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830 W Lauridsen Blvd Admin - Building
ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360 -417 -4735 Application Number 15- 00001135 Date 9/16/15 Application pin number 212945 Property Address . , . . . , 830 W LAURIDSEN BLVD ADMIN ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER; 06- 30-09-5 -0- 9190 -0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . , . . . Property Use Property Zoning . . . . . . . INDUSTRIAL LIGHT Application valuation . . .. . 0 Application desc Installation of two heat pumps Owner Contractor ------- -- --- ------ - - - - -- ------------------------ CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC 830 LAURTDSEN BLVD 4230 TUMWATER PORT ANGELES WA 98363 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (36D) 457 -5303 q -- -- - -- - -- - -- ----- - - - Permit . , . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee , . 175.00 Plan Check Fee .00 T5sue Date . . . . 9/10/15 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date , . 3/08/16 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 74.0000 ECH EL -CORM BRANCH CIR WO/ SIP 74.00 1.00 5.0000 ECH EL -ECH ADDNT BRANCH CIRCUIT 5.00 1.00 96.0000 ECH EL- LIMTTED 1ST 1500 SQ PT 96.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee 'T'otal 17S.OD 175.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 ,00 DO Grand Total 175.00 175,00 D0 00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Coale 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE. ROUGH -IN FINAL✓ COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Datc: G:IEXC%IANGEIBUILDIIVG Sep 09 2015 09!50AM Olympic Electric Co., Inc 3604523498 CITY OF POBTI ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION Building Division Eiectrica] Inspections 321 East Fifth Street - P.O. Box 11501 Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417 -473;5 Pax, (360) 417.4711 Date: multi-Family or Commercial,, page 1 $.oY �a7 �yy�dLJFVj� * Plan Review May 6`e Required, Please Complete Eleclrlc Plan Review Infermatlon sliest JobAddresa:,,� 4cayri:�� , �,- Building Squa,a oa -- Dewriplon of above _ �iii' / :. - ,x _ l� '" 1 --M -7 30'A 9 Name: In- Name. ' Contractor ati4n Magin Address: �,• f�a, C ELECT Name: �LYG4�IC @LEBTRIC . City: 1aL�a Lr�+� �� lJ�J zlp; � Mailing Address:433orUMWATER Clty: P2RWIIIILE5 Or16: �i State: KOMIe # 1 Exp. Sta#e~ WA Zlp: 89393 Phone; 369.457.5303 Far 3e44814490 License #/ Exp, QLYWEO2esn, Item ServiceiFeeder 200 Amp. U ii- n ChaFyg $132.00 y# f 191I Multiplied U ' r e Service /Feeder 201400 Amp. $160,00 $ ServiceiFeeder 401-600 A,lmp $ 225.00 $ Semioe6mder601 -1000 Amp. $288.00 Servloe/Feeder over 1000'iAmp, $ 410.00 - a Branch Circuit W/ Service Feeder $ 6.00 Branch Circuit W/O Servid) Feeder Each Additional Branch Circuit $ 74.00 � — z, $ 5.00 �� $ Branch Circuits 1-4 $ 86.00 $ Temp. Service/ Feeder 20'1 Amp, $1D2.00 $ Temp. Service/Feeder 201400 Amp. $121,00 $ Temp. ServicelFesdar 4011.600 Amp. $ t64,00 Temp. Servica'Feeder 601;•1000 Amp , $185.00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly !. $ 96.00 $ Sign /Outline Lighting $ 88.00 $ Signal Circuit) Limited Enelgy - Multi- Family $ 64.00 $ Signal Circuit/ limited Enefgy / First 1500 sf - Commercial $ 96.00 $ Note: $5.00 for each i ddilional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Ener{]y - 5KYA System or Less $113.00 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 g Note; $5.00 for each I,tddillonal T -Stat Total Owner as dsftned by RCW.19.28.261, (1) Owner will Occupy the structure for two years after this electrical permit Its finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical contactor if above said property is for saie, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of last inspection, After reading the above �;tatemenl, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical installation pr alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, RE.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC, Chapter 296 -468, The City of Part Angeles Municipal Code; and Utility Specifications and PAMC 14.05,050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications, Signature of owner, eldctrical contractor or electrical administrator: ❑ Gain 11 Check Gredt Gard e x — : _,`• 0410112012 Sep 14 2015 01:24PM Olympic Electric Co., Inc 3604523498 CITY OF PORT�ANGELES PERMIT APPLtUATION Building Divisioa Electrical Inspec tions 321 East Fifth St" et — P.O. Box 1150 / Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417 -473 F+'as: (360) 417 -4711 Date; 'Plan Review May 6 Required, Job Address, Bullding Square Footage: Description of atove .a✓' ©, Multi- Family or Commercial* page 1 RE, 0 vac ISEP1.52015 Complete Qllectrlcal Plan Review Information Sheet Lf. G"fid CAL C� "1 � ��� j�CJ.♦ti �q�, 1.i Owner as defined by R .19.26,261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical perm(! is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical cost Ctcr if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months 0 last Inspection. After reading the above statement, I herebycertify that i am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. 1 am making the electrical installation )r alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E C., RCW, Chapter 19.29, WAC. Chapter 296.4613, The Citycf Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility 5pecfficalions and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: ❑ Cash © Check M Credit Card 4 0110112012 Own r Informat• n r Contractor Information Nam, Mailin Address' ' ' f: Name: 0LYMFICELECTR3c Oily: Stale: 5 zip: Be y- Mailing Address: +23o TVMwArER City, POR 7ANGELE6 State, wA Zlp 98383 Phone' License l Exp. Fax' phone No- 467 -5353 Fax, Sec- 4,5ZUBB License # l Exp, cLWAPCC45P1 Item Unit Charge (c,}tt otal My munigliedtlK unit Charge) Service/Feeder 200 Amp. $ 132,00 $ Service /Feeder 201400 Atnp. $160.00 $ ServicelFeeder 401 600 A np $ 225.00 $ Service/Feeder 601.1000 mp, $ 288.00 Service /Feeder over 1000 kmp, $ 410,00 $ Branch Circuit W1 Service eecer $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuit W10 SerVici i Feeder $ 74.00 Eaoh Additional Branch Ci uit $ 5.00 $ Branch Circuits 1.4 $ 88.00 $ Temp Service/ Feeder 20 Amp $102.00 $ Temp, Service /Feeder 201 KOO Amp. $121,00 $ Temp. ServicelFeeder401 600Arrp, $16400 $ Temp, ServioelFeeder 601 100'0 Amp . $185,00 $ Portal to Portal Hourly i $ 96.00 $ Signl0utfine Lighting $ 88.00 $ Signal Circu U Limited Energy — Multi•Famfly $ 64.00 $ Signaf Circu V Limited Ene y / First 1500 sf — Commercial $ 96,00 Note: $5.00 for each gddiiional 1500 sf Renewable Electrical Energy TI - SKVA System or Less $113,00 $ Thermostat $ 56,00 $ Note: $5.00 for each �ddit onal T -Slat TataI Owner as defined by R .19.26,261: (1) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical perm(! is finalized. (2) Owner is required to hire an electrical cost Ctcr if above said property is for sale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months 0 last Inspection. After reading the above statement, I herebycertify that i am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. 1 am making the electrical installation )r alteration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E C., RCW, Chapter 19.29, WAC. Chapter 296.4613, The Citycf Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility 5pecfficalions and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator: ❑ Cash © Check M Credit Card 4 0110112012