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April 28, 2015
Hugo Nahuel
138 West 6`i' Street# 6
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Dear Mi. Nahuel,
Thank you for your letter. I read about the stressful conditions of your life with grave concern.
And my hope is that you will find relief from your suffering in the very near future.
Sadly, I also wish that I could be more helpful. You have described personal circumstances over
which the city government has neither funds nor any mechanism to address. This is particularly
true if the goal is protective re-location. More importantly, however, as you probably already
know, the city government would have no jurisdiction over a situation such as the one you
described in your letter.
Furthermore, if you have been watching the news, you are aware that local governments are
increasingly being forced by public scrutiny to demonstrate higher and higher levels of
transparency and accountability. This is to guard against exactly the types of abuses you have
described in your letter.
While I sympathize with your situation and wish there was something the City of Port Angeles
could do to help, I cannot offer any assurances regarding a process over which we have no
jurisdiction or control.
Sissi Bruch
Phone: 360-417-4500 / Fax: 360-4-17-4509 /T r 360-417.4645
e site: vvvvvv(,ityo9`1.a.LIS / iail: r,oLinE;il@ cityoti.)a,IJs
321 East Fifth Street - P.O. 1150/ 1lort Angeles, WA 98362-0217
3/23/2015 9:33 AM
Sissi Bruch
Council Member
City of Port Angeles, WA
Councilmember Bruch:
Please be aware that the language is blunt.
As blunt as the damage you will see in the photo if this Email to you gets thru.
If not, a query to Assistant Attorney General Cathy Marshall can provide you with a color photo from her
FBI records obtained decades ago indicate that there is no further arrests or convictions in theirjackets
regarding Hugo Stanchi Nahuel since my release from prison in January of 2004.
And yet, persecution contuse to this date.
I am now 73 years old.Too damaged to do more than peter patter around my apartment, a recluse.
When I first arrived in Port Angeles, I could walk from my apartment building at 138 West 6th Street, Apt
6 downtown and back; in one occasion on Hway 101 reached past the bakery somewhere past the KONP
radio offices and then return home via Front Street.
Now it is all I can do if I can walk to SAFEWAY or 3`d and Lincoln and then back. I usually do not return
him except by 24 Cherry Hill bus.The bus drivers are kind and let me off on Oak and 5th, one block away
from my home.
I am now trying to obtain FBI federal protection status and relocation.Apartment building for seniors
over 62 in a large city.
To date, Consider FBI-Doff inaction petty and cruel.
I am providing a portion of this narrative so that you can, at least, have a concept as to how my days are
spent.And please note the ending of it.SOMEHOW the list of attorneys having civil rights background in
Seattle disappeared from my PC. If after reading the text,you see fit to take positive action on my behalf
regarding my relocation, I would be most grateful.
I am also providing you with a comment written years ago defining the reality of my situation over the
years.The comment may provide a window of perception to you in my several attempts at defection
from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Brasilia; (1985)the Embassy of Nicaragua in Mexico DF;(19860 the
Consulate of Nicaragua in Guatemala City;THE Cuban Embassy also in Mexico D.F. (1986)
The readers of this statement must be aware that it is being written under silent, law enforcement surveillance
conditions,the writing oftentimes hindered by mental intrusions and other distractions as the text is being written.Living
like a fish in an electronic fishbowl of law enforcement surveillance,one cannot even breathe out as one writes without
getting law enforcement extensions such as Infotainment engaging the writer in conversation and or unwarranted
Written years ago,when still residing in San Francisco, CA prior to my entering Portland, Oregon in June of
2004, these conditions still apply: requests the reader's attention is still being requested to the following
statement made in previous letters to the Office of the U.S.Attorney,United States Department of Justice,the
Federal Building, San Francisco, California before his seeking residency in June of 2004 in the State of
Oregon Most of those letters were addressed to Eumi Choi, of the San Francisco U S Attorney's office with
further correspondence sent to her attention when she was transferred from San Francisco.
"###Provide an activist no matter how extreme his views or actions are with a criminal psychiat is record
and a terrorist record and You have destroyed his credibility forever, his future is destroyed; his economic
well being harmed; the individual thus being condemned by definitions forced to live a life of obscurity and
oftentimes penurious circumstances. ----
Left out of the paragraph, regretfully,the author should have also added:
his character denigrated,his daily living subject to the petty whims or fantasies of law enforcement,private
security and populace at large who see fit to insult him, or victimize in varied manners.His work day subject
to harass and manipulation oftentimes bringing him to situations of harm; his social life destroyed via
premeditated ostracism created by word of mouth, and other smear techniques premeditatedly designed
with malicious intent to create anguish and harm. With legal rights ignored, he, for all intents and purposes,
becomes a non-person who continues to try to be an honorable man."
I have, over time, as the victim of covert activity, requested the Federal Bureau of Investigations provide me with
redress of grievances, clear and safe communications and federal authority protection status including my removal
from city and county surveillance abuse via relocation, and thus end the prejudicial activity against my person being
experienced. To date, my 24/7 conditions have emained the same with no action being taken on my requests.
Hugo Nahuel
138 West 6th Street#6
Port Angeles WA 98362
Nahuel document began Friday 06 March 2015 rya
Friday,March 20,2015—5:11 AM.
Knee caps giving way. Effort to stand up. Or walk around. Pain fracture left tibia intense. Heated bone
structure entire leg, but mostly from knee cap down continues to dissipate. Can't handle this torture
routines much anymore.
Nothing odd about how medical appointments are spread out over weeks of waiting for them.
Even radio has mentioned this.
3/20/2015 8:03 AM
Morning. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Saturday, March 21,2015—6:57
Morning rain in Clallam County WA.Soft rain. - Listened to KPFA and got gospel. Odd,Saturday but
music reminded heard in KPOO 6 AM to noon.Sundays. Picked up foreign radio a bit.Which I like
because one is then reminded that one does not live in vacuum;that there is more than one's
immediate realities,one's problems,one's lack of solutions. Places one's situations in the realm of the
human phylum overall. Hard to believe,one being accustomed to Western or 1St world freedoms that in
some countries listening to foreign radio is opening death penalty charges.
Now listening to Jazz 24 Seattle.Softly,from outside Infotainment speaker wishes for me to turn on
Canadian French radio, hooked up directly rather than thru PC.'
So my Chronicle notes for today read as follows:
01:30 AM or thereabouts.
Bedding extraneous source of heat registering upper 80s to mid-90s Fahrenheit. Living room
thermometer reads 70- Fahrenheit. Wall thermostat set at Zero temperature.
02:45 AM.
African American female member of Infotainment ZTenderloin tied into Clallam County is heard
complaining"Why can't I do constant comment?"'Which is what woke me up,along with the
superheated bed.
04:25 AM.
Leg scorched by extraneous heat source awakens me.
1 Somewhere in between this,was heard that if my legs are cut off, because of the radiation poison absorbed over
years,then "they'll pay but not 60 million dollars,but some,a built more than what you request via USDOJ—FBI-et
al. But the 60 million dollars is another story and also has to do with a leaflet distributed in San Francisco,again
long ago.
2 Infotainment: For Information and Entertainment. Name provided a neighborhood watch group originally in the
Tenderloin district San Francisco who,since then have followed me via local city-county surveillance besides San
Francisco,CA into Portland,Oregon and are now based here,their 24/7 surveillance comments being made
possible by Port Angeles Police Department and Clallam County Sheriff Department who will not acknowledge
their participation and existence.
s"Constant Comment" brand name of a tea sold in San Francisco, Bay Area and elsewhere years ago when residing
at the Hotel Coronado,diagonally across from Glide Church,facing Boedekker Park. In this case,constant
commentary using news media including via inner ear to target those who incur in the displeasure of the State at
city and county levels.. Leaflet distributed in Tenderloin area and elsewhere. Usually 50 copies.
Nahuel document began Friday 06 March 2015 _ rt-6 ti
05:30 AM.
And finally at about 06:40 or so I get out of bed. Pain level about a 5 radiating into a 6 in left leg from
knee cap to toes. Much talk about pain being mostly in plantar fasciitis affecting phalanges, but that is
open wide mike talk I respond with silence. Except for a few comments made from my back porch.
And so is Saturday in the A.M.the soft rain,the cool air. From where I live,one can see the tops of
houses,some of them with lights on.A poem of sorts
3/21/2015 5:16 PM
Targeting from Apt 3#location directly below my bed, bedding underneath my sleeping back reads 92
Fahrenheit. Cervical vertebrae, damaged,affecting brain stem,throat and trachea dry, dull, aching head.
3/21/2015 7:08 PM
Awakened again from sleep. Legs superheated, peripheral muscle beginning to cramp; pain estimated as
a 4 to 5 in Pain Scale
Infotainment speakers allowed by Clallam County surveillance and Port Angeles Police Bureau beginning
their usual advice, petty bickering, and recriminations. Somewhere about this time, I am having
problems with corrupt computer; called HP Tech Support and I am told to return PC to factory Settings.
3/21/2015 8:27 PM
Awakened with bickering and commentary Infotainment. From downstairs,female voice is heard "They
are allowed Sheriff."Again, a vagary. Identification speaker and location, Identification as to whom
speaker refers to. Identification as to location and Sheriff personnel involved. I am too old and too
harmed by surveillance antics and vagaries over the years of experiencing such in three different States
to truly wish continuation of my 24/7.
Sunday, March 22,2015
At approximately 09:30 AM, a member of Infotainment Tenderloin San Francisco,along with their
counterparts in Clallam-Port Angeles began their usual harass.When called"parasites" (within
surveillance)the female member written at the beginning of this paragraph (who is, in actuality,a male
as best as I could discern) begin idle threats: one,that they "are all tied to the Oregon National Guard."
Two, that they could spray dog shit on my clothes"'this, of course requiring a break in and entering into
my apartment.Or spraying such from behind when on is out of the street.
Cathy Marshall,Assistant Attorney General, Port Angeles,Clallam County office for the State of
Washington is well aware via previous conferences she and I had in her office and in written matter
handed to her attention, how tiresome is to have to hear commentary from both Infotainment
Tenderloin,San Francisco City and County and Clallam County Port Angeles, my words to her being"and
I have to listen to it."
I have no way in which I could reply.Anonymous voices, idle threats more than vexatious to the human
However, entering my apartment and smelling the smell of rotting garbage called "steaming garbage"
used the4 radiant ceiling heating for this apartment building which in heating the ceiling of Apt#3 heats
also my floor,directly above apartment#3 is more than idle threat.
Luckily I have a porch near my kitchen and I now have my garbage can out exposed to open air.
"Steaming garbage" by the way can be made to steam faster if targeted from directly below its location,
in the same manner in which the lower end and overall bed is targeted.
°All it takes is a plastic sprayer,some canine fecal matter dissolved in water.
Nahuel document began Friday 06 March 2015 }
3/22/2015 12:07 PM
Panic at the mention of Lt. Governor.
• Theatrics in outside apartment#3 by Karolyn and unidentified male voice. "Every time you write,
they send us to Sequim.Then they come in.That is something you got to learn."
3/22/2015 5:44 PM
Slept off and on most of the day.
Created storage room out of bedroom.
Pain level oscillating between 5 to 7.
Bone marrow/bone heat radiation from inside bone left tibia reaching into ankle joint and phalanges:}
measured 985 Fahrenheit. Especially felt where fractures and bone lesions are located.
Disturbed sleep; mental molestation.Overheard outrage from Infotainment as sex dreams Clallam
County-Port Angeles.
3/22/2015 7:52 PM
Slept to this time. Off and on. Body sore, legs hurting.Scorched. I have no need of any of this. Was able
to walk downstairs to front of apartment building and then back up home.
3/22/201511:59 PM
Sleep disturbances
Monday, March 23,2015—3:23 AM.
Lower end of bedding: 95 Fahrenheit.
Living Room 71 Fahrenheit
Wall thermostat: 50 Fahrenheit.
Karolyn is barely heard responding to white Infotainment: Carol is talking to Dave. (i.e.Judy
Thompson using her mother's first name). He is like a puppet when he talks to her. That's why I don't
want her calling.
Black female Infotainment is heard saying"that"she talks sex to him."
Someone(undifferentiated voice/Infotainment) wishes for me to reach Inspector Innocenti.
Different black female Infotainment argues against my not calling Marti noni who is a pseudo
name for Inspector Marco Innocenti, District Attorney G Gascon Investigations San Francisco, CA.
Telephone records will confirm telephones with area code San Francisco/Bay area(415 510)
used over time.As well as telephones from area code 360 to 415 510 if any.
Usual bizarre hidden Infotainment allowed by local city-county surveillance routines.Could
have been stopped before I left San Francisco with brief filed in September 2000 in Superior Court San
Francisco for the Northern District of California Nahuel vs T Hallinan District Attorney San Francisco
City and County, but was allowed to go n.
And go on,it did;After June 4 2004 Infotainment was allowed to follow me to Portland,
Oregon where it continued its surveillance allowed routines until October 21,2013;and then it
followed me to Port Angeles,WA where it continues to the present.
3/23/2015 6:13 AM
Nahuel document began Friday 06 March 2015 r �
Lower end of bedding becoming superheated into mid 90s Fahrenheit to obtain, pain level past very
distressing,muscle cramping and skeletal rigidity; pain level approaching very distressing,the
superheated targeted of my body with corresponding pain waking me up.
Monday, March 23,2015 08:30 AM.
Usual routines.Wake up full of pain,especially lower extremities. Infotainment members begin harass
hassle regarding my grooming.Those who read this,will now have to understand,that a lesser
vocabulary is to be used,words which define not only my physical wellbeing but my demoralization as
In brief, I look like s---T. Moment I get into the bathtub to take a hot shower and thus loosen stiff
muscle groups,Infotainment broadcasting begin.By now 1 am used to it.Extra added weight on the
State of Washington cross 1 bear.This time,l am advised to not"stay too long in the shower because
'they'think I am masturbating."
I began being genitally mutilated in San Francisco thru targeting of both BEAMS and some other
weapon. It went on for years nightly.After a few years,genital activity was reduced to urination only.
Obsession with superheating genital area continued in Portland,Oregon where I resided for 9 and a
few months,the damage requiring surgical procedures both genital and anal. (This was passed off via
word of surveillance city-county mouth as a result of my being a homosexual,which I am not
I then relocated to Port Angeles,Clallam County,Washington where I reside given that I cannot
relocate to healthier surveillance climates—whether Canada or Mexico or somewhere within the
continental 48—computer superimposed feedback telling me this A.M.that we(i.e. Port Angeles and
Clallam County) have some say so as to whether or not Seattle would end this criminal persecution.
I have been an asexual man practically from the time I entered prison in 1977. Upon release from
prison 1983-1984,further persecution took place.
I am erroneously being provided with a WUO(Weather Underground organization)identification.
Easier for city-county law enforcement to target me.
I am not. I am a veteran of Argentina's dirty war.A war that ended decades ago.
5 BEAM.:Title of a leaflet distributed in the Tenderloin,San Francisco,CA addressing(then FBI Director Louis Freeh
and in tis second issue,addressing also U S Attorney General Janet Reno.What follows are portions from a
document with other additions dated 12 10 2004 addressing FBI Director Robert Mueller listing the different
colloquial terms being used by local surveillance to harm and victimize.""###there is also the'lowering of my
ears' basically creating pressure in the middle chamber of my ear;or playing"warm ass games"with INFRARED
BEAM routines.Or the targeting of eyesight so as to superheat optical fluid;the same created by targeting my
cranium so as to reach into cerebral fluid;Thus, BEAM,ULTRALIGHT, ULTRAVIOELT RADIATION,
I WISH Director Mueller to take into consideration that the terms used are of common origin.Thus ear feed,inner
ear induced, echo chamber,laser particle beam, are not the actual technical terms used by those who avail
themselves of this weaponry to victimize and torment.. Even a Consul General of Chile in San Francisco termed this
as"el bicho en la oreja"i.e.the bug in your ear.
Nahuel document began Friday 06 March 2015
1 am now a recluse.My legs in constant pain due to targeting via what FBI Portland agent Jeff Smith
defined years ago as'unusual weapons."
I hope these notations provide understanding into those whose brains are clouded with their own
emotions and provide me with victimization in my 24/7.
All Seattle attornevs handling Civil Rights deleted from my Computer without
my knowledge.. Computer corrupted by surveillance I am still living like a fish in
an electronic surveillance fishbowl 2417.
g F �