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Northwest Public Power Association
9817N.E.54th Street Vancouver,Washington 98662-0576 C,1
(360)254-0109 FAX(360)254-5731 EF
Web Site:ivww.nwppam
FnDrD: Ken Weiss, Clearwater Power, K]WPP/\ Board President
Date: M8[Ch. 2015
TheNV0PPA 2015 Annual Conference & Membership Meeting will be held at the Egan
Cinio & Convention Center im Anchorage, Alaska, om May 17~20, 2Q15. The Business
Session Of the Annual Membership Meeting will b8 held 0O Tuesday, May 19' 2015 from 12:0O
noon to 1:50 p.m. An Annual Meeting pnDg[8Ol iS enclosed with this nl8DlO. |OfD[Dl@ti0O about
the conference may also be found on the NWPPA website at www.nwppa.org in the class
schedule and online registration area or by clicking on the Annual Meeting banner on the
NVVPPA home page.
Each utility is allowed one voting delegate who is permitted to vote on each of the Association
resolutions and other business brought before the Annual Business Meeting. |tiS important that
your utility ia represented at the Business Meeting. Your self-assigned voting delegate will b8
asked to sit in a designated "Voting Delegate Area" during the Annual Business Meeting.
Special registration ribbons will be used to identify each voting delegate.
|f your utility has not already designated 8 voting delegate with NVVPPA for this Annual Meeting,
please use the enclosed form LV indicate 8O individual from your utility, who will be attending the
Annual Meeting, tO act 8S your utility's the voting delegate for the Business Meeting. |f you have
questions about whether O[ not NVVPPA has received 8O official voting delegate form from your
uU|ity, please call Debbie P{Vr@Sp8di@ni at (300) 910-1449. Please fax or mail completed
forms back to NWPPA before May 1, 2O15.
Please make sure your voting delegate is registered to attend the conference ao they may
actually vote for business items OD behalf Of your utility. You may register your voting delegate
for the meeting by using the meeting registration form enclosed or on the NWPPA Web site at
For your information and review, we are enclosing a copy of NWPPA's Conduct of Business
Rules that have been adopted by NWPPA's Board of Trustees and will be observed at the 2015
Annual Business Meeting. Please take a moment to review them with your voting delegate so
they are familiar with the flow of business and procedures during the membership meeting on
Tuesday, May 19, 2015. If you have questions about this document, please contact NWPPA.
The 2015 Proposed Resolutions are available on the NWPPA Government Relations
Committee Web page and can be referenced at this address:
http://www.nwppa.org/government relations/active resolutions.aspx.
Please take a moment to review the Association's proposed 2015 resolutions prior to the May
Annual Meeting. Also please review the attached Call for 2015 Resolutions memo, outlining the
schedule for receipt of member input on resolutions for 2015. This schedule was adopted by the
NWPPA Board of Trustees to provide every member an equal opportunity to review, comment
and arrive at agreement on the resolutions well in advance of the May 18 Government Relations
Committee meeting and the May 19 Annual Business Meeting. In past years, members
attending the Annual Meeting who have not been part of this process have attempted, with
some level of frustration, to make changes to the resolutions at these May meetings. Making
changes at the May meeting can be accomplished by a two thirds vote of both the GRC and the
General Membership to "reopen input on resolutions". However, in reopening resolutions for
changes, the last member proposing the revisions gets the last word or an unfair advantage on
a particular resolution as not all members may have had a chance to review the changes. The
Government Relations Committee (GRC) will meet on Monday, March 18, 2015 in Alaska to
discuss any comments received on the proposed 2015 Resolutions. The NWPPA Board will
consider the CRC's comments on the proposed resolutions and forward their recommendations
to the full membership for consideration and adoption at NWPPA's Annual Business Meeting on
Tuesday, May 19, 2015.
A complete printed packet of proposed 2015 Resolutions can be requested from NWPPA by
calling (360) 254-0109.
Please mark your calendars to come and enjoy beautiful Alaska and network with other public
power utilities and supporting companies at the NWPPA Annual Conference & Membership
Meeting May 17-20, 2015.