HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/28/2015 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles,Washington July 28,2015 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Di Guilio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:06 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio,Deputy Mayor Downie,Councilmembers Bruch,Collins,Kidd and Whetham. Members Absent: Councilmember Gase. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen,B. Olson,N.West,C.Fulton,C.Delikat, T. Gallagher,K. Dubuc and S. Wright. WORKSESSION: 1. 2016 Budget Forecast and Long Range Financial Forecast City Manager Dan McKeen introduced the 2016-2020 Preliminary Financial Forecast. He highlighted a$350,000— $450,000 yearly reduction in revenue due to a loss of NPIUSA's electric utility tax. He also informed Council of other revenue challenges and spoke about the largest fund expenditures which include support for the Street Fund and Medic 1. Chief Financial Officer Byron Olson and Budget Officer Sherry Wright conducted a PowerPoint presentation that highlighted general fund revenue and expenditure forecasts. The presentation outlined general fund revenue history, the preliminary forecast,and the net surplus and shortfall of the fund for 2016-2020. CFO Olson and Officer Wright spoke about the different types of tax revenues,intergovernmental revenue,charges for goods and services,fines and penalties,and other financing sources. City Attorney Bill Bloor spoke about criminal justice costs to the City which have increased significantly over the last decade. He highlighted the steady increase that is expected to occur from 2016 to 2020 due to adult detention and court costs. Fixed rate contracts for part of 2014 and all of 2015 will expire at the end of the year,leaving the City with little control over costs paid to the County for these expenses. Attorney Bloor suggested a possible new direction for criminal justice and courts that would include a consolidation with the County that eliminates duplication of government services and,among other benefits,provides cost contaimnent and budget predictability. Craig Fulton,Director of Public Works&Utilities, spoke about needs of the Street Fund and the possibility of establishing a Transportation Benefit District.Council discussion followed. Fire Chief Ken Dubuc spoke about the current funding mechanisms for Medic 1.He outlined challenges which include the need for additional firefighter/paramedics and increased call volume. CFO Olson spoke to Council about future revenue options for the Medic 1 which include increasing the Medic 1 utility rate or examining a voter- approved public safety sales tax that could provide funding for both police and fire. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 6:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m. 2. Fluoridation Attorney Bloor spoke about the proposed resolution which includes a ballot title and explanatory statement that could be included in the November 3,2015 advisory vote if passed by Council.He said that the Clallam County Auditor and her staff have been very helpful,but that unfortunately the PUD water customers who live outside of the City(in the Eastern Urban Growth Area—EUGA)cannot be included in the advisory ballot measure. In view of that,the following alternatives were offered for the Council's consideration: PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—July 28, 2015 1. Do not poll the connections in the EUGA. 2. Conduct the advisory vote for City voters on the November 3 general election ballot and work with the PUD to mail an informal ballot,using the ballot proposition exactly as it will appear on the November 3 election ballot,to all PUD customers who receive fluoridated water.The advisory vote for City residents would be administered by the County Auditor and sent only to register voters. The City would work with the PUD to determine administration of the informal ballot. The County Auditor estimates the cost to the City for including the advisory ballot proposition on the November 3 ballot is between$1,600 and$2,500. 3. Skip the November 3 election and conduct the advisory poll entirely by mail with a return deadline convenient to Council. A potential advantage of option 3 is that it includes registered voters and residents who are not registered,as well as commercial customers. Councilmember Kidd asked that her motion relating to an advisory ballot measure from the July 21"Council meeting be reconsidered because it was incorrect and not practical in light of the new information provided by Attorney Bloor regarding PUD customers. Council discussion followed. The motion to reconsider was seconded by Councilmember Collins. Motion failed 3-3,with Di Guilio,Whetham and Bruch opposed. Council discussion followed. "For and Against"Committee Chair appointments Attorney Bloor said the regular course for a ballot measure would be for the City to appoint a"for"and"against" committee chair. He said it is not a requirement for an informal advisory vote or mailing,but a good practice to have those committees write statements to be sent out with the ballot. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Bruch to: Appoint Dr. Eloise Kailin as con chair and Dr.Tom Locke as pro. Motion passed 5-1,with Collins opposed. Mayor Di Guilio read the resolution: A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,providing for the submission to the voters of the City of an advisory ballot seeking citizen input regarding the fluoridation of the City's municipal water supply at an election to be held November 3,2015. Mayor Di Guilio read the ballot measure: Advisory Vote No. ,concerns the fluoridation of the Port Angeles water supply.The City of Port Angeles is contractually obligated to continue fluoridation of the municipal water supply until May 18, 2016.After that date,fluoridation will continue unless the City Council takes action to discontinue the practice. Should the City of Port Angeles continue fluoridating its municipal water supply after May 18, 2016? Council discussion followed. Councilmember Collins called for a Point of Information,asking Attorney Bloor what would happen if the resolution was not passed. Attorney Bloor said that if the resolution was not passed,then the advisory vote could not proceed to November 3`d General Election It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Whetham to: Approve the resolution as read. Motion failed 3-3,with Kidd,Collins and Downie opposed. Council agreed by consensus to set public hearing dates on fluoride at its August 4"'City Council meeting,and to decide at that time if there was a need for a second public hearing in December. Page 2 of 3 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—July 28, 2015 It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Downie to: Direct staff to begin preparing an informal vote,and to skip the November election and conduct the advisory poll entirely by mail with a return deadline convenient to Council. A potential advantage of option 3 is that it includes registered voters and residents who are not registered,as well as commercial customers. Motion passed 6-0. Council agreed by consensus that the informal ballots should by mailed after the October public hearing.They further agreed to consider informal ballot language and hearing dates at a future meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. i J�J Dan Di G ' io,Mayor �%�I �/�kljl�Q_ Jennifer Veneklasen,City Clerk Page 3 of 3 i i i