HomeMy WebLinkAboutUAC Agenda Packet 03/08/2016 Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Room
Port Angeles, WA 98362
March 8, 2016
L Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes For February 9, 2016
IV. Late Items
V. Discussion Items:
VI. Information Only Items:
A. Morse Creek Surplus Equipment and Property update(verbal report)
VII. Next Meeting Date: April 12, 2016
VIII. Adjournment
N:AUAC\MEETINGS\UAC2016\UAC030816\030916 Agenda.docx
Utility Advisory Committee
Jack Pittis Conference Rooms
Port Angeles, WA 98362
February 9, 2016
3:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
Lynn Bedford called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
II. Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Sissi Bruch and Cherie Kidd
Other Councilmembers Absent: Brad Collins, Patrick Downie, Dan Gase, Michael Merideth
and Lee Whetham
UAC Members Present: Lynn Bedford, Rob Feller
UAC Members Absent: Betsey Wharton
Staff Present: Craig Fulton, Gregg King, Mike Puntenney, Phil Lusk,
Kathryn Neal, Jonathan Boehme, Michelle Hale
Others Present: Three Citizens
III. Approval Of Minutes
Sissi Bruch requested a motion to approve the minutes of December 8, 2015. Lynn Bedford
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
IV. Late Items:
Sissi Bruch added an item for a future meeting; a report on the update to the City's infrastructure.
V. Discussion Items:
A. Department of Ecology Stormwater Grant Acceptances
Jonathan Boehme, Stormwater Engineer provided an overview of the three new grants received
from the Department of Ecology that focus on City water quality projects.
1) A $50,000 Stormwater Capacity grant with no local match to implement and manage the
City's Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater NPDES Permit;
2) A $474,300 Water Quality Combined Financial Assistance grant with a 15%local match
to design and construct a Decant Facility at the Port Angeles Regional Transfer Station;
3) A $461,250 Water Quality Combined Financial Assistance grant with a 25%local match
to construct two Green Low Impact Development Alleys with permeable pavement.
Discussion followed each grant review.
Sissi Bruch moved to recommend City Council to approve and authorize the City Manager
to sign the grant agreement for all three grants from the Washington State Department of
Ecology, and to make minor modifications to the contracts,if necessary. Cherie Kidd
seconded the motion,which carried unanimously.
B. Herrera Environmental Professional Services Agreement Amendment No 2,
Elwha River Hydraulic Analysis and Remediation
Kathryn Neal stated, working cooperatively, the City and Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (LEKT)
are in discussion with the National Park Service (NPS) over the final disposition and transfer of
the Elwha Water Treatment Facilities (EWTP) and impacts to the municipal and industrial water
supplies resulting from dam removal on the Elwha River. The City previously hired Herrera
Environmental to provide select expert services to the City in river hydrology/hydraulics as part
of its due diligence work in preparation for the discussions and for drought related alterations at
the intake structure. Amendment 42 provides funding to support additional investigative work
related to the ongoing due diligence. Included are assessments of the suitability of the existing
infrastructure, investigation and design support for corrective actions to preserve flow to the
Ranney Well, risk assessments, and continuation of support to the City during the ongoing
negotiations with NPS. Discussion followed
Sissi Bruch moved to forward a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the
City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with
Herrera Environmental in an amount of$78,000,increasing the total contract amount to
$111,000, and to make minor modifications to the Agreement,if necessary. Cherie Kidd
seconded the motion,which carried unanimously.
VI. Information Only Item
A. "Improve the Odds" Ductless Heat Pump Workshop (verbal report)
Gregg King provided a verbal report on the"Improve the Odds" Ductless Heat Pump Workshop.
Gregg displayed pictures from this successful workshop, called ITO talks"Improve the Odds", which
was held on January 27th. Following the Talk, attendees could meet with vendors. The conservation
group offers a variety of incentives to encourage introducing energy efficiency and technologies into
the household. The second ITO talk will be in late March with a tentative subject of windows and
B. Commercial Lighting Rebates Update (verbal report)
Gregg King brought to the committee's attention the upcoming custom lighting projects with the
commercial customers. The rebate amounts that are coming up may be larger. Safeway's will be a
$4900-$5000 incentive payment; ECTI's will be a$33,000-$34,000 and Nippon,which is still being
finalized will potentially be a$450,000 - $500,000 incentive payment. All of these are funded
through Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
C. Northwest Public Power Association Bulletin
Phil Lusk distributed a handout excerpt from the Northwest Public Power Association Bulletin with
Page 28 —30 Cover Story by Bob Kajfasz, City of Port Angeles Civil Engineer. The article is a good
news story of how the City of Port Angeles is working with BPA. The good news is the City will be
paid a referral fee of$30,000 for assisting the contractor from BPA that had been working with the
industrial transmission customers. This money will be coming into the conservation program.
VII. Next Meeting Date: March 8, 2016
VIII. Adjournment: 4:31 p.m.
Lynn Bedford, Chair Michelle Hale, Administrative Specialist II