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P] Box 15O9 ~ Pod Angeles
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360-457-8247 ° Kevim@K08L0K.com"
WA SmwsUc.
Land Evaluation ° Site Development ° Project Design ° Comprehensive Construction Services
Mayor Dan Di (Sui|iO8nd Council members Bru[h, CO||in5, Downie, (S85e, Kidd, and VVheth8nn,
The purpose of this document i5 twofold; first and foremost i5 to bring to your attention the excellent
work done by PA Fire Department personnel during the recent rain event of Sunday. I was involved in a
situation ([ can provide you with 8 complete recount if so required) that required 8 fire department response.
PA Fire responded with personnel Commanded by Lt Kelly Ziegler, his team including FF/P8r8nnedi[
Jeremy Church, FF/Tv|erBiekerand vO|unteerFF'5 Mike Hansen, Andy Pittman, Carol OeL8tOre, ]i||i8n ShOnig,
and Matt Williams ([ apologize for nni5-spellings OrOnni55iOn5). [ 8nn currently involved in doing some
renovation work at the Healthy Families facility 8t 1210 East Front Street. During the rain event [was advised
that the building may be in danger of breach by flood waters coming from the alley to the southeast of the
facility. As luck would have it, [ vv85 eating dinner 8tthe Mexican Restaurant at Washington and 1s' street and
had earlier called Pen[Onn asking for city personnel to respond to that |O[8tiOn 85 water that was coming down
Washington (south tO north) had overwhelmed the drain system and vv85ju5t about into the facility, [ also
advised Pen[Onn staff that the intersection was flooded and creating 8 potential safety hazard to the
After the initial call tOPen[Onn, 8 call was placed tO the fire department asking for sandbags tOpossibly
armor the doors at the restaurant. (That i5 how vve initially got the fire department involved). [ then went to
Healthy Families and realized that situation was worse. Having many years Ofexperience in responding to
incidents such as these I felt I had a good understanding of what resources were best needed that i5 why[
asked for Fire Department personnel to divert there, especially for the Healthy Families location due to
electrical hazards et[. Pen[Onn staff was informative and advised me that priorities were being made 85 to Our
cities emergency reSpOn5e{5). [ commend them 85well.
It did take 8 bit of time for personnel arrive ([ did not see any city [revv5 during my time at either scene)
but what a fantasticjob they did. Lt Ziegler and company arrived and took command immediately helping to
stop what could have been 8 much worse (and [O5t|y) situation. Job Well Done to 8||!
NAI�113. A.NP113A llliil�8��� ��
The Service & Quality You Deserve from Your Builder
PO Box 1509 • Pod Angeles
�RU SSE L �L Washingtoti 98362-0185
360-457-8247 • Kevin@KULDR.corn
WA Skite Lic.# KEVINRC877P9
Land Evaluation - Site Development - Project Design - Comprehensive Construction Services
The second reason for this letter is to circle back to my appearance before the council regarding your
budget priority meeting (public input). If ever there was a compelling example of why I implore all of you to
fund life safety and consider more funding, was this event. In my opinion we got away with one, but it
demonstrates how quickly an event can go sideways and our services could potentially be overwhelmed!
As you consider programs to keep and programs to perhaps take a hiatus on, please do not include our
life safety folks (Fire and Police). Our community is a generous giving community, maybe we, the community,
can find funds to continue some programs, but I do not feel we can afford a drop in the important services.
Again, I thank you all for having the vision and courage to look forward to our community's fiscal
future, and I do not envy the tough decisions you will make.
Kevin Russell
NAI113, A.NP113A 1�10iil�11
The Service & Quality You Deserve from Your Builder