HomeMy WebLinkAbout3539 ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
electric rates by making changes to Chapter 13.12 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Section 1. Ordinance 2054 as amended, and Chapter 13.12 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code relating to electric rates are hereby amended by amending Chapter 13.12 to
read as follows:
Chapter 13.12
13.12.010 - General provisions applicable to all services.
13.12.015 - Time of use electric rate.
13.12.020 - Uniform electric rate.
13.12.021 - Point of delivery.
13.12.025 - Rate class assignment.
13.12.030 - Schedule R-03—Residential service.
13.12.031 - Schedule R-03—Residential service time of use rate.
13.12.040 - Schedule GS-03—General service.
13.12.0401 - Schedule GS-03—General service time of use rate.
13.12.041 - Schedule GD-03General service demand.
13.12.0411 - Schedule GD-03—General service demand time of use rate.
13.12.042 - Schedule NP-03—Nonprofit.
13.12.0421 - Schedule NP-03—Nonprofit—Time of use rate.
13.12.043 - Schedule GD-04—General service demand—Primary metered.
13.12.044 - Schedule GD-04—General service demand—Primary metered—Time of use rate.
13.12.060 - Schedule PS-03—Primary service—Customer owned.
13.12.061 - Schedule PS-03—Primary service customer owned—Time of use rate.
13.12.065 - Schedule PS-04—Primary service—City owned.
13.12.066 - Schedule PS-04—Primary service—City owned—Time of use rate.
13.12.071 - Schedule IT-11—Industrial transmission.
13.12.072 - Schedule L-03—Lighting.
13.12.073 - Schedule MW-03—Municipal water pumping.
13.12.0-74 090 -New or expanded loads.
Munieipal water of use fate.
13.12.00 100 - Contract sales and purchases.
13.12.4-00 110 - Electrical work permits and fees.
13.12.44-0 120- Contract and administration charge.
13.12.015 - Time of use electric rate.
For customers
requesting an optional time of use electric rate schedule, the monthly rates for electricity
consumed shall be in accordance with sections 13.12.031, 13.12.0401, 13.12.0411., 13.12.0421,
13.12.044, and 13.12.061 and 13.12.075. The monthly rate includes all applicable taxes. For all
time of use rates in these sections, heavy load hours are all hours from 6:00:00 a.m. to 1.59.59
p.m., Monday through Saturday. Medium load hours are all hours from 2.00.00 p.m. to 9.59.59
p.m., Monday through hrough Saturday. Light load hours are all other hours Monday through Saturday,
all day Sunday and all day on North American Electric Reliability Corporation specified
holidays. Pacific Prevailing Time applies (Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time as
13.12.020 - Uniform electric rate.
customers not requesting a time of use rate schedule, the monthly rate for electricity consumed
� shall be in accordance with sections 13.12.030, 13.12.040, 13.12.041, 13.12.042, 13.12.043,
13.12.060; and 13.12.073., and the demand fesponse-efedits in aeeer-dance with ems
13.12.0310, 13.12.04 I.E, and T=rte-042 . The monthly rate includes all applicable taxes.
For all rates in these sections, heavy load hours are all hours from 6.00.00 a.m. to 9.59.59 p.m.,
Monday through Saturday. Light load hours are all other hours MondaY through Saturday, all
day Sunday and all day on North American Electric Reliability Corporation specified holidays
Pacific Prevailing Time applies (Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time as applicable).
13.12.021 - Point of delivery.
Except for meters installed pursuant to section 13.10.060, the customer shall be responsible for
all electrical facilities beyond the point of delivery. The point of delivery shall be defined as:
A. For an overhead service, the point of delivery is the splice at the weatherhead between the
City overhead conductors and the customer's building wiring.
B. For an underground service, the point of delivery is the secondary bushings of the pad-
mounted transformer or service pedestal.
C. The point of delivery is the primary meter for new services described in sections
13.12.043 and 13.12.060. The point of delivery for existing primary services established prior to
2008 shall be in accordance with City records.
13.12.025 - Rate class assignment.
The Director of Public Works and Utilities, or his designee, shall assign each customer to the
electric rate class that most appropriately reflects the service provided to that customer.
13.12.030 - Schedule R-03—Residential service.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies throughout the City for domestic uses in single
family residences, individual apartments or farms. Separately metered services incidental to
single family residential and farm service may be served under this schedule.
B. Character of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current, 120/240 volts nominal, single phase
service will be furnished under this schedule, supplied through a single meter and one point of
C. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2016:
1. Base charge $19.14 18.23 per month.
2. Energy charge $0.0770 -3-3--per kWh.
D. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge $20.10 per month.
2. Energy charge $0.0809 per kWh.
13.12.031 - Schedule R-03—Residential service time of use rate.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies throughout the City for domestic uses in single
family residences, individual apartments or farms. Separately metered services incidental to
single family residential and farm service may be served under this schedule.
B. Character of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current, 120/240 volts nominal, single phase
service will be furnished under this schedule, supplied through a single meter and one point of
C. Time of use rate effective January 1, 2016:
1. Base charge $19.14 18.23 per month.
2. Energy usage charge between June 1 and August 31, shall be $0.1092 0812 per kWh
during heavy load hours, $0.1092 0742-per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0407 0606
per kWh during light load hours.
3. Energy usage charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be $0.1205 089-per kWh
during heavy load hours, $0.1205 0726-per kWh during medium load hours and $0.0369 064
per kWh during light load hours.
4 Heavy lead hours afe all hours from 6!00.00 a.m. to 1:59:59 p.m. Monday through
Satur-day. Medium load hours are all hour-s ffem 2,00:00 p.m. to 9:59.59 p.m. Monday thfough
Saturday. Light load hours are all othef hours Monday thfough Saturday, all day Sunday, and all
Time applies (Paeifie Standard Time of Paeifie Daylight Time, as appliea
D. Time of use rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge $20.10 per month.
2. Energy usage charge between June 1 and August 31 shall be $0.1147 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.1147 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0428 per kWh during
light load hours.
3. Energy usage charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be $0.1265 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.1265 per kWh during medium load hours and $0.0388 per kWh during light
load hours.
13.12.040 - Schedule GS-03—General service.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate schedules
with the following types of service:
1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel of 400 amps or smaller.
2. 240/480 or 277/480 volts, three phase, service panel of 200 amps or smaller.
3. Municipal traffic signal and street lights. The base charges for municipal traffic signals
and street lights includes maintenance of existing luminaries and controls by the Public Works
and Utilities Department.
4. Municipal emergency management systems. The municipal emergency mana e ment
system and City's security cameras base charge shall apply to systems with a normal operating
load of 150 watts or less, which shall not be required to be metered.
5. Cable television system and other communications systems, single phase power supplies
in accordance with Section 10.2 of Ordinance No. 3116.
[ 6. Pole attachment fees. City-owned unmetered security camera system and wireless access
points shall be exempt from PAMC 13.14.040.
B. Character of service. Sixty-cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
C. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2016:
1. Base charge.
a. Single phase $24.61 �3 44-per month.
b. Three phase $61.53 580 per month.
C. Municipal traffic signal $220.19 209.70 per month.
d. Municipal street light $158.56 4-54-.44-per month.
e. Municipal emergency management system $33.46 34-9per month.
f. City's unmetered security camera system $3.47-3-.3-0-per month.
2. Energy usage charge: $0.0728 0693 per kWh except, however, municipal traffic signals;
and street lights energy charge shall be $0.0782 045 per kWh.
3. The base eharges fef munieipal tfaffie signals and street lights ineludes main4enanee a
4. The munieipal emergeney management system and t
shall apply to systems with a nofmal operating lead of 150 watts of^.emu less, whieh shall not
required to be mete«eA
D. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge.
a. Single phase $25.84 per month.
b. Three phase $64.61 per month.
C. Municipal traffic signal $231.20 per month.
d. Municipal street light $166.49 per month.
e. Municipal emergency management system $35.13 per month.
f. City's unmetered security camera system $3.64 per month.
2. Energy usage charge: $0.0764 per kWh, except, however, municipal traffic signals and
street lights energy charge shall be $0.0821 per kWh.
D. Pole attaehment fees. Gity owned unmetefed seourity eamer-a system and wireless aeeess
points shall be exempt fr-em PAW 13.124 040
13.12.0401 - Schedule GS-03—General service time of use rate.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate schedules
with the following types of service:
1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel of 400 amps or smaller.
2. 240/480 or 277/480 volts, three phase, service panel of 200 amps or smaller.
3. Munieipal tfaffie signal and street lights.
4. Munieipal emergeney management systems.
5. C-Ahle television system and othef eemmunieations systems, single phase power supplies
in aeeefdanee with eet}'on 10.2 of n nco'� o--
B. Character of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
C. Time of use rate effective January 1, 2016:
1. Base charge.
a. Single phase $24.61 -3.4 4 per month.
b. Three phase $64.61 568 per month.
e. MuniEipal-tmf-fie signal $209.70 peter
d. Munieipal street light $1 cryz X4.01 per-zfnenth
e. M-'anieipal emefgenC=y management-system $31.87 per month.
—City's ruimZetefed seeur-it`y'-e-amer-a system $3.30 pci-month.
2. , the ener-gy usage ehar-ge
between june 1 and August 31 $0.0719 k3A'h during heavy lead haur-s, $0.0614 pef 10AIh dufing
medium lead hours, and $0.0529 per kA'h dufing light lead houfs. Fef all athef general ,
tThe energy usage charge between June 1 and August 31 shall be $0.1033 0775 kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.1033 0664-per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0385 057-9 per kWh
during light load hours.
3. , the enefgy usage ehar-ge
between Septembef 1 and May 31 $0745.0 k)AIh dufing heavy load houfs, $0.0635 pef kWh
dufing medium lead houfs, and $0.0479 pef kWh dufing light lead hetifs. For all athef genefal
Jerv=rc-e-, j:he energy usage charge between September 1 and May 31 shall be $0.1140 8030 kWh
during heavy load hours, $0.1140 0684 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0349 054-6
per kWh during light load hours.
D. Time of use rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge.
a. Single phase $25.84 per month.
b. Three phase $64.61 per month.
2. The energusage charge between June 1 and August 31 shall be $0.1083 kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.1083 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0404 per kWh during
light load hours.
3. The energy usage charge between September 1 and May 31 shall be $0.1195 kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.1195 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0366 per kWh during
light load hours.
i. Heavy load--h6ufS--aP hours 6-1:59:59 p.m., Monday thfough
Sattir-day. Medium load hotifs afe all hettfs ftem 2:00:00 p.m. to 9!59:59 ., Monday thfough
> all day Sunday, and all
City's Time applies (Paoifie Standafd Time or-Paeifie Daylight Time, as applieable)-.
5. The base ehafges faf municipal tfaffie signals and stfeet lights ineludes maintenaflee 0
6. The munieipal emefgeney management system and
ehafge shall apply to systems with a nor-mal opefating load of 150 watts of less, whiell shall nE)
be fequir-ed to be metefed7
13.12.041 - Schedule GD-03—General service demand.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all not covered by other rate schedules with the
following types of service:
1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel larger than 400 amps.
2. 240/280 or 277/480 volts, three phase service panel larger than 200 amps.
B. Character of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
C. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2016:
1. Base charge:
a. Single phase $51.57 48.94-per month.
b. Three phase $128.97122.39 per month.
2. Energy usage charge: $0.0513 048-7-per kWh.
3. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on KNAI (real powef` o u kVA (apparent
b. Demand usage charge: $4.38 44-6-per kVAW.
D. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge:
a. Single phase $54.34 per month.
b. Three phase $135.91 per month.
2. Energy usage charge: $0.0541 per kWh.
3. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on kVA (parent power).
b. Demand usage charge: $4.62 per kVA.
13.12.0411 - Schedule GD-03—General service demand time of use rate.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all not covered by other rate schedules with the
following types of service:
1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel larger than 400 amps.
2. 240/480 or 277/480 volts, three phase service panel larger than 200 amps.
B. Character of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
C. Time of use rate effective January 1, 2016:
1. Base charge:
a. Single phase $51.57 4 8.9 4 per month.
b. Three phase $128.97 122.39 per month.
2. Energy use charge between June 1 and August 31, shall be $0.0728 055 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.0728 0555 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0.271 0446 per
kWh during light load hours.
3. Energy usage charge between September 1 and May 31 shall be $0.0803 857-5--per kWh
during heavy load hours, $0.0803_45 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0246 8495
per kWh during light load hours.
4.Heap,lead hours are all hours from 6.00;00 a.m. to 1:5959 p.m., Monday-tlfaugh
Satur-day. Medium lead hours are all hatifs from 2:00:00 p.m. to 9:59!59 .,
Saturday. Light load haufs afe all othef houfs Monday thfough Satufday, all day Sunday, and all
Time applies (Paeifie Standafd Time of Paeifie Daylight Time, as applicable)-.
4. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on the maximum hour of K kVA (apparent
power) during heavy and medium load hours.
b. Demand usage charge: $4.38 per kVA. Demand usage ^1,,rge between june 1 and August
3_L$4.16 ror KV n fee 950% of all TINT n ,-ad $12.27 «KV n fe f 50 of all TINT n
0. Demand usage ehafge between September- 1 and May TI o$4.16 pef KVA for
TI NT n and $10.73 per- V n for- 59% of all KV n �
D. Time of use rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge:
a. Single phase $54.34 per month.
b. Three phase $135.91 per month.
2. Energy use charge between June 1 and August 31, shall be $0.0767 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.0767 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0.286 per kWh during
light load hours.
3. Energy usage charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be $0.0846 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.0846 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0259 per kWh during
light load hours.
4. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on the maximum hour of kVA (apparent
power) during heavy and medium load hours.
b. Demand usage charge: $4.62 per kVA.
13.12.042 - Schedule NP-03—Nonprofit.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all nonprofit tax-deductible organizations.
B. Character of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
C. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2016:
I. Base charge:
a. Single phase $23.88 2190-per month.
b. Three phase $59.68 524per month.
2. Energy usage charge: $0.0765 07-34-per kWh.
D. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge:
a. Single phase $24.90 per month.
b. Three phase $62.23 per month.
2. Energy usage ge: $0.0798 per kWh.
13.12.0421 - Schedule NP-03-Nonprofit-Time of use rate.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all nonprofit tax-deductible organizations.
B. Character of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
C. Time of use rate effective January 1, 2016:
1. Base charge.
a. Single phase $23.88 22.90 per month.
b. Three phase $59.68 57.24 per month.
2. Energy usage charge between June 1 and August 31, shall be $0.1085 0792 per kWh
during heavy load hours, $0.1085 064-3-per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0404 0-5-54
per kWh during light load hours.
3. Energy usage charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be $0.1198 0820 per kWh
during heavy load hours, $0.1198 0663-per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0367 0601-
per kWh during light load hours.
D. Time of use rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge.
a. Single phase $24.90 per month.
b. Three phase $62.23 per month.
2. Energy e charge between June 1 and August 31, shall be $0.1131 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.1131 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0422 per kWh during
light load hours. a
3. Energy usage charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be $0.1248 per kWh
during heavy load hours, $0.1248 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0383 per kWh
�kF during light load hours.
4.Hea;o load hotirs-are all hours from 6:nn.nn a.m. *e—1i59-59 p.,, r,r,.,,day +h,.,,,,g
Sattifday. Medium load hours are all hout!s from 2:00-.00 p.m. to 9:59:59 ., Monday thr-oug
Saturday. Light lead hotifs afe all athef hours Manday thfough Satui:day, all day Sunday, and all
Time applies (Paeifie Standafd Time or Paeifie Daylight Time, as applieable)-.
13.12.043 - Schedule GD-04—General service demand—Primary metered.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate schedules
with the following types of service:
1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel larger than 400 amps.
2. 240/480 or 277/480 volts, three phase service panel larger than 200 amps.
3. When electric current is measured at primary voltage and delivery to the customer is at
secondary voltage.
B. Character of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
C. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2016:
1. Base charge:
B a. Single phase $47.56 45-.74-per month.
b. Three phase $127.25 114.38 per month.
2. Energy usage ge: $0.0464 per kWh.Billi ^ demand for- e e nt shall be based „
KNI n (app feat powef).
3. Billing Monthly demand charge:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on kVA (parent power).
b. Demand usage ge:
All months: $3.98 3-.83-per-K kVA of billing demand.
4. Monthly
D. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge:
a. Single phase $49.45 per month.
b. Three phase $132.30 per month.
2. Energy usage_charge: $0.0482 per kWh.
3. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on kVA (apparent power).
b. Demand usage charge: $4.14 per kVA of billing demand.
13.12.044 - Schedule GD-04General service demand—Primary metered—Time of use rate.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts not covered by other rate schedules
with the following types of service:
1. 120/208 or 120/240 volts, single or three phase, service panel larger than 400 amps.
2. 240/480 or 277/480 volts, three phase service panel larger than 200 amps.
3. When electric current is measured at primary voltage and delivery to the customer is at
secondary voltage.
B. Character of service. Sixty cycle, alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City
may have available will be furnished under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one
point of delivery.
C. Time of use rate effective January 1, 2016:
1. Base charge:
a. Single phase $47.56 44 per month.
b. Three phase $127.25 "n�per month.
2. Monthly energy charge between June 1 and August 31, shall be $0.0658 0511 per kWh
during heavy load hours, $0.0658 0511 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0245 041-1-
per kWh during light load hours. {
3. Monthly energy charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be $0.0726 0528 per
kWh during heavy load hours, $0.0726 052-8-per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0222
0374per kWh during light load hours.
4. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on the maximum hour of kVA (apparent
power) during heavy and medium load hours.
b. Demand usage charge: $4.99 per kVA.
ED. Time of use rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge:
a. Single phase $49.45 45.74 per month.
b. Three phase $132.30x-14.38-per month.
2. Monthly energy charge between June 1 and August 31, shall be $0.0683 0511 per kWh
during heavy load hours, $0.0683 0511 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0255 0444
per kWh during light load hours.
3. Monthly energy charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be $0.0683 0528 per
kWh during heavy load hours, $0.0683 0-52S-per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0231
0374-per kWh during light load hours.
4. Hea-vy load hours are all hotifs from 6�00:00 ., ., Monday thfough
Satufday. Medium load hetifs are all haufs ffom 2:00!00 p.m. to 9:59!59 ., Monday thfough
Satufday. Light lead hottfs are all othet! hours Menday thfough Saturday, all day Sunday, and all
Time applies (Paeifie-Standard Time or-Paeifie Daylight Time, as applieab e)
5. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand faf eaeh month shall be based on th- hour- of KVA (appaFent
pewef) during Heavy Load Hours.
b. Monthly demand ehafge between September 1 and May 31, $3.83 pef KNIA for- 0 of
all KV A and $11.47 per- KV A f f GO% of all KV
e. Monthly demand ehafge between june 1 and August ,
0 of all
KV A and $10.03 pef KV n for coi of all KV n
4. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on the maximum hour of kVA (parent
power) during heavy and medium load hours.
b. Demand usage charge: $5.20 per kVA.
13.12.060 - Schedule PS-03—Primary service—Customer owned.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts which own and operate a primary I
voltage distribution system.
B. Character of service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three
phase, 60 cycle, alternating current at primary voltage, 12.5 KV nominal. Service under this
schedule shall be provided and metered at the point(s) of interconnection of the distribution
facilities of the customer and the City.
C. Rates under this schedule do not recover the City's cost of maintenance and repair work
on the load side of the meter. Customer payment to the City in addition to the rates under this
schedule is required for any and all maintenance and repair work performed on City equipment
on the load side of the meter, including but not limited to, repair and/or replacement of all City
owned facilities. These include but are not limited to cables terminations and transformers.
CD. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2016:
1. Base charge: $317.95 304.96 per month.
2. Energy usage charge:
a. All billings between June 1 and August 31: $0.0291 per kWh.
b. All billings between September 1 and Mav 31: $0.0476 h.
3. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on kVA (apparent power).
b. Demand usage charge: $4.99 per kVA of billing demand.
E. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge: $331.49 per month.
2. Energy usage charge:
a. All billings between June 1 and August 31: $0.0303 per kWh.
b. All billings between September 1 and May 31: $0.0496 per kWh.
3. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on kVA (apparent power
b. Demand usage charge: $5.20 per kVA of billing demand
L. Billing . o, ,nd for o eh month shall be based on KNI A (appafe t power).
3 Monthly tl,ly rlo,,,.,n ,.L..,rge:
All manths: $4.79 per KVA of billing demand.
4. Monthly enefgy „1,,fge:
13.12.061 - Schedule PS-03—Primary service customer owned—Time of use rate.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts which own and operate a primary
voltage distribution system.
B. Character of service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three
phase, sixty cycle, alternating current at primary voltage, 12.5 KV nominal. Service under this
schedule shall be provided and metered at the point(s) of interconnection of the distribution
facilities of the customer and the City.
C. Rates under this schedule do not recover the City's cost of maintenance and repair work
v p �
on the load side of the meter. Customer payment to the City in addition to the rates under this
schedule is required for any and all maintenance and repair work performed on City equipment
on the load side of the meter, including but not limited to, repair and/or replacement of all City
owned facilities. These include but are not limited to cables terminations and transformers.
ED. Time of use rate effective January 1, 2016:
1. Base charge: $317.95304.96 per month.
2. Monthly energy charge between June 1 and August 31, shall be $0.0413 0457 per kWh
during heavy load hours, $0.0413 0457 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0154 036-7
per kWh during light load hours.
3. Monthly energy charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be $0.0745 04—per
kWh during heavy load hours, $0.0745 043-per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0228 z
0332per kWh during light load hours.
4. Heavy lead hour-s afe all hours fFem 6:00:00 a.m. to 1!59:59 .,
Satttfday. Medium lead hours are all hours from 2.00:00 p.m. to 9.:59:59 p.M., N40flda), thfERIgh
ka" Saturday. Light load hettfs are all other hours Monday through Saturday, all day Sunday, and all
Time applies(Pae-i€ie Standard Time ofPae-ifie Daylight Time, as plie ble)
4.5 Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on the maximum hour of-K kVA (apparent
power) during heavy and medium load hours.
b. Demand usage ge: $4.99 per kVA of billing demand.
_Monthly demand ehafge between September 1 and May 31, $4.79 per KNIA for 0 of all KVA
and $11.47 pef KVA faf Goi „fall KNIA.
e. Monthly demand ehafge between june 1 and August 31, $4.79 pef KNIA f0f o of all
KVA and $10.03 per-KN7A for- 5-ON of all KN7A.
E. Time of use rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge: $317.95 per month.
2. Monthly energy charge between June 1 and August 31, shall be $0.0430 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.0430 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0160 per kWh during
light load hours.
3. Monthly energy charge between September 1 and May 31 shall be $0.0776 per kWh
during heavy load hours, $0.0776 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0238 per kWh
during light load hours.
4. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on the maximum hour of kVA (a_pparent
power) during heavy and medium load hours.
b. Demand usage charge: $5.20 per kVA of billing demand.
13.12.065 - Schedule PS-04—Primary service—City owned.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts where the City owns and operates a
primary voltage distribution system when electric current is measured at primary voltage and
delivery to the customer is at secondary voltage.
B. Character of service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three
phase, 60 cycle, alternating current at primary voltage, 12.5 KV nominal.
not the- Gio"s 08—
afly and a4 VAQ;44t
C.D. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2016:
1. Base charge: $317.95 per month.
2. Energy usage charge:
a a. All billings between June 1 and August 31: $0.0291 per kWh.
b. All billings between September 1 and May 31: $0.0476 per kWh.
3. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on kVA (apparent power
b. Demand usage charge: $4.99 per kVA of billing demand.
D.B. Uniform rate effective January 1, 2017:
1. Base charge: $331.49 per month.
2. Energy usage charge:
a. All billings between June 1 and August 31: $0.0303 per kWh.
b. All billings between September 1 and May 31: $0.0496 per kWh.
3. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on kVA (apparent power).
b. Demand usage charge: $5.20 per kVA of billing demand 1. Base—ehafge! $304.96 per
2. Billing demand f r eaeh month shall be based on K I A (appafe t , ef)
3. ivivuuu7 demand ehafge:
All months: $4.79 pef KNIA of billing demand.
4. Monthly tl,ly o eha-ge: L
a. All i
-betweenS September 1 and May 31 $0.0457 pef PA4iT .
b. All billings between 3ne 1 and Attgust 31 27-9 per PA'h. �
13.12.066 - Schedule PS-04—Primary service—City owned—Time of use rate.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts where the City owns and operates a
primary voltage distribution system when electric current is measured at primary voltage and
delivery to the customer is at secondary voltage.
B. Character of service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three
phase, 60 cycle, alternating current at primary voltage, 12.5 KV nominal.
C. Rates under this schedule do not recover the City's cost of maintenance and repair work
on the load side of the meter. Customer payment to the City in addition to the rates under this
schedule is required for any and all maintenance and repair work performed on City equipment
on the load side of the meter, including but not limited to, repair and/or replacement of all City
owned facilities. These include but are not limited to cables, terminations, and transformers.
D. Time of use rate:
1. Base Charge: $304.96 per month.
2. Monthly Energy Charge between June 1 and August 31, $0.0457 per kWh during heavy
load hours, $0.0457 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0367 per kWh during light load
3. Monthly Energy Charge between September 1 and May 31, $0.0473 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.0473 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0332 per kWh during
light load hours.
4. .,
Saturday. Medium load houfs afe all hours ffem 2:00.00 p.m. to 9:511:511 ., Monday t4ough
Satufday. Light lead houfs afe all other- houfs Monday thmugh Satttfday, all day Sunday, and all
Time applies (Paeifie-Standar'1 Time of D.,cif; Daylight Time, as plie abp�
4.5 Billing Demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on the maximum hour of KVA (apparent
power) during heavy and medium load hours.
b. Monthly Demand Charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be $4.79 per KVA.-far
950% of all KVA and $11.44 per-KNIA f6f 51% of all KNIA.
C. Monthly Demand Charge between June 1 and August 31, shall be $4.79 per KVA for
95% of all KVA and $10.03 per KVA for 5% of all KVA.
13.12.071 - Schedule IT-11—Industrial transmission.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all accounts where power is taken at transmission
B. Character of service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is unregulated three-
phase 60 cycle, alternating current at transmission voltage, 69 KV nominal.
C. Point of delivery. Service under this schedule shall be provided and measured where the
customer's facilities interconnect with the facilities of the City and the Bonneville Power
D. Service policy. Service under this schedule is subject to the customer service policies of
the City.
E. Rate and charges. The rates and charges for service hereunder is the sum of the amounts
determined in accordance with sections 2 through 11 for each month.
1. Definitions: Initially capitalized words used herein have the meaning set forth in the BPA
agreement, the Tiered Rate Methodology, or as defined below:
"BPA" means the Bonneville Power Administration.
"BPA Agreement" means the agreement between the City and BPA, dated December 1, 2008, I
Contract No. 09PB-13093, as amended from time to time.
"CHWM" means the City's Contract High Water Mark.
"Customer" means the person or entity that purchases power from the City, using the service
governed by this section. "Customer" may hereafter be abbreviated as "Cu."
"Customer facility" means facilities or premises owned by the customer and served by power
purchased pursuant to this section.
"Demand" means the amount of energy delivered to the customer at the point of delivery (as
measured in whole kilowatts) integrated over the 60-minute period during the City's CSP. For
purposes of such calculation, the 60-minute periods shall begin at the beginning of each whole
hour and run for 60 consecutive minutes until the end of such whole hour.
"Network agreement" means the agreement between the City and the BPA, dated September 20,
2006, Contract No. OTX-124433, as amended from time to time.
"RHWM" means the City's Rate Period High Water Mark.
"Tiered Rate Methodology" means BPA's policy for calculating wholesale power rates, adopted
in the Administrator's Final Record of Decision issued in September, 2009, and as amended from
time to time.
2. Elements for calculating rates and charges.
Customer will have a CHWM amount ("Cu CHWM") of 53.351 aMW. From October 1, 2015 -
through September 30, 2017 5--the customer will have a Rate Period High Water Mark (RHWM)
of 52.042 7-74 aMW.
B. Cu CDQ.
Customer will have the following monthly CDQs ("Cu CDQ"): as follows:
January 14,760 kW I July 14,238 kW
Februar Y 11,974 kW ' August 15,113 kW
March 14,913 kW September 13,541 kW
April 14,913 kW ; October 19,262 kW
May 22,190 kW ! November 14,423 kW
June 13,546 kW December 7,366 kW
3. Customer charge.
The customer charge (Cu CO) is the portion of the City's customer charges for a month to be
paid by customer.
The Cu CC each month shall be calculated by the following formula:
Cu CHWM is the amount set out in section 2.A., above.
CHWM is 86.755 aMW.
CMCC is the City's customer charge for the month.
No credit on the Cu CC will be given or paid for using electricity in amounts less than the Cu
4. Demand charges for service.
The customer demand charge (Cu DC) is the demand charges for a month to be paid by
The Cu DC each month shall be calculated by the following formula:
Cu DC = [(Cu CSP — Cu AHLH) — Cu CDQ] X DR
( Where:
Cu CSP is the demand of the customer facility (in kilowatts) during the City's CSP in each
Cu CDQ is the amount set out in Section 2. above.
Cu AHLH is the average of the customer facility's actual hourly Tier 1 loads during the HLH in `
each month in kilowatts.
DR is the demand rate charged to the City.
No credit will be given or paid for using demand in amounts less than the Cu CDQ.
5. Load shaping charges and credits.
[ The customer load shaping charge (Cu LSC) is the load shaping charges for a month to be paid
I by customer.
[ The Cu LSC each month shall be calculated by the following formula: I
Cu LSC = (Cu AL — Cu SSL) X LSR
Cu LSC is the net of the load shaping charges and credits for a month apportioned to customer,
with customer paying net load shaping charges to the City, and the City paying net load shaping
credits to customer, less an amount calculated by the City using the load shaping adjustment
true-up rate.
Cu AL is customer's monthly HLH and LLH loads.
Cu SSL is customer's shaped system load as set out below.
LSR is the load shaping rate applicable to HLH and LLH periods.
22,281,505 22,314,702
October 2015 , , �� ,,, , October Aprr1-2016 , ��� ���
- ZT,665,637
November 26,273,648 November may 26,312,792
20154 26,120,220 2016 30,534 _
December 25,354,699 December June 25,392,474
20154 26,089,142 20165 26� 307-46°
January 2016 21,951,790 Januar y-2017-5 21,984,495
tp� y —
26,818,1117 �4 28,235,155
20,133,491 February August 19,341,557
February 2016-5 n 106 2017 24,169,402
23,242,150 March Septenibef 23,276,778
March 2016-5 z�55�5 2017 21,038,758
Aril 2016 19,324,722
� April
� _pri12017 _ _ 19,353,513.......
Maw 31,629,442 May 2017 31,676,566
! June 2016 25,509,130 June 2017 25,547,136
July 2016 ' 23,726,786 Jules 23,762,135
Augus 25,379,141
2016 � August 2017 25,416,953
2016 19,816,068 September 2017 19,845,592
October 12,693,984 October 2016Apri1 10,257,617
12,214,819 241-5
28-1-4 �
November 15,888,331 November
2015�r�e 18,974,900
4-5,Qzn 2016Ma3'�
2844 i
December 15,707,825 December 12,712,896
16,ry 238,� 2016j-une 2015 14,^rrT.r9wr
January 13,679,924 January 2017Ju-y, 15,912,003
G 19 �
2016ianuafy 15,270, 2 1- 14,293,571
February 12,050,210 February 15,731,227
2016 ' 12,621,236 2017A� � 13,142,376
241-5 241-5
March March
20161 14,148,728 2017 13,700,305
�Q� c�� S° 12,429,569
241-5 ,°°-, -7 291
April 2016 11,802,583 April 2017 11,657,198
May 2016 17,565,615 May 14,169,808
June 2016 14,438,625 June 2017 11,820,167
July 2016 12,696,203 Jules 17,591,785 I
August 2016 12,901,515 August 2017 14,460,137
September 12,372,148 September 12,715,119
2016 2017
6. Additional charges: In addition to the charges calculated above, customer shall a to the
g pay
I City each month all costs, charges, surcharges, adjustment charges and penalties, and conditions
incurred by the City and attributable to customer, including but not limited to those applicable
under the BPA agreement, the TRM, BPA rate schedules and general rate schedule provisions,
network agreement, tariffs, and general rate schedule provisions.
7. Basic charge: Beginning on October 1, 2015, the Customer will pay to the City a basic
charge of$4,230.00 899 per month. Beginning on October 1, 2016, the Customer will panto
the City a basic charge of$4,440.00 per month.
8. Transmission charges: The monthly wholesale transmission cost to the City based on the
metered energy and demand associated with providing service hereunder.
9. Taxes: An amount calculated to recover the actual tax obligation of the electric utility and
City for State Public Utilities tax and City Public Utility tax and any other applicable taxes. In
addition, Customer shall pay each month any and all federal, state, local and City taxes as may
be levied, imposed or due, which arise from, or in connection with the provision of electric
C service to Customer pursuant to this Ordinance.
I10F. Calculation of utility taxes. The Customer shall pay to the City each month the amount
necessary to fully satisfy the City's obligation for state and local utility taxes. For utility tax
purposes, the Gross Income from the customer shall be the sum of subsections 3 through 9
above, plus the amount necessary to satisfy the City's obligation for state and local utility taxes.
11G. Rates and charges for service. The City has no obligation to provide service to the
customer facility in excess of Cu CHWM and its Cu CDQ. If the customer facility takes service
in excess of its Cu CHWM and/or its Cu CDQ, customer will pay the City all costs, charges,
surcharges, and penalties attributable to such service.
1214. If the City pays or receives a load shaping charge true-up adjustment charge or credit in
any fiscal year, then a pro-rata portion of such charge or credit will be apportioned to customer
as determined by the City, plus an amount calculated by the City using the load shaping
adjustment true-up rate.
13.12.072 - Schedule L-03—Lighting.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to all approved unmetered yard and area lights.
B. Installation. Yard or area lights are available upon request. Upon approval by the Public
Works and Utilities Department, lights will be installed only on existing utility-owned poles for
the use and convenience of customers. A one-year contract for service will be required before the
light will be installed. Customer ownership of lighting is limited to existing lights only.
C. Maintenance. The Public Works and Utilities Department retains ownership of the area
lighting; maintenance of City owned lights shall be the responsibility of the Public Works and
Utilities Department, maintenance of customer owned lights shall be the responsibility of the
D. Rates effective January 1, 2016:
1. Lighting owned whie-h remains n—by the Public Works and Utilities Department I
a. 100 watts or less: $1 L. 4 2-8-per month.
- i
b. More than 100 watts, but 150 watts or less: $17.09 672&per month.
C. More than 150 watts, but 200 watts or less: $19.01 &.4-9-per month.
d. More than 200 watts: $22.06 1.01 per month.
[ 2. Existing Slighting which remains owned by the in-customer owne,ship (existing ligh*�
a. 100 watts or less: $9.47:92-per month.
b. More than 100 watts, but 150 watts or less: $13.69 84 per month.
c. More than 150 watts, but 200 watts or less: $15.19 4.-4-7-per month.
d. More than 200 watts: $17.62 6-.7-8-per month.
E. Rates effective January 1, 2017:
1. Lighting owned by the Public Works and Utilities Department:
a. 100 watts or less: $12.43 per month.
b. More than 100 watts, but 150 watts or less: $17.94 per month.
C. More than 150 watts, but 200 watts or less: $19.96 per month.
d. More than 200 watts: $23.16 per month.
2. Existing lighting which remains owned by the customer :
a. 100 watts or less: $9.94 er month.
p �
b. More than 100 watts, but 150 watts or less: $14.37 per month.
C. More than 150 watts, but 200 watts or less: $15.95 per month.
d. More than 200 watts: $18.50 per month.
13.12.073 - Schedule MW-03—Municipal water pumping.
A. Applicability. This schedule applies to municipal water pumping facilities where the
connected load is greater than 500-K kVA.
B. Restrictions. Timers approved by the Public Works and Utilities Department shall be
installed to prevent pumping during restricted hours as determined by the Public Works and
Utilities Department.
C. Character of service. Service to be furnished under this schedule is three phase, 60 cycle,
alternating current at such phase and voltage as the City may have available will be furnished
under this schedule, applied through a single meter and one point of delivery.
D. Time of use rate for bills effective January 1, 2016:
1. Basic charge: $361.26 per month.
2. Energy usage charge between June 1 and August 31, shall be $0.0524 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.0524 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0277 per kWh during
light load hours.
f 3. Energy usage charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be $0.0885 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.0885 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0424 per kWh during
light load hours. i
4. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on the maximum hour of kVA (apparent
power) during heavy load hours.
b. All other months and hours: $4.80 per kVA.
E. Time of use rate for bills effective after January 1, 2017:
1. Basic charge: $380.44 per month.
2. Energy usage charge between June 1 and August 31, shall be $0.0552 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.0552 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0292 per kWh during
light load hours.
3. Energy usage charge between September 1 and May 31, shall be $0.0932 per kWh during
heavy load hours, $0.0932 per kWh during medium load hours, and $0.0447 per kWh during
light load hours.
4. Billing demand:
a. Billing demand for each month shall be based on the maximum hour of kVA (apparent
power) during heavy load hours.
b. All other months and hours: $5.05 per kVA.
� < �
� � \ P. . (
\ i ooasie afg $335.46 p_month
2. Billing demand for the month shall be based on KNIA (apparent powef) in lieu of power
[ ƒ Monthly demand ew age
. , No eharge for- demand oeetir-r-ing during : . . through 6:00 a.m.,
Monday thfough gl &sa_dUtilities n; e a/r
. �
All houfs:
�[ ,gm�Gss`w«,_a xper-7V,
4. Usage �rge
. �
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b. All billings between june 1 and August 31!� ihours.
an ¢A.Aa;2 P_»gm *wng light load
e. Heavy load hottfs shall inelude all houfs from w,��yn�! loadGo,s shall Q mm,,e21om_hours, : a.m. : p.m., '
\ A. . ,
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equal to or- ox-o-ding
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1'2r i:075 Se c'l-'ca'-lle N41AI 03 Munieipal water-pLimping Time of use fate
A. Applieability. This sehedule applies to munieipal watef pumping facilities wh,-r-e the
Utilities 4
eyele, alteftiating euffent at sueh phase and voltage as the City may have available wi
fufnished undef this sehedule, applied thfough a single meter and one point of delivef�-.
D. Time of use fate-
z Bas= e$335.46 p month,
2. Ener-gy usage ehat!ge between june 1 and August 31, $0.0487 pef k3A'h dufing heavy load
houfs, $0.0487 per- PAlli dufing medium load houfs, and $0.0257 pef k3A'h during light lead
l S.
3. Enefgy usage ehafge between Septembef 1 and May 31, $0.0822 per !Alh dufing heavy
lead ' ' and $0.0394 pef PAlh during light lea-,
4. Heavy lead ho s afe all-hoofs ffe 6:oo:oo-z`i.m.t tv 9:59i-p.m., rl tl g
Saturday. Medium load poufs are-all-hetfs ffem 2:88.00 p.m.to 9:59:59 p.m., Monday thfough
Saturday. Light load houfs afe all other hours Monday through Saturday, all day Sunday and all
Time applies (Paeifie Standafd Time of Paeifie Daylight Time, as applieable)-.
5. Billing demand-.
a. Billing demand fef eaeh mon1h shall be based on the maximum houf of KVA (appar-ent
�*> Yvvr'eiJ uuiiug heavy load houfs.
b. The demand eharge between September- 1 and May 31, �b� $4.46 pef KVA for 0
of all KVn an $12.62 per-kNNI f r coi of all KNIn
e. The demand ehafge between june 1 and Attgust 3 1, shall be $4.4 6 pef KVA f6f 959% of
all KV n an $11.03 por KV o f coi of all KV n
13.12.090 074-New or ex anded loads.
A. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions appiv:
New load means a general service demand or primary service account that is first connected to
the electrical distribution system after December 31, 2012 and that is equal to or exceeds two
"Expanded load" means a general service demand or primary service account previously
connected to the electric distribution system that is increased in an amount equal to or exceeding
one aMW when compared to the customer's monthly enery and demand consumption in the
same calendar month in calendar year 2011.
A new load can also have an expanded load component subject to this section.
B. Applicability. Subject to the exclusions stated in the following two paragraphs, this
section applies to all new loads and all expanded loads.
This section is intended to establish rates only for sales of Tier 2 power. The rates established in
this section do not apply to the extent Tier 1 power is available to serve all or a portion of the
new load or expanded load. This section does not apply to loads designated by the Citv or the
Bonneville Power Administration as new large single loads as defined by the Bonneville Power '
Administration in their new large single load policy document, dated April 2001. This section
also does not apply to loads that are served under section 13.12.071 of Title 13 of the Port E
Angeles Municipal Code.
Except as provided in paragraph C.2. below, sections 13.12.041, 13.12.043, and 13.12.060 do not
apply to new loads and do not apply to the portion of any load that is an expanded load.
C. New loads. After December 31 2012 a new load shall be charted the following rates and
charges based on the energy and demand usage for each month as measured by the account
1. Uniform rate. New loads will be charged the cost of generation and transmission services
incurred for such service by the City from the Bonneville Power Administration under the
priority firm public rate, Tier 2 Charges, including without limitation the charges for
unanticipated load service as defined in the BPA Administrator's record of decision for the BP-
12 Rate Adjustment Proceeding and the 2012 Power Rate Schedules and General Rate Schedule
Provisions FY2012-20131. The City in its sole discretion shall have the right to determine what
Tier 2 rate alternatives it procures from the Bonneville Power Administration.
2. Basic charge. A basic charge in accordance with section 13.12.041, 13.12.043. or
13.12.060 of this chapter shall apply to new loads.
3. Distribution charge. A distribution charge determined by multiplying 0.40 times the sum
of items l., 2. shall apply to new loads.
I �
D. Expanded loads. After December 31. 2012, any customer with an expanded load shall be
charged on the expanded load the following rates and charges based on the energy and demand
usage for each month as measured by the account meter.
1. Uniform rate. The customer's monthly energy and demand consumption in excess of its
energy and demand consumption in the same calendar month in calendar year 2011 will be
charged the cost of generation and transmission services incurred for such service by the City
from the Bonneville Power Administration under the Priority Firm Public Rate, Tier 2 Charges,
including without limitation the charges for unanticipated load service. The City in its sole
discretion shall have the right to determine what Tier 2 rate alternatives it procures from the
Bonneville Power Administration.
The customer's monthly energy and demand consumption that is equal to or less than its energy
and demand consumption in the same calendar month in calendar year 2011 shall be charged as
determined by the Director in accordance with section 13.12.041, 13.12.043, or 13.12.060 of this
E. Other applicable charges and adjustments. The following charges and adjustments shall
be applied to any new load or any expanded load served under this schedule.
1. Diurnally differentiated rate. If the City can procure power from the Bonneville Power
Administration under the Priority Firm Public Rate Tier 2 charges with deliveries differentiated
diurnally, the City may in its sole discretion offer service hereunder that is diurnally
2. Adjustments to rate. The City may reduce the rate applicable to a new load and/or an
expanded load under this schedule, as a part of the annual budget process or at such other time as
the City deems appropriate, if the City determines in its sole discretion, by use of a cost of
service analysis or other accepted econometric methods. that the economic impact within the
City of the new load and/or expanded load will generate additional revenues for the City-such
that an adjustment to the rate applicable to a new load and/or, an expanded load under this
schedule will not increase result in shifting service costs to other Cit electric customers.
3._ Transmission charges. The monthly wholesale transmission costs to the City, including
energy, demand and any other charges incurred by the City to provide service to an account for a
new load or an expanded load under this schedule.
4. Charges and credits. Any other wholesale generation or transmission charges or credits
accrued by the City to provide service to a new load or an expanded load under this schedule.
5. Taxes. An amount calculated to recover the actual tax obligation of the Electric Utility
and City for State Public Utilities tax and City Public Utility tax and any other applicable taxes.
13.12.080 100 - Contract sales and purchases.
A. The Director of the Public Works and Utilities Department shall have the authority to
enter into special contracts covering electric power service, purchases, and sales, at rates other
than specified in this chapter, to meet specific operating conditions, provided that such rates
recover the cost of providing the service, and provided that the City Manager, Mayor and
Council members of the Utility Advisory Committee are notified, and provided that such
contracts have a term of no more than 90 days before formal adoption by the City Council.
B. The Director of the Public Works and Utilities Department shall have the authority to
enter into the following contracts, provided that such contracts do not exceed a term of five
1. Guaranteed annual revenue contracts designed to repay capital outlay and service
2. Facilities construction contracts for contributions in aid of construction and for
revenues from jobbing and contract work as follows:
a. As a condition of construction of Public Works and Utilities Department electrical
facilities, including, but not limited to, substations, meter extensions, distribution systems, and
services to provide permanent service to any new construction, development, mobile home
park, or facility, the owner or developer requesting such service may be assessed a facilities
b. The facilities charge shall be equal to 50 percent of the estimated cost of the system, if
the estimated cost is over $5,000.00 as estimated by the Engineering Division of the Public
Works and Utilities Department.
C. This facilities charge shall not apply to local improvement districts, or to Federal,
State, County, or local government entities; provided that the government provides a purchase
order for billing.
d. The actual cost of the system may include the cost of using or providing substation
capacity, if any, for the system.
e. Prior to construction of any such electrical facilities, the amount of such facilities
charges shall be estimated by the Engineering Division of the Public Works and Utilities
Department, and such estimated amount shall be billed to and paid by the developer or owner
prior to commencement of any such construction. Any balance remaining shall be refunded to
or collected from the developer or other, as the case may be, upon completion of construction
and determination of the actual cost thereof. Any balance remaining shall be collected before
any reimbursements are given.
3. Frontage and lot reimbursement contracts for customers where facilities are installed in
the dedicated public street and customers have donated public right-of-way and paid for
construction of the facilities.
4. Contracts with the Washington State Department of Transportation designed to recover
the City's cost of traffic signal maintenance services for state owned facilities.
C. The City Manager is authorized to enter into contracts for the sale and purchase of
energy and demand, subject to the following conditions: 1) the value of the purchase or sale is
less than $100,000.00; 2) the duration of the contract is 31 days or less; 3) the City Manager
reports to the City Council the details of the contract at the first regular City Council meeting
that follows formation of the contract; and 4) such contract is expected to provide economic or
operational benefits to the City's electric customers.
! P
13.12.188 10- Electrical work permits and fees.
The fees for electrical inspections performed by the City pursuant to State statute and City
ordinance shall be in accordance with Chapter 3.70 PAMC, which may be amended from time to
13.12.14-8 20 - Contract and administration charge.
A contract and administration charge, in the amount set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC, shall be
charged to any person or entity proposing a power generating project that would be integrated
with the City's electrical distribution system. This fee shall be for the purpose of compensating
the City for the costs of negotiating and preparing contracts and accomplishing the necessary
engineering for integrating the project into the City's system and shall be collected before such
costs are incurred.
Section 2- Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to,
the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors,references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection
numbers and any references thereto.
Section 3- Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person
or circumstances, are held invalid,the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions
of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4- Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated
to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five
(5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the day of September,2015.
an Di Guilio, Mayor
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
Jennifer Veneklasen, City er
Summary of Ordinance Adopted by the
Port Angeles City Council
On September 1, 2015
Ordinance No. 3538
THIS ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, ameds utility rates by making
changes to Chapters 13.44, 13.63 and 13.65 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
This ordinance is not subject to referendum and shall be effective January 1, 2016 and January 1,
2017 after publication.
Ordinance No. 3539
THIS ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amends electric rates by making
changes to Chapter 13.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
This ordinance is not subject to referendum and shall be effective 5 (five) days after publication
of summary.
Ordinance No. 3540
THIS ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, makes changes to Chapter 3.70 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code regarding Fire Department fees.
This Ordinance is subject to referendum. Unless a referendum petition is filed, this ordinance
shall be in effect 30 days after passage and publication of summary.
The full texts of the Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office, on the City's
website at www.cityofpa.us, or will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Kari Martinez-Bailey
Acting City Clerk
Published: September 6, 2015