Applicant Name and General Information
David L. Miller AN 2 0 2011?
501 S Blue Water View _.
Port Angeles, WA 98362 <<rtn rur;;±� �,��
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Home Phone: 360-452-7136 Work Phone: N.A. Cell Phone: 360-775-5089
E-mail address: retinpa @olypen.com
Certification and Location Information
Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles? No
Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes
Are you a City resident? Yes
If so, how long: Since September 2006, 5 yr. 4 mo.
Do you own/manage a business in the City? No
Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field? Yes
Airline Transport Pilot and Flight Instructor Certificates (issued by Federal
Aviation Administration).
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City
Board or Commission? No
Work Experience
1. Federal Aviation Administration from 1986 to 2006. Employed as an Aviation Safety
Inspector, Operations. Had responsibilities in the area of pilot certification and the
oversight of air carriers and air operators. Majority of my time was spent in the Flight
Standards Division of the Northwest Mountain Region (seven state region headquartered
in Renton, WA) as a Regional Specialist.
I researched policy, assisted field offices, conducted investigations, trained other
inspectors, coordinated enforcements with the legal division, interfaced with other
divisions on mutual concerns and managed projects. I did a wide range of staff work.
2. 1 was a pilot for Horizon Airlines for two years between 1984-1986. Also, aviation
related, I owned a flight school, was a civilian airshow pilot, and flew charters and flight
instructed out of Boeing field, between 1980 and 1984.
3. US Navy. Served eight years on active duty (1968-1976) and fourteen years in the
reserves (1976-1990). Qualified as a Naval Aviator in 1970 and as a Supply Corps
Officer in 1973. Retired as a Naval Supply Corps Officer at the grade of Captain.
Washington State University/Masters in Business Administration/ 1978
Washington State University/Bachelor of Arts, Economics/ 1968
Everett Junior College/Associate of Arts/ 1966
Other formal training included Naval Flight Training (eighteen months) and Naval
Supply Corps School (six months).
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships - (last five years)
Port Angeles Planning Commissioner from December 2010 to present. Position expires
February 29th, 2012.
Port Angeles Yacht Club/Port Angeles, WA. Purpose is to promote yachting, boating,
and water sports of all kinds and to promote seamanship and navigation. Approximately
95 members. Commodore for one year and secretary for three years.
Clallam County Pilots Association, a chapter of the Washington Pilots Association/
Clallam County, WA. Purpose is to promote general aviation in Clallam County and the
State of Washington and to represent the pilots of Clallam County. Approximately 40
members. Have been the treasurer for three years.
Peninsula Rifle and Pistol Club, Port Angeles, WA. Purpose is to promote the sport of
shooting and the safe handling of firearms. Served as treasurer for two years.
Forward Committee, City of Port Angeles, WA. Port Angeles Forward Committee.
Dedicated to creating a strong, economically and culturally vibrant community that will
enhance the lives of our citizens through a variety of changing goals and providing input
to the City Council. Approximately 15 members. I served as a Member at Large for
three years between 2007 and 2010.
Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission?
Because I think I have a responsibility to make a positive contribution to the city of Port
Angeles and my background in government service has provided many of the required
skills. Because land use and development are critically important to the future of Port
Angeles, I believe serving on this committee is a meaningful use of my time.
What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this
Having served on the Planning Commission since December of 2010 I have a bit over
one year of on the job experience. A majority of my professional career, in both the
Federal Aviation Administration and the Navy, involved staff work of one kind or
another. I know how to read and interpret regulations and policies and practical
experience in the application of regulation and policy. I've led many groups and been an
active participant of innumerable groups. I also understand that serving on a public board
carries with it the responsibility to be fair and impartial to the parties that come before
that board and that I have a responsibility to recuse myself in situations where I cannot be
impartial. I have also had formal training as a facilitator, a skill that can contribute to
meeting participation.
What is your understanding of the responsibilities of this particular Board or
To provide a public forum, as a hearing body, that allows individuals with land
development and zoning issues to present their case for actions and request approval of
their requests. While placing heavy reliance upon city planning staff personnel for input
and research, the commission members are individually responsible for their own
decisions. Primary guidance comes from the City's comprehensive plan and zoning
Please feel free to add any additional comments you wish to make regarding your
I believe the City of Port Angeles has an opportunity to use to advantage the one year of
experience I have already gained as a member of the Planning Commission.
Applicant Signature Date