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The two most common types of
fluoride in your drinhing water are
sodium silicofluoride and _
hydrofluorosilicic acid, vvhich are
«-aste products from the wet scrubbing
systems of the fertilizer industry and
z are classified as hazardous wastes.
® 23+ human studies
and loo+ animal studies
BRAIN DAMAGE 5o`'o' of the ingested fluoride is
deposited in the bones of children,
while only about io"'' is stored in
"+► + 41 % of American children
411AA have dental fluorosis caused by excess fluoride, according to
evidence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) .
Of all fluoride added to N ater goes down the drain and
into the environment.
'According to In idenee from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) Presented dy:
Is Fluoride "Brain-Drain" Damaging Generations of Children?
New York—June 25 —Fluoride is one of 213 known brain-toxic chemicals that may lower the
intelligence of generations of children, reports renowned physician and 30-year brain researcher, Dr.
Phillipe Grandjean in his new book, "Only One Chance: Hoiv Environmental Pollution Impairs Brain
Development, "reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF). The
EPA lists fluoride as having"Substantial Evidence of Developmental Neurotoxicity."
Fluoride, never safety-tested in humans for brain or many other health effects, is an unapproved drug
says the FDA. Yet, physicians and dentists routinely prescribe fluoride supplements and endorse
fluoridated water as a cavity-preventive.
When environmental chemicals affect developing brains, children risk cognitive deficits, learning
disabilities, mental retardation,ADHD, autism, cerebral palsy, and other disorders that will remain for
a lifetime, says Grandjean. "Fluorides are known to cause brain toxicity and neurological symptoms in
humans,"he adds. He laments that vested interests often manipulate brain-drain research and
manufacture uncertainties to wrongly discredit scientists' conclusions and credibility
Vested interests caused decades to pass before children were protected from the brain-damaging effects
of lead exposure reported in the literature. We unnecessarily lost a generation to lead-induced brain
damage, reports Grandjean.
When Grandjean's research team published a careful review of studies (meta-analysis) linking fluoride
to children's lower IQ, worried fluoridation promoters and regulators immediately and incorrectly
claimed that only excessive exposures are toxic,the effect is insignificant, decades of fluoridation
would have revealed brain deficits (although nobody looked, yet), and that it was probably lead and
arsenic that lowered IQ, not fluoride.
"When such a misleading fuselage is aimed at the authors of a careful meta-analysis of 27 different
studies, what would it take to convince critics like that?" asks Grandjean.
Another respected researcher, whose experiments revealed fluoride clearly is brain damaging, was
fired because she"was jeopardizing the financial support of[the] entire institution [Forsyth]," writes
Grandjean (See: Bryson, The Fluoride Deception, Chapter 1)
Grandjean was part of a WHO International Program of Chemical Safety. Most committee members
promoted fluoride's beneficial effects but curtailed any mention of fluoride's toxic effects in the draft
Grandjean writes, "As I was considered part of the secretariat, I had no vote and my views were not
allowed in the final document. Realizing that I had been taken hostage, I had to disengage from this
Attorney Paul Beeber,NYSCOF President says, "Fluoride has powerful, influential and rich defenders.
It's up to the rest of us to protect children by demanding that unnecessary and ineffective brain-
draining fluoride chemicals cease being added to public water supplies. Call your elected officials
today and tell them you want fluoridation stopped where you live. Our children are victimized guinea
pigs in this on-going experiment. It must end." See Dr. Grandjean's Chemical Brain Drain website.
Source:New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation,Inc. (NYSCOF) I June 26th, 2013 Contact nyscof@a aol.com
From CleanWater SonomaMarin.org
.Latest Fluoride e 1�ews Clean Water is Tluoride Free
The Lancet.• Fluoride is a neurotoxin, injures developig brain_
"Neurodevelopmental disabilities,including autism,attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,dyslexia,and other cogni-
tive impairments,affect millions of children worldwide,and some diagnoses seem to be increasing in frequency.Indus-
trial chemicals that injure the developing brain are among the known
causes for this rise in prevalence.... World's Oldest and Best Known
"Since 2006,epidemiological studies have documented six additional Peer Reviewed Medical Journal
developmental neurotoxicants—manganese,fluoride,chlorpyrifos,
dichlorodiphonyltrichloroethatne,tetrachloroethylene,and the poly-
brominated diphenyl ethers.We postulate that even more neurotoxi-
cants remain undiscovered.To control the pandemic of developmen- .
tal neurotoxicity,we propose a global prevention strategy.Untested
chemicals should not be presumed to be safe to brain development,
and chemicals in existing use and all new chemicals must therefore be . , - X61
tested for developmental neurotoxicity." Officially Classifies Fluoride
The Lancet Neurology,Volume 13,Issue 3,Pages 330-338,March
2014,by Philippe Grandjean,M.D.,et al. as a N eu rotoxi n.
Public Health Priority: Get the fluoride OUT, not IN, say scientists
"Fluoride has modest benefit in terns of reduction of dental caries but significant costs in relation to cog-
nitive impairment,hypothyroidism,dental and skeletal fluorosis,enzyme and electrolyte derangement,
and uterine cancer.
"Given that most of the toxic effects of fluoride are due to ingestion,whereas its predominant beneficial
effect is obtained via topical application,ingestion or inhalation of fluoride predominantly in any form
constitutes an unacceptable risk with virtually no proven benefit. . . .Artificial or natural fluoridation of
water represents a public health hazard—significantly damaging health where fluoride levels are high but
are clearly demonstrated as having harmful effects at lower levels found where water has been artificially
fluoridated. . . .The prune public health priority in relation to fluoride is how to reduce ingestion from
multiple sources,rather than adding this abundant and toxic chemical to water or food."
From Peckham and Awofeso, "Water Fluoridation:A Critical Review of the Physiological Effects of
Ingested Fluoride as a Public Health Intervention," Scientific World Journal (2014),
Iowa Study: Time to drop "optimal"front fluoride terminology
After a nine-year study showed no reduction in tooth decay,but a significant increase in dental fluorosis
among children drinking fluoridated water,study authors concluded:
"Firmly recommending an"optimal"fluoride intake is problematic,and as stated by Burt and Eklund,per-
haps it is time that`the term optimal fluoride intake be dropped from common usage."'
From Johan Warren,D.D.S.,et al"Considerations on Optimal Fluoride Intake Using Dental Fluorosis and
Dental Caries Outcomes–A Longitudinal Study," Journal of Public Health Dentistry,69(2)pp 111-115.
ISRAEL: Court outlaws fluoride—$4 billion class action for fluoride damages
Mekorot,Israel's supplier of drinking water to the public,has been named a defendant in a four-billion NIS
class action lawsuit filed for injuries to Israeli citizens from fluoridated water.The suit was filed by Dan
Ashkenazi on behalf of an Israeli non-profit organization.
The 4 billion NIS class action seeks damages of 500 NIS for each Israeli citizen,accuses Mekorot of pro-
viding false information to Israeli citizens regarding the contents of their drinking water as well as causing
environmental damage for the past 10 years.ddd
The thrust of the complaint is that while fluoride was required to be added to the drinking water,Mekorot
was adding an industrial waste that contained fluoride as well as a number of additional pollutants that were
not disclosed to the drinking public.In addition,the lawsuit claims that Mckorot had no knowledge of the
actual chemicals it was adding to its water.From hap://www./luoridelitigation.com/billion-dollar-class-
action for-fluoride-damages/ In 2013,the Israel Supreme Court outlawed fluoridation after hearing
testimony about increased asthma and other illnesses after fluoridation started.
More info at: www.Facebook.com/CleanWaterSonomaMarin
To volunteer,please call Dawna at 707-547-7006.
More Studies Link Fluoride to Brain Damage
Legislators Are Misled About Gravity and Extent of Fluoride Brain Risk
Newly discovered and translated published studies reveal fluoride is linked to lower IQ, even at
levels added to US water supplies, reports the Fluoride Action Network(FAN). Further,
fluoridation promoters misrepresented newly published Harvard fluoride/IQ research.
Thirty-four studies now link fluoride to reduced IQ in humans. Dozens of other studies correlate
fluoride to impaired learning and memory, altered neurobehavioral function, fetal brain damage,
and altered thyroid hormone levels. Full studies available at FAN's website
"Legislators who mandate fluoridation without carefully considering this research are doing a
profound disservice to the health and welfare of their constituents,".says attorney Michael Connett
of FAN. Harvard researchers recently concluded, after reviewing 27 fluoride/IQ studies,that
fluoride's effect on children's developing brains should be a"high research priority" especially in
the US, which has never investigated brain/fluoride effects.
Fluoridation advocates, however, misinterpreted this research and mislead legislators in Phoenix,
Portland, Wichita, and elsewhere by stating the Harvard research isn't relevant to Americans.
Advocates claimed the Harvard study found only a %2 point difference in IQ, and that the fluoride
levels were much higher than Americans experience.
That's wrong. The Harvard team found that fluoride exposure was associated with a statistically
significant reduction of 7 IQ points, not the %2 point claimed by advocate, Dr. Myron Allukian. The
Pew Children's Dental Campaign and other fluoridation advocates, including Allukian and Portland
Mayor Sam Adams, have stated the Harvard study focused on fluoride levels of 11.5 mg/l. Only
one of the studies, however, was at 11.5 mg/l.
The majority of water studies examined by the Harvard team investigated fluoride levels which the
US EPA says is safe–less than 4 mg/l.
• One study, sponsored by UNICEF, found reduced IQ at just 0.88 mg/l–a level within the
"optimal"fluoride range added to the drinking water of over 200 million Americans.
• Seven found reduced IQs among children drinking water with fluoride levels between 2.1
and 4 mg/1—levels that 1.4.million Americans drink everyday.
• Four found effects at levels between 1.8 and 2.0 mg/l—levels that over 200,000 Americans
drink everyday.
EPA's conventional approach to risk assessment limits chemical exposure to levels ten times less
than those known to cause adverse effects. With fluoride and IQ, the levels of fluoride in water and
urine are—at most—just two or three times more than the amount experienced by tens of millions
of American children. Children with iodine deficiencies are particularly harmed by fluoride. And
iodine deficiency has increased significantly, now affecting up to 12% of the US population.
"The question legislators should be asking themselves is `Do I wait until public health officials
catch up with the scientific literature that now shows fluoride can cause serious neurological harm
to children, or do I take my leadership role seriously and stop fluoridation immediately," says FAN
Executive Director, Paul Connett, Ph.D. "I think the latter is the only ethical answer."
The Iowa Fluoride Study:
Fluoride, Teeth, and Developing Bone
Discussion by Michael Connett, JD
Considerations on Optimal Fluoride Intake Using Dental
Fluorosis and Dental Caries Outcomes —
A Longitudinal Study (The Iowa Study)
Report by John J. Warren, DDS, MS, et al.
Findings of the 2009 report, "Considerations on Optimal Fluoride Intake Using Dental
Fluorosis and Dental Caries Outcomes—A Longitudinal Study" ("The Iowa Study"), "suggest
that achieving a caries-free status may have relatively little to do with fluoride intake, while
fluorosis is clearly more dependent on fluoride intake."
On other words, levels of ingested fluoride are not reliably correlated to a reduction in tooth
decay but there is a correlation between levels of ingested fluoride and dental fluorosis, mild
to severe marks on teeth caused by ingesting fluoride during the period teeth are forming.
Cosmetic correction of mild dental fluorosis needs to be redone regularly; lifetime cost
estimates are close to $100,000.00. The Iowa Study researchers found severe dental fluorosis,
in an average of 3 children of every 100 children in the study. In cases of severe dental
fluorosis, the brown stained surface of the teeth is pitted and flaking.
The researchers concluded, "Given the overlap among caries/fluorosis groups in mean
fluoride intake and extreme variability in individual fluoride intakes, firmly recommending an
'optimal' fluoride intake is problematic."
No one NEEDS fluoride
No Fluoride for Babies!
�dive 1o9'redier� -
Sodiutp fluoride(0,24-1,)t Fluoride is not an essential nutrient. It plays no necessary
..• role in our bodies. When ingested, its only effects are harmful.
•••Anlica,?tytOot p The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Dental
U3@ aids in the prevention of dental de Association ADA now say that babies under 6 months should et
Warnings y ( ) Y g
Keep out of reach of chltdren no fluoride. There is no fluoride in mother's milk, and fluoridated
-. unde
If more than usedforbrushh rs yearaofage. water should never be used to mix formula for babies of any age.
get medical help or contact p, .accidentally swal�iy
.. _ a Poison control CeNerdght.,)
If fluoride has any beneficial effect on teeth, it is TOPICAL, not systemic. That means it
has to be applied to the surface of the teeth, not taken internally. This too, is now admitted by the
CDC. But like our County Health Services Department, they are still promoting water fluoridation.
Both lead and fluoride are toxins. Where tap water is fluoridated, children's blood lead levels
increase, because fluoride leaches lead from water pipes. Fluoride is also absorbed through the skin
when you bathe in it. Fluoride and lead do not belong in our water!
Some 41 per cent of US teens 12-15 now
have dental fluorosis—white or brown Nobody
spots on their teeth, a sign that they got too Warned
much fluoride when their teeth were develop-
ing. Fluorosis is a visible sign of systemic fluo- my
ride poisoning. Other fluoride damage may not parents
be visible or may not show u for ears. ,
Y P Y Of me
Water fluoridation causes increased
incidence of asthma, arthritis, hypothyroidism fluoridated
(which can cause obesity), fractures, skin and Water in
digestive disorders, reduced IQ, and even de-
y .#,
mentia and some cancers.
Prevent baby bottle tooth decay— f rmula
The best way to protect your baby's teeth is
NOT to give her a bottle of juice or milk when --�—
she is going to sleep. That causes "baby bottle
tooth decay,"painful rotting of teeth that may
require surgery. No amount of fluoride will
prevent baby bottle decay, but you can. If your
doctor or dentist recommends fluoride pills or Watch the movie at
fluoride water, don't argue,just do some re-
search before you give them to your child, y;wW.fluoride ate.org
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