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9019 Plum Street SP ® PO Box 42525 ® Olympia, Washington 9£3504-2525 (360) 725-4000
September 29, 2014
The Honorable Dan Di Guilio
Mayor of Port Angeles
Post Office Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
RE: 2016 Growth Management Periodic Update Deadline
Dear Mayor Di Guilio:
We want to make you are aware of an important upcoming deadline that could affect your ability
to apply for state infrastructure funding. The Growth Management Act (GMA) requires that all
cities and counties review and update their planning documents; these include comprehensive
plans and development regulations, including your critical areas ordinance. Each city and county
in the state is required to undertake this review process every eight (8) years, as outlined in the
GMA (RCW 36.70A.130).
These updates are due for the City of Port Angeles on June 30, 2016.This due date is coming
soon. We want to make you are aware of this requirement so that your community can complete
the work needed and maintain state funding eligibility. Many communities like yours are
already underway. You may also be underway.
We have assigned Joyce Phillips of our staff who will be contacting your staff to verify the status
of your periodic update and provide any assistance we can offer with the update process.
What You Need To Do
There are four essential steps to the periodic update process: (1) Review, (2) Revise (if needed),
(3) Legislative Action, and (4)Notify Department of Commerce.
1) Review: First, you must review the local planning documents you are required to
maintain under the GMA to make sure they are current and meet all the state requirements.
We provide a checklist you may use for this process, which will assist you in determining
what to review and what changes may be needed. This review should also include a public
hearing in front of your planning commission or council to give the public a chance to
comment on any changes they think are needed. This is a very important step. Your public
hearing, and the announcement of the hearing, must clearly state that this is part of the
required GMA periodic review and update process. We recommend you read more about
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this step on our web page: tivww.conimerce.wa.gov/grorvth (under the topic "Periodic Update
2) Revise: If your review shows that you need to make changes to your plan or regulations,
you will need to adopt these revisions. As with every amendment to your comprehensive
plan or development regulations, you must provide notice to the state at least sixty (60) days
prior to the planned adoption date (RCW 36.70A.106). As mentioned above, be sure to
conduct an open and thorough public involvement program to enlist your community's help
in completing this review, as required by the GMA. Also be sure to list in your recitals that
this action is part of the periodic update process.
3) Legislative Action: After reviewing, and revising (if necessary), your local plans and
regulations, you must take legislative action to formally conclude the periodic review
process. This means either(1) adopting an ordinance if there were revisions made, or(2) if
your review concluded no changes are needed, adopting a resolution affirming your entire
review process and declaring that your periodic update is complete.
The recitals of your ordinance or resolution should list the steps you took during the
review, including the public hearing,to demonstrate everything you have done to
accomplish the task. If your update is challenged, this is how you will demonstrate the
actions you took as part of the periodic update. Such documentation has served other
jurisdictions well in the past under similar circumstances. Our Commerce web site
includes several examples of legislative actions for you to work from. We can also help
you find an example that is right for you.
4) Notify Department of Commerce: Your final step to complete the periodic review
process will involve submitting your work(including adopted ordinances or resolutions with
findings or recitals) to our office in Commerce - Growth Management Services. You must
send us notice no more than ten (10) days after final adoption by your legislative body (RCW
36.70A.106). We recommend you include a declaration of completion within your adopting
ordinance or resolution, as well as within your final submittals, which explicitly states the
required review and update process is complete. Again, we have sample language available
to help guide you through this final step.
After we receive notice of adoption, we will confirm your status and send you a
congratulatory letter indicating they you have completed this requirement. We also
maintain on our web site a list of jurisdictions that have met this requirement.
How Commerce Can Help
We have experienced the same reductions that everyone in state and local government has faced
during recent years. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer grant assistance for many of you in
this review process. Our ability to provide direct staff assistance is also very limited right now.
However, we are here to help, and we have developed a set of planning tools that are readily
available on our Commerce, Growth Management Services web site.
Our specific written guidance on the periodic review and update process is available online, and
you can access all of it through the web links below. Much helpful information, including
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sample material, is posted at this site for your convenience. If you need additional help, please
ask; we look forward to assisting you!
Where to go for more Help and Information
Growth Management Periodic Update Information Page
We recommend you start by reading our posted Guidebook: Keeping your Comprehensive Plan
and Development Regulations Current: A Guide to the Periodic Update Process under the
Growth Management Act.
Contact Commerce if you have any questions about or concerns about periodic review. Your
contact for the periodic review is Joyce Phillips. They can be reached at (360) 725-3045 OR
joyce.phillips a co mnerce.wa.gov.
Best Regards,
Jeffrey S. Wilson, AICP
Senior Managing Director
Growth Management Services
cc: Nathan West, Community/Economic Development Director