HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/04/2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington August 4, 2015 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Di Guilio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:33 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio,Deputy Mayor Downie,Councilmembers Bruch,Collins,Gase,Kidd and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Acting City Clerk K.Martinez-Bailey,T. Gallagher, B. Olson,and N.West. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input from Attorney Bloor,Mayor Di Guilio aimounced the need for an Executive Session,under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(l)(i)for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel, for approximately 20 minutes.The Executive Session convened at 5:35 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: The Executive Session concluded at 5:54 p.m.No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:54 p.m. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present:Mayor Di Guilio,Deputy Mayor Downie,Councilmembers Bruch,Collins,Gase,Kidd and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Acting City Clerk K.Martinez-Bailey,B. Olson,C.Fulton, N. West,T. Gallagher,K. Dubuc,C.Delikat,S.Wright and S. Romberg. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag CEREMONIAL MATTERS PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS Mayor Di Guilio introduced Leslie Robertson of Revitalize Port Angeles and recognized her for her efforts to reach out to the City of Chattanooga,TN in light of their recent tragedy. PUBLIC COMMENT: Deborah Bopp,2043 Monroe Road,described her background as a nurse and mid-wife with 32 years experience and said that she was surprised by the high number of mothers she has met in Port Angeles with bad teeth. She spoke in support of fluoridation and said there are needless fears of it. Tony Cook, 1673 Seal Rock Road,spoke in favor of adding a plaque to honor draftees to Veterans Park. He said he believes all veterans should be remembered. I i PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—August 4, 2015 Patricia Graham, 1503 East Third Street,read definitions of"mineral"and"chemical"and said the newspaper continues to classify fluoride as a mineral. She provided a material safety data sheet on fluorosilicic acid. Dr.Rick Marshall, 162 South Barr Road,said fluoride occurs naturally in the water and adding more fluoride should be considered medicating the public. Dr.Greg Royack,2007 Hamilton Way,said that fluoride is part of prevention used in dental care along with nutritional counseling and teaching patients to brush and floss properly,that using fluoride is a part of what they do to instruct their patients in proper oral care. Dr. Scott Van Dyken, 606 East Eighth Street,encouraged Councilmembers to talk to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,and added that he will be content with what Council decides. He said he hoped Council would think of the children in the community when they make their decision. Alan Anderson, 324 North Lee's Creek Road, said he reviewed the fluoride memorandum of understanding the City signed with the Washington Dental Service Foundation, LLC and said it shouldn't have been signed. He hopes Council realizes this and will act accordingly. Rose Marschall, 162 South Barr Road,read from an article that classified fluoride as a developmental neurotoxin, and said she believes it is forced medication. She read from a list of countries that have discontinued the use of fluoride. Judi Hangartner, 1815 East Fourth Street,said there is a small margin of benefits of fluoride to teeth. She said fluoride is a large experiment,on many individuals,who have not given their consent. Jim Bourget,313 Northridge View Drive,asked that the Council find a safer way to provide the topical treatment for those that want it.He said if we don't want to use a medication we shouldn't have to,and said that fluoride is a toxic substance. Susan Gile,32 Wynn Lane,spoke about the benefits of fluoride and said those who can't afford fluoride-are at risk. She said if used in moderation,fluoride has a positive impact. Dr. Gregory Birch, 1111 Columbia Street,said that fluoride in the water is good for tooth enamel,and that he has seen positive results on teeth from fluoridation. Peter Ripley, 114 East Sixth Street,suggested the citizens of Port Angeles should have a say in what is in their water and said Council should reconsider the vote. Bill Osmunson,Neah Bay,as a 37 year dentist he said he promoted fluoride the first twenty five years but now doesn't believe fluoride is effective.He said the risks from fluoride far outweigh the benefits,and that the CDC would like the public to believe fluoride caused the decline of tooth decay.He said that people are getting too much fluoride. Eloise Kailin said the CDC is funded by Congress to promote fluoridation and asked that Council continue to listen to the citizens. Dan Bateham,207 Wolcott Street,said the benefits of fluoride are beside the point,that it shouldn't be forced upon citizens. Stephanie Noblin,2345 East Fourth Avenue,said she holds a Masters in health education and she said fluoride is not an essential nutrient for our bodies. She said the fluoride money should be used to develop a program that sends dentists to the schools. Tom Locke,Deputy Clallam County Health Officer,said the evidence of effectiveness of fluoride is overwhelming and said the bad things heard are not true. Page 2 of 6 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—August 4, 2015 Harvey Kailin, Sequim,said he's been following the debate since it first began and has transcribed all of Dr. Locke's testimonies.He believes Dr. Locke hasn't provided the Council with any studies on fluoride and said they shouldn't have to wait to see the science. Catherine Miller,3621 Woodcock Road in Sequim,she said people are being fed chemicals, in food,water, everywhere and that the accumulation of toxins is hardest on the children. She said that we should use our common sense and intuition,that ingesting toxic chemicals is not good. Chrystal Tack,344 House Road in Sequim,spoke about Dr. Kailin's chemical studies. She said Council should look to the experience,saying chemical sensitivities are real. She said people are going to need to move to avoid fluoridation and that she avoids restaurants to avoid fluoride. Noah Mish,311 East Tenth Street,read from a Harvard study and said that the study revealed fluoride has adverse affects on cognitive development. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Mana,-er or Councilmember-Councilmember Kidd asked for a monthly update on the number of calls received by the fire department. CONSENT AGENDA: It was moved by Gase and seconded by Whetham to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes:Juh, 7, 2015 2. Expenditure Approval List:Froin 7111115 to 7124115 in the amount of$3,525,260.42 Motion carried 7-0. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Fluoride Based on interest from the public,the Mayor moved the fluoride discussion to follow the Consent Agenda. Attorney Bloor opened the discussion by going over the process that led them to the advisory poll.He said that it was staff's intent to return to the meeting with details on how to conduct the advisory poll. Attorney Bloor said that Council would first need to adopt a resolution to set the language of the poll. He said included in the poll would be the poll question with the explanatory statement and that it would also include statements for and against,as well as a preaddressed envelope. Attorney Bloor said that the City would not be involved in the collection of the ballots,that the ballots would be returned by mail to a neutral location,counted by a third party,and the results would be reported back to the City. In order to begin the process,Council would need to authorize the City Manager to complete the proposed arrangements. Manager McKeen said Council would need to approve the resolution and set a public hearing date for the pro and con statements to be read,and set a date to give the public the opportunity to provide input. A week after the second public hearing,the advisory polls would be mailed out. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Gase and seconded by Kidd to: Set October 22"d,2015 as the day for the pro and con discussions. Motion carried 7-0. Council discussion followed Council agreed by consensus to give each side one hour at the October 22 meeting. Page 3 of 6 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—August 4, 2015 It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Bruch to: Set October 29`x',2015 as second public comment period,starting at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried 7-0. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a reading of the resolution by title,entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 12-15 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,providing for the submission to the water system customers of the City and to water customers in the unincorporated county who receive City water from Public Utility District No. 1 of an advisory poll seeking citizen input regarding the fluoridation of the City's municipal water supply. Mayor Di Guilio read the Advisory Poll explanatory statement, The City of Port Angeles is contractually obligated to continue fluoridation of the municipal water supply until May 18, 2016. After that date, fluoridation will continue unless the City Council takes action to discontinue the practice. Should the City of Port Angeles continue fluoridating its municipal water supply after May 18,2016? It was moved by,Bruch seconded by Whetham to: Adopt the resolution as read. Council discussion followed Motion carried 7-0 Councilmember Whetham asked to be excused. Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7:38 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 7:47 p.m. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Budget Amendment#2 Budget Officer Sherry Wright introduced the second reading of Budget Amendment#2 and discussed changes in revenues and expenditures that have occurred during the second quarter of 2015. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3537 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington amending the 2015 budget and funds. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Bruch to: Adopt the ordinance as read. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6-0. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued): 2. Resolution in support of potential future consolidation of PenCom/JeffCom Police Chief Terry Gallagher introduced Port Townsend City Councilmember Deborah Stinson as the Chair of the Jefferson County Communication Governing Board,and Karl Hatton Director of JeffCom,and Steve Romberg Director of PenCom. Chief Gallaher gave a description of the proposed resolution and described the benefits of the consolidation,adding that the intention of the resolution is to enhance public safety and to create interoperability between entities. It is staff's recommendation to take this step towards potential future regionalization. Council discussion followed. Page 4 of 6 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—August 4, 2015 Mayor Di Guilio conducted a read of the resolution by title,entitled, RESOLUTION NO. I1-15 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington authorizing the Port Angeles Chief of Police or his designee is authorized to explore consolidation of the administrative functions of Peninsula Communications with Jefferson County 9-1-1 and the future consolidation of the two dispatch entities into a regional 9-1-1 communication system. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Bruch to: Pass the resolution in support of further exploration of the regionalization of 9-1-1 services on the Olympic Peninsula. Motion carried 6-0. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Drought update—Approval for declaration of Stage 3 Public Works and Utilities Director Craig Fulton recommended that Council vote to move to Stage 3 drought shortage conditions. He discussed the method his department intends to use to inform the public on the conditions as well as ways the City plans to educate the public on conservation requirements,as well as measures that are in place for water use. He said citizens need to change how they use water,and said there are very simple things citizens can do to begin saving water. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Bruch to: Declare a stage 3 water shortage and authorize the Public Works and Utilities Department to implement the limited outdoor restriction on the use of water as detailed in its Water Shortage Response Plan. Council discussion followed Motion carried 6-0. 2. Port Angeles Landfill Stabilization—Reassign Lab Testing Services Director Fulton discussed and requested a shift in a work line item from the construction contractor to the project manager that would remove lab testing services through Magnus Pacific and add the same lab testing services to the Professional Device Agreement with Anchor QEA. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Bruch to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Change Order No. 10 for the Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization,Project SW02-12,with Magnus Pacific Corporation in the total credit amount of$219,927.34 including applicable taxes,removing lab testing services;and approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment 1 to the 2014 Landfill Construction Management Professional Services Agreement, SW02-12,with Anchor QEA,LLC in the total amount of$219,927.34 including applicable taxes,adding lab testing services. Motion carried 6-0. FINANCE: 1. 18`h Street Reconstruction,Project TR16-99 Director Fulton said funding was falling into place on the overlay project on 18°i Street. He informed Council that because the City is using federal funding,the City must follow federal guidelines and specifications-which did not allow using the Apprenticeship Utilization Program. Apprentices could have been used but at a higher price,and local apprentices would not have been used. Council discussion followed. Page 5 of 6 .,„<,, . , ..... . .. .. PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—August 4, 2015 It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Collins to: Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract for the 18`x'Street Reconstruction Project TR16-99,with Lakeside Industries,Inc.,of Port Angeles,WA,in the total amount of$1,303,893.55 including applicable taxes,and to make minor modifications to the contract if necessary. Motion carried 6-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Deputy Mayor Downie reported attending a Port Angeles Citizen Action Network meeting,and urged Council to look into the group and learn how they are dealing with local drug abuse and the toll it is taking on the community. He also added there would be a cruise ship in port several times this summer. Councilmember Kidd talked about her attendance at the upcoming Super Cup soccer event,making a friendly lunch wager with Mayor Candace of Sequim,and the loser would wear the school colors of the winning team. Councilmember Bruch said there was a rumor going around and wanted to clear it up,that council is not encouraging people light fireworks off at the beach. She spoke about a draft for the climate change report,saying it was still a draft but that there are really good suggestions. Councilmember Collins said that he is on the climate change core team and agreed with Councilmember Bruch that they are moving forward with the report. Mayor Di Guilio said that he will miss the next two council meetings,but will be back for the public hearings on Fluoride. No other reports were given. INFORMATION: Manager McKeen referred to the reports in the packet. EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was determined there was no need for an executive session. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT: Marolee Smith,P.O. Box 2498,spoke against locking kids out of the skate park. She said bikes don't cause damage and that bnix riders should have the right to use it. Dr. Gregory Birch, 1 111 Columbia Street,said that fluoridated enamel does not dissolve as easily as calcified enamel. Council discussion followed. Parks and Recreation Director Corey Delikat said the skateboard park was initially built for skate boarders and said it was a safety issue.Pegs on bikes cause damage to cement. He said that he is adhering to the ordinance that is in place.Council discussion followed. Councilmember Collins suggested the city work with the bmx community. Councilmember Kidd said the citizens paid for the skateboard park,not the city. Councilmember Gase addressed draftee plaques in the park. Director Delikat gave background on the Parks Commission decision. Council discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. r t Dan D' uilio,Mayor �, �} Kari Martinez- Bailey, it Clerk , ` � Page 6 of 6