HomeMy WebLinkAbout000935 Original Contract City of Port Angeles
Record # 000935
THIS AGREE\MENT is made and entered into by and Boys 8-, Girls (lubs of the
Olympic Pentrisula. a Washin,&,,tori non-profit corporation ("BGCOP'
CirV 0t'POrt AngeleS, Washinuton f"PA Paty'"t,
Refer--i-ice is i-nade to the Child and Adult Caro Food Pro ;ram oCthe United States Demu—ment ()i'
A -gricult;U11- and to th;:, included pro-can-is operated under the Office of State
Superi, t-ndlm o' Public Education {' tit t" t or wash:a(f-on. pari,
cu,'ar 1--for-11ce is nld- to
0110 SUCK 1)1_0(_ (tali rogra1 i 11 e Summer Food Service Program LlhaE vvit I b e p i
tree Sack hu i i c fles nleehng applicable _SDA requiroments a n L nches") in Port Anue[es,
Washin-ron- to pel-SOnS aged I IS Whe BetleFclarios") the period
,)C( I inu June 1+.,'1.j andondino Ai-i-ou it. "S, 201 S (the "Program, Period"',.
-nployces andlor its
BGCOP will be acting as the Proc,17-11TI SpOnSff, DrOvIding, from amom, its ei I
i '7 the tile personnel
volunteers the Pro��ram ad m 1 111s,rator, die Pro,�_,rair rylonitor,, tile Site sUp
�vho delk;er Pro-am Lunches to distribution sites and the i)ersonnel who distribute Pco-ran,
-o-rain sponsor, at BGf,OP'.s
Lunches at those sites. 'Separato fir: ni BG COP's role ats dle Pi
Carro[i C. Kendal'i unilt in Sequiln (tile Sequim t-.7nit") and/or at BCT('0P's Nlounr At n geles unit
M P�-)r,, An _jces fthe "FIA Un t BGCOP s
an(1/01- tLS "Cdun[llrs v011 o[, 1n
ngfd 'nts and 66 1 a i i
d anc, assonn"Iblo, the Prooi-am Luncties and at the PA
Unit WX013's -,Mlptovees lis Provide one ai---a `.here Pro,yrin-,
Botlet-iciar-lies Llild/01' accOnl P,'I 17, in_ adults r-nwy PiCk dhen- up (,a '-picku p arca"). The BGCOP
emplovees and voiuntoers "per` t11.jm4 thle C, d
I T� n the r- im4 s-n-,oncts.
WICT1011s r'-fol P
their 1-apacines as sucil-I art ret'onred to liereln, as tlhe I m p 1 e n I e"ntoi-s.
I UT) L11_11a.
PA Pa7-tv's rok� 'in �he be ro orowidc an add��inna' P'ck
In or-Jer to c-oord' n
nare', l
i eff F.0,kes in 1.11 e P rog i-1111. BG('0P- and P:_'k Party herol)v "IsI-ee as CC} 104,%S
1. PA Part v v,,,11• make a,/ail,lble exclus-1-veiv Prol,am Progxani Be-neFiciar,
. . - I les
and h i n I
accompanvtnu adults, From noon to I '',Y) p.m. on each _kJondav T -,,-)u u 1 Fr'da-v 'ur'n(, tile.
11 7� Z� - a 1 = jl
Prcy,_,ran-� Pertoc! ("Pro,ram FfOurs"), at the Dream lPiavuround in Erickson Park in Poi-,
A1'<4ek_-s, a cm ered aroa, vvilere 'Pt o("ram 111T✓ diStl_'IbUte Progmill Lunches (the
"PA Partv-provided pickup area"), Tine PA Party-pro-vided pickup area will hlC]Ude oi- be
adjacent wi ere Pro BotieFiciaries maY comfortably consume I a n
jacent to, an 11 their P_0�j Il
LUnClI ,S. Thie PA Partv-t�rovtided pickup area will allso include a P_1� Party-provided trash
.tent to aoco in modat o any Pro(n- generated-getierated trash that Proorani Benefic' 'ar
1_-1CC!)faC]e SU t !Cji� L I tes
�11(T adults i my wish to deposit-, which PA Part-�, witi empty re,ularly.
and/oF accompany, -_ n 1, 1 1 1 - I - Z�l
Except -is provided In section ') below, PA Party \ dl be r-1sponsd-1.- For die condition of th�-
PA Part`! provided pickup area. and �anv ad"acent PA Pai-tv-provided con.'sumption area.
2 -pi . .
A' tile P-1- Party -o,/ided pickup area, Prograni hmpien-tenters -will distribut- Program,
_'CIL111'efflent !S the
Lunches int accordanco witil the FeClUill-onlentS Of the P1_01_ja, 111. One SLICIII to I
disohv oF a no, ice at each piclkup area At the PA Pa . pnovi(led ,,picki-lp
arla, i3(3COP -,�di display SUCh notice on a standing nri-6bdd to be preyed( oti-site duringy
flaqram Flouts The oWd will also idendtly the area as a pickup area (and may incMde
iniC,bniiation [L g a r(ri n g the Prngram) and Q H remind Prm ram Byw6chries and
accoaTanying adults OF the Program's n2quirement rhat Pro,i,;rtull Lunches are to !)e C011SUI-1110d
solel-, b"y' Program Benef-iciaries, who nnist begin such consumption before leavin',,), the pic. I up,
3. At the conclusion oFeaH day's Hours M the P<k Rarty-pro,iided pickup area (c.r. if
earlier, when that day's su p p
ly of (fit ogrann I-UnCties at the pichrp area has beni exhausted),
prier to the area Program Implenienters ,vill pick up all trash in,
the pickup area and any adjacent PA Party-prondded ccmisumption area and deposit it K the
trash receptacle at the area.
4. It is expresslv understood that BGCOP will not be rosponsible For picking up any P-rogralll-
generated trash that may be loft at the PA Pacty-provicled pickup aren or adjacenl PA Rarty-
pro ided consumption aroa by Progra.ni Be-neFiciaries or accclllpallyinz-�, adults after (lie
Program Implementers have OR the area.
5 BGCOP will he Cor, and wd! hold PA Party harnfless Fron-I and deccnd PA Party
againg all Wahns. demands or suits at 11",v or in eqUill" �
ariinl,�' fi-orli, "lie actions or otilissions
of the Progr�
am Implementers. EAGCOP YX not he responsible for. nor will it hold Pik Pany
harmless Wom or defend P,' Rat against clainis, dernands otr suits at 11wv �-)r ill -Cliuttv
arising Torn, tile acknis or onnssic), of the Profit-,arn Berle-Ficiaries or accompaniing aduilts.
a rty
charge the other party any amount rekked to the Progrmr: or
Am, any Program Beneficiary (or accept any donadon from or on behal F of any Pro an"
Benefician! in such pauls per Dr-mallce oF As Myram role or tbr Rmyram Lunches,
7. any oVer provision of ON Agreemem A is expressly understood and agree,,'
if Other pally fails to compl�,, in any material respect with the torrils of this Ngree ill ent, and
Us to promptly corrects ich ffij luirc aFter notice c)C A Toni the coher paqy. the other party ma-%,✓
ternlin aie this :,V,-,rCelnent!
iFB(,X-'0P conducles that an avail-able ahernabve to the P:k Part,-pro Wed pickup urea �,vou ltd.
1) 1
uetter tulfi 11 tile coal of the Program, BGCOP may. upon ten ( 10) days' prior -,,,vritten i otice to
pz� Part,,-, discontinue the use of the PA P arts yrodded pickup an--a ill tile P ) t'ami in y',[Jlich--
et ent `he pivv I Nions of No Agreement, Wsohr as they rellate to the pickup area- shall cease to
the Pvh ram W! be suWended oil days (oil "Nilich tlic P.A (-'nit is not open ard, if the Pnogralil
Lunches are then t)", B17('0P solclv at thle Sequiirll 1-'nit, on days ('11 ,vhia-,h the
Seqwrl Link is not opm j e . on each federal or `A,5ashi11�(-,[on hohday- on an,. (lay clay on which the
P.A 1 nit is closed f-)r filainteriancee ,)r e,/,f.-nt-preparation acriVies W if Te Program LAinchns
are then being prepared by BGCOP solely at the Sequirn Unit, on any da.,, on vvilich the
Seqrim Unit is closed Ar maintenance Or event-preparation acts-vities (notice of �,vlhich
closures BGCOP shall give to P.A Party i, ai nobly in advance), and
each Of the parties at I be examd from performance of in oWigabons hereunder in the event
and to the e-,tent such perforniance is pre-vented by an act Of (10d Or Other Cause beyond ItS
reasonable control,, proJded that the affected party gives the other party prompt notice of the
applicable CATUrnmance and uses reasonable efforts to re-commence performance as pron-1ptly
as Possible.
S. This Agi-eennent is entered KIDD t'bl- the S010 Purpose of cstabl ishing, coordination bet,,,,een the
paries in the context OF the pro ann It is not intended to, nor shall it-, create any other
relationship be pardes, inciuding without limitation any panne ship or joint vename.
Nor is it blended to, nor shall in create any Wm obHgmkms or liabilities c.C either party to
an), third party.
IN "ATTNES.S WHEREOF, BGCOP and PA Party have executed this Agreement as of the date
and rear Wt Woen below,
Date june
My LJB&dke, Exocutive DirectX
A �-N
Bv WJ01:1 Date: June
20 15
Corey DeldNah Director oCParks k Recreation