HomeMy WebLinkAbout3523 ORDINANCE NO. s�3
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,adopting the I
2015 budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015.
WHEREAS,the City Manager of the City of Port Angeles completed and placed on file
with the City Clerk an estimate of the amount of the moneys required to meet the public
= expenses, reserve funds, and expenses of government of the City included in the 2015 City
f Manager recommended budget for the fiscal year ending December 31,2015,as attached hereto
I � f
j as Exhibit "A"; and
WHEREAS, a notice was published that the City Council would meet and hold public
j hearings at the hour of 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of Port Angeles City Hall, on
Tuesday,November 18, 2014, and Tuesday,December 2, 2014, for the purpose of making and
adopting a budget for fiscal year 2015 and giving taxpayers within the limits of the City of Port
Angeles an opportunity to be heard upon said budget; and
t WHEREAS,the City Council did meet at said times and place and did then consider the
matter of said proposed budget,
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. The budget for the City of Port Angeles, Washington, for the year 2015
is hereby adopted at the fund level in its form and content as set forth in the document entitled
"City of Port Angeles,Washington 2015,Budget,"a copy of which is on file in the Office of the
City Clerk, and which is incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 2. Estimated resources for each separate fund of the City of Port Angeles,
i and aggregate expenditures for all such funds for the year 2015 are set forth in summary form
in Exhibit A that is attached hereto and are hereby appropriated for� Y expenditure at the fund level p
f `
during the year 2015.
i Section 3. For the 2015 calendar year, no dollars ($0.00) are appropriated in the
budget to paragraph IV. (1)of the Funding Agreement entered into the 1"day of January,2010,
between the City and the Port Angeles Downtown Association.
� E
Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to keep on file the budget referred to in
Section 2 above and to transmit a complete copy of the final budget to the Division of Municipal
Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities.
Section 5. The City Clerk and the codifiers ofthis ordinance are authorized to correct
scrivener's/clerical errors,references,ordinance numbering,section/subsection numbers and any `
� f
references thereto.
Section 6. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City Council i
and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days after
publication according to law. '
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, at a regular 1
meeting of said Council on the 2nd day of December, 2014.
Dan Di Guilio, M A Y O R
j J nnifer Veneklasen, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: [h&WC 10 , 2014
l �
f By Summary
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f -3-
2015 Budget Ordinance
Exhibit A
Funds 2014 rd ud
Bget-3 Amendment_ _ _ ent 2015 Budget
Fund Div. Name/Description Beginnings Revenuel Expendituresl Ending Be inningl Revenuel Expenditures Ending
Balance Est. Balance Est. Balance Est. Balance Est.
GENERAL FUND (Note: Divisional totals for reference only)
iFund Balance: - -5,848,438 - 5,422,109 5,422,109 - ---- ---5,422,109
.001. 11160 City Council 41,300 !. 66,900 41,800 "' 64,800
001. 1210 City Manager 411,500 272,400 411,700 316,4001,
001. !1211 Customer Commitment 0 8,900 0 8,400
001. !1220 Human Resources 0 !. 244,400 0 ! 225,450 1
001. 1230 City Clerk 0 219,100 - 0 184,600
001. '1390 Community Service 0 46,750 0 46,750 "I
001. 2001 Finonce-Revenue 14,433,400 0 - - 14,979,500 0
001. 12010 Finance Administration 0 631,800 0 643,900
001. 2023 Accounting 0 721,600 0 749,100 1
001. 2025 Customer Service _ 0 1,034,600 0 1,133000
001. 2080 ;Reprographics 0 86,900 0 65,600
001. 2091 Non-Departmental 0 45,800 ! 0 45,600 1
1001. :2099 'General Unspecified 0 452,300 i.. 0 107,500
001. 13010 ;City Attorney 1 439,300 385,300 j 420,000 360,600
001. 3012 Joil Contributions "". _- _ 0 650,000 j 0 630,000
001. 3021 Prosecution - _ 22,500 535,300 : 2 1,000 j 547,40011
001 '4010 ;Planning _ 336,400 1 468,700 372,800 497,000
001. 4020 Building 215,000 164,950 515,300 172,400
001. 4030 Code Compliance 0 42,600 0 42,750
001. 4062 Cultural Resources ! ',, 0I. 20,000 0 20,000
---- ----ICI
001. 14071 Economic Development 317,371 0 60,000 135,800-'
001. 15010 Police Administration 0 613,450 : 0 628,200 j
001. 5012 PenCom/Capitol Transfers 215,000 245,200 220,000 268,150
- _ -
001. '5021 Police Investigation 300 885,850 ! 1,000 935,900
001 5022 Police Patrol 390,250 2,783,800 326,300 2,939 300
001. 15026 Police Reserves&Volunteers ! 0 11,150 0
,001. 15029 iPolice Records 23,350 : 447,450 20,200 464,900
001. :5050 Police Facilities Maintenance 15,000 5,800 6,700 8,500 1
.001. !6010 1.Fire Administration 123,900 345,300 123,900 358,400
001. .6012 ,;PenCom/Medic I Support 0 454,600 0 454,600
_,- ---I
001. ;6020 Fire Suppression 131,800 1,536,200 : 0 1,452,700
001. 16021 Fire Volunteers
8,800 65,300 8,800 52,400
0 3,500 0 2,500
001. .6030 :Fire cPreventionons 23,600 : _31,600 " -" 4,800 10,800
001 '15040 Fire Training 6,000 139,500 7,000 138,000 j
!6050 Fire Facilities Maintenance 0 41,300 0 44,700
001. 16060 Fire Emergency Management 0 3,100 !. 0 3,100
001. %7010 ;Public Works Administration - 1,513,600 2,680,000 1,584,600 2,842,700
001. 7012 Public Works CIP 0 176200 0
, 92,300
001. j 7032 j Public Works Telecommunications ! 112,100 0 - 50,300 103,000
001. 18010 Parks Administration 26,500 298,200 26,500 281,200
001. 18012 iSenior Center !. 44,000 150,900 44,200 146,300
ODI 18050 1Ocean View Cemetery ! 141,000 - 151,900 139,000 153,800
00I. ,',8080 Park Facilities 20,000 . 1,842,100 20,000 - 1,524,400
i-----_- --- - -- --
001. 8090 Marine Life Center 1 D 20,300 __.. _ -0 -.20,300
001. 18112 Senior Center Facilities 0 53,100
D 37,500
,001. 8131 Central Services Facilities 315,800 594,300 !. ! 304,600 551,100
001. 8221 Sports Programs 167,000 164,400 157,000 168,900 :
001. ;8224 !youth/Family Programs 89,500 167,500 88,000 175,200
001 TOTAL General Fund 5,848,438 19,584,271 20,010,600 5,422,109 5,422,109 ! 20,065,000 20,065,000 ! 5,422,109
101 Lodging Excise Tax Fund 282,284 ! 470,300 575,800 176,784 176,784 470,500 519,700 127,584
102 Street Fund 462,352 ! 1,851,600 2_,087,500 226,452 226,452 1,588,300 1,776,500 38,252
103 Economic Development Fund 355,871 140,000 495,871 0 0 0 0 0
105 Real Estate Excise Tax-1(REEf-1)Fund 64,297 85,400 18,400 131,297 131,297 90,200 145,800 ! 75,697
107 PenCom Fund 697,444 2,544,400 2,596,700 645,144 645,144 2,305,750 2,517,005 433,889
156 Esther Webster Fine Arts Center Operations 0 151,300 132,310 18,990 18,990 139,400 139,400 18,990
160 Real Estate Excise Tax-2(REET-2)Fund 58,054 85,200 86,100 57,154 57,154 90,100 86,100 61,154
172 Port Angeles Housing Rehab.Fund 207,084 46,500 300 !; 253,284 253,284 791,000 ! 894,300 149,984
TOTAL Special Revenue Funds 2,127,386 5,374,700 5,992,981 1,509,105 1,509,105 5,475,250 6,078,805 ! 905,550
Page 1 of 2
2015 Budget Ordinance
Exhibit A
Funds 2014 Budget-3rd Amendment 2015 Budget
p g g� p g g g _-l..._p._._.l._..
Fund Div. Name/Description ee innin Revenue Ex enditures Ending Be innin Revenue Ex enditures Ending
Balance Est.1 I Balance Est. I Balance Est.1 Balance Est.
212 2005 GO Bond -Refunding Fund(Library) 18,262 287,100 281 700 23 662 23,662 276,200 286,300 13,562
-_-- ------_. _- _ -- --- -- _ - -- -- - -- - -
214 2005 LTGO Bond Fund(W U G.A.) - 3,467 255,000 252,800 5,667 5,667 !, 253,200 251,600 7,267
215 2006 LTGO Bond(Prop.Acquisition)Fund 669,126 60,300 87,000 ! 642,426 642,426 I 60,000 . 87,000 615,426
216 2014 LTGO Bond(Landfill Bluff Stabilization)Fund 0 8,706,000 8,654,400 51,600 51,600 : 395,200 343,700 103,100
TOTAL Debt Service Funds 690,855 ` 9,308,400 ! 9,275,900 723,355 723,355 984,600 !: 968,600 739,355
401 Electric Utility Fund 6,906,107 39,140,300 40,910,000 5,775,026 5,775,026 39,462,800 38,281,300 , 6,956,526
402 Water Utility Fund 11,037,298 - 5,518,000 7,245,175 10,210,141 10,210,141 5,722,300 6,504,820 9,427,621
Wastewater Utility Fund 2,256,163 404 J-- Solid Waste Utility Fund 4,935,581 9,752,700 8
9,555,200 8,654,081_ 8,654 081 0
9 717 100 10 06_7 118 8,304,063
406 Stormwater Utility Fund 542,558 1,514,000 1,432,800 745,452 745,452 ! ,617,950_1,462,000 2,119,101 : 88,351
:49 ;Medic I 413 Harbor Clean-up Fund _ (46,594) 1 873,000 1!478,700 ; 790,706 790,706 1919 900 1969 8700 740,906
- -
421 Conservation Fund 1,174,449 i 1,723,000 1,624,800 1 11272,649 1,272,649 !. 1,205,800 1,202,800 1,275,649
TOTAL Enterprise/Utility Funds 26,994,073 1 65,674,850 70,562,225 29,762,742 j 29,762,742 : 66,138,850 1 67,100,113 ! 28,801,479
Infor atnon Teclhnology - 1,071,768 ' 1857,800 2,430 108 3 499,460 3-499,460 1,545,7800 0 3 00 1 5_36 042 509,118
503 Self-Insurance 1,203,965 5,308,000 5,308,000 j 1,203,965..i 1,203,965 5,431,000 i 5,361,000 1,273,965
TOTAL Internal Service Funds 6,636,942 1 9,007,900 1 10,323,493 ! 5,321,349 5,321,349 8 613 500 8,540,942 S 393 907
602 ;Firemen's Pension Fund 420,094 23,300 138,200 305,194 j 305,194 24,200 ; 62,300 267,094
TOTAL Fiduciary Funds 420,094 1 23,300 1 138,200 ! 305,194 j 305,194 24,200 j 62,300 267,094
--- - --- ---
601 Cemete Endowment Fund 383,939 ; 3,000 0 386,939 386,939 2,500 0 389,439
'Cemetery ( -- - - -- - - ,-- -,
652 Esther Webster Fine Arts Center Fund 840,600 0 840 600 0 0 : 0 0 0
Webster - ) --- - - - - -- -- -- -
656 Esther Webster Fine Arts Center Trust Fund 0 827,600 0 827,600 827,600 0 0 : 827,600
TOTAL Permanent Funds 1,224,539 ( 830,600 1 840,600 1,214,539 j 1,214,539 2,500 0; 1,217,039 i
p - -0 4, { -- it 2,554,700 2 65Z 500 477,069
310 Governmental Capital Improvement Fund 2,694,121 7 336,000 9,455 252 , 574,869 574 869 r
451 Electric Ca ital Fund 2 633,333 1 236,400 3,219 800 193 930 193 930 3 400 0 197,330
316 Governmental_Park Improvement Fund 189 930 4,000 0
p' 649,933 649 933 850 000 915 000 584 933
452 Water Capital Fund 1,566,944 1,200,000 1,937,800 829,144 829,144 463,000 280,000 1,012,144
453 ,Wastewater Capital Fund 2,561,691 : 2,329,500 2,572,800 2,318,391 2,318,391 456,500 965,000 1,809,891
454 !Solid Waste Capital Fund 0 20,796,100 11,679 200 9,116,900 9,116,900 1- 397,700 8,383,700 1 1,13_0,900
456 j Stormwater Capital Fund 692,416 1,138,000 1,607 000 223,416 223,416 750,000 680,000 293,416
r --- -- - -- _.... - -- ---..---- --- ;---- --
1463 1 !Combined Sewer Overflow Capital Fund 8,475,564 7,780,700 8,930,553 7,325,711 `. 7,325,711 12,860,700 ' 12,340,128 7,846,283
TOTAL Capital Funds 18,813,999 ; 41,820,700 I 39,402,405 1 21,232,294 j ! 21,232,294 18,336,000 26,216,328 1 13 351966
SUB-TOTAL ALL FUNDS 62,756,326 151,624,721 156,546,404 65,490,687 ' 65,490,687 1 119,639,900 129,032,088 56,098,499
Reserves-Designated T
Reserves Used 4,921,683 _ 9,392,188
TOTAL ALL FUNDS 62,756,326 ':. 156,546,404 ! 156,546,404 65,490,687 ! 65,490,687 129,032,088 129,032,088 56,098,499
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Sunnnary of Ordinance Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
on December 2, 2014
Ordinance No.3522
THIS ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends the 2014 budget and funds.
This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication of sunnnary.
Ordinance No.3523
THIS ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopts the 2015 budget for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 2015.
This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication of summary.
Ordinance No.3524
THIS ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,revises the benefits plan for the City's
management, administrative, and non-represented personnel and repeals Ordinance 3471.
This Ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 2015.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office, on the City's website
at www.cityofpa.us, or will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m.
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk
Published: December 10, 2014