HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/22/2015 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
October 22, 2015
Mayor Di Guilio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio,Deputy Mayor Downie,Councilmembers Bruch,Collins,Gase,Kidd and
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: City Manager McKeen,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen and Kari Martinez-Bailey.
City Manager Dan McKeen opened the forum.He said that at its regular meeting on August 4,2015,City Council
directed staff to schedule two public meetings on fluoridation. He said that the forum was meant to serve as an
listening session and that there would be no public comment taken.He encouraged the audience to attend the
October 291"meeting when Council will hear public comment on fluoridation.He thanked the Clallam County
League of Women Voters for facilitating the meeting and introduced Sue Ezren,moderator from the League.He
said that while the forum is a special Council meeting,the event is conducted under the moderator's authority.
Mrs. Erzen outlined the process for creating a balanced forum and said that the purpose was to hear the pro and cons
of fluoridation of the City's water supply from the two panels. She said the forum will include three segments: 10
minute opening statements,responses to six pre-selected questions,and closing statements.Two League members
were at the meeting to serve as timekeepers.
Mrs. Erzen noted that the committees provided biographies for their panel members(see attachments).
She read from the biographies of the pro-fluoridation panel comprised of Dr.Thomas Locke,Dr.Bri Butler,Dr.
Todd Irwin and Dr.Madeleine Harrington.The first opening statement was given by the pro-fluoridation panel who
Mrs. Ezren noted won a coin toss prior to the meeting.
Mrs. Erzen read from the biographies of the anti-fluoridation panel comprised of Dr. Eloise Kailin, Stephanie
Noblin,Dr. Bill Osmunsom,and Dr. Crystal Tack. The second opening statement was given by the anti-fluoridation
The question-answer portion of the forum began at 6:30 p.m. Committees had 4 minutes to respond to each question
followed by the opportunity for a 1-minute rebuttal.
Questions were:
1. Please provide one prospective randomized controlled trial of fluoridation's efficacy. What modern peer
reviewed,published study,controlled for socio-economic,racial and age factors reports statistical
significance supportive of claims of a 30%reduction in tooth decay?
2. What accounts for the fact that incidence of tooth decay in developed countries,like Western Europe,has
decreased at the same rate as in fluoridated cities in the United States?
3. If a person wants to ingest fluoride,what other sources are available?
4. Who are the organizations that either support or object to water fluoridation?
5. What studies and reviews show that community water fluoridation works to prevent tooth decay?
6. What studies and reviews demonstrate the safety of community water fluoridation?
Mrs. Erzen recessed the meeting for a five minute break at 7:35 p.m.The meeting resumed at 7:40 p.m.
The anti-fluoridation committee gave its closing statement.The pro-fluoridation committee gave its closing
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
"Mn i Guilio, ayor e City Clerk
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