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520 Georgiana St - Building
FROM : FAX N©. :6814254 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERNUT APPLICATION Building Division/Electrical Inspectionts 321 East Fifth Street — P.O. Box 1150 / Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417-4735 fu- (360) 417 -4711 Date: / Z18,2 Single Family Dwelling .Ian. 15 2015 11:21PM F1 `Plan Review May Be Required, Pleale Complete Electrical Plan Review Iftmadon Sheet Job Address: - -s -2eD piS Y k!l r "2 7M Bulk1lingi Square Footage: Dasc #on of agave Owner Info Don Name: �J Name: 1�bD Mailing Mailing Addy City: Oily: State: Zip: ---.. t cane #1 Exp Ucenae #t Exp.. �f Ikm !Unit Charna Ser w/Feeder 200 Amp • $120.44 5ervioelFeeder201.400Amp, $146.00 Sarvloa)Foeder 401-600 Amp $ 205,00 ServicelF9eder 801.1000 Amp. $ 262.00 $MicelFeeder over 1000 Amp. $ 373.00 Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder $ 6,00 Branch Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 83,00 Each Add1lonel Branch Circuit $ 5.00 Branch Orcuits 1 -4 $ 75.00 Temp. SaMW Feeder 200 Amp. $ 93.00 Temp. Ser ftelFeedor201 -400 Amp, $110.00 Temp, S"oo/Peeder4o1 -600 Amp. $149.00 Temp. Servloe/F'oeder 601 -1000 Amp . $168.00 Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 Signal Urcuilf Limited Energy -1 &2 Famlty Dwelling $ 64,00 Manufactured Home Connedon $120.00 Renewable Electrical Energy -5KVA System or Less $102.00 Thermaetat $ 56.00 Note: $5.00 for each additional T-Stat NEW CON NLy- - ..�..._...., First 1300 Squen Ft. $120.00 Each Adtl t anal 600 Square Ft or Portion of $ 4040 Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage $ 74.00 Each Shimming Pool or HotTub $110.00 Contractor Infolma ' p Name: �J S � � Mailing ' -'I219 I City: State: 4: t cane #1 Exp �f Total I er e $ ..!._._. S3Tir 4 $ $ $ $ $ - ..�..._...., s , � Total Owner as defined by RCW,19.28,261: (1) Owner wiR occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit is finalized, (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rent or lease, Permit expires after six months of last inspection, After reading the above statement, I hemby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical inatatlallon or alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N,E,C„ RCW, Chapter 19.26, WAG, Chapter 296 -468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 105.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications, Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: ❑ Cwh ❑ chw* _ Owner DANIEL M BLOOD 1137 W 5TH STREET PORT.' ANGELES PORT ANGELES WA 98363 Contractor JEFF NELSON ELECTRIC 7062 OLD OLYMPIC HWY, PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (369) 460 -4291 Permit . , , , , . ELECTRICAI, ALTER RESIDENTIAL -- ' -T ^ -- - - - -- Additional desc , . WIRING OF CARPORT Permit Fee , . , . 63,00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 1/21/15 'Valuation , , , , 0 Expiration pate . , 7/20/15 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 63.0000 ECH EL, -R- BRANCH CIR WO/ SER FEED 1 63,00 Fee summary Charged Paid 'Credited Due l'^- Permit Fee Total 63.00 63.00 ,00 ..Do Plan Check Total .00 00 .00 .00 Grand Total 63.00 G3,00 .00 ,00 �1 r. O G REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTIONTYPE ELECTRICAL PERMIT DATE: CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR: 360- 417 -4735 Application Number . . . . , 15- 00000048 pate 1 /21/15 Application pin number , , . 321296 Property Address . . , , , , 520 GEORGIANA ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-1- 4120 -0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . , . . , , t - 2� Property Use . . . , . . . , Property Zoning . , . , , . , RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . , . . 0 Application desc - ----------------------------- wiring of carport Owner DANIEL M BLOOD 1137 W 5TH STREET PORT.' ANGELES PORT ANGELES WA 98363 Contractor JEFF NELSON ELECTRIC 7062 OLD OLYMPIC HWY, PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (369) 460 -4291 Permit . , , , , . ELECTRICAI, ALTER RESIDENTIAL -- ' -T ^ -- - - - -- Additional desc , . WIRING OF CARPORT Permit Fee , . , . 63,00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 1/21/15 'Valuation , , , , 0 Expiration pate . , 7/20/15 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 63.0000 ECH EL, -R- BRANCH CIR WO/ SER FEED 1 63,00 Fee summary Charged Paid 'Credited Due l'^- Permit Fee Total 63.00 63.00 ,00 ..Do Plan Check Total .00 00 .00 .00 Grand Total 63.00 G3,00 .00 ,00 �1 r. O G REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTIONTYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL, t - 2� COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGEIBUIL1)ING CITY Or P011T ArwrGLUS PETIN11T APPLICATION Building Divislon /Elect.ricallaslieetiotis 321 East Fifth SU'vet. — P.O. brae 11501 k ot( Angeles Washington, 98362 11h; (360) 417 -4735 issix: (360) 417.4711 Date: _V-1/1011 --1 & 2 SIngle Family Dwelling 'JAN ej 2915 aECTRICAL INSEO$ Plan R&Aew May fie Required, Plcsse Complete Electr al Pian Review Information Short Jab Ad ,o55; 52020 Georglane St B ullrltig Square Fowagg: 1776 VOKI'ii i le 0woor Information contractor Information Ne, Danfel Blood tine: Protect Your Home M Af t6& 524Geor ianast ,,. - ,,,,,,,,g - „-,o,-,-...,,, m Addrw: 3750 Prforit� WaY South Dr Oy Port Angeles SjatO: WA _ ZOP: 9836233322 ; Irdiana olfs }� „„� c�stiiiC•3: IN ¢; 46240 !�_ t`& nO: 36058350....„, 07 qaX.- �`}p[ q66- 502 -35 9 f+ 317- 5...64.2547 U=m 4 Exp, __. tkeMe # I Exp, PROTEYH934RS aX 12 /10/2013^ P tam tJnit C11ar 72191 jnty ulti ltc Unit Char e arvic r%dw 20OA , 1200 � :�r\k0oe rV 4[0Amp, � ins, � $ rvice di r 40 -600 Arnp $205.00 , SV'*1VTee0%601-10W Aram€, g2B22 ?Mcefeader ovef 1000AAV, $ 373.000 u Eri 6 CircuA 110 SW* Feder $ 51 .� Otanch CwOUIT NO Sorvice Feadar E=b AddlllCn'SM Brix§ "h C irco +$. fthoh Circui9s 1.4 MOD Temp. SarAcel Feeder 20 Amp. 05.00 Tornp, SONICelFeWor 201€ 0 Amp, 1'19,00 omp. Serulca/F €let 4tll• Q Amp, $149.00 TOMP , 601-10M Amp $IWo podal 10 Podal P40L iy .04 819;14 C4 IV UMit0d Energy a 1 t 2 Family Ow ing $ irt,lip 1 X4.00 hiartufaclured Home Con i $ 120,00 Nnewa[M EfMlfal Enerc y -WA System ar less $102,00 Thomostal $ NO. S5.00 W each addition M T -Etal NEW C0NSTQUGT1Q'J LYa E'r t 13ail 4kluare R QUO $ Each AdMonal U0 $Ware Ft. or Fortier of S 40.0D Each N(Mcrog v Detached Gar a $ 74,E Each Swimeing Pool or Hot, Tub a 110.W 5 ... t 6!.00 JoW {bra let as defined by IBC .19,211.261: (1) Ownet VOM CcCupy the Sirudure for No years after this ele teical permit Is Finalized. (2) Owner required to hire an efeClrical contraclor° It wave said property Is for sale, rent Cr tease, Permit expkes aver Six months of last irrspe�tlon. After tending the above statement, I hemby cedify that I Am the owner of the above warned property or a tii tr d 01Mtkal contr loo I am m@ldncg the elecl*al instaiial rt or ailerafion In Cornpliartca �vllii 11w eleclr ai laws, N.,E,C., RCW, C.Iiepter 19.23, WAG. Chapter 20-468, The City of Fort ARgeles Municipal Cade, and Utility SpoelficalloasW PANIC %05,050 regarding Eteaftal Permit A ications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical admInistMor, 0 Cask U ChOA ® Cr t Cad a 55597100001-99067 Exp 09117 Code 835 x aaa acete Gtatgd: 1/5/2()15 a1d�t {412 �I C7 .--4� t ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360- 417 -4735 Application Number , . , . , 15- 00000001 Date 1/05/15 Application pin number . , , 083126 DITCH .Property Address , . , , 520 GEORGIANA ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-1- 4120 - 0000 -- Application type description. ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name ROUGH -IN Property Use Property zoning . , . , . . , RS? RE.SDNTL SINGLE FAMILY ' Application valuation . , 0 COMMENTS: Application desc Security Owner Contractor DANIEL M BLOOD PROTECT YOUR HOME 1137 W 5TH STREET 3750 PRIORITY WAY SOUTH DRIVE PORT ANGELES #200 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 INDINAPOLIS IN 46240 (317) 510 -472Q Permit . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . , Permit Fee 64.00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 1/05/15 valuation , , . , 0 Expiration Bate 7/04/1$ Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1,Q0 64,0000 ECH EL- SINGLE CIR LIMITED RES 64.00 Fee 'summary Charged Paid Credited --------- - ---------- ---------- Due -- --- ------- - - - - -- ---- Permit Fee Total - - - - -- 64.00 64.00 Do 00 Plan Check Total .00 ,00 .00 .00 Grand Total 64.00 64.00 .00 .00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL ' COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGEIBUILDING CITY OF PORT ANGELES .PE1Et1 UT APPLIcA'' im Building Division/FIeWiicel Inspections 321 East: Fifth Street -- P.O. Box I150 /'Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 4X7 -4735 Fax: (360) 4174711 / Date, � 1 Vi &2 Single Faml Dwelling ' Plan Review May Job Address: _ Building Square Footage: Description of etwve— Owner Information Name: Mailing Addram: .... State: Zip: Phone SOO ax: —_ „-„ License 41 exp, ... _ Item unit Charoe Servioe/Feeder 200 Amp. $120.00 Servl- /Faeder201 -400 Amp, $146.00 Servlce/Fooder 401.600 Amp $205.00 SeMos/F'eeder 601 -1000 Amp. $ 262.00 Service /Feeder over 1000 Amp. $ 373,00 Branch Cirwit WI Service Feeder $ 5.00 Branch Circui( W/o Service Feeder $ 0.00 Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 5.00 Branch Circuits 1.4 $ 75,00 Temp. Service! Feeder 200 Amp. $ 93.00 Temp, Service /Feeder 201.400 Amp. $110.00 Tamp, Sorvice/Feeder401 600 Amp. $ 149100 Temp- Sarvloe/Faedor 601 -1000 Amp . $168.00 Portal to PorWI Hourly $ 96,00 Signal Clrcult! Umited Energy -16 2 Family Dwelling $ 64.00 Manufactured Home Connection $120,00 Renewable Electical Energy • 5KVA System or lass $102.00 Thermostat $ 56.00 Note; $5.00 for each additional T-Stat NNE iI �QNSTRUCTIOH ONLY: First 1300 Square FL $ 120.00 Eaoh Add l onal 50 Square Ft, or Portion of $ 40.00 Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage $ 74,00 Each Shimming Pool or Hot Tub $110.00 RECEIVE: ' SEP - 2 2014 ELEGIRWA Plan Review Information Sheet MSPECTIONS 5-; RR Ele N - - - -- Contractor I formati Name:„ F LS L- rtyC_. City: City: �,�dttess: State; Zip: _- Phone: (e(„ Fax- License 0 � To I �Y -Unit Chamnt 5�7otal Owner as defined by RCW.19.28.261: (1) Owl hill occupy the structure for two years after this eleoirical permit Is finalized, (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contractor If above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspec(ion, After reading the above Matemont, I hereby oeitify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation or alteration In compliance wlth the electrical laws, N.E.C., RICK Chapter 19.28, WAG. Chapter 296 -46B, The City of Port Angelee Munlolpal Code, and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Appllcatlons, Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: 0 Ca,h 0 cheolr /T A. . - A 1A credo card # rte:7 /�l��T PeRV-i N6w FOYk 1A) SPS C I ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 . Application Number . . . , . 14- 00001042 Date 9/03/14 Application pill number , . , 395428 Property Address , . . . 520 GEORGIANA ST ASSESSOR PARCEL, NUMBER: 06-30-00-5-1- 4120 -0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . , . Property Use , . . . , . Property Zoning . , . . . . . R97 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . . , 0 Application desc 200 amp service change ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- --___ Owner Contractor DANIEL M BLOOD JEFF NELSON ELECTRIC 1137 W 5TH STREET 7062 OLD OLYMPIC HWY, PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES ILIA 98363 (369) 460 - 429 ©©1 ------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Perm7_t , , . , , . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee 120,00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 9/03/14 Valuation . . , 0 Expiration Date 3/02/15 4ty Unit Charge Per Extension 1,00 120,0000 ECH EL -0 -200 SRV FEEDER 120.00 Fee Summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 120.00 120,00 00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 ,00 ,00 .00 Grand 'Fatal 120.00 120,00 ,00 00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE l �� !. ROUGH -IN rINArJ COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGElBUILDING S a FROM : FRX NO. :6814254 Hpr. 21 2U14 F11 C) APR 2 12014 EUCTRICAt 4N3PrCT10NS CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERAi IT APPLICATION Riiildizig Division/flectsical Msj*ctions 321 East Fifth Stirret — P.O. Box 1150 / Poil Angeles Washiugtoft' 98362 Mi., (360) 417-4735 Fax; (360) 417-4711 Date: t'48, 2 Single Family Dwelling * Plan Review May Be Required, Please Complete Electrical Plan Review Information Sheet JobAd*m-, _$"2-0 k6, $A 4V Y1- ffiildng Scpam r-W.00; r 21NO 0 DncfaiDn of above Owner Irdomfl.-On conwetorinformatio KA Non: . D�� Narne-, VEZ-50ir 1tc'4-E W�ng Aftem . . .... ...... .. CRY: Phone: Fax, Licenm #/ Exp, Uc� #1F-v, KM Unites 7a U[ (gtj Vulipled by Unft Chvfflj SemoeiFeedar 200 Amp. $120.00 ServicefFeeder 201 -400 Amp, $146.00 Ser%ioOFeeder 401.600 Amp $205.00 ServicelFeWor 601 -1000 ", $ 26200. SmvicelFsedw over 1000 AffV, $373-00 jgrwmh Omit W/,%rvica F"der $ 5.00 Branch Circuit W/O Se n�cs Feeder 3 Each Additimal Branch Circuit $- graith Omits 1-4 Terrip. Servied Foockr 2011 Aup Ternp. SorkeXbedat 20I -40DAirip- $110,00 Tamp. Servka/Foodar 401 -600 Arrp. $149.00 Temp. SorvicciFoWer 60I A000 Amp. $168.00 Portal to Portal heady $ 96.00 Signs( Cirwill Limited Energy • I & 2 Fa4y Nollhg $ 64-00 -- Manufactured Horne Connection $ 120.DO Renewable Elor*A Energy - 5KVA System or Less $102.00 Yhemv" $ 56.00 Note; $5.00 foueach additional T-Stay NEW CONY: First 1300 Square Ft. $120.00 Each Additional 00 Square Ft. or PoOkA of $ 40.00 $ Each Outbuilding or Detached Garage $ 74-00 Each SWmnifq Pool or Not Tub $110.00 Total Owner as defined by RCW.19.2U.261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for tm years triter this electriW penrit 4 Ontkzed- (2) Omer is required to hire an electricai contractor if above said KrVevly is for sale, rent or lease. Perrot expires after six months of last inspecti. After reading t1w above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a Licensed electrical co*ador. I am rwidng the electrical installation or atteraion in cornplance with the deddcal laws, N.E.C., R(W Chapter 19,28, WAC. Chapter 298-466, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and UfiUty Specifications and PAMC 14-06.060 regarding Electrical Pemit Appications. 3ignaturs of mmer, e*dfleal contradar or oloctriaW admlnl "or: n cmh ❑ CtW& 41'Cradl Card 9 I / 4t,6�r2af2 /> Dzimt 4koF VORT441, ELECTRICAL INSPECTION I WIRING REPORT (0)RKS t� 417-4735 LATE: PERMIT 4 NSPECTOR L4 owNER CONTRACTOR ADDRESS APPROVED < NAT =AP P I V Ll ...... DITCH.. . .......... ..... . 11 ................ ROUGH IN/COVER. .......... ............. ..... SERVICE.. . ................ M- El ..................... FINAL ... ............. . - - 0 CORRECTONS NEEDED: �c- .�%pvp 7 NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRr:&IONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS fflrplil� �lrolvlzm 7- Pb -r rac--r .�%pvp 7 NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRr:&IONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS fflrplil� �lrolvlzm ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 Application Number 14- 00000474 Date 4/21/14 Application pin number . . . 042766 Property Address . . . . 520 GEORGTANA ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER, 06-30-00-5-1- 4120 -0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . , , . , . . RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . . . 0 Application desc House remodel Owner Contractor ------ -------- -- -- - - ---- ------------------------ I)A-NIEL M BLOOD JEFF NELSON ELECTRIC 1137 W 5TH STREET 7062 OLD OLYMPIC HWY, PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (369) 460 -4291 C-S) ZI-45 Permit . . , , . , ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . Permit Fee 118,00 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 4/21/14 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 10/18/14 Qty Unit Charge' Per Extension 11.00 5.0000 ECH EL -ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT 55.00 1,00 63.0000 ECH EL -R- BRANCH CIR WO/ SER FEED 63.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 11$,00 118.00 ,00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 118,00 118.00 .00 .00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH a I' j SERVICE',. ROUGH -IN (j` 1jY FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (b) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:IEXCHANGEIBUILDING t d' MR