HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/10/2015 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE
December 10, 2015
Mission Statement:
To create a strong,economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Cherie Kidd opened the meeting at 7:30 a.m.
Members Present. Cherie Kidd, Mark Ohman, George Bergner, Sherry Curran, MarySue
French, Kaj Ahlburg, Charlie Smith, Kevin Gallacci
Members Absent: Patrick Downie, Jim Jones, Jim Hallett, Bill Greenwood, Larry Morris,
Mellissa Williams, Wendy Clark-Getzen, Mike Edwards,Michael Peters
Staff Present: Nathan West, Scott Johns
Others Present: None
Public Present: None
Approval of Minutes
The meeting minutes for October 8, 2015 were approved.
Old Business
Chair Kidd introduced the topic of the Waterfront Park development by mentioning the positive
comments that have been received regarding the park.
She then turned the meeting over to Community and Economic Development Director Nathan
West. He noted that the landscaping has been completed, however the caution fencing was still in
place so that the lawn could become established without damage. There are still two elements left
to complete. Those are the wind spires and the dual language street signs. An additional video
surveillance camera will be installed through the use of Port Security Grant funding.
Kaj Ahlburg stated that the PABA had asked him to mention issues and concerns regarding the
possible reduction in parking at the City Pier Park area that had been discussed previously. He
mentioned that lack of parking and clear direction to parking had resulted in overflow parking
impacting the Red Lion parking availability. A suggestion that improved signage indicating other
nearby parking locations would be an improvement.
A second concern regarding the future plan phase was the concept of a 'round-about' traffic circle
at Lincoln and Railroad. There is a perception that there may not be adequate area to construct as
planned. Other comments indicated that the intersection created a confusing situation for
bicyclists and created conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians.
The discussion then expanded to other concerns associated with the downtown visitor experience.
In addition to parking location and availability, the condition of pavement on Railroad Avenue
was brought up. This conversation expanded into the condition of streets throughout the City.
Mr. West indicated that the City intended to use the future development to the waterfront to make
improvements to Railroad Ave., rather than having a separate paving project followed by the area
redevelopment, thus duplicating work efforts. Other poor road conditions were also mentioned
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for October 8, 2015
and questions as to how to make concerns know was discussed. Street condition complaints
should be taken to the City's Public Works and Utility Department.
Mr. West further indicated that the public visioning process for the development was completed in
2010, and may be somewhat stale at this date. His suggestion was that the visioning process be
revisited in concert with the visioning process that the Fierro Marine Life Center will be
undertaking soon. Sissi Bruch also mentioned that the City Council will begin a visioning process
for the City at the beginning of 2016.
Conversation then turned to plans for Race Street. Cherie Kid discussed the idea of renaming
Race Street to possibly Olympic Park Boulevard. She mentioned the name being after a family
that no longer have ties to Port Angeles. Discussion about addressing and e-mapping issues came
up. Cherie Kidd asked Mr. West to describe what a redeveloped Race St. might look like. Mr.
West indicated that the changes would include improved bike and pedestrian amenities, the use of
a landscaped median strip separating traffic lanes, underground utilities, improved wayfinding
signage and minimal commercial signage. Discussion regarding ideas for improved signage
directing visitors to the Park followed. It was determined that pa forward should draft a letter to
the National Park expressing support for improved signage or indicators for when the road to
Hurricane ridge is impassable. A suggestion for a visitor's center was included. Mr. West
indicated that traffic counts show approximately 4 million vehicles per year use Race Street, many
of which are assumed to be going to the Park. Kaj Ahlburg inquired about the zoning along Race
Street and what commercial development would be allowed. Planner Scott Johns indicated that
zoning was Commercial Office, which is limited in use intensity to relatively minor commercial
uses. Mr. West commented that the City would encourage visitors to use existing commercial
corridors (First/Front and Downtown) rather than creating an intense commercial corridor along
Race St. Funding prospects and concerns for the Race St. improvements were discussed.
The hiring of Vertigo Marketing to create a new media campaign. Mr. west pointed out that the
contract included local vendors for videography, photograph, and graphic design element. There
will be improvement to websites and social media sites as well as campaigns in the Puget Sound
area as well as Canada. The company will have a representative visit Port Angeles on a monthly
Ediz Hook access and development was discussed. Mary Sue French indicated that Nippon USA
had installed new additional signage through the mill site. She also indicated that regular
pavement painting would be necessary to maintain trail visibility through the site. She indicated
that traffic seems to move well through the site once they have gotten that far. A suggestion that a
directional sign located at the base of Hill Street would be highly beneficial to visitors looking for
the Hook.
The concept that the east end of Ediz Hook needs to have improved visitor amenities was
discussed and well supported by the group. Staff indicated that the Comprehensive Plan, zoning
code, and Shoreline Master Program were all supportive of improved facilities near the Coast
Guard Base. Sissi Bruch suggested that the ideas need to be brought up during Council's
upcoming visioning process. George Bergner suggested that the historical society be approached
to provide historic photos of previous uses on the Hook. Charlie Smith indicated that he would
bring that idea up at the next Historical Society Board meeting.
T:ABOARDS COMMITTEES COMMISSION\04 PA Forward\Meeting Minutes\2015\2015-12-10 PA Forward minutes.doex
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for October 8, 2015
The meeting adjourned at 8:32 a.m.
Next Meetin,-Date
Next regular meeting date—January 14, 2016, at 7:30 a.m. in the Pittis Conference Room.
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Cherie Kidd, Chair Scott Johns, Secr
TABOARDS COMMITTEES COMMISSION\04 PA Forward\Meeting Minutes\2015\2015-12-10 PA Forward minutes.doex