HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/05/2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
May 5, 2015
Mayor Di Guilio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 4:30 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio,Deputy Mayor Downie,Councilmembers Bruch,Collins,Gase and Whetham.
Members Absent: Councilmember Kidd.
Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen,C. Fulton,T. Gallagher,N.West,K.
Neal,R. Hostetler,K. Haney,P. Lusk and M.Puntenney.
1. Work Session on Water Rates
Craig Fulton,Director of Public Works&Utilities,conducted a presentation on the Seasonal Water Usage Program
adopted by Council earlier in 2015.He said that a water shortage could be declared in 2015,most likely in late
August to early September. He outlined the City's water conservation program components which have led to a
downward trend in residential water consumption.He discussed the Elwha River flow over the past 15 years and
showed graphs comparing Elwha River flow with industrial and residential consumption during the"critical"
months. He spoke about the five stages of the City's Water Shortage Response Plans. Council discussion followed.
Council agreed by consensus to add Water Rates to the agenda as item J3.
Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a 5 minute break at 5:23 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 5:30 p.m.
2. Tribute to Artist Duncan McKiernan
Mayor Di Guilio read the proclamation in recognition of Duncan Yves McKiernan,a renowned local artist whose
works are thought to represent the spirit of Port Angeles. Mr.McKiernan has offered to donate to the City his iconic
bronze casting titled"Peninsula Cougar"which has been placed in the atrium of City Hall. Mr.McKiernan said the
City did a fantastic job getting behind the project and that he was touched by the recognition.The audience
adjourned to the atrium to view"Peninsula Cougar"and enjoy a brief reception for Mr.McKeirnan.
Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:01 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio,Deputy Mayor Downie,Councilmembers Bruch,Collins,Gase,Kidd and
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen, C. Fulton,T. Gallagher,N. West,K.
Neal,R. Hostetler,K. Haney,P. Lusk,and J.Bender.
Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. Recognition of Public Works Employees Kathryn Neal and Michael Szatlocky
Director Fulton recognized"star engineers"Mike Szatlocky and Kathryn Neal with Superior Perforniance Awards.
He said that Mike has been instrumental in Phase 1 and 2 of the Combined Sewer Overflow(CSO)project,and that
his out-of-the-box thinking has driven quicker and more efficient construction which has saved the City
tremendously. Director Fulton said that Kathryn is the City's expert on dealing with permits,working with other
agencies and digging through regulations to make projects like the Landfill Bluff Stabilization possible.He
presented Kathryn and Mike with certificates and coins of appreciation for their many years of service to the City
and its residents.
Jim Moran, 1710 West Fourth Street,encouraged Council to approve the contract with the Port Angeles Downtown
Association. He said PADA has shown a renaissance in recent months and that the Port Angeles Chamber of
Commerce is working together with PADA to bring efficiencies to both organizations.
Leslie Robertson, 124 West Misty Lane,thanked Council for its support with Beautify Port Angeles efforts. She
spoke about PADA's recent accomplishments which include cooperation with other organizations; a greater increase
in volunteerism and participation;and a new coupon book for spring and summer with 47 participating businesses.
She urged Council to approve the PADA contract and restore its funding.
Evlalia Engle,505 West Eleventh Street,spoke about the many problems faced by youth of the area who she said
are disenfranchised. She encouraged taxing corporations like Shell to fund renewable sources of energy.
Eloise Kailin outlined exhibits submitted to Council via email regarding water fluoridation which she called a
"failed experiment".
Manager or Councilmember-
Council agreed by consensus to add Water Rates to the agenda. Councilmember Whetham asked that a discussion
about the Clallam County Opportunity Fund be added to the agenda.
At the request of Councilmember Whetham,the Mayor pulled the Olympic Medical Center Redundant Power
Source,Project CL08-2007,from the Consent Agenda.
It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Downie to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. Expenditure Approval List:From 411112015 to 4/24/2015 for$1,374,011.38
2. City Hall South Parking Lot,Project GGO1-10/Accept the City Hall South Parking Lot improvements,
Project No. GG01-10, and authorize staff to proceed with the project close out and the release of the
retained percentage upon receipt of required clearances.
3. Material Purchase: 300 Gallon Garbage Containers/Reject all bids for 300 gallon refuse containers,
contract MEC15-011, and direct staff to make technical revisions and re-advertise this procurement.
Motion carried 7-0.
Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Gase and seconded by Bruch to:
Accept the underground construction contract with Salish Construction,Inc.,of Tacoma,WA,as complete and
authorize release of the retained percentage upon receipt of required clearances,and accept the overhead line
upgrade contract with Magnum Power,LLC,of La Center,WA,as complete and authorize release of the retained
percentage upon receipt of required clearances.
Motion carried 6-0,with Whetham abstaining due to his wife's employment with Olympic Medical Center.
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1. Hearings Examiner
City Attorney Bill Bloor briefed the Council on the proposed ordinance to create the position of a Hearings
Examiner,saying there will be a few minor changes to the ordinance before the second reading at the next Council
meeting.Nathan West,Director of Community and Economic Development,noted that the State strongly
encourages using a Hearings Examiner for quasi-judicial matters out of fairness and timeliness to the applicant.
Council discussion followed.
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,establishing Chapter 2.18 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code for Hearing Examiner.
1. Ordinance to Vacate a Portion of Street and Alley Rights of Way(STV 15-01)
Director West said the Ordinance is in consideration of the vacation of City rights-of-way in conjunction with the
consolidation of properties owned by Olympic Medical Center between Race Street and Washington Streets.
He asked that Council focus on the merits of OMC's petition to vacate the streets and keep the MCO as separate
matter to be dealt with under Quasi-Judicial matters. Director West showed a map of streets proposed to be vacated.
Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing at 6:32 p.m.
David Maybray, 1014 Georgiana Street,requested some type of signed intersection be installed at Washington and
Georgiana streets.He presented a photo of a recent accident at the intersection.
Mayor Di Guilio closed the public hearing at 6:35 p.m.
Council discussion followed. Councilmember Whetham disclosed that his wife is an employee of Olympic Medical
Center and that he would not be voting on the Ordinance.Mayor Di Guilio disclosed that his wife recently retired
from employment at Olympic Medical Center,but that he would be voting on the measure.
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,vacating a portion of street and alley rights of way in
Port Angeles,Clallam County,Washington.
It was moved by Gase and seconded by Kidd to:
Approve as read.
Motion carried 6-0,with Councilmember Whetham abstaining.
1. Olympic Medical Center Campus(MCO 15-01)
Mayor Di Guilio read the Quasi-Judicial Proceedings procedure to determine if any Councilmembers should be
disqualified.No councilmembers were disqualified and there were no statements to disqualify from the audience.
Councilmember Whetham chose to recuse himself from the proceedings due to his wife's employment with
Olympic Medical Center.He vacated the Council Chambers. Councilmember Gase disclosed that he owns
commercial property within 1,200 feet of the proposed OMC campus,but that he did not have a conflict of interest.
Director West provided a surnmary of the proposed Olympic Medical Center campus that uses the Mixed
Commercial Overlay zoning. He said the MCO allows for modification of zoning standards in return for certain
design elements. In this case,those design elements relate to site landscaping and pedestrian circulation through the
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hospital campus.He showed maps of the area and the OMC project as well as slides on design concepts,
landscaping,and a site plan for the new facility. He said one of the conditions of approval is that signage by the City
be incorporated.
Mayor Di Guilio opened the public hearing at 6:46 p.m.There being no public comment,Mayor Di Guilio closed
the public hearing.
Council discussion followed. Robert L.McNamara,a design consultant for OMC,answered Council questions about
the campus design and open space. He noted that the bluff is considered part of the required open space in the MCO.
Cameo Little, 183 South Hemlock Lane,spoke about the pedestrian walkways in the new design that she said are
wide and smooth,designed with wheelchairs and walkers in mind. Lengthy Council discussion followed.
There was a recommendation from some Councilmembers that OMC use more open space and incorporate existing
neighborhood parks into future design phases.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Downie to:
Approve the Preliminary Mixed Commercial Overlay Development with the 7 conditions, 11 findings,and 8
Motion carried 5-1,with Councilmember Bruch voting in opposition.
Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7:25 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 7:33 p.m. Councilmember
Whetham returned to open session.
1. Port Angeles Downtown Association(PADA)Contract
Director West noted that the Port Angeles Downtown Association has elected a new Board of Directors.He said
collectively this new leadership team has established a new direction for business support and events in Downtown,
and that they are working together to move in a new direction. City staff presented the new board with a contract for
services in line with the board's new workplan.PADA does not currently have an executive director or staff to move
forward,so Director West said the workplan is transitional but that all items are measurable in nature.He noted one
change on Page J10 of the packet: Staff recently learned that the B&O Mainstreet tax credit has been maxed out at
the State level. Efforts related to this item will need to reflect 2016 instead of 2015 and include a change in the
contract from 65%to 25%for B&O for 2016.
Josh Rancourt,President of PADA,outlined the work of PADA over the past four months to revitalize and promote
downtown as well as to restructure the organization. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Kidd to:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a 2015 contract with the Port Angeles Downtown Association and
make minor modifications as necessary.
Councilmember Gase disclosed that he is the real estate broker listing the Lincoln Theatre downtown,but that he
will not benefit financially from City's contract with PADA.
Motion carried 7-0.
2. Interlocal Agreement with Olympic Memorial Hospital District
Director Fulton spoke about the interlocal agreement with Olympic Memorial Hospital District(OMHD) which is
constructing a new Medical Office Building that requires stormwater and sewer line infrastructure improvements.
The agreement outlines the responsibilities of each party and the cost sharing arrangements for the infrastructure
improvements. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Gase to:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Olympic Memorial Hospital District
for the stormwater and sewer infrastructure improvement associated with the Medical Office Building,and to make
minor modifications to the agreement,if necessary.
Motion carried 6-0,with Councilmember Whetham abstaining.
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3. Residential Water Rates
Mayor Di Guilio outlined the water rate options presented to Council during the earlier special meeting which
included: an option to proceed with Seasonal Water Usage Program's uniform rates schedule;revert to original
tiered water rate schedule and encourage conservation; or continue to closely monitor the drought situation. Council
discussion followed.
It was moved by Collins and seconded by Bruch to:
Revert to original tiered water rate schedule and encourage conservation.
Motion carried 5-2,with Whetham and Gase voting in opposition.
Attorney Bloor informed Council that because the Seasonal Water Rates were adopted by ordinance,in order to
return to the original tiered rate it can't be done by motion,the Council would need to do so by Ordinance.
Di Guilio read ordinance by title,entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Anageles,Washington,relating to water rates,making changes to Title 13,
Chapter 13.44 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
It was moved by Collins and seconded by Bruch to:
Waive second reading and adopt ordinance as read.
Motion carried 5-2,with Whetham and Gase voting in opposition.
Clerk's note: Council discussed rescinding the Seasonal Water Usage Program's uniform rates set to begin on
June 1,2015,and revert to the original tiered rate schedule to encourage water conservation. The tiered water rates,
adopted in Ordinance No. 3535,will begin on June 1,2015.
1. Peabody Creek Water Quality Construction Project
Director Fulton said this project is from the 2015 Stormwater Capital Facility Plan to install water quality
improvements along various streets where stormwater runs into Peabody Creek.The project is 75%funded by a
Department of Ecology grant. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Downie to:
Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract for Peabody Creek Water Quality,Project DR02-12,with
Pape&Sons Construction,Inc. of Gig Harbor,WA in the total bid amount of$212,217.50,including applicable
taxes,and to make minor modifications to the contract,if necessary.
Motion carried 6-1,with Whetham voting in opposition.
2. City Pier Fire Suppression Phase 2
Corey Delikat,Director of Parks&Recreation,said this project is the second phase to replace the fire suppression
system on City Pier due to deterioration. This second phase addresses the central and east sections of the City Pier.
Age and deterioration from the corrosive saltwater environment have damaged pipes and have rendered the system
inoperable.This project also provides support work for the repair of the City Pier electrical system under the pier.
Council discussion followed.
Jeff Bender,Civil Engineer/Project Manager,answered Council questions related to the project.
It was moved by Gase and seconded by Collins to:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to award and sign a construction contract with Olympic Peninsula
Construction,Inc., for the base bid and additive bid items 1,2,and 3 for City Pier Fire Suppression System Phase 2,
Project PK03-12 and City Pier Electrical Upgrades,Project PK02-12,in the total contract amount of$341,213.93
including applicable taxes,and to make minor modifications to the contract,if necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
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3. City Hall/Pencom Emergency Power,HVAC,&Fire Suppression Upgrades,Project GG15-01
Director Fulton said this project is to upgrade critical backup capabilities,electrical and cooling for City IT systems
and for critical fire suppression equipment in the PENCOM 9-1-1 area.He said the contract also provides other
critical infrastructure upgrades for IT and Police.Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Gase and seconded by Downie to:
Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract for the City Hall&PENCOM Upgrades Project,Contract
No. GG 15-01,with JMG Contractors,LLC of Keyport,WA in the total bid amount of$1,064,271.20 and to make
minor modifications to the contract,if necessary.
Motion carried 6-1,with Whetham opposed.
Staff agreed to ask the contractor if they would like to voluntarily comply with apprenticeship provision outlined in
PAMC for contracts expected to be more than$1 million.
4. Lighting Upgrades—Phase I,Project CL05-2014
Director Fulton said the Lighting Upgrades are a 2015 Capital Facilities Project for the electrical system to replace
high energy and inefficient lights.The award is for the first contract of three planned for 2015. It provides LED
lighting upgrades on Front Street to match the lighting installed three years ago on First and Lincoln Streets as well
as induction lighting in the Fairmont Avenue area for phase 1.
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Bruch to:
Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Seahurst Electric of Everett,WA in the amount of
$122,853.13,including tax,for Lighting Upgrades—Phase I,Project CL05-14,and to make minor modifications to
the contract,if necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
5. Clallam County Opportunity Fund(late item added to the agenda)
Councilmember Whetham said he found it alarming that a grant application to the Opportunity Fund Board was
issued on the behalf of City Council.He asked staff to explain.Director West said Council was informed at its last
meeting that his staff would be seeking a grant from the Opportunity Fund Board as part of the Waterfront bid
contract with Primo Construction. In pursuing that grant,staff presented to the Opportunity Fund Board and
subsequently to the County Commissioners at a recent work session. Council discussion followed.
Director Delikat noted that staff will be submitting an application for a Youth Athletic Facility Grant to fund Civic
Field lighting.
Deputy Mayor Downie said he appreciates the chance he's had to work with the Port Angeles Downtown
Association and encouraged others to participate in Revitalize Port Angeles.He noted there will be a cruise ship in
Port Angeles on May 16 that will bring up to 1,800 passengers to the community.
Councilmember Kidd stated that on May 1 I she and the Mayor will be traveling to Mutsu,Japan for the 20°i
anniversary celebration of the Mutsu-Port Angeles Sister City relationship.
Councilmember Bruch apologized for missing the Farmers Market on Saturday.
Councilmember Collins said he attended the Farmer's Market on Saturday and heard comments from citizens on a
number of topics.He also attended the Opportunity Fund Board Meeting and the County Commissioner's work
session related to Opportunity Fund grants. His new granddaughter was born May 4,2015.
No other reports were given.
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Mayor Di Guilio read
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,authorizing the City to accept the
donation of a bronze casting from artist Duncan Yves McKiernan.
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Bruch to:
Approve the resolution as read.
Motion carried 7-0.
1. Medic One Update
Fire Chief Ken Dubuc gave a presentation on the City's Medic One services and history of its contract with Olympic
Ambulance approved in 1984.He spoke about how patient transport is assessed and assigned. Chief Dubuc said the
Fire Department is in talks with Olympic Ambulance about possible changes to the agreement. Council discussion
EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was determined there was a need for an executive session under authority of RCW
42.30.110(1)(i),to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel.
Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 9:53 p.m.No action was taken.
Council returned to open session at 10:02 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 10:02 p.m.
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Dan i Guilio,Mayor ' GIJ �� ennifer Veneklasen,City Clerk
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