Mueller Inc. for smart meter installation paid off.
Monroe Partners established without doubt that the contract of Mueller with you has been
breached. You can and must walk away from their contract.
SECOND: You were mistakenly told that Smart Meters produce no adverse health effects:
"such a small amount of radiation", "Meets standards." The inconvenient truth is that
permitted electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from the Smart Meter causes release of
electromagnetic waves along the existing electric lines through out the interior of the home
This radiates into the rooms and is picked up by the bodies of occupants,; Real illness of a
variety of types results. DNA is damaged. Toxins are allowed past the blood brain barrier
into the working brain cells. Auto immune diseases are created. Cancer and leukemia
clusters appear around radio and microwave transmission towers, their incidence in the
population ("frequency) being related to distance from the radiation source..
THIRD; Current standards for radiation are not adequate to protect the more vulnerable
people in our population because people are getting obviously and immediately sick on
exposure despite those standards For those questioning the validity of their neighbors'
reports we note that double blind studies have been done.( Rea WJ, Pan Y, Fenyves EJ, et
al. Electromagnetic field sensitivity. Journal of Bioelectricity. 1991 ; 10(1 &2): 243-256. )
In the past two decades EMR exposure has sky rocketed thanks to the electronic wonders
of wireless computers, TV, cell phones and microwave ovens . Port Angeles added a large
radiation load when it added Wi Fi The delicate electric systems that run the human body
are disrupted by these signals, Damage is cumulative. Some populations exposed to heavy
doses of EMR experience widespread illness of a variety of types.
I have interviewed six electro-sensitive people whose experiences with Wi Fi and smart
meters provide good evidence that EMR levels currently considered safe actually created
harm. In two people insulin pumps malfunctioned at the library, leading to faintness:
Symptoms were relieved on leaving the premises., Two individuals have noted
improvement when smart meters were removed; from their homes. The coincidences of
reduction of symptoms with timing of removal of meters was dramatic.
What happened to Helen and Mury Sears when installation of the Wi Fi system drove them
out of their hoped for forever retirement home. on Milwaukee Avenue tells us a lot about
the smart meter problem. Helen offers her story to benefit others.
As soon as the Wi Fi system was turned on (Sept. 2012) Helen was in trouble
Severe headache, "wired", ringing in ears so loud s he could not sleep, Could not think
coherently. She fled to family in California. On return she could not stay in PA for more than
a few hours at a time. She slept in Sequim . Symptoms consistently appeared within
minutes of every return to PA, intensifying with time. Recovery to near normal brain function
depended on length of exposure, sometimes requiring 2 or 3 days. One transmitter outside
her bedroom window in P.A. was turned off for a day or so: this helped but only for the time
it was off.
The Sears sold their house and moved to Mendocino, CA.
In Mendocino they discovered on their first night she could not sleep: their new house had a
smart meter. Removal and replacement with a non transmitting meter provided relief
starting immediately . Avoidance of EMR is difficult and expensive.
Another EMR sensitive person resides in the county with 4 children. She eventually
correlated exposure to electric magnetic pollution and symptoms, ringing ears,
disorientation, and weakness. Clallarn PUD was good enough to replace her digital meter
which had transmission capacity with a meter lacking this feature. Symptoms were
immediately lessened. A year later residual symptoms were further relieved almost instantly
when this meter was replaced with an analog meter.
You can and should cancel the contract with Mueller.
2. ElectroMagnetic Radiation from many sources harms real people here and now. SMART
AND BY INTERFERENCE WITH INSULIN PUMPS. Some sources are avoidable, a matter
Of choice. /\ meter ODthe hDDl8 i38 necessity, and should not add 8Dunnecessary
radiation burden . Who would disagree that home should be a safe refuge?
"From the [Oo[D8Dt Port Angeles flipped on its state-of-the-art, citywide VVi-fi 8Vst8[n' it
U8C|Dl8t8U S|8ep' COOC8Dt[8t|OD' phyg|C8| St8DliD8. and any sense of well U8|Og for Ol8. Besides
exhausted, | was constantly dizzy, thoughts RV8pO[8tiOg mid-way, and had the g8O8[8| VVODkiO8SSOf
8 high fever. | thought | was going C[8Zy, O[ about tOdi8." She fled to her daughter in California.
OD return she moved t08 rental iDSeQUi0. ; it took days torecover from hours spent iOPA.' One
Df the transmitters was outside her bedroom vviDdOODNSt. City Manager Dan N1CK8gOarranged
for this tO be turned OK over 8 week end vvh|Ch helped OOtiC|U|y' but the city did not offer to turn it off
O[' relocate it, the cost for which being $20'000. Cost of shielding the house from neighborhood
signals was estimated 8t from $4.00UtO $8'000.
There are now 17 towers and antennas within G5-Oli|e radius 0f our PA house, and that doesn't
include the VVi-fitransmitters
C}O11/1O/12 Helen wrote: K8u[V drove around our neighborhood and discovered 7VYi-fi
t[3nsnlittOFS within o half-block 0four house. The effects seem to be Cu[OU|adive, beginning when
the city boundary is crossed, and if I stay longer than three hours at the house, it takes a couple
days tOrecover.
On 12/7/12 : The buzzing and brain vibrations were back tObeing severe today, though they've
been better for @ about three days [8C8OUV (and | COU|d stay for four hours instead of two), which
makes MU[V and Dle wonder if the city has been changing the settings OD the transmitters near us.
He's written 8 letter asking that two Of the four within half 8 block of US be moved.
The Sears sold the house and moved tOMendocino
We were 8||Ovv8d to DlDv8 into our new place the night before escrow closed, 8Oight | couldn't sleep
and felt wonky and terrible. The next OOO[Ding we discovered 8SOO8rt meter on the outside vv8|| of
the garage. We had it and our neighbor's removed, but| was oh|| getting zapped,though not as much..
On 6/16/13 Helen 8 08i|8: | d|SCOV8red 8S08rt meter 8tthe cottage the day b8fO[8 8SCK}VV
recorded. Fortunately, there's an opt-out program here, and our neighbors (we have only one close
by) are willing tO let US bankroll getting theirs out, too. The radiation was devastating, but recovery
surprisingly and consistently rapid. After one d[88dfU| day and night, both meters were "disabled" -
they will be swapped out this week with digital meters that have DO tn3OSOliUB[S or transmitting chips
. Helen reports: "` l can now feel things ( never used to, including^^didy" electricity, and noy cars screamed all
tb*hmu. We've had to replace our portable phones with landlines, get cable connections for everything
including the computer mouse, besides experimenting until finding six breakers we could turn off
permanently. Plus,we hired an EMF consultant to first measure what levels of radiation we were dealing with
and in what parts of the house,then rewire several circuits b`eliminate the dirtiest ufthe ^^didy" electricity. It
took him and u helper three days.
4/20/14/ EK4R sensitivity has iDC[8@SGd' but | found (1h[OUgh LeSSEMF.COOl) 8 b8S8b8|| hat with
stainless steel threads iD the cap and bill, which really helps. | can now gO into Fort Bragg, which
has many cell phone towers and antennas, plus stores with large banks Of fluorescent lights (whose
dirty electricity | can now feel) and not get wonky.
I've also been experimenting with screening. Even with our 'smart' meter and our neighbor's out
neighbors'we're still getting hit with more distant And | can now also feel our neighbor's
VV}Fi router iD their living [0OnO. (They're kind enough 1Oturn it off 8t night.) So we put up 8
temporary aluminum screen over the kitchen window to see what would happen, and my symptoms
turned severe instantly. Then W4U[v thought b] ground the screen with 8D alligator clip tO8meter
box, and the symptoms disappeared.
Double blind studies Of Electromagnetic Field (EW1F) hypersensitivity tO various EyWFfrequencies,
demonstrated reproducible reactions tO that frequency 1n which they were most sensitive. This was
published in JOu[D@| Of E\ine|8ctriCity.1991;10/1 &2> 243-250. Authors Rea W, ' Pan Y, FeOVv8S EJ
et al
The peer reviewed scientific |it8[8tU[8 iDC|Vd8S reports linking 8 variety Of illnesses to EMF
HXp0SU[8 This iOC|Ud8SaOlV0tP3phiC |8t8[8| SC|er08iS' Parkinson's disease and A|Zh8iOl8[`G..
Studies Of even non-thermal exposures show chromosomal instability, altered gene expression,
gene mutations, DNA fragmentation and structural breaks iD DNA. See ZU S Brain Research
2O1O;1311. 189-19O (also other publications)
Epid80iO|OgicStUdieS ShOVV impressive relationship Of incidence Of leukemia and 08|iQn8DCies to
distance from broadcasting towers/.Many studies have been done Some of the story was generated
by.D[. G80 yNi|h80 M.D. MPH who worked for WA State Dept of Health as epidemiologist 1968-
1892 His book "Dirty Electricity" was published iU2010.
Nittbv H` B[UD A' Eberhardt J et 8| in 8 statistically significant StUdVShOvVed iOC[H8S8d blood-brain
barrier permeability in nl8Dl[D8ii8O brain 7 days after exposure h] the radiation from 8GSKA SOO
mobile phone. P8th0phySiO|OgV2OO9; 18: 1U3-112
Decreased litter size has been reported iO mice from RF exposures well below EMFsafety
otaDd8n1S. Published inBiO8|8Ctrnnn8gD8tics. 2003; 24: 82-90
AGREEMENT. PAGE 2. "if the City r8j(�CL8the |Olp|8Dl8D\8tiOO Plan, the City may elect tOterminate
this Agreement."
2. Two Scientists Break Silence "Major F\8VVS", S8fetVOfCe|| Phones Report criticized, published
April 14,20143. [7ECe|| Phone R8di8tiOr. Affects Brain Activity iD Cell P hVD8 Users. Published in
C|iDiC8| N8U[O|OgV.
3. [TE CO|| Phone Radiation Affects Brain Activity in [|S|| Phone Users. Clinical Neurology
dOVb|g blind testing. 3 pp.
4.. Electromagnetic and HRdiOf[8qUenCy Fields. Effect on HU08D Health. From American Academy
Of Environmental Medicine. VV8bsi[e5/1G/14 4pag8S.
l .
` .
` -
` `
(the "Agreement") between the City of Port Angeles, a Washington municipal corporation,
hereinafter the "City",and kluel[or Systems,LL C, existing under the laws of Delaware, registered
to do business in Washington State,hereinafter the"Vendor`'sets forth the terms and conditions
for provision by Vendor of all Advanced Metering Infrastructure System(the AMI System). Said
AMI System shall consist of the installation of an advanced meter infrastructure for the City's
electric anti water utilities and the integration of a meter data management system with the City's
existing Customer Information System (CIS)for use by the City in accordance with the terms,
conditions and specifications set forth in this Agreement.
Except when a word or phrase is given a specific meaning by the express terms of this
Agreement,words arid terms shall be given their ordinary and 11,91181.tneallirigS.The meanings
shall be applicable to the singular,plural,masculine,feminine and neuter of the words and terms.
This Agreement shall commence as of the(late it is fully executed by both Pat-ties,and this
Agreement shall continue in effect until it is terminated as provided below or until the Vendor has
fully performed all of its duties and responsibilities in accordance with the terms of this
3.1 Performance by the Vendor
This Agreement requires the Vendor to perform the following:
I. Develop an Implementation Plan. The Vendor shall develop an Implementation Plan in
accordance with Section 4.7 below. The City, in its discretion,may accept or reject the
Implementation Plan. If the City rejects the Implementation Plan,the City may elect to
terminate this Agreement." bo-iiFafe-d7as Vo-JU—ab initio;
an neitlicr—ly—at—ty—T—all Fave any rights or obligations Linder this Agreement,
2. If the City approves the Implementation Plan, the Vendor shall proceed to perform the
obligations required to complete Phase I of the Implementation Plan. Phase I requires the
Vendor to install arid.implement a fully functioning AMI System to one thousand(1,000)
of the City's utility customers designated by the City, This work shall include, but not be
limited to the following:
a. Electric meter replacement, installation, and repairs, except as provided ill 12.1.
b. Water meter replacement, installation, and repairs.
Page 2
Two Sciefifist Break Silence "Major Flaws" - Smart Meters 11or... htti)://www.sinai-tawat-etiess.ot-g/two—scieiitist—bi-eak—silctice—i-n...
Two Scientists Break Silence on "Major Flaws" in Royal Society's Recent Report
on Safety of Cell Phones and Towers, Smart Meters and Wi-Fi
OTTAWA, April 14, 2014 /CNW/ - Two peer reviewers involved in this month's
Royal Society report on wireless safety say the results cannot be trusted,
because the Panel ignored evidence that wireless radiation is harmful to
The scientific reviewers also said key panelists were in conflict of interest as
they regularly accept funding from wireless and energy companies.
One of the reviewers, Dr. Martin Blank, holds two PhD's and has published
more than 200 papers at Columbia University on the health effects of wireless
radiation. The other reviewer, Dr. Anthony Miller MD, is Professor Emeritus at
the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.
Both say the Royal Society panel ignored scientific evidence published over the
past five years. As peer reviewers, they noted some panelists were conflicted
and others lacked sufficient expertise.
"The Royal Society panel has failed in its obligation to the public," said Dr.
Miller. "It ignored recent evidence that wireless radiation is a probable
Dr. Miller said he is most concerned about involuntary exposure, such as
children exposed to Wi-Fi in schools.
Dr. Blank said the Royal Society dismissed definitive studies that prove wireless
radiation causes harm to human cells, including sperm cells when men carry
phones in their pockets.
"We don't need further study to lower safety limits," said Dr. Blank. "There is
already enough evidence to recommend lower limits for wireless radiation in
The Royal Society's panel has been mired in controversy. Last summer, the
original Chair resigned after a conflict of interest was exposed in the media.
The Royal Society promised to publish the remaining scientists' conflicts in its
final report, but did not.
SOURCE Canadians for Safe Technology (COST)
(index.php) �i, (sitemap.php)
6 47 5/6/14
lTBC6}Phone Radiation Affects Brain Activity io Cell Pbooc— urg/l2Zl —
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LTEo[e0U Phone Radiation Affects Brain Activity in Cell Similar v
cv Phone Users Did Tom Ifteeler,Nominee
L)Nted 51stes for FCC Chair,Subvert
Research Showing Harm
stralia New peer-reviewed research finds that xn minutes'exposure musm^xnxo^eradiation From Cell Phone ad'ation?
affects brain activity oo both sides v,the brain.
Brain Cancer Risk Increases
Hong Kong
vAlb the Amount of Wrelesa
Phone Use:Study
More Countries pnL"o(Press Release) a,n o3,nnm'BERKELEY,calif.-The first study un the short-term effects Polaris Networks&Atnena
m Long Term Evolution(os).the fourth Q� 'Artueless 4umumce
Comple ion of I OT between
ounenmoncenphone mmnu/ooxhas been -�`D 7 T�OOf0DS`��8le.
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vom��donon,mu=»�"�e~ewe mvm�. �u�m
Clinical xeu^op»vsioloox(1) Brain States and the
�AD News�J Upto55Y6 Off ou Laptops Sale 1 Bud Psychology of Dream�
' /nummmosa°xp,nmem.memm�em*'vmuu 8�utDculoo7Oomh�r20l3
. Polaris Networks Announces
Exclusive News mennmear m1upommnanmmcrscexnoune
radiation for xo minutes.The source wthe Core for Public Safety
mm�mnwas Im.nom�o,nmm the ea�and ue -----
October 2013
w" n" ae p, n` wo m absorbed amount m radiation m the brain was
wonmmmnm�mumvna/(/owmp)mx/phone legal
1� � � � � � �
limits.The researchers employed auvume-m.no. BLACK HCLLYuOOD
crossover,randomized and counter-balanced Welcomes the First Ever
design w eliminate any possible study biases. Black Music Awards a
The resting late brain activity m each participant was Emmy Award Winner and Casting Director,Stevie
.�- meaoueub'moonoocmsnono*/maomooMny�wm Valiance Visits Atlanta
times-after exposummosm/�mw�,�u/anvn.and November 10th,
Food Pantry Battul Salaam
C@�� ^��� ~��^ *���-�- meevunxuemonmm�um�osm.��umuma�� e�umuuu�
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brain neural activity not only m the closer brain region but Arizona Downtown Alliance
��*��� �m,mma�mo�mo/oommumnomo/,mhnm/snoe�� to hold downtown&
��m��� '
~~ me»mm.roo�uovho/nxoxv/ammounoenvmoneum/ �
omm�mmmw�and v��ose�o�m mo�ammn�rmemmmeema���omwo�smmo� Erica Collins Media/PR
m the brain. Canada Enterprises
moderates at Rutgers Food
4 muo11.Dr.Nora wyxmw Director m the National Institute vo Drug Abuse,published e similar muclym Innovation Center November
the Journal m the American Medical Association that received worldwide news coverage.Dr.vmkow --
reported that a 50 minute exposure to CDMA,a second generation cell phone technology,increased
Most Viewed Weekly
brain activity m the region m the brain closest w the cell phone.(x)
2012 Awarded Eco-Designer
The current study establishes that short-term exposure to LTE microwave radiation affects the users'
brain activity.Although crs/o too new for the long-term health consequences mhave been studied,we Urgent campaign on the
Critical Plight of the Oceans,-
have considerable evidence that long-term cell phone use is associated with various health risks 4608 views���
including increased risk of head and neck cancers,sperm damage,and reproductive health Public Forum on Living With
consequences for offspring(/.e..xono). Macular Degeneration To B
Held in Witon.Connecticut.-
Cell phone users,especially pregnant women and children,should limit their cell phone use.Moreover, ` 4`~~~
cell phone users should not keep their phones near their head,breasts or reproductive organs when
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Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
Sep 23.2013 News
I of 3 10/13/13
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CTE Cell Phone Radiation Affects Brain Activity in Cell 9hooe— u,g/l22l —
Faceuook: n
(1)Bin Lxz*/vo Chen,n`nonmo Wu,umoehuo.Duo van.Lin Me,xoLu.nx/e.The alteration m
spontaneous low frequency oscillations caused by acute electromagnetic fields exposure.Clinical
wemnvxv*moog:Published online*September zn1o.
Objective The motivation of this study is to evaluate the possible alteration of regional resting state brain
activity induced by the acute radiofrequency electromagnetic field(RF-EMF)exposure(30 min)of Long
Term Evolution(oE)signal.
wmhvoo me designed a controllable near-field ocnF-smp exposure environment.Eighteen subjects
participated in a double-blind,crossover,randomized and counterbalanced experiment including two
sessions(real and sham exposure).The radiation source was dose to the right ear.Then the resting
state fMRI signals of human brain were collected before and after the exposure in both sessions.We
measured the amplitude of low frequency fluctuation(ALFF)and fractional ALFF(fALFF)to characterize
Results We found the decreased ALFF value around in left superior temporal gyrus,left middle temporal
gyrus,right superior temporal gyrus,right medial frontal gyrus and right paracentral lobule after the real
exposure.And the decreased fALFF value was also detected in right medial frontal gyrus and right
Conclusions The study provided the evidences that 30 min LTE RF-EMF exposure modulated the
spontaneous low frequency fluctuations m some brain regions.
Significance With resting state fMRI,we found the alteration of spontaneous low frequency fluctuations
induced uv the acute osnF-smrexposure.
<qvmkow ND,Tomasio.Wang ou.mwm,P,Fowler JS,nya"uF,memmo.Logan J,Wong C.Effects
m cell phone mu/vfrw uency,/ona/exnooumv^mamn/um*emetaunoom.zxMw.uu11po»
oowTsxr The dramatic increase mum,moonu/a,te/enhooe"ouanenerateu,o"cema»nmpommme
negative effects of rau/olfeouenn/signals delivered m the brain.However,whether acute cell phone
exposure affects the human brain/sunclear.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if acute cell phone exposure affects brain glucose metabolism,a marker of ^
brain activity.
DESIGN,SETTING,AND PARTICIPANTS: Randomized crossover muo'cvnuucted»mmo nJanuan1
and December 31,2009,at a single US laboratory among 47 healthy participants recruited from the
community.Cell phones were placed on the left and right ears and positron emission tomography with
((18)F)fluorodeoxyglucose injection was used to measure brain glucose metabolism twice,once with
the right cell phone activated(sound muted)for 50 minutes("on"condition)and once with both cell
phones deactivated("off,condition).Statistical parametric mapping was used to compare metabolism
between on and off conditions using paired t tests,and Pearson linear correlations were used mverify
the association m metabolism and estimated amplitude mmo/ofevurncy-mcm"/ato e/emmmuuoaou
waves emitted^v the cell phone.Clusters with at/eam/000voxe/o(vvmm*`onm(3))anup`u5
(corrected for multiple comparisons)were considered significant.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Brain glucose metabolism computed aa absolute metabolism(xmumoo
o per minute)and as normalized metabolism(ew/orxwoo/euram).
RESULTS: Whole-brain metabolism did not differ between on and off conditions.mcontrast,
metabolism in the region closest to the antenna(orbitofrontal cortex and temporal pole)was significantly
2 of2 10/13/13
ETE Celle Phone Radiation Affects Brain Activity in Cell Phone... http://www.prlog.org/12215083-ite-cell-phone-radiation-affects...
higher for on than off conditions(35.7 vs 33.3 Nmol/100 g per minute;mean difference,2.4[95%
confidence interval,0.67-4.2];P=.004).The increases were significantly correlated with the estimated
electromagnetic field amplitudes both for absolute metabolism(R=0.95,P<.001)and normalized
CONCLUSIONS: In healthy participants and compared with no exposure,50-minute cell phone
exposure was associated with increased brain glucose metabolism in the region closest to the antenna.
This finding is of unknown clinical significance.
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Source :UC Berkeley Center for Family and Community Health
Phone :510-643-7314
Cilyfrown Berkeley-California-United States
Industry Telecom,Health
Tags Ite,cell phone radiation,health effects,brain
Last Updated :Sep 23,2013
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[3 ' ` ~ icandQudiofreqouuy Fields Effect ooRumun H— hVp://wnw.aaemmdioc km.huo|
ACADEMY()F 6505 E,Ceww�Avenue, #296
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Hectromagnetic and Radiof.requency Field
umU Effect mn Human Health.
Search Site For over 50 years,the American Academy of Environmental Medicine(AAEM) has been studying
and treating the effects m the environment on human health. m the last 2n years,Our physicians
-- [7Goi | began seeing patients who reported that electric power lines,televisions and other electrical
devices caused a wide variety of symptorns. By the mid 1990's, it became clear that patients were
Quick Links adversely affected uv electromagnetic fields and becoming more electrically sensitive. In the last
five years with the advent or wireless devices,there has been a massive increase/n
rau/ooeqve^cv(op)exposure from wireless devices as well as reports o/hypersensitivity and
• Member Resources diseases related w electromagnetic field and npexvvsvre. Multiple studies correlate xFexposom
° Donate here with diseases such as cancer, neurological disease, reproductive disorders, immune dysfunction,
and electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
nx"ma'`*hip The electromagnetic wave spectrum is divided into ionizing radiation such as ultraviolet and x'm's
and non-ionizing radiation such asrau/onenuenc'(np)'which includes w/p/'cell phones,and
Smart Meter wireless communication. It has long been recognized that ionizing radiation can have
a negative impact on health, However,the effects of non-ionizing radiation on human health
recently have been seen. Discussions and research of non-ionizing radiation effects centers around
thermal and^^^'me,ma/effects.According tothe pccanuomerr,oumtnryaoenc/es.only
thermal effects are relevant regarding health implications and consequently,exposure limits are
based on thermal effects on/v.,
wm/e u was practical w regulate thermal mnene,,s. /t was also stated that non-thermal effects are
not Well understood and no conclusive scientific evidence points to non-thermal based negative
xm/m enccts.'Further arguments are made with respect mxr exposure onm wm'cell towers
and smart meters that due to distance,exposure to these wavelengths are negligible.2 However,
many in".tm.in vivo and o^mem/vmo/ca/studies demonstrate that significant harmful mo/vn/o,/
effects occur from non-thermal np exposure and satisfy Hill's criteria orovcanu'3 Gcoeu,
damage, reproductive defects,cancer, neurological degeneration and nervous system dysfunction,
immune system dysfunction, cognitive effects,protein and peptide damage, kidney damage,and
developmental effects have all been reported m the peer-reviewed scientific literature.
Genwwx/cnx,cLsfrom upcxnosore' including studies ornon-thermal levels mexposure,
consistently and specifically show chromosomal mmamotx altered gene expression,gene
mutations, DNA fragmentation and DNA structural bmeko.+-1zA statistically significant dose
response effect wauuemonstrated uvmasche,/cxotal. 'who reported linear increase in
aneuploidy as a function of the Specific Absorption Rate(SAR)of RF exposure."Genotoxic effects
are documented m occur m neurons, blood/vmpoocytcs'snenn'red blood cells,cruhena/ccny.
»emampw/eucusme' lung cells and bone marrow.Adverse developmental effects due m
non-thermal RF exposure have been shown with decreased litter size in mice from RF exposure
well below safety stanclards.12 The World Health Organization has classified RF emissions as a
group 2 B carcinogen.13 Cellular telephone use in rural areas was also shown to be associated with
an increased risk for malignant brain tumors. `+
The fact that*p exposure causes neurological damage has been documented re»cotemv
mcreaseumoon'uram barrier permeability and oxidative damage,which are associated with brain
cancer and neumucoenerauvemseasas' have been mu^u.^'''15-1rw/u»retal. demonstrated
statistically significant dose-response effect between ^no'menna/np exposure and occurrence of
albumin leak across the blood-brain barrier.15 Changes associated with degenerative neurological
B6 |4
| of �
8Jcctxm - 000d Radiofrequency Fields Fffect mo8umaoD— http://www.aaei-nonline.org/emf—i-f—position.html
diseases such omzxo/*ers, Parkinson's and Amvotro»mcmtera/sclemsu(ALs) have been
reported.4,10 Other neurological and cognitive disorders such as headaches,dizziness,tremors,
decreased memory and attention,autonomic nervous system dysfunction,decreased reaction
times, sleep disturbances and visual disruption have been reported mue statistically significant m
multiple epidemiological studies with np exposure Occurring ovn'/ocvxv.18-21
wcvomtox/c effects from np exposure also have been ovonau.xuose response effect was
observed by mov/e and sx^sx in which npexnomre resulted in mild m extensive degenerative
changes in chick embryo kidneys based on duration of RF exposure.24 RF emissions have also been
shown to cause isomeric changes m amino acids that can result in nevxmummtyaswell as
Electromagnetic field(emp) hypersensitivity has been documented in controlled and double mmu
studies with exposure to various smpfrequencies. Rea et al.demonstrated that under double mmV
placebo controlled conditions, 100%of subjects showed reproducible reactions to that frequency
to which they were most sensitive.22 Pulsed electromagnetic frequencies were shown to
consistently provoke neurological symptoms in a blinded subject while exposure to continuous
frequencies did no'.o
Although these studies clearly show causality and disprove the claim that health effects from ur
exposure are voouam'mcm/saoome,mecxamsmmatvmveseaumwannoucore«vonc/es.
including radiofrequencies, can negatively impact human health.Government agencies and
industry set safety standards based on the narrow scope of Newtonian or''uayy/,ar physics
reasoning that the effects of atoms and molecules are confined in space and tirne.This model
supports the theory that a mec»a^/co/mrcoausv^a physical object and txus, mno'mnue
exposure mswpand np cannot have an impact on health /rno significant heating occurs.
However,this/oao incomplete mvoc/. x«uantum physics model/s necessary mfully ooueounu
and appreciate how and why EMF and RE fields are harmful to humans.26,27 In quantum physics
and quantum field theory, matter can behave asa particle o,asawave with wave-like properties.
Matter and electromagnetic fields encompass quantum fields that fluctuate in space and time.
These interactions can have long-range effects which cannot ueshielded,are non-linear and by
their quantum nature have uncertainty. uvmo systems, including the human uvux interact with
the magnetic vector potential component of an electromagnetic field such as the field near a
toroidal Coil.26,28,29 The magnetic vector potential is the coupling pathway between biological
systems and electromagnetic fields.26,27 Once a patient's specific threshold of intensity has been
rxoeueu' /t/s the frequency which triggers the patient's reactions.
Long onno FIAT vrnE forces can act over large distances setting a biological system oscillating in
phase with the frequency of the electromagnetic field so it adapts with consequences to other
body systems.This also may produce an electromagnetic frequency imprint into the nvmo system
that can be long lasting.26,27,'o Research using objective instrumentation has shown that even
passive resonant circuits can imprint a frequency into water and biological systerns.31 These
quantum electrodynamic effects uo exist and may explain the adverse xemm effects seen with
sMFanu up exposure.These smpaou RE quantum n,m effects have not been adequately studied
and are not fully understood ooammn human health.
Because of the well documented studies showing adverse effects on health and the not fully
understood quantum field effect,xxsm calls for exercising precaution with regard to sMF, RE and
general frequency exposure. In an era when all society relies on the benefits of electronics,we
must find ideas and technologies that uo not disturb bodily function. Ic/o clear that the human
uuu'uses electricity from the chemical bond to the oemr impulse and obviously this orderly
sequence can be disturbed by an mx/vmva,sneunce/rummannet/cnevuc^n/c^v/mvme^t.
Neighbors and whole communities are already exercising precaution,demanding abstention from
wireless in their homes and businesses.
Furthermore,the xxsw asks for:
• An immediate caution on smart Meter installation due m potentially»annm/ RE exposure.
• Accommodation for health considerations regarding eMrano RE exposure, mcmmno
exposure m wireless Smart Meter technology.
• Independent studies m further understand the xca/m effects from smp^nu npexvosum.
• nrmomuoo that electromagnetic hypersensitivity is omwmo problem worldwide.
�/6 |4
2o[4 ~
800tromvgn etic and 8adiofoqoruuy Fields Effect ou8umao8— hVp://vwn.�iuunoiiliau 6on.hhn|
• Understanding and control of this electrical environmental bombardment for the protection
of society.
• cnns/uomunn and independent research regarding the quantum effects mswpand npon
human health.
• Use of safer technology, including for Smart Meters,such as hard-wiring,fiber optics or
other noo'»annm/ methods vrdata transmission.
Submitted u': Amy L. Dean, oo' William J. nca' MD,Cyril w.Smith, PhD,mv/sL. Barrier,MD
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