HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/17/2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
November 17, 2015
Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio,Deputy Mayor Downie,Councilmembers Bruch,Collins,Gase,Kidd and
Whetham. Councilmember Collins attended the meeting via speaker phone.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Acting City Manager West,Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen,B.Olson,C. Fulton,N. West,T.
Gallagher,K. Dubuc,C.Delikat and K.Neal.
Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Becca Korby,928 West 15`x'Street,spoke in favor of continued health and human services funding.
Linda Crow, 1212 Maleth Hill Road,spoke about the difference between animal welfare and animal control. She
asked the City to honor its 3-year contract with the Humane Society and said that the Humane Society is subsidizing
the City's animal control program mandated by the State.
Kandace Pierce,president of Olympic Peninsula Humane Society,said the organization has enjoyed a wonderful
working relationship with the City and she hopes that it continues. She said the Humane Society is operating under a
written,fee-for-service contract that was signed in good faith,and that if the contract is not honored,the
organization will no longer accept any animals from City residents.
Sandra Miller, 1901 Hamilton Way,asked the Council if they have sought legal advice on breach of contract or if
they have a plan for dangerous or surrendered animals that the Humane Society will no longer accept.
Chelsea Ward,364 Blue Ridge Road,read from a list of local crime reports. She said crime in Port Angeles has
gotten progressively worse. She asked for more action in public safety.
Katie Smith,413 North Gale Street,spoke about her concerns regarding crime in Port Angeles. She asked that more
money be spent on law enforcement.
Tom Backe, 148 Lois Lane,said it's not accurate to lump the Humane Society in with other nonprofit organizations.
He said the Humane Society provides a service to the City residents and asked that the Council continue its good
working relationship with the Humane Society.
Tracy McCallum, 1115 D Street,asked Council to honor its contract with the Humane Society.
Betty Anderson, 118 Motor Avenue,spoke about animals that have been abandoned in the City. She said the
Humane Society is one of the best agencies that she has ever worked with. She asked Council to reconsider a
reduction in funding.
Lam Butcher Smith,364 Garlic Road,requested that Council continue funding the Humane Society.
Shelly Taylor, 183 Winflower,asked what the Council is going to do with animals that the Humane Society now
cares for once they can no longer afford to care for them. She said it's a moral obligation to honor the contract.
John Proctor,2123 West Fourth Street,said he is a retired veterinarian and that he was shocked to find out that there
was no animal control in the City.He said the Humane Society is doing a marvelous job and that Council should
continue to support the organization.
Sharon Dryke, 122 Pearce Road,spoke about panhandlers who she said are becoming increasingly aggressive. She
asked that Council address the panhandling problem. She further spoke about the dangers in City parks,including
needles and drug deals.
Sue Miles,454 Striped Peak Road,told Council that the work the Humane Society does is not just a service for
animals,it's a service for people. She asked Council to reconsider the reduction in funding.
Dan Bateham,207 Wolcott Street,spoke against fluoridation.He further spoke in favor of taking care of the poor,
the needy,victims of crime,and animals.
1. Ordinance Levying Property Tax for Collection in 2016
Mayor Di Guilio opened the Public Hearing at 6:44 p.m.
Dan Bateham,207 Wolcott Street,said Clallam County has not recovered from the Great Recession.He is
concerned that if property tax rates go up people will not be able to afford them.
There being no further public comment,Mayor Di Guilio closed the Public Hearing at 6:48 p.m.
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,levying regular ad valorem property taxes for the fiscal
year 2016,and directing the City Clerk to certify said amount to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners.
It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Downie to:
Approve ordinance as read.
Motion carried 7-0.
2. 2016 Budget
Chief Financial Officer Byron Olson gave a brief presentation on the City Manager's Recommended Budget for
2016.He said the 2016 Budget was balanced without use of reserves and developed using the three levels of
priorities approved by Council earlier in the year. He noted that the 2016 Budget is a significant reduction from
2015.Council discussion followed.
Council agreed by consensus to direct staff to provide options for fully funding the 2016 contract with the Olympic
Peninsula Humane Society. They asked staff to make this information available for the December 1 regular City
Council meeting.
Mayor Di Guilio opened the Public Hearing at 7:16 p.m.
Dan Bateham,207 Wolcott Street,spoke in favor of continuing the contract with the Humane Society.
Sandra Miller, 1901 Hamilton Way,offered ideas on reallocating money from other areas in the 2016 budget to the
Humane Society.
Eloise Kailin said that funds currently used for fluoride could be used to fund Humane Society if the City stops
community water fluoridation.
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Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing to December 1,2015.
Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,adopting the 2016 budget for the fiscal year ending
December 31,2016.
1. Georgiana Street Sewer and Stormwater Improvements,Projects WW1415&DR0315,Change
Order 2
Councilmember Whetham recused himself due to his wife's employment with Olympic Medical Center and exited
the meeting.
Kathryn Neal,Engineering Manager,gave a presentation on the trench failures and road restoration that necessitated
Change Order 2. She said the Georgiana Street Sewer and Stormwater Improvement projects upgrade stormwater
mains and sanitary sewer mains in the vicinity of Georgiana and Race Streets. A contract for construction of the two
projects was awarded to Bruch&Bruch Construction,Inc. During construction,the contractor encountered unstable
soils while excavating to install both the new Stormwater and sanitary sewer pipelines. The City has negotiated fair
prices to compensate the Contractor for added work resulting from the trench failures.
It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Gase to:
Authorize the City Manager to sign change orders in amounts not to exceed$90,921.99 for Georgiana Street
Stormwater Improvements,DR0315,and not to exceed$313,802.47 for Georgiana Street Sewer Improvements,
WW1415.The total contract price will increase from$654,389.04 to a price not to exceed$1,059,113.50.
Motion carried 6-0.
Councilmember Whetham returned to the Council Chambers.
Council agreed by consensus to move the item Modification oflnter-local Agreement with Fire District 2 to the
December 1,2015 Council meeting.
It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Downie to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
1. City Council Minutes: October 20, 2015 and November 3, 2015
2. Expenditure Approval List:From 10124115 to 1116115 in the amount of$3,832,013.13
3. 2015 Hydrogeologic Services Feasibility Study,Amendment No. 1
4. City Pier Fire Suppression System Phase 2,Project PK03-2012
Motion carried 7-0.
1. Resolution to Amend Council Rules of Procedure
Acting City Manager Nathan West briefed Council on the change to the Rules of Procedure,saying the rules are
being revised to include an explanation of financial impacts for all agenda items. Council discussion followed.
Mayor Di Guilio read the resolution by title,entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,Washington,amending Section 8 of the Council
Rules of Procedure.
It was moved by Downie and seconded by Kidd to:
Approve the resolution amending Section 8 of the Council Rules of Procedure,and to add"today and into the
future" in the funding section of Exhibit A,the Council memo format.
Motion carried 7-0.
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2. Lodging Tax Committee 2016 Budget Recommendations
Acting Director West said the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee has provided a recommendation to Council for
integration in the 2016 Budget.He noted that the committee did not move forward with Lincoln Theatre proposal,
but instead deferred it for legal opinion and discussions with the County since they also received a similar
application. Councilmember Gase disclosed that he has been involved with Lincoln Theatre over the past year and
wanted to recuse himself if that was part of the budget recommendations. Councilmember Kidd,Chair of the LTAC,
clarified that Lincoln Theatre was not part of LTAC recommendations before Council.
Council discussion followed.
It was moved to:
Approve the Lodging Tax Committee's recommended budget and direct staff to prepare necessary budget
amendments for Council review.
Motion carried 5-2,with Whetham and Bruch opposed.
Councilmember Collins said he will return to Port Angeles on Friday night.
Mayor Di Guilio said that he and Councilmember Gase attended the Veteran's Day ceremony at the Coast Guard
and also represented Council at the Farmer's Market on Saturday. He said he hopes that Council will continue to
attend the Fanner's Market once a month as a way to meet with citizens.
Deputy Mayor Downie participated in a Remembrance Day celebration in Victoria,B.C.
Councilmember Whetham thanked everyone who spoke about the Humane Society funding.
Councilmember Gase will attend an executive seminar in Olympia,"Prepare for the Worst"regarding the Cascadia
Subduction Zone,hosted by Governor Inslee.
No other reports were given.
Acting City Manager West said that due to the upcoming holiday,2016 budget options relative to the Humane
Society may not be available in the November 25`h Council packet,but that staff would provide those options to
Council by November 30`'.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was determined there was no need for an executive session.
Eloise Kailin spoke against fluoridation,referencing three exhibits provided to Council.
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
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an Di Guilio,Mayor J nnifer V neklasen,City Clerk
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