HomeMy WebLinkAboutAssociation of WA Cities (2) . 'J»• M�§"ivy� 4 �J:
October 8, 2014
OCT 10 Dan Gase, Councilmember �014
City of Port Angeles
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
Dear Councilmember Gase:
Thank you for submitting your application to the AWC Board of Directors for nomination to the
Washington Community Economic Revitalization Board. Several applications were received for
The AWC Board of Directors thoughtfully considered all the applicants at their recent Board
Meeting. Unfortunately, you were not selected as one of the nominees to be forwarded for
Thank you again for your interest in serving on the Community Economic Revitalization Board.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Karen Tanner, AWC staff at (360)
Mike McCarty
AWC Chief Executive Officer
♦ � W 4 � ♦� 11�� IF �4•
June 2014
TO: Mayors, Non-city executives, city managers, Trust contacts and HR directors participating in the
AWC Employee Benefit Trust
FROM: Carol Wilmes, Employee Benefit Trust Manager
SUBJECT: Dependent Verification
The AWC Trust Board of Trustees is committed to containing health care costs and "bending the trend"
whenever the opportunity arises. In 2013 a Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit (DEVA) was conducted.
The AWC Trust and Board of Trustees felt that the audit process was in the best interest of all covered
employees and helped reduce costs to the plan.
With over 95% of all covered dependents verified, the audit was a huge success. Dependents that could not be
verified were removed from the plan. Projected first year savings is just over$5 million in premium, which is
mostly in the form of overpaid premium by Trust employers. This represents a 3.181% ROI and benefits our
member employers in a big way.
Dependent eligibility verification - ongoing
With these cost-saving efforts in mind, the Trust contracted with Aon Hewitt to move into phase 2 —specifically
Dependent Eligibility Verification Ongoing (DEVO), where verification documents will be required on an
ongoing basis for any newly enrolled or added dependent.
Effective May 1, 2014
New employees with dependents or existing employees adding dependents (spouse/domestic partner, child,
step-child, adopted child) who are effective May 1, 2014 or later will be required to submit verification
This is applicable to Trust dependents enrolled on medical, dental, vision and dependent life insurance. This
request will come from Aon Hewitt. Please do not send the verification documents to the Trust with the
enrollment form. Verification will continue to be handled by Aon Hewitt.
Notices of Verification will be mailed starting: June 1, 2014
Verification request notices will begin to go out June 1, for dependents eligible May 1 or later. The notices will
be triggered by the Trust receiving the enrollment form and payment. Once both have been processed, then
Aon Hewitt will begin the process of requesting verification.
The employee will receive the request for documentation from Aon Hewitt, and will return verification
documents directly to Aon Hewitt. The same type of verification documents required in the 2013 audit will be
required for dependents enrolled after May 1.
Employees adding dependents after May 1 will [8c8k/H:
• Initial verification request notice to their home address—see enclosed sample, which includes
information on the types of documents that will be needed to verify dependent coverage. Please note: if
you are aD employer that has @ domestic partner policy more generous than the law, documents sent tO
your employees will reflect this.
• Reminder notice tVtheir home address
• Reminder call and email (if phone number and/or email 0nfile)
• Termination notice to their home address
Once the initial verification request is sent by Aon Hewitt, employees will have 60 days tO submit the required
verification documents for continued coverage. Trust staff will work closely with employers during this process.
Dependents who are not verified will be terminated 0D@ prospective basis, and can he re-added during open
enrollment. (Verification documentation will be requested again gt that ti0e.\
Communications to employers
This iDfO[OlabVD was [H|8y8d in the March 0, April 3' May 1' and JUO8 5 iSBU8S Of For Your Health (8 OlOOth|V
8|8Ci[ODiC COrDDlUOic8dOD to employers. This CODl[DuDic@[i0D is sent to City MGD8g8[G, C|g[kG, Finance
Directors, and a variety of benefit and wellness contacts, and is our primary means in getting you important
Trust benefit, 8dDliOiGt[8tiOD. and wellness infO[nlaUOO. TO view past iSSU8S. gOtOVVVVVV.aVVCtrUSt.O[g. Click on
"8Olp|OVe[G"' login tO the vV8bSit8' and click oO the "For Your Hga||h" icon OD the right. Additionally, all
dependent verification information, including sample documents can be found under the "Member Only Links",
Dependent verification section.
Aon Hewitt will continue to request verification of any newly enrolled dependent(s) after May 1, 2014.
Not subject to verification
Employees who enrolled dependents April 1, 2013 (after the dependent eligibility verification audit began in
2013)' Up through April 30, 2O14 will not be subject LO submitting verification documentation @L this time.
Sample employee FAQs
Employers are encouraged tO provide new employees and any employees adding dependents with 8Sample
Employee FAQ document which will help clarify the process and documentation requirements. This FAQ is
also included for your convenience.
|f you have any questions regarding ongoing dependent verification, please contact our office 8t1-8OO-502-
8981' or via email at benefihOfO@aVVCnet.Org.
P.O. BOX 1415
Return Service Requested
LOVELY, CA 75254
In an effort to keep healthcare costs down, the Association of Washington Cities Errip oyee Benefit
Trust(AWC Trust) has contracted with Aon Hewitt's national dependent verification 61 'ision, lo cet in
Lincolnshire, Illinois, to perform dependent eligibility verification on its behalf for all del e�dent enrolled in
the AWC Trust health plans. All participants must send proof that their enrolled dependents;
Dependent Verification Status
Upon receipt of your documentation, the Dependent Verification Center will review your submission
and a determination letter will be mailed to your home. If it is determined that you have submitted
all the required documentation to verify your dependent(s), nothing further will be needed. If it is
determined that you have submitted inaccurate documents, you will be instructed to submit the necessary
documents. If you do not turn in the necessary documents to verify each dependent listed, he or she will not
be verified and will be dropped from coverage following the deadline listed below your dependents' name(s).
We appreciate your help in managing costs by ensuring that only eligible clependent�
Removing ineligible dependents helps control plan costs for all participants.
This document was written for easy readability. Therefore, it may contain generalizatiqAi inform� rather than
precise legal language. For full details,including eligibility,you should consult the sum de prions, summary
of material modification, or the official plan document. In a//cases, the official plan docu and are th I
authority on the terms of the Plans. The Association of Washington Cities Employee B ef. leserves th to
terminate or amend any and all benefit plans. Participation in the Plan is neither a con ctual"' or a aq
be of
current or future employment.
Sally Test(Dependent Verification ID: 3788634)
Security and Privacy Policy
Individually Identifiable Information
Aon Hewitt recognizes that the growth of online services has atod many privacy for consumers.These concerns
focus on protecting"individually identifiable"information that an individual or customer reasonably expects to be kept private.As the term
suggests,individually identifiable information is information that can be associated with a specific individual or entity, such as name,
address,telephone number,e-mail address and/or information about online activities directly linked to them.
It is common practice and often a necessity for companies,governments or other organizations to collect individually identifiable
information in order to conduct business and offer services.For example,a telecommunications provider may collect individually
identifiable information in the course of billing and providing telephone service to a customer.
Aon Hewitt's Privacy Policy
Aon Hewitt has developed the following privacy policy to protect individually identifiable information.This covers Aon Hewitt and its
subsidiaries and applies to all individually identifiable information that Aon Hewitt obtains when a cus irovides eli 11 ty
substantiation documentation during the course of the verification.
Disclosure.Aon Hewitt will not sell,trade or disclose to third parties any individually identifiable inform ,m the complet' ,of
an eligibility verification(except as required by subpoena,search warrant or other legal process or in the minent phy J, , rm
to the customer or others).When Aon Hewitt uses other agents,contractors or companies to perform s ic it be alf,A pwitt will
ensure that the company protects your individually identifiable information consistent with this policy. e re t ;e ations,
along with the substantiating evidence,may be provided to the benefit plan sponsp' r desi
r, gnated business as or at the
completion of the verification.
Collection and Use.Aon Hewitt will collect and use individually identifiabl L11 n J ility verif ation oses,to provide
assistance in complying with eligibility verifications,or to notify you at) 9 fly Ul verifi ati
Security.Aon Hewitt has implemented technology and security f 's and strict y guidelin uard the privacy of your
individually identifiable information from unauthorized access 0, operuse,anc ill conti lue ance our security procedures as
new technology becomes available.These policies include,but limied iment access logs,secured physical storage facility
with multiple lock access requirements,secured server f ility,e ba, nd checks,and advanced encryption techniques.
Aon Hewitt Information Security
Aon Hewitt maintains an in depth security policy that de ecessa ladures to maintain a high level of ongoing security.The
policy discusses password policies,security log procedur tion of rmation and how it is to be encrypted and transferred
as well as defines network security administrators who re an' all Pabove information.
Aon Hewitt encrypts all passwords. M ord le I d c is enforced.Aon Hewitt utilizes roles-based security to
ensure data confidentiality and security.", re provide access to data on an as-needed basis to perform the
functions related to their position.User aut ti c, a backend process that validates user,client access,and password
Aon Hewitt takes s ery seriously.The Aon Hewitt electronic delivery mechanisms are a key
differentiator in the high levels of availability of these systems.The Aon Hewitt strategy is to
anticipate potential
Sec rity
Aon and s in place to address all recommended security incidents.We have alarms configured to notify us
whe ized networ usions or other network security related events occur.We also have assigned personnel who check
se logs on a daily basis for tions and anomalies.Clients would be immediately contacted and informed of the security violation,
a on Hewitt wo 11 ne ry steps to contain the problem. ID logs and other security transaction logs are used to identify
i d access, 4 ity related incidents,and to help us track down and resolve security related problems as required.
Log' occurs on a basis with all vital data storage servers.Multiple contacts are notified immediately and emergency action
procedures go into effect I an error is detected.Logs are backed up and stored offsite for future need as required.
We use mu R level products to manage and protect our data and users from malicious infections.We use an industry grade
anti-virus sery n software products to perform on demand and daily monitoring of worms and viruses.
Software automatically pdatea virus definition files on a daily basis, and Aon Hewitt performs full weekly scans of all files and e-mails.
Exception reports notify network odministrammpfanyvimmiosuexhorimmediammxeemhondamiun.We also use industry
recommended spy ware products to protect our web users from the influx of spam and spy ware.
Sally Test(Dependent Verification ID: 37DDG34)
For expedited processing by fax or mail, please include this cover sheet
along with your submitted documents.
Cover sheet is formatted for specified participant only. Inclusion of other
participant documentation may result in a delay in processing.
To: Dependent Verification Center From: Sally Test 0'
Al "ail"
Fax: 1-877-965-9555 Pages:
Phone: Date:
Re: 3788634 co 1 n of W4
,,,,,jngton Cities
I No
Please f s ee n ing documents to 1-877-965-9555(secure FAX line)
V 4
If you woul 'Dependle ation Center to contact Dependent List
you top , ance in co ng with the Dependent Name Date of Birth Relationship Type*
Eligibi erification Process or er any questions you may
have eck the box Rep tatives are available
Mon hroug iPT. *Locate the Type from the ID column of the attached Eligibility Rules
and Documentation Required list.
'11 0111110
F-1 Please contact me at this phone number.
*Print legibly and use I box for each number.
Phone: 1:11:11:1 1:11:11:1
Sally Test(Dependent Verification ID: 3788634)
Important Reminders for All Documents
DD NOT SEND ORIGINALS! Send copies only—no documents will bereturned.
Safeguarding Your Privacy
Your privacy is very important to us, and the Dependent Verification Center has implemented
technology, security features, and strict policy guidelines to safeguard the privacy of your individually
identifiable information from unauthorized access or improper use. Physical documents submitted to the
Dependent Verification Center will be destroyed following verification of your dependent(s). To review
the full Security and Privacy Policy, see www.yourdependentverification.com/t)Ian-s4%,art-info.
Federal Tax Returns
• Only send the first page of your federal tax return (from within the I years)t,, I?bows your
• Black out all Social Security numbers and monetary amounts app on r a] tax retu,,,.,,,,),s
(e.g., earnings listed on your 1040).
• State tax returns are NOT accepted in lieu of federal tax returns.
Joint Ownership Documents
Examples of joint ownership documents:
Financial documents (mortgage statements, cr ents, ban', - ments)
Property documents (property tax staterne entia in a re s listing both
parties' names as co-owners) 31, e statement provided
Joint ownership may be established �iotlhe curr year; h
must be issued within the last six m s.
May be two separate documents (on p 0
ame and one in spouse s name) showing
matching addresses
Proof of Marriage
-issu ificate including the date of the marriage
Must be a government ense
Birth Certificates
• Must be a governm icate listing the parents' names. Hospital-issued
certificates are N07 able `4
• Som tp and county ffices the short form certificate as a standard (e.g. Iowa,
Ne Cardin ase obtain the long form that includes the parents' names.
This .
Vital 11AW-COrds
state an clerk offices, it can take 4-8 weeks for vital records to come in. Typically,
they are red within 10-14 business days. Please order your documents early in the
process to ensure r 'pt by the audit deadline.
P Yin al cords
state an unty clerk offices prohibit the copying of vital records (e.g. Florida, Pennsylvania,
Wisconsin). T ally, there is a warning on the document stating that copying is not allowed. In that
ca;1,49ou obtain the non-certified vital record from the state or county office, if available, and
su ependent Verification Center through the U.S. Postal Service.
*Disclaimer The above may not include all states/bounty practices.
Sally Test(Dependent Verification ID: 37DDG34)
Below is a list of eligibility rules and documents required to verify the eligibility of each dependent.
In some cases, at least TWO forms of documentation are required. Please read carefully.
LS Legal Spouse or State N/A The pe orn you are legally
Registered Domestic Partner marri d -5 gistered wi'th the state of
Was as a Do jc Partner
l Pol
Document Options for Verifying Eligibility:
Government Issued Marriage Certificate or Declaration of State Registered D a
Federal Tax Return Within Last 2 Years Listing Spouse or Claiming Partner
Government Issued Marriage Certificate or Declaration of 84� Domesti
and Proof
of Joint Ownership Issued Within Last 6 Months
OR rtnership Only(if
Government Issued Marriage Certificate or Decla,,� ate red Dome
married or registered within the last 12 mont
BC Biological Child age 26 J, Mus Ky"our biological child
Document Options for Verifyin
Government Issued Birth Certifica g pa, mes)
DBC Disabled Biologic I Child 9 d over Must be your biological child
Must be certified as disabled by the Plan
Document Options for g E
Gover#',* ig parents' names)
AC Adopt Up to age 26 Must be your adopted child
option P III ent ent(including child's date of birth)or Petition for Adoption(including child's date of
'(including child's date of birth)
DAC DisabI dopted Child Age 26 and over . Must be your adopted child
. Must be certified as disabled by the Plan
Document Options for Verifying Eligibility:
Adoption Certificate (including child's date ofbirth)
Sally Test(Dependent Verification ID: 27OOG34)
SC Step-Child Upto age 2G ^ Must be your spouse's orstate registered
domestic partner's biological, adopted, or
legal ward child
Document Options for Verifying Eligibility:
Government Issued Birth Certificate (including parents' names), Government Issued Marriage Certificate or
Declaration of State Registered Domestic Partnership, and Federal Tax Return Within Last 2 Years Listing
Spouse or Claiming Partner
Government Issued Bi hCertificate(including parents' names) and G Is i Certificate
Declaration of State Registered Domestic Partnership(if married or registered wit last 12 months)
Government Issued Birth Certificate(including parents'names), Governme t, d Marria C rtificate or
Declaration of State Registered Domestic Partnership, and a Proof of Join ership Iss i in La t 6
use's or gistered
DS Disabled Step-Child Age 26 and over M u s t b e y 01 111` "1
domestic pa' biob dopted, or
le al, OR
be certified a led by the Plan
Document Options for Verifying Eligibilit -4
Government Issued Birth Certificate(inc lul, Govern ued Marriage Certificate or
Spouse or Claiming Partner deral Tax R , n Within Last 2 Years Listing
Government Issued Birth Certific uding names), Government Issued Marriage Certificate or
Declaration of State Registered D rtners d Proof of Joint Ownership Issued Within Last 6 Months
LW Legal Ward p t 6 Must be your legal ward as ordered by the
Document Options Elig
G o v e r#', %W§p u e d B i rftt h C e and Co''rt Ordered Document of Legal Custody
DW Disab Aqe 26 and over Must be your legal ward as ordered by the
Must be certified as disabled by the Plan
p for Verifying Eligibility:
r Iss Birth Certificate, and Court Ordered Document of Legal Custody
Qualifi edical Support Up to age 18 Qualified Medical Child Support Order
Ord must be ordered for you, your spouse, or
your domestic partner
Document Options for Verifying Eligibility:
Qualified Medical Child Support Order(must be ordered for the employee)
The above benefit de tionedescribmthop/an(s)genemKK and in summary form only. In the event of a conflict
between what is stated in this document and the governing plan document(s), the plan document(s) will control.
Sally Test(Dependent Verification ID: 378OG34)
Example of how to submit a 1040 if requested. Black out all monetary amounts and SSNs*
1040' OwwU",Y�14r1*F111mwv-w lat",,Wf"�,,�"e""P.W,,,,W"q, �114
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For Clisdasure,Privacy Actit,and PaponvoA Reduction Act Notice,we S"(alo instructions. cat NrJ,7 0010B n 1040
Sally Test(Dependent Verification ID: 3788634)
Frequently Asked Questions
1. The AWC Employee Benefit Trust is contracting with Aon Hewitt's Dependent Verification Center
to verify dependents added esof May 1. 2D14, or later.Why are wo doing this?
In 2013 the AWC Trust contracted with Aon Hewitt to conduct a Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit, and we
are continuing this relationship for ongoing services. The AWC Trust Board of Trustees is committed to containing
health care costs, Continuing to verify dependent eligibility is a step in making sure everything is being done to
contain costs related to health care coverage. It is wise and responsible to review the eligibility of the people covered
under the plan.Allowing the coverage of people who are not eligible puts the employer and all eligible employees
ah financial risk.
2. Who must complete and return the documentation required?
All employees who add dependents as of May 1, 2014. This includes adding a spouse, domestic partner and/or
children on to the AWC Trust medical, dental, vision, or dependent life insurance coverages.
3. 1 added my dependent prior to May 1, 2014.Will I be required to submit verification documentation?
No. not et this time.
4. What documents do I need to prove eligibility?Where do I obtain these documents?
You will need a legal document that shows your relationship to the eligible person. This could include a marriage
certificate, birth certificate, and adoption certificate or legal adoption placement document. Aon Hewitt Dependent
Verification Center can provide telephone numbers to state, county, and consulate offices to obtain documents.
S. If one of my dependents is determined to be ineligible,where can I go to acquire medical and/or
dental coverage for them?
There are a number of individual policies available for people who are otherwise not eligible for group coverage.
These plans are offered by individual carriers and are not offered by Aon Hewitt. Contact Trust staff to obtain
sources for individual policies.
G. What will happen if| do not return the required documentation?
All of your unverified dependents will bo dropped from coverage.
7. If I drop dependents,will they be eligible for continuation of coverage through COBRA?
Only dependents that lost their eligibility within the last 60 days due to a COBRA qualifying event will have COBRA
rights. Dropping coverage for someone who was never eligible or who is unverified is not a COBRA qualifying event.
O. | missed the deadline to submit nmy documentation.What du | donow?
Second rounds of reminder letters were/will be sent to employees who failed to respond to the first mailing.
Additionally,those employees that we have a phone number or email on file will receive additional contact from
Aon Hewitt's Dependent Verification Center. The requirements of the verification stated that you must respond to
that mailing by the defined deadline. If you did not respond to either of the mailings,your dependents will lose
coverage under your group health plan if your documents were not submitted in a timely manner.
9. Why isn't my joint tax return sufficient to prove my legal spouse?Why is a government-issued marriage
certificate required?
Verification for a legal spouse is two-fold. The marriage certificate verifies the existence of the relationship at its
inception and the tax return io proof that it currently exists.
10. Why is the short form birth certificate not accepted when verifying my dependent?
The birth certificate is used(o establish the parent/child relationship. The long form birth certificate io required
because it provides not only the name and the birth date of the dependent; it also provides the parents' names,
which verifies the relationship.
11. Who can | contact for more information?
If you have any questions regarding the dependent verification, you may contact the Dependent Verification Center
at 1-800-725-5810.
Trust staff can assist you with eligibility questions, and resources for finding individual coverage. Contact them
at 1'800-562'8981 or at
Proprietary and Confidential Information
p F R
a � s
November 17, 2014
Mayor Dan Di Guilio ,tC
City of Port Angeles -
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362 -
Dear Mayor Di Guilio,
The AWC Center for Quality Communities is pleased to once again, announce the recruitment of outstanding young
leaders from your community for the 2015 Quality Communities Scholarship program. In 2014, the Center awarded four
outstanding young leaders$1,250 scholarships. I hope your city will participate in this program and nominate a student
to compete for one of six scholarships to be awarded next spring.
The AWC Center for Quality Communities is a 501(c)(3) organization, sponsored by the Association of Washington Cities,
to promote civic engagement and provide the public a better understanding of the role cities and towns play in
Washington. In 2015, we are pleased to be able to offer six$1,250 Quality Communities Scholarships. The funds were
raised during AWC's 2014 Annual Conference in Spokane when city officials just like you pledged to invest in young
leaders—the future of our communities.
Your city or town can be an integral part of the Center's scholarship program by selecting and nominating one
outstanding young leader who plans to attend college or a trade school in fall 2015. How you decide to recruit applicants
is completely up to you. You can look community wide, concentrate on city hall volunteers or partner with your
community high school.The deadline for nominating your local student is March 13, 2015.
I've enclosed information about the AWC Center for Quality Communities and the scholarship fund, and you can find the
application form and outreach suggestions at www.cfgc.org. I look forward to seeing your application form. If you have
any questions, please contact Karen Tanner(karent @awcnet.org) at (360) 753-4137.
Mike McCarty
AWC Chief Executive Officer
c: City Clerk
AWC Center for Quality Communities - 1076 Franklin St SE, Olympia, WA 98501 ® 360.753.4137 Q 800,562.8981
AWC Center f®r Quality Communities Scholarship
Background Timeframe
AWC Center for Quality Communities promotes Washington's 281 cities and towns begin recruiting
municipal leadership development and civic scholarship applicants in fall 2014. Each
engagement. The Center's goal is to help citizens participating city must forward the completed
understand the important role their cities and towns application form of one nominee to the AWC Center
play in Washington. The Center is a 501(c)(3) for Quality Communities by March 13, 2015.
organization. Scholarship winners will be notified in May 2015.
The Center believes in educating student leaders City Instructions & Selection Process
who care about their communities. The Center for One nominee per city/town will be considered for
Quality Communities Scholarship supports senior the Center for Quality Communities scholarship
high school students who are actively engaged with fund.
their community and/or city government and want
to pursue post-secondary education. Cities are asked to:
® Decide how you want to choose one local
The scholarship fund is supported by people who nominee (competitive process open to the
are passionate about cultivating Washington's community, competitive process open to active
future local leaders. city volunteers, recruit through local schools,
etc.). You may limit applicants to city residents.
Scholarships ® Publicize the scholarship.
Six $1,250 scholarships will be awarded to high ® Collect locally completed application forms,
school students who plan to pursue a post- ® Write a letter of support for your nominee.
secondary degree in fall 2015. Scholarship funds . Submit one application form and letter of
will be sent directly to the institution. Funds can be support to:
used for education expenses and will be deposited Center for Quality Communities
directly into a student account. Scholarship
Student Eligibility 1076 Franklin St SE Qlympia, WA 38501-1846
Students interested in competing for the Center for
Quality Communities scholarship fund must be: Deadline for City nominee to be
• Involved (or have been involved) with a city forwarded t0 AWC Center for
government or with a community/school
leadership activity; Quality Communities is March 13,
• Eligible to graduate from high school, complete 20150
home school or receive a GED in
spring/summer 2015; For more information, check the Center for Quality
• A Washington state resident; and Communities website at cfgc.org.
• Plan to continue education in the 2015-2016
academic year at an accredited college,
community college or trade school on a half-
time or more basis.
August 19, 2014
Mayor Dan Di Guilio
City of Port Angeles AUG 2 0 2014
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
RE: 2015 AWC Membership Fees
Dear Mayor Di Guilio:
Your participation in the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) continues to be critical to ensure
we speak with one voice on behalf of cities and towns across the state. Much of our strength lies
in our ability, year-after-year,to claim 100%membership, with all 281 Washington cities and
towns united on behalf of our common goals. We know your participation is voluntary, and we
value your continued support.
I want to share a few highlights from this past year,which convey the importance of your
continued membership with the Association of Washington Cities.
The 2014 legislative session was yet again, contentious. When legislators return in January 2015,
they will have to confront a number of fiscal and political challenges that will directly impact city
revenues and responsibilities. During the session, only slight modifications were made to the
$33.5 billion biennial operating budget adopted last year. Although no new revenues or tax break
closings were needed, there was also no agreement on a transportation funding package or a
supplemental capital project list. In the end, the AWC Government Relations team was successful
in convincing legislators that several bills harmful to cities should not move forward, and in some
cases we were able to help modify bad ideas to ones less harmful to cities and towns.
Although state revenues are growing, the growth is slow and not enough to meet the State
Supreme Court's order regarding education funding, and to maintain other state-funded programs
at current levels. State budget gaps continue to be filled through unprecedented raids or swipes
on revenues that have historically been used by cities to help build infrastructure and support
critical general fund services.This leaves us competing for attention and funding for cities and
towns.So, now is the right time to be thinking about what your citizens and businesses need and
expect from you, what resources you have, and how our state, in particular, can support your
efforts. Within Washington's 281 cities and towns reside most of our citizens and business activity,
yet too many legislators and state officials seem to be losing sight of the fact that keeping cities
strong is a key to keeping Washington a great state.
On the heels of several difficult legislative sessions that saw the state cutting and withholding
revenues for city services and infrastructure,you, our members, and our Board of Directors asked
us to re-tool our approach with the Legislature and Governor. AWC represents a wide spectrum of
non-partisan city interests, and advocates for those in an increasingly partisan environment. AWC
does not contribute to campaigns or endorse candidates. We aim to build and maintain strong
working relationships with all Legislators and the Governor—regardless of political party.Just
recently, we launched Operation:Strong Cities.
Operation:Strong Cities is a multi-faceted effort to mobilize city officials. We must engage and
hold our state legislators accountable in order to prevent the erosion of the historic partnership
between the state and its cities and towns.The stakes are high, and the local/state partnership is
under stress as never before. It takes individual and collective action to engage with legislators so
that they can understand your needs and perspectives as well as you understanding theirs.
While there are signs of an improving economy, we know that many Washington cities and towns
still face difficult times. Over the past several years,AWC membership rates were unchanged in
recognition of the economic challenges facing you collectively and as individual jurisdictions. The
AWC membership fee reflects a rate increase of a little over one percent (1.014%). The increase is
equal to the rate of increase in the state and local government component of the Implicit Price
Deflator(IPD). The IPD, per longstanding AWC Board policy, is the index used for the computation
of rate adjustments. The rate increase and changes in your population, according to the most
recent OFM data, result in a 2015 membership fee of$ 11,919.This is simply a notice for
budgetary purposes;we will send you an invoice in December.
You are the core of AWC. Your support and passion for public service makes our work possible.
Thank you for your commitment to the collective voice of cities and towns in Washington State.
Mike McCarty, CEO
Association of Washington Cities
cc: Byron Olson, Chief Financial Officer
vs, 5
July 28, 2014
Patrick Downie, Councilmember 7 2014
City of Port Angeles JUL
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362 CITY 0 FF F'ORT AI-CEL.ES
Dear Councilmember Downie,
Congratulations on your achievement of AWC's Certificate of Municipal Leadership.Achievement of
this certificate demonstrates essential knowledge and skills to be an effective municipal leader.
Enclosed please find your Certificate of Municipal Leadership recognition and a sample press release.
I encourage you to send a press release showcasing your accomplishments to your local media.
Please modify the press release to meet your specific needs.
I hope that you will display your certificate with pride.Again, congratulations on your
accomplishments. If you have any questions regarding your certificate or the CIVIL program, please
contact Karen Tanner at karent @awcnet.or or(360) 753-4137.
Francis Benjamin, AWC President
Councilmember, City of Pullman
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October 8, 2014
OCT 10 Dan Gase, Councilmember �014
City of Port Angeles
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
Dear Councilmember Gase:
Thank you for submitting your application to the AWC Board of Directors for nomination to the
Washington Community Economic Revitalization Board. Several applications were received for
The AWC Board of Directors thoughtfully considered all the applicants at their recent Board
Meeting. Unfortunately, you were not selected as one of the nominees to be forwarded for
Thank you again for your interest in serving on the Community Economic Revitalization Board.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Karen Tanner, AWC staff at (360)
Mike McCarty
AWC Chief Executive Officer