HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/11/2016 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE
February 11, 2016
Mission Statement:
To create a strong,economically and culturally vibrant community
that will enhance the lives of our citizens.
CALL TO ORDER: Pat Downie opened the meeting at 7:30 a.m.
Members Present: Patrick Downie, Cherie Kidd, Sissi Bruch, Jim Jones, Mark Ohman, George
Bergner, Sherry Curran, MarySue French, Kaj Ahlburg, Larry Morris,
Wendy Clark-Getzen, Jennifer Linde, Michael Peters, Charlie Smith, Marc
Members Absent: Bill Greenwood, Mike Edwards
Staff Present: Nathan West, Scott Johns, Craig Fulton
Others Present: Lynette Braillard, Trevor Naranche from Vertigo Marketing``
Public Present: None
Approval of Minutes
The meeting minutes for January 14, 2016 were approved.
Old Business
Two new members, Jennifer Linde of the Economic Development Corporation and Marc Abshire
representing the Chamber of Commerce were introduced and welcomed.
PA Forward priority setting was tabled to the end of the meeting.
New Business
Pat Downie introduced Lynette Braillard and Trevor Naranche of Vertigo Marketingc", the team
hired to develop a marketing strategy for the City of Port Angeles. Trevor and Lynette presented
their program which included their goals and objectives, media outreach ideas, brochure designs,
website development, a strategic plan that included strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats (a SWOT analysis), metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of the project, a crisis
communication plan, a new logo design, short videos (45 second, 30 second and 15 second) being
developed and photographs of the area that are being considered for promotional materials.
Several members raised questions and a lively discussion ensued.
The plan presented was in a draft form and suggestions were made to fill gaps and broaden the
outreach. Copies of the presentation will be provided to members making it available to member
organizations once it has been updated.
Old Business
Pat Downie returned to the priority setting exercise that began at the last meeting. Associate
Planner Scott Johns handed out a ranking form for members to fill out, so that the committee can
establish a priority list of suggested projects. The exercise created some level of confusion among
the members, so it was decides that the ranking form would be revised for clarity and sent to
members via e-mail to complete.
Port Angeles Forward Committee
Meeting Minutes for February 11 2016
The meeting adjourned at 8:32 a.m.
Next Meeting Date
Next regular meeting date—March 10, 2016, at 7:30 a.m. in thYPittis erence Room.
Patrick Down ie, Chair Scott Johns, ecr
TABOARDS COMMITTEES COMMISSION\04 PA Forward\Meeting Minutes\2016\2016-2-11 PA Forward minutes.doex