HomeMy WebLinkAboutRose Marschall�
| RosaK4arochaU
� l625. Barr Rd.
Port Angeles, VVa. 98362
Dear City Council Member,
I was at the citizen meeting for the Pros/Cons of fluoride in the city of Port Angeles. | did not get to
speak and | wanted you tO have nnyinput.
I was surprised when people started talking to you directly as if you were going to decide on the
fluoridation nf Port Angeles. |n the meetings and from newspaper articles in the PDN, | never
understood that this was not going back toa direct vote tV the people. | ann guessing if you wanted it
to be granted to the people of Port Angeles you could....but your are choosing to take this medical
decision (yes, | understand the State Supreme Court told you it was an administrative decision) and you
could turn it over to the people if you understood that you work for us. |f| arn incorrect On this please
let noeknow. | anlbothered by this.
|n the Declaration of Independence vvohave:
"We hold these truths tobeye|f-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed 6*
their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
Here are four basic facts:
• Only 11 Countries fluoridate over 5l% 0f their population
• There are more people drinking fluoridated water in the United States than the rest of the
world combined.
• The United States is #37in the world iO Health Care of their population. We are behind Cuba.
• There isno difference iDtooth decay between western nations that fluoridate their water and
those that dOnot.
FIRST DO NO HARM-When in doubt, do nothing until you are sure with new science.
I was going to speak on this as a primarily Freedom of Health Choice decision. At the meeting | was
made aware of another possible equal issue. This i5an economic issue. SO there are two issues novv!!
Economic Issue
In PureWater Committee v. Mayor and City Council of Cumberland- "The court held that plaintiffs
failed to show they were forced to consume fluoridated water because they still had the choice to
avoid drinking the fluoridated water." Several people spoke to this issue at the meeting on Oct. 291".
This shows a blatant ignorance or disregard for the REAL fact that Port Angeles, is a lower economic
city and many, many, many average middle class families cannot AFFORD to buy bottled water, or
devices such as distillers which actually are not healthy for you and it is a catch 22, Fluorosis and other
unknown affects from Fluoridation or Osteoporosis due to drinking distil led-water. (Distilled water
leaches your body of minerals.)
Can you afford bottled water as your source of drinking and cooking? I doubt many people can
actually do this. So this is forcing your lower and middle class people to drink this medicated water, as
you have to drink water to stay alive. This is part of our Pursuit for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness in our Declaration of Independence.
If the dentists in town believe in this then they can offer free fluoride tablets to different programs for
those that need them. This is a real simple win/win. The fluoride supplementation is for children and
you are making adults drink this now known neurotoxin.
If in doubt, STOP.
In a short two hours of self study about the History of Fluoride I did learn something I would like to share with
On the website of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
(hllpj t inyurl.comlpdnflouridehistory), I found the following information:
When fluoride was discovered it was found to create mottled enamel in teeth. This was first found in Colorado
and called Colorado Brown Stain. The Alcoa Aluminum chief chemist, H.V. Churchill, at company headquarters
in Pennsylvania, who had spent the past few years refuting claims that aluminum cookware was poisonous,
worried that this report of a chemical in the water, might provide fresh fodder for Alcoa's detractors. Churchill
conducted his own test of the water in Bauxite-Idaho, but this time using photospectrographic analysis and that
led to the discovery that high levels of water-borne fluoride indeed caused the discoloration of tooth enamel.
By the late 1930's, he and his staff made a critical discovery. " Namely, fluoride of up to 1.0 ppm in drinking
water did not cause enamel fuorosis in most people and only mild enamel fluorosis in a small percentage of
So how do you know if your child or you are going to be in the "small percentage?" This is enough to make this
a freedom-of-health-care and choice issue. Also,this from an article in Environmental Health perspectives that
did a long tern study on fluoride (http://tinyurl.com/PDN-toxic "Findings from our meta-analysis of 27 studies
published over 22 years suggest an inverse association between high fluoride exposure and children's
intelligence...The results suggest that fluoride may be a developmental neurotoxicant that affects the brain
development at exposures much below those that can cause toxicity in adults."
These two findings, one from the late 1930's and the more current one,would make this a personal freedom of
Health Care choice to any educated, compassionate adult.
We should not be forcing people to drink water that could be harming them or their children. Yes,this chemical
is being forced on the citizens of Port Angeles....as they/we canot afford to buy bottled water and when we go
out to eat at public places...we are getting fluoride in the food and at our public water fountains.
Here are some facts: According to www.noflouride.com
144 cities have banned fluoride in their water supplies since 1990.
According to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 41 percent of American Young adults ages 12-15
have dental flourosis caused by excess fluoride (www.cdc. ov/nchs/data/databriefs/db53.htm). Is this the
"small percentage" the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research spoke of?
Dr. Hardy Limeback PhD, DDS-one of the 12 scientists who served on the 2006 National academy of Sciences
review of fluoride, and Head of Preventive Dentistry at University of Toronto-wrote "Why I am Now Officially
Opposed to Adding Fluoride to Drinking Water."
"What has also changed I how much toxicologists know about the harmful effects of fluoride compounds. Ingest
in high doses, fluoride is indisputably toxic, it was once commonly used in rat poison. Hydrogen fluoride is
regulated as a hazardous pollutant in emissions from chemical plants and has been linked to respiratory illness.
Even in toothpaste, sodium fluoride is a health concern. In 1997 the Food and Drug Administration toughened
the warning on every tube to read, "If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed,get medical help
or contact a poison-control center right away."
I am in the health care field and I would like to know how much water delivers the .7 that is the new limit in the
water of Port Angeles. Is it one cup? To stay healthy people are recommended to drink 8-12 10 ounces of
glasses of water daily.....some even more. It frankly seems absurd with the new information and science that
the pro-fluoride people keep calling"junk science;"to continue to add this to water....and take away the rights
to choose from adults, parents and senior citizens.
There is a new phrase in the world and it is "fact-resistant humans." Maybe you have heard of this.
These are humans that will not listen to another fact and actually are closed minded to them. I believe
that anti-fluoride people are fact-resistant humans. Yes, including the dentists. The cardiologists in
this county are fact-resistant also. The city council has polluted the air we breathe with the BioMass
Incinerator and the cardiologists in town would not even read their own peer reviewed journal that
said nano-particles are bad for the young and seniors and "mortalities" are caused by inhaling them.
Not one would step forward and even read this document that I handed to them to read. I have no
idea why they gave up their responsibility as doctors, unlike the doctors in Shelton that refused this
technology in their community. But that is an old story now. Doctors used to tell people to smoke
cigarettes for their health not too long ago. They make mistakes. We learn new things about
substances we thought were safe all the time: thalidomide, asbestos, mercury etc.
Look for the win/win. In the" 7 Habits of Highly Successful People" Stephen Covey stated—In Habit 3 if I
remember correctly-"Look for the Win/Win" You have an easy Win/Win. The win/win for the city council is to
stop fluoridating the water and let the dental community step up to bat and give the fluoride to families that
want it and not to the whole population. Everyone gets what they want this way. You are not doctors and the
State Supreme Court is not infallible. This is a FREEDOM of individual responsibility issue, ultimately. Please
allow the people of Port Angeles the ability to pursue their inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of
Happiness, this time around. Stop the Fluoridation of the city water.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Rose Marschall