HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/12/2015 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE
February 12, 2015
Mission Statement:
To create a strong, economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Downie opened the meeting at 7:30 a.m.
Members Present: Patrick Downie, Mark Ohrnan, Sissi Bruch, Jim Jones, George Bergner, Kaj
Ahlburg, Mike Edwards, Wendy Clark-Gertzen
Members Absent: Cherie Kidd, Jiro Hallett, Bill Greenwood, Ted Simpson, Andrew Schwab,
Todd Gubler, Sherry Curran, Charlie Smith Larry Morris,
Staff Present: Nathan West, Scott Johns
Others Present: Damaris Rodriquez
Public Present: None
Approval of Minutes
The January Meeting minutes were approved as presented.
Late Items
Vice Chair Downie mentioned a meeting he attended at the Lincoln Theatre regarding the future
of the theatre. Positive comments were made and the issue was left for later.
New Business
Damaris Rodriguez was introduced to the group and made a brief presentation on the All
American City designation, a program of the National Civic League. Port Angeles was designated
as an All American City if 1953 but has since not applied for the honor. Discussion regarding the
program details followed. It was pointed out that only 10 cities are chosen each year. Several
members mentioned unique items that Port Angeles has to offer to support the application. Jim
Jones suggested that cooperation between the city and county to create All American City Since
1953 signs could be produced.
General consensus that the City with the support of PA Forward move toward a 2016 application.
Mark Ohman introduced the concept of doing a clean-up PA project similar to the 2009 'Paint the
Town' effort. The success and issues encountered in that effort were discussed. Many interesting
ideas that would fit into an event of the nature proposed were brought up. Again consensus to
follow up on the proposal was made.
Old Business
George Bergner began his update on PA Likes Bikes activities with a report on the damaged
Dungeness River bridge and projected repair efforts.
PA Likes Bikes has begun an outreach to local school children at the fifth grade level. The
Washington Bicycle coalition has asked PA Likes Bikes to provide a speaker to the state
conference in Seattle this year. Mr. Bergner, with city officials is plamzing another trip to Victoria
to meet with their new mayor and other city representatives to discuss cooperative bicycle
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for February 12, 2015
Mr. Bergner also complemented all the support that had been seen regarding the application to be
declared a "Bicycle Friendly Community" by the League of American Bicyclists. The multi-
agency support has resulted in a very strong application. He also pointed out the Jamestown
S'Klallam Tribe has also submitted an application for the Bly community, making them the first
Native American Tribe to apply.
Vice Chair Downie complemented Mr. Bergner and Public Works Director Craig Fulton for their
hard work, collaboration and dedication
Vice Chair Downie adjourned the meeting at 8:30 a.m.
Next Meeting Date
Next regular meeting date—March 12, 2015, at 7:30 a.m. in the Pittis Conference Room.
Pat r' k Downie, Vice Chair Scott Johns ecfetary