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600 Golf Course Rd - Building
CITY OF PORT ANGELFS P ERNiX'$' .A PmCA'X'JCON Building Divi4xltrld/Electriicar Xwpectiions 321 )East Fifth Street - --p.Q. Box 1150 / part.Auageles Washingtom, 98362 Ph: (360) 417 -4735 Fax.- (360) 417 -471.1 Date: - A 0,-)q — MultWamlly or Commercial* * plan Review May Be Job Address; _ -- Bulldlns Squam Fao"e: Descrlption of ahnve Uwner Inrorm on Name: Melrmg Add IORr.1� i FEB R VE ECEI 2 1 2014 Commercial Addi6an / Alteration 1 Remodel / RepOCTRICAL Complej��"Iml flan Review Irdbnn4on Sheet INSPELITIONS , � Zip. Phony _ F= t.faense # I Exp. Item Unit char e ServicelFeeder 200 Amp. $132.00 $0fWcelFeeder201 -400Amp. $160.00 SWCWFeeder 401-600 Amp $ 225.00 Sevicefeeder 601 -1000 Amp, $ 286.00 Senr;MFOWar over 1000 Amp. $ 410.00 branch Circuka 1.4 $ 86.00 emnch CirrAm W /Servbe Feeder $ 5.00 Branch Cire'ult WIC service Feeder $ 74510 Each Additional Branch circuit $ 5.00 Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. $102.00 Temp. ServtrelFeeder201400 Amp. $121A0 Temp. SeftelFeeder 401.600 Amp. $164.00 Temp. Servics/Feeder 601 -1000 Amp , $165.00 Portal b ParW hourly $ 96.00 SigNOuHfne Lighting $ 88.00 SignalChrriN Limited Energy — Multi-Famliy $ 64,00. Slgnel Urcuitl Limited Fnergy 1 First 1500 sf — Commercial $ 96, 00 Mote; $5.00 far each adds lonal i500 sf Renewable 9ecMcal Energy -SKVA System or Lms $113.00 Thermostat $ 56.00 Oam Contracto (Infor matian Name; tsar,: Wang Address: �"� �`^ city. McmetiV= 7 ia Fax ci . License # / F-xp c 21 Total Muhl- lied b Unit Ch a e $134 6 !)Total er as defined by RCW.'19.29.251: (1) Owner will occupy the sftetum fir two years ftr this electrical permit is fmmiized. (, ") Owner is required 10 hire an electrical conMxbr "rf above said property is for sale, rent or lease, permit expires 911W six months of last Inspection. After reading the above statement, f hereby ce gy That I am the owner of the above: named,pmpedy or a licensed elect cal con IMcb�r. I am making the electrical installation or alteration in c0rnpriarim with the electrical taws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 29& 'Ili, The City of Part Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications, ZqIn f own er, electrical mtractor or electrical adminiMmtor, y©�, �, 0 chit* CmdR Card # _6_'71 �- •C�� , �j 7 boleti:D .:./ r a�mrr�o�z 1 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Application Number . . . . . 14- 00000193 Date 2/21/14 Application pin number . . , 410404 Property Address . , , 600 GOLF COURSE RD COOLP .ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: R6- 30- 00 -D -D Application type type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name , , . , , . Property Use Property Zoning , , , , , , UNKNOWN Application valuation 0 Application desc 100 amp service Century link Owner Contractor CITY OF PORT ANGELES SIMPSON DLECT'RIC PO BOX 1150 243036 W HWY 101 PORT ANGELES WA 9836.20217 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 457 -9270 Permit . . . , , . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc , . Permit Fee . . . . 132.00 Plan. Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 2/21/14 valuation , . , . 0 Expiration Date , , 8/20/14 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 132.0000 ECH EL -COM 0 -200 SRV FEEDER 132,00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due --- -------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- --- - - - -- -- --- - - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- Pe.rmit Fee Total 132.00 132,0D .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 00 QO .00 Grand Total 132.00 132,00 .00 .00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH C SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL t Z b COMMENTS: PERMIT WILT, EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contra_ ctor X Date: G:IEXCHANGEMUILDING 4 W