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PCJ Box 47600 , 01vinpia, M/A 98504-7600 1 360-407-6000
711 for Washington Bela}'Service o Persons with a speech disabffitJ�area call 877-833-6347'
January 7., 2016.
CERTIFIE D MAIL 7014 0150 0000 9188 6244
Mr. Dan McKeen
City Manager"
City of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
RE: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Issuance for the City of Port Angeles
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Dear Mr. McKeen:
Enclosed is NPDES Permit No. WA0023973 for the city of Port Angeles Wastewater Treatment Plant. Also
enclosed is the Department of Ecology's (Ecology) response to comments received during the public comment
period of the draft permit. The permit is issued by Ecology in conformance with the Water Pollution. Control
Law [Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington (RCV')], and as authorized by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) acting under the Federal Clean Water Act.
Submission of an application for permit renewal or continued discharge must be received by Ecology the date
indicated in the permit [Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-220-1-80]. Please contact.Carey Cholski,
Permit Administrator, at 360-407-6279, or by e-mail at care y.cl)olski(c.),eev.wa.�-,ov for an application form.
The new permit requires you to submit Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) electronically by using our
WAWebDMR, unless we issue a waiver(Special Condition S3.A.).
For more information please go to the WAWebDMR home page:
ht.tp://www.ecy.Nva.�-yov/programs/wq/permits/paris/webdmr.html. Or call Tonya Wolfe in our Headquarters
Technical Assistance Unit(360-407-7097), or Carey Cholski in our Southwest.Region (360-407-6279).
You have the right to appeal this permit within 30 days upon receipt of this document. Pursuant to Chapter
43.21B RCW, your appeal must be filed with the Pollution Control Hearings Board, and served oil the
Department of Ecology, within 30 days of the date of your receipt of this document.
If you choose to appeal this decision, your notice of appeal must contain: (1) a copy of the permit you are
appealing, and (2) a copy of the application for the permit/modification..
Any appeal must contain the following in accordance with the rules of the Hearings Board:
a. The appellant's name and address;
b. The coverage date and number of the permit appealed;
C. A description of the substance within the permit that is the subject of the appeal;
d. A clear, separate, and concise statement of every error alleged to have been committed;
Mr. Dan MoI{eon
a. A clear and concise statement of1belaut which the requester relies 10 sustain his or her statements of
error; and
f. A atatcaoeo1 setting forth the relief sought.
Street Addresses Mailing Addresses
Department of Ecology Department of Ecology
Attn: Appeals Processing Desk Attn: Appeals Processing Desk
300 Desmond Drive Southeast P.O. Box 47608
Lacey., WA 98503) Olympia, WA 98504-7608
Pollution Control Hearings Board Pollution Control Hearings Board
I I I I Israel Road Southwest, Suite 301 P.O. Box 40903
Turnwater, WA 98501 Olympia, WA 98504-0903
/r07-moditio/u/ bo67-modom. Hearings (7/ficoN/ebxdo.
If you have any questions on this action, please contact Dave Dougherty at 360-407-6278, or by e-mail at
d avid.dough eEt.yLd-).ecy. ,
Southwest Region &4aoogcr
Water Quality Program
co: Craig Fulton, City of Port Angeles
Mikcl.idgurd, EPA Region 10
Richard Smith, Smith 6tLoprocy, PI.I.0
Jeff Young, City of Port Angeles
City of Port Angeles
Record # 001054 Page 1 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Issuance Date: January 7, 2016
Effective Date: February 1, 2016
Expiration Date: January 31, 2021
State of Washington
State of Washington
Southwest Regional Office
P.O. Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504 -7775
In compliance with the provisions of
The State of Washington Water Pollution Control Law
Chapter 90.48 Revised Code of Washington
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act
(The Clean Water Act)
Title 33 United States Code, Section 1342 et seq.
City of Port Angeles
321 East Fifth Street
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
is authorized to discharge in accordance with the Special and General Conditions that follow.
Plant Location: 1509 East Columbia Street
Port Angeles, Washington
Treatment Type: Trickling Filter /Solids
Contact with Chlorine Disinfection
Receiving Water: Strait of Juan de Fuca
Rich Doenges
Southwest Region Manager
Water Quality Program
Washington State Department of
Page 2 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
TABLEOF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................................................2
SUMMARY OF PERMIT REPORT SUBMITTALS.............................................................................2
SPECIALCONDITIONS ..........................................................................................................................2
S1. DISCHARGE LIMITS ....................................................................................................................2
A. Effluent Limits....................................................................................................................2
B. Mixing Zone Authorization................................................................................................2
S2. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................2
A. Monitoring Schedule...........................................................................................................2
B. Combined Sewer Overflow(CSO) Monitoring Schedule ..................................................2
C. Sampling and Analytical Procedures..................................................................................2
D. Flow Measurement, Field Measurement, and Continuous Monitoring Devices ................2
E. Laboratory Accreditation....................................................................................................2
S3. REPORTING AND RECORDING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................2
A. Discharge Monitoring Reports............................................................................................2
B. Permit Submittals and Schedules........................................................................................2
C. Records Retention...............................................................................................................2
D. Recording of Results...........................................................................................................2
E. Additional Monitoring by the Permittee.............................................................................2
F. Reporting Permit Violations...............................................................................................2
G. Other Reporting ..................................................................................................................2
H. Maintaining a Copy of this Permit......................................................................................2
S4. FACILITY LOADING....................................................................................................................2
A. Design Criteria....................................................................................................................2
B. Plans for Maintaining Adequate Capacity..........................................................................2
C. Duty to Mitigate..................................................................................................................2
D. Notification of New or Altered Sources .............................................................................2
E. Infiltration and Inflow Evaluation ......................................................................................2
F. Wasteload Assessment........................................................................................................2
S5. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE...........................................................................................2
A. Certified Operator...............................................................................................................2
B. Operation and Maintenance Program .................................................................................2
C. Short-Term Reduction ........................................................................................................2
D. Electrical Power Failure......................................................................................................2
E. Prevent Connection of Inflow.............................................................................................2
F. Bypass Procedures..............................................................................................................2
G. Operations and Maintenance (O&M)Manual....................................................................2
S6. PRETREATMENT..........................................................................................................................2
A. General Requirements.........................................................................................................2
B. Monitoring Requirements...................................................................................................2
C. Reporting of Monitoring Results........................................................................................2
D. Local Limit Development...................................................................................................2
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Permit No. WA0023973
STSOLID WASTES.............................................................................................................................2
A. Solid Waste Handling.........................................................................................................2
B. Leachate..............................................................................................................................2
S9. COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOWS ............................................................................................2
A. Authorized Combined Sewer Overflow Discharge Locations............................................2
B. Nine Minimum Controls.....................................................................................................2
C. Combined Sewer Overflow Annual Report........................................................................2
D. Compliance Schedule .........................................................................................................2
E. Requirements for Controlled Combined Sewer Overflows................................................2
S 10. OUTFALL EVALUATION............................................................................................................2
SI I. ACUTE TOXICITY ........................................................................................................................2
A. Testing When There is No Permit Limit for Acute Toxicity..............................................2
B. Sampling and Reporting Requirements ..............................................................................2
512. CHRONIC TOXICITY....................................................................................................................2
A. Testing When There is No Permit Limit for Chronic Toxicity...........................................2
B. Sampling and Reporting Requirements ..............................................................................2
GI. SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................2
G2. RIGHT OF INSPECTION AND ENTRY.......................................................................................2
G3. PERMIT ACTIONS.........................................................................................................................2
G4. REPORTING PLANNED CHANGES............................................................................................2
G5. PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED .........................................................................................................2
G6. COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER LAWS AND STATUTES...........................................................2
G7. TRANSFER OF THIS PERMIT .....................................................................................................2
G8. REDUCED PRODUCTION FOR COMPLIANCE ........................................................................2
G9. REMOVED SUBSTANCES ...........................................................................................................2
GIO. DUTY TO PROVIDE INFORMATION.........................................................................................2
GI 1. OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF 40 CFR.........................................................................................2
G12. ADDITIONAL MONITORING......................................................................................................2
G13. PAYMENT OF FEES......................................................................................................................2
G14. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING PERMIT CONDITIONS............................................................2
G15. UPSET.............................................................................................................................................2
G16. PROPERTY RIGHTS......................................................................................................................2
GI7. DUTY TO COMPLY ......................................................................................................................2
G18. TOXIC POLLUTANTS...................................................................................................................2
G19. PENALTIES FOR TAMPERING...................................................................................................2
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Permit No. WA0023973
G20. COMPLIANCE SCHEDULES .......................................................................................................2
G21. SERVICE AGREEMENT REVIEW...............................................................................................2
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Permit No. WA0023973
Refer to the Special and General Conditions of this permit for additional submittal requirements.
Permit Submittal Frequency First Submittal Date
S3.A. Discharge Monitoring Report(DMR) Monthly March 15, 2016
S3.A. Quarterly DMR Quarterly July 15, 2018
S3.A. Annual DMR Annual January 15, 2018
S3.F. Reporting Permit Violations As necessary
S4.13. Plans for Maintaining Adequate Capacity As necessary
S4.D. Notification of New or Altered Sources As necessary
S4.E. Infiltration and Inflow Evaluation Annually May 15, 2016
S4.F. Wasteload Assessment Annually May 15, 2016
S5.F. Bypass Notification As necessary
Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
S5.G. Manual Update or Review Confirmation Annually November 30, 2016
S6.A.5. Pretreatment Report Annually April 15, 2016
S6.A.6. Request to Make Changes to Pretreatment As necessary
S8. Application for Permit Renewal 1/permit cycle September 1,2020
S9.C. Combined Sewer Overflow Report Annually May 15, 2016
S9.D. Combined Sewer Overflow Reduction 1/permit cycle June 30,2016
Specific Project Milestones/Goals
SM. Outfall Evaluation 1/permit cycle December 31, 2019
511. Acute Toxicity Effluent Test Results - 1/permit cycle September 1 2020
Submit with Permit Renewal Application
S12. Chronic Toxicity Effluent Test Results with 1/permit cycle September 1,2020
Permit Renewal Application
G1. Notice of Change in Authorization As necessary
G4. Reporting Planned Changes As necessary
G5. Engineering Report for Construction or As necessary
Modification Activities
G7. Notice of Permit Transfer As necessary
G10. Duty to Provide Information As necessary
G20. Compliance Schedules As necessary
Page 6 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Permit Submittal Frequency First Submittal Date
G21. Contract Submittal As necessary
Page 7 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
A. Effluent Limits
All discharges and activities authorized by this permit must comply with the terms and
conditions of this permit. The discharge of any of the following pollutants more frequently
than, or at a level in excess of, that identified and authorized by this permit violates the
terms and conditions of this permit.
Beginning on the effective date of this permit, the Permittee may discharge treated
domestic wastewater to Port Angeles Harbor and the Strait of Juan de Fuca at the permitted
locations subject to compliance with the following limits:
Effluent Limits: Outfalls 001 &002
001: Latitude: 48.12722 Longitude: -123.39806
002: Latitude: 48.12826 Longitude: -123.37935
Parameter Average Monthly' Average Weekly b
Carbonaceous Biochemical 25 milligrams/liter(mg/L) 40 mg/L
Oxygen Demand(5-day) 905 pounds/day(lbs/day) 1 358 lbs/day
(CBOD5) 85%removal of influent CBOD5 C
Total Suspended Solids 30 mg/L 45 mg/L
(TSS) 1,676 lbs/day 2,515 lbs/day
85%removal of influent TSS
Parameter Minimum Maximum
pH 6.0 Standard Units 9.0 Standard Units
Parameter Monthly Geometric Mean Weekly Geometric
Fecal Coliform Bacteria d 200/100 milliliter(mL) 400/100 mL
Parameter Average Monthly Maximum Daily e
Total Residual Chlorine 0.50 mg/L 0.75 mg/L
a Average monthly effluent limit means the highest allowable average of daily
discharges over a calendar month. To calculate the discharge value to compare to the
limit,you add the value of each daily discharge measured during a calendar month and
divide this sum by the total number of daily discharges measured. See footnote d for
fecal coliform calculations.
b Average weekly discharge limit means the highest allowable average of daily
discharges over a calendar week,calculated as the sum of all daily discharges measured
during a calendar week divided by the number of daily discharges' measured during
that week. See footnote d for fecal coliform calculations.
Page 8 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Effluent Limits: Outfalls 001 &002
001: Latitude: 48.12722 Longitude: -123.39806
002: Latitude: 48.12826 Longitude: -123.37935
c When monthly average influent CBOD5 concentration falls below 90 mg/L, a
minimum 75 percent removal of influent CBOD5 is required. When monthly average
influent TSS concentration falls below 90 mg/L, a minimum 75 percent removal of
influent TSS is required.
d The Department of Ecology(Ecology)provides directions to calculate the monthly and
the weekly geometric mean in publication No. 04-10-020, Information Manual for
Treatment Plant Operators available at: htip://www.ecy.wa.gov/pubs/0410020.pd.
e Maximum daily effluent limit is the highest allowable daily discharge. The daily
discharge is the average discharge of a pollutant measured during a calendar day. For
pollutants with limits expressed in units of mass, calculate the daily discharge as the
total mass of the pollutant discharged over the day. This does not apply to pH or
B. Mixing Zone Authorization
Mixing Zone for Outfall 001
The following paragraphs define the maximum boundaries of the mixing zones for
Outfall 001:
Chronic Mixing Zone
The mixing zone is a circle with radius of 260 feet(79.2 meters)measured
from the center of each discharge port. The mixing zone extends from the
bottom to the top of the water column. The concentration of pollutants at
the edge of the chronic zone must meet chronic aquatic life criteria and
human health criteria.
Acute Mixing Zone
The acute mixing zone is a circle with radius of 26 feet (7.9 meters)
measured from the center of each discharge port. The mixing zone extends
from the bottom to the top of the water column. The concentration of
pollutants at the edge of the acute zone must meet acute aquatic life
Available Dilution (Dilution Factor)
Acute Aquatic Life Criteria 37
Chronic Aquatic Life Criteria 510
Human Health Criteria- Carcinogen 510
Human Health Criteria-Non-carcinogen 510
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Permit No. WA0023973
Mixing Zone for Outfall 002
The following paragraphs define the maximum boundaries of the mixing zones for
Outfall 002:
Chronic Mixing Zone
The mixing zone is a circle with radius of 352 feet(107 meters)measured
from the center of each discharge port. The mixing zone extends from the
bottom to the top of the water column. The concentration of pollutants at
the edge of the chronic zone must meet chronic aquatic life criteria and
human health criteria.
Acute Mixing Zone
The acute mixing zone is a circle with radius of 35.2 feet (10.7 meters)
measured from the center of each discharge port. The mixing zone extends
from the bottom to the top of the water column. The concentration of
pollutants at the edge of the acute zone must meet acute aquatic life
Available Dilution (dilution factor)
Acute Aquatic Life Criteria 68
Chronic Aquatic Life Criteria 593
Human Health Criteria- Carcinogen 593
Human Health Criteria-Non-carcinogen 593
A. Monitoring Schedule
The Permittee must monitor in accordance with the following schedule and the
requirements specified in Appendix A.
Units& Minimum
Parameter Speciation Sampling Sample Type
(1)Wastewater Influent
Wastewater Influent means the raw sewage flow from the collection system into the
treatment facility. Sample the wastewater entering the headworks of the treatment
plant excluding any side-stream returns from inside the plant.
Flow MGD Continuous a Metered/Recorded
CBOD5 mg/L 2/week b Composite Sample
CBOD5 lbs/day 2/week b Calculated d
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Permit No. WA0023973
Units& Minimum
Parameter Speciation Sampling Sample Type
TSS mg/L 2/week b Composite Sample
TSS lbs/day 2/week b Calculated d
(2)Final Wastewater Effluent
Final Wastewater Effluent means wastewater exiting the last treatment process or
operation. Typically, this is after or at the exit from the chlorine contact chamber or
other disinfection process. The Permittee may take effluent samples for the BOD5
analysis before or after the disinfection process. If taken after, the Permittee must
dechlorinate and reseed the sample.
CBOD5 mg/L 2/week b Composite Sample
CBOD5 lbs/day 2/week b Calculated d
CBOD5 %removal 2/week b Calculated e
TSS mg/L 2/week b Composite Sample
TSS lbs/day 2/week b Calculated d
TSS %removal 2/week b Calculated e
Chlorine (Total mg/L 1/day Grab f
Fecal Coliform S #/100 ml 3/week Grab f
pH h Standard Units 1/day Grab f
Temperature Degrees 1/day Measurement
Centigrade (°C)
Total Ammonia mg/L as N 1/week Composite Sample
(3)Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing—Final Wastewater Effluent
Acute Toxicity As specified in Special Condition S11
Chronic Toxicity
Testing As specified in Special Condition S12
As specified in Special Condition S6.13
Page 11 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Units& Minimum
Parameter Speciation Sampling Sample Type
(5)Effluent Characterization —Final Wastewater Effluent
Monthly J for 2
Total Phosphorus mg/L as P years, then Composite Sample
Quarterly', (24-Hour)
Monthly J for 2
Soluble Reactive mg/L as P years, then Composite Sample
Phosphorus Quarterly', (24-Hour)
Monthly J for 2
Nitrate plus Nitrite mg/L as N years, then Composite Sample
Nitrogen Quarterly', (24-Hour)
Monthly J for 2
Total Kjeldahl years, then Composite Sample
Nitrogen(TKN) mg/L as N Quarterly', (24-Hour)
(6)Permit Renewal Application Requirements—Final Wastewater Effluent
The Permittee must record and report the wastewater treatment plant flow discharged
on the day it collects the sample for priority pollutant testing with the discharge
monitoring report.
BOD5 k mg/L Once per year- Composite Sample
Dissolved Oxygen mg/L Once per year- Grab f
Oil and Grease mg/L Once per year- Grab f
Total Dissolved mg/L Once per year- Composite Sample
Solids (24-Hour)
Total Hardness mg/L Once per year M Composite Sample
Cyanide micrograms/liter Once per year m Grab f
Total Phenolic µg/L Once per year m Grab f
Priority Pollutants µg/L;nanograms Composite Sample
(PP) —Total Metals (ng/L) for Quarterly (24-Hour)
mercury Grabf for mercury
PP—Volatile Organic
µg/L Once per year m Grab f
Page 12 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Units& Minimum
Parameter Speciation Sampling Sample Type
PP—Acid-extractable M/L Once per year M Composite Sample
Compounds (24-Hour)
PP—Base-neutral µg/L Once per year M Composite Sample
Compounds (24-Hour)
a Continuous means uninterrupted except for brief lengths of time for calibration,
power failure,or unanticipated equipment repair or maintenance. The time interval
for the associated data logger must be no greater than 30 minutes.
b Two (2)/week means two times during each calendar week.
c Twenty-four (24)-hour composite means a series of individual samples collected
over a 24-hour period into a single container, and analyzed as one sample.
d Calculated means figured concurrently with the respective sample, using the
following formula: Concentration (in mg/L) X Flow (in MGD) X Conversion
Factor(8.34) =lbs/day
e Percent removal=Influent concentration(mg/L) —Effluent concentration(mg/L)
x 100 Influent concentration (mg/L)
Calculate the percent removal of BOD5 and TSS using the above equation.
f Grab means an individual sample collected over a 15 minute, or less,period.
g Report a numerical value for fecal coliforms following the procedures in
Ecology's Information Manual for Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators,
Publication Number 04-10-020 available at:
htip://www.ecy.wa.goy/programs/wg/permits/guidance.html. Do not report a
result as too numerous to count(TNTC).
h Report the daily pH and the minimum and maximum for the monitoring period.
i Temperature grab sampling must occur when the effluent is at or near its daily
maximum temperature, which usually occurs in the late afternoon. If measuring
temperature continuously, the Permittee must determine and report a daily
maximum from half-hour measurements in a 24-hour period. Continuous
monitoring instruments must achieve an accuracy of 0.2 degrees C and the
Permittee must verify accuracy annually.
j Monthly means once every calendar month during alternating weeks.
k Take effluent samples for the BOD5 analysis before or after the disinfection
process. If taken after, dechlorinate and reseed the sample.
1 Quarterly sampling periods are January through March, April through June,July
through September, and October through December. The Permittee must begin
quarterly monitoring April 1,2018.
m Annual sampling period is January through December. The Permittee must begin
annual monitoring January 1,2017.
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Permit No. WA0023973
B. Combined Sewer Overflow(CSO) Monitoring Schedule
The Permittee must monitor all discharges from CSO outfalls listed in Special Condition
S9 using the following monitoring schedule. Permittees must use automatic flow
monitoring equipment to collect the information required below. Permittee must calibrate
flow monitoring equipment according to requirements in Condition S2.D.
Parameter Units Minimum Sampling Sample Type
CSO discharge is defined as any untreated CSO which will exit or has exited the CSO
Volume Gallons Per Event Measurement/
Discharged Calculation a,b
Discharge Hours Per Event c Measurement
Storm Duration Hours Per Event d Measurement
Precipitation Inches Per Event c Calcuremenb
Footnotes for CSO Monitoring:
a Flow measurement must be continuous, except for brief lengths of time for
calibration, for power failure, or for unanticipated equipment repair or maintenance.
During periods of interrupted service, a calculation may be used to estimate the
discharge volume. An explanation must be provided in the monthly DMR for all
disruptions in flow measurement.
b "Measurement/Calculation" means the total volume of the discharge or amount of
precipitation event as estimated by direct measurement or indirectly by calculation
(i.e. flow weirs, pressure transducers, tipping bucket). Precipitation must be
measured by the nearest possible precipitation-measuring device and actively
monitored during the period of interest.
Per Event"means a unique flow event as defined in the Permit Writer's Manual,p.
V-17. Ecology defines the minimum inter-event period(MIST)as 24 hours. A CSO
event is considered to have ended only after at least 24 hours has elapsed since the
last measured occurrence of an overflow.
d Storm duration is the amount of total time when precipitation occurred that
contributed to a discharge event. It is determined on a case-by-case basis.
C. Sampling and Analytical Procedures
Samples and measurements taken to meet the requirements of this permit must represent
the volume and nature of the monitored parameters. The Permittee must conduct
representative sampling of any unusual discharge or discharge condition, including
bypasses,upsets, and maintenance-related conditions that may affect effluent quality.
Sampling and analytical methods used to meet the monitoring requirements specified in
this permit must conform to the latest revision of the Guidelines Establishing Test
Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants contained in 40 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) Part 136 [or as applicable in 40 CFR subchapters N (Parts 400-471) or 0 (Parts
Page 14 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
501-503)]unless otherwise specified in this permit. The Department of Ecology(Ecology)
may only specify alternative methods for parameters without permit limits and for those
parameters without an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved test method in
40 CFR Part 136.
D. Flow Measurement, Field Measurement, and Continuous Monitoring Devices
The Permittee must:
1. Select and use appropriate flow measurement, field measurement, and continuous
monitoring devices and methods consistent with accepted scientific practices.
2. Install, calibrate, and maintain these devices to ensure the accuracy of the
measurements is consistent with the accepted industry standard, the
manufacturer's recommendation, and approved Operation and Maintenance
(O&M) Manual procedures for the device and the wastestream.
3. Calibrate continuous monitoring instruments weekly unless it can demonstrate a
longer period is sufficient based on monitoring records. The Permittee:
a. May calibrate apparatus for continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen
by air calibration.
b. Must calibrate continuous pH measurement instruments using a grab
sample analyzed in the lab with a pH meter calibrated with standard
buffers and analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling.
C. Must calibrate continuous chlorine measurement instruments using a grab
sample analyzed in the laboratory within 15 minutes of sampling.
4. Calibrate micro-recording temperature devices, known as thermistors, using
protocols from Ecology's Quality Assurance Project Plan Development Tool
(Standard Operating Procedures for Continuous Temperature Monitoring of
Fresh Water Rivers and Streams Version 1.0 1012612011). This document is
available online at:
htlp://www.ecy.wa.goy/programs/eap/ga/docs/ECY EAP SOP Cont Temp Mo
n Ambient vl 0EAP080.pdf. Calibration as specified in this document is not
required if the Permittee uses recording devices certified by the manufacturer.
5. Use field measurement devices as directed by the manufacturer and do not use
reagents beyond their expiration dates.
6. Establish a calibration frequency for each device or instrument in the O&M
Manual that conforms to the frequency recommended by the manufacturer.
7. Calibrate flow-monitoring devices at a minimum frequency of at least one
calibration per year.
8. Maintain calibration records for at least three years.
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Permit No. WA0023973
E. Laboratory Accreditation
The Permittee must ensure that all monitoring data required by Ecology for permit
specified parameters is prepared by a laboratory registered or accredited under the
provisions of chapter 173-50 Washington Administrative Code (WAC), Accreditation of
Environmental Laboratories. Flow,Temperature, Settleable Solids,Conductivity,pH, and
internal process control parameters are exempt from this requirement. The Permittee must
obtain accreditation for conductivity and pH if it must receive accreditation or registration
for other parameters.
The Permittee must monitor and report in accordance with the following conditions. Falsification
of information submitted to Ecology is a violation of the terms and conditions of this permit.
A. Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)
The first monitoring period begins on the effective date of the permit (unless otherwise
specified). The Permittee must:
1. Summarize, report, and submit monitoring data obtained during each monitoring
period on the electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) form provided by
Ecology within the Water Quality Permitting Portal. Include data for each of the
parameters tabulated in Special Condition S2 and as required by the form. Report
a value for each day sampling occurred (unless specifically exempted in the
permit) and for the summary values (when applicable) included on the electronic
To find out more information and to sign up for the Water Quality Permitting
Portal go to: htlp://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wg/ ep rmits/paris/webdmr.html
2. Enter the "No Discharge" reporting code for an entire DMR, for a specific
monitoring point, or for a specific parameter as appropriate, if the Permittee did
not discharge wastewater or a specific pollutant during a given monitoring period.
3. Report single analytical values below detection as "less than the detection level
(DL)" by entering < followed by the numeric value of the detection level (e.g. <
2.0) on the DMR. If the method used did not meet the minimum DL and
quantitation level(QL)identified in the permit,report the actual QL and DL in the
comments or in the location provided.
4. Do Not report zero for bacteria monitoring. Report as required by the laboratory
5. Calculate and report an arithmetic average value for each day for bacteria if
multiple samples were taken in one day.
6. Calculate the geometric mean values for bacteria(unless otherwise specified in the
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Permit No. WA0023973
a. The reported numeric value for all bacteria samples measured above the
detection value except when it took multiple samples in one day. If the
Permittee takes multiple samples in one day it must use the arithmetic
average for the day in the geometric mean calculation.
b. The detection value for those samples measured below detection.
7. Report the test method used for analysis in the comments if the laboratory used an
alternative method not specified in the permit and as allowed in Appendix A.
8. Calculate average values and calculated total values(unless otherwise specified in
the permit)using:
a. The reported numeric value for all parameters measured between the
agency-required detection value and the agency-required quantitation
b. One-half the detection value (for values reported below detection) if the
lab detected the parameter in another sample from the same monitoring
point for the reporting period.
C. Zero (for values reported below detection) if the lab did not detect the
parameter in another sample for the reporting period.
9. Report single-sample grouped parameters(for example:priority pollutants,PAHs,
pulp and paper chlorophenolics, TTOs) on the WQWebDMR form and include:
sample date, concentration detected, detection limit (DL) (as necessary), and
laboratory quantitation level(QL) (as necessary).
The Permittee must also submit an electronic copy of the laboratory report as an
attachment using WQWebDMR. The contract laboratory reports must also include
information on the chain of custody, QA/QC results, and documentation of
accreditation for the parameter.
10. Ensure that DMRs are electronically submitted no later than the dates specified
below,unless otherwise specified in this permit.
11. Submit DMRs for parameters with the monitoring frequencies specified in S2
(monthly, quarterly, annual, etc.) at the reporting schedule identified below. The
Permittee must:
a. Submit monthly DMRs by the 15`i'day of the following month.
b. Submit quarterly DMRs,unless otherwise specified in the permit,by the
15t' day of the month following the monitoring period. Quarterly
sampling periods are January through March, April through June, July
through September, and October through December. The Permittee must
submit the first quarterly DMR April 1,2016.
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C. Submit annual DMRs, unless otherwise specified in the permit, by
January 15th for the previous calendar year. The annual sampling period
is the calendar year, starting January 1,2017.
d. Submit permit renewal application monitoring data in WQWebDMR as
required in Special Condition S2 by September 1,2020.
B. Permit Submittals and Schedules
The Permittee must ensure that all other written permit-required reports are postmarked or
received by Ecology no later than the dates specified in the permit.
The Permittee may use the Water Quality Permitting Portal—Permit Submittals application
to submit written permit-required reports by the date specified in the permit. Send any
paper reports to Ecology at the following address:
Water Quality Permit Coordinator
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
P.O. Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
C. Records Retention
The Permittee must retain records of all monitoring information for a minimum of three
years. Such information must include all calibration and maintenance records and all
original recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports
required by this permit, and records of all data used to complete the application for this
permit. The Permittee must extend this period of retention during the course of any
unresolved litigation regarding the discharge of pollutants by the Permittee or when
requested by Ecology.
D. Recording of Results
For each measurement or sample taken, the Permittee must record the following
1. The date, exact place,method, and time of sampling or measurement.
2. The individual who performed the sampling or measurement.
3. The dates the analyses were performed.
4. The individual who performed the analyses.
5. The analytical techniques or methods used.
6. The results of all analyses.
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E. Additional Monitoring by the Permittee
If the Permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by Special Condition
S2 of this permit, then the Permittee must include the results of such monitoring in the
calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the Permittee's DMR unless otherwise
specified by Special Condition S2.
F. Reporting Permit Violations
The Permittee must take the following actions when it violates or is unable to comply with
any permit condition:
I. Immediately take action to stop, contain, and cleanup unauthorized discharges or
otherwise stop the noncompliance and correct the problem.
2. If applicable,immediately repeat sampling and analysis. Submit the results of any
repeat sampling to Ecology within 30 days of sampling.
a. Immediate Reporting
The Permittee must immediately report to Ecology and the Department of
Health, Shellfish Program, and the Local Health Jurisdiction (at the
numbers listed below), all:
• Failures of the disinfection system.
• Collection system overflows.
• Plant bypasses other than authorized operating procedures that
discharge to marine surface waters.
• Any other failures of the sewage system(pipe breaks, etc.)
Southwest Regional Office 360-407-6300
Department of Health, 360-236-3330 (business hours)
Shellfish Program 360-789-8962 (after business
Clallam County Environmental 360-417-2258
Health Services
b. Twenty-Four(24)-Hour Reporting
The Permittee must report the following occurrences of noncompliance by
telephone, to Ecology at the telephone numbers listed above, within 24
hours from the time the Permittee becomes aware of any of the following
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1. Any noncompliance that may endanger health or the environment,
unless previously reported under immediate reporting
2. Any unanticipated bypass that causes an exceedance of an effluent
limit in the permit(See Part S5.F, `Bypass Procedures").
3. Any upset that causes an exceedance of an effluent limit in the
permit(See G15, "Upset").
4. Any violation of a maximum daily or instantaneous maximum
discharge limit for any of the pollutants in Section S1.A of this
5. Any overflow prior to the treatment works, whether or not such
overflow endangers health or the environment or exceeds any
effluent limit in the permit.
C. Report Within Five Days
The Permittee must also submit a written report within five days of the
time that the Permittee becomes aware of any reportable event under
subparts a or b, above. The report must contain:
1. A description of the noncompliance and its cause.
2. The period of noncompliance,including exact dates and times.
3. The estimated time the Permittee expects the noncompliance to
continue if not yet corrected.
4. Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent
recurrence of the noncompliance.
5. If the noncompliance involves an overflow prior to the treatment
works, an estimate of the quantity (in gallons) of untreated
d. Waiver of Written Reports
Ecology may waive the written report required in subpart c, above, on a
case-by-case basis upon request if the Permittee has submitted a timely
oral report.
e. All Other Permit Violation Reporting
The Permittee must report all permit violations, which do not require
immediate or within 24 hours reporting, when it submits monitoring
reports for S3.A ("Reporting"). The reports must contain the information
listed in subpart c, above. Compliance with these requirements does not
relieve the Permittee from responsibility to maintain continuous
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compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit or the resulting
liability for failure to comply.
G. Other Reporting
1. Spills of Oil or Hazardous Materials
The Permittee must report a spill of oil or hazardous materials in accordance with
the requirements of Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 90.56.280 and chapter
173-303-145. You can obtain further instructions at the following website:
htip://www.ecy.wa.goy/pro rag ms/spills/other/reportast)ill.htm.
2. Failure to Submit Relevant or Correct Facts
Where the Permittee becomes aware that it failed to submit any relevant facts in a
permit application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit application, or
in any report to Ecology,it must submit such facts or information promptly.
H. Maintaining a Copy of this Permit
The Permittee must keep a copy of this permit at the facility and make it available upon
request to Ecology inspectors.
A. Design Criteria
The flows or waste loads for the permitted facility must not exceed the following design
Maximum Month Design Flow(MMDF) 10.8 MGD
BOD5 Influent Loading for Maximum Month 8,100 lbs/day
TSS Influent Loading for Maximum Month 11,750 lbs/day
B. Plans for Maintaining Adequate Capacity
1. Conditions Triggering Plan Submittal
The Permittee must work with Ecology to determine if a plan and a schedule for
continuing to maintain capacity are needed when:
a. The actual flow or waste load reaches 85 percent of any one of the design
criteria in S4.A for three consecutive months.
b. The projected plant flow or loading would reach design capacity within
five years.
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2. Plan and Schedule Content
The plan and schedule must identify the actions necessary to maintain adequate
capacity for the expected population growth and to meet the limits and
requirements of the permit. The Permittee must consider the following topics and
actions in its plan.
a. Analysis of the present design and proposed process modifications
b. Reduction or elimination of excessive infiltration and inflow of
uncontaminated ground and surface water into the sewer system
C. Limits on future sewer extensions or connections or additional waste loads
d. Modification or expansion of facilities
e. Reduction of industrial or commercial flows or wasteloads
Engineering documents associated with the plan must meet the requirements of
WAC 173-240-060, "Engineering Report," and be approved by Ecology prior to
any construction.
C. Duty to Mitigate
The Permittee must take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge or
sludge use or disposal in violation of this permit that has a reasonable likelihood of
adversely affecting human health or the environment.
D. Notification of New or Altered Sources
1. The Permittee must submit written notice to Ecology whenever any new discharge
or a substantial change in volume or character of an existing discharge into the
wastewater treatment plant is proposed which:
a. Would interfere with the operation of, or exceed the design capacity of,
any portion of the wastewater treatment plant.
b. Is not part of an approved general sewer plan or approved plans and
C. Is subject to pretreatment standards under 40 CFR Part 403 and Section
307(b) of the Clean Water Act.
2. This notice must include an evaluation of the wastewater treatment plant's ability
to adequately transport and treat the added flow and/or waste load,the quality and
volume of effluent to be discharged to the treatment plant, and the anticipated
impact on the Permittee's effluent[40 CFR 122.42(b)].
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E. Infiltration and Inflow Evaluation
1. The Permittee must conduct an infiltration and inflow evaluation. Refer to the U.S.
EPA publication, I/I Analysis and Project Certification, available as Publication
No. 97-03 at: htip://www.ecy.wa.gov/.programs/wry/permits/guidance.html
2. The Permittee may use monitoring records to assess measurable infiltration and
3. The Permittee must prepare a report summarizing any measurable infiltration and
4. The Permittee must submit a report summarizing the results of the evaluation and
any recommendations for corrective actions by May 15, 2016, and annually
F. Wasteload Assessment
The Permittee must conduct an annual assessment of its influent flow and wasteload and
submit a report to Ecology by May 15, 2016, and annually thereafter. The report must
1. A description of compliance or noncompliance with the permit effluent limits.
2. A comparison between the existing and design:
a. Monthly average dry weather and wet weather flows
b. Peak flows
C. BOD5loading
d. Total Suspended Solids loadings
3. The percent change in the above parameters since the previous report (except for
the first report).
4. The present and design population or population equivalent.
5. The projected population growth rate.
6. The estimated date upon which the Permittee expects the wastewater treatment
plant to reach design capacity, according to the most restrictive of the parameters
Ecology may modify the interval for review and reporting if it determines that a different
frequency is sufficient.
The Permittee must at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment
and control(and related appurtenances),which are installed to achieve compliance with the terms
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and conditions of this permit. Proper operation and maintenance also includes keeping a daily
operation logbook (paper or electronic), adequate laboratory controls, and appropriate quality
assurance procedures. This provision of the permit requires the Permittee to operate backup or
auxiliary facilities or similar systems only when the operation is necessary to achieve compliance
with the conditions of this permit.
A. Certified Operator
This permitted facility must be operated by an operator certified by the state of Washington
for at least a Class III plant. This operator must be in responsible charge of the day-to-day
operation of the wastewater treatment plant. An operator certified for at least a Class II
plant must be in charge during all regularly scheduled shifts.
B. Operation and Maintenance Program
The Permittee must:
1. Institute an adequate operation and maintenance program for the entire sewage
2. Keep maintenance records on all major electrical and mechanical components of
the treatment plant, as well as the sewage system and pumping stations. Such
records must clearly specify the frequency and type of maintenance recommended
by the manufacturer and must show the frequency and type of maintenance
3. Make maintenance records available for inspection at all times.
C. Short-Term Reduction
The Permittee must schedule any facility maintenance,which might require interruption of
wastewater treatment and degrade effluent quality, during non-critical water quality
periods and carry this maintenance out according to the approved Operation and
Maintenance (O&M) Manual or as otherwise approved by Ecology.
If a Permittee contemplates a reduction in the level of treatment that would cause a
violation of permit discharge limits on a short-term basis for any reason,and such reduction
cannot be avoided,the Permittee must:
1. Give written notification to Ecology,if possible, 30 days prior to such activities.
2. Detail the reasons for, length of time of, and the potential effects of the reduced
level of treatment.
This notification does not relieve the Permittee of its obligations under this permit.
D. Electrical Power Failure
The Permittee must ensure that adequate safeguards prevent the discharge of untreated
wastes or wastes not treated in accordance with the requirements of this permit during
electrical power failure at the treatment plant and/or sewage lift stations. Adequate
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safeguards include,but are not limited to, alternate power sources, standby generator(s), or
retention of inadequately treated wastes.
The Permittee must maintain Reliability Class II (EPA 430-99-74-001) at the wastewater
treatment plant. Reliability Class II requires a backup power source sufficient to operate
all vital components and critical lighting and ventilation during peak wastewater flow
conditions. Vital components used to support the secondary processes (i.e., mechanical
aerators or aeration basin air compressors)need not be operable to full levels of treatment,
but must be sufficient to maintain the biota.
E. Prevent Connection of Inflow
The Permittee must strictly enforce its sewer ordinances and not allow the connection of
inflow(roof drains, foundation drains, etc.) to the sanitary sewer system.
F. Bypass Procedures
This permit prohibits a bypass, which is the intentional diversion of waste streams from
any portion of a treatment facility. Ecology may take enforcement action against a
Permittee for a bypass unless one of the following circumstances (1, 2, or 3) applies.
1. Bypass for essential maintenance or wet weather operation of the approved wet
weather high flow bypass system without the potential to cause violation of permit
limits or conditions.
This permit authorizes a bypass if it allows for essential maintenance or is an
authorized operating procedure and does not have the potential to cause violations
of limits or other conditions of this permit, or adversely impact public health as
determined by Ecology prior to the bypass. For maintenance bypasses, the
Permittee must submit prior notice, if possible, at least 10 days before the date of
the bypass.
2. Bypass which is unavoidable, unanticipated, and results in noncompliance of this
This permit authorizes such a bypass only if:
a. Bypass is unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe
property damage. "Severe property damage" means substantial physical
damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which would cause
them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural
resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a
b. No feasible alternatives to the bypass exist, such as:
• The use of auxiliary treatment facilities.
• Retention of untreated wastes.
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• Maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime, but
not if the Permittee should have installed adequate backup
equipment in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to
prevent a bypass.
• Transport of untreated wastes to another treatment facility.
C. Ecology is properly notified of the bypass as required in Special Condition
S3.F of this permit.
3. If bypass is anticipated and has the potential to result in noncompliance of this
a. The Permittee must notify Ecology at least 30 days before the planned date
of bypass. The notice must contain:
• A description of the bypass and its cause.
• An analysis of all known alternatives which would eliminate,
reduce, or mitigate the need for bypassing.
• A cost-effectiveness analysis of alternatives including
comparative resource damage assessment.
• The minimum and maximum duration of bypass under each
• A recommendation as to the preferred alternative for conducting
the bypass.
• The projected date of bypass initiation.
• A statement of compliance with State Environmental Policy Act
• A request for modification of water quality standards as provided
for in WAC 173-201A-410,if an exceedance of any water quality
standard is anticipated.
• Details of the steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and
prevent reoccurrence of the bypass.
b. For probable construction bypasses, the Permittee must notify Ecology of
the need to bypass as early in the planning process as possible. The
Permittee must consider the analysis required above during the project
planning and design process. The project-specific engineering report or
facilities plan as well as the plans and specifications must include details
of probable construction bypasses to the extent practical. In cases where
the Permittee determines the probable need to bypass early, the Permittee
must continue to analyze conditions up to and including the construction
period in an effort to minimize or eliminate the bypass.
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C. Ecology will consider the following prior to issuing an administrative
order for this type of bypass:
• If the bypass is necessary to perform construction or maintenance-
related activities essential to meet the requirements of this permit.
• If feasible alternatives to bypass exist, such as the use of auxiliary
treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, stopping
production, maintenance during normal periods of equipment
down time, or transport of untreated wastes to another treatment
• If the Permittee planned and scheduled the bypass to minimize
adverse effects on the public and the environment.
After consideration of the above and the adverse effects of the proposed bypass
and any other relevant factors,Ecology will approve or deny the request. Ecology
will give the public an opportunity to comment on bypass incidents of significant
duration, to the extent feasible. Ecology will approve a request to bypass by
issuing an administrative order under RCW 90.48.120.
G. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manual
I. O&M Manual Submittal and Requirements
The Permittee must:
a. Review the O&M Manual at least annually and confirm this review by
letter to Ecology by November 30th of each year.
b. Submit to Ecology for review and approval substantial changes or updates
to the O&M Manual whenever it incorporates them into the manual.
C. Keep the approved O&M Manual at the permitted facility.
d. Follow the instructions and procedures of this manual.
2. O&M Manual Components
In addition to the requirements of WAC 173-240-080(1) through (5), the O&M
Manual must be consistent with the guidance in Table GI-3 in the Criteria for
Sewage Works Design (Orange Book), 2008. The O&M Manual must include:
a. Emergency procedures for cleanup in the event of wastewater system
upset or failure.
b. A review of system components which if failed could pollute surface water
or could impact human health. Provide a procedure for a routine schedule
of checking the function of these components.
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C. Wastewater system maintenance procedures that contribute to the
generation of process wastewater.
d. Reporting protocols for submitting reports to Ecology to comply with the
reporting requirements in the discharge permit.
e. Any directions to maintenance staff when cleaning or maintaining other
equipment or performing other tasks which are necessary to protect the
operation of the wastewater system (for example, defining maximum
allowable discharge rate for draining a tank, blocking all floor drains
before beginning the overhaul of a stationary engine).
f. The treatment plant process control monitoring schedule.
g. Minimum staffing adequate to operate and maintain the treatment
processes and carry out compliance monitoring required by the permit.
A. General Requirements
1. The Permittee must implement the Industrial Pretreatment Program in accordance
with the legal authorities,policies,procedures, and financial provisions described
in the Permittee's approved pretreatment program submittal entitled "Industrial
Pretreatment Program" and dated June 2010; any approved revisions thereto; and
the General Pretreatment Regulations (40 CFR Part 403). At a minimum, the
Permittee must undertake the following pretreatment implementation activities:
a. Enforce categorical pretreatment standards under Section 307(b) and (c)
of the Federal Clean Water Act(hereinafter,the Act),prohibited discharge
standards as set forth in 40 CFR 403.5, local limits specified in Section
13.06.040 of Ordinance Title 13.06,or state standards,whichever are most
stringent or apply at the time of issuance or modification of a local
industrial waste discharge permit. Locally-derived limits are defined as
pretreatment standards under Section 307(d)of the Act and are not limited
to categorical industrial facilities.
b. Issue industrial waste discharge permits to all significant industrial users
[SIUs, as defined in 40 CFR 403.3(v)(i)(ii)] contributing to the treatment
system, including those from other jurisdictions. Industrial waste
discharge permits must contain, as a minimum, all the requirements of 40
CFR 403.8 (f)(1)(iii). The Permittee must coordinate the permitting
process with Ecology regarding any industrial facility that may possess a
State Waste Discharge Permit issued by Ecology. Once issued, an
Industrial Waste Discharge Permit takes precedence over a State-issued
Waste Discharge Permit.
C. Maintain and update, as necessary, records identifying the nature,
character, and volume of pollutants contributed by industrial users to the
Publicly Owned Treatment Works(POTW). The Permittee must maintain
records for at least a three-year period.
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d. Perform inspections, surveillance, and monitoring activities on industrial
users to determine or confirm compliance with pretreatment standards and
requirements. The Permittee must conduct a thorough inspection of SNs
annually. The Permittee must conduct regular local monitoring of SIU
wastewaters commensurate with the character and volume of the
wastewater but not less than once per year. The Permittee must collect
and analyze samples in accordance with 40 CFR Part 403.12(b)(5)(ii)-(v)
and 40 CFR Part 136.
e. Enforce and obtain remedies for noncompliance by any industrial users
with applicable pretreatment standards and requirements. Once it
identifies violations, the Permittee must take timely and appropriate
enforcement action to address the noncompliance. The Permittee's action
must follow its enforcement response procedures and any amendments,
f. Publish, at least annually in the largest daily newspaper in the Permittee's
service area, a list of all non-domestic users which, at any time in the
previous 12 months, were in significant noncompliance as defined in 40
CFR 403.8(f)(2)(viii).
g. If the Permittee elects to conduct sampling of an SI 's discharge in lieu of
requiring user self-monitoring,it must satisfy all requirements of 40 CFR
Part 403.12. This includes monitoring and record keeping requirements
of Sections 403.12(g) and (o). For SNs subject to categorical standards
(CIUs),the Permittee may either complete baseline and initial compliance
reports for the CIU [when required by 403.12(b) and (d)] or require these
of the C1U. The Permittee must ensure that it provides SNs the results of
sampling in a timely manner, inform SNs of their right to sample, their
obligations to report any sampling they do,to respond to non-compliance,
and to submit other notifications. These include a slug load report
[403.12(f)],notice of changed discharge [403.120)], and hazardous waste
notifications [403.12(p)]. If sampling for the SIU, the Permittee must not
sample less than once in every six-month period unless the Permittee's
approved program includes procedures for reduction of monitoring for
Middle-Tier or Non-Significant Categorical Users per 403.12(e)(2) and
(3) and those procedures have been followed.
h. Develop and maintain a data management system designed to track the
status of the Permittee's industrial user inventory,industrial user discharge
characteristics, and compliance status.
i. Maintain adequate staff, funds, and equipment to implement its
pretreatment program.
j. Establish, where necessary, contracts or legally binding agreements with
contributing jurisdictions to ensure compliance with applicable
pretreatment requirements by commercial or industrial users within these
jurisdictions. These contracts or agreements must identify the agency
responsible to perform the various implementation and enforcement
activities in the contributing jurisdiction. In addition, the Permittee must
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develop a Memorandum of Understanding(or Inter-local Agreement)that
outlines the specific roles, responsibilities, and pretreatment activities of
each jurisdiction.
2. The Permittee must implement the Accidental Spill Prevention Program
described in the approved Industrial Pretreatment Program dated
August 7, 1990.
3. The Permittee must evaluate, at least once every two years, whether each
Significant Industrial User needs a plan to control slug discharges. For
purposes of this section,a slug discharge is any discharge of a non-routine,
episodic nature, including but not limited to an accidental spill or
non-customary batch discharge. The Permittee must make the results of
this evaluation available to Ecology upon request. If the Permittee decides
that a slug control plan is needed, the plan must contain, at a minimum,
the following elements:
a. Description of discharge practices, including non-routine batch
b. Description of stored chemicals.
C. Procedures for immediately notifying the Permittee of slug
discharges, including any discharge that would violate a
prohibition under 40 CFR 403.5(b), with procedures for follow-
up written notification within five days.
d. If necessary, procedures to prevent adverse impact from
accidental spills,including inspection and maintenance of storage
areas, handling and transfer of materials, loading and unloading
operations, control of plant site run-off,worker training,building
of containment structures or equipment, measures for containing
toxic organic pollutants(including solvents),and/or measures and
equipment necessary for emergency response.
4. Whenever Ecology determines that any waste source contributes
pollutants to the Permittee's treatment works in violation of Section (b),
(c), or (d) of Section 307 of the Act, and the Permittee has not taken
adequate corrective action, Ecology will notify the Permittee of this
determination. If the Permittee fails to take appropriate enforcement
action within 30 days of this notification, Ecology may take appropriate
enforcement action against the source or the Permittee.
5. Pretreatment Report
The Permittee must provide to Ecology an annual report that briefly
describes its program activities during the previous calendar year.
The Permittee must submit the annual report to Ecology by April 15th.
The report must include the following information:
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a. An updated non-domestic inventory.
b. Results of wastewater sampling at the treatment plant as specified
in S6.B. The Permittee must calculate removal rates for each
pollutant and evaluate the adequacy of the existing local limits in
Section 13.06.040 of Ordinance Title 13.06 in prevention of
treatment plant interference,pass through of pollutants that could
affect receiving water quality, and sludge contamination.
C. Status of program implementation,including:
• Any substantial modifications to the pretreatment
program as originally approved by Ecology, including
staffing and funding levels.
• Any interference, upset, or permit violations experienced
at the POTW that are directly attributable to wastes from
industrial users.
• Listing of industrial users inspected and/or monitored,
and a summary of the results.
• Listing of industrial users scheduled for inspection and/or
monitoring for the next year, and expected frequencies.
• Listing of industrial users notified of promulgated
pretreatment standards and/or local standards as required
in 40 CFR 403.8(f)(2)(iii). The list must indicate which
industrial users are on compliance schedules and the final
date of compliance for each.
• Listing of industrial users issued industrial waste
discharge permits.
• Planned changes in the approved local pretreatment
program. (See Subsection A.6.below)
d. Status of compliance activities,including:
• Listing of industrial users that failed to submit baseline
monitoring reports or any other reports required under 40
CFR 403.12 and in the Permittee's pretreatment program.
• Listing of industrial users that were at any time during the
reporting period not complying with federal, state, or
local pretreatment standards or with applicable
compliance schedules for achieving those standards, and
the duration of such noncompliance.
• Summary of enforcement activities and other corrective
actions taken or planned against non-complying industrial
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users. The Permittee must supply to Ecology a copy of
the public notice of facilities that were in significant
6. The Permittee must request and obtain approval from Ecology before making any
significant changes to the approved local pretreatment program. The Permittee
must follow the procedure in 40 CFR 403.18 (b) and(c).
B. Monitoring Requirements
The Permittee must:
I. Monitor its influent, effluent, and sludge for the priority pollutants identified in
Tables II and III of Appendix D of 40 CFR Part 122 as amended, any compounds
identified because of Special Condition S6.13.11,and any other pollutants expected
from non-domestic sources using U.S. EPA-approved procedures for collection,
preservation, storage, and analysis.
2. Test influent, effluent, and sludge samples for the priority pollutant metals (Table
III, 40 CFR 122, Appendix D) on a quarterly basis throughout the term of this
3. Test influent,effluent,and sludge samples for the organic priority pollutants(Table
II, 40 CFR 122, Appendix D) on an annual basis. The Permittee may use the data
collected for application purposes using Appendix A test methods to meet this
4. Sample POTW influent and effluent on a day when industrial discharges are
occurring at normal-to-maximum levels.
5. Obtain 24-hour composite samples for the analysis of acid and base/neutral
extractable compounds and metals.
6. Collect grab samples at equal intervals for a total of four grab samples per day for
the analysis of volatile organic compounds. The laboratory may run a single
analysis for volatile pollutants (Method 624) for each monitoring day by
compositing equal volumes of each grab sample directly in the GC purge and trap
apparatus in the laboratory, with no less than I ml of each grab included in the
7. Ensure that all reported test data for metals represents the total amount of the
constituents present in all phases,whether solid,suspended,or dissolved elemental
or combined,including all oxidation states unless otherwise indicated.
8. Handle,prepare, and analyze all wastewater samples taken for GC/MS analysis in
accordance with the U.S. EPA Methods 624 and 625 (October 26, 1984).
9. Collect a sludge sample concurrently with a wastewater sample as a single grab of
residual sludge. Sludge organic priority pollutant sampling and analysis must
conform to U.S. EPA Methods 624 and 625 unless the Permittee requests an
alternate method and Ecology has approved. Sludge metals priority pollutant
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sampling and analysis must conform to U.S. EPA SW 846 6000/7000 Series
Methods unless the Permittee requests an alternate method and Ecology has
10. Collect grab samples for cyanide,phenols, and oils. Measure hexane soluble oils
(or equivalent) only in the influent and effluent.
11. Make a reasonable attempt to identify all other substances and quantify all
pollutants shown to be present by gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer(GC/MS)
analysis per 40 CFR 136, Appendix A, Methods 624 and 625, in addition to
quantifying pH, oil and grease, and all priority pollutants.
The Permittee should attempt to make determinations of pollutants for each
fraction, which produces identifiable spectra on total ion plots (reconstructed gas
chromatograms). The Permittee should attempt to make determinations from all
peaks with responses 5 percent or greater than the nearest internal standard. The
5 percent value is based on internal standard concentrations of 30 µg/L, and must
be adjusted downward if higher internal standard concentrations are used or
adjusted upward if lower internal standard concentrations are used. The Permittee
may express results for non-substituted aliphatic compounds as total hydrocarbon
12. Use a laboratory whose computer data processing programs are capable of
comparing sample mass spectra to a computerized library of mass spectra, with
visual confirmation by an experienced analyst.
13. Conduct additional sampling and appropriate testing to determine concentration
and variability, and to evaluate trends for all detected substances determined to be
C. Reporting of Monitoring Results
The Permittee must include a summary of monitoring results in the Annual Pretreatment
D. Local Limit Development
As sufficient data become available, the Permittee, in consultation with Ecology, must
reevaluate its local limits in order to prevent pass-through or interference. If Ecology
determines that any pollutant present causes pass-through or interference, or exceeds
established sludge standards, the Permittee must establish new local limits or revise
existing local limits as required by 40 CFR 403.5. Ecology may also require the Permittee
to revise or establish local limits for any pollutant discharged from the POTW that has a
reasonable potential to exceed the Water Quality Standards, Sediment Standards, or
established effluent limits, or causes whole effluent toxicity. Ecology makes this
determination in the form of an Administrative Order.
Ecology may modify this permit to incorporate additional requirements relating to the
establishment and enforcement of local limits for pollutants of concern. Any permit
modification is subject to formal due process procedures under state and federal law and
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A. Solid Waste Handling
The Permittee must handle and dispose of all solid waste material in such a manner as to
prevent its entry into state ground or surface water.
B. Leachate
The Permittee must not allow leachate from its solid waste material to enter state waters
without providing all known, available, and reasonable methods of treatment, nor allow
such leachate to cause violations of the State Surface Water Quality Standards, Chapter
173-201A WAC, or the State Ground Water Quality Standards, Chapter 173-200 WAC.
The Permittee must apply for a permit or permit modification as may be required for such
discharges to state ground or surface waters.
The Permittee must submit an application for renewal of this permit by September 1,2020.
The Permittee must also submit a new application or supplement at least 180 days prior to
commencement of discharges,resulting from the activities listed below,which may result in permit
violations. These activities include any facility expansions,production increases, or other planned
changes, such as process modifications,in the permitted facility.
A. Authorized Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Discharge Locations
Beginning on the effective date of this permit, the Permittee may discharge domestic
wastewater from the following list of CSOs outfalls which represent occasional point
sources of pollutants as a result of overloading of the combined sewer system during
precipitation events. The permit prohibits discharges not caused by precipitation. This
permit does not authorize a discharge from a CSO that causes adverse impacts that threaten
characteristic uses of the receiving water as identified in the water quality standards,
chapter 173-201A WAC.
Outfall CSO Location Receiving Water Body Latitude Longitude
Outfall 9002 Primary Outfall Strait of Juan de Fuca 48.12826 -123.37935
CSO 906 Oak and port Angeles Harbor 48.12167 -123.43389
CSO 907 Laurel and port Angeles Harbor 48.12111 -123.43139
Ist/2"d Alley Peabody Creek Culvert,
CSO 908 and Lincoln outlet into Port Angeles 48.12028 -123.43000
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Outfall CSO Location Receiving Water Body Latitude Longitude
CSO 910 Francis St Park port Angeles Harbor 48.11722 -123.41694
(East Manhole)
B. Nine Minimum Controls
In accordance with chapter 173-245 WAC and US EPA CSO control policy(59 FR 18688),
the Permittee must implement and document the following nine minimum controls(NMC)
for CSOs. The Permittee must document compliance with the NMC in the annual CSO
report as required in Special Condition S9.C.
The Permittee must comply with the following technology-based requirements; the
Permittee must:
1. Implement proper operation and maintenance programs for the sewer system and
all CSO outfalls to reduce the magnitude, frequency, and duration of CSOs. The
program must consider regular sewer inspections;sewer,catch basin,and regulator
cleaning; equipment and sewer collection system repair or replacement, where
necessary; and disconnection of illegal connections.
2. Implement procedures that will maximize use of the collection system for
wastewater storage that can be accommodated by the storage capacity of the
collection system in order to reduce the magnitude, frequency, and duration of
3. Review and modify, as appropriate,its existing pretreatment program to minimize
CSO impacts from the discharges from non-domestic users.
4. Operate the Permittee's wastewater treatment plant at maximum treatable flow
during all wet weather flow conditions to reduce the magnitude, frequency, and
duration of CSOs. The Permittee must deliver all flows to the treatment plant
within the constraints of the treatment capacity of the POTW.
5. Not discharge (prohibited) overflows from CSO outfalls except as a result of
precipitation events. The Permittee must report each dry weather overflow to the
permitting authority immediately per Special Condition S3.E. When it detects a
dry weather overflow,the Permittee must begin corrective action immediately and
inspect the dry weather overflow each subsequent day until it has eliminated the
6. Implement measures to control solid and floatable materials in CSOs.
7. Implement a pollution prevention program focused on reducing the impact of
CSOs on receiving waters.
8. Implement a public notification process to inform the citizens of when and where
CSOs occur. The process must include (a) mechanism to alert persons of the
occurrence of CSOs and (b) a system to determine the nature and duration of
conditions that are potentially harmful for users of receiving waters due to CSOs.
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9. Monitor CSO outfalls to characterize CSO impacts and the efficacy of CSO
controls. This data must include:
a. Characteristics of the combined sewer system, including the population
served by the combined portion of the system and locations of all CSO
outfalls in the CSS.
b. Total number of CSO events, and the frequency and duration of CSOs for
a representative number of events.
C. Locations and designated uses of receiving water bodies.
d. Any available water quality data for receiving water bodies that the
Permittee becomes aware of.
e. Water quality impacts directly related to CSO (e.g., beach closing,
floatables,wash-up episodes, fish kills).
C. Combined Sewer Overflow Annual Report
The Permittee must submit a CSO Annual Report to Ecology for review and approval by
May 15th of each year. The CSO Annual Report must cover the previous calendar year.
The report must comply with the requirements of WAC 173-245-090(1) and must include
documentation of compliance with the Nine Minimum Controls for CSOs described in
Special Condition S9.B. The CSO Annual report must include the following information:
1. A summary of the number and volume of untreated discharge events per outfall
for that year.
2. A summary of the five-year moving average number of untreated discharge events
per outfall, calculated once annually.
3. An event-based reporting form (provided by Ecology) for all CSO discharges for
the reporting period, summarizing all data collected according to the monitoring
schedule in Special Condition S23.
4. An explanation of the previous year's CSO reduction accomplishments.
5. A list of CSO reduction projects planned for the next year.
D. Compliance Schedule
In order to achieve the greatest reasonable reduction of combined sewer overflows at the
earliest possible date,the Permittee must complete the following elements of the approved
CSO reduction plan. The Permittee must finish construction, as defined by substantial
completion by June 30,2016.
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E. Requirements for Controlled Combined Sewer Overflows
1. Performance Standards for Controlled CSO Outfalls
The performance standard for each controlled CSO outfall is not more than one
discharge event per outfall per year on average, due to precipitation. For this
facility, Ecology has requested that CSO discharges be directed preferentially to
Outfall 002, which is offshore, as opposed to the downtown CSO locations.
Because of this, Outfall 002 may have up to 1.3 discharge events per year on
average, due to precipitation. Ecology evaluates compliance with the performance
standard annually based on a five-year moving average. The Permittee must report
the running five-year average number of overflow events per year during this
permit term from these CSO outfalls in the CSO Annual Report required in Section
The Permittee must inspect, at least once each permit term, the submerged portion of the outfall
lines(#001 &9002)and diffusers to document their integrity and continued function. If conditions
allow for a photographic verification, the Permittee must include such verification in the report.
By December 31,2019,the Permittee must submit the inspection report to Ecology. The Permittee
must submit hard-copies of any video files to Ecology as required by Permit Condition S3.13 (the
Portal does not support submittal of video files).
The inspector must at minimum:
• Assess the physical condition of the outfall pipes, diffusers, and associated couplings.
• Determine the extent of sediment accumulation in the vicinity of the diffusers.
• Ensure diffuser ports are free of obstructions and are allowing uniform flow.
• Confirm physical location(latitude/longitude)and depth(at MLLW)of the diffuser section
of the outfalls.
• Assess physical condition of the submarine line.
• Assess physical condition of anchors used to secure the submarine line.
A. Testing When There is No Permit Limit for Acute Toxicity
The Permittee must:
1. Conduct acute toxicity testing on final effluent once in the last summer and once
in the last winter prior to submission of the application for permit renewal.
2. Conduct acute toxicity testing on a series of at least five concentrations of effluent,
including 100 percent effluent and a control.
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3. Use each of the following species and protocols for each acute toxicity test:
Acute Toxicity Tests Species Method
Fathead minnow 96-hour pimephales promelas EPA-821-R-02-012
static-renewal test
Ceriodaphnia dubia,
Daphnid 48-hour static test Daphnia pulex, or EPA-821-R-02-012
Daphnia magna
4. Submit the results to Ecology by Reserved for Issuance(with the permit renewal
B. Sampling and Reporting Requirements
1. The Permittee must submit all reports for toxicity testing in accordance with the
most recent version of Ecology Publication No. WQ-R-95-80, Laboratory
Guidance and Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Review Criteria. Reports must contain
toxicity data, bench sheets, and reference toxicant results for test methods. In
addition, the Permittee must submit toxicity test data in electronic format(CETIS
export file preferred) for entry into Ecology's database.
2. The Permittee must collect 24-hour composite effluent samples for toxicity testing.
The Permittee must cool the samples to 0 -6 degrees Celsius during collection and
send them to the lab immediately upon completion. The lab must begin the toxicity
testing as soon as possible but no later than 36 hours after sampling was completed.
3. The laboratory must conduct water quality measurements on all samples and test
solutions for toxicity testing, as specified in the most recent version of Ecology
Publication No. WQ-R-95-80,Laboratory Guidance and Whole Effluent Toxicity
Test Review Criteria.
4. All toxicity tests must meet quality assurance criteria and test conditions specified
in the most recent versions of the EPA methods listed in Subsection C and the
Ecology Publication No. WQ-R-95-80,Laboratory Guidance and Whole Effluent
Toxicity Test Review Criteria. If Ecology determines any test results to be invalid
or anomalous,the Permittee must repeat the testing with freshly collected effluent.
5. The laboratory must use control water and dilution water meeting the requirements
of the EPA methods listed in Section A or pristine natural water of sufficient
quality for good control performance.
6. The Permittee must conduct whole effluent toxicity tests on an unmodified sample
of final effluent.
7. The Permittee may choose to conduct a full dilution series test during compliance
testing in order to determine dose response. In this case, the series must have a
minimum of five effluent concentrations and a control. The series of
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concentrations must include the acute critical effluent concentration(ACEC). The
ACEC equals 2.7 percent effluent.
8. All whole effluent toxicity tests, effluent screening tests, and rapid screening tests
that involve hypothesis testing must comply with the acute statistical power
standard of 29 percent as defined in WAC 173-205-020. If the test does not meet
the power standard, the Permittee must repeat the test on a fresh sample with an
increased number of replicates to increase the power.
A. Testing When There is No Permit Limit for Chronic Toxicity
The Permittee must:
1. Conduct chronic toxicity testing on final effluent once in the last winter and once
in the last summer prior to submission of the application for permit renewal.
2. Conduct chronic toxicity testing on a series of at least five concentrations of
effluent and a control. This series of dilutions must include the acute critical
effluent concentration(ACEC). The ACEC equals 2.7 percent effluent. The series
of dilutions should also contain the CCEC of 0.2 percent effluent.
3. Compare the ACEC to the control using hypothesis testing at the 0.05 level of
significance as described in Appendix H, EPA/600/4-89/001.
4. Submit the results to Ecology Reserved for Issuance (with the permit renewal
5. Perform chronic toxicity tests with all of the following species and the most recent
version of the following protocols:
Saltwater Chronic Test Species Method
Topsmelt survival and growth Atherinops affinis EPA/600/R-95/136
Mysid shrimp survival and Ainericainysis Bahia
growth (formerly Mysidopsis EPA-821-R-02-014
B. Sampling and Reporting Requirements
1. The Permittee must submit all reports for toxicity testing in accordance with the
most recent version of Ecology Publication No. WQ-R-95-80, Laboratory
Guidance and Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Review Criteria. Reports must contain
toxicity data, bench sheets, and reference toxicant results for test methods. In
addition, the Permittee must submit toxicity test data in electronic format(CETIS
export file preferred) for entry into Ecology's database.
2. The Permittee must collect 24-hour composite effluent samples for toxicity testing.
The Permittee must cool the samples to 0 -6 degrees Celsius during collection and
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send them to the lab immediately upon completion. The lab must begin the toxicity
testing as soon as possible but no later than 36 hours after sampling was completed.
3. The laboratory must conduct water quality measurements on all samples and test
solutions for toxicity testing, as specified in the most recent version of Ecology
Publication No. WQ-R-95-80,Laboratory Guidance and Whole Effluent Toxicity
Test Review Criteria.
4. All toxicity tests must meet quality assurance criteria and test conditions specified
in the most recent versions of the EPA methods listed in Section C.and the Ecology
Publication no. WQ-R-95-80, Laboratory Guidance and Whole Effluent Toxicity
Test Review Criteria. If Ecology determines any test results to be invalid or
anomalous,the Permittee must repeat the testing with freshly collected effluent.
5. The laboratory must use control water and dilution water meeting the requirements
of the EPA methods listed in Subsection C. or pristine natural water of sufficient
quality for good control performance.
6. The Permittee must conduct whole effluent toxicity tests on an unmodified sample
of final effluent.
7. The Permittee may choose to conduct a full dilution series test during compliance
testing in order to determine dose response. In this case, the series must have a
minimum of five effluent concentrations and a control. The series of
concentrations must include the CCEC and the ACEC. The CCEC and the ACEC
may either substitute for the effluent concentrations that are closest to them in the
dilution series or be extra effluent concentrations. The CCEC equals 0.2 percent
effluent. The ACEC equals 2.7 percent effluent.
8. All whole effluent toxicity tests that involve hypothesis testing must comply with
the chronic statistical power standard of 39 percent as defined in WAC 173-205-
020.If the test does not meet the power standard,the Permittee must repeat the test
on a fresh sample with an increased number of replicates to increase the power.
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A. All applications,reports,or information submitted to Ecology must be signed and certified.
1. In the case of corporations,by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of
this section, a responsible corporate officer means:
• A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in
charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs
similar policy or decision making functions for the corporation; or
• The manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating
facilities, provided, the manager is authorized to make management
decisions which govern the operation of the regulated facility including
having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment
recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive
measures to assure long-term environmental compliance with
environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the
necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and
accurate information for permit application requirements; and where
authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager
in accordance with corporate procedures.
2. In the case of a partnership,by a general partner.
3. In the case of sole proprietorship,by the proprietor.
4. In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal
executive officer or ranking elected official.
Applications for permits for domestic wastewater facilities that are either owned or
operated by, or under contract to, a public entity shall be submitted by the public entity.
B. All reports required by this permit and other information requested by Ecology must be
signed by a person described above or by a duly authorized representative of that person.
A person is a duly authorized representative only if:
1. The authorization is made in writing by a person described above and submitted to
2. The authorization specifies either an individual or aposition having responsibility
for the overall operation of the regulated facility, such as the position of plant
manager, superintendent,position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or
position having overall responsibility for environmental matters. (A duly
authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual
occupying a named position.)
C. Changes to authorization. If an authorization under paragraph GLB, above, is no longer
accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall
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operation of the facility, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of paragraph
G1.B, above, must be submitted to Ecology prior to or together with any reports,
information, or applications to be signed by an authorized representative.
D. Certification. Any person signing a document under this section must make the following
"I certify under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were
prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system
designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and
evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person
or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible
for gathering information, the information submitted is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief,true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there
are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the
possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations."
The Permittee must allow an authorized representative of Ecology, upon the presentation of
credentials and such other documents as may be required by law:
A. To enter upon the premises where a discharge is located or where any records must be kept
under the terms and conditions of this permit.
B. To have access to and copy,at reasonable times and at reasonable cost,any records required
to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit.
C. To inspect,at reasonable times,any facilities,equipment(including monitoring and control
equipment),practices,methods, or operations regulated or required under this permit.
D. To sample or monitor, at reasonable times, any substances or parameters at any location
for purposes of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by the Clean Water
This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated either at the request of any
interested person(including the Permittee)or upon Ecology's initiative. However,the permit may
only be modified,revoked and reissued, or terminated for the reasons specified in 40 CFR 122.62,
40 CFR 122.64 or WAC 173-220-150 according to the procedures of 40 CFR 124.5.
A. The following are causes for terminating this permit during its term,or for denying apermit
renewal application:
1. Violation of any permit term or condition.
2. Obtaining a permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose all relevant facts.
3. A material change in quantity or type of waste disposal.
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4. A determination that the permitted activity endangers human health or the
environment, or contributes to water quality standards violations and can only be
regulated to acceptable levels by permit modification or termination.
5. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction,
or elimination of any discharge or sludge use or disposal practice controlled by the
6. Nonpayment of fees assessed pursuant to RCW 90.48.465.
7. Failure or refusal of the Permittee to allow entry as required in RCW 90.48.090.
B. The following are causes for modification but not revocation and reissuance except when
the Permittee requests or agrees:
1. A material change in the condition of the waters of the state.
2. New information not available at the time of permit issuance that would have
justified the application of different permit conditions.
3. Material and substantial alterations or additions to the permitted facility or
activities which occurred after this permit issuance.
4. Promulgation of new or amended standards or regulations having a direct bearing
upon permit conditions, or requiring permit revision.
5. The Permittee has requested a modification based on other rationale meeting the
criteria of 40 CFR Part 122.62.
6. Ecology has determined that good cause exists for modification of a compliance
schedule, and the modification will not violate statutory deadlines.
7. Incorporation of an approved local pretreatment program into a municipality's
C. The following are causes for modification or alternatively revocation and reissuance:
1. When cause exists for termination for reasons listed in Al through A7 of this
section, and Ecology determines that modification or revocation and reissuance is
2. When Ecology has received notification of a proposed transfer of the permit. A
permit may also be modified to reflect a transfer after the effective date of an
automatic transfer (General Condition G7) but will not be revoked and reissued
after the effective date of the transfer except upon the request of the new Permittee.
The Permittee must, as soon as possible,but no later than 180 days prior to the proposed changes,
give notice to Ecology of planned physical alterations or additions to the permitted facility,
production increases, or process modification which will result in:
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A. The permitted facility being determined to be a new source pursuant to 40 CFR 122.29(b).
B. A significant change in the nature or an increase in quantity of pollutants discharged.
C. A significant change in the Permittee's sludge use or disposal practices. Following such
notice, and the submittal of a new application or supplement to the existing application,
along with required engineering plans and reports,this permit may be modified, or revoked
and reissued pursuant to 40 CFR 122.62(a) to specify and limit any pollutants not
previously limited. Until such modification is effective, any new or increased discharge in
excess of permit limits or not specifically authorized by this permit constitutes a violation.
Prior to constructing or modifying any wastewater control facilities, an engineering report and
detailed plans and specifications must be submitted to Ecology for approval in accordance with
chapter 173-240 WAC. Engineering reports, plans, and specifications must be submitted at least
180 days prior to the planned start of construction unless a shorter time is approved by Ecology.
Facilities must be constructed and operated in accordance with the approved plans.
Nothing in this permit excuses the Permittee from compliance with any applicable federal, state, or
local statutes, ordinances, or regulations.
In the event of any change in control or ownership of facilities from which the authorized discharge
emanate, the Permittee must notify the succeeding owner or controller of the existence of this
permit by letter, a copy of which must be forwarded to Ecology.
A. Transfers by Modification
Except as provided in paragraph(2)below,this permit may be transferred by the Permittee
to a new owner or operator only if this permit has been modified or revoked and reissued
under 40 CFR 122.62(b)(2), or a minor modification made under 40 CFR 122.63(d), to
identify the new Permittee and incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary
under the Clean Water Act.
B. Automatic Transfers
This permit may be automatically transferred to a new Permittee if:
1. The Permittee notifies Ecology at least 30 days in advance of the proposed transfer
2. The notice includes a written agreement between the existing and new Permittees
containing a specific date transfer of permit responsibility, coverage, and liability
between them.
3. Ecology does not notify the existing Permittee and the proposed new Permittee of
its intent to modify or revoke and reissue this permit. A modification under this
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subparagraph may also be minor modification under 40 CFR 122.63. If this notice
is not received, the transfer is effective on the date specified in the written
The Permittee,in order to maintain compliance with its permit,must control production and/or all
discharges upon reduction, loss, failure, or bypass of the treatment facility until the facility is
restored or an alternative method of treatment is provided. This requirement applies in the situation
where, among other things, the primary source of power of the treatment facility is reduced, lost,
or fails.
Collected screenings, grit, solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the
course of treatment or control of wastewaters must not be resuspended or reintroduced to the final
effluent stream for discharge to state waters.
The Permittee must submit to Ecology, within a reasonable time, all information which Ecology
may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, or
terminating this permit or to determine compliance with this permit. The Permittee must also
submit to Ecology upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this permit.
All other requirements of 40 CFR 122.41 and 122.42 are incorporated in this permit by reference.
Ecology may establish specific monitoring requirements in addition to those contained in this
permit by administrative order or permit modification.
The Permittee must submit payment of fees associated with this permit as assessed by Ecology.
Any person who is found guilty of willfully violating the terms and conditions of this permit is
deemed guilty of a crime, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of up to $10,000
and costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Each day upon which
a willful violation occurs may be deemed a separate and additional violation.
Any person who violates the terms and conditions of a waste discharge permit may incur, in
addition to any other penalty as provided by law, a civil penalty in the amount of up to $10,000 for
every such violation. Each and every such violation is a separate and distinct offense, and in case
of a continuing violation, every day's continuance is deemed to be a separate and distinct violation.
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Definition— "Upset"means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary
noncompliance with technology-based permit effluent limits because of factors beyond the
reasonable control of the Permittee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused
by operational error,improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack
of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation.
An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with such
technology-based permit effluent limits if the requirements of the following paragraph are met.
A Permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset must demonstrate, through
properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that:
A. An upset occurred and that the Permittee can identify the cause(s) of the upset.
B. The permitted facility was being properly operated at the time of the upset.
C. The Permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in Special Condition S3.E.
D. The Permittee complied with any remedial measures required under S3.E of this permit.
In any enforcement action the Permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the
burden of proof.
This permit does not convey any property rights of any sort, or any exclusive privilege.
The Permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit. Any permit noncompliance
constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act and is grounds for enforcement action; for permit
termination,revocation and reissuance, or modification; or denial of a permit renewal application.
The Permittee must comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under
Section 307(a) of the Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the
regulations that establish those standards or prohibitions, even if this permit has not yet been
modified to incorporate the requirement.
The Clean Water Act provides that any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders
inaccurate any monitoring device or method required to be maintained under this permit shall,upon
conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for
not more than two years per violation, or by both. If a conviction of a person is for a violation
committed after a first conviction of such person under this condition, punishment shall be a fine
of not more than $20,000 per day of violation, or by imprisonment of not more than four years, or
by both.
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Reports of compliance or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interim and final
requirements contained in any compliance schedule of this permit must be submitted no later than
14 days following each schedule date.
The Permittee must submit to Ecology any proposed service agreements and proposed revisions or
updates to existing agreements for the operation of any wastewater treatment facility covered by
this permit. The review is to ensure consistency with chapters 90.46 and 90.48 RCW as required
by RCW 70.150.040(9). In the event that Ecology does not comment within a 30-day period, the
Permittee may assume consistency and proceed with the service agreement or the revised/updated
service agreement.
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The Permittee must use the specified analytical methods, detection limits (DLs) and quantitation levels
(QLs)in the following table for permit and application required monitoring unless:
• Another permit condition specifies other methods, detection levels, or quantitation levels.
• The method used produces measurable results in the sample and EPA has listed it as an EPA-
approved method in 40 CFR Part 136.
If the Permittee uses an alternative method,not specified in the permit and as allowed above,it must report
the test method, DL, and QL on the discharge monitoring report or in the required report.
If the Permittee is unable to obtain the required DL and QL in its effluent due to matrix effects,the Permittee
must submit a matrix-specific detection limit (MDL) and a quantitation limit (QL) to Ecology with
appropriate laboratory documentation.
When the permit requires the Permittee to measure the base neutral compounds in the list of priority
pollutants,it must measure all of the base neutral pollutants listed in the table below. The list includes EPA
required base neutral priority pollutants and several additional polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs).
The Water Quality Program added several PAHs to the list of base neutrals below from Ecology's Persistent
Bioaccumulative Toxics (PBT) List. It only added those PBT parameters of interest to Appendix A that
did not increase the overall cost of analysis unreasonably.
Ecology added this appendix to the permit in order to reduce the number of analytical "non-detects" in
permit-required monitoring and to measure effluent concentrations near or below criteria values where
possible at a reasonable cost.
The lists below include conventional pollutants (as defined in CWA section 502(6) and 40 CFR Part 122.),
toxic or priority pollutants as defined in CWA section 307(a)(1) and listed in 40 CFR Part 122 Appendix
D, 40 CFR Part 401.15 and 40 CFR Part 423 Appendix A), and nonconventionals. 40 CFR Part 122
Appendix D (Table V) also identifies toxic pollutants and hazardous substances which are required to be
reported by dischargers if expected to be present. This permit appendix A list does not include those
Page 48 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended (DL)i,ug/L Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol unless ugIL unless
specified specified
Biochemical Oxygen Demand SM5210-B 2 mg/L
Chemical Oxygen Demand SM5220-D 10 mg/L
Total Organic Carbon SM5310-B/C/D 1 mg/L
Total Suspended Solids SM2540-D 5 mg/L
Total Ammonia(as N) SM4500-NH3-B and 20
Flow Calibrated device
Dissolved oxygen SM4500-OC/OG 0.2 mg/L
Temperature (max. 7-day Analog recorder or Use
micro-recording devices 0.2°C
avg.) known as thermistors
pH SM4500-H+B N/A N/A
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended (Date tion Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol gg/L unless
unless specified specified
Total Alkalinity SM2320-B 5 mg/L as
Chlorine, Total Residual SM4500 Cl G 50.0
Color SM2120 B/C/E 10 color units
Fecal Coliform SM 9221E,9222 N/A Specified in
method - sample
Page 49 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended (Date tion Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol gg/L unless
unless specified specified
Fluoride (16984-48-8) SM4500-F E 25 100
Nitrate +Nitrite Nitrogen (as SM4500-NO3-E/F/H 100
Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl(as SM4500-NorgB/C and
N) SM4500NH3- 300
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus SM4500-PE/PF 3 10
(as P)
Phosphorus, Total(as P) SM 4500 PB followed 3 10
by SM4500-PE/PF
Oil and Grease (HEM) 1664 A or B 1,400 5,000
3 practical
Salinity SM2520-B salinity units or
scale (PSU or
Settleable Solids SM2540 -F 100
Sulfate (as mg/L SO4) SM4110-B 200
Sulfide (as mg/L S) SM4500-S2F/D/E/G 200
Sulfite (as mg/L SO3) SM4500-SO3B 2000
Specified in
Total Coliform SM 9221B, 9222B, N/A method - sample
9223B aliquot
Total dissolved solids SM2540 C 20 mg/L
Total Hardness SM2340B 200 as CaCO3
Aluminum, Total(7429-90-5) 200.8 2.0 10
Barium Total(7440-39-3) 200.8 0.5 2.0
Page 50 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended (Date tion Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol gg/L unless
unless specified specified
BTEX(benzene +toluene+ EPA SW 846 1 2
ethylbenzene+m,o,p xylenes) 8021/8260
Boron Total(7440-42-8) 200.8 2.0 10.0
Cobalt, Total(7440-48-4) 200.8 0.05 0.25
Iron, Total(7439-89-6) 200.7 12.5 50
Magnesium, Total(7439-95-4) 200.7 10 50
Molybdenum, Total(7439-98- 200.8 0.1 0.5
Manganese, Total(7439-96-5) 200.8 0.1 0.5
NWTPH Dx Ecology NWTPH Dx 250 250
NWTPH Gx Ecology NWTPH Gx 250 250
Tin, Total(7440-31-5) 200.8 0.3 1.5
Titanium, Total(7440-32-6) 200.8 0.5 2.5
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol (DL) 1491L ugIL unless
unless specified specified
Antimony, Total(7440-36-0) 200.8 0.3 1.0
Arsenic, Total(7440-38-2) 200.8 0.1 0.5
Beryllium, Total(7440-41-7) 200.8 0.1 0.5
Cadmium, Total(7440-43-9) 200.8 0.05 0.25
Page 51 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol (DL) 1491L ,ugIL unless
unless specified specified
Chromium(hex) dissolved SM3500-Cr EC 0.3 1.2
Chromium, Total(7440-47-3) 200.8 0.2 1.0
Copper, Total(7440-50-8) 200.8 0.4 2.0
Lead, Total(7439-92-1) 200.8 0.1 0.5
Mercury, Total(7439-97-6) 1631E 0.0002 0.0005
Nickel, Total(7440-02-0) 200.8 0.1 0.5
Selenium, Total(7782-49-2) 200.8 1.0 1.0
Silver, Total(7440-22-4) 200.8 0.04 0.2
Thallium, Total(7440-28-0) 200.8 0.09 0.36
Zinc, Total(7440-66-6) 200.8 0.5 2.5
Cyanide, Total(57-12-5) 335.4 5 10
Cyanide, Weak Acid SM4500-CN I 5 10
Cyanide, Free Amenable to
Chlorination(Available SM4500-CN G 5 10
Phenols, Total EPA 420.1 50
2-Chlorophenol(95-57-8) 625 1.0 2.0
2,4-Dichlorophenol(120-83-2) 625 0.5 1.0
2,4-Dimethylphenol(105-67- 625 0.5 1.0
625/1625B 1.0 2.0
Page 52 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol (DL) 1491L ,ugIL unless
unless specified specified
2,4 dinitrophenol(51-28-5) 625 1.0 2.0
2-Nitrophenol(88-75-5) 625 0.5 1.0
4-nitrophenol(100-02-7) 625 0.5 1.0
Parachlorometa cresol(59-50-
7) 625 1.0 2.0
Pentachlorophenol(87-86-5) 625 0.5 1.0
Phenol(108-95-2) 625 2.0 4.0
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol(88-06- 625 2.0 4.0
Acrolein(107-02-8) 624 5 10
Acrylonitrile (107-13-1) 624 1.0 2.0
Benzene (71-43-2) 624 1.0 2.0
Bromoform(75-25-2) 624 1.0 2.0
Carbon tetrachloride (56-23-5) 624/601 or SM6230B 1.0 2.0
Chlorobenzene (108-90-7) 624 1.0 2.0
Chloroethane (75-00-3) 624/601 1.0 2.0
2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether
624 1.0 2.0
Chloroform (67-66-3) 624 or SM6210B 1.0 2.0
624 1.0 2.0
1,2-Dichlorobenzene (95-50-1) 624 1.9 7.6
Page 53 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol (DL) IU91L ,ugIL unless
unless specified specified
1,3-Dichlorobenzene (541-73- 624 1.9 7.6
1,4-Dichlorobenzene (106-46- 624 4.4 17.6
Dichlorobromomethane (75- 624 1.0 2.0
1,1-Dichloroethane (75-34-3) 624 1.0 2.0
1,2-Dichloroethane (107-06-2) 624 1.0 2.0
1,1-Dichloroethylene (75-35- 624 1.0 2.0
1,2-Dichloropropane (78-87-5) 624 1.0 2.0
1,3-dichloropropene (mixed
isomers) (1,2- 624 1.0 2.0
dichloropropylene) (542-75-6)
Ethylbenzene (100-41-4) 624 1.0 2.0
Methyl bromide (74-83-9) 624/601 5.0 10.0
Methyl chloride (74-87-3)
(Chloromethane) 624 1.0 2.0
Methylene chloride (75-09-2) 624 5.0 10.0
624 1.9 2.0
Tetrachloroethylene (127-18- 624 1.0 2.0
Toluene (108-88-3) 624 1.0 2.0
1,2-Trans-Dichloroethylene 624 1.0 2.0
Page 54 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol (DL) IU91L ,ugIL unless
unless specified specified
(156-60-5) (Ethylene
1,1,1-Trichloroethane (71-55- 624 1.0 2.0
1,1,2-Trichloroethane (79-00- 624 1.0 2.0
Trichloroethylene (79-01-6) 624 1.0 2.0
Vinyl chloride (75-01-4) 624/SM6200B 1.0 2.0
BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS(compounds in bold are Ecology PBTs)
Acenaphthene (83-32-9) 625 0.2 0.4
Acenaphthylene (208-96-8) 625 0.3 0.6
Anthracene (120-12-7) 625 0.3 0.6
Benzidine (92-87-5) 625 12 24
Benzyl butyl phthalate (85-68- 625 0.3 0.6
Benzo(a)anthracene (56-55-3) 625 0.3 0.6
(3,4-benzofluoranthene) (205- 610/625 0.8 1.6
99-2) 4
Benzoo)fluoranthene (205- 625 0.5 1.0
82-3) 4
(11,12-benzofluoranthene) 610/625 0.8 1.6
(207-08-9) 4
625 0.5 1.0
Benzo(a)pyrene (50-32-8) 610/625 0.5 1.0
Page 55 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol (DL) IU91L ,ugIL unless
unless specified specified
Benzo(ghi)Perylene (191-24- 610/625 0.5 1.0
Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 625 5.3 21.2
Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether(111- 611/625 0.3 1.0
Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 625 0.3 0.6
625 0.1 0.5
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 625 0.2 0.4
2-Chloronaphthalene (91-58-7) 625 0.3 0.6
4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 625 0.3 0.5
Chrysene (218-01-9) 610/625 0.3 0.6
Dibenzo (a,h)acridine (226- 610M/625M 2.5 10.0
Dibenzo (a,j)acridine (224- 610M/625M 2.5 10.0
(53-70-3)(1,2,5,6- 625 0.8 1.6
Dibenzo(a,e)pyrene (192-65-4) 610M/625M 2.5 10.0
Dibenzo(a,h)pyrene (189-64-0) 625M 2.5 10.0
3,3-Dichlorobenzidine (91-94- 605/625 0.5 1.0
Diethyl phthalate (84-66-2) 625 1.9 7.6
Page 56 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol (DL) IU91L ,ugIL unless
unless specified specified
Dimethyl phthalate (131-11-3) 625 1.6 6.4
Di-n-butyl phthalate (84-74-2) 625 0.5 1.0
2,4-dinitrotoluene (121-14-2) 609/625 0.2 0.4
2,6-dinitrotoluene (606-20-2) 609/625 0.2 0.4
BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS(compounds in bold are Ecology PBTs)
Di-n-octylphthalate (117-84-
0) 625 0.3 0.6
1,2-Diphenylhydrazine (as 1625B 5.0 20
Azobenzene) (122-66-7)
Fluoranthene (206-44-0) 625 0.3 0.6
Fluorene (86-73-7) 625 0.3 0.6
Hexachlorobenzene (118-74-1) 612/625 0.3 0.6
Hexachlorobutadiene (87-68- 625 0.5 1.0
1625B/625 0.5 1.0
Hexachloroethane (67-72-1) 625 0.5 1.0
610/625 0.5 1.0
Isophorone (78-59-1) 625 0.5 1.0
3-Methyl cholanthrene (56- 625 2.0 8.0
Naphthalene (91-20-3) 625 0.3 0.6
Nitrobenzene (98-95-3) 625 0.5 1.0
Page 57 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol (DL) 1U91L ,ugIL unless
unless specified specified
N-Nitrosodimethylamine (62- 607/625 2.0 4.0
607/625 0.5 1.0
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (86- 625 0.5 1.0
Perylene (198-55-0) 625 1.9 7.6
Phenanthrene (85-01-8) 625 0.3 0.6
Pyrene (129-00-0) 625 0.3 0.6
625 0.3 0.6
P-Dioxin(176-40-16) (2,3,7,8 1613B 1.3 pg/L 5 pg/L
Aldrin(309-00-2) 608 0.025 0.05
alpha-BHC(319-84-6) 608 0.025 0.05
beta-BHC(319-85-7) 608 0.025 0.05
gamma-BHC(58-89-9) 608 0.025 0.05
delta-BHC(319-86-8) 608 0.025 0.05
Chlordane (57-74-9) 5 608 0.025 0.05
4,4'-DDT(50-29-3) 608 0.025 0.05
4,4'-DDE(72-55-9) 608 0.025 0.0510
4,4' DDD (72-54-8) 608 0.025 0.05
Page 58 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
Detection Quantitation
Pollutant& CAS No. (if Recommended Level(QL)Z
available) Analytical Protocol (DL) 1U91L ,ugIL unless
unless specified specified
Dieldrin(60-57-1) 608 0.025 0.05
alpha-Endosulfan(959-98-8) 608 0.025 0.05
beta-Endosulfan(33213-65-9) 608 0.025 0.05
Endosulfan Sulfate (1031-07- 608 0.025 0.05
Endrin(72-20-8) 608 0.025 0.05
Endrin Aldehyde (7421-93-4) 608 0.025 0.05
Heptachlor(76-44-8) 608 0.025 0.05
Heptachlor Epoxide (1024-57- 608 0.025 0.05
PCB-1242 (53469-21-9) 6 608 0.25 0.5
PCB-1254 (11097-69-1) 608 0.25 0.5
PCB-1221 (11104-28-2) 608 0.25 0.5
PCB-1232 (11141-16-5) 608 0.25 0.5
PCB-1248 (12672-29-6) 608 0.25 0.5
PCB-1260 (11096-82-5) 608 0.13 0.5
PCB-1016 (12674-11-2) 6 608 0.13 0.5
Toxaphene (8001-35-2) 608 0.24 0.5
1. Detection level(DL)or detection limit means the minimum concentration of an analyte(substance)
that can be measured and reported with a 99 percent confidence that the analyte concentration is
greater than zero as determined by the procedure given in 40 CFR part 136, Appendix B.
2. Quantitation Level(QL) also known as Minimum Level of Quantitation (ML) — The lowest level
at which the entire analytical system must give a recognizable signal and acceptable calibration
point for the analyte. It is equivalent to the concentration of the lowest calibration standard,
assuming that the lab has used all method-specified sample weights, volumes, and cleanup
procedures. The QL is calculated by multiplying the MDL by 3.18 and rounding the result to the
Page 59 of 59
Permit No. WA0023973
number nearest to (1, 2, or 5) x 10", where n is an integer. (64 FR 30417). ALSO GIVEN AS:
The smallest detectable concentration of analyze greater than the Detection Limit(DL) where the
accuracy(precision&bias)achieves the objectives of the intended purpose. (Report of the Federal
Advisory Committee on Detection and Quantitation Approaches and Uses in Clean Water Act
Programs Submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency December 2007).
3. Soluble Biochemical Oxygen Demand method note: First, filter the sample through a Millipore
Nylon filter (or equivalent) - pore size of 0.45-0.50 um (prep all filters by filtering 250 ml of
laboratory grade deionized water through the filter and discard). Then, analyze sample as per
method 5210-B.
4. NWTPH Dx Northwest Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel Extended Range — see
5. NWTPH Gx - Northwest Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Gasoline Extended Range — see
6. 1, 3-dichloroproylene mixed isomers)You may report this parameter as two separate parameters:
cis-1, 3-dichlorpropropene (10061-01-5) and trans-1, 3-dichloropropene (10061-02-6).
7. Total Benzofluoranthenes - Because Benzo(b)fluoranthene, Benzo(j)fluoranthene and
Benzo(k)fluoranthene co-elute you may report these three isomers as total benzofluoranthenes.
8. Chlordane — You may report alpha-chlordane (5103-71-9) and gamma-chlordane (5103-74-2) in
place of chlordane (57-74-9). If you report alpha and gamma-chlordane, the DL/PQLs that apply
are 0.025/0.050.
9. PCB 1016&PCB 1242—You may report these two PCB compounds as one parameter called PCB
Permit No. WA0023973 Month Year
Facility blame City of Part Angeles County � Clallam _v
Deceiving Water Strait of Juan cle Fuca _._ Plant Operator tl �
Plant Type Trickling Filter/Solids Contact with Chlorine Disinfection Population
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Phase Circle ALL Permit Violations Mail to P.O. Box 47775, Olympia WA 98504-7775
AVG=Average AVW=Highest Weekly Average GEM=Geometric Mean MAX=Maximum MAIN=Minimurn
Gl'M7=highest 7-day Geometric Mean
I certify under penalty of lamp,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that gUalified personnel properly gather
and evaluate the information SUbmitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons wl*manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering information,Ora inforration submitted is,to
the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing
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Permit No. WA0023973 Month Year
Facility blame City of Port Angeles _ County Clallam
Receiving Water Strait of Juan de Fuca Plant Operator
Plant Type Trickling Filter/Solids Contact with Chlorine Disinfection Population
EFFLUENT Chi#002 � CSC)#06�
Frequency 11WEEK 1/30' 1/30" 1/30` 1/30° 11EVENT 1/EVENT VEVENT 1 1EVENT VEVENT 1 1EVENT VEVENT VEVENT 1/EVENT 1 1EVENT
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Permit No. vvA0023e73 Month Year
Facility Name City of Port Angeles County Ciallam
Receiving Water Strait of Juan de Fuca Plant Operator
-) LI
ate z
Please Circle ALL Permit Violations Mail to P,O. Box 47775, Olympia wxAye*n4-/T7s
AvG=AvemgeAVVY=Highest Weekly Average GEM=G*nmethuMean M4&=Maximum MIG=Minimum
swmr=xig»ost7-day Geometric Mean
/cs�rm under penp*mlaw,that this uvzu"mm and all attachments were prepared under m'mfem*"o,supervision m,onma"we w�m"s'*°~designed*assure that qualified personnel properly gathered aria
evaluated the information submitted. Based or)Try inquiry m the person=persons who manage the system w those persons directly°sp" mmcuxnamn»"u/omr"mmn.me/m"rm=w"Su*".med.s,m'heunm
m�'x"=/oon°and belief,true,accurate,anal"^;Tln/°.°. /"=aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility u/n"°and imprisonment for knowing./mo,/""s
Permit No. WA0023973 Month Year
.Facility Name City of Port County Clallarn
Receiving Water Strait of Juan de Fuca Plant Operator
Plant Type Trickling Filter/Solids Contact with Chlorine Disinfection Population
I certify under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction Or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly
gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering information,the
information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility
of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
Name and Title Signature
Permit too, WA0023973 Month Year
Facility dame City of Port Angeles County Clallam
Receiving Water Strait of Juan de Fuca _ Plant Operator
Plant Type Trickling Filter/Solids Contact with Chlorine Disinfection Population
I certify under penalty of law.that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly
gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering information,the
information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility
of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations,
Name and Title Signature
Purpose of this Fact Sheet
This fact sheet explains and documents the decisions the Department of Ecology (Ecology) made in
drafting the proposed National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the city of
Port Angeles Wastewater Treatment Plant.
This fact sheet complies with Section 173-220-060 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC),
which requires Ecology to prepare a draft permit and accompanying fact sheet for public evaluation
before issuing an NPDES permit.
Ecology makes the draft permit and fact sheet available for public review and comment at least 30 days
before issuing the final permit. Copies of the fact sheet and draft permit for the city of Port Angeles,
NPDES permit WA0023973, are available for public review and comment. For more details on preparing
and filing comments about these documents,please see Appendix A-Public Involvement Information.
The city of Port Angeles reviewed the draft permit and fact sheet for factual accuracy. Ecology corrected
any errors or omissions regarding the facility's location, history, wastewater discharges, or receiving
water prior to publishing this draft fact sheet for public notice.
After the public comment period closes, Ecology will summarize substantive comments and provide
responses to them. Ecology will include the summary and responses to comments in this fact sheet as
Appendix E - Response to Comments, and publish it when issuing the final NPDES permit. Ecology
generally will not revise the rest of the fact sheet. The full document will become part of the legal history
contained in the facility's permit file.
The city of Port Angeles operates a wastewater treatment plant that discharges to the Strait of Juan de
Fuca. Ecology issued the previous permit for this facility on July 15, 2008. The permit was modified on
August 19, 2010.
The proposed permit contains the same effluent limits for five-day Carbonaceous Biological Demand
(CBOD5), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Fecal Coliform Bacteria, and pH as the permit issued in 2008.
The proposed permit includes revised limits for Total Residual Chlorine due to the change in discharge
location and the use of the old industrial outfall (Outfall 9002) as the new main outfall. Also, due to
Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) testing results, the limit for Acute WET was removed. The permit does
not include any other significant changes.
This permit does transition the facility to using the new Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) facilities,
including the new outfall (Outfall 9002), the CSO storage tank, and the new influent and effluent
diversion structures. With the use of these new facilities and completion of Phase 2 of the CSO
reductions, the number and amount of CSO discharges should be greatly reduced during the term of this
I. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1
II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ................................................................................................2
A. Facility Description.............................................................................................................4
Collection System Status.......................................................................................5
TreatmentProcesses ..............................................................................................6
Solid Wastes/Residual Solids ................................................................................8
B. Description of the Receiving Water....................................................................................8
C. Wastewater Influent Characterization.................................................................................9
D. Wastewater Effluent Characterization................................................................................9
E. Summary of Compliance with Previous Permit Issued ....................................................10
F. State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Compliance......................................................11
III. PROPOSED PERMIT LIMITS.....................................................................................................11
A. Design Criteria..................................................................................................................l l
B. Technology-Based Effluent Limits...................................................................................12
C. Surface Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits..................................................................14
Numerical Criteria for the Protection of Aquatic Life and Recreation................14
Numerical Criteria for the Protection of Human Health......................................14
Antidegradation ...................................................................................................15
Combined Sewer Overflows................................................................................16
D. Designated Uses and Surface Water Quality Criteria.......................................................21
E. Water Quality Impairments...............................................................................................22
F. Evaluation of Surface Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits for Narrative Criteria........22
G. Evaluation of Surface Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits for Numeric Criteria..........23
H. Human Health...................................................................................................................27
I. Sediment Quality ..............................................................................................................27
J. Whole Effluent Toxicity...................................................................................................28
K. Groundwater Quality Limits.............................................................................................29
L. Comparison of Effluent Limits with the Previous Permit Issued on July 15, 2008..........29
IV. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................................30
A. Wastewater Monitoring ....................................................................................................30
B. Lab Accreditation .............................................................................................................31
C. Effluent Limits which are Near Detection or Quantitation Levels...................................31
V. OTHER PERMIT CONDITIONS.................................................................................................31
A. Reporting and Record Keeping.........................................................................................31
B. Prevention of Facility Overloading...................................................................................32
C. Operation and Maintenance..............................................................................................32
D. Pretreatment......................................................................................................................32
Duty to Enforce Discharge Prohibitions..............................................................32
E. Solid Wastes .....................................................................................................................33
F. Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO)..................................................................................34
CSO Reduction Plan/Long-Term Control Plan and CSO Reduction Plan
Nine Minimum Controls......................................................................................34
CSOMonitoring ..................................................................................................35
AnnualCSO Report.............................................................................................35
Post-Construction Monitoring Program...............................................................35
G. Outfall Evaluation.............................................................................................................36
H. General Conditions...........................................................................................................36
VI. PERMIT ISSUANCE PROCEDURES .........................................................................................36
A. Permit Modifications ........................................................................................................36
B. Proposed Permit Issuance.................................................................................................36
VII. REFERENCES FOR TEXT AND APPENDICES........................................................................36
APPENDIX A--PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT INFORMATION.................................................................38
APPENDIX B --YOUR RIGHT TO APPEAL...........................................................................................39
APPENDIXC--GLOSSARY .....................................................................................................................40
APPENDIX D--TECHNICAL CALCULATIONS....................................................................................48
APPENDIX E--RESPONSE TO COMMENTS.........................................................................................49
Table 1 General Facility Information...........................................................................................................2
Table2 Ambient Background Data.............................................................................................................9
Table3 Violations...................................................................................................................................... 10
Table 4 Design Criteria for the Port Angeles WWTP................................................................................ 12
Table 5 Technology-based Limits.............................................................................................................. 13
Table 6 Technology-based Mass Limits.................................................................................................... 14
Table 7 Critical Conditions Used to Model the Discharge ........................................................................18
Table 8 Marine Aquatic Life Uses and Associated Criteria......................................................................22
Table9 Recreational Uses .........................................................................................................................22
Table 10 Dilution Factors (DF) for Outfall 001.........................................................................................24
Table 11 Dilution Factors (DF) for Outfall 002.........................................................................................28
Table 12 Comparison of Previous and Proposed Effluent Limits..............................................................29
Table13 Accredited Parameters................................................................................................................31
Figure1 Facility Location Map ...................................................................................................................3
The Federal Clean Water Act(FCWA, 1972, and later amendments in 1977, 1981, and 1987) established
water quality goals for the navigable (surface)waters of the United States. One mechanism for achieving
the goals of the Clean Water Act is the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES),
administered by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA authorized the state of
Washington to manage the NPDES permit program in our state. Our state legislature accepted the
delegation and assigned the power and duty for conducting NPDES permitting and enforcement to
Ecology. The Legislature defined Ecology's authority and obligations for the wastewater discharge
permit program in 90.48 Revised Code of Washington (RCW).
The following regulations apply to domestic wastewater NPDES permits:
Procedures the Department of Ecology (Ecology) follows for issuing NPDES permits [chapter
173-220 Washington Administrative Code (WAC)]
Technical criteria for discharges from municipal wastewater treatment facilities (chapter 173-221
• Water quality criteria for surface waters (chapter 173-201A WAC)
• Water quality criteria for groundwaters (chapter 173-200 WAC)
Whole effluent toxicity testing and limits (chapter 173-205 WAC)
• Sediment management standards (chapter 173-204 WAC)
• Submission of plans and reports for construction of wastewater facilities (chapter 173-240 WAC)
The following additional regulations apply to communities operating collection systems with Combined
Sewer Overflows (CSOs):
• Submission of plans and reports for construction and operation of Combined Sewer Overflow
reduction facilities (chapter 173-245 WAC)
• US EPA CSO control policy(59 FR 18688)
These rules require any treatment facility owner/operator to obtain an NPDES permit before discharging
wastewater to state waters. They also help define the basis for limits on each discharge and for
requirements imposed by the permit.
Under the NPDES permit program and in response to a complete and accepted permit application,
Ecology must prepare a draft permit and accompanying fact sheet, and make them available for public
review before final issuance. Ecology must also publish an announcement (public notice) telling people
where they can read the draft permit, and where to send their comments, during a period of thirty days
(WAC 173-220-050). (See Appendix A-Public Involvement Information for more detail about the public
notice and comment procedures). After the public comment period ends, Ecology may make changes to
the draft NPDES permit in response to comment(s). Ecology will summarize the responses to comments
and any changes to the permit in Appendix E.
1/7/16 Page 1
Table 1 General Facility Information
Facility Information
City of Port Angeles
Applicant 321 East 5' Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Port Angeles Wastewater Treatment Plant
Facility Name and Address 1509 East Columbia Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Name: Jeff D. Young
Contact at Facility Telephone #: 360-417-4845
Cell#: 360-461-1044
Email: 'yours a)ci ofpa.us
Name: Dan McKeen
Title: City Manager
Responsible Official Address: 321 East 5t' Street
Telephone #: 360-417-4501
FAX#: 360-417-4509
Type of Treatment Secondary(Trickling Filter/Solids
Facility Location (NAD83/WGS84 reference Latitude: 48.11113
datum) Longitude: -123.40215
Outfall 001 Outfall 002
Discharge Waterbody Name and Location Port Angeles Harbor Strait of Juan de Fuca
(NAD83/WGS84 reference datum) Latitude: 48.12722 48.12826
Longitude: -123.39806 -123.37935
Permit Status
Issuance Date of Previous Permit July 15, 2008
Application for Permit Renewal Submittal Date March 29, 2013
Inspection Status
Date of Last Non-sampling Inspection September 9,2014
1/7/16 Page 2
Figure 1 Facility Location Map
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1/7/16 Page 3
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A. Facility Description
The city of Port CityAngeles Wastewater Treatment Plant(WWTP) was built in 1968-69
as a primary wastewater treatment facility. The facility consisted of a grit chamber, a
barminutor (bar screen with comminutor), one primary clarifier, and a chlorinator. Two
anaerobic digesters in series stabilized sludge prior to land application or drying for
landfill disposal.
The WWTP was upgraded to a secondary treatment facility in 1994. The upgraded
facility consisted of two bar screens (one mechanically cleaned and one manually
cleaned), one grit chamber, two primary clarifiers, two trickling filters, one solids contact
tank, one solids reaeration tank, two secondary clarifiers, two chlorine contact basins, and
a dechlorinator. Sludge was processed with a gravity thickener, two anaerobic digesters,
and a belt filter press. Biosolids were hauled to the city of Port Angeles's (City)
composting facility where they were composted and/or stored for land application.
1/7/16 Page 4
In 2013 and 2014, as part of its CSO Reduction Plan, certain improvements were made at
the WWTP. The CSO Reduction Plan and several changes to the City's collection
system are discussed in the next section of this document (Collection System Status).
Improvements at the WWTP include the following items.
• Conversion of an existing 5 million gallon (MG) tank, located on the former
industrial site previously occupied by the Rayonier Pulp and Paper Mill, for use
as a temporary CSO storage tank.
• Construction of a new influent diversion structure (IDS) upstream of the
headworks. This structure allows the WWTP to split flows from the collection
system between the treatment plant and the newly refurbished CSO storage tank.
• Installation of two, 1/4-inch mechanically cleaned bar rack systems in parallel at
the headworks. These units replaced the previous bar screen systems and provide
redundancy for the screening process.
• The launders in the rectangular primary clarifier were raised in order to avoid
submergence at higher flows.
• An additional trickling filter influent pump was installed for redundancy
purposes, and the trickling filter rotary distributors were upgraded to increase
• A new submersible chemical induction system was installed to improve initial
mixing of the hypochlorite with secondary effluent.
• Construction of a new Effluent Diversion Structure (EDS) which manages
WWTP effluent between the new outfall (002) and the City's original outfall
(001) during extreme,high-flow events.
• The industrial outfall formerly used by the now defunct Rayonier Mill was
procured and refurbished to serve at the City's primary outfall (002).
• Improvements to the WWTP's supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) system were also made as part of the project.
The Port Angeles Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) is an Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) major facility with a maximum month design flow of 10.8
million gallons per day(MGD).
Collection System Status
The City's sewage collection system consists of both separate sanitary system (67
percent) and combined sanitary and stormwater system (33 percent). The City's original
collection system was designed as a combined sewer system with storm water routed
along with sanitary sewage. The collection system has approximately 119 miles of 6- to
30-inch diameter pipeline. There are also 66 miles of storm drains. The system serves
approximately 11,642 acres. It has 17 pump stations. The WWTP receives most of the
1/7/16 Page 5
wastewater(about 90 percent) from pump station number 4 which has a peak capacity of
13.4 mgd. This pump station will be upgraded to 28 mgd in 2016 as part of the CSO
reduction plan. Wastewater also comes through a gravity line serving the area north of
the WWTP. A new 12-inch gravity interceptor serving eastern Urban Growth Area
(UGA)was connected 2008.
Most of the sewer lines were constructed between 1900 and 1960. The oldest part of
town, the area known as the "Old Downtown," was built with street and building storm
water drainage purposely routed to the combined system, which was constructed around
1915. The City's storm sewer system was not built until the 1960s. The sewer lines were
constructed of terra cotta or concrete. The system has mostly small diameter 8-inch
gravity sewers, and sometimes as small as 6-inch because of steep slope in the general
north-south alignment. Wastewater is subsequently pumped eastward along the
waterfront to the WWTP.
The City has two UGAs (western and eastern) that are part of the WWTP collection
system. It annexed a portion of the western UGA in 2005 and has provided service to
some areas but the eastern UGA remains outside the city limit. The 2006 general sewer
plan identified the collection system bottlenecks that need to be upgraded to
accommodate build out flows in 2026.
The collection system is subject to significant infiltration and inflow (I/I) during storm
events. Treatment plant inflows are directly correlated with rainfall. The combined
collection system does not have adequate conveyance capacity during rainfall events that
result in bypass of the treatment plant and discharge of raw sewage into the Port Angeles
Harbor. At present, there are four CSO outfalls in the collection system. After
completion of the CSO Plan, the collection system will have a total peak design flow
capacity of 50 mgd,which will result in control of CSOs into Port Angeles Harbor.
Treatment Processes
You can find basic information describing wastewater treatment processes included in a
booklet at the Water Environment Federation website at:
Port Angeles WWTP is a secondary treatment facility that utilizes Trickling Filter/Solids
Contact (TF/SC) process. The TF/SC process combines trickling filters with short
detention solids contact to promote flocculation and subsequent settling. The plant is
designed for a maximum month flow of 10.8 mgd. Peak daily flow is limited to 13.4
mgd. Flow is either pumped to the plant from Pumping Station 4 or enters the force main
approaching the plant from a gravity-pressure line from an elevated plateau where the
Francis Street diversion manholes are located. Flow is pre-chlorinated to reduce odors.
The headworks consist of screening, flow measurement and splitting, and screenings and
grit removal. All flows pass through an automatic mechanical screen. Influent flow is
measured by Parshall flumes. Plant flow is normally routed through the newer
rectangular primary clarifier. High flows are routed to both the rectangular and older
circular clarifiers. The older primary clarifier is 70 feet in diameter and has a 10 feet side
water depth. The newer rectangular clarifier is 104 feet by 21.5 feet with a 10 feet side
water depth. Primary sludge is pumped to cyclonic de-gritters where grit are recovered,
1/7/16 Page 6
and then to gravity thickener. The grit is dewatered and combined with screenings and
the combined solid material is disposed in a landfill.
Secondary treatment is provided by the TF/SC process which combines positive features
of an attached growth system (energy efficiency and resistance to shock loading) with
positive features of a suspended growth system (ability to flocculate dispersed solids and
polish effluent to low dissolved organic levels). The trickling filter contains a biofilm
reactor that primarily removes soluble Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) from
primary effluent. The trickling filter effluent and sloughed off solids flow to the solids
contact tank. The solids contact tank with a low hydraulic residence time provides
conditions in which sloughed off solids can flocculate and produce a rapidly settling
mixed liquor. Residual soluble BOD is also removed in the solids contact tank.
Primary effluent joins with filtrate recycle and trickling filter circulation recycle and
flows to the trickling filter circulation pumping station. Primary effluent is pumped to
the top of the two 55 feet diameter trickling filters. Trickling filter effluent passes a
channel hopper where any accumulated snails can be pumped to a de-gritting cyclone.
The solids contact part of the TF/SC process consist of two 150,000 gallons rectangular
tanks (I 10 feet x 12 feet x 16 feet) that can be operated in three different modes. In
solids re-aeration mode, a large proportion of solids inventory is retained in one tank
resulting in lower Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) in solids contact tank and
therefore a lower loading to the clarifier. Three blowers supply air to the solids contact
Mixed liquor from the solids contact tank is split between two 68 feet secondary clarifiers
(16 feet side water depth). Solids settle to the bottom of the clarifiers where a sludge
collector device sweeps clarifier bottom and return secondary sludge pumps withdraw the
sludge. Sludge is recycled to the solids re-aeration tank with a portion wasted to the
gravity thickener.
Secondary effluent is chlorinated with liquid sodium hypochlorite in two chlorine contact
tanks with a total volume of 263,000 gallons. The effluent is then dechlorinated with
sodium bisulfite immediately upstream of the outlet weir of the chlorine contact tanks.
The plant is provided with a standby generator and dual sources of electrical power. In
the event of an emergency power failure, wastewater will receive primary treatment and
Degritted primary sludge and waste activated sludge are conveyed to a covered gravity
thickener (32 feet in diameter and 12 feet deep). Thickened sludge and scum (collected
separately) are pumped into two anaerobic digesters of 40 feet diameter and 23 feet deep
each. One digester is equipped with a fixed cover while the other is equipped with a
floating cover. Volatile solids are destroyed anaerobically at a high temperature
Sludge flows by gravity from the digesters to a 70,000 gallons storage tank where it is
well mixed before dewatering. Sludge from the storage tank is pumped to a single 2.2 in
belt filter press that produces 18 to 20 percent solids. Dewatered sludge is sent to
1/7/16 Page 7
municipal landfill for composting. Filtrate is stored in an 114,000 gallon tank and is
eventually recycled with primary effluent for secondary treatment.
The City has a partially delegated pretreatment program where it regulates the Minor
Industrial Users (MIUs) and Ecology regulates the Significant Industrial Users (SIUs).
At present, there are 13 MIUs and I SIU. The MIUs include small industries such as
laundries,printers,breweries, film developers, and seafood.
The WWTP is classified as a level III facility that requires an operator certification level
"Group III" to be in responsible charge of the day-to-day operation. The wastewater
division has 12 staff, three of which handle the collection system while the other nine
operate and maintain the treatment plant. The plant is staffed from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm
Monday through Friday. On weekends, one operator works three hours each day from
7:00 am to 10:00 am.
Solid Wastes/Residual Solids
The treatment facilities remove solids during the treatment of the wastewater at the
headworks (grit and screenings), and at the primary and secondary clarifiers, in addition
to incidental solids (rags, scum, and other debris) removed as part of the routine
maintenance of the equipment. Port Angeles drains grit, rags, scum, and screenings and
disposes this solid waste at the local landfill. Solids removed from the primary and
secondary clarifiers are treated. This facility has met the solid waste requirements for
screening, as required by WAC 173-308-205.
Discharge Outfalls
The treated and disinfected effluent flows into Port Angeles Harbor and the Strait of Juan
de Fuca through two outfalls. The old City Outfall 001 is a 27-inch concrete pipe that is
3,550 feet long. Outfall 001 will now only be used during high tides and flows when the
recently acquired ex-industrial outfall(002) cannot handle all the flow. This new primary
outfall is a 48-inch diameter pipe that is 7,990 feet long. It discharges to the Strait, and
has a 940 foot diffuser with 48, 6-inch ports spaced on 20-foot centers. The depth is 52
feet MLLW and the capacity is 40 mgd. Due to the location and higher currents of the
Strait,the ex-industrial outfall provides better dilution than old City outfall 001.
B. Description of the Receiving Water
Port Angeles discharges primarily to the Strait of Juan de Fuca through Outfall 002. Some flows
may still be discharged to Port Angeles Harbor through Outfall 001. There are no other nearby
point source outfalls. Significant nearby non-point sources of pollutants include stormwater
runoff. Section IIIE of this fact sheet describes any receiving waterbody impairments.
The ambient background data used for this permit includes the following from Ecology marine
water monitoring site PAH008 —Port Angeles Harbor—Morse Creek:
1/7/16 Page 8
Table 2 Ambient Background Data
Parameter Value Used
Temperature (highest annual 1-DADMax) 11.9° C
pH(Maximum/Minimum) 7.9/7.77 Standard Units
Dissolved Oxygen 7.3 mg/L
Total Ammonia-N 0.014 mg/L
Fecal Coliform 1/100 mL dry weather
(8/100 mL storm related)
Salinity 31.3 mg/L
C. Wastewater Influent Characterization
Port Angeles reported the concentration of influent pollutants in discharge monitoring reports.
The influent wastewater is characterized as follows:
Parameter Units Average Value Maximum Value
Biochemical Oxygen Demand mg/L 182 492
BOD5 lbs/day 3,287 9,272
Carbonaceous Biochemical mg/L 115 368
Oxygen Demand (CBOD5)
CBOD5 lbs/day 2,047 6,111
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/L 346 10,226
TSS lbs/day 4,883 52,521
Flow mgd 2.5 8.7
Ammonia(Total) mg/L 22.7 45.8
pH Standard units 6.1 (Min.) 7.7
D. Wastewater Effluent Characterization
Port Angeles reported the concentration of pollutants in the discharge in the permit application
and in discharge monitoring reports. The tabulated data represents the quality of the wastewater
effluent discharged from August 1, 2009, to July 31, 2014. The wastewater effluent is
characterized as follows:
Parameter Units Average Value Maximum Value
CBOD5 mg/L 4.83 12.0
CBOD5 lbs/day 101 661
1/7/16 Page 9
Parameter Units Average Value Maximum Value
TSS mg/L 9.1 35
TSS lbs/day 194 1,997
Ammonia(Total) mg/L 13.3 33.0
Chlorine (Total Residual) mg/L 0.09 0.57
Temperature °C 13.9 19.9
Monthly Maximum
Parameter Units Weekly
Geometric Mean
Fecal Coliform 9/100 ml 76 995
Parameter Units Minimum Value Maximum Value
pH Standard Units 6.1 8.0
E. Summary of Compliance with Previous Permit Issued
The previous permit placed effluent limits on CBOD5, TSS, Fecal Coliform Bacteria, pH, Total
Residual Chlorine, and Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity(WET).
Port Angeles has complied with the effluent limits and permit conditions throughout the duration
of the permit issued on July 15, 2008. Ecology assessed compliance based on its review of the
facility's information in the Ecology Permitting and Reporting Information System (PARIS),
Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) and on inspections.
The following table summarizes the violations that occurred during the permit term.
Table 3 Violations
Monitoring Statistical
Date Point Parameter Base Units Value Limit
11/1/2009 001 Fecal Coliform Geometric 9/100 mL 537 400
11/1/2011 001 Fecal Coliform Geometric 9/100 mL 995 400
01/01/2012 001 CBOD5 Average Percent 81 85
2/1/2014 001 TSS Removal Average Percent 81 85
7/1/2010 Influent TSS Loading Average lbs/day 12,382 11,750
1/7/16 Page 10
Port Angeles has been in compliance with report submittal requirements over the permit term.
F. State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Compliance
State law exempts the issuance, reissuance or modification of any wastewater discharge permit
from the SEPA process as long as the permit contains conditions that are no less stringent than
federal and state rules and regulations (RCW 43.21C.0383). The exemption applies only to
existing discharges,not to new discharges.
Federal and state regulations require that effluent limits in an NPDES permit must be either technology-
or water quality-based.
• Technology-based limits are based upon the treatment methods available to treat specific
pollutants. Technology-based limits are set by the EPA and published as a regulation, or Ecology
develops the limit on a case-by-case basis [40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 125.3, and
chapter 173-220 WAC].
• Water quality-based limits are calculated so that the effluent will comply with the Surface Water
Quality Standards (chapter 173-201A WAC), Ground Water Standards (chapter
173-200 WAC), Sediment Quality Standards (chapter 173-204 WAC), or the National Toxics
Rule (40 CFR 131.36).
• Ecology must apply the most stringent of these limits to each parameter of concern. These limits
are described below.
The limits in this permit reflect information received in the application and from supporting reports
(engineering, hydrogeology, etc.). Ecology evaluated the permit application and determined the limits
needed to comply with the rules adopted by the state of Washington. Ecology does not develop effluent
limits for all reported pollutants. Some pollutants are not treatable at the concentrations reported, are not
controllable at the source, are not listed in regulation, and do not have a reasonable potential to cause a
water quality violation.
Ecology does not usually develop limits for pollutants not reported in the permit application but may be
present in the discharge. The permit does not authorize discharge of the non-reported pollutants. During
the five-year permit term, the facility's effluent discharge conditions may change from those conditions
reported in the permit application. The facility must notify Ecology if significant changes occur in any
constituent [40 CFR 122.42(a)]. Until Ecology modifies the permit to reflect additional discharge of
pollutants, a permitted facility could be violating its permit.
A. Design Criteria
Under WAC 173-220-150 (1)(g), flows and waste loadings must not exceed approved design
criteria. Ecology approved design criteria for this facility's treatment plant in the plans and
specifications from 1991 and prepared by Brown and Caldwell. The table below includes design
criteria from the referenced report.
Table 4 Design Criteria for the Port Angeles WWTP
1/7/16 Page 11
Parameter Design Quantity
Maximum Month Design Flow(MMDF) 10.8 MGD
Maximum Daily Flow 13.4 MGD
BOD5 Loading for Maximum Month 8,100 lbs/day
TSS Loading for Maximum Month 11,750 lbs/day
B. Technology-Based Effluent Limits
Federal and state regulations define technology-based effluent limits for domestic wastewater
treatment plants. These effluent limits are given in 40 CFR Part 133 (federal) and in chapter 173-
221 WAC (state). These regulations are performance standards that constitute all known,
available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control, and treatment (AKART) for domestic
Both the federal and state regulations allow alternate limits for waste stabilization ponds
(lagoons), trickling filters, and facilities with less concentrated influent wastewater.
Ecology may approve a request for alternative limits only if a facility meets all of the following
• The discharge must not cause water quality violations.
• The facility must identify effluent concentrations consistently achievable through proper
operation and maintenance.
• The facility must demonstrate that industrial wastewater does not interfere with the
domestic wastewater facility.
• The wastewater facility must be within Ecology approved hydraulic and organic design
loading capacity.
• The facility must evaluate whether seasonal alternative limits are more appropriate than
• The facility must meet all other permit requirements and conditions.
The federal CSO Control Policy (59 FR 18688) also requires entities with Combined Sewer
Overflows to implement "Nine Minimum Controls" as technology-based performance standards
for CSO discharges. Nine Minimum Controls are discussed in more detail in Section V of this
fact sheet.
The table below identifies technology-based limits for pH, fecal coliform, BOD5, and TSS, as
listed in chapter 173-221 WAC. Section IILF of this fact sheet describes the potential for water
quality-based limits.
Table 5 Technology-based Limits
1/7/16 Page 12
Parameter Average Monthly Limit Average Weekly Limit
CBOD5 25 mg/L 40 mg/L
In addition, the CBOD5 effluent concentration must not
CBOD5 exceed 15 percent of the average influent concentration,
(concentration) except when the monthly average influent falls below 90
(concentration) 30 mg/L 45 mg/L
TSS In addition, the TSS effluent concentration must not exceed
15 percent of the average influent concentration, except
(concentration) when the monthly average influent falls below 90 mg/L.
Chlorine 0.5 mg/L 0.75 mg/L
Parameter Monthly Geometric Mean Weekly Geometric Mean
Limit Limit
Fecal Coliform Bacteria 200 organisms/100 mL 400 organisms/100 mL
Parameter Daily Minimum Daily Maximum
pH 6.0 Standard Units 9.0 Standard Units
Ecology derived the technology-based monthly average limit for chlorine from standard operating
practices. The Water Pollution Control Federation's Chlorination of Wastewater (1976) states
that a properly designed and maintained wastewater treatment plant can achieve adequate
disinfection if a 0.5 mg/L chlorine residual is maintained after fifteen minutes of contact time.
See also Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering, Treatment, Disposal and Reuse, Third
Edition, 1991. A treatment plant that provides adequate chlorination contact time can meet the
0.5 mg/L chlorine limit on a monthly average basis. According to WAC 173-221-030(11)(b), the
corresponding weekly average is 0.75 mg/L.
Technology-based mass limits are based on WAC 173-220-130(3)(b) and 173-221-030(11)(b).
Ecology calculated the monthly and weekly average mass limits for CBOD5 and Total Suspended
Solids as follows:
Mass Limit = CL x DF x CF
CL = Technology-based concentration limits listed in the above table
DF = Maximum Monthly Average Design flow (MGD)
CF = Conversion factor of 8.34
For this facility, the existing permitted values for CBOD5 and TSS were used for the mass limits,
as they are lower than the above calculation. The Permittee requested that the required 85
1/7/16 Page 13
percent removal of CBOD5 and TSS be reduced when the influent concentrations are below 90
mg/L. A minimum of 75 percent removal is required during that situation.
Table 6 Technology-based Mass Limits
Parameter Concentration Mass
Limit(mg/L) Limit(lbs/day)
CBOD5 Monthly Average 25 905
CBOD5 Weekly Average 40 1,358
TSS Monthly Average 30 11676
TSS Weekly Average 45 2,515
C. Surface Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits
The Washington State surface water quality standards (chapter 173-201A WAC) are designed to
protect existing water quality and preserve the beneficial uses of Washington's surface waters.
Waste discharge permits must include conditions that ensure the discharge will meet the surface
water quality standards (WAC 173-201A-510). Water quality-based effluent limits may be based
on an individual waste load allocation or on a waste load allocation developed during a basin
wide Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL) Study.
Numerical Criteria for the Protection of Aquatic Life and Recreation
Numerical water quality criteria are listed in the water quality standards for surface
waters (chapter 173-201A WAC). They specify the maximum levels of pollutants
allowed in receiving water to protect aquatic life and recreation in and on the water.
Ecology uses numerical criteria along with chemical and physical data for the wastewater
and receiving water to derive the effluent limits in the discharge permit. When surface
water quality-based limits are more stringent or potentially more stringent than
technology-based limits, the discharge must meet the water quality-based limits.
Numerical Criteria for the Protection of Human Health
The U.S. EPA has published 91 numeric water quality criteria for the protection of
human health that are applicable to dischargers in Washington State (EPA, 1992). These
criteria are designed to protect humans from exposure to pollutants linked to cancer and
other diseases, based on consuming fish and shellfish and drinking contaminated surface
waters. The water quality standards also include radionuclide criteria to protect humans
from the effects of radioactive substances.
Narrative Criteria
Narrative water quality criteria (e.g., WAC 173-201A-240(1); 2006) limit the toxic,
radioactive, or other deleterious material concentrations that the facility may discharge to
levels below those which have the potential to:
• Adversely affect designated water uses
1/7/16 Page 14
• Cause acute or chronic toxicity to biota
• Impair aesthetic values
• Adversely affect human health
Narrative criteria protect the specific designated uses of all fresh waters (WAC 173-
201A-200, 2006) and of all marine waters (WAC 173-201A-210, 2006) in the state of
Description--The purpose of Washington's Antidegradation Policy (WAC 173-201A-
300-330; 2006)is to:
• Restore and maintain the highest possible quality of the surface waters of
• Describe situations under which water quality may be lowered from its current
• Apply to human activities that are likely to have an impact on the water quality
of surface water.
• Ensure that all human activities likely to contribute to a lowering of water
quality, at a minimum, apply all known, available, and reasonable methods of
prevention, control, and treatment(AKART).
• Apply three tiers of protection (described below) for surface waters of the state.
Tier I ensures existing and designated uses are maintained and protected and applies to all
waters and all sources of pollutions. Tier II ensures that waters of a higher quality than
the criteria assigned are not degraded unless such lowering of water quality is necessary
and in the overriding public interest. Tier II applies only to a specific list of polluting
activities. Tier III prevents the degradation of waters formally listed as "outstanding
resource waters," and applies to all sources of pollution.
A facility must prepare a Tier II analysis when all three of the following conditions are
• The facility is planning a new or expanded action.
• Ecology regulates or authorizes the action.
• The action has the potential to cause measurable degradation to existing water
quality at the edge of a chronic mixing zone.
Facility Specific Requirements--This facility must meet Tier I requirements.
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• Dischargers must maintain and protect existing and designated uses. Ecology
must not allow any degradation that will interfere with, or become injurious to,
existing or designated uses, except as provided for in chapter 173-201A WAC.
Ecology's analysis described in this section of the fact sheet demonstrates that the
proposed permit conditions will protect existing and designated uses of the receiving
Combined Sewer Overflows
Chapter 173-245 WAC requires that "All CSO sites shall achieve and at least maintain
the greatest reasonable reduction, and neither cause violations of applicable water quality
standards, nor restrictions to the characteristic uses of the receiving water, nor
accumulation of deposits which: (a) Exceed sediment criteria or standards; or(b)have an
adverse biological effect." "The greatest reasonable reduction" means control of each
CSO outfall such that an average of no more than one untreated discharge may occur per
year. Ecology includes specific conditions in the proposed permit to ensure that Port
Angeles continues to make progress towards meeting water quality goals for each CSO
outfall in its system. Section V of this fact sheet contains more detailed information on
these CSO requirements.
Mixing Zones
A mixing zone is the defined area in the receiving water surrounding the discharge
port(s), where wastewater mixes with receiving water. Within mixing zones the pollutant
concentrations may exceed water quality numeric standards, so long as the discharge
doesn't interfere with designated uses of the receiving water body (for example,
recreation, water supply, and aquatic life and wildlife habitat, etc.) The pollutant
concentrations outside of the mixing zones must meet water quality numeric standards.
State and federal rules allow mixing zones because the concentrations and effects of most
pollutants diminish rapidly after discharge, due to dilution. Ecology defines mixing zone
sizes to limit the amount of time any exposure to the end-of-pipe discharge could harm
water quality,plants, or fish.
The state's water quality standards allow Ecology to authorize mixing zones for the
facility's permitted wastewater discharges only if those discharges already receive
AKART. Mixing zones typically require compliance with water quality criteria within a
specified distance from the point of discharge and must not use more than 25 percent of
the available width of the water body for dilution [WAC 173-201A-400 (7)(a)(ii-iii)].
Ecology uses modeling to estimate the amount of mixing within the mixing zone.
Through modeling Ecology determines the potential for violating the water quality
standards at the edge of the mixing zone and derives any necessary effluent limits.
Steady-state models are the most frequently used tools for conducting mixing zone
analyses. Ecology chooses values for each effluent and for receiving water variables that
correspond to the time period when the most critical condition is likely to occur (see
Ecology's Permit Writer's Manuao. Each critical condition parameter, by itself, has a
low probability of occurrence and the resulting dilution factor is conservative. The term
"reasonable worst-case" applies to these values.
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The mixing zone analysis produces a numerical value called a dilution factor (DF). A
dilution factor represents the amount of mixing of effluent and receiving water that
occurs at the boundary of the mixing zone. For example, a dilution factor of 4 means the
effluent is 25 percent and the receiving water is 75 percent of the total volume of water at
the boundary of the mixing zone. Ecology uses dilution factors with the water quality
criteria to calculate reasonable potentials and effluent limits. Water quality standards
include both aquatic life-based criteria and human health-based criteria. The former are
applied at both the acute and chronic mixing zone boundaries; the latter are applied only
at the chronic boundary. The concentration of pollutants at the boundaries of any of these
mixing zones may not exceed the numerical criteria for that zone.
Each aquatic life acute criterion is based on the assumption that organisms are not
exposed to that concentration for more than one hour and more often than one exposure
in three years. Each aquatic life chronic criterion is based on the assumption that
organisms are not exposed to that concentration for more than four consecutive days and
more often than once in three years.
The two types of human health-based water quality criteria distinguish between those
pollutants linked to non-cancer effects (non-carcinogenic) and those linked to cancer
effects (carcinogenic). The human health-based water quality criteria incorporate several
exposure and risk assumptions. These assumptions include:
• A 70-year lifetime of daily exposures.
• An ingestion rate for fish or shellfish measured in kg/day.
• An ingestion rate of two liters/day for drinking water.
• A one-in-one-million cancer risk for carcinogenic chemicals.
This permit authorizes a small acute mixing zone, surrounded by a chronic mixing zone
around the point of discharge (WAC 173-201A-400). The water quality standards
impose certain conditions before allowing the discharger a mixing zone:
1. Ecology must specify both the allowed size and location in a permit.
The proposed permit specifies the size and location of the allowed mixing zone
(as specified below).
2. The facility must fully apply "all known, available, and reasonable methods of
prevention, control and treatment" (AKART) to its discharge.
Ecology has determined that the treatment provided at Port Angeles meets the
requirements of AKART(see "Technology-based Limits").
3. Ecology must consider critical discharge conditions.
Surface water quality-based limits are derived for the water body's critical
condition (the receiving water and waste discharge condition with the highest
potential for adverse impact on the aquatic biota, human health, and existing or
1/7/16 Page 17
designated waterbody uses). The critical discharge condition is often pollutant-
specific or waterbody-specific.
Critical discharge conditions are those conditions that result in reduced dilution
or increased effect of the pollutant. Factors affecting dilution include the depth
of water, the density stratification in the water column, the currents, and the rate
of discharge. Density stratification is determined by the salinity and temperature
of the receiving water. Temperatures are warmer in the surface waters in
summer. Therefore, density stratification is generally greatest during the summer
months. Density stratification affects how far up in the water column a
freshwater plume may rise. The rate of mixing is greatest when an effluent is
rising. The effluent stops rising when the mixed effluent is the same density as
the surrounding water. After the effluent stops rising, the rate of mixing is much
more gradual. Water depth can affect dilution when a plume might rise to the
surface when there is little or no stratification. Ecology uses the water depth at
mean lower low water (MLLW) for marine waters. Ecology's Permit Writer's
Manual describes additional guidance on criteria/design conditions for
determining dilution factors. The manual can be obtained from Ecology's
website at: htips://fortress.wa. ovg/ecy/publications/SummauPages./92109.html.
Table 7 Critical Conditions Used to Model the Discharge
Critical Condition Value for Value for
O u tf a 11001 O u tf a 11002
Water depth at MLLW 60 feet 52 feet
Density 25 24
10"'percentile current speeds for acute mixing 0.056 m/sec 0.022 m/sec
50th percentile current speeds for chronic and
human health mixing zones 0.155 m/sec 0.14 m/sec
Maximum average monthly effluent flow for 5.3 million
chronic and human health non-carcinogen gallons per 8.44 MGD
day (MGD)
Maximum daily flow for acute mixing zone 13.4 MGD 26.7 MGD
1 DAD MAX effluent temperature 12 degrees C 10 °C
Ecology obtained ambient data at critical conditions in the vicinity of the outfall
from "Outfall Location Studies, Port Angeles, Washington" study conducted in
1971 by Rayonier, and Ecology obtained ambient data from ambient stations
PAH003,PAH006,PAH007, and PAH008 located in the area.
4. Supporting information must clearly indicate the mixing zone would not:
• Have a reasonable potential to cause the loss of sensitive or important
1/7/16 Page 18
• Substantially interfere with the existing or characteristic uses.
• Result in damage to the ecosystem.
• Adversely affect public health.
Ecology established Washington State water quality criteria for toxic chemicals
using EPA criteria. EPA developed the criteria using toxicity tests with
numerous organisms and set the criteria to generally protect the species tested
and to fully protect all commercially and recreationally important species.
EPA sets acute criteria for toxic chemicals assuming organisms are exposed to
the pollutant at the criteria concentration for one hour. They set chronic
standards assuming organisms are exposed to the pollutant at the criteria
concentration for four days. Dilution modeling under critical conditions
generally shows that both acute and chronic criteria concentrations are reached
within minutes of discharge.
The discharge plume does not impact drifting and non-strong swimming
organisms because they cannot stay in the plume close to the outfall long enough
to be affected. Strong swimming fish could maintain a position within the
plume, but they can also avoid the discharge by swimming away. Mixing zones
generally do not affect benthic organisms (bottom dwellers) because the buoyant
plume rises in the water column. Ecology has additionally determined that the
effluent will not exceed 33 degrees C for more than two seconds after discharge;
and that the temperature of the water will not create lethal conditions or
blockages to fish migration.
Ecology evaluates the cumulative toxicity of an effluent by testing the discharge
with WET testing.
Ecology reviewed the above information, the specific information on the
characteristics of the discharge, the receiving water characteristics, and the
discharge location. Based on this review, Ecology concluded that the discharge
does not have a reasonable potential to cause the loss of sensitive or important
habitat, substantially interfere with existing or characteristics uses, result in
damage to the ecosystem, or adversely affect public health if the permit limits are
5. The discharge/receiving water mixture must not exceed water quality criteria
outside the boundary of a mixing zone.
Ecology conducted a reasonable potential analysis; using procedures established
by the EPA and by Ecology, for each pollutant and concluded the
discharge/receiving water mixture will not violate water quality criteria outside
the boundary of the mixing zone if permit limits are met.
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6. The size of the mixing zone and the concentrations of the pollutants must be
At any given time, the effluent plume uses only a portion of the acute and chronic
mixing zone, which minimizes the volume of water involved in mixing. Because
tidal currents change direction, the plume orientation within the mixing zone
changes. The plume mixes as it rises through the water column therefore much
of the receiving water volume at lower depths in the mixing zone is not mixed
with discharge. Similarly, because the discharge may stop rising at some depth
due to density stratification, waters above that depth will not mix with the
discharge. Ecology determined it is impractical to specify in the permit the
actual,much more limited volume in which the dilution occurs as the plume rises
and moves with the current.
Ecology minimizes the size of mixing zones by requiring dischargers to install
diffusers when they are appropriate to the discharge and the specific receiving
waterbody. When a diffuser is installed, the discharge is more completely mixed
with the receiving water in a shorter time. Ecology also minimizes the size of the
mixing zone (in the form of the dilution factor) using design criteria with a low
probability of occurrence. For example, Ecology uses the expected 95th
percentile pollutant concentration, the 90th percentile background concentration,
the centerline dilution factor, and the lowest flow occurring once in every ten
years to perform the reasonable potential analysis.
Because of the above reasons, Ecology has effectively minimized the size of the
mixing zone authorized in the proposed permit.
7. Maximum Size of Mixing Zone
The authorized mixing zone does not exceed the maximum size restriction.
8. Acute Mixing Zone
• The discharge/receiving water mixture must comply with acute criteria
as near to the point of discharge as practicably attainable.
Ecology determined the acute criteria will be met at 10 percent of the
distance of the chronic mixing zone.
• The pollutant concentration, duration, and frequency of exposure to the
discharge will not create a barrier to migration or translocation of
indigenous organisms to a degree that has the potential to cause damage
to the ecosystem.
As described above, the toxicity of any pollutant depends upon the
exposure, the pollutant concentration, and the time the organism is
exposed to that concentration. Authorizing a limited acute mixing zone
for this discharge assures that it will not create a barrier to migration.
The effluent from this discharge will rise as it enters the receiving water,
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assuring that the rising effluent will not cause translocation of indigenous
organisms near the point of discharge (below the rising effluent).
• Comply with size restrictions.
The mixing zone authorized for this discharge complies with the size
restrictions published in chapter 173-201A WAC.
9. Overlap of Mixing Zones
The mixing zones do not overlap another mixing zone.
D. Designated Uses and Surface Water Quality Criteria
Applicable designated uses and surface water quality criteria are defined in chapter 173-201A
WAC. In addition, the U.S. EPA set human health criteria for toxic pollutants (EPA 1992). The
tables included below summarize the criteria applicable to the receiving water's designated uses.
• Aquatic life uses are designated using the following general categories. All indigenous
fish and non-fish aquatic species must be protected in waters of the state.
1. Extraordinary quality salmonid and other fish migration, rearing, and spawning;
clam, oyster, and mussel rearing and spawning; crustaceans and other shellfish
(crabs, shrimp, crayfish, scallops, etc.)rearing and spawning.
2. Excellent quality salmonid and other fish migration,rearing, and spawning; clam,
oyster, and mussel rearing and spawning; crustaceans and other shellfish (crabs,
shrimp, crayfish, scallops, etc.)rearing and spawning.
3. Good quality salmonid migration and rearing; other fish migration, rearing, and
spawning; clam, oyster, and mussel rearing and spawning; crustaceans and other
shellfish(crabs, shrimp, crayfish, scallops, etc.)rearing and spawning.
4. Fair quality salmonid and other fish migration.
The Aquatic Life Uses and the associated criteria for this receiving water are identified
Table 8 Marine Aquatic Life Uses and Associated Criteria
Excellent Quality
Temperature Criteria—Highest 1D 16°C(60.8°F)
Dissolved Oxygen Criteria—Lowest 6.0 mg/L
1-Day Minimum
• 5 NTU over background when the
Turbidity Criteria background is 50 NTU or less; or
• A 10 percent increase in turbidity when
1/7/16 Page 21
Excellent Quality
the background turbidity is more than 50
pH must be within the range of 7.0 to 8.5
pH Criteria with a human-caused variation within the
above range of less than 0.5 units.
• To protect shellfish harvesting, fecal coliform organism levels must not exceed a
geometric mean value of 14 colonies/100 mL, and not have more than 10 percent of all
samples (or any single sample when less than ten sample points exist) obtained for
calculating the geometric mean value exceeding 43 colonies/100 mL.
• The recreational uses are primary contact recreation and secondary contact recreation.
The recreational uses for this receiving water are identified below.
Table 9 Recreational Uses
Recreational Use Criteria
Fecal coliform organism levels must not exceed a
geometric mean value of 14 colonies/100 mL,with
Primary Contact Recreation not more than 10 percent of all samples (or any single
sample when less than ten sample points exist)
obtained for calculating the geometric mean value
exceeding 43 colonies/100 mL.
• The miscellaneous marine water uses are wildlife habitat, harvesting, commerce and
navigation,boating, and aesthetics.
E. Water Quality Impairments
Port Angeles Harbor is listed on the current 303(d) and is impaired for Fecal Coliform Bacteria.
F. Evaluation of Surface Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits for Narrative Criteria
Ecology must consider the narrative criteria described in WAC 173-201A-160 when it determines
permit limits and conditions. Narrative water quality criteria limit the toxic, radioactive, or other
deleterious material concentrations that the facility may discharge which have the potential to
adversely affect designated uses, cause acute or chronic toxicity to biota, impair aesthetic values,
or adversely affect human health.
Ecology considers narrative criteria when it evaluates the characteristics of the wastewater and
when it implements all known, available, and reasonable methods of treatment and prevention
(AKART) as described above in the technology-based limits section. When Ecology determines
if a facility is meeting AKART it considers the pollutants in the wastewater and the adequacy of
the treatment to prevent the violation of narrative criteria.
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In addition, Ecology considers the toxicity of the wastewater discharge by requiring whole
effluent toxicity (WET) testing when there is a reasonable potential for the discharge to contain
toxics. Ecology's analysis of the need for WET testing for this discharge is described later in the
fact sheet.
G. Evaluation of Surface Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits for Numeric Criteria
Pollutants in an effluent may affect the aquatic environment near the point of discharge
(near-field) or at a considerable distance from the point of discharge (far-field). Toxic pollutants,
for example, are near-field pollutants; their adverse effects diminish rapidly with mixing in the
receiving water. Conversely, a pollutant such as BOD5 is a far-field pollutant whose adverse
effect occurs away from the discharge even after dilution has occurred. Thus, the method of
calculating surface water quality-based effluent limits varies with the point at which the pollutant
has its maximum effect.
With technology-based controls (AKART), predicted pollutant concentrations in the discharge
exceed water quality criteria. Ecology therefore authorizes a mixing zone in accordance with the
geometric configuration, flow restriction, and other restrictions imposed on mixing zones by
chapter 173-201A WAC.
The diffuser at Outfall 001 is 250 feet long with a diameter of 42 inches. The diffuser has a total
of 13, 6-inch diameter ports. The distance between ports is 20 feet. The mean lower low water
(MLLW) depth is 60 feet. The diffuser at Outfall 002 is 940 feet long with a diameter of 42
inches. The diffuser has a total of 48, 6-inch diameter ports. The distance between ports is 20
feet. The mean lower low water(MLLW) depth is 52 feet.
Outfall 001:
Chronic Mixing Zone--WAC 173-201A-400(7)(b) specifies that mixing zones must not
extend in any horizontal direction from the discharge ports for a distance greater than 200
feet plus the depth of water over the discharge ports and may not occupy more than 25
percent of the width of the water body as measured during MLLW.
The horizontal distance of the chronic mixing zone is 260 feet. The mixing zone extends
from the bottom to the top of the water column.
Acute Mixing Zone--WAC 173-201A-400(8)(b) specifies that in estuarine waters a zone
where acute criteria may be exceeded must not extend beyond 10 percent of the distance
established for the chronic zone. The acute mixing zone for Outfall 001 extends 26 feet
in any direction from any discharge port.
Outfall 002:
Chronic Mixing Zone--WAC 173-201A-400(7)(c) specifies that mixing zones must not
extend in any horizontal direction from the discharge ports for a distance greater than 300
feet plus the depth of water over the discharge ports as measured during MLLW.
The horizontal distance of the chronic mixing zone is 352 feet. The mixing zone extends
from the bottom to the top of the water column.
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Acute Mixing Zone--WAC 173-201A-400(8)(b) specifies that in oceanic waters a zone
where acute criteria may be exceeded must not extend beyond 10 percent of the distance
established for the chronic zone. The horizontal distance of the acute mixing zone is 35.2
feet. The mixing zone extends from the bottom to the top of the water column.
Ecology determined the dilution factors that occur within these zones at the critical condition
using models. The dilution factors are listed below.
Table 10 Dilution Factors (DF) for Outfall 001
Criteria Acute Chronic
Aquatic Life 37 510
Human Health, Carcinogen 510
Human Health,Non-carcinogen 510
Table 11 Dilution Factors (DF) for Outfall 002
Criteria Acute Chronic
Aquatic Life 68 593
Human Health, Carcinogen 593
Human Health,Non-carcinogen 593
Ecology determined the impacts of dissolved oxygen deficiency, nutrients, pH, fecal coliform,
chlorine, ammonia, metals, other toxics, and temperature as described below, using the dilution
factors in the above table. The derivation of surface water quality-based limits also takes into
account the variability of pollutant concentrations in both the effluent and the receiving water.
Dissolved Oxygen--BOD5 and Ammonia Effects--Natural decomposition of organic material in
wastewater effluent impacts dissolved oxygen in the receiving water at distances far outside of
the regulated mixing zone. The BOD5 of an effluent sample indicates the amount of
biodegradable material in the wastewater and estimates the magnitude of oxygen consumption the
wastewater will generate in the receiving water. The amount of ammonia-based nitrogen in the
wastewater also provides an indication of oxygen demand potential in the receiving water.
With technology-based limits, this discharge results in a small amount of biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD5) relative to the large amount of dilution in the receiving water at critical
conditions. Technology-based limits will ensure that dissolved oxygen criteria are met in the
receiving water.
pH--Compliance with the technology-based limits of 6.0 to 9.0 will assure compliance with the
water quality standards of surface waters because of the high buffering capacity of marine water.
Fecal Coliform--Ecology modeled the numbers of fecal coliform by simple mixing analysis
using the technology-based limit of 400 organisms per 100 ml and a dilution factor of 37.
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Under critical conditions, modeling predicts no violation of the water quality criterion for fecal
coliform. Therefore, the proposed permit includes the technology-based effluent limit for fecal
coliform bacteria.
Turbidity--Ecology evaluated the impact of turbidity based on the range of total suspended
solids in the effluent and turbidity of the receiving water. Ecology expects no violations of the
turbidity criteria outside the designated mixing zone provided the facility meets its technology-
based total suspended solids permit limits.
Toxic Pollutants--Federal regulations (40 CFR 122.44) require Ecology to place limits in
NPDES permits on toxic chemicals in an effluent whenever there is a reasonable potential for
those chemicals to exceed the surface water quality criteria. Ecology does not exempt facilities
with technology-based effluent limits from meeting the surface water quality standards.
The following toxic pollutants are present in the discharge: chlorine, ammonia, and heavy
metals. Ecology conducted a reasonable potential analysis on these parameters to determine
whether it would require effluent limits in this permit.
Ammonia's toxicity depends on that portion which is available in the unionized form. The
amount of unionized ammonia depends on the temperature, pH, and salinity of the receiving
marine water. To evaluate ammonia toxicity, Ecology used the available receiving water
information from ambient stations and Ecology spreadsheet tools.
Ecology determined that chlorine, ammonia, and heavy metals pose no reasonable potential to
exceed the water quality criteria at the critical condition using procedures given in EPA, 1991 and
as described above. Ecology's determination assumes that this facility meets the other effluent
limits of this permit.
Water quality criteria for most metals published in chapter 173-201A WAC are based on the
dissolved fraction of the metal (see footnotes to table WAC 173-201A-240(3); 2006). Port
Angeles may provide data clearly demonstrating the seasonal partitioning of the dissolved metal
in the ambient water in relation to an effluent discharge. Ecology may adjust a metal's translator
on a site-specific basis when data is available clearly demonstrating the seasonal partitioning in
the ambient water in relation to an effluent discharge.
Temperature--The state temperature standards [WAC 173-201A-200-210 and 600-612] include
multiple elements:
• Annual summer maximum threshold criteria(June 15 to September 15)
• Supplemental spawning and rearing season criteria(September 15 to June 15)
• Incremental warming restrictions
• Protections against acute effects
Ecology evaluates each criterion independently to determine reasonable potential and derive
permit limits.
• Annual summer maximum and supplementary spawning/rearing criteria
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Each water body has an annual maximum temperature criterion [WAC 173-201A-
200(1)(c), 210(1)(c), and Table 602]. These threshold criteria (e.g., 12, 16, 17.5, 20°C)
protect specific categories of aquatic life by controlling the effect of human actions on
summer temperatures.
Some waters have an additional threshold criterion to protect the spawning and
incubation of salmonids (9°C for char and 13°C for salmon and trout) [WAC 173-201A-
602, Table 602]. These criteria apply during specific date-windows.
The threshold criteria apply at the edge of the chronic mixing zone. Criteria for most
fresh waters are expressed as the highest seven-day average of daily maximum
temperature (7-DADMax). The 7-DADMax temperature is the arithmetic average of
seven consecutive measures of daily maximum temperatures. Criteria for marine waters
and some fresh waters are expressed as the highest one-day annual maximum temperature
• Incremental Warming Criteria
The water quality standards limit the amount of warming human sources can cause under
specific situations [WAC 173-201A-200(1)(c)(i)-(ii), 210(1)(c)(i)-(ii)]. The incremental
warming criteria apply at the edge of the chronic mixing zone.
At locations and times when background temperatures are cooler than the assigned
threshold criterion, point sources are permitted to warm the water by only a defined
increment. These increments are permitted only to the extent doing so does not cause
temperatures to exceed either the annual maximum or supplemental spawning criteria.
At locations and times when a threshold criterion is being exceeded due to natural
conditions, all human sources, considered cumulatively, must not warm the water more
than 0YC above the naturally warm condition.
When Ecology has not yet completed a TMDL, our policy allows each point source to
warm water at the edge of the chronic mixing zone by 0YC. This is true regardless of
the background temperature and even if doing so would cause the temperature at the edge
of a standard mixing zone to exceed the numeric threshold criteria. Allowing a 0YC
warming for each point source is reasonable and protective where the dilution factor is
based on 25 percent or less of the critical flow. This is because the fully mixed effect on
temperature will only be a fraction of the 0YC cumulative allowance (0.075°C or less)
for all human sources combined.
• Protections for Temperature Acute Effects
Instantaneous lethality to passing fish: The upper 99'percentile daily maximum effluent
temperature must not exceed 33°C, unless a dilution analysis indicates ambient
temperatures will not exceed 33°C two seconds after discharge.
General lethality and migration blockage: Measurable (0.3°C)increases in temperature at
the edge of a chronic mixing zone are not allowed when the receiving water temperature
exceeds either a 1DMax of 23°C or a 7DADMax of 22°C.
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Lethality to incubating fish: Human actions must not cause a measurable (0.3°C)
warming above 17.5°C at locations where eggs are incubating.
Reasonable Potential Analysis
Annual summer maximum and incremental warming criteria: Ecology calculated
the reasonable potential for the discharge to exceed the annual summer maximum and the
incremental warming criteria at the edge of the chronic mixing zone during critical
conditions. No reasonable potential exists to exceed the temperature criterion where:
(Criterion+ 0.3) > [Criterion+(Teffluent95 —Criterion)/DF].
(16 +0.3) >(16+(25— 16)/510).
Therefore, the proposed permit does not include a temperature limit. The permit requires
additional monitoring of effluent. Ecology will reevaluate the reasonable potential during
the next permit renewal.
H. Human Health
Washington's water quality standards include 91 numeric human health-based criteria that
Ecology must consider when writing NPDES permits. These criteria were established in 1992 by
the U.S. EPA in its National Toxics Rule (40 CFR 131.36). The National Toxics Rule allows
states to use mixing zones to evaluate whether discharges comply with human health criteria.
Ecology determined the effluent may contain chemicals of concern for human health, based on
the facility's status as an EPA major discharger.
Ecology evaluated the discharge's potential to violate the water quality standards as required by
40 CFR 122.44(d) by following the procedures published in the Technical Support Document for
Water Quality-Based Toxics Control (EPA/505/2-90-001) and Ecology's Permit Writer's Manual
to make a reasonable potential determination. The evaluation showed that the discharge has no
reasonable potential to cause a violation of water quality standards, and an effluent limit is not
L Sediment Quality
The aquatic sediment standards (chapter 173-204 WAC) protect aquatic biota and human health.
Under these standards Ecology may require a facility to evaluate the potential for its discharge to
cause a violation of sediment standards (WAC 173-204-400). You can obtain additional
information about sediments at the Aquatic Lands Cleanup Unit website.
The facility has performed sediment testing in 1996, 2003/2004, and 2010. These tests were done
at Outfall 9001 and the CSO outfalls 906, 907, 908, and 910. With the change to the new Outfall
9002 from Outfall 9001 and the planned reduction in discharges at the CSOs, it was determined
to let the facility transition to the new discharge points and then determine the need for any
additional sediment testing. Once the CSO reductions occur and the flows are mostly directed to
Outfall 9002, the need for sediment testing will be re-evaluated based on the success of the CSO
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reductions and flow split to Outfalls #001 and 9002. The next permit term may include additional
sediment testing requirements.
J. Whole Effluent Toxicity
The water quality standards for surface waters forbid discharge of effluent that has the potential
to cause toxic effects in the receiving waters. Many toxic pollutants cannot be measured by
commonly available detection methods. However, laboratory tests can measure toxicity directly
by exposing living organisms to the wastewater and measuring their responses. These tests
measure the aggregate toxicity of the whole effluent, so this approach is called whole effluent
toxicity (WET) testing. Some WET tests measure acute toxicity and other WET tests measure
chronic toxicity.
• Acute toxicity tests measure mortality as the significant response to the toxicity of the
effluent. Dischargers who monitor their wastewater with acute toxicity tests find early
indications of any potential lethal effect of the effluent on organisms in the receiving
• Chronic toxicity tests measure various sublethal toxic responses, such as reduced growth
or reproduction. Chronic toxicity tests often involve either a complete life cycle test on
an organism with an extremely short life cycle, or a partial life cycle test during a critical
stage of a test organism's life. Some chronic toxicity tests also measure organism
Laboratories accredited by Ecology for WET testing know how to use the proper WET testing
protocols, fulfill the data requirements, and submit results in the correct reporting format.
Accredited laboratory staff knows about WET testing and how to calculate an NOEC, LC50,
EC50, IC25, etc. Ecology gives all accredited labs the most recent version of Ecology
Publication No. WQ-R-95-80, Laboratory Guidance and Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Review
Criteria (htips://fortress.wa.e ov/ecy/publications/Summarages/9580.htm1), which is referenced
in the permit. Ecology recommends that Port Angeles send a copy of the acute or chronic toxicity
sections(s) of its NPDES permit to the laboratory.
All WET testing results conducted in order to monitor for compliance with an acute WET limit
assigned in a previous permit met the acute toxicity performance standard defined in WAC 173-
205-020. In addition, Ecology has determined that the Permittee has not made any changes to the
facility which would trigger an additional effluent characterization pursuant to WAC 173-205-
060. For these reasons, Ecology has not included the acute WET limit in the proposed permit.
Instead, the Permittee must conduct WET testing at the end of the permit term in order to verify
that effluent toxicity has not increased.
WET testing conducted during effluent characterization showed no reasonable potential for
effluent discharges to cause receiving water chronic toxicity. The proposed permit will not
include a chronic WET limit. Port Angeles must retest the effluent before submitting an
application for permit renewal.
• If this facility makes process or material changes which, in Ecology's opinion, increase
the potential for effluent toxicity, then Ecology may (in a regulatory order, by permit
modification, or in the permit renewal) require the facility to conduct additional effluent
1/7/16 Page 28
• If WET testing conducted for submittal with a permit application fails to meet the
performance standards in WAC 173-205-020, Ecology will assume that effluent toxicity
has increased. Port Angeles may demonstrate to Ecology that effluent toxicity has not
increased by performing additional WET testing after the process or material changes
have been made.
K. Groundwater Quality Limits
The groundwater quality standards (chapter 173-200 WAC) protect beneficial uses of
groundwater. Permits issued by Ecology must not allow violations of those standards (WAC
Port Angeles does not discharge wastewater to the ground. No permit limits are required to
protect groundwater.
L. Comparison of Effluent Limits with the Previous Permit Issued on July 15, 2008
Table 12 Comparison of Previous and Proposed Effluent Limits
Previous Effluent Limits: Proposed Effluent Limits:
Outfall#001 Outfall#001 
Parameter Basis of Average Average Average Average
Limit Monthly Weekly Monthly Weekly
25 , 25 CBOD5 Technology 905 lbsg/day 40 mg/L 905 lbsg/day 40 mg/L
85%removal 11358 lbs/day 85%removal 11358 lbs/day
30 mg/L, 30 mg/L, 1,676
TSS Technology 1,676 lbs/day, 45 mg/L lbs/day, 45 mg/L,
85%removal 2,515 lbs/day 85%removal 21515 lbs/day
Basis of Monthly Weekly Monthly Weekly
Parameter Geometric Geometric Geometric Geometric
Limit Mean Limit Mean Limit Mean Limit Mean Limit
Coliform Technology 200/100 mL 400/100 mL 200/100 mL 400/100 mL
pH Technology 6.0-9.0 SU 6.0-9.0 SU
No statistically significant
Acute Whole difference in test organism
Effluent W Q survival between the acute NA
Toxicity critical effluent concentration
(WET) (ACEC),2.7%of the effluent,
and the control
Parameter Basis of Average Maximum Average Maximum
Limit Monthly Daily Monthly Daily
1/7/16 Page 29
Previous Effluent Limits: Proposed Effluent Limits:
Outfall#001 Outfall#001 
Parameter Basis of Average Average Average Average
Limit Monthly Weekly Monthly Weekly
Residual Technology 0.25 mg/L 0.65 mg/L 0.50 mg/L 0.75 mg/L
Ecology requires monitoring, recording, and reporting (WAC 173-220-210 and 40 CFR 122.41) to verify
that the treatment process is functioning correctly and that the discharge complies with the permit's
effluent limits.
If a facility uses a contract laboratory to monitor wastewater, it must ensure that the laboratory uses the
methods and meets or exceeds the method detection levels required by the permit. The permit describes
when facilities may use alternative methods. It also describes what to do in certain situations when the
laboratory encounters matrix effects. When a facility uses an alternative method as allowed by the
permit, it must report the test method, detection level (DL), and quantitation level (QL) on the discharge
monitoring report or in the required report.
A. Wastewater Monitoring
The monitoring schedule is detailed in the proposed permit under Special Condition S2.
Specified monitoring frequencies take into account the quantity and variability of the discharge,
the treatment method, past compliance, significance of pollutants, and cost of monitoring. The
required monitoring frequency is consistent with agency guidance given in the current version of
Ecology's Permit Writer's Manual (Publication Number 92-09) for Trickling Filter Plants > 2.0
mgd Average Design Flow.
Ecology has included some additional monitoring of nutrients in the proposed permit to establish
a baseline for this discharger. It will use this data in the future as it develops TMDLs for
dissolved oxygen and establishes WLAs for nutrients.
Monitoring of sludge quantity and quality is necessary to determine the appropriate uses of the
sludge. Biosolids monitoring is required by the current state and local solid waste management
program and also by EPA under 40 CFR 503.
As a pretreatment POTW,the city of Port Angeles is required to sample influent,primary clarifier
effluent, final effluent, and sludge for toxic pollutants in order to characterize the industrial input.
Sampling is also done to determine if pollutants interfere with the treatment process or pass-
through the plant to the sludge or the receiving water. The city of Port Angeles will use the
monitoring data to develop local limits which commercial and industrial users must meet.
B. Lab Accreditation
Ecology requires that facilities must use a laboratory registered or accredited under the provisions
of chapter 173-50 WAC, Accreditation of Environmental Laboratories, to prepare all monitoring
1/7/16 Page 30
data(with the exception of certain parameters). Ecology accredited the laboratory at this facility
Table 13 Accredited Parameters
Parameter Name Category Method Name Matrix Description
Turbidity General Chemistry SM 2130 B-01 Non-Potable Water
TSS General Chemistry SM 2540 D-97 Non-Potable Water
Chlorine (Residual), General Chemistry SM 4500-C1 G-00 Non-Potable Water
pH General Chemistry SM 4500-H+B-00 Non-Potable Water
Ammonia General Chemistry SM 4500-NH3 D-97 Non-Potable Water
Dissolved Oxygen General Chemistry SM 4500-0 G-01 Non-Potable Water
BOD General Chemistry SM 5210 B-01 Non-Potable Water
Fecal Coliform-count Microbiology SM 9222 D (m-FC)-97 Non-Potable Water
C. Effluent Limits which are Near Detection or Quantitation Levels
The water quality-based effluent concentration limits may be near the limits of current analytical
methods to detect or accurately quantify. The Method Detection Level(MDL) also known as
Detection Level(DL)is the minimum concentration of a pollutant that a laboratory can measure
and report with a 99 percent confidence that its concentration is greater than zero (as determined
by a specific laboratory method). The Quantitation Level(QL)is the level at which a laboratory
can reliably report concentrations with a specified level of error. Estimated concentrations are the
values between the DL and the QL. Ecology requires permitted facilities to report estimated
concentrations. When reporting maximum daily effluent concentrations, Ecology requires the
facility to report"less than X"where X is the required detection level if the measured effluent
concentration falls below the detection level.
A. Reporting and Record Keeping
Ecology based Special Condition S3 on its authority to specify any appropriate reporting and
record keeping requirements to prevent and control waste discharges (WAC 173-220-210).
B. Prevention of Facility Overloading
Overloading of the treatment plant is a violation of the terms and conditions of the permit. To
prevent this from occurring, RCW 90.48.110 and WAC 173-220-150 require the city of Port
Angeles to:
• Take the actions detailed in proposed permit Special Condition S4.
• Design and construct expansions or modifications before the treatment plant reaches
existing capacity.
1/7/16 Page 31
• Report and correct conditions that could result in new or increased discharges of
Special Condition S4 restricts the amount of flow.
C. Operation and Maintenance
The proposed permit contains Special Condition S.5 as authorized under RCW 90.48.110, WAC
173-220-150, chapter 173-230 WAC, and WAC 173-240-080. Ecology included it to ensure
proper operation and regular maintenance of equipment, and to ensure that the city of Port
Angeles takes adequate safeguards so that it uses constructed facilities to their optimum potential
in terms of pollutant capture and treatment.
D. Pretreatment
Duty to Enforce Discharge Prohibitions
This provision prohibits the publicly owned treatment works (POTW) from authorizing
or permitting an industrial discharger to discharge certain types of waste into the sanitary
• The first section of the pretreatment requirements prohibits the POTW from
accepting pollutants which causes "pass-through" or"interference." This general
prohibition is from 40 CFR §403.5(a). Appendix C of this fact sheet defines
these terms.
• The second section reinforces a number of specific state and federal pretreatment
prohibitions found in WAC 173-216-060 and 40 CFR §403.5(b). These reinforce
that the POTW may not accept certain wastes,which:
1. Are prohibited due to dangerous waste rules.
2. Are explosive or flammable.
3. Have too high or low of a pH (too corrosive, acidic or basic).
4. May cause a blockage such as grease, sand,rocks, or viscous materials.
5. Are hot enough to cause a problem.
6. Are of sufficient strength or volume to interfere with treatment.
7. Contain too much petroleum-based oils,mineral oil, or cutting fluid.
8. Create noxious or toxic gases at any point.
40 CFR Part 403 contains the regulatory basis for these prohibitions, with the
exception of the pH provisions which are based on WAC 173-216-060.
1/7/16 Page 32
• The third section of pretreatment conditions reflects state prohibitions on the
POTW accepting certain types of discharges unless the discharge has received
prior written authorization from Ecology. These discharges include:
1. Cooling water in significant volumes.
2. Stormwater and other direct inflow sources.
3. Wastewaters significantly affecting system hydraulic loading, which do
not require treatment.
Ecology delegated authority to the city of Port Angeles for permitting, monitoring, and
enforcement over industrial users discharging to their treatment system to provide more direct
and effective control of pollutants. Ecology oversees the delegated Industrial Pretreatment
Program to assure compliance with federal pretreatment regulations (40 CFR Part 403) and
categorical standards and state regulations (chapter 90.48 RCW and chapter 173-216 WAC).
As sufficient data becomes available, the city of Port Angeles must,in consultation with Ecology,
reevaluate its local limits in order to prevent pass-through or interference. If any pollutant causes
pass-through or interference, or exceeds established sludge standards, the city of Port Angeles
must establish new local limits or revise existing local limits as required by 40 CFR 403.5. In
addition, Ecology may require revision or establishment of local limits for any pollutant that
causes a violation of water quality standards or established effluent limits, or that causes whole
effluent toxicity.
Ecology may modify this permit to incorporate additional requirements relating to the
establishment and enforcement of local limits for pollutants of concern.
E. Solid Wastes
To prevent water quality problems the facility is required in permit Special Condition S7 to store
and handle all residual solids (grit, screenings, scum, sludge, and other solid waste)in accordance
with the requirements of RCW 90.48.080 and state water quality standards.
The final use and disposal of sewage sludge from this facility is regulated by U.S. EPA under 40
CFR 503, and by Ecology under chapter 70.957 RCW, chapter 173-308 WAC `Biosolids
Management," and chapter 173-350 WAC "Solid Waste Handling Standards." The disposal of
other solid waste is under the jurisdiction of the Clallam County Health Department.
Requirements for monitoring sewage sludge and record keeping are included in this permit.
Ecology will use this information,required under 40 CFR 503, to develop or update local limits.
F. Combined Sewer Overflows
Combined sewer systems are sewers that are designed to collect rainwater runoff, domestic
sewage, and industrial wastewater in the same piping system. Most of the time, combined sewer
systems transport all wastewater to a sewage treatment plant, where it is treated and then
discharged to a water body. During periods of heavy rainfall or snowmelt, however, the
wastewater volume in a combined sewer system can exceed the capacity of the combined sewer
system or treatment plant. For this reason, combined sewer systems are designed to overflow
1/7/16 Page 33
occasionally and discharge excess wastewater directly to nearby streams, rivers, or other water
bodies. Chapter 173-245 WAC and EPA's CSO control policy (59 FR 18688) identify the
required measures for control of overflows from combined sewer systems.
CSO Reduction Plan/Long-Term Control Plan and CSO Reduction Plan Amendments
Ecology requires municipalities to initially develop CSO reduction plans per chapter 173-
245 WAC requirements. These plans are substantially equivalent to the Long-Term
Control Plan (LTCP) as defined by EPA in its CSO control policy. Chapter 173-245
WAC requires that "All CSO sites shall achieve and at least maintain the greatest
reasonable reduction, and neither cause violations of applicable water quality standards,
nor restrictions to the characteristic uses of the receiving water, nor accumulation of
deposits which: (a) Exceed sediment criteria or standards; or (b) have an adverse
biological effect." "The greatest reasonable reduction" means control of each CSO
outfall such that an average of no more than one untreated discharge may occur per year.
Under EPA's CSO Control Policy's presumption approach, CSO controls are presumed
to attain WQS if certain performance criteria are met. Ecology presumes that a program
that meets the criteria specified in WAC 173-245 and EPA's CSO control policy provides
an adequate level of control to meet the water quality-based requirements of the Clean
Water Act. This presumption must be verified via a post-construction monitoring
program by characterization, monitoring, and modeling of the system, including
consideration of sensitive areas.
Nine Minimum Controls
Municipalities with combined sewer overflow outfalls must implement nine minimum
controls as technology-based standards for CSO discharges. The nine minimum controls
are largely programmatic policies and practices designed to minimize the impacts
untreated CSOs have on human health and the environment. It is not possible with
current knowledge and technology to calculate numeric water quality-based effluent
limits for CSOs. Ecology may include numeric water quality-based effluent limits in the
future permits only after the long-term control plan is in place and after collection of
sufficient water quality data.
The nine minimum controls include:
1. Use proper operations and maintenance practices within the combined collection
system to reduce the magnitude, frequency and duration of CSOs.
2. Implement procedures that maximize storage capacity of the combined collection
3. Minimize pollution from non-domestic wastewater sources through close
management of a pretreatment program.
4. Maximize treatable flow to the wastewater treatment plant during wet weather.
5. Prevent CSO discharges during dry weather and properly report any dry weather
CSO discharges immediately to Ecology.
1/7/16 Page 34
6. Implement procedures to control solid and floatable materials in CSOs.
7. Implement and maintain a pollution prevention program designed to keep
pollutants from entering the combined sewer system.
8. Establish aprocess to notify the public when and where CSOs occur.
9. Monitor CSO outfalls to characterize CSO impacts and the efficacy of CSO
controls, including event-based monitoring of all CSO flow quantity, frequency
and duration.
CSO Monitoring
The proposed permit requires the city of Port Angeles to monitor the volume, duration
and precipitation associated with each CSO discharge event at each identified outfall.
Annual CSO Report
The city of Port Angeles must submit annual reports according to the requirements of
WAC 173-245-090(1). This report: (a) details the past year's frequency and volume of
combined sewage discharge from each CSO site, (b) explains the previous year's CSO
reduction accomplishments, and (c) lists the projects planned for the next year. The
report must indicate whether a CSO site has increased over the baseline annual condition.
If an increase has occurred, the Permittee must propose a project and/or schedule to
reduce that site below its baseline conditions. The report must document implementation
of the nine minimum controls, and wet weather operation (flow blending) at the treatment
The city of Port Angeles must also assess in its annual reports and CSO reduction plan
amendment whether identified outfalls meet the state standard of one untreated discharge
per year per CSO. Assessment may be based on a long-term average which is currently
defined as five years.
Post-Construction Monitoring Program
The federal CSO control policy (59 FR 18688) requires post-construction monitoring to
verify implemented CSO control strategies comply with water quality standards. Post-
construction monitoring applies to any CSO outfall that is controlled to meet the "greatest
reasonable reduction" of combined sewer overflows, as defined in chapter 173-245
WAC. Implementation requires development of a monitoring plan and completion of a
data report that documents compliance. This may be implemented in the next permit
term. EPA is currently developing guidance on post-construction monitoring plans.
G. Outfall Evaluation
The proposed permit requires the city of Port Angeles to conduct an outfall inspection and submit
a report detailing the findings of that inspection (Special Condition S10). The inspection must
evaluate the physical condition of the discharge pipe and diffusers, and evaluate the extent of
sediment accumulations in the vicinity of the outfall.
1/7/16 Page 35
H. General Conditions
Ecology bases the standardized General Conditions on state and federal law and regulations.
They are included in all individual domestic wastewater NPDES permits issued by Ecology.
A. Permit Modifications
Ecology may modify this permit to impose numerical limits, if necessary to comply with water
quality standards for surface waters, with sediment quality standards, or with water quality
standards for groundwater, based on new information from sources such as inspections, effluent
monitoring, outfall studies, and effluent mixing studies.
Ecology may also modify this permit to comply with new or amended state or federal regulations.
B. Proposed Permit Issuance
This proposed permit meets all statutory requirements for Ecology to authorize a wastewater
discharge. The permit includes limits and conditions to protect human health and aquatic life,
and the beneficial uses of waters of the state of Washington. Ecology proposes to issue this
permit for a term of five years.
Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)
1992.National Toxics Rule. Federal Register,V. 57,No. 246, Tuesday, December 22, 1992.
1991. Technical Support Document for Water Quality-based Toxics Control. EPA/505/2-90-001.
1988. Technical Guidance on Supplementary Stream Design Conditions for Steady State Modeling.
USEPA Office of Water,Washington, D.C.
1985. Water Quality Assessment:A Screening Procedure for Toxic and Conventional Pollutants in
Surface and Ground Water.EPA/600/6-85/002a.
1983. Water Quality Standards Handbook. USEPA Office of Water,Washington, D.C.
Tsivoglou, E.C., and J.R.Wallace.
1972. Characterization of Stream Reaeration Capacity.EPA-R3-72-012. (Cited in EPA 1985 op.cit.)
Washington State Department of Ecology.
December 2011.Permit Writer's Manual. Publication Number 92-109
(https://fortress.wa. ovg/ecy/gublications/SummmPages/92109.html)
September 2011. Water Quality Program Guidance Manual Supplemental Guidance on
Implementing Tier II Antidegradation.Publication Number 11-10-073
(https://fortress.wa. ovg/ecy/gublications/summarypages/1110073.html)
May 2011. Technical Memorandum -Dilution Modeling of Port Angeles WWTP New Outfall.
1/7/16 Page 36
October 2010 (revised). Water Quality Program Guidance Manual Procedures to Implement the
State's Temperature Standards through NPDES Permits.Publication Number 06-10-100
(littps://fortress.wa. ov/ecv/gublications/summaryLages/0610100.html)
Laws and Regulations (httg://www.ecy.wa.gov/laws-rules/index.btml)
Permit and Wastewater Related Information
(http://www.ecy.wa. ov/programs/wgl/permits/guidance.html)
Water Pollution Control Federation.
1976. Chlorination of Wastewater.
Wright, R.M., and A.J. McDonnell.
1979.In-stream Deoxygenation Rate Prediction.Journal Environmental Engineering Division,
ASCE. 105(EE2). (Cited in EPA 1985 op.cit.)
1/7/16 Page 37
Ecology proposes to reissue a permit to the city of Port Angeles WWTP. The permit includes wastewater
discharge limits and other conditions. This fact sheet describes the facility and Ecology's reasons for
requiring permit conditions.
Ecology placed a Public Notice of Application on June 12, 2013, and June 16, 2013, in the Peninsula
Daily News to inform the public about the submitted application and to invite comment on the reissuance
of this permit.
Ecology will place a Public Notice of Draft on September 28, 2015, in the Peninsula Daily News to
inform the public and to invite comment on the proposed draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System permit and fact sheet.
The notice:
• Tells where copies of the draft permit and fact sheet are available for public evaluation (a local
public library, the closest regional or field office,posted on our website).
• Offers to provide the documents in an alternate format to accommodate special needs.
• Asks people to tell us how well the proposed permit would protect the receiving water.
• Invites people to suggest fairer conditions,limits, and requirements for the permit.
• Invites comments on Ecology's determination of compliance with antidegradation rules.
• Urges people to submit their comments,in writing,before the end of the comment period.
• Tells how to request a public hearing about the proposed NPDES permit.
• Explains the next step(s)in the permitting process.
Ecology has published a document entitled Frequently Asked Questions about Effective Public
Commenting, which is available on our website at
You may obtain further information from Ecology by telephone, 360-407-6279, or by email at
cares .cholski&ecy.wa.gov, or by writing to the address listed below.
Water Quality Permit Coordinator
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
P.O. Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
The primary author of this permit and fact sheet is Dave Dougherty.
1/7/16 Page 38
You have a right to appeal this permit to the Pollution Control Hearing Board (PCHB) within 30 days of
the date of receipt of the final permit. The appeal process is governed by chapter 43.21B RCW and
chapter 371-08 WAC. "Date of receipt"is defined in RCW 43.21B.001(2) (see glossary).
To appeal you must do the following within 30 days of the date of receipt of this permit:
• File your appeal and a copy of this permit with the PCHB (see addresses below). Filing means
actual receipt by the PCHB during regular business hours.
• Serve a copy of your appeal and this permit on Ecology in paper form - by mail or in person.
(See addresses below.) E-mail is not accepted.
You must also comply with other applicable requirements in chapter 43.21B RCW and chapter 371-08
Street Addresses Mailing Addresses
Department of Ecology Department of Ecology
Attn: Appeals Processing Desk Attn: Appeals Processing Desk
300 Desmond Drive Southeast P.O. Box 47608
Lacey, WA 98503 Olympia, WA 98504-7608
Pollution Control Hearings Board Pollution Control Hearings Board
1111 Israel Road Southwest, Suite 301 P.O. Box 40903
Tumwater,WA 98501 Olympia, WA 98504-0903
1/7/16 Page 39
I-DMax or I-day Maximum Temperature -- The highest water temperature reached on any given day.
This measure can be obtained using calibrated maximum/minimum thermometers or continuous
monitoring probes having sampling intervals of thirty minutes or less.
7-DADMax or 7-day Average of the Daily Maximum Temperatures -- The arithmetic average of
seven consecutive measures of daily maximum temperatures. The 7-DADMax for any individual
day is calculated by averaging that day's daily maximum temperature with the daily maximum
temperatures of the three days prior and the three days after that date.
Acute Toxicity --The lethal effect of a compound on an organism that occurs in a short time period,
usually 48 to 96 hours.
AKART -- The acronym for "all known, available, and reasonable methods of prevention, control and
treatment." AKART is a technology-based approach to limiting pollutants from wastewater
discharges, which requires an engineering judgment and an economic judgment. AKART must
be applied to all wastes and contaminants prior to entry into waters of the state in accordance with
RCW 90.48.010 and 520,WAC 173-200-030(2)(c)(ii), and WAC 173-216-110(1)(a).
Alternate Point of Compliance -- An alternative location in the ground water from the point of
compliance where compliance with the ground water standards is measured. It may be established
in the ground water at locations some distance from the discharge source,up to,but not exceeding
the property boundary and is determined on a site specific basis following an AKART analysis.
An "early warning value"must be used when an alternate point is established. An alternate point
of compliance must be determined and approved in accordance with WAC 173-200-060(2).
Ambient Water Quality-- The existing environmental condition of the water in a receiving water body.
Ammonia -- Ammonia is produced by the breakdown of nitrogenous materials in wastewater. Ammonia
is toxic to aquatic organisms, exerts an oxygen demand, and contributes to eutrophication. It also
increases the amount of chlorine needed to disinfect wastewater.
Annual Average Design Flow (AADF -- average of the daily flow volumes anticipated to occur over a
calendar year.
Average Monthly Discharge Limit -- The average of the measured values obtained over a calendar
month's time.
Background Water Quality -- The concentrations of chemical, physical, biological or radiological
constituents or other characteristics in or of ground water at a particular point in time upgradient
of an activity that has not been affected by that activity, [WAC 173-200-020(3)]. Background
water quality for any parameter is statistically defined as the 95 percent upper tolerance interval
with a 95 percent confidence based on at least eight hydraulically upgradient water quality
samples. The eight samples are collected over a period of at least one year, with no more than
one sample collected during any month in a single calendar year.
Best Management Practices (BMPs) -- Schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance
procedures, and other physical, structural and/or managerial practices to prevent or reduce the
pollution of waters of the state. BMPs include treatment systems, operating procedures, and
1/7/16 Page 40
practices to control: plant site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage
from raw material storage. BMPs may be further categorized as operational, source control,
erosion and sediment control, and treatment BMPs.
BOD5 -- Determining the five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand of an effluent is an indirect way of
measuring the quantity of organic material present in an effluent that is utilized by bacteria. The
BOD5 is used in modeling to measure the reduction of dissolved oxygen in receiving waters after
effluent is discharged. Stress caused by reduced dissolved oxygen levels makes organisms less
competitive and less able to sustain their species in the aquatic environment. Although BOD5 is
not a specific compound, it is defined as a conventional pollutant under the federal Clean Water
Bypass -- The intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of a treatment facility.
Categorical Pretreatment Standards -- National pretreatment standards specifying quantities or
concentrations of pollutants or pollutant properties, which may be discharged to a POTW by
existing or new industrial users in specific industrial subcategories.
Chlorine -- A chemical used to disinfect wastewaters of pathogens harmful to human health. It is also
extremely toxic to aquatic life.
Chronic Toxicity -- The effect of a compound on an organism over a relatively long time, often 1/10 of
an organism's lifespan or more. Chronic toxicity can measure survival, reproduction or growth
rates, or other parameters to measure the toxic effects of a compound or combination of
Clean Water Act (CWA -- The federal Water Pollution Control Act enacted by Public Law 92-500, as
amended by Public Laws 95-217, 95-576, 96-483, 97-117;USC 1251 et seq.
Compliance Inspection-Without Sampling -- A site visit for the purpose of determining the compliance
of a facility with the terms and conditions of its permit or with applicable statutes and regulations.
Compliance Inspection-With Sampling -- A site visit for the purpose of determining the compliance of
a facility with the terms and conditions of its permit or with applicable statutes and regulations.
In addition it includes as a minimum, sampling and analysis for all parameters with limits in the
permit to ascertain compliance with those limits; and, for municipal facilities, sampling of
influent to ascertain compliance with the 85 percent removal requirement. Ecology may conduct
additional sampling.
Composite Sample -- A mixture of grab samples collected at the same sampling point at different times,
formed either by continuous sampling or by mixing discrete samples. May be "time-composite"
(collected at constant time intervals) or "flow-proportional" (collected either as a constant sample
volume at time intervals proportional to stream flow, or collected by increasing the volume of
each aliquot as the flow increased while maintaining a constant time interval between the
Construction Activity-- Clearing, grading, excavation, and any other activity, which disturbs the surface
of the land. Such activities may include road building; construction of residential houses, office
buildings, or industrial buildings; and demolition activity.
1/7/16 Page 41
Continuous Monitoring--Uninterrupted,unless otherwise noted in the permit.
Critical Condition -- The time during which the combination of receiving water and waste discharge
conditions have the highest potential for causing toxicity in the receiving water environment.
This situation usually occurs when the flow within a water body is low, thus, its ability to dilute
effluent is reduced.
Date of Receipt— This is defined in RCW 43.21B.001(2) as five business days after the date of mailing;
or the date of actual receipt,when the actual receipt date can be proven by a preponderance of the
evidence. The recipient's sworn affidavit or declaration indicating the date of receipt, which is
unchallenged by the agency, constitutes sufficient evidence of actual receipt. The date of actual
receipt,however,may not exceed forty-five days from the date of mailing.
Detection Limit-- See Method Detection Level.
Dilution Factor(DF) --A measure of the amount of mixing of effluent and receiving water that occurs at
the boundary of the mixing zone. Expressed as the inverse of the percent effluent fraction, for
example, a dilution factor of 10 means the effluent comprises 10 percent by volume and the
receiving water 90 percent.
Distribution Uniformity-- The uniformity of infiltration (or application in the case of sprinkle or trickle
irrigation) throughout the field expressed as a percent relating to the average depth infiltrated in
the lowest one-quarter of the area to the average depth of water infiltrated.
Early Warning Value -- The concentration of a pollutant set in accordance with WAC 173-200-070 that
is a percentage of an enforcement limit. It may be established in the effluent, ground water,
surface water, the vadose zone or within the treatment process. This value acts as a trigger to
detect and respond to increasing contaminant concentrations prior to the degradation of a
beneficial use.
Enforcement Limit -- The concentration assigned to a contaminant in the ground water at the point of
compliance for the purpose of regulation, [WAC 173-200-020(11)]. This limit assures that a
ground water criterion will not be exceeded and that background water quality will be protected.
Engineering Report-- A document that thoroughly examines the engineering and administrative aspects
of a particular domestic or industrial wastewater facility. The report must contain the appropriate
information required in WAC 173-240-060 or 173-240-130.
Fecal Coliform Bacteria -- Fecal coliform bacteria are used as indicators of pathogenic bacteria in the
effluent that are harmful to humans. Pathogenic bacteria in wastewater discharges are controlled
by disinfecting the wastewater. The presence of high numbers of fecal coliform bacteria in a
water body can indicate the recent release of untreated wastewater and/or the presence of animal
Grab Sample -- A single sample or measurement taken at a specific time or over as short a period of time
as is feasible.
Ground Water -- Water in a saturated zone or stratum beneath the surface of land or below a surface
water body.
1/7/16 Page 42
Industrial User -- A discharger of wastewater to the sanitary sewer that is not sanitary wastewater or is
not equivalent to sanitary wastewater in character.
Industrial Wastewater -- Water or liquid-carried waste from industrial or commercial processes, as
distinct from domestic wastewater. These wastes may result from any process or activity of
industry, manufacture, trade or business; from the development of any natural resource; or from
animal operations such as feed lots, poultry houses, or dairies. The term includes contaminated
storm water and, also, leachate from solid waste facilities.
Interference -- A discharge which, alone or in conjunction with a discharge or discharges from other
• Inhibits or disrupts the POTW, its treatment processes or operations, or its sludge
processes,use or disposal; and
• Therefore is a cause of a violation of any requirement of the POTW's NPDES permit
(including an increase in the magnitude or duration of a violation) or of the prevention of
sewage sludge use or disposal in compliance with the following statutory provisions and
regulations or permits issued thereunder (or more stringent State or local regulations):
Section 405 of the Clean Water Act, the Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA) (including
title II, more commonly referred to as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA), and including State regulations contained in any State sludge management plan
prepared pursuant to subtitle D of the SWDA), sludge regulations appearing in 40 CFR
Part 507, the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, and the Marine
Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act.
Local Limits -- Specific prohibitions or limits on pollutants or pollutant parameters developed by a
Major Facility -- A facility discharging to surface water with an EPA rating score of> 80 points based
on such factors as flow volume, toxic pollutant potential, and public health impact.
Maximum Daily Discharge Limit -- The highest allowable daily discharge of a pollutant measured
during a calendar day or any 24-hour period that reasonably represents the calendar day for
purposes of sampling. The daily discharge is calculated as the average measurement of the
pollutant over the day.
Maximum Day Design Flow (MDDF) -- The largest volume of flow anticipated to occur during a one-
day period, expressed as a daily average.
Maximum Month Design Flow (MMDF) -- The largest volume of flow anticipated to occur during a
continuous 30-day period, expressed as a daily average.
Maximum Week Design Flow (MWDF) -- The largest volume of flow anticipated to occur during a
continuous seven-day period, expressed as a daily average.
Method Detection Level (MDL) -- The minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and
reported with 99 percent confidence that the pollutant concentration is above zero and is
determined from analysis of a sample in a given matrix containing the pollutant.
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Minor Facility -- A facility discharging to surface water with an EPA rating score of< 80 points based
on such factors as flow volume, toxic pollutant potential, and public health impact.
Mixing Zone -- An area that surrounds an effluent discharge within which water quality criteria may be
exceeded. The permit specifies the area of the authorized mixing zone that Ecology defines
following procedures outlined in state regulations (chapter 173-201A WAC).
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) -- The NPDES (Section 402 of the Clean
Water Act) is the federal wastewater permitting system for discharges to navigable waters of the
United States. Many states, including the state of Washington, have been delegated the authority
to issue these permits. NPDES permits issued by Washington State permit writers are joint
NPDES/State permits issued under both state and federal laws.
pH -- The pH of a liquid measures its acidity or alkalinity. It is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen
ion concentration. A pH of 7 is defined as neutral and large variations above or below this value
are considered harmful to most aquatic life.
Pass-through -- A discharge which exits the POTW into waters of the State in quantities or
concentrations which, alone or in conjunction with a discharge or discharges from other sources,
is a cause of a violation of any requirement of the POTW's NPDES permit(including an increase
in the magnitude or duration of a violation), or which is a cause of a violation of State water
quality standards.
Peak Hour Design Flow (PHDF) -- The largest volume of flow anticipated to occur during a
one-hour period, expressed as a daily or hourly average.
Peak Instantaneous Design Flow (PIDF) -- The maximum anticipated instantaneous flow.
Point of Compliance -- The location in the ground water where the enforcement limit must not be
exceeded and a facility must comply with the Ground Water Quality Standards. Ecology
determines this limit on a site-specific basis. Ecology locates the point of compliance in the
ground water as near and directly downgradient from the pollutant source as technically,
hydrogeologically, and geographically feasible, unless it approves an alternative point of
Potential Significant Industrial User (PSIU) --A potential significant industrial user is defined as an
Industrial User that does not meet the criteria for a Significant Industrial User, but which
discharges wastewater meeting one or more of the following criteria:
I. Exceeds 0.5 percent of treatment plant design capacity criteria and discharges <25,000
gallons per day or;
2. Is a member of a group of similar industrial users which, taken together, have the
potential to cause pass through or interference at the POTW(e.g. facilities which develop
photographic film or paper, and car washes). Ecology may determine that a discharger
initially classified as a potential significant industrial user should be managed as a
significant industrial user.
Quantitation Level (QL) -- Also known as Minimum Level of Quantitation (ML) — The lowest level at
which the entire analytical system must give a recognizable signal and acceptable calibration
1/7/16 Page 44
point for the analyte. It is equivalent to the concentration of the lowest calibration standard,
assuming that the lab has used all method-specified sample weights, volumes, and cleanup
procedures. The QL is calculated by multiplying the MDL by 3.18 and rounding the result to the
number nearest to (1, 2, or 5) x 10",where n is an integer(64 FR 30417).
ALSO GIVEN AS: The smallest detectable concentration of analyte greater than the Detection
Limit (DL) where the accuracy (precision & bias) achieves the objectives of the intended
purpose. (Report of the Federal Advisory Committee on Detection and Quantitation Approaches
and Uses in Clean Water Act Programs Submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency
December 2007).
Reasonable Potential -- A reasonable potential to cause a water quality violation, or loss of sensitive
and/or important habitat.
Responsible Corporate Officer -- A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation
in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy- or
decision-making functions for the corporation, or the manager of one or more manufacturing,
production, or operating facilities employing more than 250 persons or have gross annual sales or
expenditures exceeding $25 million (in second quarter 1980 dollars), if authority to sign
documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate
procedures (40 CFR 122.22).
Significant Industrial User (SIU) --
1. All industrial users subject to Categorical Pretreatment Standards under 40 CFR 403.6
and 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N and;
2. Any other industrial user that: discharges an average of 25,000 gallons per day or more of
process wastewater to the POTW (excluding sanitary, noncontact cooling, and boiler
blow-down wastewater); contributes a process wastestream that makes up 5 percent or
more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the POTW treatment
plant; or is designated as such by the Control Authority* on the basis that the industrial
user has a reasonable potential for adversely affecting the POTW's operation or for
violating any pretreatment standard or requirement [in accordance with 40 CFR
Upon finding that the industrial user meeting the criteria in paragraph 2, above, has no reasonable
potential for adversely affecting the POTW's operation or for violating any pretreatment standard
or requirement, the Control Authority* may at any time, on its own initiative or in response to a
petition received from an industrial user or POTW, and in accordance with 40 CFR 403.8(f)(6),
determine that such industrial user is not a significant industrial user.
*The term "Control Authority" refers to the Washington State Department of Ecology in the case
of non-delegated POTWs or to the POTW in the case of delegated POTWs.
Slug Discharge -- Any discharge of a non-routine, episodic nature, including but not limited to an
accidental spill or a non-customary batch discharge to the POTW. This may include any
pollutant released at a flow rate that may cause interference or pass through with the POTW or in
any way violate the permit conditions or the POTW's regulations and local limits.
1/7/16 Page 45
Soil Scientist-- An individual who is registered as a Certified or Registered Professional Soil Scientist or
as a Certified Professional Soil Specialist by the American Registry of Certified Professionals in
Agronomy, Crops, and Soils or by the National Society of Consulting Scientists or who has the
credentials for membership. Minimum requirements for eligibility are: possession of a
baccalaureate, masters, or doctorate degree from a U.S. or Canadian institution with a minimum
of 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours professional core courses in agronomy, crops or soils,
and have 5,3,or I years, respectively, of professional experience working in the area of
agronomy, crops, or soils.
Solid Waste -- All putrescible and non-putrescible solid and semisolid wastes including, but not limited
to, garbage, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, swill, sewage sludge, demolition and construction
wastes, abandoned vehicles or parts thereof, contaminated soils and contaminated dredged
material, and recyclable materials.
Soluble BOD5 -- Determining the soluble fraction of Biochemical Oxygen Demand of an effluent is an
indirect way of measuring the quantity of soluble organic material present in an effluent that is
utilized by bacteria. Although the soluble BOD5 test is not specifically described in Standard
Methods, filtering the raw sample through at least a 1.2 um filter prior to running the standard
BOD5 test is sufficient to remove the particulate organic fraction.
State Waters -- Lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, inland waters, underground waters, salt waters, and all
other surface waters and watercourses within the jurisdiction of the state of Washington.
Stormwater--That portion of precipitation that does not naturally percolate into the ground or evaporate,
but flows via overland flow, interflow,pipes, and other features of a storm water drainage system
into a defined surface water body, or a constructed infiltration facility.
Technology-Based Effluent Limit -- A permit limit based on the ability of a treatment method to reduce
the pollutant.
Total Coliform Bacteria--A microbiological test, which detects and enumerates the total coliform group
of bacteria in water samples.
Total Dissolved Solids--That portion of total solids in water or wastewater that passes through a specific
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) -- Total suspended solids is the particulate material in an effluent. Large
quantities of TSS discharged to a receiving water may result in solids accumulation. Apart from
any toxic effects attributable to substances leached out by water, suspended solids may kill fish,
shellfish, and other aquatic organisms by causing abrasive injuries and by clogging the gills and
respiratory passages of various aquatic fauna. Indirectly, suspended solids can screen out light
and can promote and maintain the development of noxious conditions through oxygen depletion.
Upset -- An exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with
technology-based permit effluent limits because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the
Permittee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error,
improperly designed treatment facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or careless or
improper operation.
1/7/16 Page 46
Water Quality-Based Effluent Limit--A limit imposed on the concentration of an effluent parameter to
prevent the concentration of that parameter from exceeding its water quality criterion after
discharge into receiving waters.
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Several of the Excel® spreadsheet tools used to evaluate a discharger's ability to meet Washington State
water quality standards can be found in the PermitCalc workbook on Ecology's webpage at:
Simple Mixing:
Ecology uses simple mixing calculations to assess the impacts of certain conservative pollutants,
such as the expected increase in fecal coliform bacteria at the edge of the chronic mixing zone
boundary. Simple mixing uses a mass balance approach to proportionally distribute a pollutant
load from a discharge into the authorized mixing zone. The approach assumes no decay or
generation of the pollutant of concern within the mixing zone. The predicted concentration at the
edge of a mixing zone (C,T,z)is based on the following calculation:
Cmz = Ca + (Ce-Ca)
where: Cc =Effluent Concentration
Ca=Ambient Concentration
DF=Dilution Factor
Reasonable Potential Anal:
The spreadsheets — Reasonable Potential, and LimitCalc in Ecology's PermitCalc Workbook
determine reasonable potential (to violate the aquatic life and human health water quality
standards) and calculate effluent limits. The process and formulas for determining reasonable
potential and effluent limits in these spreadsheets are taken directly from the Technical Support
Document for Water Quality-based Toxics Control, (EPA 505/2-90-001). The adjustment for
autocorrelation is from EPA (1996a), and EPA (1996b).
1/7/16 Page 48
A public comment period was held from September 28, 2015 to October 27, 2015. Comments were
received from the Permittee and from Puget Soundkeeper Alliance. During the comment period, the
following comments were received from David Freed, Wastewater Division Source Control Specialist,
the city of Port Angeles.
Comment 1:
Special Condition S6.A.l.b. — Pretreatment General Requirements. Should Minor Industrial
Users (MNs) be included along with SNs? How many State Waste Discharge permits has
Ecology issued that contribute to the Port Angeles system? Does Ecology intend the City to
replace any such permits with SIU permits? If so, how soon? Do we still need to consult with
Ecology for MIU permits?
Response 1:
The NPDES permit does not reinforce the activities which the Permittee is doing now with
respect to Minor Industrial Users (minor non-domestic dischargers). These are businesses that
are not discharging enough to be considered Significant Industrial Users (SNs). The permit
language that begins the pretreatment section states that the Permittee is required to administer
the Permittee's approved program, which includes provisions for permitting Minor Industrial
Users (MNs). The Permittee is expected to continue to implement those provisions in the same
way as they are now despite the lack of explicit reinforcement of such activities in the permit.
That said, the Permittee is free to categorize such Users as SIU's at this juncture if they believe
such is warranted.
The next comment on this sub-section is with respect to how soon the Permittee would be
expected to issue permits for discharges which Ecology has permitted. A query of our PARIS
database showed that we have issued two pretreatment permits for the 1) Port Angeles Landfill
(ST0006247) and 2) Port Angeles Landfill Transfer Station (ST006249). The Permittee should
reissue these permits within 180 days after the effective date of the NPDES permit. Ecology then
expects the Permittee to issue permits prior to allowing discharge to the POTW of any new
The next question at S6.A.Lb was whether this means the Permittee does not need to consult with
Ecology prior to issuance of MIU permits. That is correct,however, Ecology will now have to do
a Pretreatment Compliance Inspection or Audit of the Permittee's pretreatment program every
two years. During such inspections, both MIU and SIU permits will be reviewed for consistency
with pretreatment standards and requirements and their permitting rules. The Permittee is free to
continue to consult with Ecology on MIU permits if they so desire.
Comment 2:
Special Condition S6.A.l.d. —Pretreatment General Requirements. Must we inspect and monitor
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Response 2:
The Permittee is expected to continue to oversee MNs in accordance with the policies and
procedures of its approved pretreatment program,including MNs.
Comment 3:
Special Condition S6.A.Lf - Pretreatment General Requirements. The citation in this section
should end with(viii),not(vii).
Response 3:
You are correct, this section should cite the definition of significant noncompliance as
Comment 4:
Special Condition S6.A.3. - Pretreatment General Requirements. Do we need to continue to
evaluate whether MNs as well as SNs need slug discharge control plans?
Response 4:
Yes, to the extent that a User meets the criteria of the approved program for requiring such review
it needs to continue to be done. Also, MIU's which have a potential to cause a slug discharge
may be considered SIU's for that reason alone should the Permittee so desire.
Comment 5:
Special Condition S6.A.5.c.- Pretreatment General Requirements. This section should refer to
A.6. There is no section A.7.
Response 5:
The observation that S6.A.5.c should refer to Subsection A.6 rather than A.7 is correct.
Comment 6:
Special Condition S6.B.1.- Pretreatment Montoring Requirements. This section should refer to
Response 6:
The observation that S6.B.1 should refer to S6.B.I I instead of S63.4 is correct.
Comment 7:
Special Condition S6.B.5.-Pretreatment Montoring Requirements. No more clean mercury stuff?
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Response 7:
The question at S6.B.5 is whether the Permittee still needs to do clean sampling of the influent and
effluent for mercury. This is a good one to resolve. They do not need to do clean sampling for
mercury in the influent,but they should continue to do clean sampling for mercury in the effluent.
Comment 8:
Special Condition S6.B.9.-Pretreatment Montoring Requirements. Does this replace the previous
permit's reference to US EPA Method 1669 for clean mercury sampling?
Response 8:
The question at S6.B.9 is whether they need to do clean sampling of the sludges. No, only clean
sampling for mercury in the effluent is needed. As with the influent, normal methods of analysis
for mercury in the sludge is sufficient for Ecology needs.
The following comments were received from Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager, the city of
Port Angeles.
Comment 9:
Sections S4A Design Criteria, and S5F Bypass Procedures will need to be modified.
S5.F Bypass Procedures. We request that the permit contain a provision that allows primary
effluent to be conveyed around the TF/SC during storm events when CSO flows are being
received by the plant.
The section on bypass procedures in the permit describes circumstances under which the plant is
permitted to divert waste streams from a portion of the treatment facility. None of the conditions
listed pertain specifically to storm events when additional combined sewer flows will be routed to
the treatment plant as a result of implementation of the City's CSO Reduction Plan. As described
above, after the Phase 1 CSO improvements, peak plant flows will reach 13.4 mgd on a more
frequent basis and may exceed 13.4 mgd for short durations. The TF/SC system will be upgraded
to increase its capacity from 10.6 to 13.4 mgd. After the Phase 2 CSO improvements,peak plant
flows may reach as high as 20 mgd. In both cases, any primary effluent flow in excess of 13.4
mgd will be conveyed around the TF/SC system. Blending of primary effluent and secondary
effluent flows will thus take place at total plant influent flows between 13.4 and 20 mgd. The
blended flows will be disinfected and dechlorinated prior to discharge to the outfall. We request
that the permit contains a provision that allows primary effluent to be conveyed around the TF/SC
during storm events when CSO flows are being received by the plant.
Response 9:
The bypass procedures section was modified to allow operation of the approved wet weather high
flow bypass system. The design criteria section was also modified. We often do not list a
Maximum Daily Design Flow, so this value was removed.
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Comment 10:
The Maximum Month Design Flow is 10.8 MGD, slightly more than the 10.6 MGD shown on the
draft permit.
Response 10:
The design flow in S4 was adjusted as requested.
Comment 11:
We request that you review S9.139. The header paragraph should be updated, and item d. should
more clearly specify what water quality data Ecology expects the City to provide.
Response 11:
The section was updated in recognition that the Permittee is past the point of developing an intial
baseline on the CSOs and at instead at the point of controled CSOs.
Comment 12:
S9,page 33. It would be good to standardize a name for Outfall 4002, it's called different things
in different places. I like `primary outfall'. Then the other outfall could be called `old City
outfall'. Other terms might be `new City outfall' or `refurbished industrial outfall' or `ex-
industrial outfall' (as it's called in the fact sheet).
Response 12:
It would be good to standardize the name of Outfall 9002. The name was changed in the table on
page 33 to primary outfall. In the future Ecology will try to stay with primary outfall, though we
did not go back thru this permit and fact sheet to clean up all the references to the outfall.
Comment 13:
Fact Sheet, page 5. The City installed a rock trap and four-celled storage vault at the headworks
in 2014 that attenuates batch flows from septage haulers. There are currently no plans for
additional construction of a separate septage receiving station.
Response 13:
Paragraph on receiving station was deleted.
Comment 14:
Fact Sheet, Page 5, last paragraph. The MMDF is being increased to 10.8 MGD as a result of
improvements constructed to implement the Combined Sewer Overflow Reduction plan. Under
high flow conditions in wet weather,the plant can accept flows up to 20 MGD.
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Response 14:
Design flow was adjusted as requested.
Comment 15:
Fact Sheet, Page 6. Collection System Status, first paragraph. It has 17 pump stations. Pump
Station 4 will be upgraded to 28 MGD in 2016 as part of the CSO reduction plan. The
wastewater main from Francis St was also upgraded, to a peak flow capacity of 20 MGD. The
remaining wastewater (2MGD peak flow) comes through a gravity line serving the area north of
the WWTP. Storm flows in excess of the treatment plant capacity are routed to the 5 MG storage
tank for temporary storage, and routed back to the treatment plant when capacity is available.
Response 15:
This paragraph was adjusted.
Comment 16:
Fact Sheet, Page 6. Collection System Status, last paragraph. Because of the implementation of
the CSO reduction plan, the combined sewer collection system has a total peak design flow
capacity of 50 MGD, which will result in control of combined sewer overflows into Port Angeles
Response 16:
The paragraph was adjusted.
Comment 17:
Fact Sheet, Page 6, Treatment Processes - The treatment plant improvements installed in 2013
and 2014 result in a maximum month flow of 10.8 million gallons a day(mgd),Peak daily flow is
limited to 13.4 mgd, except during winter storm events when up to 20 mgd may flow through the
plant. The TF/SC maximum capacity is 13.4 mgd. Flows in excess of 20 mgd, are routed to the
storage tank for temporary storage before being returned to the plant for treatment. Most flows
will be pumped to the treatment plant from a 28mgd pump station located downtown through new
force mains, or flow through the new Francis St. gravity main.
Response 17:
The paragraph was slightly adjusted.
Comment 18:
We have started training our staff on the new NPDES Permit, and noticed a difference in item
S3.F.2.a, Immediate Reporting of Permit Violations. The second bullet point now reads
"collection system overflows", and the 2008 language was "collection system overflows which
may reach surface waters". Under the new requirement, we would report an overflow of a
manhole, even if it is contained and never reaches a receiving water. Please confirm that this is
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Ecology's intention. I understand that the new language is standard nowadays. This means you
will be getting more reports of small incidents from us.
Response 18:
Yes,it is Ecology intention that all overflows be reported, even if they do not reach surface water.
Comment 19:
Another issue involves the third bullet point in S2.F.2.a, "plant bypasses discharging to marine
surface waters". Consistent with our earlier comments on section S5F, we request that when the
treatment plant is receiving flows between 13.4 and 20MGD during rainstorms, that this is
acknowledged as our authorized operating procedure. These flows would bypass the trickling
filter/solids contact system, but will be disinfected before discharge from Outfall 002 (the
refurbished industrial outfall that now serves as the wastewater treatment plant's primary outfall).
It would possible for us to report the duration and volume of these flows, but they should not be
accounted as an untreated CSO, and certainly not as a permit violation.
Response 19:
The bullet was adjusted.
Comments from Richard A. Smith on behalf of Puget Soundkeeper Alliance.
Comment 20:
Soundkeeper strongly supports the statement in the fact sheet (p.11) as appropriate and a
generally accurate interpretation of applicable law: "Ecology usually does not develop limits for
pollutants not reported in the permit application but may be present in the discharge. The permit
does not authorize discharge of the non-reported pollutants. During the five-year permit term, the
facility's effluent discharge conditions may change from those conditions reported in the permit
application. The facility must notify Ecology if significant changes occur in any constituent [40
CFR 122.42(a)]. Until Ecology modifies the permit to reflect additional discharge of pollutants, a
permitted facility could be violating its permit." Soundkeeper's concern is that the prohibition of
discharge of pollutants not identified by the City in its permit application materials does not
appear in the permit itself. To ensure that this limitation is a meaningful and enforceable
limitation on the discharge, the permit should include a provision clearly "prohibiting" (i.e., not
merely "not authorizing") discharges of pollutants that were not disclosed in application
Response 20:
The permit does include a condition in section G4 that the Permittee must give notice to Ecology
of any change in the nature or an increase in the quantity of pollutants discharged. Therefore, the
statement in the fact sheet is already in the permit.
In addition, while we appreciate your concern with pollutants not mentioned in the application,
the data that we have seen suggests that one of the best ways for a domestic wastewater treatment
plant to have a positive effect on all pollutants is to do a good job on the pollutants listed in the
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Comment 21:
Appendix A to the draft permit identifies detection limits ("DLs") and quantitation levels ("QLs")
for the individual pollutant analyses required by the permit. Where do these DLs and QLs come
from? Many of them are different from those given in the federal regulations. Where do the QLs
come from? A QL is typically calculated as the DL multiplied by 3.18, but that does not fit most
of the given figures. It is also puzzling that closely related pollutants to be analyzed with the same
lab method have apparently inconsistent numbers; for instance, on p. 55, the QLs for PCB-1248
and PCB-1260 are both identified as 0.5 µg/L while the DL for PCB-1248 is 0.25 µg/L and that
for PCB-1260 is 0.13 µg/L. How, when, and by whom were the QLs and DLs in these tables
Response 21:
Ecology compiled the list of Appendix A methods, detection levels (DLs), and quantitation levels
(QLs) over several years, beginning in 1993. Early efforts relied on input on the DLs and QLs
from Ecology staff, EPA Region 10, and several public and private laboratories. In January 2008,
EPA Region 10 published a document titled "Table of Limits" that included a list of methods
with known detection limits, instrument detection limits, and method detection limits. Also in
early 2008, Ecology conducted a survey of all labs accredited in Washington for organics
analysis. After comparing the results from Ecology's survey and the Region 10 Table of Limits,
Ecology's Water Quality program staff assembled Appendix A in consultation with Ecology's
Manchester Laboratory staff, Ecology's Environmental Assessment Program (EAP) staff, and the
agency's Quality Assurance (QA) Officer. The version of Appendix A included in the proposed
permit is a product of the efforts described above.
Ecology recognizes that many older EPA Part 136 methods lack method detection levels (e.g.
EPA Method 608.2). Even when a method includes detection levels, Appendix A values for DLs
and QLs may be lower than those published with the method. This reflects advances in laboratory
analysis procedures allowing lower DLs and QLs. As noted above, the actual values included in
Appendix A by Ecology were influenced by a survey of laboratories and input from experienced
chemists at Ecology's Manchester lab. Ecology's Water Quality Program maintains Appendix A
and updates the appendix on a regular basis, primarily to add newly approved EPA Part 136
methods. Consideration of edits to DLs and QLs occurs in consultation with appropriate staff at
the Manchester Laboratory and Ecology's QA Officer. Ecology last updated the appendix in
August 2014.
Ecology added Appendix A to its permit to ensure Permittees meet the detection and quantitation
levels necessary for adequate assessment. Consistent with WAC 173-201A-260(3)(h), Appendix
A was developed in accordance with the "Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the
Analysis of Pollutants" (40 C.F.R. Part 136). Use of Part 136 test methods is required by 40 CFR
Part 122.410)(4).
In general, this comment applies more to Ecology's agency-wide policies and application of the
State's WQ standards and EPA required testing methods, rather than to how these standards were
applied to this individual permit. Ecology developed this permit consistent with the State's water
quality standards,the methods described in its Permit Writers' Manual, and relevant Federal laws
and rules.
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Comment 22:
Soundkeeper urges the use of more accurate and precise lab analytical methods for screening for
permit renewal application requirements per condition S2.A.6. Although the permit language is
not specific in requiring the methods identified in Appendix A for this monitoring (it should), it
appears that this is the intent. The Appendix A methods appear to be taken from the list of
methods approved for NPDES compliance monitoring at 40 CFR 136. For some of these
pollutants, better lab methods with lower DLs and PQLs have been developed but not included in
40 CFR 136. Since the S2.A.6. monitoring is not for permit compliance but to provide
information to inform the next round of permit issuance, it is sensible and appropriate to require
use of the better methods. For example, Appendix A specifies Method 608 for PCB analysis,
while Method 1668C has PQLs orders of magnitude lower and is more useful for determining
total PCB concentration. Other pollutants identified in Appendix A,including those designated as
PBTs by Ecology, are subject to water quality criteria that are far below the PQLs for the methods
required. If Ecology really wants to determine whether the pollutants screened for are present at
levels of concern, it needs to update the list of required analytical methods to avoid or minimize
this problem (PQLs far above criteria).
Response 22:
Consistent methods are used for both compliance and permit application monitoring. The
methods used are accurate and precise and switching methods for different purposes would
generally lead to less useful data.
Comment 23:
Condition SLA appears to authorize discharges from outfalls 001 and 002 without distinction or
limitation relative to each other. The fact sheet indicates that the facility has switched or is
switching to use 002 as the primary outfall, and states (p. 8) that "Outfall 001 will now only be
used during high tides and flows when the recently acquired ex-industrial outfall (002) cannot
handle the flow." The permit should incorporate this requirement for use of outfall 002 except in
specified circumstances, and address the circumstance in which outfall 002 capacity is exceeding
during low tide. The permit also lacks effluent limitations for discharge flow from the respective
outfalls,which seems inappropriate. The flow capacity of outfall 002 also needs to be identified.
Response 23:
The new effluent diversion structure at the treatment plant is designed to send flow to the new
primary Outfall 002. This outfall is ready to be put to use as soon as this permit is issued. All
flow will be directed to the new primary outfall, unless during high flow events during high tide
where the diversion structure may start to surcharge and then overflow to Outfall 001 as needed.
The circumstance that a discharge to Outfall 001 will occur is the water level in the diversion
structure reaching the weir elevation of 43.50'. This should take a flow of around 44 MGD,
depending on tide height. The dilution factors of both outfalls are similar enough that the same
effluent limitations apply to both.
1/7/16 Page 56
Comment 24:
Upon what information is the authorization of mixing zones and dilution factors based? The fact
sheet cites no mixing zone analysis study or report. What is the information that Ecology relies on
to satisfy the requirements of WAC 173-201A-400(4)?
Response 24:
Both outfalls 001 & 002 have extensive studies and reports completed on them. Outfall 001 has
the Final Outfall Mixing Zone Study (January 26, 1996) by Brown and Caldwell. The new
primary Outfall 002 has studies back to the Outfall Location Studies Port Angeles, Washington
(August 1971) by ITT Rayonier and up to the Technical Memorandum Dilution Modeling of
Port Angeles WWTP New Outfall (May 2011) by Ecology. The technical memorandum is cited
in the Fact Sheet.
Comment 25:
The receiving water, Port Angeles Harbor, is 303(d) listed for fecal coliform, yet it appears that
the reasonable potential analysis for fecal coliform incorporates a mixing zone and a dilution
factor of 37 (fact sheet p. 25). Under WAC 173-201A-400(4) and EPA mixing zone guidance,
consideration of dilution when the receiving waters lack assimilative capacity for the pollutant of
concern is inappropriate without justification. Does Port Angeles Harbor have remaining
assimilative capacity for fecal coliform despite its 303(d) listing? What information does Ecology
have to satisfy WAC 173-201A-400(4) for fecal coliform, given the 303(d)listing?
Response 25:
Portions of Port Angeles Harbor are on the 303(d) list for fecal coliform, but not in the area of
Outfalls 001 & 002. The new primary Outfall 002 discharges outside of Port Angeles Harbor into
the Strait of Juan de Fuca in an area that is not on the 303(d) list for any pollutants. Likewise,
Outfall 001,while on the border/entrance to Port Angeles Harbor,is located in an unlisted area.
Comment 26:
The fact sheet's Appendix D, which is supposed to include technical calculations for reasonable
potential analysis, is incomplete — no technical calculations are provided. These are a necessary
and important part of the fact sheet.
Response 26:
Appendix D can include technical calculations, but no specific calculation is necessary or
required. There are many documents and calculations that support this permit, but they cannot all
be included in the fact sheet.
Comment 27:
The mixing zone descriptions provided in the permit and fact sheet are inadequate under WAC
173-201A-400(1) and WAC 173-220-130(3)(c) (permits must specify the "dimensions" of a
mixing zone). Condition S 1.B purports to describe mixing zones for outfalls 001 and 002 as "a
circle"with a radius of a given number of feet"measured from the center of each discharge port."
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This is nonsense and unintelligible. Both of the outfalls' diffusers have multiple discharge ports
and the shape derived from radii centered on these cannot be a single circle as implied. The
shapes of the mixing zones can be a series of neighboring or overlapping circles, or something
else. The permit must accurately describe the dimensions of the mixing zones.
Response 27:
We believe the description in the fact sheet is accurate in that it correctly describes the mixing
zone as the aggregation of a series of circles centered on each port. The descriptions are adequate
and are not in violation of WAC 173-201A-400(1) and WAC 173-220-130(3)(c).
Comment 28:
Soundkeeper does not understand the basis for the no reasonable potential determination for
temperature as discussed at fact sheet pp. 26 —27. Where is the policy described at the bottom of
page 26?
Response 28:
The policy can be found in the Water Quality Program Guidance Manual: Procedures to
Implement the State's Temperature Standards through NPDES Permits (Publication 06-10-100).
Comment 29:
The fact sheet discusses sediment impact evaluation on pp. 27 — 28. There is no reference to any
analysis of sediments in the vicinity of outfall 002. Surely some information exists from previous
regulatory activity concerning this formerly industrial outfall. Soundkeeper suggests that
evaluation of this information, and, possibly, collection of additional outfall 002 sediment
monitoring data, should be done now to assess the potential for sediment impacts per WAC 173-
204-400(6). No matter what discharge quality improvements result from the cited planned
activities, there may be impacts at outfall 002 sediments already that already warrant inclusion of
effluent limitations, monitoring, or a sediment impact zone. At a minimum, the permit should
prescribe a sediment monitoring program for outfall 002 to provide information for the next
permitting round.
Response 29:
There have been studies of sediment in the area of the outfalls. Nothing significant for this permit
has been found. The previous discharge to the industrial outfall was of a different nature than the
future discharge and no pertinent sediments impacts are known to exist. For a discharge with
little industrial input, proper treatment, and to an active marine environment, the existing
sediments impact analysis is adequate and indicates no need for a sediment monitoring program.
Ecology developed this permit consistent with the State's water quality standards, the methods
described in its Permit Writers' Manual, and relevant Federal laws and rules.
Comment 30:
Condition S9, concerning CSOs, states that "[t]his permit does not authorize a discharge from a
CSO that causes adverse impacts that threaten characteristic uses of the receiving water ...."
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Soundkeeper urges that this language be modified to affirmatively "prohibit" such discharges to
avoid potential enforcement difficulties.
Response 30:
This is standard language used in all CSO permits. Ecology developed this permit consistent with
the State's water quality standards, the methods described in its Permit Writers' Manual, and
relevant Federal laws and rules.
Comment 31:
Condition S9.E. references Ecology's "request" "that CSO discharges be directed preferentially
to Outfall 002." Presuming the environmental soundness of this request, Soundkeeper suggests
that it be converted into a permit requirement with appropriate specificity.
Response 31:
The request to preferentially direct CSO discharges to Outfall 002 has been designed into the
CSO upgrades with the focus being able to get flow to the WWTP and the CSO storage tank.
Overflow from the CSO storage tank goes directly to Outfall 002. A permit requirement is not
needed as the approved system is designed to preferentially send flow to Outfall 002.
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