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Agenda Packet 04/19/2016
Mayor to determine time of break / Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. April 19, 2016 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. Mayor to determine time of break. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING AT 5:00 P.M. – Executive Session under authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. 1. 5:45 p.m. – Socrata Open Payroll Presentation CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 P.M. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 1. Proclamation in recognition of the Public Service of Sergeant Glen Roggenbuck 2. Swearing in of Sergeant Kevin Miller C. PUBLIC COMMENT – To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than three minutes per person, and a total of 15 minutes for the comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, the time allotted for public comment may be lengthened or shortened. (Council Rules of Procedure Section 9A). D. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS E. CONSENT AGENDA / Approve 1. City Council Minutes: March 1, 2016 and March 15, 2016 ............................................................................................ E-1 2. Expenditure Approval List: 3/26/2016 to 4/8/2016 in the amount of $1,008,911.93 ...................................................... E-11 3. Landfill Post Closure Engineering Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 5............................................... E-29 4. Ambulance Service Agreement Update ........................................................................................................................... E-31 5. Appointment to the Utility Advisory Committee / Medic 1 Representative ................................................................... E-40 6. Landfill Stabilization, Project SW02-12, Construction Management Services Contract Amendment No. 3 .................. E-44 7. Material Purchase: Electric Transformers, Contract MEC16-08 .................................................................................... E-46 8. Memorandum of Agreement with Coast Guard Cutter Active ........................................................................................ E-48 9. Amendment to WDFW Rearing Channel Lease Agreement ........................................................................................... E-53 10. Declaration of Emergency for Structure Fire and Unstable Bluff ................................................................................... E-67 CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5th Street April 19, 2016 SPECIAL MEETING – 5:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING – 6:00 p.m. Mayor to determine time of break / Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. April 19, 2016 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a pub lic hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions, which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. F. PUBLIC HEARINGS (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. Olympic Medical Center Street Vacation Petition 16-01 / Conduct second reading / .................................................. F-1 G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 2016 Budget Amendment #1 / Conduct second reading / Adopt ordinance .................................................................. G-1 H. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Customer Service Standards Resolution – Cable Television Franchises ......................................................................... H-1 I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Ethics Board (1) Recommendation .................................................................................................................................. I-1 2. Lease Agreement 215 South Lincoln (Old Fire Hall) ...................................................................................................... I-11 J. FINANCE .......................................................................................................................................................................... None K. COUNCIL REPORTS L. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. 2016 Work Plan ............................................................................................................................................................... L-1 2. Landfill Windstorm / Verbal Update 3. Public Works & Utilities Quarterly Report ..................................................................................................................... L-39 4. March Building Permit Report ........................................................................................................................................ L-42 M. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT – To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than three minutes per person, and a total of 15 minutes for the comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, the time allotted for public comment may be lengthened or shortened. (Council Rules of Procedure Section 9A). N. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET CITY OF P L JL ©RT NELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING -- W A S H l N G T 0 N, U. S. A. Please si n in if you want to speak durintl Public Comment Vr , k�czl I L F A IF If several members of the public are interested in a particular agenda item, the Mayor may move that item so it is discussed earlier in the meeting. Also, the Mayor may use the information provided to organize the Public Comment period. During the Public Comment portion of the meeting, the Mayor will invite citizens to talk with the Council about topics that are not scheduled for public testimony on the evening's agenda. Prior to the start of the "Public Comment" portion of the public hearing, all persons wishing to be heard are asked to sign in with the Clerk, giving their names and addresses, and topic. The Mayor may arrange the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 3 minutes per person. No speaker may convey or donate his or her time for speaking to another speaker. If many people wish to speak to a particular issue, the Mayor may limit the total amount of time dedicated to that single issue. Written comments may be submitted into the record of a Council meeting by presenting the written document to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in which case a copy of the document will be provided to each Council Member, but the document will not be read aloud; or a document may be distributed to the City Council, with a copy to the Clerk, by a speaker while the speaker is addressing the Council. Please note this sign in sheet is a public record and is subject to disclosure. ----------------------- City Council Meeting April 19, 2016 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET Are you a City of Port Angeles resident Print Name Clearly Address or business owner? Topic Yes or No or No YWCA e- 2,2A �40 61 es Yes or(:KTO� S) > L Yes or No C"r CA 6J,0 cukcd C, 7) (j e or No V Yes or . ................ i Cry es i or No rYes) or No rA Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No Yes or No To: Port Angeles City Council for April 19, 2016 From: Janet Kailin,2902 S. Regent Street, Port Angeles,WA have been out and about in our city collecting signatures on the petition to revise city government and bring about new elections for our City Council. Everywhere I've gone I've met people who are eager to sign. I daresay that I have spoken with more Port Angeles citizens about their current concerns than anyone on the City Council. Many people are upset about water fluoridation, and even more are concerned about democratic processes.The concerns touch all economic levels. Wealthier residents can afford to pay for filtration systems, but resent the need to do so. One such couple has been affected by thyroid and autoimmune problems due to the fluoride.They have both struggled with ill health and spent hundreds of dollars on medical bills. Others have also experienced thyroid problems, skin lesions,etc., and have seen their children develop dental fluorosis. And there are those who have backyard gardens and do not want to water their organic vegetables with industrial waste. Less wealthy residents are even angrier. Many drew me into their homes to sign the petition and to tell me their stories.They called spouses,family and neighbors to have them sign as well. Many are upset that they were not able to cast an advisory ballot because they are renters.They are dismayed that the City Council purports to be conducting water fluoridation on their behalf,yet they do not want it. These are homes where parents,grandparents and children spill out of small dwellings,their bottled water stacked under the porch or in the hall.They can ill afford the$500 a year or more to purchase bottled water on top of their mounting utility bills. Others have it worse. One mother, infant in arms and little ones milling about her legs,did not want her children to drink fluoridated water.She looked stricken when I asked if they purchased bottled water,,"We just can't afford it", she said. «vf',,, There were also people who do not have strong feelings about fluoridation, but who are upset that the City Council dismisses democratic processes.They can hardly believe that the City Council would hold an advisory ballot and then ignore the results.The petition is particularly important to these people because they feel the need to reassert democratic principles. In the face of a City Council that refuses to reflect the will of the people,there is a grassroots determination to put this item on the ballot,to allow all registered voters to vote on it, and to have these votes count.There is a general sense that we have little influence over national politics, but should at least be able to influence local government.Almost everyone who signed wants to feel empowered in this way. The issue is not going away. Fewer people may be attending City Council meetings, but the frustration felt by the community has not diminished. How can the City Council mend this situation? Certainly, ceasing water fluoridation would signal that the City Council is willing to be responsive to the people.That one action alone would go far to defuse the anger and frustration that have been building. Our community has other means of promoting oral health. I encourage the City Council to make use of the work of the Ad Hoc Committee and look to other options. Decisive movement in this direction would help restore our faith in city government. G Ckc," e lvv C"i� O�CJ�thV"Ev\+ April 19, 2015 Statement by Marie Wiggins Port Angeles, WA 98362 Free speech, despite what some may believe here in Port Angeles is not free. There are boundaries and the anti-fluoride group has repeatedly violated them. One can understand the dilemma of our Deputy Mayor on February 2. The hour was late and the list was long. Enough is enough. How would you like to be called one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse in a public setting for$600 per month? If you don't have city officials who insist on protocol and polite behavior during city meetings, You invite chaos. I believe that Cherie Kidd should not be admonished, rather she should be appreciated for doing the job for which she was elected There are many in this City who agree with me. Thank you for listening. Marie Wiggins Jennifer Veneklasen From: Jennifer Veneklasen Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 9:40 AM To: Brad Collins; Cherie Kidd; Dan Gase; Lee Whetham; Michael Merideth; Patrick Downie; Sissi Bruch Cc: Nathan West; William Bloor Subject: Late Agenda Item - Interlocal Agreement with City of Port Townsend Attachments: Port Townsend Ethics Board No 2 Final.pdf Good morning, Council. As you know, the City has appointed several Ethics Boards under provisions of PAMC Chapter 2.78 to review ethics complaints. The code provides that the Port Angeles City Attorney shall advise the boards unless there is a conflict of interest.The City has determined that there is a conflict regarding Ethics Board 2 that prohibits the City Attorney's Office from advising the Board, and has asked Port Townsend to provide legal support for that Board. Attached for your review is the proposed Interlocal Agreement with Port Townsend that Council will be asked to approve tomorrow evening. If you have any questions, please contact Acting City Manager Nathan West. Thank you, City Clerk I Public Records Officer City of Port Angeles 360.417.4634(p) 321 East Fifth Street I P.0.Box 1150 Port Angeles,WA,98362 v,AVw.cityoijia_us i INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT between City of Port Angeles and City of Port Townsend THIS AGREEMENT is executed pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW by and between the City of Port Angeles,a Washington municipal corporation ("Port Angeles") and the City of Port Townsend,a Washington municipal corporation("Port Townsend"). In consideration of mutual benefits to be derived herefi•om and covenants made herein, the City of Port Angeles, and the City of Port Townsend agree as follows: Section 1 - Recitals. 1. The City Council of Port Angeles has appointed several Ethics Boards under the provisions of Chapter 2.78 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code ("PAMC"). 2. PAMC 2.78.070(B)(4) provides that the Port Angeles City Attorney shall advise the Ethics Board, unless there is a conflict of interest under the Washington Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys. 3. Port Angeles has determined that there is a conflict of interest regarding Ethics Board 42 that prohibits the Port Angeles City Attorney's Office from advising that Board, and has asked Port Townsend to provide legal support for that Board. Section 2 — Purpose. It is the purpose of the agreement to permit the appointment of the Port Townsend City Attorney, Steven Gross, as Special Counsel to Port Angeles for the limited purpose of advising Ethics Board#2. Section 3 —Term. This Agreement shall be in effect immediately after it is approved by each City and shall continue until the complaint being consdiered by Ethics Board #2 is resolved, including any appeals. However,each party reserves the right to withdraw from this agreement at any time by giving thirty(30) days'written notice to the other parties. Section 4—Payment. The Cities agree that Port Angeles will reimburse Mr. Gross for mileage. Port Townsend will be responsible for paying all other expenses. Section 5 —Records. The Cities agree to maintain records of all costs incurred under this agreement in accordance with a work order accounting system as prescribed and t approved by the State Auditor's Office. These records shall be kept available for inspection and audit by the party requesting the service for five (5) years after payment of the requested service. Section 6 -Indemnification. Cities are both members of the Washington Cities Insurance Authority Risk Pool. Notwithstanding this, Port Angeles shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Port Townsend and its appointed and elected officers and employees from and against any and all liability, loss, cost, damage and expenses, including costs and attorney's fees in defense thereof, because of actions, claims or lawsuits for damages for personal or bodily injury, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained or alleged to have been sustained by any person or persons, asserted or arising or alleged to have arisen directly or indirectly out of or in consequence of any negligence or willful acts of Port Angeles or any employee of Port Townsend, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of Port Townsend or its employees. As to injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of Port Townsend, Port Townsend shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Port Angeles,and its appointed and elected officers and employees from and against any and all liabilities, losses, costs, damages and expenses, including costs and attorney's fees in defense thereof, because of actions, claims or lawsuits for damages for personal or bodily injury, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained or alleged to have been sustained by any person or persons, and on account of damage to property, including loss thereof, asserted or arising or alleged to have arisen directly or indirectly out of Port Townsend's sole negligence. This agreement to indemnify expressly includes claims that would be barred by the State of Washington Workmen's Compensation Act(RCW Title 51) if brought directly by the claimant against the indemnitor. The Cities acknowledge that this indemnification provision has been specifically negotiated. No liability shall attach to the Cities by reason of entering into this agreement except as expressly provided herein. Section 7- Miscellaneous Provisions. A. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only in writing and only by agreement of all Parties except as set forth in this section. B. Counterparts. "This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, and each such counterpart shall be deemed to be an original instrument. All such counterparts together will constitute one and the same Agreement. s C. Listing,. Pursuant to RCW 39.34.040,this Agreement shall be listed on the City's web site. IN WITNESS HEREOF, this agreement is executed by the City of Port Angeles and by the City of Port Townsend, Washington. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Dan McKeen, City Manager By: David G. Timmons,City Manager Dated this day of April, 2016 Dated this day of April, 2016 Attest: Attest: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk Joanna Sanders, CMC,City Clerk Approved As To Form: Appr To Form: William E. Bloor, City Attorney Steve Gross, City Attorney 3 I CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 1, 2016 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Downie called the Special Meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 4:46 p.m. ATTENDANCE: Members Present: Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd, Councilmembers Gase, Merideth, Collins and Whetham. Members Absent: Councilmember Bruch. Staff Present: Acting City Manager West, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Veneklasen and C. Fulton. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Downie announced the need for an Executive Session, under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel, for approximately 15 minutes. The Executive Session convened at 4:47 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: The Executive Session concluded at 5 p.m. No action was taken. ATTENDANCE: Members Present: Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd, Councilmembers Bruch, Collins, Gase, Merideth and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Council conducted interviews of Planning Commission applicants Matt Bailey, Elwyn Gee and Andrew Schwab. Council agreed by consensus to appoint applicants to the following terms: Matt Bailey – 2 years Elwyn Gee – 1 year Andrew Schwab – 2 years John Matthews – 3 years ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:47 p.m. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Downie called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd, Councilmembers Bruch, Collins, Gase, Merideth and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Acting City Manager West, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Veneklasen, C. Delikat, K. Dubuc, C. Fulton, T. Gallagher and B. Olson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilmember Whetham led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. E - 104/19/2016 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING – March 1, 2016 Page 2 of 5 CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Billy Frank Jr. Day Proclamation Mayor Downie presented a proclamation recognizing Billy Frank Jr. Day to Michael Peters, CEO of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. Peters accepted the proclamation and spoke about the environmental legacy of Billy Frank Jr. 2. Fowler Stratton Proclamation Mayor Downie and Parks & Recreation Director Corey Delikat presented a proclamation to Bill Stratton that recognized his father, Fowler Stratton, for his extraordinary life and his commitment to Port Angeles. 3. Recognition of Liz Zenonian Mayor Downie, Police Chief Terry Gallagher and Acting City Manager Nathan West honored Liz Zenonian for her 33-year career with the City of Port Angeles Police Department. Chief Gallagher called Ms. Zenonian the heart and soul of the Police Department. 4. Proclamation recognizing retiring Police Chief Terry Gallagher Mayor Downie, Acting City Manager West and Fire Chief Ken Dubuc honored Police Chief Terry Gallagher for his 30 years of service to the Port Angeles Police Department. Clallam County Sherriff Bill Benedict presented Chief Gallagher with the Sherriff’s Star, the highest honor of the Sherriff’s Office, and praised him for his cooperative leadership and vision. Mayor Downie recessed the meeting for a break at 6:35 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 6:46 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT: Michaela Irvin, 316 East 6th Street. Michaela and her father thanked the Council for the waterfront development project and said that Michaela would love to see the City install a merry-go-round for families to enjoy along the waterfront. Janet Kailin, 2902 South Regence Street, spoke against the 15-minute time limit on public comment periods. She spoke in favor of a change to the form of City government. Robert Flood, 1438 View Vista Park, Sequim, spoke in honor of Fowler Stratton. He further spoke in favor of the First Amendment. Patricia Graham, 1503 East Third Street, spoke against water fluoridation. Greg Royack, 1111 Columbia Street, spoke about the many problems in Port Angeles and the groups coming together to work in cooperation on those problems. Linda Crane, 336 Whidby, read the Council Oath of Office and spoke against water fluoridation. Laurel Hargis, 3755 Canyon Circle, spoke against water fluoridation. Steve Hargis, 3755 Canyon Circle, spoke against water fluoridation. The first public comment period ended at 7:15 p.m. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Councilmember - Council agreed by consensus to add a discussion of the Council Rules of Procedure and rule for signs in Council Chambers to the March 15 meeting. CONSENT AGENDA: Planning Commission appointments and terms were read: John Matthews for 3 years, Andrew Schwab for 2 years, Matt Bailey for 2 years and Elwyn Gee for 1 year. E - 204/19/2016 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING – March 1, 2016 Page 3 of 5 It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Gase to approve the Planning Commission appointments as read and the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes: February 2, 2016 & February 16, 2016 2. Expenditure Approval List: 2/6/2016 to 2/19/2016 for $945,184.35 3. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Representative Appointments 4. Lodging Tax Event Grant Awards 5. 2016-2017 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Member Appointments 6. Planning Commission Appointments Motion carried 7-0. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Representative Appointments Councilmember Collins said it would be helpful to see information on all applicants. Parks & Recreation Director Delikat said he would email all of the recent applications to Council. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Resolution to Affirm and Ratify Declaration of Emergency – Watermain Repair Craig Fulton said an 8-inch water line broke that provide water to 300 customers on east side of Tumwater Creek. The City Manager declared an emergency so that Public Works could immediately get to work and restore water to those customers that were affected. Council discussion followed. Mayor Downie read the resolution by title entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 02-16 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, affirming and ratifying the Declaration of Emergency issued by the City Manager on February 23, 2016. It was moved by Gase and seconded by Bruch to: Approve the resolution as read. Motion carried 7-0. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Appointment of Board of Ethics to Review Complaint Deputy Mayor Kidd and Councilmember Gase recused themselves and exited the Chambers. Acting City Manager West said that on February 19, 2016, staff received a second ethics complaint under Chapter 2.78 of the Port Angeles Municipal code which requires that the Council select from the ethics committee pool a 3- member board to review the complaint. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Merideth to: Approve Ken Williams, Jerry Dean and William Yucha to review the ethics complaint [against Deputy Mayor Kidd and Councilmember Gase]. Motion carried 5-0. Deputy Mayor Kidd and Councilmember Gase returned to the Chambers. FINANCE: 1. Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Dispatch Services between City of Port Angeles and JeffComm Police Chief Terry Gallagher said that the proposed agreement is a logical first step towards full regionalization of emergency dispatch services. Chief Gallagher introduced Steve Romberg, manager of the 911 dispatch center in the Port Angeles Police Department, Karl Hatton, director of 911 services in Jefferson County, and Joe Nole, Jefferson County Under Sheriff and Chair of the Jefferson County 911 Advisory Board. Chief Gallagher provided background, stating that in August of 2015, Council passed a resolution that authorized the Department to look into full regionalization of emergency dispatch services. Chief Gallagher said regionalization E - 304/19/2016 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING – March 1, 2016 Page 4 of 5 would be a huge benefit from a financial perspective, and improve services to emergency responders and the citizens they serve. Chief Gallagher recommended that Council appoint Mr. Hatton as the regional director of the 911 services to oversee dispatch services in Clallam and Jefferson Counties, with a mandate to further explore regionalization. Mr. Hatton said the agreement has received full support of the Jefferson County 911 Advisory Board and Port Townsend City Council. Mr. Hatton said the agreement creates an interim position as a temporary solution while both counties move forward with idea of regionalization. It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Gase to: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Dispatch Administrative Services between the City of Port Angeles and JeffCom appointing Karl Hatton as Regional Emergency Communications Director so that further exploration of the concept of 9-1-1 center regionalization can continue. Motion carried 7-0. 2. Amendments to Agreements with Cascadia Law and Integral Consulting Councilmember Bruch recused herself due to her employment with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. Attorney Bloor said this was a proposal to renew two contracts that the City has for the Harbor cleanup. He also provided background on the process, saying that the Department of Ecology had named several potentially liable parties, five of which joined together to negotiate with DOE for an efficient and effective cleanup of the Port Angeles Harbor. Attorney Bloor said that reimbursement for these fees is likely to be 100% for the technical aspects and 60% for legal fees. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Gase and seconded by Collins to: Authorize the City Manager to enter into the attached third amendment to the agreement with Cascadia Law and the fifth amendment to the professional services agreement with Integral Consulting, Inc., and to make minor modifications to the agreements, if necessary. Motion carried 6-0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Bruch said she attended the North Olympic Development Council meeting at Fort Worden which she said took a lot of collaboration from Peninsula College, the park and local businesses. She said that she would love to see an undertaking like that in Port Angeles. Councilmember Merideth attended the County’s Lands Trust Advisory Committee meeting. He said the process is still in the preliminary stages but he’s hoping they can get moving with productive discussion. He said the Committee has a vast array of people with different agendas and that there were good speakers there from the Department of Natural Resources. Deputy Mayor Kidd said the William Shore Pool is thriving and is working hard to accommodate swimmers from the recently closed Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center. She said the pool is hoping to expand in the future. Councilmember Gase reported that he attended a clean-up at Shane Park that was coordinated by the “Our Town” group. He said more than 70 volunteers helped with the clean-up. Councilmember Whetham reported that the City had cut funding to the Kids’ Fishing Derby organized by the Olympic Peninsula Fly Fishers. He asked Council to discuss this funding at the next meeting. Councilmember Collins said he had the honor of introducing Orville Campbell when he received an award from the Daughters of the American Revolution. Mayor Downie said he also participated in the service project at Shane Park. He met with Representative Derek Kilmer. Mayor Downie also said he enjoyed signing over the property deed to the North Olympic Library System now that it had paid off its loan. E - 404/19/2016 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING – March 1, 2016 Page 5 of 5 INFORMATION: Acting Manager West spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and noted that on March 15 staff has scheduled Council’s annual training which will be held just before the regularly scheduled meeting. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT: Michael Sutton, 3322 Upland Lane, thanked Council for their work and spoke against water fluoridation. He asked Council to change their vote on fluoride. Marolee Smith, P.O. Box 2498, spoke about constitutional rights related to public comment. She delivered an ethics complaint against Mayor Downie to the City Clerk. Jim Bourget, 313 Northridge View Drive, read from a material data sheet of a fluoride shipment and spoke against water fluoridation. Peter Ripley, 114 East Sixth Street Apt. 102, thanked police, EMTs and the Sheriff’s Department for helping him during a recent fall. Jack Carlson, 1012 East Second Street, spoke against water fluoridation. Cindy Turney, 530 West Eighth Street, said her anti-fluoride signs were stolen. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Whetham to: Adjourn the meeting Motion carried 7-0. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m. _____________________________________ _______________________________ Patrick Downie, Mayor Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk E - 504/19/2016 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 15, 2016 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Downie called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 4:32 p.m. PRESENT: Members Present: Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd, Councilmembers Bruch, Collins, Gase, Merideth and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Veneklasen and A. Fountain. TRAINING: City Attorney Bill Bloor provided Public Records training. Manager McKeen introduced Mike Connelly, an attorney who provides lectures and training on all aspects of governmental operations including compliance with ethics rules and the Open Public Meetings Act. He said that Mr. Connelly’s training is provided at no cost by the Washington Cities Insurance Authority as a member benefit that ensures cities receive consistent training. Mr. Connelly presented the first part of the Public Officials Training. Topics included: Authority and Responsibilities of Councilmembers and City Manager Code Cities and Second Class Cities ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the Special Meeting at 5:36 p.m., noting that the Public Officials Training would resume during the regular Council meeting. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Downie called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd, Councilmembers Bruch, Collins, Gase, Merideth and Whetham. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Veneklasen, C. Delikat, K. Dubuc, C. Fulton, B. Smith and B. Olson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilmember Collins led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Port Angeles School District Winners of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Essay Contest Dr. Marc Jackson, superintendent of the Port Angeles School District, and School Board Member Josh Jones joined Mayor Downie in recognizing winners of the school district’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Essay Contest. Superintendent Jackson announced the winner’s names, school and teacher. Students in attendance came to the front of the Chambers to be recognized and receive a certificate. Winners were: E - 604/19/2016 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING – March 15, 2016 Page 2 of 5 1st Place, Grade 6: Jenna Sanders, Roosevelt (Prorok) 2nd Place, Grade 6: James Saskowsky, Franklin (Kays) 3rd Place Tie, Grade 6: Kimberly Thompson, Jefferson (Toth) 3rd Place Tie, Grade 6: Hunter Robinson, Roosevelt (Prorok) 1st Place, Grade 5: Astrid Järvegren-Uecker, Jefferson (Biasell) 2nd Place, Grade 5: Jacob Miller, Dry Creek (Schaefermeyer) 3rd Place, Grade 5: Kaitlyn Busch, Roosevelt (Doran) 1st Place, Grade 4: Cayden Stuart, Roosevelt (Hartman) 2nd Place, Grade 4: Kathryn Jones, Franklin (Thomason) 3rd Place, Grade 4: Jamie Robinson, Roosevelt (Haller) 1st Place, Grade 3: Cami Bohman, Jefferson (Murphy) 2nd Place, Grade 3: Carter Shearer, Roosevelt (Kuch) 3rd Place Tie, Grade 3: Nathan Basden, Roosevelt (Reynolds) 3rd Place Tie, Grade 3: Brazen Harris, Roosevelt (Mordecai-Smith) 1st Place, Grade 2: Milo Smith, Roosevelt (Nickerson) 2nd Place, Grade 2: Annabell Lynn Lester, Roosevelt (Haskins) 3rd Place, Grade 2: Clare Bowechop, Franklin (Keegan) 1st Place, Grade 1: Joshua Freeman, Jefferson (Chang) 2nd Place, Grade 1: Savannah Lachner, Jefferson, (Mattie) 3rd Place, Grade 1: Audrey Tesreau, Jefferson, (Chang) 1st Place, Grade K: Stella Fradkin, Franklin (Baccus) 2nd Place Tie, Grade K: Evelyn Johnson, Roosevelt (VanRossen) 2nd Place Tie, Grade K: Olivia Lightfoot, Franklin (Baccus) 3rd Place, Grade K: Moira Martino, Roosevelt (Sheahan) TRAINING CONTINUED: Mayor Downie announced that the meeting would return to the special training that began at 4:30 p.m. and had wrapped up in order to accommodate the families that had come for the Martin Luther King Jr. Awards recognition. Mr. Connelly continued the Public Officials Training. Topics included: Ethics and the Port Angeles Code of Ethical Conduct Who the City Attorney represents Rules of Procedure Common Council Liability Exposures Open Public Meetings Act PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Olympic Medical Center Street Vacation 16-01 Councilmember Whetham recused himself, due to his wife’s employment with Olympic Medical Center, and exited the room. Mayor Downie opened the public hearing. There being no public comment, Mayor Downie continued the matter to April 5, 2016. Councilmember Whetham returned to the Chambers. PUBLIC COMMENT: Laurel Hargis, 3755 Canyon Circle, spoke against community water fluoridation. John Proctor, 2123 West Fourth Street, President of the Olympic Peninsula Fly Fishers Club, asked Council to restore funding for the Kids’ Fishing Derby. E - 704/19/2016 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING – March 15, 2016 Page 3 of 5 Anne Murray, 306 Lopez, spoke in favor of engaging the public in the comprehensive planning process. She encouraged meetings be held in neighborhoods rather than in government buildings, and that citizens drive the goals of the plan. Muazzez Eren, 110 East Thirteenth Street, gifted Council a small timer and batteries for use timing speakers during the public comments sections of the meetings. Dan Bateham, 207 Wolcott Street, spoke about the many problems in the City. He asked four of the councilmembers to resign. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Councilmember - It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Bruch to: Discuss funding for the Lincoln Park Kids’ Fishing Derby on this agenda. Motion carried 7-0. It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Merideth to: Move the proposed agenda for the joint Council-Tribal meeting from the Information section to an action item on the agenda. Council discussion followed. McKeen noted that the item could be move from City Manager Reports to Other Considerations if the Council desires. Council discussion followed. Bruch stated that she works for Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and will be abstaining from any vote. Motion carried 4-2, with Gase and Kidd opposed. CONSENT AGENDA: It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Bruch to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. Expenditure Approval List: 2/20/2016 to 3/4/2016 for $4,574,410.20 2. Public Safety Advisory Board Appointments 3. 18th Street Reconstruction, Project TR16-99 / Final Acceptance 4. Professional Services Agreement for Comprehensive Plan Public Involvement 5. WSDOT Certification Acceptance Qualification Agreement Motion carried 7-0. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Tolling Agreement for Potentially Responsible Parties (PRP) Councilmember Bruch said she is abstaining due to her employment with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. Attorney Bloor spoke regarding the agreement. He said the purpose of the proposed agreement is simply to toll the statute of limitations issues, which means to suspend those issues just as they exist now while reserving all parties’ rights and positions. The purpose of tolling the statute of limitations is to allow the parties time for settlement negotiations of natural resources damages (NRD) claims. If the PRPs enter into the Tolling Agreement and commence negotiations, and settlement negotiations fail, then nothing is lost. However, if the negotiations are successful, it would benefit all parties. It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Collins to: Authorize the City Manager to enter into the attached Tolling Agreement and to make minor modifications to the Agreement if necessary. Motion carried 6-0 with Bruch abstaining. 2. Appointment of Board of Ethics to Review Complaint (3) Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd and Councilmember Gase recused themselves from the selection process. It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Merideth to: Have Councilmember Collins take over [as chair]. Motion carried 4-0. E - 804/19/2016 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING – March 15, 2016 Page 4 of 5 Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd and Councilmember Gase exited the Chambers. Manager McKeen said a complaint invoking the City’s Code of Ethical Conduct was filed on March 1, 2016, and as directed by Chapter 2.78 of the municipal code, Council is to assemble a three-member board from a pool of pre- approved applicants to review the complaint. The board’s findings will be forwarded to the full Council. He said this is the third ethics complaint filed against City Councilmembers in the past month. Council stated their board member choices for the record. It was moved by Bruch and seconded by Merideth to: Appoint Ken Williams, Danetta Rutten and Diana Tschimperle to Board of Ethics (3). Motion carried 4-0, with Downie, Kidd and Gase abstaining. Mayor Downie, Deputy Mayor Kidd and Councilmember Gase returned to the Chambers. 3. Kids’ Fishing Derby (Late item added to agenda) Councilmember Whetham said that the City had cut funding for the Kids ’ Fishing Derby which would be in its 20th year, and he asked that Council restore funding for the event. Council discussion followed. Parks and Recreation Director Corey Delikat noted that funding for the Derby has been cut as part of Council’s Priority Setting process, but that the City is still co-sponsoring the event so that the group can be on the City’s insurance. He said the City also gave the group free access to the ponds, building, tables and chairs for the event. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Whetham and Merideth to: Fund the Kids’ Fishing Derby in the amount of $400. Motion carried 4-3, with Gase, Collins and Kidd opposed. 4. Joint Tribal-Council Agenda for meeting with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Councilmember Bruch said she would not participate in the discussion because of her employment with Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. Manager McKeen said there were four items on the agenda for the upcoming Joint Tribal- Council meeting. He said that he can’t remember the last time the two bodies met together and that City staff was excited to move in a positive direction of working more collaboratively with the Tribe. He spoke briefly about the agenda items: 1. Mural Project 2. Carnegie Library Lease 3. Economic Development Efforts 4. Coordination of the Elwha Dam Removal and Restoration Councilmember Whetham expressed concerns about item #2 – the Carnegie Library Lease. Council discussion followed. Manager McKeen said that the Carnegie Library Lease might be an action item at the joint meeting, so if there are issues, or Council is not in agreement then the item should be discussed before bringing it to a joint- meeting. Further Council discussion followed. It was moved by Whetham and seconded by Collins to: Pull item #2 from the joint agenda until it can be fully vetted by Council. Based on Council discussion, Manager McKeen said he would pull item #2 – the Carnegie Library Lease from the joint agenda. Motion withdrawn by action of the City Manager. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Fluoride Ad Hoc Committee Update – Councilmember Collins said the group met, although one of members could not attend. He said that at its first meeting the committee covered ground rules and had a healthy discussion of alternatives. The group plans to sort through those alternatives at its next meeting. Bruch said she gave the members homework which was to come up with other viable alternatives as well as questions for staff. Collins said he’d like Council to look at funding summer day care. E - 904/19/2016 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING – March 15, 2016 Page 5 of 5 Councilmember Gase said he attended the Port Angeles Education Foundation fundraising dinner that 146 people attended to show their energy and enthusiasm for kids. Mayor Downie hosted the Mayor of Sooke, B.C., Rick Kasper. He said Mayor Kasper shared with him that there are 13 municipalities in greater Victoria and 4 of them – including Sooke – that have their own sewer treatment plants. He also attended the Port Angeles Education Foundation fundraising dinner as well as an employee recognition event at Clallam Transit. Councilmember Bruch said she attended an all-day meeting with Seventh Generation. The company explored the City for sustainability and efficiency practices. She suggested working with the Tribe to see if the City can partner with them to measure the area’s carbon footprint. No other reports were given. INFORMATION: Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports included in the packet, noting the update on Indigenous Peoples’ Day and the 2015 Port Angeles Police Department year-end report. He said that staff will notify Olympic Peninsula Fly Fishers of Council action on the Kids Fishing Derby, and that he will amend the agenda for the upcoming Joint Council-Tribal meeting. SECOND PUBLIC COMMENT: Anna Campbell, 510 East Lopez Avenue, asked Council to stop community water fluoridation. Jim Bourget, 313 Northridge View Drive, spoke against water fluoridation. Dale Wilson, Fourth Street, spoke against councilmembers’ legal fees being paid by the City. Sherrie Williams, 23313 57th Street East Buckley Washington, said she is concerned about how the fluoride debate issue was handled. She said more people like herself are interested in moving to the community, but that it’s not as inclusive of the voice of the people as she had hoped. Muazzez Eren, 1110 East Thirteenth Street, said she was glad to see Council support the Kids Fishing Derby. It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Whetham to: Adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Downie adjourned the meeting at 9:21 p.m. _____________________________________ _______________________________ Patrick Downie, Mayor Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk E - 1004/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 1 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount METROPOLITAN TRANS COMMISSION COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR MIC 001-0000-237.00-00 -294.00 Barbara Weekes CLUBHOUSE DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 JAY TURNER EQUIP REFUND FOR VOL FOUN 001-0000-237.00-00 -3.90 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Public Meeting - C Kidd 001-1160-511.31-01 17.99 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-1210-513.42-10 0.39 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-1210-513.42-10 7.43 WASHINGTON (DRS), STATE OF P/R Deductions pe 03-27 001-1210-513.41-50 76.49 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-1220-516.42-10 0.08 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-1220-516.42-10 22.92 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-1230-514.42-10 0.04 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-1230-514.42-10 3.17 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE001-1230-514.31-60 903.05 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1230-514.44-10 514.60 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-1230-514.44-10 514.60 Advertising 001-1230-514.44-10 286.45 UNITED WAY OF CLALLAM COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES 001-1390-519.49-71 17,400.00 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-2010-514.42-10 0.20 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-2010-514.42-10 8.66 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-2023-514.42-10 0.35 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-2023-514.42-10 3.00 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 001-2023-514.31-01 131.16 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 001-2023-514.31-01 -1.99 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SUPPLIES 001-2023-514.31-01 100.23 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-2025-514.42-10 0.50 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-2025-514.42-10 4.82 EQUIFAX FINANCIAL SERVICES 001-2025-514.41-50 80.16 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SUPPLIES 001-2025-514.31-01 5.25 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Vinyl film for white boar 001-2025-514.31-01 3.19 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.001-2025-514.31-11 146.06 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.001-2025-514.31-11 151.48 Division Total: -$247.90 Department Total:-$247.90 Legislative Mayor & Council Division Total: $17.99 Legislative Department Total:$17.99 City Manager City Manager Division Total: $84.31 City Manager Human Resources Division Total: $23.00 City Manager City Clerk Division Total: $2,221.91 City Manager Department Total:$2,329.22 City Manager Community Service Division Total: $17,400.00 City Manager Department Total:$17,400.00 Finance Finance Administration Division Total: $8.86 Finance Accounting Division Total: $232.75 E - 1104/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 2 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP)001-2080-514.31-01 213.33 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-3010-515.42-10 0.39 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-3010-515.42-10 16.20 CLALLAM CNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICESUPPLIES 001-3012-598.51-23 66,667.68 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-4010-558.42-10 0.31 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-4010-558.42-10 26.55 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-4010-558.31-01 252.56 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER PABA lunch - N West 001-4010-558.31-01 14.96 PABA lunch - N West 001-4010-558.31-01 12.47 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-4020-524.42-10 0.12 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-4020-524.42-10 12.41 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 206T411918873B 001-5010-521.42-10 57.46 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5010-521.42-10 198.99 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5010-521.42-10 64.69 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-5010-521.42-10 0.62 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-5010-521.42-10 48.78 Juliann Flaherty RT AIRFARE - PARA PROGRAM 001-5010-521.43-10 611.20 OLYMPIC PENINSULA HUMANE SOCIETY 1ST QTR 2016 DOG LICENSES 001-5010-322.30-11 346.00 1ST QTR 2016 CAT LICENSES 001-5010-322.30-12 32.00 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-5021-521.42-10 0.39 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-5021-521.42-10 5.69 Verizon Wireless-VSAT North PEN REGISTER ON 360-300-7 001-5021-521.41-50 450.00 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 001-5021-521.31-01 65.04 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 001-5021-521.35-01 16.23 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-5022-521.42-10 1.08 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-5022-521.42-10 18.41 GALLS POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-11 17.33 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 281.62 POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-11 96.48 LINCOLN STREET STATION EXTERNAL LABOR 001-5022-521.42-10 29.75 EXTERNAL LABOR 001-5022-521.42-10 29.75 Finance Customer Service Division Total: $391.46 Finance Reprographics Division Total: $213.33 Finance Department Total:$846.40 Attorney Attorney Office Division Total: $16.59 Attorney Jail Contributions Division Total: $66,667.68 Attorney Department Total:$66,684.27 Community Development Planning Division Total: $306.85 Community Development Building Division Total: $12.53 Community Development Department Total:$319.38 Police Police Administration Division Total: $1,359.74 Police Investigation Division Total: $537.35 E - 1204/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 3 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount Good To Go!NARROWS BRIDGE TOLL - J V 001-5022-521.43-10 7.00 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 001-5022-521.31-11 130.08 GALLS POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5026-521.31-11 190.19 Bruce O'Rourke FLAGGING CLASS - O'ROURKE 001-5026-521.43-10 75.00 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-5029-521.42-10 0.39 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-5029-521.42-10 9.96 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-6010-522.42-10 0.54 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-6010-522.42-11 0.16 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-6010-522.42-10 3.48 Scan Chgs bill 001-6010-522.42-11 9.25 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 001-6010-522.31-01 14.96 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-6010-522.31-01 16.31 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-6020-522.42-10 0.50 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-6020-522.42-10 0.63 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SHOES AND BOOTS 001-6020-522.20-80 113.68 Uniform Allowance 001-6020-522.20-80 -113.68 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Uniform Allowance 001-6020-522.20-80 113.68 VERIZON WIRELESS 03-15 A/C 442043914-00001 001-6020-522.42-10 134.65 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-6021-522.42-10 0.04 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP)001-6021-522.31-01 7.97 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-6030-522.42-10 0.08 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-6040-522.42-10 0.08 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-6040-522.42-10 1.74 MRS CLEAN JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.41-50 425.00 OLYMPIC PARTY & CUSTODIAL SUPPLIESJANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-01 204.81 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-6060-525.42-10 0.35 ADVANCED TRAVEL STIP Training-Pozernick 001-7010-532.43-10 51.75 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-7010-532.35-01 28.24 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-7010-532.42-10 1.20 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-7010-532.42-10 87.71 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-7010-532.31-01 4.43 Police Patrol Division Total: $611.50 Police Reserves & Volunteers Division Total: $265.19 Police Records Division Total: $10.35 Police Department Total:$2,784.13 Fire Fire Administration Division Total: $44.70 Fire Fire Suppression Division Total: $249.46 Fire Fire Volunteers Division Total: $8.01 Fire Fire Prevention Division Total: $0.08 Fire Fire Training Division Total: $1.82 Fire Facilities Maintenance Division Total: $629.81 Fire Emergency Management Division Total: $0.35 Fire Department Total:$934.23 E - 1304/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 4 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount METROPOLITAN TRANS COMMISSION COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR MIC 001-7010-532.48-02 3,794.00 MUNICIPAL RESEARCH & SVC CTR MRSC ROSTERS MEMBERSHIP 001-7010-532.49-01 480.00 COLUMBIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPCOMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-7032-532.41-50 6,510.00 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY POWER SUPPLY 1 001-7032-532.47-10 42.46 ASM SIGNS FLAGS,POLES,BANNERS,ACCES 001-8010-574.41-50 856.36 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-8010-574.42-10 0.12 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-8010-574.42-10 3.87 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 001-8010-574.31-01 16.69 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Lunch Meeting - C Delikat 001-8010-574.31-01 38.00 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-8012-555.42-10 0.12 03-20 A/C 206T217227465B 001-8012-555.42-10 57.46 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-8012-555.42-10 2.21 KELLER, JANOLYN MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 001-8012-555.41-50 100.00 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC SUPPLIES 001-8012-555.31-01 341.84 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-8050-536.42-10 0.08 MATTHEWS BRONZE PA HUMAN SERVICES 001-8050-536.31-20 118.13 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.31-01 458.79 QUIRING MONUMENTS INC HUMAN SERVICES 001-8050-536.34-01 250.00 HUMAN SERVICES 001-8050-536.34-01 105.00 HUMAN SERVICES 001-8050-536.34-01 150.00 HUMAN SERVICES 001-8050-536.34-01 160.00 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 9.37 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 001-8080-576.31-20 9.24 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 001-8080-576.31-20 27.71 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 12.05 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 43.79 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 11.75 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-576.31-20 133.83 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-576.31-20 7.77 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 174.06 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-576.31-20 413.04 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL, INC ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 001-8080-576.31-40 1,532.84 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-8080-576.42-10 0.39 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC ASSN, INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.001-8080-576.43-10 219.50 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 20.42 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 13.52 Public Works & Utilities Public Works Admin.Division Total: $4,447.33 Public Works & Utilities Telecommunications Division Total: $6,552.46 Public Works & Utilities Department Total:$10,999.79 Parks & Recreation Parks Administration Division Total: $915.04 Parks & Recreation Senior Center Division Total: $501.63 Parks & Recreation Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: $1,242.00 E - 1404/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 5 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8080-576.31-20 318.84 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8080-576.31-20 113.46 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-576.31-20 31.17 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 152.56 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-01 50.59 JAY TURNER EQUIP REFUND FOR VOL FOUN 001-8080-576.31-20 50.25 PACIFIC GOLF & TURF EQUIPMENT SERVICING 001-8080-576.31-01 90.16 SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 108.39 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 39.00 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 35.90 SUPPLYWORKS SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 82.92 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.001-8080-576.31-01 125.64 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.001-8080-576.31-01 134.31 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.001-8080-576.31-01 134.31 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.001-8080-576.31-01 138.64 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.001-8080-576.31-01 138.64 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 24.32 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.001-8080-576.31-01 66.07 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.001-8080-576.31-01 26.96 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.001-8080-576.31-01 116.96 Work Boots 001-8080-576.31-01 -1.62 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 9.01 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 51.86 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 104.95 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 23.67 THURMAN SUPPLY PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8080-576.31-20 60.50 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-8131-518.42-10 0.08 FAMILY SHOE STORE FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.001-8131-518.31-01 117.03 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8131-518.31-20 105.36 SUPPLYWORKS PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 001-8131-518.31-01 33.27 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-01 54.37 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 5.86 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8131-518.31-20 14.37 AT&T MOBILITY 03-22 A/C 994753890 001-8221-574.42-10 14.12 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-8221-574.42-10 0.08 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-8221-574.42-10 5.61 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Mailing awards - D Estes 001-8221-574.42-10 26.62 Parks & Recreation Parks Facilities Division Total: $4,856.74 Parks & Recreation Department Total:$7,515.41 Facilities Maintenance Central Svcs Facilities Division Total: $330.34 Facilities Maintenance Department Total:$330.34 Recreation Activities Sports Programs Division Total: $46.43 E - 1504/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 6 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 001-8224-574.42-10 0.04 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 001-8224-574.42-10 3.40 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 102-7230-542.41-50 85.09 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 68.29 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 23.54 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 7.77 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 102-7230-542.42-10 0.19 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC ASSN, INC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 102-7230-542.43-10 219.50 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 102-7230-542.42-10 1.98 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-542.31-25 82.41 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-25 30.24 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 102-7230-542.35-01 156.09 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLCTNS LIBRARY SERVICES(EXCL 908 102-7230-542.49-01 72.00 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY SR 101 & EUCLID 102-7230-542.47-10 17.50 SARGENT ENGINEERING, INC CONSULTING SERVICES 102-7230-542.41-50 6,890.16 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 4.86 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 102-7230-542.35-01 32.76 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC RAGS,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING 102-7230-542.31-25 28.01 THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 11.90 PIPE FITTINGS 102-7230-542.31-20 315.99 TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLY CO MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 102-7230-542.31-25 4,387.49 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-25 175.77 WASHINGTON (DOT), STATE OF CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 102-7230-542.48-10 1,226.61 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 107-5160-528.42-10 1.04 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 107-5160-528.42-10 53.44 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE107-5160-528.31-60 643.82 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC FURNITURE, OFFICE 107-5160-594.65-10 1,592.18 OLYMPIC PENINSULA CONSTRUCTION, INCRelease Retainage 310-0000-223.40-00 16,102.66 ANIXTER, INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.41-00 277.78 Recreation Activities Youth / Family Programs Division Total: $3.44 Recreation Activities Department Total:$49.87 General Fund Fund Total:$109,963.13 Public Works-Street Street Division Total: $13,838.15 Public Works-Street Department Total:$13,838.15 Street Fund Fund Total:$13,838.15 Pencom Pencom Division Total: $2,290.48 Pencom Department Total:$2,290.48 Pencom Fund Fund Total:$2,290.48 Division Total: $16,102.66 Department Total:$16,102.66 Capital Improvement Fund Total:$16,102.66 E - 1604/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 7 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-237.00-00 -2.11 BINGHAM, NICHOLE R UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 250.00 BOLEWICKI, ESTATE OF JOHN C FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 95.93 BOYD, PAMELA L OVERPAYMENT-722 W 6TH ST 401-0000-122.10-99 42.01 BREND, SAMANTHA G FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 44.65 CHARLES-ELOFSON, RYAN J FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 579.51 CLOUD, DONA R OVERPAYMENT-724 ELIZABETH 401-0000-122.10-99 31.84 COLBATH, ESTATE OF FORREST D OVERPAYMENT-1116 S D ST 401-0000-122.10-99 0.49 CORTEZ, NICKOLAS FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 40.93 CRAIG, KELLY G FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 100.41 CRAWFORD, NICHOLAS FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 100.77 DRAKE, FRANCESCA FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 11.32 DUMONT, MINA B FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 138.63 ERRG 2015-033 OVERPAYMENT-439 MARINE DR 401-0000-122.10-99 264.17 FISCHER, ANDREA J FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 20.79 FOSTER, KRISTINA FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 66.28 FRENCH, RICHARD L FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 65.79 GRAY, MARK FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 834.66 HANSEN, D ADAM FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 11.83 JAMES & ASSOCIATES OVERPAYMENT-403 S ENNIS 401-0000-122.10-99 2.63 LAFFEY, ROBERT V FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 19.92 LESTER, SARAH DANIELLE FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 4.10 MCKEOWN, SEAN T & KAREN L FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 16.70 PENIC, CARLY A FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 11.91 PERCHERT, CHRISTOPHER A FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 38.29 PROPERTIES BY LANDMARK INC FINAL CREDT-1308 FRONT 37 401-0000-122.10-99 37.90 RASMUSSEN, LEONARD N FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 180.54 RUSSELL, JAMEY E UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 125.00 SANDERSON, ESTATE OF CHARLOTTE FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 228.47 SCHAAD, GLYNDA L OVERPAYMENT-1742 E 4TH ST 401-0000-122.10-99 58.01 SHIMKO, BRIAN K FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 746.25 SISSON, CHRISTI A FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 53.69 SMITH, HEATH R & CHRISTIE M FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 24.78 SPENCER, WILLIAM FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 69.82 SURRATT, RICK FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 5.78 THANEM, RICHARD J FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 84.67 THOMPSON, DONALD E FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 410.76 TONDEE, CHAD P FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 3.10 WELCH, FRANK G FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 36.95 YELDELL, DOROTHY FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 50.67 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLCTNS LIBRARY SERVICES(EXCL 908 401-0000-237.00-00 -36.29 Division Total: $5,149.33 E - 1704/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 8 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 401-7111-533.42-10 0.12 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 401-7111-533.42-10 6.24 ADVANCED TRAVEL NWPPA Mtg - Lusk 401-7120-533.43-10 765.65 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 401-7120-533.42-10 0.12 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 401-7120-533.42-10 12.80 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-533.41-50 176.19 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 15.28 ANIXTER, INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 217.67 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 21.67 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 23.06 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 142.29 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 148.03 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 227.75 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 70.20 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 401-7180-533.42-10 0.93 03-14 a/c 3604574717777B 401-7180-533.42-10 131.80 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC ASSN, INC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 1,756.00 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 401-7180-533.42-10 20.94 GENERAL PACIFIC INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 669.91 GRAINGER ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 27.89 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 52.30 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 17.15 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 27.21 MIKE ROMERO REFUND MEMO 401-7180-379.00-00 279.42 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 88.60 PORT OF PORT ANGELES Lease Fees 401-7180-533.45-30 4,100.00 Lease Fees 401-7180-533.45-30 -4,100.00 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLCTNS LIBRARY SERVICES(EXCL 908 401-7180-533.49-01 108.29 ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 253.66 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 401-7180-533.48-10 333.33 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 401-7180-533.48-10 325.20 SCHMITT'S SHEET METAL INC METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 401-7180-533.48-10 82.23 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 2.60 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 9.19 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 33.15 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 18.31 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 5.65 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 6.81 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 8.77 Department Total:$5,149.33 Public Works-Electric Engineering-Electric Division Total: $6.36 Public Works-Electric Power Systems Division Total: $778.57 E - 1804/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 9 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 29.24 FARE COLLECTION EQUIP&SUP 401-7180-533.34-02 2.68 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 16.67 TYNDALE COMPANY FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 45.42 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 169.38 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 24.61 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 1,183.73 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 668.83 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 1,070.32 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 2,315.01 PIPE AND TUBING 402-0000-141.40-00 588.33 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 3,453.35 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-0000-141.40-00 1,691.44 ADVANCED TRAVEL Water Specialist Exam-Wri 402-7380-534.43-10 32.00 AMERICAN BACKFLOW PREVENT ASSN MEMBERSHIPS 402-7380-534.49-01 65.00 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-01 14.86 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.35-01 47.09 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-05 A/C 3604524587479B 402-7380-534.42-10 109.12 03-05 A/C 3604525230978B 402-7380-534.42-10 90.04 03-10 A/C 360Z100240955B 402-7380-534.42-10 168.15 03-23 A/C 79513296 402-7380-534.42-10 0.35 02-23 A/C 206T411255315B 402-7380-534.42-10 64.57 03-14 A/C 3604571270975B 402-7380-534.42-10 203.58 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC ASSN, INC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 402-7380-534.43-10 219.50 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 402-7380-534.42-10 3.32 DRY CREEK WATER ASSN, INC MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7380-534.33-10 348.49 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 402-7380-534.33-10 760.01 EDGE ANALYTICAL TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 29.00 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL CLOTHING & APPAREL 402-7380-534.31-01 153.40 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-01 309.33 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.402-7380-534.31-01 33.43 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP Shipping Chgs 402-7380-534.42-10 14.13 FIRE CHIEF EQUIPMENT CO, INC EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 402-7380-534.48-10 336.06 GC SYSTEMS INC SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.48-10 212.96 GRANTS PASS WATER LABORATORY, INCTESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 350.00 JORDAN EXCAVATING CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 402-7380-534.48-10 36,425.28 Anthony Parello CITY REBATE 402-7380-534.49-90 50.00 Public Works-Electric Electric Operations Division Total: $7,442.04 Public Works-Electric Department Total:$8,226.97 Electric Utility Fund Fund Total:$13,376.30 Division Total: $9,118.45 Department Total:$9,118.45 E - 1904/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 10 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount John Waknitz CITY REBATE 402-7380-534.49-90 75.00 Myrna Schaaf CITY REBATE 402-7380-534.49-90 25.00 NORTON CORROSION LTD PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 402-7380-534.41-50 2,163.00 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 98.43 OWEN EQUIPMENT SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 402-7380-534.31-20 423.21 SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 402-7380-534.31-20 156.80 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLCTNS LIBRARY SERVICES(EXCL 908 402-7380-534.49-01 72.00 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY 203 RESERVOIR RD 402-7380-534.47-10 109.88 CROWN Z 402-7380-534.47-10 27.62 SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 39.00 SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 402-7380-534.48-10 2,991.00 SPECTRA LABORATORIES-KITSAP TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 60.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 173.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 215.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 215.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 215.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 22.50 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 215.00 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 132.99 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 100.28 SHOES AND BOOTS 402-7380-534.31-01 150.00 SHOES AND BOOTS 402-7380-534.31-01 150.00 SHOES AND BOOTS 402-7380-534.31-01 150.00 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 26.24 SHOES AND BOOTS 402-7380-534.31-01 77.94 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.402-7380-534.31-01 126.39 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 242.43 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.31-20 90.96 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 402-7380-534.31-01 100.44 PUMPS & ACCESSORIES 402-7380-534.31-20 226.56 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 402-7380-534.41-50 784.18 THERMAL PIPE SYSTEMS, INC PIPE FITTINGS 403-0000-237.00-00 -208.69 ADVANCED TRAVEL LSC Training -Hart 403-7480-535.43-10 61.30 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 13.79 BEAVER EQUIPMENT SPECIALTY CO, INCELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 403-7480-535.31-20 490.36 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 403-7480-535.42-10 0.31 03-14 A/C 3604574859247B 403-7480-535.42-10 92.30 Public Works-Water Water Division Total: $49,694.52 Public Works-Water Department Total:$49,694.52 Water Fund Fund Total:$58,812.97 Division Total: -$208.69 Department Total:-$208.69 E - 2004/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 11 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-14 A/C 3604576315689B 403-7480-535.42-10 92.43 03-16 A/C 206T329544912B 403-7480-535.42-10 54.35 03-16 A/C 206T325585090B 403-7480-535.42-10 54.35 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC ASSN, INC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 403-7480-535.43-10 219.50 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 403-7480-535.42-10 7.90 DELL MARKETING LP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE403-7480-535.31-60 2,002.61 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE403-7480-535.31-60 80.49 ECOVA CONSULTING SERVICES 403-7480-535.43-10 278.00 ENDRESS + HAUSER WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ 403-7480-535.31-20 911.34 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSN ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 403-7480-535.31-01 614.52 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP Shipping Chgs 403-7480-535.42-10 42.26 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 403-7480-535.31-20 506.40 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 403-7480-535.31-20 334.70 GRAINGER BELTS AND BELTING 403-7480-535.31-01 4.03 CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE 403-7480-535.31-01 112.91 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 403-7480-535.31-01 59.27 HACH COMPANY DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 403-7480-535.48-02 1,400.00 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 403-7480-535.31-01 6.24 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 403-7480-535.31-20 31.98 KAASM, LLC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE403-7480-535.31-20 1,370.18 MACDONALD MILLER SOLUTIONS, INC EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC 403-7480-535.48-10 1,949.54 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 62.93 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 163.86 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 50.03 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Water for crew - J Young 403-7480-535.31-01 15.00 Visor tissues and cases -403-7480-535.31-01 31.25 Multimeter visor tissue r 403-7480-535.31-01 36.49 mailing 1st Q report - J 403-7480-535.42-10 6.19 USPS priority mail - D Fr 403-7480-535.42-10 6.45 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLCTNS LIBRARY SERVICES(EXCL 908 403-7480-535.49-01 72.00 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY N BROOK AVE 403-7480-535.47-10 275.70 QUARRY, THE PORT ANGELES, LLC CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS 403-7480-535.31-01 39.35 CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS 403-7480-535.31-01 6.81 FOUNDRY CASTINGS,EQUIP.403-7480-535.31-01 8.23 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 22.97 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 13.98 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 68.40 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-20 2.32 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 59.90 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 60.38 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 36.63 SHOES AND BOOTS 403-7480-535.31-01 150.00 E - 2104/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 12 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 8.03 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.403-7480-535.31-01 78.82 THERMAL PIPE SYSTEMS, INC PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 2,692.99 THURMAN SUPPLY PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 3.45 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-20 3.38 WESTECH COMPANY PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 403-7480-535.31-20 2,790.13 WWCPA SECRETARY-TREASURER MEMBERSHIPS 403-7480-535.43-10 15.00 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC ASSN, INC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 404-7538-537.43-10 219.50 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 404-7538-537.42-10 1.26 RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP)COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 404-7538-537.44-10 350.00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.404-7538-537.31-01 131.54 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 404-7538-537.31-01 25.82 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 404-7538-537.48-02 22.74 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 404-7580-537.41-50 85.08 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 404-7580-537.42-10 0.32 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 404-7580-537.42-10 6.48 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP Shipping Chgs 404-7580-537.42-10 176.60 NORTH PENINSULA BLDG ASSOC MEMBERSHIPS 404-7580-537.49-01 150.00 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLCTNS LIBRARY SERVICES(EXCL 908 404-7580-537.49-01 72.00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SHOES AND BOOTS 404-7580-537.31-01 125.64 EDGE ANALYTICAL TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 404-7585-537.41-50 422.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 404-7585-537.41-50 408.00 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 404-7585-537.31-20 439.55 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 406-7412-538.42-10 0.08 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 406-7412-538.41-50 468.00 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 406-7412-538.42-10 7.82 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP Shipping Chgs 406-7412-538.42-10 26.13 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 406-7412-538.31-20 536.33 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC HOSPITAL &SURG EQUIP SUPP 409-6025-526.31-02 11.29 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 409-6025-526.42-10 0.46 CLALLAM CNTY EMS Medic 1 Advisory 409-6025-526.41-50 660.00 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Wastewater Division Total: $17,571.73 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total:$17,571.73 Wastewater Fund Fund Total:$17,363.04 Public Works-Solid Waste SW - Transfer Station Division Total: $750.86 Public Works-Solid Waste Solid Waste-Collections Division Total: $616.12 Public Works-Solid Waste Solid Waste-Landfill Division Total: $1,269.55 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total:$2,636.53 Solid Waste Utility Fund Fund Total:$2,636.53 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Stormwater Division Total: $1,038.36 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total:$1,038.36 Stormwater Fund Fund Total:$1,038.36 E - 2204/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 13 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount CLALLAM CNTY EMS CONSULTING SERVICES 409-6025-526.43-10 1,400.00 MOROZ, JAMES FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.409-6025-526.31-08 400.00 REIFENSTAHL, PATRICIA FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.409-6025-526.31-08 200.00 SUNDIN, ERIK K CLOTHING & APPAREL 409-6025-526.20-80 46.03 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 409-6025-526.20-80 24.38 VERIZON WIRELESS 03-15 A/C 442043914-00001 409-6025-526.42-10 434.73 WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 413-7481-535.41-50 3,952.68 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 421-7121-533.42-10 0.08 CLEARESULT CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 433.54 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 3,396.84 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 421-7121-533.42-10 4.19 DAVE'S HEATING & COOLING SVC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 3,696.44 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 800.00 GLASS SERVICES CO INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 1,498.80 Meggan Uecker CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 80.00 Gregg King EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT FO 421-7121-533.43-10 51.36 RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP)COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 421-7121-533.44-10 1,003.00 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 421-7121-533.44-10 1,140.00 TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 453-7488-594.65-10 1,015.11 ENGINEERING SERVICES 453-7488-594.65-10 3,700.31 ENGINEERING SERVICES 453-7488-594.65-10 130.40 ENGINEERING SERVICES 453-7488-594.65-10 515.87 ENGINEERING SERVICES 453-7488-594.65-10 423.08 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 19.19 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 89.30 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 107.40 MASCO PETROLEUM, INC FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 537.53 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 273.17 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 130.30 Fire Medic I Division Total: $3,176.89 Fire Department Total:$3,176.89 Medic I Utility Fund Total:$3,176.89 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Wastewater Remediation Division Total: $3,952.68 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total:$3,952.68 Harbor Clean Up Fund Total:$3,952.68 Public Works-Electric Conservation Division Total: $12,104.25 Public Works-Electric Department Total:$12,104.25 Conservation Fund Total:$12,104.25 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Wastewater Projects Division Total: $5,784.77 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total:$5,784.77 WasteWater Utility CIP Fund Total:$5,784.77 E - 2304/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 14 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 13.53 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 10.14 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 224.37 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 108.74 QUALITY 4X4 TRUCK SUPPLY AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 119.21 SIX ROBBLEES' INC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 886.01 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 1,029.80 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 239.00 A-1 PERFORMANCE, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 501-7630-548.41-50 102.68 ALLDATA RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.48-02 119.24 ANGELES COLLISION REPAIR AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,672.24 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 877.72 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 278.62 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 759.56 ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 97.14 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 97.14 ASSOCIATED PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, INCFUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-13 333.23 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 66.23 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 78.85 BAYVIEW TRANSMISSION AND REPAIR EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 184.28 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,372.67 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 428.18 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 501-7630-548.42-10 0.27 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC ASSN, INC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 501-7630-548.43-10 219.50 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 501-7630-548.42-10 3.56 HEARTLINE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 97.51 J B'S UPHOLSTERY AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 71.64 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 341.91 KNIGHT FIRE PROTECTION INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 97.56 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,285.89 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 756.79 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 67.54 MATCO TOOLS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 65.57 MT PLEASANT AUTO BODY AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 736.53 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 588.77 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 481.84 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 253.65 N C MACHINERY CO AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 80.52 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 244.43 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 538.38 Division Total: $3,787.69 Department Total:$3,787.69 E - 2404/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 15 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount N C MACHINERY CO AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 2,101.73 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 768.47 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 205.96 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 501-7630-548.31-01 13.42 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Lunch meeting - M Puntenn 501-7630-548.31-01 43.70 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 57.73 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 336.86 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 241.20 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 325.47 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 91.00 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 77.17 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 77.17 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 290.51 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 656.38 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 286.02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,288.40 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 469.91 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLCTNS LIBRARY SERVICES(EXCL 908 501-7630-548.49-01 72.00 RUDDELL AUTO MALL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 184.80 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 244.86 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 653.89 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 34.80 RUDY'S AUTOMOTIVE EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 66.77 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 26.02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 430.42 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 486.16 SIX ROBBLEES' INC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 514.90 SNAP-ON TOOLS - CHUGGER DEANE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 42.01 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 9.72 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 14.28 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 501-7630-548.49-90 -273.16 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 501-7630-548.49-90 325.19 SUPPLYWORKS AUTO & TRUCK ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 -102.98 AUTO & TRUCK ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 102.98 VALLEY FREIGHTLINER INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 6.45 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 3.20 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTRIB INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,000.29 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 29.07 CAROUSEL INDUSTRIES RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 502-2081-518.48-02 3,252.00 Public Works-Equip Svcs Equipment Services Division Total: $23,602.41 Public Works-Equip Svcs Department Total:$23,602.41 Equipment Services Fund Total:$27,390.10 E - 2504/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 16 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 03-23 A/C 79513296 502-2081-518.42-10 0.35 CONSOLIDATED TECH SERVICES Scan Chgs bill 502-2081-518.42-10 21.18 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE502-2081-518.31-60 67.20 RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 502-2081-518.31-60 287.25 RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 502-2081-518.31-60 287.25 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHE502-2081-518.31-60 72.62 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 73.27 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 105.36 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 470.63 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 137.83 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 20.44 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 274.44 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 36.03 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 93.85 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 91.22 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 46.46 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 686.15 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 60.76 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 153.68 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 27.32 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 502-2081-518.45-31 230.24 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Med/Den/Vis Premiums 503-1631-517.46-30 252,324.18 LTD 503-1631-517.46-31 4,462.18 Life Insurance 503-1631-517.46-32 1,690.59 L1 Med/Vis Premiums 503-1631-517.46-34 5,898.27 ABBIGAIL FOUNTAIN REIMBURSEMENT FOR WELLNES 503-1631-517.41-51 274.49 JIM SHAY WELLNESS REIMBURSEMENT FO 503-1631-517.41-51 63.92 NW ADMIN TRANSFER ACCT CONSULTING SERVICES 503-1631-517.46-33 89,234.10 AWC-ASSN OF WASHINGTON CITIES AWC WORKER'S COMP RETRO P 503-1661-517.41-40 26,331.41 YORK RISK SERVICES GROUP CONSULTING SERVICES 503-1661-517.41-40 2,500.00 WCIA (WA CITIES INS AUTHORITY)MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 503-1671-517.41-50 11,617.90 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 503-1671-517.41-50 846.30 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 503-1671-517.49-98 9,340.94 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Retiree Premiums 602-6221-517.46-35 2,280.92 Finance Information Technologies Division Total: $6,495.53 Finance Department Total:$6,495.53 Information Technology Fund Total:$6,495.53 Self Insurance Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $353,947.73 Self Insurance Worker's Compensation Division Total: $28,831.41 Self Insurance Comp Liability Division Total: $21,805.14 Self Insurance Department Total:$404,584.28 Self-Insurance Fund Fund Total:$404,584.28 E - 2604/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 17 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount PA DOWNTOWN ASSN 1ST QTR 2016 PBIA DUES TO 650-0000-231.92-00 8,491.60 OLYMPIC COMMUNITY ACTION PRGMS PASS THE BUCK REMITTANCE 657-0000-239.91-00 4,660.00 AFLAC PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-11 798.08 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-12 916.10 AFSCME LOCAL 1619 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 324.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 3.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 3.00 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST AWC SUPP LIFE INSURANCE A 920-0000-231.53-30 407.70 BROWN & BROWN OF WASHINGTON PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.53-40 1,600.54 CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE Case #14-14948 920-0000-231.56-90 794.00 EMPOWER-P/R WIRE PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-20 20,053.98 FEDERAL PAYROLL TAX PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 67,672.32 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 67.44 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-10 42.10 FICA/MEDICARE PAYROLL TAX PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 73,427.88 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 82.00 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.50-20 79.22 FIREFIGHTER'S LOCAL 656 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-30 1,933.89 GUARANTEED EDUCATION TUITION PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-95 122.00 IBEW LOCAL 997 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-20 1,476.50 ICMA-P/R WIRES PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.52-10 17,675.03 IUOE LOCAL 302 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-50 705.05 LEOFF P/R Deductions pe 03-27 920-0000-231.51-21 24,036.00 OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT P/R Deductions pe 03-27 920-0000-231.56-20 647.01 PERS P/R Deductions pe 03-27 920-0000-231.51-10 1,392.31 P/R Deductions pe 03-27 920-0000-231.51-11 13,325.81 P/R Deductions pe 03-27 920-0000-231.51-12 61,042.37 POLICE ASSOCIATION PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.55-10 415.00 UNITED WAY (PAYROLL)PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.56-10 466.00 WSCCCE AFSCME AFL-CIO PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 5,028.60 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 16.18 PAYROLL SUMMARY 920-0000-231.54-40 16.18 Fireman's Pension Fireman's Pension Division Total: $2,280.92 Fireman's Pension Department Total:$2,280.92 Firemen's Pension Fund Total:$2,280.92 Division Total: $8,491.60 Department Total:$8,491.60 Off Street Parking Fund Fund Total:$8,491.60 Division Total: $4,660.00 Department Total:$4,660.00 Util Vol Contrib Program Fund Total:$4,660.00 Division Total: $294,569.29 E - 2704/19/2016 Date: 4/13/2016 To: 4/8/2016From: 3/26/2016 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Page 18 Vendor Description Account NumberInvoice Amount Department Total:$294,569.29 Payroll Clearing Fund Total:$294,569.29 Totals for check period From: 3/26/2016To: 4/8/2016 $1,008,911.93 E - 2804/19/2016 N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Landfill Post-Closure Engineering Professional Services Agreement Amendment 5.doc DATE: April 19, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: CRAIG FULTON, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES SUBJECT: Landfill Post-Closure Professional Services Agreement – Amendment 5 Summary: : In October of 2008 the City entered into an agreement with Aspect Consulting to provide engineering services in support of the Port Angeles Landfill 30-year post-closure permit. Aspect has been supporting the City in post-closure compliance and the Landfill Cell Stabilization Project (the Project) which is now complete. As the renovated landfill site is transitioning to post- closure maintenance under a new facility permit, it is important to have continuity for technical support for the new permit and landfill infrastructure. This amendment provides for a one year extension to the existing agreement with Aspect Consulting in order to provide continued support for the post-closure requirements Funding: Funding is available in the Solid Waste Landfill fund (404-7585-537.41-50) under Post- Closure Contract and Technical Assistance in the amount of $115,000. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 5 to the Professional Services Agreement with Aspect Consulting in an amount not to exceed $103,969.56, for a new total agreement amount of $736,716.20, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, as necessary. Background/Analysis: The thirty-year post-closure phase of the Port Angeles Landfill (Landfill) began in 2008 after the last two cells of the landfill were covered and the seawall at the beach was constructed in 2007. Management of the landfill is regulated through the Solid Waste Post- Closure Permit issued by Clallam County Environmental Health Services (CCEHS) working in close cooperation with Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE). The permit covers the entire landfill and addresses the different regulations that were in place at the time each of the particular cells of the landfill were closed. Since May 2014, the Port Angeles Landfill has been operating under a modification to the Clallam County Environmental Health Services Solid Waste Handling Facility Permit. The modification C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O E - 2904/19/2016 April 19, 2016 City Council Re: Landfill Post-Closure Engineering PSA Amendment 5 Page 2 was issued in order to provide for the construction of the Landfill Cell Stabilization Project, which involved the relocation of approximately 400,000 cubic yards of waste from the 304 Cell to the 351 Cell, along with modifications to the existing seawall, a mechanically reinforced earth (MRE) slope on the face of the Valley Cell, a new cover system, modifications to the leachate / landfill gas / groundwater monitoring and stormwater systems, and other improvements. Regulated Post- Closure Activities include environmental monitoring, inspection, maintenance, reporting and recordkeeping, technical support, and emergency reporting. In October of 2008, the City entered into an agreement with Aspect Consulting to provide engineering services in support of the landfill post-closure permit requirements. Aspect has provided post-closure compliance technical services prior to the Landfill Cell Stabilization Project and during its construction. Due to the specific experience that Aspect Consulting has with the City’s landfill infrastructure and participation in the Landfill Cell Stabilization Project, they are uniquely qualified to provide the continuity in expertise for the first year of support as we transition into the new systems and permit. This amendment extends the current agreement by one year which would otherwise expire at the end of April 2016. Funding Overview: The tasks and fees included for Aspect Engineering for the one-year period are summarized in the following table. The task budgets are estimates, and the City will be invoiced only for work that is actually performed. Summary of tasks and fees for 2016 Post-Closure Landfill Professional Services Task No. Description Task Budgets 1.1 Groundwater Monitoring Reports 1.1.1 Biannual Reports $24,012.70 1.1.2 Annual Groundwater Report $23,444.62 1.5 Operations Support for the Landfill Gas System $24,082.30 1.6 Operations Support for Landfill Cover System $6,130.72 1.7 Operations Support for Mechanically Reinforced Earth Slope $12,547.07 2 Maintenance Support $13,752.15 Totals $103,969.56 The Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation from their April 13, 2016 meeting for Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 5 to the Professional Services Agreement with Aspect Consulting in an amount not to exceed $103,969.56, for a new total agreement amount of $736,716.20, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, as necessary. E - 3004/19/2016 DATE: APRIL 19, 2016 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KEN DUBUC, FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: AMBULANCE SERVICE AGREEMENT UPDATE Summary: During the August 18, 2015 Council meeting, The City Council authorized the City Manager to sign an agreement enabling an innovative collaborative public-private Emergency Medical Service (EMS) billing arrangement with Olympic Ambulance. This agreement ensures that City residents will not incur any out-of-pocket expenses for ambulance transports. In the interim time since the agreement was completed, several clarifying changes have been made to the agreement. These changes have been reviewed and approved by the City of Port Angeles Legal Department and Olympic Ambulance. Funding: Funding for this agreement will come from the Medic 1 utility. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the attached agreement with Olympic Ambulance Inc., for the provision of EMS services within the City of Port Angeles, and to make minor modifications as necessary. At the August 18, 2015 City Council meeting, Council authorized the City Manager to sign an agreement with Olympic Ambulance that provides for the seamless provision of EMS services within the City. This agreement removes the confusion that surrounds billing for EMS transports, primarily ensuring that billing equivalency is achieved for City residents. This agreement ensures that City residents will not incur any out-of-pocket charges for medical transport – regardless of the agency providing the transport. In the interim time since the agreement was originally completed, there have been some clarifying changes proposed for the agreement. These changes are all contained with the “considerations” section of the document and they clarify the procedures that will be used to ensure that proper compensation is provided for Olympic Ambulance. These changes do not modify the amount of compensation, they only clarify the methodology. C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O E - 3104/19/2016 These changes have been reviewed and approved by the City of Port Angeles Legal Department and Olympic Ambulance. The original text of the agreement read as follows: The parties recognize and agree that Olympic receives several different benefits for its performance under this agreement, and all of those benefits together constitute the consideration for Olympics ’ performance. As part of the consideration, the City shall make payments from the Medic I utility fee account to Olympic in the amount as necessary to satisfy Medicare regulations and to assure Olympic does not suffer a net loss as a result of its performance under this agreement. For those purposes, the City agrees to pay to Olympic the greater of (1) the reduction of Medicare revenue that Olympic incurs as a result of adopting the City’s patient billing protocols and practices or (2) an amount equal to the amount of collectible first party payer revenue that Olympic waived as a result of Olympic adopting the City’s patient billing protocols and practices. With regard to item (1) in the preceding paragraph, Medicare revenue, to comply with Medicare billing practices in accordance with the Department of Health & Human Services’ CMS Carrier Manual and with the Office of the Inspector General’s opinion regarding those practices, Olympic shall be paid from the City’s Medic I utility fee account each month the amount of Medicare co- payments it waives for City residents. The clarified text reads as follows: The consideration to Olympic shall be the greater of: 1) The reduction of Medicare revenue that Olympic incurs as a result of adopting the City’s billing protocols and practices, or 2) An amount equal to the amount of first party payer collectible revenue that Olympic waived as a result of Olympic adopting the City billing protocols and practices. “First party payer collectible revenue” is defined as the amount that Olympic does not charge a patient beyond the patient’s insurance coverage, less the uncollectable amount charged to first party payers. The parties have determined that the “uncollectable amount charged to first party payers” is 14% of the amount that could have been charged to first party payers. The “uncollectable amount charged to first party payers” was based on a retrospective audit period of 2014 that represents the total amount of private pay that Olympic would have received, plus the amount Olympic collected on accounts that were sent to collection. The parties establish these criteria based upon the understanding that appropriate consideration to Olympic is necessary for Olympic to assure that this Agreement complies with all regulations, rulings, determinations and notices of the Office of Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services. With the purpose of assuring such compliance, if the total amount collected varies by more than 20% from $12,000 which is the amount determined by the original retrospective 2014 audit period, then a new retrospective study will be conducted by Olympic Ambulance. This new study will be conducted using a full year worth of data from a similar agency with similar payer mix. If they find that the consideration to Olympic should be adjusted to achieve the criteria established in the preceding paragraph, the parties agree to adjust the consideration to Olympic so that, as nearly as E - 3204/19/2016 practicable, the consideration is equal to the reduction of revenue that Olympic incurs as a result of adopting the City’s billing protocols and practices. Olympic Ambulance will, upon request, provide supporting data used for the new retrospective study. Funding: Funding for this agreement will come from the Medic 1 utility. E - 3304/19/2016 - 1 - Ambulance Services Agreement The City of Port Angeles (the City) and Olympic Ambulance Service Inc. (Olympic) make and enter into this Agreement for the provision of emergency medical services (EMS) within the City of Port Angeles. For and in consideration of the covenants and promises set forth herein and the performances to be rendered, the parties hereby recite, covenant, and agree as follows: Intent The City of Port Angeles and Olympic Ambulance, by this Agreement intend to form a system for delivery of EMS services and patient care. Through that process, the parties intend to accomplish the following objectives: To provide for the seamless delivery of EMS within the City of Port Angeles. To eliminate medical billing disparity that has existed in the past. To achieve billing equivalency for City residents. To ensure that City residents incur no out of pocket expenses for any medical transport. To ensure a mutually beneficial relationship that emphasizes efficiency and patient care. To integrate Olympic as a resource in the City’s EMS system. To comply with Medicare billing practices in accordance with the Department of Health & Human Services’ CMS Carrier Manual and with the Office of the Inspector General’s opinion regarding those practices. Agreement To accomplish their intent, the parties agree to the following terms: Olympic will be a component part of the City’s system for the provision of EMS service. Olympic will be an integrated resource in the City’s EMS system. Olympic will adopt and follow the same billing protocols as currently used by the Port Angeles Fire Department (PAFD), and for consistency, both parties will use the same medical billing service provider. E - 3404/19/2016 - 2 - The parties will advise the medical billing service provider of the provisions of this Agreement, and ask the service provider to help assure billing consistency so that residents of the City are charged the same for EMS transport regardless of whether the resident is transported by the City or Olympic. If units are available and able to respond, PAFD will respond and provide service to all EMS calls for service within the City and will provide transportation to Olympic Medical Center (OMC) for all patients requiring Advanced Life Support (ALS) services. If a patient does not require ALS transport, Olympic will transport the patient to OMC if available. For consistency, for those EMS calls within the City, Olympic adopts PAFD’s Service Delivery Objectives. Consideration The consideration to Olympic shall be the greater of: 1) The reduction of Medicare revenue that Olympic incurs as a result of adopting the City’s billing protocols and practices, or 2) An amount equal to the amount of first party payer collectible revenue that Olympic waived as a result of Olympic adopting the City billing protocols and practices. “First party payer collectible revenue” is defined as the amount that Olympic does not charge a patient beyond the patient’s insurance coverage, less the uncollectable amount charged to first party payers. The parties have determined that the “uncollectable amount charged to first party payers” is 14% of the amount that could have been charged to first party payers. The “uncollectable amount charged to first party payers” was based on a retrospective audit period of 2014 that represents the total amount of private pay that Olympic would have received, plus the amount Olympic collected on accounts that were sent to collection. The parties establish these criteria based upon the understanding that appropriate consideration to Olympic is necessary for Olympic to assure that this Agreement complies with all regulations, rulings, determinations and notices of the Office of Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services. E - 3504/19/2016 - 3 - With the purpose of assuring such compliance, if the total amount collected varies by more than 20% from $12,000 which is the amount determined by the original retrospective 2014 audit period, then a new retrospective study will be conducted by Olympic Ambulance. This new study will be conducted using a full year worth of data from a similar agency with similar payer mix. If they find that the consideration to Olympic should be adjusted to achieve the criteria established in the preceding paragraph, the parties agree to adjust the consideration to Olympic so that, as nearly as practicable, the consideration is equal to the reduction of revenue that Olympic incurs as a result of adopting the City’s billing protocols and practices. Olympic Ambulance will, upon request, provide supporting data used for the new retrospective study. Term The term of this Agreement shall be for five years, commencing on October 1, 2015, the effective date of this Agreement. This agreement shall be reviewed by both parties after one year. This Agreement may be terminated by either party giving the other party one year’s written notice. Operating Protocols For the purpose of implementing the intents and agreements stated in this Agreement, the parties shall jointly adopt detailed Operating Protocols. The City Manager, for the City, and the Executive Director, for Olympic, are hereby authorized to approve and adopt such Operating Protocols as they deem necessary to implement this Agreement and to amend such Operating Protocols as they find necessary from time to time. Dispatch Procedures PenCom will provide all dispatch services for 9-1-1 response to both parties. The details of dispatch procedures shall be included in the Operating Protocols to be developed in accord with the preceding paragraph. The Operating Protocols to be developed in accord with the preceding paragraph shall also establish in detail the procedures the parties will follow when on the scene of an EMS call, compliance with medical protocols, and transportation procedures. E - 3604/19/2016 - 4 - Billing Olympic agrees that each person who is transported by it shall be billed per the rates schedule filed with the City Clerk pursuant to PAMC 5.08.130; provided, however, that each person who is: (1) a City resident, or (2) is an employee of a business within the City (and the person or business is assessed a monthly utility charge under section 13.73.300 PAMC) shall not be billed beyond their insurance coverage. On the condition that the resident or employee: (1) supplies all requested information and documentation including, but not limited to, insurance information and medical records relative to billing for the ambulance service; and (2) assigns to Olympic the patient's right to receive payment from all applicable third-party payers, any co-payments and deductibles shall be waived. For the purpose of this section, a City resident refers to someone who has no fixed or established place of residence outside the City, utilizes the dwelling unit inside the City as a fixed abode, and is not a guest, visitor, or other temporary inhabitant. A student who is regularly enrolled in an educational institution outside the City, but who would normally and regularly be a City resident but for attendance at such educational institution, shall be deemed to reside within the City. For the purpose of implementing the billing rates and procedures described above, the parties shall jointly adopt the detailed billing practices and protocols developed by Systems Design West. The City Manager, for the City, and the Executive Director, for Olympic, are hereby authorized to approve and adopt such billing practices and protocols as they deem necessary to implement this Agreement and to amend such practices and protocols as they find necessary from time to time. After the close of each calendar year, the parties shall perform a true-up audit and adjust the accounts as necessary to assure that Olympic is compensated for Medicare co-payments it waives, but is not over-compensated. With regard to Medicare, to comply with Medicare billing practices in accordance with the Department of Health & Human Services’ CMS Carrier Manual and with the Office of the Inspector General’s opinion regarding those practices, Olympic shall be paid quarterly from the City’s Medic I utility the amount of Medicare co-payments it waives and does not collect from City residents. E - 3704/19/2016 - 5 - With regard to non-Medicare patients, Olympic shall be paid from the City’s Medic 1 utility each quarter. This amount will be the agreed percentage amount referred to in “Consideration” above. Dispute Resolution In the event of any dispute concerning the terms of this Agreement or the breach thereof, the parties agree to make good faith efforts to resolve such dispute through direct discussions. If such efforts are unsuccessful, the parties agree to endeavor to settle the dispute by mediation. The mediator shall be selected by agreement of the parties. Following mediation, if either party gives to the other a written demand for arbitration, any unresolved controversy or claim arising from or relating to this Agreement or breach thereof shall then be submitted to binding arbitration. In that event, each party shall appoint one arbitrator, and the two arbitrators first appointed shall appoint a third. The three arbitrators shall then hear and decide the dispute. All fees and expenses for mediation or arbitration shall be borne by the parties equally. However, each party shall bear the expense of its own counsel, experts, witnesses, and preparation and presentation of evidence. Hold Harmless Olympic shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials and employees, and volunteers against and from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including attorneys fees, arising out of or resulting from the acts, errors or omissions of Olympic or its employees in the performance of this agreement. Licensing Olympic is required to maintain current Washington State licensing as well as licensing as required by Port Angeles Municipal Code. Olympic is responsible for compliance with all licensing, verifications, certifications, and other qualifications necessary to provide the EMS services required by this Agreement. Compliance Audits To ensure that the parties are complying with the terms of this Agreement, annual audits will be conducted for the first two years of the Agreement, with additional audits to be completed in E - 3804/19/2016 - 6 - January every third year after. Audits may include compliance with Service Delivery Objectives, medical billing procedures, transport charges, and a random selection of those incidents where patients were released to Olympic for transport and those incidents where Olympic transports a patient ALS. Prior Agreements The parties previously entered into the following agreement: Port Angeles Medic 1/Private Carrier Operational Procedures Agreement, March 4, 2003, which is referred to as the Prior Agreement. Recognizing that this Agreement is intended to fundamentally change their relationship, the parties revoke and terminate all Prior Agreements. CITY OF PORT ANGELES OLYMPIC AMBULANCE SERVICE, INC. By: Dan McKeen, City Manager _____________________________________ Date: By: Bill Littlejohn, President ____________________________________ Date: Attest: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk Approved as to form: William E. Bloor, City Attorney E - 3904/19/2016 DATE: April 19, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: KEN DUBUC, FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: Appointment to Utility Advisory Committee Summary: For years, the City has had a member on the Utility Advisory Committee who represents the community and the local Licensed Care Facilities on matters related to the Medic 1 utility. The previous representative has left the area. Laura Dodd, the Administrator from St. Andrews Place Assisted Living, has volunteered to serve as a representative to the UAC. At their April 12, 2016 meeting, the UAC recommended Ms. Dodd for appointment to the UAC. Funding: There are no costs associated with this appointment. Recommendation: Appoint Laura Dodd, Administrator from St. Andrews Place, as the Medic 1 representative to the Utility Advisory Committee. Background/Analysis: Since the Medic 1 Utility was formed, there has been a member on the City Utility Advisory Committee who represents the Community and the local Licensed Care Facilities on matters related to the Medic 1 utility. This position is typically held by an Administrator from one of the four local Licensed Care Facilities. The Medic 1 representative to the UAC only attends those UAC meetings that have a Medic 1 related issue on the agenda. There is currently a vacancy in this position due to a job location change. The Fire Chief met with the Administrators from the Licensed Care facilities to interview them and determine if they were interested in submitting an application. Ms. Laura Dodd, the Administrator at St. Andrews Place Assisted Living, has expressed an interest and offered to serve on the committee. At their April 12, 2016 meeting, the UAC recommended Ms. Dodd for appointment to the UAC. It is recommended that the Port Angeles City Council appoint Laura Dodd as the Medic 1 representative to the UAC. Funding Overview: There are no costs associated with this appointment. C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O E - 4004/19/2016 WASHINGTON,U.S.A. APPLICATIONFORApPOINTMENTTOBOARD,COMMISSIONORCOMMITTEE Board,CommissionorCommitteetowhichyouareseekingappointment:, nJ.of.dl(,lltdd=y AdL)l~D[(j 0rmh1dk/~/ ApplicantNameandGeneralInformation First MI Last HomeStreetAddress C~&~ C~)gI7 3YI~ Zip Homephone Workphone Cellphone E-mailaddress DateofBirth (tobecompletedonlybyapplicantsforPublicSafetyAdvisoryBoardforpurposesofcriminal historychecktoensurecompliancewithPortAngelesMunicipalCode2.26.020) CertificationandLocationInformation (circleone) Doyouown/manageabusinessintheCity? Yes @ G No @ No ®No ®No &No AreyouemployedbytheCityofPortAngeles? AreyouacitizenoftheUnitedStates? AreyouaRegisteredVoter? AreyouaCityresident? Ifso,howlong__-'-\_C\.J._-\o.L~~UJJ(~~~-=--_ Doyouholdanyprofessionallicenses,registrationsorcertificates in anyfield? Ifso,pleaselist:~~C_~N~fr~_ 1 E - 4104/19/2016 AreyouawareofanyconflictofinterestwhichmightarisebyyourserviceonaCityBoardorCommission?Ifso,please explain: WorkorProfessionalExperience-Listmostrecentexperiencefirst,orattacharesume QdJn,t'ltstroJU(0 3 (ZOOd-.- Employer JteCZj?ot1 ~l hl£_ From(MN) J1s(cL<l1J W dttLi cpvrtti1 o n Title T(MN) Briefjobdescription Employer Title From(MIY)To(MN) Briefjobdescription Employer Title From (MfY)To (M/Y) Briefjobdescription Education-Listmostrecentexperiencefirst 'PminstlQa C-D\~A.A ~NOInstitutionlLocationDegreeearned/Majorareaofstudy YesNo Institution/Location DegreeearnedlMajorareaofstudy Graduated? YesNo InstitutionILocation DegreeearnedlMajorareaofstudy Graduated? Charitable,SocialandCivicActivitiesandMemberships-Listmajoractivitiesyouhaveparticipatedin duringthelastfiveyears . Organization/Location #ofmembers Briefdescriptionofyourparticipation:On13oa.vd·J almo st a J[MrVIl'L, Vcye1? OrganiZJioniLocation Group'spurpose/objective BriefdescriptionofyourParticiPation:_----:-J---t~_..lk"--,G=--A-.__J--+D"",..__·\.Ln-'----'--d--==--~_ #ofmembers 2 E - 4204/19/2016 Questions WhatinyourbackgroundorexperiencedoyouthinkwouldhelpyouinservingonthisBoard? WhatisyourunderstandingoftheresponsibilitiesofthisparticularBoardorCommission? J n \10 I \Je.:~ Pleasefeelfreetoaddanyadditionalcommentsyouwishtomakeregardingyourapplication. Submitcompletedformsto:OFFICEOFTHECITYCLERK JENNIFERVENEKLASEN,CITYCLERK 360-417-4634or jvenekla@cityofpa.us CityofPortAngeles 321 E.5th Street PO Box1150 PortAngeles,WA98362 In compliancewiththeAmericanswithDisabilitiesAct,ifyouneedspecialaccommodationsbecauseofaphysical limitation,pleasecontacttheCityManager'sOfficeat417.4500soappropriatearrangementscanbemade. 3 E - 4304/19/2016 N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Landfill Bluff Stabilization Construction Management, Anchor QEA, SW0212, Amendment No. 3.doc Date: April 19, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: CRAIG FULTON, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES SUBJECT: Port Angeles Landfill Stabilization Project (SW0212) - Construction Management Services Contract Amendment #3 Summary: Construction management services are provided by Anchor QEA for the Port Angeles Landfill Stabilization Project. Due to the discovery of large amounts of asbestos and the resulting claim from the construction contractor, Anchor QEA has provided a substantial amount of additional support to prepare the City to equitably resolve the asbestos claim. In addition, the construction contractor, Magnus Pacific, was required to achieve substantial completion by November 10, 2015. Schedule impacts due to the asbestos as well as other issues have extended the completion date to the end of March 2016. This required Anchor QEA to be onsite longer. This amendment compensates Anchor QEA for the additional effort. Funding: a) The project originally was approved by Council on May 20, 2014 with a contingency of $1,962,994. The construction management agreement has had two additive amendments valued at $299,927, and the construction contract has had twelve change orders for a total value of $1,453,927 and legal expenses valued at $112,056. This leaves a net contingency balance of $97,084 at this time. b) In addition, the Engineers report that the construction contract has two pending change orders and quantity take-off variances that are expected to further reduce the construction contract cost by $432,248. With this, the projected amount of surplus funding available in the project is estimated to be $529,332 which is more than sufficient for this amendment. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Anchor QEA, increasing the value by $99,000 for a revised maximum not-to-exceed amount of $1,827,927. C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O E - 4404/19/2016 April 19, 2016 City Council Re: Landfill Bluff Construction Management, Anchor QEA, SW0212, Amendment No. 3 Page 2 Background/Analysis: The purpose of the Port Angeles Landfill Stabilization Project is the relocation of approximately 380,000 cubic yards of waste from the east 304 Cell to the 351 Cell. It also includes improvements to the gas collection, leachate, and stormwater systems and the installation of a new cover system on the 351 Cell, improvements to the rocked ends of the existing seawall, fish habitat improvements to the Dry Creek area, native plantings, and completion of a mechanically reinforced earth (MRE) wall. A professional services agreement for construction management services to oversee the construction contract was awarded to Anchor QEA on May 20, 2014. Due to the discovery of large amounts of asbestos and the resulting claim from the construction contractor, Anchor QEA has provided a substantial amount of additional support to prepare the City to equitably resolve the asbestos claim. The claim was settled as part of Change Order 12. In addition, the construction contractor, Magnus Pacific, was required to achieve substantial completion by November 10, 2015. Schedule impacts due to the asbestos as well as other issues have extended the completion date to the end of March 2016. This required Anchor QEA to be onsite longer. Funding Overview: Anchor QEA has analyzed their remaining budget in the agreement. At this time, a budget increase of $99,000 has been projected to be needed. The professional services agreement is an hourly contract, so the City will only be charged for the actual effort that the construction management firm uses. The agreement was previously amended by $219,927 to transfer the testing services effort from the construction contract to the construction management agreement for purposes of better control and execution (the construction contract was modified with an equal “deductive” change order for shifting the testing services). The following table summarizes all amendments for the construction management agreement. The Utility Advisory Committee, at its April 13, 2016 meeting, forwarded a favorable recommendation to Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Anchor QEA, increasing the value by $99,000 for a revised maximum not-to-exceed amount of $1,827,927 Construction Management Contract Stage Amount A. Original Contract Amount $1,429,000 B. Amendment No. 1 – Testing Services Transfer 219,927 C. Amendment No. 2 – Asbestos Claim/Delay 80,000 D. Current contract amount 1,728,927 E. Amendment No. 3 – Asbestos Claim/MRE Wall Redesign / Delay 99,000 Total revised contract amount $1,827,927 E - 4504/19/2016 N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Material Purchase - Electric Transformers, Contract MEC16-08.doc DATE: April 19, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: CRAIG FULTON, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES SUBJECT: Material Purchase: Electric Transformers, Contract MEC16-08 Summary: Bids were received on March 31, 2016 for the purchase of thirty eight transformers for the Light Operations Division. Five vendors representing seven manufacturers bid on this material purchase. Annixter, Inc., of Portland, Oregon was the low responsible bidder for total Life-Cycle Cost (LCC). Funding: 2016 Electric Utility budget as material inventory. Recommendation: Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Anixter, Inc., of Portland, Oregon for thirty eight pole mounted transformers manufactured by Cooper/Eaton at a price of $39,971.42, including sales tax, and to make minor modifications to the contract as necessary. Background/Analysis: Bids were received on March 31, 2016 for thirty eight transformers. This procurement is to replenish the Light Operations Division’s transformer inventory. The transformers will be used in ongoing work activities including new transformer installation and replacement of existing transformers as needed throughout City. Five vendors representing seven manufacturers bid on this material purchase. The basis for award in this procurement is the total life-cycle cost that includes the effects of transformer efficiencies and the cost of lost energy over the life of the unit. The Ermco units were the least expensive initially, but the Cooper units have the lowest life-cycle operating cost. Ermco is represented by General Pacific and Cooper is represented by Annixter, Inc. Funds are available in the 2016 operating budget. A bid summary is provided below. C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O E - 4604/19/2016 Material Purchase Contract, LO-13-007 (Prices Include Sales Tax and Fees) Distributer (Manufacturer) Total Cost for Transformers Total Life-Cycle Cost Anixter, Inc. (Cooper) $39,971.42 $88,165.25 General Pacific Inc. (Ermco) $37,025.11 $88,165.58 Anixter, Inc. (GE) $43,832.62 $90,914.26 WESCO Distribution, Inc. (Power Partners) $49,048.83 $94,766.89 General Pacific Inc. (Howard Industries) $49,007.64 $95,160.48 WENCO, LLC $52,745.27 $99,115.35 Cheryong Electric (Cheryong) $51,195.15 $99,648.40 Government Estimate $53,000.00 E - 4704/19/2016 DATE: April 19, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: KEN DUBUC, FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: Memorandum of Agreement with US Coast Guard Cutter Active Summary: For years, the USCG Cutter Active and the Port Angeles Fire Department have had an agreement whereby the Fire Department provides emergency services to the Active in order to protect life and property in the event of an emergency while the vessel is berthed at the US Coast Guard Air Station. This agreement also provides a mechanism for reimbursement for emergency services rendered and is updated to reflect the change of Commanding Officer of the Active. Funding: There are no direct costs associated with this MOA. Recommendation: City Council to authorize the Fire Chief to sign the attached agreement with the Commanding Officer of the USCG Cutter Active. Background/Analysis: The Fire Department has long-standing agreements to provide fire and emergency services to the US Coast Guard Air Station on Ediz Hook and to the USCG Cutter Active, which is frequently berthed at the Air Station. These agreements have been promulgated in order to provide the City with a mechanism to receive compensation for emergency response to these Coast Guard commands and to outline the responsibilities of both agencies. This agreement stipulates that the Port Angeles Fire Department will provide emergency services to the USCG Cutter Active in order to protect life and property in the event of an emergency while the vessel is berthed at the US Coast Guard Air Station. This agreement provides that a representative from the USCG Cutter Active, knowledgeable of the vessel fire protection systems, will be present in order to provide information during an emergency. In addition a mechanism allows for the reimbursement of expenses for provision of emergency services. Funding Overview: There are no direct costs associated with this MOA. Attachment: Agreement C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O E - 4804/19/2016 E - 4904/19/2016 E - 5004/19/2016 E - 5104/19/2016 E - 5204/19/2016 DATE: April 19, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: CRAIG FULTON, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES SUBJECT: Amendment to WDFW Rearing Channel Lease Agreement Summary: The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has requested an amendment to the current lease agreement in order to allow construction of a groundwater withdrawal well on City property. Funding: Not applicable. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Amendment to WDFW Rearing Channel Lease Agreement. Background/Analysis: Since 1974, the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has been operating a fish rearing channel on City property along the Elwha River under a lease agreement. The lease includes several indemnification and liability clauses to protect the City’s interests, and WDFW has consistently abided by the lease terms. In January 2016, the City received a request from WDFW to modify the terms of the lease to allow the installation of a new groundwater withdrawal well. This well is specifically being installed to replace a well that WDFW is no longer using due to its proximity to the Ranney well. This new well is being installed further away from the Ranney well in order to minimize its influence on it. The request does not involve any increase in WDFW’s permitted groundwater withdrawal. Included in the lease amendment is a requirement for WDFW to conduct a pumping test this summer during low river flow to demonstrate that the well field can operate at full capacity without negatively impacting Ranney well production. An additional stipulation of the lease amendment is that if, at any time, the City notifies WDFW that its Ranney well is being negatively impacted, WDFW will cease withdrawing water within 24 hours. The WDFW wells may be operated only for the purpose of fish rearing. C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O E - 5304/19/2016 AMENDMENT TO WDFW REARING CHANNEL LEASE AGREEMENT Between City of Port Angeles and State of ïVashington, Department of Fish rnd Wildlife Dated October 29,2008 On October 29,20A8, the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of the State of V/ashington, as Lessor, and the State of Washington, Department of Fish and Wildlife, as Lessee, entered into a WDFW REARING CHANNEL LEASE AGREEMENT. That Lease is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. The original terms of the Lease expired on October 28, 2010, and the Lease has continued since then as a month-to-month rental. The parties hereby amend SecJion H of the Lease to allow for an addition of a new well as located and shown on Exhibit B subject to the following conditions; Prior to operating the well WDFW will conduct a one-week full capacity (2000 gpm, equivalent to 2,8 MGD or about 4.5 cfs) pumping test during a period of low flows. The testing protocol and timing shall be coordinated with the Port Angeles Water Superintendent. The expected timeframe will be July or August. The results of the test must demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the City, in its discretion, that the pump causes no) or only minimal, draw-down to the Ranney Well. If the well does not satisfy this condition, it shall not be put into operation. a. At any time the City notifies WDFìW that its Ranney Well is being negatively impacted, the WDFW will cease withdrawing water from the well within 24 hours notification by the City. WDFW also agrees to operate the wells only when necessary to accomplish rearing activities. Except as expressly provided above, the 2008 Lease Agreement, now operating as a month-to-month rental, is hereby ratified and confirmed, IN V/ITNESS WHEREOF, this lease has been executed the date and year of the last signature affi xed below. b. c, -l- E - 5404/19/2016 CITY OF PORT ANGELES STATE OF WASHINGTON; DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE By Print -t(, t (Ø Patrick Downie, Mayor Date: Date: Attest: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk Approved as to form: William Bloor, City Attomey State of Washington ) ) ss. County of Clallam ) On this day of 2016, personally appeared before me Patrick Downie and Jennifer Veneklasen, to me known to be the Mayor and Cþ Clerk, respectively, of the City of Port Angeles, tho municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorizedto execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have herounto set my hand and affrxed my ofFrcial seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at Port Angeles. My commission expires: -)- E - 5504/19/2016 State of Washington County ofÏ\mlreJçOfr on thisl Êt r\16, personally appeared before me0[o-$ SQ'ro q !^g to me known to be the Lands Division Manager for the State of Washington, Department of andthat executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said government, for the uses and purposos therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said inshument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. d) truL{ahn Notary Public in and forÏhe State of Washington residing at q My ss. ) ) ) -3- E - 5604/19/2016 E - 5704/19/2016 E - 5804/19/2016 E - 5904/19/2016 E - 6004/19/2016 E - 6104/19/2016 E - 6204/19/2016 E - 6304/19/2016 E - 6404/19/2016 E - 6504/19/2016 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Previous Proposed New Well # WB-1 Proposed New Well 95-1 WB-2 95-2 95-3 Port Angeles Ranney Well WDFW Domestic Well Port Angeles OW1-13 Port Angeles OW2-13 Data Source: Esri World Imagery. Well Installation and RehabilitationElwha Channel HatcheryPort Angeles, Washington Vicinity Map Figure1 0 200 400 Scale in Feet Notes1. Well locations are approximate.2. Black and white reproduction of this color original may reduce its effectiveness and lead to incorrect interpretation. Legend !Previous New Well Location !Revised New Well Location G: \ P r o j e c t s \ 1 2 1 3 \ 0 2 3 \ 0 1 0 \ 0 1 1 \ E l w h a C h a n n e l H a t c h e r y \ W e l l I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d W e l l R e h a b i l i t a t i o n \ F 0 1 V i c i n i t y M a p . m x d 1 / 2 7 / 2 0 1 6 N A D 1 9 8 3 S t a t e P l a n e W a s h i n g t o n N o r t h F I P S 4 6 0 1 F e e t !! ! ! ! ! WashingtonWashingtonOlympia PortAngeles Tacoma Spokane Everett Seattle ProjectLocation E - 6604/19/2016 DATE: April 19, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: KEN DUBUC, FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: Declaration of Emergency for Structure Fire and Unstable Bluff Summary: On April 5, 2016, the Port Angeles Fire Department responded to a structure fire at 715 E. Caroline Street. The structure was located on a bluff above the waterfront trail. During the fire, a large portion of the bluff sloughed off and fell onto the trail. The bluff was deemed unstable and it became clear that heavy equipment would be needed to completely extinguish the fire. An emergency was declared by the Acting City Manager in order to facilitate the acquisition of resources to mitigate the situation. Funding: There are service costs associated with this resolution for engineering, geotechnical and contractor services. Final costs are estimated to be approximately $10,000. A verbal update will be provided at the Council meeting. Recommendation: Pass the attached resolution affirming and ratifying the Declaration of Emergency issued by the Acting City Manager and authorize the Mayor to sign in respect to the structure fire and bluff sloughing incident that occurred on April 5, 2016. Background/Analysis: On April 5, 2016, the Port Angeles Fire Department responded to a structure fire at 715 E. Caroline Street. The structure was located on a bluff above the waterfront trail. During the fire, a large portion of the bluff sloughed off and fell onto the trail. The following day, the structure fire was still in progress and the instability of the bluff posed a significant safety risk to emergency personnel who needed to completely extinguish the fire. The bluff’s instability limited the City’s ability to perform necessary functions to address the fire, such as the use of heavy equipment, which would have to be brought in from third parties. Due to the severity of the structure fire and the unstable condition of the bluff, the Acting City Manager determined an emergency to be present which necessitated activation of the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, including utilization of emergency powers granted pursuant to RCW 35.33.081 and RCW 38.52.070(2). C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O E - 6704/19/2016 Funding Overview: There are service costs associated with this resolution for engineering, geotechnical and contractor services. Final costs are estimated to be approximately $10,000. A verbal update will be provided at the Council meeting. E - 6804/19/2016 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, affirming and ratifying the Declaration of Emergency issued by the Acting City Manager on April 6, 2016. WHEREAS, a Declaration of Emergency, a complete copy of which is attached, was issued by the Acting City Manager on April 6, 2016 and WHEREAS, City Council has reviewed the facts and circumstances that prompted the Declaration of Emergency, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles that: The Council hereby finds that the facts recited in the Declaration are true and correct. On the basis of those facts, the Council finds and declares that the severity of the structure fire and the unstable condition of bluff together constituted an emergency in the City of Port Angeles. The City Council affirms and ratifies (1) the Declaration of Emergency issued by the Acting City Manager on April 6, 2016, and (2) all actions authorized by that Declaration. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19th day of April, 2016. ___________________________________ Patrick Downie, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________________ William E. Bloor, City Attorney E - 6904/19/2016 E - 7004/19/2016 DATE: April 19, 2016 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN WEST , DIRECTOR COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT : STREET VACATION PETITION – STV 16-01 A PORTION OF COLUMBIA STREET WEST OF CHAMBERS STREET Summary : The consideratio n of the vacation of City right -of-way in conjunction with the consolidation of properties owned by Olympic Medical Center. Funding: N/A Recommendation: Council should open the continued public hearing , and adopt the attached ordinance, approving the street vacation petition – STV 16 -01. Background / Analysis: At the April 5 th City Counc il meeting Council conducted a public hearing and first reading of street vacation petition–STV 16 -01. Council recommended changes to the Vacation ordinance, and those changes are reflected in the revised draft ordinance attached to this memo. The petition proposes the vacation of a 70 foot right-of-way a distance of approximately 200 feet. The Real Estate Committee has recommended a price of $15.00 per square foot, or approximately $140,000.00 for the entire proposed vacation area. The assessed per square foot land value of the surrounding properties within a 300 foot buffer is $7.54, with the omission of 11 of the total 28 properties due to their public ownership . On May 5, 2015, Council approved a similar street vacation for the Olympic Medical Center at a price of $15.00 per square foot. Conditions 3 and 5 within the ordinance have been clarified based on Council inquiries . The Planning C ommission conducted a public hearing on this matter on March 23, 2016, and forwarded a recommendation of approval for the vacation by a vote of 7 – 0. There were no concerns raised by the Commission, or the public, at the meeting. Funding Overview: No City funding is required as part of this proposal. Revenue is anticipated, as noted above. Attachments: Draft Ordinance C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O F - 104/19/2016 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating a portion of Columbia Street and alley rights of way in Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of Columbia Street right-of-way abutting Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 of Block 3 and Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Block 4 of the Puget Sound Cooperative Colony’s Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington as shown on attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) rules as set forth in WAC 197-11-800(2)(i); and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the City Council following public notice pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, said vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the City right-of- way described above and as shown on the attached map Exhibit A is vacated. Section 2 - This Ordinance is subject to the following conditions. Conditions: 1. Property owned by the petitioners and right-of-way acquired through the subject vacation shall be combined into one building site per a Zoning Lot Covenant prior to the issuance of a quit claim deed for the right-of-way. -1- F - 204/19/2016 2. An easement shall be retained for existing electrical and stormwater utility facilities and future utilities for the full length and width of the vacated right of way. 3. Within the easement cited above, the City retains the right to construct, repair, maintain, or replace currently existing utilities, future utilities, and any associated elements. In the event that the City undertakes such work, the City cost for restoration of the site shall be limited to the cost to restore disturbed areas to the current condition. (Standard asphalt concrete paved street, cement concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, etc.) 4. The proponent of the Street Vacation shall be responsible for the cost of installing a double check assembly on the 2” water line at a location to be determined by the City. 5. Existing water and waste water facilities located within the area to be vacated shall be considered service/lateral lines, with the property owner responsible for their maintenance and operation up to and including their respective connections to the relocated water meters and sanitary sewer manhole. Water meters to be relocated at the sole cost of the petitioner into public right of way outside of that portion of Columbia Street being vacated per this Ordinance. Locations to be approved by the City. The City shall no longer maintain the water and wastewater utilities within the area to be vacated. 6. Unencumbered permanent emergency access to existing structures adjacent to the proposed vacation shall be maintained within 150 feet of the structures’ furthest point. Section 3 - City Reserves Easement List. A. The City reserves a permanent easement along the full length of the vacated Columbia Street right-of-way for maintenance, repair, and replacement of existing utilities, except water and wastewater, and for installation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of future utilities. By accepting this street vacation, the petitioners for vacation agree that, when the City does any installation, maintenance, repair, or replacement of utilities, the City’s sole obligation is to restore the premises to the conditions as they exist at the date this ordinance is passed by City Council. The City shall have no obligation to repair or restore any improvements made to the premises after the date this ordinance is passed. B. The City reserves a temporary easement for the purpose of performing modifications to the existing electrical system for the full length and width of the vacated alley right-of-way for the purpose of constructing modifications to the system to accommodate improvements to be constructed by Olympic Medical Center. This easement shall expire upon completion of all necessary modifications. Section 4 - Findings and Conclusions. The attached Findings and Conclusions in Support of STV 16-01 are hereby approved and adopted. -2- F - 304/19/2016 Section 5 - Compensation. This Ordinance is subject to payment of compensation in the amount of $_____________________, no later than __________________. Any proceeds from the street vacation will be allocated for transportation funding. Section 6 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective upon the occurrence of: (1) 5 days after publication, and (2) compliance with Sections 2, 3 and 5, of this Ordinance. This Ordinance is an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, and therefore is not subject to referendum. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and the Clallam County Assessor. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19th day of April, 2016. __________________________ Patrick Downie, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________ William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: , 2016 By Summary Exhibit A: Vacation Location Map, Utility Location Map, Conditions, Findings & Conclusions H:\a ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\ORDINANCES.2016\02 - OMC Columbia Street Vacation.rtf -3- F - 404/19/2016 Proposed Vacation Area Exhibit "A": Vacation Location Map F - 504/19/2016 T/1fs 11/(lp Is no/ 1111,mdedfor 1ise m {I legal deKripl1m1 loca/10/1.f of J11al11n:s nn: appro.T1nia1c 011{v Tnpol(r.1pl11c(\/<1p/enf11re.�are , -5 feel �f ac/m1f focal/ans TM., 111ap:dn1w111g l.f produced by llte cifl' nf Porl .·lngdesfor il.s ow11 1151' rmd p11rpuJt$ ,foy ntlrer uJc �ftlus mapldrow/1111, .1holl 1wl be th!! re.spon.stbilily o.fthe C,ly Water main 1/1/VVater main SWatermaln Electrical distribution • I I -I I -I 30 Feet l'a ... lO«N,.•,�VOU Jloriumta/ DarM111 -NAD 83191 �N Area Map Exhibit "A": Utility Location Map F - 604/19/2016 Exhibit "A": Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions in Support of STV 16-01 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER Conditions: 1.Property owned by the petitioners and right-of-way acquired through the subject vacation shall be combined into one building site per Zoning Lot Covenant prior to the issuance of a quit claim deed for the right-of-way. 2.An easement shall be retained for existing electrical and storm water utility facilities and future utilities for the full length and width of the vacated right of way. 3.The city cost for restoration associated with maintenance, repair, or replacement of a currently existing electrical, storm water, or future utility, and any associated elements thereof, shall be limited to the cost to restore to as existing condition at the time of the vacation (Standard asphalt concrete paved street, cement concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, etc.) 4.The proponent of the Street Vacation shall be responsible for the cost of installing a double check assembly of the 2” water line at a location to be determined by the city. 5.Existing water and waste water facilities located within the area to be vacated shall be considered service/lateral lines, with the property owner responsible for their maintenance and operation up to and including their respective connections to the relocated water meters and sanitary sewer manhole. 6.Language indicating a benefit to the City, benefit being no further need to maintain, for the water and wastewater utilities’ facilities conveyed to the petitioner shall be included in the Vacation Ordinance. 7.Emergency access to existing structures adjacent the proposed vacation must be allowed permanent unencumbered access within 150 feet of the furthest point of the building. Findings: 1.A petition requesting vacation of portions of rights-of-way platted to serve as access to the general area, and specifically abutting Lots 15-18, Block 3 and Lots 1-4, Block 4 of the Puget Sound Cooperative Colony Subdivision in the Townsite of Port Angeles submitted to the City on January 29, 2016, by abutting property owner Olympic Medical Center. The petition requests vacation of a portions of Columbia Street. 2.Information accompanying the petition indicated that vacation of the rights-of-way as proposed will allow OMC to expand its services to the public by allowing for better arrangement and protection of the helicopter landing site and rearrangement and expansion of existing parking to accommodate for those changes 3.RCW 35.79 requires that a petition for vacation of right-of-way shall be signed by at least two thirds of the abutting property owners in order to be considered valid. The petition is signed by 100% of the property owners abutting the area proposed for vacation. 4.City Departments (Public Works & Utilities, Fire, Police, and Community & Economic Development) have reviewed the petition requests. No objections or concerns were raised to the vacations as a result of that review due to the proposed circulation patterns that will address public, emergency, and maintenance access purposes. The City will require that an F - 704/19/2016 easement be retained within the vacated area. 5. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation of right-of-way. Land Use Element, Map Goals, Policies, and Objective Element Goal A, and Commercial Goal and Policies Goal D, Policy 3 are most relevant to the proposal. 6. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 7. The site was posted regarding the proposed land use action on March 3 and 10, 2016, with legal publication appearing in the Peninsula Daily News on March 13, 2016. No comments were received as a result of this public notification process. The Planning Commission public hearing was scheduled for March 9, 2015 and continued to March 23, 2016. 8. The vacated right-of-way must be consolidated with abutting properties in order to prevent the creation of a new parcel of land. Consolidation of the right-of-way with the abutting property into one building site following vacation can be accomplished by filing a Zoning Lot Covenant. 9. The City Council’s Real Estate Committee met on February 1, 2016, and determined that if full review of the petition identified the property should be vacated, a fair value for the right- of-way should be $15 per square foot. 10. The Port Angeles City Council set a public hearing date for action on the street vacation petition by Resolution on February 16, 2016, and forwarded the petition to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. The City Council will conduct a public hearing on the matter on April 5, 2016. Conclusions: A. Any improvements made to the vacated of the rights-of-way as petitioned will not alter access to properties in the area for emergency purposes, result in a change in daily service needs to existing properties, nor prevent the public’s access to the area. Alternatively, the proposed vacation will enable consolidation of several properties into one enhanced site that will address existing impacts and impacts from the enhanced site area in a reasonable manner. B. As conditioned, site consolidation will appropriately combine the vacated right-of-way with the abutting property into one building site. C. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan specifically Land Use Map Goal, Policies and Objective Element Goal A. F - 804/19/2016 G - 104/19/2016 G - 204/19/2016 G - 304/19/2016 G - 404/19/2016 G - 504/19/2016 G - 604/19/2016 G - 704/19/2016 G - 804/19/2016 N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Customer Service Standards.doc DATE: April 19, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: CRAIG FULTON, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES SUBJECT: Customer Service Standards Applicable to Cable Television Franchises Summary: The proposed Cable Customer Service Standards (Standards) are applicable to all entities that provide cable services under a cable franchise in the City of Port Angeles. The Standards are intended to provide basic “rules of the road” related to the interactions between cable franchise holders and residents and users of cable service in Port Angeles. Funding: These are obligations the Franchisee(s) must meet – No cost to the City Recommendation: Pass the proposed Customer Service Standards Resolution Background/Analysis: The proposed Cable Customer Service Standards (Standards) are intended to provide basic “rules of the road” related to the interactions between cable franchise holders and residents and users of cable service in Port Angeles. The Standards address a broad range of issues, including but not limited to, telephone answering and wait time, service installation, disabled services, notice to customers regarding rate changes, interruptions in service, billing statements, and credits for service impairment. These standards have been developed based on input received during the franchise renewal needs assessment process, and upon those in effect in other cities such as Seattle. They include, but are not limited to, the requirements set forth in FCC regulations, including 47 C.F.R. §76.309 and other applicable federal and state laws. The cable franchise holder is permitted the autonomy to first resolve customer inquiries and complaints without delay and interference from the City. C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O H - 104/19/2016 April 19, 2016 City Council Re: Customer Service Standards Page 2 Where a given Complaint is not addressed by a cable franchise holder to the customer’s satisfaction, the City may intervene. In addition, where a pattern of, or unremedied, noncompliance with the Standards is identified, the City may prescribe a cure and establish a thirty (30) da y deadline for implementation of the cure. If the noncompliance is not cured within thirty (30) days, monetary sanctions as described in PAMC 11.14 may be imposed. Funding Overview: These are obligations the Franchisee(s) must meet – No cost to the City. Recommendation: Pass the proposed Customer Service Standards Resolution Attachments: Proposed Customer Service Standards Resolution Customer Service Standards Document H - 204/19/2016 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting Customer Service Standards applicable to Cable Television Franchisees. WHEREAS, PAMC 11.14.120 B.5 and applicable federal laws gives the City authority to regulate and adopt Customer Service Standards applicable to cable television franchisees; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that adoption of the attached Customer Service Standards will benefit the residents of the City, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. Council adopts Customer Service Standards applicable to cable television franchisees as attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _____day of April, 2016. _______________________________ Patrick Downie, Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________ William E. Bloor, City Attorney 1 H - 304/19/2016 CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS Applicable for Cable Television Franchises The Franchisee shall be permitted option and autonomy to first resolve Customer inquiries and complaints without delay and interference from the City. Where a given Complaint is not addressed by the Franchisee to the Customer’s satisfaction, the City may intervene. In addition, where a pattern of, or unremedied, noncompliance with the Standards is identified, the City may prescribe a cure and establish a thirty (30) day deadline for implementation of the cure. If the noncompliance is not cured within thirty (30) days, monetary sanctions as described in PAMC 11.14 may be imposed. These Standards are intended to be of general application; however, the Franchisee shall be relieved of any obligations hereunder if it is unable to perform due to a force majeure event affecting a significant portion of the franchise area. The Franchisee is free to exceed these Standards to the benefit of its Customers, and such shall be considered performance for the purpose of enforcing these Standards. The Franchisee shall comply with the following Customer Service and reporting requirements. These requirements include, but are not limited to, the requirements set forth in FCC regulations, including 47 C.F.R. §76.309 and other applicable federal and state laws. To the extent the provisions of these Customer Service Standards differ from applicable FCC regulations or any applicable law, the provision or provisions that impose the highest standard or greatest legal duties or obligations upon the Franchisee shall take precedence, unless a different order of precedence is expressly set herein. DEFINITIONS When used in these Customer Service Standards (the “Standards”), the following words, phrases, and terms shall have the meanings given below: “Cable Operator” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 602(5) of the federal Communications Act., 47 U.S.C. 522(5). “Cable Services” shall mean (a) the one-way transmission to Customers of video programming, or other programming service, and (b) Customer interaction, if any, which is required for the selection and use of such video programming or other programming service. “Cable System” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 602(7) of the federal Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 522(7). “City” means the City of Port Angeles, Washington. “Complaint” shall mean any issue raised by a Customer that is a violation of the Customer Service Standards. “Customer” means any person who lawfully receives Cable Services or Other Services from the Cable Operator. 1 H - 404/19/2016 “Customer Service Representative” (“CSR”) means any person employed by the Franchisee to assist, or provide service to Customers, whether by answering public telephone lines, writing service or installation orders, answering Customers’ questions, receiving and processing payments, or performing other Customer service related tasks. “Escalated Complaint” means a complaint that is referred to a Cable Operator by the City. “Franchisee” shall mean a Cable Operator who has been granted a franchise by the City of Port Angeles to provide Cable Services. “Other Service” means any wire or radio communications service, including, but not limited to, any interactive television or Internet Service, provided through the use of any of the facilities of a Franchisee that are used in the provision of a Cable Service. “Normal Business Hours” means the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, excluding legal holidays. “Normal Operating Conditions” means service conditions within the control of a Franchisee. Those conditions that are not within the control of a Franchisee include, but are not limited to, natural disasters, civil disturbances, power outages, telephone network outages, and severe or unusual weather conditions. Those conditions that are ordinarily within the control of a Franchisee include, but are not limited to, special promotions, pay-per- view events, rate increases, regular peak or seasonal demand periods, and maintenance or upgrade of the Cable System. In addition, upgrades, rebuilds, plant or facilities construction or replacement (including but not limited to moving, adding or eliminating facilities, or changing addresses), additions, deletions or changes in equipment (including Company’s telephone systems, computer systems, record-keeping systems) or employees, or changes in operating or management procedures, consolidations, transfers, corporate mergers, reorganizations, roll-out of services, price and service changes or any combination of the above will be deemed to be “normal operating conditions.” 1. Customer Service. 1.1. All officers, agents, and employees of the Franchisee, its contractors and subcontractors who are in contact with Customers by telephone, in writing, or in person shall: 1.1.1. be courteous, knowledgeable and helpful; provide complete and accurate information; and deliver effective, timely and satisfactory service in all contacts with Customers; 1.1.2. be fluent in English and able to communicate clearly with Customers in English; and 1.1.3. (for those who are in personal contact with Customers) have visible identification cards bearing their name and photograph. The Franchisee shall account for all identification cards at all times. All CSRs shall 2 H - 504/19/2016 identify themselves orally to callers immediately following the greeting during each telephone contact with the public. Every vehicle of the Franchisee used for providing services to Customers shall be clearly visually identified to the public as working for the Franchisee. 1.2. All written correspondence with Customers shall be in a clear and conspicuous format, which shall be in a font size (10-point minimum) that is comparable to other general information provided to Customers as it appears on either paper or electronic communications. 1.3. The Franchisee shall use its best efforts to make all customer services available in Spanish and other languages, in addition to English. 1.3.1. During Normal Business Hours, the Franchisee shall maintain at least one customer service representative who is capable of speaking Spanish, whether in-person or via telephone calls. 1.3.2. The Franchisee's staff shall include customer service representatives who can communicate with Spanish-speaking subscribers regarding all issues including, but not limited to, installation, services, outages, billing questions, and other inquiries. 1.3.3. The Franchisee shall place on billing statements, a telephone number for communication with Spanish-speaking customer service representatives. 1.4. Trees and shrubs or other landscaping on a Customer’s property that are damaged by Franchisee, or any employee or agent during installation or construction for the Customer or in the process of serving adjacent structures, shall be restored to their prior condition or-replaced. Trees and shrubs shall not be removed without the prior permission of the owner of the property on which they are located. 1.5. The Franchisee shall, at its own cost and expense, and in a manner approved by the property owner and the City, restore any property to as good condition as before the work causing such disturbance was initiated. The Franchisee shall repair, replace or compensate all property owners for damages resulting from the Franchisee’s installation, construction, service or repair activities for a Customer. 1.6. The Franchisee shall clean all areas surrounding any work site of debris caused by the Franchisee’s activities and ensure that all cable materials are disposed of properly. 1.7. Satisfaction Guaranteed. The Franchisee shall guarantee Customer satisfaction for every Customer who requests new installation of Cable Services or Other Services or adds any additional programming service to the Customer’s cable subscription. Any such Customer who adds Cable Services or Other Services to his or her account, and then requests discontinuation of such service within thirty (30) days due to dissatisfaction with the service, shall receive a credit to 3 H - 604/19/2016 his/her account in an amount equal to the pro rata charge for the remaining days of service following the request to disconnect. If a Customer subscribes to a service under a promotion that provides free service and chooses to disconnect during the promotion window, there shall be no charge of any kind for the service or for disconnection of the service. Upon a Customer’s request, a Franchisee will promptly downgrade or disconnect the Customer from the Franchisee’s Cable system. 2. Office Availability. 2.1. Franchisee will maintain a Customer Service Center within the City limits. The Customer Service Center will be open for walk-in traffic at least nine (9) hours per day (except legal holidays) Monday through Friday, with some evening hours, and at least six(6) hours on Saturday to allow Customers to pay bills, drop off and pick up equipment. 2.2. Franchisee shall post a sign at each service center advising Customers of its hours of operation and of the addresses and telephone numbers to contact the City and the Franchisee if the service center is not open at other than Normal Business Hours. The Franchisee shall provide free exchanges of faulty Franchisee equipment at the Customer’s address. 2.3. The Customer Service Center shall be fully staffed with CSRs who: (a) are able to respond to walk-in Customers within a reasonable amount of time; (b) are able to easily access a Customer’s account information and his or her previous customer service inquiries; and (c) are qualified to offer the following services to Customers who come to the service center: 2.3.1. Bill payment (including the ability to provide change and Customer receipts); 2.3.2. Equipment exchange; 2.3.3. Processing of change of service requests; 2.3.4. Responding to Customer inquiries; 2.3.5. Receiving and resolving complaints regarding the quality of service, equipment malfunctions, billing disputes and similar matters; 2.3.6. Providing credit for interrupted service or any of the other credits described in these Customer Service Standards or listed in the “Schedule of Credits to Customers” at the end of this document; and 2.3.7. To waive fees, schedule service appointments and change billing cycles, where appropriate. 2.4. Any difficulties that cannot be resolved by the CSR shall be referred to the appropriate supervisor who shall make best efforts to contact the Customer 4 H - 704/19/2016 within four (4) hours and resolve the problem within forty-eight (48) hours or within such other time frame as is acceptable to the Customer and the Franchisee. 2.5. Franchisee will perform service calls, installations, and disconnects at least twelve (12) hours per day Monday through Saturday, except legal holidays, provided that a Franchisee will respond to outages twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. 3. Telephones. All Call Response statistics shall be measured on the basis of call response statistics for all call centers that serve Customers. If the call centers serve Customers located in other communities, the Franchisee shall insure that call center representatives do not give priority or preferential treatment to Customers located in other communities. 3.1. Definitions of Call Response terms. 3.1.1. “Answer Time” is the interval between when the Franchisee receives a call and when an interactive voice response (IVR) or agent answers. 3.1.2. “Speed of Answer” is the amount of time between when the Customer is transferred into the agent queue from either an IVR or an agent and the time an agent answers. 3.1.3. “Calls Abandoned” is the percentage of calls in any agent queue that are abandoned, disconnected or dropped for any reason. 3.1.4. “Trunks Busy” represents the percentage of time Customers receive a busy signal when they call Customer Service during Normal Operating Conditions. 3.2. Franchisee shall establish a publicly listed local toll-free telephone number. The phone will be answered by a CSR twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, so that the Franchisee can respond to requests for service, complaints, inquiries and outages as required herein. Call center CSRs shall be able to easily access a Customer’s account information and his or her previous customer service inquiries. 3.3. Standards for Call Response. 3.3.1. Answer Time will not exceed thirty (30) seconds or four (4) rings. Under Normal Operating Conditions, the Franchisee shall meet this requirement at least ninety (90) percent of the time. 3.3.2. The average Speed of Answer shall not exceed thirty (30) seconds. Under Normal Operating Conditions, the Franchisee shall meet this requirement at least ninety (90) percent of the time. 5 H - 804/19/2016 3.3.3. The percentage of Calls Abandoned shall not exceed three (3) percent under Normal Operating Conditions. 3.3.4. Customers shall receive a Trunks Busy signal less than three (3) percent of the time under Normal Operating Conditions. 3.4. Call Response Reports. 3.4.1. Franchisee shall submit reports on Call Response statistics every calendar quarter, except as otherwise provided in these Customer Service Standards. 3.4.2. If any of a Franchisee’s quarterly Call Response statistics fail to demonstrate compliance with any applicable requirement, the Franchisee must thereafter submit monthly reports on all Call Response times until the Franchisee requests and the City approves resumption of quarterly reporting. 3.4.3. Information in the reports about Call Response times shall be determined on the basis of the simple average of results under Normal Operating Conditions for the entire reporting period, and any report submitted at the end of a calendar quarter shall report the total number of calls during the preceding quarter and the average Call Response times during that quarter. 3.4.4. The City of Port Angeles may develop a quarterly reporting format to monitor a Franchisee’s compliance with these Customer Service Standards. Such reports detailing compliance with the standards herein shall be completed by a Franchisee and submitted to the City’s designated Franchise Administration Office on a quarterly basis, within thirty (30) days of the end of the quarter. All data in the report shall reflect activity within the City of Port Angeles only. 4. Confirmation of Initial Service Request, Change in Service, or Disconnection. Upon Customer request for initial service, for service changes/upgrades/downgrades/ disconnection, and/or for scheduling of service call, a Franchisee shall provide clear and concise written information to the Customer, sent electronically (to the e-mail address specified by the Customer) or postmarked within 24 hours. This information should confirm the Customer request, including all pertinent scheduling and price information, not limited to the Customer’s total upfront cost and ongoing monthly bill amounts, inclusive of all taxes and fees; the date of expiration of any customer promotions or discounts; and the resulting increase to a Customer’s bill that will be incurred at the time of expiration. 5. Scheduling Work. 5.1. All appointments for service, installation, or disconnection will be specified by date. Franchisee will set a specific time at which the work will be done, or offer 6 H - 904/19/2016 a choice of time blocks, which will not exceed two (2) hours in length. A Franchisee may also, upon request, schedule service installation calls outside normal business hours, for the express convenience of the Customer. Upon a Customer’s request, a Franchisee will promptly downgrade or disconnect the Customer from the Franchisee’s Cable system. 5.2. If at any time an installer or technician is late for an appointment and/or believes a scheduled appointment time will be missed, an attempt to contact the Customer will be made before the time of appointment and the appointment rescheduled at a time convenient to the Customer. If rescheduling is necessary, it is the Franchisee’s burden to prove it met the appointment. 5.3. The Franchisee will offer and fully describe to Customers who have experienced a missed appointment (where the missed appointment was not the Customer’s fault) that the Customer may choose between the following options: 5.3.1. Installation or service call free of charge, if the appointment was for an installation or service call for which a fee was to be charged; 5.3.2. At minimum, one (1) month of the most widely subscribed to service tier free of charge; and 5.3.3. An opportunity to elect remedies under Washington Civil Code, if applicable. 5.4 The Franchisee shall be deemed to have responded to a request for service under the provisions of this section when a technician arrives within the agreed upon time. If the Customer is absent when the technician arrives, the technician shall verify the appointment with his/her dispatcher by telephone while at the Customer’s door and leave written notification of timely arrival. A copy of that notification shall be kept by the Franchisee. In such circumstances, the Franchisee shall contact the Customer within forty-eight (48) hours. In the event that a technician arrives without a prior appointment, and the Customer must be present for service to proceed, and the Customer is absent, it shall not be deemed that the Franchisee has responded to a request for service. 5.5. If the Franchisee makes reasonable and no less than three (3) attempts to confirm an appointment during the scheduled appointment time or appointment window and is unsuccessful in obtaining such confirmation, the Franchisee may assume that the Customer has cancelled the appointment. 5.6. Under normal operating conditions, the service standards set forth in Sections 5.1 - 5.5 will be met at least ninety-five percent (95%) of the time, measured on a quarterly basis. 6. Service Standards. 6.1. Under Normal Operating Conditions, requests for service, repair, and maintenance must be acknowledged by a trained Customer Service 7 H - 1004/19/2016 Representative, and investigated and acted upon by qualified technicians within twenty-four (24) hours, seven (7) days a week or before the end of the next business day, whichever is earlier. 6.2. A Franchisee will respond to all other customer inquiries (including billing inquiries) within twenty-four (24) hours of the inquiry or Complaint. 6.3. Under Normal Operating Conditions, repairs and maintenance for outages or service interruptions must be completed within twenty-four (24) hours after the outage or interruption becomes known to Franchisee, where the Franchisee has adequate access to facilities to which it must have access in order to remedy the problem. 6.4. Under Normal Operating Conditions, work to correct all other service problems must be begun by the next business day after notification of the service problem, and must be completed within five (5) business days from the date of the initial request. 6.5. When Normal Operating Conditions do not exist, a Franchisee will complete the work in the shortest time possible. 6.6. A Franchisee will not cancel a service or installation appointment with a Customer within 24 hours of the appointment or after the close of business on the business day preceding the scheduled appointment, whichever is earlier. 6.7. Requests for additional outlets, service upgrades or other connections separate from the initial installation will be performed within seven (7) business days after an order has been placed. 6.8. Under Normal Operating Conditions, the service standards set forth in Sections 6.1 - 6.9 will be met at least ninety-five percent (95%) of the time, measured on a quarterly basis. 6.9. The failure of the Franchisee to hire sufficient staff or to properly train its staff will not justify a Franchisee’s failure to comply with this provision. 6.10. The Franchisee shall keep a maintenance service log which will indicate the nature of each service complaint, the date and time it was received, the disposition of said complaint and the time and date thereof. This log shall be made available for periodic inspection by City. 6.11. The Franchisee shall, in addition to its other obligations, install and maintain such equipment, implement procedures and maintain such records and prepare such reports as are necessary to show Franchisee’s compliance with each and every customer service standard. 7. Disabled Services. With regard to Customers with disabilities, upon Customer request, Franchisee will arrange for pickup and/or replacement of converters or other 8 H - 1104/19/2016 Franchisee equipment at the Customer’s address or by a satisfactory equivalent (such as the provision of a postage-prepaid mailer) at no charge to the Customer. 8. Notice to Customers regarding Service. Franchisee shall contact new Customers by telephone, mail, e-mail (to the address specified by the Customer) or in person within two (2) weeks after installation or provide a self-addressed stamped response postcard to all Customers in its installation materials to assure overall Customer satisfaction with the work completed. Franchisee shall maintain records of a reasonable sample of Customer responses. In addition, Franchisee will provide each Customer (1) at the time service is installed; (2) annually thereafter in correspondence separate from the monthly bill; and (3) at any time the Customer requests, clear and accurate written information with regard to: 8.1. All products and services offered by Franchisee, including its channel lineup and lowest cost (or free) service packages; 8.2. Process and procedures for a service call, filing a Complaint, or requesting an adjustment (including when a Customer is entitled to refunds for outages and how to obtain them); 8.3. The name, address and telephone number of the employee or employees or agent to whom such inquiries or complaints are to be addressed; 8.4. The telephone number and address of the City office responsible for administering the Cable Television Franchise; 8.5. A written copy of these Customer Service Standards or a summary approved by the City (an on-line version shall be considered an acceptable dissemination of the standards to the Franchisee’s Internet Service Customers, who shall be notified of the location of these Standards via e-mail to the address specified by the Customer); 8.6. Information regarding the current rates and charges for all services, products, and equipment provided by the Franchisee (which must include any senior, disabled or other discounts offered and the least expensive tier of service available, including any free PEG related tiers, if applicable), Channel positions, delinquent Customer disconnect and reconnect procedures; information regarding the availability of parental control devices, the conditions under which they will be provided, and the cost (if any) to be charged; 8.7. Information describing conditions that must be met to qualify for discounts; 8.8. All Franchisee’s policies in connection with its Customers; 8.9. Descriptions of any discounts, services, or specialized equipment available to Customers who are seniors or with disabilities; explaining how to obtain them; and explaining how to use any accessibility features; 9 H - 1204/19/2016 8.10. Installation and service maintenance policies, including the Customer responsibilities for equipment; 8.11. Instruction on the use of cable TV service, remote control, and all other equipment provided by a Franchisee; and 8.12. Days, hours of operation, and locations of the Customer Service Centers. 9. Customer Privacy. 9.1. Franchisee shall notify Customers within 10 days of any data breach that is brought to the attention of the Franchisee, and take all necessary steps to remediate injuries caused by the breach. 9.2. Franchisee shall fully comply with all obligations under 47 U.S.C. § 551 (“Protection of Subscriber Policy”), which address: 9.2.1 Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information; 9.2.2 Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information; 9.2.3 Access to Information; 9.2.4 Privacy Notice to Customers; 9.2.5 Privacy Reporting Requirements; and 9.2.6 Destruction of Personally Identifiable Information. 10. Notices to the City. Franchisee will provide the City with copies of all notices provided to its Customers pursuant to this article by providing copies to the City’s Franchise Administration Office (or designee). 11. Changes in Noticed Information. Franchisee will provide to the City (or designee) as soon as possible, but at least sixty (60) days in advance, and to all Customers at least thirty (30) days in advance, written notice of any material changes in the information required to be provided under these Customer Service Standards, except that, if federal law establishes a shorter notice period and preempts this requirement, the federal requirement will apply. 12. Truth in Advertising. Franchisee will take appropriate steps to ensure that all written Franchisee promotional materials, announcements, and advertising of residential Cable Services to Customers and the general public, where price information is listed in any manner, clearly and accurately discloses price terms and is in compliance with FCC Section 76.946. In the case of telephone orders, a Franchisee will take appropriate steps to ensure that price terms are clearly and accurately disclosed to potential Customers in advance of taking the order. 10 H - 1304/19/2016 12.1 Franchisee will maintain a file open for public inspection containing all notices provided to Customers under these Customer Service Standards, as well as all promotional offers made to Customers. The notices and offers will be kept in the file for at least one (1) year from the date of such notice or promotional offer. 13. Changes to Service. Franchisee shall provide Customers and the City with written notification (not with bills) of any change in rates, programming, services, equipment provided to the Customer, or channel positions as soon as possible, including but not limited to announcements on the Cable System. Franchisee’s Internet Service Customers may receive notification by e-mail to the address specified by the Customer. Customers shall be given a description of such changes in clear, prominent and obvious language; their options for changing services they receive; a phone number for questions; and the effective date. Notice must be given to Customers a minimum of thirty (30) days in advance of such changes if the change is within the control of the Franchisee. 14. Interruptions of Service. A Franchisee shall notify Customers and the City three (3) days prior to any scheduled or planned interruption of service for planned maintenance or construction; provided, however, that planned maintenance that does not require more than one (1) hour interruption of service and/or that occurs between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. will not require such notice to Customers. Notification to Customers of a planned outage may take the form of a door hanger, a message or insert into the monthly bill, or a telephone call, supplemented with on- screen messages announcing the planned outage. The Franchisee’s Internet Service Customers may receive notification by e-mail to the address specified by the Customer. 15. Prorated Billing. A Franchisee’s first billing statement after a new installation or service change will be prorated as appropriate and will reflect any security deposit. 16. Billing Statement. 16.1. A Franchisee’s billing statement must be clear, concise, and understandable; must itemize each category of service and equipment provided to the Customer; and must clearly and accurately state the charges therefor. 16.2. A Franchisee’s billing statement must show a specific payment due date not earlier than the later of: 16.2.1. Fifteen (15) days after the date the statement is mailed; or 16.2.2. The tenth (10th) day of the service period for which the bill is rendered. 16.3. A late fee or administrative fee (collectively referred to below as a "late fee") may not be imposed for late payments earlier than forty-five (45) days after the due date specified in the bill. 16.4. A late fee may not be imposed unless the Customer is provided written notice at least ten (10) days prior to the date the fee is imposed that a fee will be 11 H - 1404/19/2016 imposed, the date the fee will be imposed and the amount of the fee that will be imposed if the delinquency is not paid. A late fee may not be imposed unless the outstanding balance exceeds $10.00 and late fees may not exceed $10.00. 16.5. Customers will not be charged a late fee or otherwise penalized for any failure by a Franchisee, including failure to timely or correctly bill the Customer, or failure to properly credit the Customer for a payment timely made. Payments will be considered timely if postmarked on the due date. 16.6. A Franchisee’s bill must permit a Customer to remit payment by mail, electronically, or in Person at the Franchisee’s local office or at a listed drop-off location. 17. Credit for Service Impairment. 17.1. A Customer’s account will be credited a prorated share of the monthly charge for the service upon Customer request if a Customer is without service or if service is substantially impaired for any reason for a period exceeding four (4) hours during any twenty-four (24) hour period; or automatically if the loss of service or impairment is for twenty-four (24) hours or longer. 17.2. A Franchisee need not credit Subscriber where it establishes that a loss of service or impairment was caused by the Subscriber or by Subscriber-owned equipment (not including, for purposes of this Section 17.2, in-home wiring installed by the Franchisee). 18. Billing Complaints. Franchisee shall provide an initial response or acknowledgement to all written billing Complaints from Customers within 24 hours of receipt of the Complaint and a final written response within thirty (15) days of receipt of the Complaint. 19. Billing Refunds. Refunds to Customers will be issued no later than: 19.1. The earlier of the Customer’s next billing cycle following resolution of the refund request, or thirty (30) days; or 19.2. The date of return of all equipment to Franchisee, if Cable service has been terminated. 20. Credits for Cable Service. Credits for Cable service will be issued no later than the Customer’s next billing cycle after the determination that the credit is warranted. 21. Disconnection/Downgrades. 21.1. A Customer may terminate service at any time. 21.2. A Franchisee will promptly disconnect from the Franchisee’s Cable system or downgrade any Customer who so requests. No charges for service or rental of equipment provided by the Franchisee may be made after the Customer 12 H - 1504/19/2016 requests disconnection. No period of notice before voluntary termination or downgrade of Cable service may be required of Customers by any Franchisee. There will be no charge for disconnection and any downgrade charges will conform to applicable law. 21.3. Clear and concise written information regarding disconnection procedures (including return of equipment) shall be provided by Franchisee to the Customer, sent electronically (to the e-mail address specified by the Customer) or postmarked within 24 hours after the Customer requests disconnection. 21.4. Franchisee shall provide Customer a written receipt to confirm that equipment has been returned. 22. Security Deposit. Any security deposit and/or other funds due a Customer that disconnects or downgrades service will be returned to the Customer within thirty (30) days or in the next billing cycle, whichever is later, from the date disconnection or downgrade was requested except in cases where the Customer does not permit the Franchisee to recover its equipment, in which case the amounts owed will be paid to Customers within thirty (30) days of the date the equipment was recovered, or in the next billing cycle, whichever is later. 23. Disconnection due to Nonpayment. 23.1. A Franchisee may not disconnect a Customer’s Cable service for non-payment unless: 23.1.1. The Customer is delinquent in payment for Cable service; 23.1.2. A separate, written notice of impending disconnection, postage prepaid, has been sent to the Customer at least twenty (20) days before the date on which service may be disconnected, at the premises where the Customer requests billing, which notice must identify the name and address of the Customer whose account is delinquent, state the date by which disconnection may occur if payment is not made, and the amount the Customer must pay to avoid disconnection, and a telephone number of a representative of the Franchisee who can provide additional information and handle Complaints or initiate an investigation concerning the services and charges in question; 23.1.3. The Customer fails to pay the amounts owed to avoid disconnection by the date of disconnection; and 23.1.4. No pending inquiry exists regarding the bill to which Franchisee has not responded in writing. 13 H - 1604/19/2016 23.2. If the Customer pays all amounts due, including late charges, before the date scheduled for disconnection, the Franchisee will not disconnect service. Service may only be terminated on days in which the Customer can reach a representative of the Franchisee either in person or by telephone. 23.3. The Franchisee will promptly reinstate service after disconnection (except as noted below) upon payment by the Customer in full of all proper fees or charges, including the payment of the reconnection charge, if any. 24. Immediate Disconnection. A Franchisee may immediately disconnect a Customer if: 24.1. The Customer is damaging, destroying, or unlawfully tampering with or has damaged or destroyed or unlawfully tampered with the Franchisee’s Cable System; 24.2. The Customer is not authorized to receive a service, and is facilitating, aiding or abetting the unauthorized receipt of service by others; or 24.3. Customer-installed or attached equipment is resulting in signal leakage that is in violation of FCC rules. 24.4. After disconnection, the Franchisee will restore service after the Customer provides adequate assurance that it has ceased the practices that led to disconnection, and paid all proper fees and charges, including any reconnect fees and all amounts owed the Franchisee for damage to its Cable system or equipment. Provided that, no reconnection fee may be imposed on a Customer disconnected pursuant to this article if the leakage was the result of the Franchisee's acts or omissions; or in any case unless the Franchisee notifies the Customer of the leakage at least three (3) business days in advance of disconnection, and the Customer has failed to correct the leakage within that time. 25. Franchisee’s Property. Except as applicable law may otherwise provide, it shall be the responsibility of a Franchisee to remove its property from a Customer’s premises within thirty (30) days of the termination of service. If a Franchisee fails to remove its property in that period, the property will be deemed abandoned unless the Franchisee has been denied access to the Customer’s premises, or the Franchisee has a continuing right to occupy the premises under applicable law. 26. Deposits. A Franchisee may require a reasonable, non-discriminatory deposit on equipment provided to Customers. Deposits will be placed in an interest-bearing account, and the Franchisee will return the deposit, plus interest earned to the date the deposit is returned to the Customer, less any amount the Franchisee can demonstrate should be deducted for damage to such equipment. 14 H - 1704/19/2016 27. Parental Control Option. Without limiting a Franchisee’s obligations under Federal law, a Franchisee must provide parental control devices at no charge to all Customers who request them that enable the Customer to block the video and audio portion of any Channel or Channels of programming. 28. Escalated Complaint. Any Customer who is dissatisfied with any proposed disposition of a Complaint by a Franchisee or who has not received a decision within the required fifteen (15) day period shall be entitled to have the Complaint reviewed by the City. 28.1. The Customer may initiate the review either by calling the City or by filing a written Complaint, by letter or in electronic form, together with a Franchisee’s written decision, if any, with the City. 28.2. The Franchisee must attempt to contact the Customer who is the subject of the Escalated Complaints within two business days of receiving the Escalated Complaint notice from the City. 15 H - 1804/19/2016 Schedule of Credits to Customers Standards of Customer Service Minimum Compensation for Noncompliance Courtesy All Franchisee officers, agents, and employees shall be courteous, knowledgeable and helpful; provide complete and accurate information; and deliver effective, timely and satisfactory service. $5.00 credit Responsiveness Guaranteed Seven (7) Day Residential Installation and Service Franchisee shall complete Standard Installations 1 and service requested by a Customer within seven (7) business days after order has been placed. Free installation, or one (1) month of the most widely subscribed to service tier free of charge, if the installation fee has been waived for promotional reasons. Franchisee shall provide Customers seeking Non-Standard Installations with a total installation cost estimate and an estimated date of completion. Free installation, or one (1) month of the most widely subscribed to service tier free of charge, if the installation fee has been waived for promotional reasons. Upon Customer request for initial service, for service changes/upgrades/downgrades/ disconnection, and/or for scheduling of service call, a Franchisee shall provide clear and concise written information to the Customer, either in person, sent electronically (to the e-mail address specified by the Customer) or postmarked within 24 hours. This information should confirm Customer request, and specify all pertinent scheduling and price information (including Customer’s total upfront cost, ongoing monthly bill amounts [inclusive of all taxes and fees], the date of expiration of any customer promotions or discounts, and the resulting increase to a Customer’s bill that will be incurred at the time of expiration). Free installation, or one (1) month of the most widely subscribed to service tier free of charge, if the installation fee has been waived for promotional reasons. Residential Installation and Service Appointments All Franchisee Customers wanting installation of cable or service may choose any available two (2) hour time block. $10.00 credit if not offered a 2 hour time block. The Franchisee may not cancel a service or installation appointment with a Customer within 24 hours of the appointment or after the close of business on the business day preceding the scheduled appointment, whichever is earlier. $10.00 credit or the guarantee offered by the Franchisee, whichever is greater 1 “Standard Installation” means any residential Installation that can be completed using a Drop of 250 feet or less. 16 H - 1904/19/2016 Schedule of Credits to Customers Standards of Customer Service Minimum Compensation for Noncompliance If a Franchisee cannot make an appointment for any reason, the Franchisee shall contact the Customer before the end of the scheduled appointment and reschedule at the convenience of the Customer. Customer may choose: (a) installation or service call free of charge, if the appointment was for an installation or service call for which a fee was to be charged; or (b) at minimum, one (1) month of the most widely subscribed to service tier free of charge. If a Franchisee technician arrives within the agreed upon time, and the Customer is absent, the technician shall leave written notification of arrival and return time, and the Franchisee shall contact the Customer within forty-eight (48) hours to reschedule. $5.00 credit if the Customer is not contacted within forty-eight (48) hours Outages and Service Interruptions System outages resulting from Franchisee’s equipment failure affecting five (5) or more Customers. One (1) day’s free service for each day in which there is an outage for each Customer who reports an outage. Under Normal Operating Conditions, repairs and maintenance for outages or service interruptions must be completed within twenty-four (24) hours after the outage or interruption becomes known to Franchisee, where the Franchisee has adequate access to facilities to which it must have access in order to remedy the problem. One (1) day’s free service for each day in which such an interruption in service occurs. TV Reception Difficulties Franchisee shall make repairs promptly, and interrupt service only for good cause, during periods of minimum use of the system, and for no more than twenty-four (24) hours, except where unavoidable. One (1) day’s free service for each day in which there is an outage for each Customer who reports an outage Franchisee shall provide clear television reception that meets or exceeds FCC technical standards. One (1) day’s free service for each day in which reception falls below FCC standards for Customers who report reception that does not meet FCC standards If a Customer experiences poor video or audio reception due to Franchisee’s equipment, the Franchisee shall repair the problem no later than the next day, unless otherwise agreed to with the Customer. One (1) day’s free service for each day after the Customer has called and the problem remains uncorrected 17 H - 2004/19/2016 Schedule of Credits to Customers Standards of Customer Service Minimum Compensation for Noncompliance Problem Resolution The Customer Service Center shall be fully staffed with CSRs who: (a) are able to respond to walk-in Customers within a reasonable amount of time; and (b) are able to easily access a Customer’s account information and his or her previous customer service inquiries. $5.00 credit Franchisee’s CSRs shall be able to resolve complaints, provide credit, accept bill payments, waive fees, schedule appointments, process change of service requests, change billing cycles, and exchange equipment. $5.00 credit Any difficulties that cannot be resolved by the CSR shall be referred to a supervisor who shall make best efforts to contact the Customer within four (4) hours and resolve the problem within forty-eight (48) hours, or within such other time frame as is acceptable to the Customer and the Franchisee. $5.00 credit Billing, Credits and Refunds Franchisee’s billing statement must be clear, concise, and understandable; must itemize each category of service and equipment provided to the Customer; and must clearly and accurately state the charges therefor. Franchisee will respond to all billing inquiries within twenty-four (24) hours of the inquiry. $5.00 credit Franchisee may not impose a late fee for any failure by the Franchisee, nor for late payments earlier than forty-five (45) days after the due date specified in the bill. A late fee may not be imposed unless the outstanding balance exceeds $10.00 and late fees may not exceed $10.00. Credit for the full amount of an improperly charged late fee, plus additional $5.00 credit 18 H - 2104/19/2016 Schedule of Credits to Customers Standards of Customer Service Minimum Compensation for Noncompliance Upon a Customer’s request, Franchisee will promptly downgrade or disconnect the Customer from the Franchisee’s Cable system. No charges for service or rental of equipment provided by the Franchisee may be made after the Customer requests disconnection. No period of notice before voluntary termination or downgrade of Cable service may be required of Customers by any Franchisee. There will be no charge for disconnection and any downgrade charges will conform to applicable law. $5.00 credit (or payment if the Customer’s account has closed). Any security deposit and/or other funds due a Customer that disconnects or downgrades service will be returned to the Customer within thirty (30) days or in the next billing cycle, whichever is later, from the date disconnection or downgrade was requested (except in cases where the Customer does not permit the Franchisee to recover its equipment, in which case the amounts owed will be paid to Customers within thirty (30) days of the date the equipment was recovered, or in the next billing cycle, whichever is later). $5.00 credit (or payment if the Customer’s account has closed). Respectful Treatment of Property Franchisee shall replace any trees or shrubs damaged during any installation or repair $10.00 credit plus any additional repairs or reimbursement if the Franchisee fails to replace or repair the damage Franchisee shall restore any damage property to the same condition it was before damage occurred. $10.00 credit plus any additional repairs or reimbursement if the Franchisee fails to replace or repair the damaged property Franchisee’s personnel shall clean up debris caused by the Franchisee’s activities at a work site and properly dispose of cable materials. $10.00 credit plus cleanup and disposal of debris Services for Customers With Disabilities Upon Customer request, Franchisee will arrange for pickup and/or replacement of converters or other Franchisee equipment at the Customer’s address or by a satisfactory equivalent (such as the provision of a postage-prepaid mailer) at no charge to the Customer. $5.00 credit 19 H - 2204/19/2016 Schedule of Credits to Customers Standards of Customer Service Minimum Compensation for Noncompliance Customer Information Franchisee shall contact new Customers by telephone, mail, e-mail (to the address specified by the Customer) or in person within two (2) weeks after installation or provide a self-addressed stamped response postcard to all Customers in its installation materials to assure overall Customer satisfaction with the work completed. Franchisee shall maintain records of a reasonable sample of Customer responses. In addition, Franchisee will provide each Customer (1) at the time service is installed; (2) annually thereafter in correspondence separate from the monthly bill; and (3) at any time the Customer requests, clear and accurate written information with regard to: $5.00 credit for failure to provide any required information to Customer. A. All products and services offered by Franchisee, including its channel lineup and lowest cost (or free) service packages; B. Process and procedures for a service call, filing a Complaint, or requesting an adjustment (including when a Customer is entitled to refunds for outages and how to obtain them); C. The name, address and telephone number of the employee or employees or agent to whom such inquiries or complaints are to be addressed; D. The telephone number and address of the City office responsible for administering the Cable Television Franchise; E. A written copy of these Customer Service Standards or a summary approved by the City (an on-line version shall be considered an acceptable dissemination of the standards to the Franchisee’s Internet Service Customers, who shall be notified of the location of these Standards via e-mail to the address specified by the Customer); 20 H - 2304/19/2016 Schedule of Credits to Customers Standards of Customer Service Minimum Compensation for Noncompliance F. Information regarding the current rates and charges for all services, products, and equipment provided by the Franchisee (which must include any senior, disabled or other discounts offered and the least expensive tier of service available, including any free PEG related tiers, if applicable), Channel positions, delinquent Customer disconnect and reconnect procedures; information regarding the availability of parental control devices, the conditions under which they will be provided, and the cost (if any) to be charged; $5.00 credit for failure to provide any required information to Customer. G. Information describing conditions that must be met to qualify for discounts; H. All Franchisee’s policies in connection with its Customers; I. Descriptions of any discounts, services, or specialized equipment available to Customers who are seniors or with disabilities; explaining how to obtain them; and explaining how to use any accessibility features; J. Installation and service maintenance policies, including the Customer responsibilities for equipment; K. Instruction on the use of cable TV service, remote control, and all other equipment provided by a Franchisee; and L. Days, hours of operation, and locations of the Customer Service Centers. Franchisee shall provide Customers and the City with written notification (not with bills) of any change in rates, programming, services, equipment provided to the Customer, or channel positions at least thirty (30) days before the date of the change. $5.00 credit for each affected Customer Clear and concise written information regarding disconnection procedures (including return of equipment) shall be provided by Franchisee to the Customer, sent electronically (to the e-mail address specified by the Customer) or postmarked within 24 hours after the Customer requests disconnection. $5.00 credit (or payment if the Customer’s account has closed) for failure to provide information to Customer. 21 H - 2404/19/2016 Schedule of Credits to Customers Standards of Customer Service Minimum Compensation for Noncompliance All officers, agents, and employees of the Franchisee, its contractors and subcontractors in personal contact with the Customer shall: A. be courteous, knowledgeable and helpful; provide complete and accurate information; and deliver effective, timely and satisfactory service in all contacts with Customers; B. be fluent in English and able to communicate clearly with Customers in English; and C. (for those who are in personal contact with Customers) have a visible identification card with their name and photograph and shall orally identify themselves upon first contact with the Customer. $5.00 credit for failure to comply with any Customer contact obligation. All CSRs shall identify themselves orally to callers immediately following the greeting during each telephone contact with the public. $5.00 credit All written correspondence with Customers shall be in a clear and conspicuous format, which shall be in a 10-point minimum font size. $5.00 credit for each affected Customer. Franchisee shall use its best efforts to make all customer services available in Spanish and other languages, in addition to English. The Franchisee shall also: A. (during Normal Business Hours) maintain at least one customer service representative who is capable of speaking Spanish, whether in-person or via telephone calls; B. include customer service representatives who can communicate with Spanish- speaking subscribers regarding installation, services, outages, billing questions, and other inquiries; and C. place on billing statements, a telephone number for communication with Spanish- speaking customer service representatives. $5.00 credit for each affected Customer for failure to comply with any obligation related to communication in Spanish. 22 H - 2504/19/2016 Schedule of Credits to Customers Standards of Customer Service Minimum Compensation for Noncompliance Customer Privacy Franchisee shall notify Customers within 10 days of any data breach that is brought to the attention of the Franchisee, and take all necessary steps to remediate injuries caused by the breach. Franchisee shall fully comply with all obligations under 47 U.S.C. § 551 (“Protection of Subscriber Policy”). The Customer has the choice of either a check for $100.00, or a credit to Customer account in the same amount. Safety When the Franchisee receives notice that an unsafe condition exists with respect to its equipment, the Franchisee shall investigate such condition immediately, and shall take such measures as are necessary to remove or eliminate any unsafe condition. At least Twenty-five Dollars ($25) a day for each twenty-four (24) hour delay in responding to Customer safety concerns Satisfaction Guaranteed Franchisee will guarantee Customer satisfaction for every Customer who requests new or additional Cable Service or Other Service. The Customer will have the opportunity to cancel any Cable Service or Other Service within thirty (30) days of receiving the service and receive a pro rata credit in an amount equal to the pro rata charge for the remaining days of service being disconnected if the Customer is dissatisfied with the service, except where a free promotion has been offered, there shall be no charge of any kind for the service or for disconnection of the service. 23 H - 2604/19/2016 DATE: April 19, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: NATHAN WEST, ACTING CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Ethics Board (1) Recommendation Summary: On April 12, 2016, Ethics Board (1) completed its review of a complaint received on February 4, 2016, and forwarded its findings and conclusions to City Council. Funding: N/A. Recommendation: Council should review Board of Ethics (1) recommendation. Background/Analysis: On February 4, 2016, a complaint was filed against Deputy Mayor Cherie Kidd alleging she had violated the City’s Code of Ethical Conduct as outlined in Chapter 2.78 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. On February 16, 2016, Council chose three members from a pre-approved pool of applicants to receive, investigate and make recommendations for disposition of the complaint. Board (1) has completed its review and forwarded its findings and recommendation to Council. In accordance with PAMC 2.78.080, the recommendation of the Board of Ethics shall be subject to review by the City Council. Funding Overview: N/A. Attachments: 1. Ethics Board (1) Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Decision and Recommendation 2. PAMC Chapter 2.78.080 C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O I - 104/19/2016 Attachment 1 I - 204/19/2016 I - 304/19/2016 I - 404/19/2016 I - 504/19/2016 I - 604/19/2016 I - 704/19/2016 I - 804/19/2016 I - 904/19/2016 Page 1 2.78.080 - Penalties for noncompliance. A. The Board may recommend and the City Council, as appropriate, may impose upon any public official found, by a preponderance of the evidence, to have violated any provision of the Code of Ethical Conduct any of or a combination of the following penalties. 1. A cease and desist order as to violations of the Code of Ethical Conduct; 2. An order to disclose any reports or other documentation or information requested by the Board of Ethics. B. Removal of member of board, commission, committee, task-force, or other multimember body. In addition to any other penalties that may be imposed under this chapter, the City Council may remove any appointed member of a City board, commission, committee, task-force, or other multimember body. The recommendation of the Board of Ethics shall be subject to review by the City Council. The City Council's final decision shall be based on evidence in the record. The provisions of this section shall supplement any other procedures required by the Port Angeles Municipal Code or other applicable State or federal law for removal of such persons. C. In addition to any other penalties set forth in this chapter, any current or former public official against whom a complaint has been made and whom the City Council determines to be found by a preponderance of the evidence to have violated the Code of Ethics may be subject to any one or more of the following actions by a majority vote of the City Council: 1. Admonition. An admonition shall be a verbal statement approved by the City Council and made to the individual by the Mayor, or his or her designee, or if the complaint is against the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, or his or her designee. The statement shall be included in the minutes of the City Council meeting at which it is approved. 2. Reprimand. A reprimand shall be administered to the individual by letter. The letter shall be prepared by the City Council and shall be signed by the Mayor, or if the complaint is against the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor. The letter shall be placed in the minutes of the City Council meeting at which it is approved. 3. Censure. A censure shall be a written statement administered to the individual in public during a regular City Council meeting. The statement shall be prepared by the City Council and signed by the Mayor or, if the complaint is against the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor. The action of the City Council shall be final and not subject to further review. The censure shall be administered at the time and place set. It shall be given publicly. The individual may appear but shall not make any statement in support of or in opposition thereto or in mitigation thereof. A censure shall be deemed administered at the time it is scheduled whether or not the individual appears. The statement shall be included in the minutes of the City Council. 4. Removal. The City Council may not remove a City-elected official from office. However, by a majority vote, the City Council may remove the individual from the position of Mayor or Deputy Mayor, or from any City board, commission, committee, task-force, or other multi-member body. (Ord. No. 3466, § 1, 11-6-2012) Attachment 2 I - 1004/19/2016 DATE: April 19, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: Lease Agreement 215 South Lincoln (Old Fire Hall) Summary: On December 4, 2015 the City received a proposal from Peninsula Area Public Access for the lease of 215 South Lincoln (Old Fire Hall Building). Funding: The lease of the facility would have no cost implications for the City of Port Angeles. The City will benefit by having occupancy of the building which results in no further decline or devaluation of this important historic property. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the Lease Agreement and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary. Background/Analysis Following a public hearing in 2007, the City of Port Angeles surplused the Old Fire Hall building located at 215 South Lincoln Street in Port Angeles. Additionally, the City issued a request for proposals from private sector interests for the purchase and/or occupancy of the building for commercial use. Since that time multiple inquiries and parties of interest have been shown the building and have taken on various steps of due diligence to review the viability of commercial occupancy of the building. The Old Fire Hall is located in the City’s historic district which was listed on the National Register for Historic Preservation in May of 2011. The building was designed by well renowned architect William Aitken. It was originally designed as a fire hall with spaces specifically created for a City Council Chambers and City Jail. Since its construction in 1931 numerous uses have occupied the building including: bakeries, restaurants, ballet studios and architecture firms. C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O I - 1104/19/2016 On December 4, 2015 the City received a proposal from Peninsula Area Public Access (PAPA) for the lease of the buildings second floor. The floor area of the second floor is 3,135 square feet. The building was reviewed for fair market value by Chuck Turner of Port Angeles Realty. The fair market value was deemed to be zero (0) due to the substantial tenant improvements needed. A July 2011 condition assessment report identified necessary improvements in excess of $1M. Since the receipt of the proposal PAPA has invested numerous volunteer hours in the cleanup and repair of the building. The cleanup and repair efforts will be ongoing and will constitute services provided to the City in lieu of monthly rent. Prior to these clean up efforts the surplused building suffered from neglect and dilapidation. Multiple leaks, ceiling failure and roof maintenance are just some of the challenges the building faced prior to services provided by PAPA volunteers. Beyond repairs to the building the PAPA group was awarded the City of Port Angeles Franchise Agreement in November of 2015. Their public access channels will provide substantial benefit to members of the public and the broader Port Angeles community. Programing will also result in training and education for local students in the communications and broadcasting fields. On April 11, 2015 the City Real Estate Committee reviewed the proposed lease and provided a recommendation with the support of 2 out of 3 Committee members to approve the lease. In review of this analysis and the recommendation of the Real Estate Committee, staff recommends that Council approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the Lease Agreement and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications as necessary Funding Overview: The lease results in no financial obligation to the City. The City will benefit by having occupancy of the building which results in no further decline or devaluation of this important historic property. Attachment A Letter PAPA Attachment B Letter from Chuck Turner Port Angeles Realty Attachment C Lease Agreement I - 1204/19/2016 Non-Profit proposal for in-kind use of city property To City of Port Angeles In re: 215 S. Lincoln St. (Property ID # 70532) Proposal only and does not obligate PAPA in any way unless approved by the city and the full board of PAPA. Dear Nathan: Peninsula Area Public Access is interested in securing the use of the second floor of the above described property, at no cost to PAPA, for use as studios and media training center for Peninsula Area Public Access. In order to meet our contractual obligations with the city PAPA needs a place to call “home.” The above described location meets the needs of PAPA and PAPA’s use of this facility will meet many of the city’s needs to have a non- profit use this facility for the greater good of the city and PAPA. In exchange for use of this facility, with board approval, PAPA will clean up and prepare the second floor of this building for use as offices, studios, and training center for prospective producers of programming for PAPA. PAPA will provide sufficient insurance coverage for the contents of the building and to indemnify the city against any and all claims including contents and liability. This includes the city’s requirements for insurance coverage as stated in the contract between the city and PAPA. PAPA will maintain security and maintenance to those parts of the building used by PAPA and its members, now confined to the second floor. Also, PAPA will cooperate with the city in obtaining a Community Block Development Grant for further and hopefully complete renovation of this building. PAPA would require use of this building throughout the current contract with the city and continue to do so if/when PAPA is the chosen provider of programming under the new Franchise Agreement to be concluded by May of 2017. PAPA’s mission is to provide quality programming to Wave Cable subscribers in Port Angles and, with proper approvals, for the entire county. In addition, PAPA will operate a Media Center to provide training for anyone in the city who seeks to learn how to produce their own programming for PAPA. Time is of the essence and a reply is from the city requested as soon as possible/practicable. Attachment A I - 1304/19/2016 Attachment B I - 1404/19/2016 -1- LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT is made this _____ day of ___________ 2016, by and between the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter known as the City, and Peninsula Area Public Access (PAPA) organization, a non- profit corporation, hereinafter known as Lessee. 1. Premises. For and in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and conditions set forth herein, the City does hereby covenant and agree to let and lease unto the Lessee the second floor of the building located at 215 South Lincoln, Port Angeles, Washington. 2. Term. This lease shall be for a period of two (2) years commencing on the first day of _______, 2016, and terminating at midnight on _________, 20__. The Lease is granted with full understanding and acknowledgement of the following conditions of the building and facts related to the building which they are leasing the second floor: The consideration for this lease is in exchange for services, maintenance and clean up performed for this City owned building. The Lessee shall supply and install all improvements necessary for complying with the International Building Code shall be completed prior to final occupancy. The Lessee must obtain all applicable building permits for required work from the City. Lessee acknowledges receipt of a detailed assessment of the building and acknowledges and understands that Lessee must mitigate environmental contaminants in the building prior to occupancy. The City will have no responsibilities for maintenance or operation of the building. The Lessee acknowledges that a sale of the building is pending and should ownership transfer the new owner will have full control over the lease. The sale agreement will provide that the purchaser continue to lease to PAPA for the remainder of the lease term. Maintenance and repairs to be performed by Lessee include: Installation of exterior lighting, repair and repaint. interior walls and ceilings, preservation of building façade, replacement of missing terra cotta tiles, repair of approximately three leaks, repair of the roof. 3. Use of the Premises. The Lessee shall not operate on, or permit the operation upon these premises of, any unlawful activities, or any public nuisance or any business which is in violation of the laws of the United States of America, the State of Washington, or the City of Port Angeles. Attachment C I - 1504/19/2016 -2- 4. Repairs and Maintenance. Premises have been inspected and are accepted by Lessee in their present condition. Lessee shall, at its own expense and at all times, keep the premises neat, clean and in a sanitary condition, and keep and use the premises in accordance with applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and requirements of governmental authorities. Lessee shall permit no waste, damage or injury to the premises and shall remove ice and snow from sidewalks adjoining the premises. Lessee shall make such repairs as necessary to maintain the premises in as good condition as they now are. The Lessee shall be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep in a safe condition and presentable manner. The Lessee shall be responsible for securing, at Lessee’s expense, any permit required for repair, maintenance or construction on the premises. 5. Subletting or Assignment. The Lessee shall not sublease or underlet any part of said premises nor assign this sublease without the written consent of the City which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. 6. Liability and Insurance. The Lessee shall forever indemnify, defend, and hold the City harmless from all losses, claims, and damages for any injury to person or property that may result from or be caused in any manner by the Lessee’s use, maintenance or repair of the premises, and the Lessee shall defend any claim or litigation against said City arising from such injuries at the Lessee’s expense, except the Lessee shall have no obligation to defend or save and hold the City harmless from damages arising from the sole negligence of the City, its agents, contractors or employees. The Lessee shall provide proof of general liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.00. The Lessee shall cause the City of Port Angeles to be named as an additional insured on all liability policies and provide endorsement of insurance to the City. In the event Lessee’s use of the premises increases the rating for fire and extended coverage or liability insurance, Lessee agrees to pay for such increase. 7. Improvements. Lessee agrees to make all connections and do all wiring needed to provide electricity inside the building for the uses and purposes of the Lessee. Lessee will be solely responsible for the cost of providing or upgrading such services. All such utility work shall be pursuant to appropriate permits and inspected by the City. Lessee shall save City harmless and satisfy any charges that may result from any work performed on said building or for utilities done to service said building. Lessee shall make no structural alterations to said premises without the prior written approval of City. Upon the expiration or termination of this lease, any improvements become the property of the building owner. I - 1604/19/2016 -3- 8. Default and Re-entry. If the Lessee fails to maintain and operate its business as described in Section 4, or fails to keep or perform any or all of the covenants and agreements herein contained, and fails to cure said default within 30 days of notice of default by City, then this lease may be terminated. If the Lessee shall fail to quit and surrender said premises upon termination of this lease or any extension thereof, the Lessee shall be liable to lawful eviction. 10. Utilities and Fees. Lessee agrees to put all utilities in Lessee’s name and pay all charges for light, heat, water, sewer, garbage, stormwater and all other utilities and services to the premises during the full term of this lease and any extensions thereof. All other items including all license fees and other governmental charges levied on the operation of Lessee’s business on the premises shall be paid directly by Lessee. 11. Signs. All signs or symbols placed by Lessee in the windows and doors of the premises, or upon any exterior part of the building shall be subject to City’s prior written approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All signs must comply with sign ordinances and be placed in accordance with required permits. City may demand the removal of signs which are not so approved and Lessee’s failure to comply with said request within forty-eight (48) hours will constitute a breach of this paragraph and will entitle City to terminate this lease or, in lieu thereof, to cause the sign to be removed at the sole expense of the Lessee. At the termination of the lease, Lessee will remove all signs placed by it upon the premises and will repair any damage caused by such removal. 12. Liens and Insolvency. Lessee shall keep the premises free from any liens arising out of any work performed by or at the request of Lessee. Should any liens be filed against said property as a result of the acts or omissions of Lessee and Lessee does not promptly remove said liens, then City may cancel this lease or pursue other remedies at its option. In the event Lessee becomes insolvent, bankrupt or if a receiver, assignee or other liquidating officer is appointed for the business of Lessee, City can cancel this lease at its option. 13. Damage or Destruction. In the event the premises are rendered untenantable in whole or in part by fire, the elements, or other casualty, City may elect, at its option, not to restore the premises and shall so notify Lessee, in which event Lessee shall vacate the premises and this lease shall be terminated; or in the alternative, City shall notify Lessee, within thirty (30) days after such casualty that City will undertake to restore the premises and that such work can be completed within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of such notice of intent. If City is unable to restore or rebuild the premises within the said one hundred eighty (180) days, then the lease may be terminated at Lessee’s option by written ten (10) days notice to City. During the period of untenantability, rent will abate in the same ratio as the portion of the premises rendered I - 1704/19/2016 -4- untenantable bears to the whole of the premises. 14. Access. The City shall have the right to enter the premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection or of making repairs, additions or alterations. Except for emergencies, City shall give 24 hours prior notice to Lessee of City’s intent to inspector repair the premises. 15. Facilities Nondiscrimination. The Lessee will not, on grounds of race, color, religion, sex, physical or mental handicap, or national origin: A. Deny an individual any services or other benefits provided under this agreement; B. Provide any service(s) or other benefits to an individual which are different, or are provided in a different manner from those provided to others under this agreement; C. Subject an individual to segregation or separate treatment in any manner related to the receipt of any service(s) or other benefits provided under this agreement; D. Deny any individual an opportunity to participate in any program provided by this agreement through the provision of services or otherwise, or afford an opportunity to do which is different from that afforded others under this agreement. The Lessee, in determining (1) the types of services or other benefits to be provided or (2) the class of individuals to whom, or the situation in which, such services or other benefits will be provided or (3) the class of individuals to be afforded an opportunity to participate in any services or other benefits, will not utilize criteria or methods of administration which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination because of their race, color, sex, religion, national origin, creed, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap. 16. City’s Right to Cure Defaults. A. If the Lessee fails to perform any requirements or obligations under this lease, the City shall have the option to correct any default of this lease by the Lessee after thirty (30) days’ written notice to the Lessee. All of the City’s expenditures to correct the default shall be reimbursed by the Lessee on demand, with interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month accrued from the date of expenditure by the City. B. In the event any violation or breach of the provisions of this lease is causing damage to the leasehold premises or the Lessee is utilizing the leasehold premises in a manner not permitted by the provisions of this lease, or in any case damages I - 1804/19/2016 -5- are occurring to the leasehold premises, the City may immediately enter upon the leasehold premises and take such action as necessary to cease such damages or use. In the event the damage to the leasehold is occurring as a result of any violation or breach of provisions of this lease by Lessee, the Lessee shall be liable for all costs incurred by the City if the City acts to cure such damages. The City, at its option, may send notice to the Lessee of such violations and the Lessee shall immediately cease such use or violation and correct and remedy such violations. 17. Removal of Property. In the event the City lawfully re-enters the premises as provided herein, the City shall have the right, but not the obligation, to remove all of the personal property located therein and to place such property in storage at the expense and risk of Lessee. 18. Costs and Attorney’s Fees. If, by reason of any default or breach on the part of any party in the performance of any of the provisions of this lease, a legal action is instituted, the losing party agrees to pay all reasonable costs and attorney’s fees in connection therewith. It is agreed that the venue of any legal action brought under the terms of this lease shall be in Clallam County. 19. Holding Over. If Lessee, with the implied or express consent of the City, shall hold over after expiration of the term of this lease, Lessee shall remain bound by all the covenants and agreements herein, except that the tenancy shall be from month to month. 22. Binding on Heirs, Successors and Assigns. The covenants and agreements of this lease shall be binding upon the heirs, executor, administrators, successors, and assigns of both parties hereto, except as hereinabove provided. 23. Notice. Any notice required to be given by either party to the other shall be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid addressed to the City at: City of Port Angeles, 321 East 5th Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362 or to Lessee at: Edna Willadsen, 1719 E. Lambert Ln, Port Angeles, WA 98362 or at such other address as either party may designate to the other in writing from time to time. 24. Litigation. In the event this lease, its terms, it use, its occupation or it in any way becomes a matter of litigation, the City shall be notified of such litigation within fifteen (15) days after such litigation is begun. Failure to notify the City of such action shall be cause for cancellation or termination of this lease. This lease shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the provisions of the ordinances of the City and with the laws of the State of Washington, and applicable federal law. If legal action is necessary to enforce same, exclusive jurisdiction and venue shall lie in the Superior Court of Clallam County, Washington. I - 1904/19/2016 -6- 25. Capacity of Signatories. Each individual executing this lease on behalf of the City and Lessee represents and warrants that he or she is duly authorized to execute and deliver this lease on behalf of said party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the date first written above. THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES LESSEE: PENINSULA AREA PUBLIC ACCESS Dan McKeen, City Manager Edna Willadsen, Agent Attest: Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk Approved As To Form: William E. Bloor, City Attorney STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) On this day personally appeared before me Edna Willadsen, to me known to be the agent of Peninsula Area Public Access, that executed the within and forgoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on oath stated that she is authorized to execute the said instrument. GIVEN unto my hand and official seal this _____ day of ______________, 2016. I - 2004/19/2016 -7- NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington residing at: ___________________________________ My commission expires: ________________________ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) On this day personally appeared before me Dan McKeen, to me known to be the City Manager of the City of Port Angeles that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. GIVEN unto my hand and official seal this _____ day of ______________, 2016. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington residing at: ___________________________________ My commission expires: ________________________ I - 2104/19/2016 DATE: April 19, 2016 TO: City Council FROM: DAN MCKEEN, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: City Of Port Angeles 2016 Work Plan Staff is pleased to present to the City Council, the City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan. This document provides a brief overview of the City’s major projects and activities. The Work Plan does not include most of the routine projects or programs. Instead, it focuses on the major projects being worked on throughout the City’s various departments. It takes a significant amount of work on a daily basis to provide municipal services to the citizens and businesses within the City of Port Angeles. The delivery of utilities, public safety services and recreational activities need legal, financial and planning support; this assistance is labor intensive and requires long-term planning and oversight. These services are what most citizens would probably refer to as “routine” and “expected.” Perhaps what may be less obvious is the incredible amount of work being accomplished “behind the scenes.” The City’s Work Plan is intended to be a communications tool between City Council and Staff. By referring to the Work Plan, which includes objectives, rationales, additional workload on staff and where each project fits into the Council’s goals, Council can gain a better understanding of each project. The City Council may also use the Work Plan as a communications tool with the community. The Work Plan includes a timeline illustrating the approximate duration of each project and staff will provide City Council and the community with a year-end report to document the Work Plan’s progress. A hard copy of the City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan will be provided to each Councilmember so notes can be made for future reference. The Work Plan is available on the City’s website on the City Manager’s page or follow this link: http://wa-portangeles.civicplus.com/409/City-Work-Plan It is the collective desire of staff to participate in a Council Strategic Planning effort during the second half of 2016. This undertaking will allow Council the ability to develop goals that will influence future work plans. C I T Y C O U N C I L M E M O L - 104/19/2016 CITY OF PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY WORK PLAN 2016 Submitted to the Port Angeles City Council by: Daniel McKeen, City Manager William Bloor, City Attorney Corey Delikat, Parks & Recreation Director Ken Dubuc, Fire Chief Craig Fulton, Director of Public Works & Utilities Brian Smith, Interim Police Chief Byron Olson, Chief Financial Officer Nathan West, Director of Comm. & Economic Development L - 204/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Table of Contents Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ I INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................... IV DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................ IV BUDGET FOCUS AREAS ................................................................................................ V TIMELINE ..................................................................................................................... VI ACCOUNTABILITY ....................................................................................................... VI ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................... VII FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT ....................................................... 1 LONG-RANGE FINANCIAL PLAN ........................................................................................ 1 2015 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR) .................................... 1 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT – OPERATING & CAPITAL ............................................................ 2 UTILITY RATE DEVELOPMENT / ANALYSIS .................................................................... 2 WELLNESS PROGRAM / AWC BENEFITS TRUST ............................................................. 3 LABOR CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS.................................................................................. 3 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY FUNDING ......................................................................... 3 WORKMAN’S COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION ....................................... 4 SELL, TRANSFER OR DISPOSE OF EXCESS MORSE CREEK PROPERTIES ................... 4 PUBLIC SAFETY ....................................................................................................... 5 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TRAINING ......................................................................... 5 CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS (COOP) PLANNING ........................................................ 5 MASS NOTIFICATION SYSTEM TRAINING ....................................................................... 6 WASHINGTON SURVEY AND RATING BUREAU ............................................................. 6 FIREWORKS ............................................................................................................................ 6 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COLLABORATION ........................................................... 7 FIRE DEPARTMENT OPERATIONAL REORGANIZATION ............................................... 7 FIRE INSPECTION TRAINING ............................................................................................... 7 PENCOM – JEFFCOM CONSOLIDATION STUDY .............................................................. 8 POLICE SCHEDULING AND PAYROLL TO AN ELECTRONIC AND INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE PLATFORM ........................................................................................................ 8 L - 304/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Table of Contents Page ii PLAN FOR A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY ...................................................... 9 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN (CFP) FOR 2017 - 2022 .......................................................... 9 AFFORDABILITY INDEX ...................................................................................................... 9 HARBOR SEDIMENT CLEANUP AND REMEDIATION ...................................................10 NPDES PERMIT – STORMWATER / PHASE II ...................................................................10 COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW PROJECT – PHASE II ..................................................11 COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR ZONING ADJUSTMENTS ....................................................11 RACE STREET .......................................................................................................................11 HILL STREET OLYMPIC DISCOVERY TRAIL ..................................................................11 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE ....................................................................................12 PROTECTION OF CITY’S MUNICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL WATER RIGHTS ..............12 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................. 13 NPS ELWHA WATER FACILITIES DISPOSITION .............................................................13 TELEVISION CABLE FRANCHISING .................................................................................13 CLALLAM COUNTY P.U.D WATER CONTRACT .............................................................14 CHOOSE-LOCAL PROGRAM...............................................................................................14 IMPLEMENT PUBLIC ACCESS TELEVISION ....................................................................14 FAÇADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ...............................................................................15 WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT .......................................................................15 CONFERENCE CENTER STUDY .........................................................................................15 EVENT GRANT ADMINISTRATION ...................................................................................16 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM CONTRACTS AND RFPS ............................16 EXCELLENCE IN GOVERNMENT ..................................................................... 17 OFF-SITE COMPUTER BACK-UP SERVER FACILITY + CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS + EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER ..................................................17 CLICK-TO-GOV BUILDING PERMIT MODULE UPGRADE ............................................18 IMPLEMENT CITY-WIDE RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM................................18 SUPERVISORY TRAINING ..................................................................................................18 SOCRATA OPEN DATA PROJECT ......................................................................................19 LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY.................................................................................................19 UPDATES TO PERSONNEL POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUAL ....................................19 POLICE TRAINING RECORDS TO AN INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE PLATFORM .........20 COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLANNING RETREAT .................................................................20 SELECTION AND APPOINTMENT OF NEW POLICE CHIEF ...........................................20 L - 404/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Table of Contents Page iii OUR UNIQUE COMMUNITY ............................................................................... 21 CIVIC FIELD STADIUM/COMPLEX ................................................................................... 21 CITY PIER TRANSIENT MOORAGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT .................................... 21 PROXIMITY CONTROL FOR CITY FACILITIES ............................................................... 22 ERICKSON PLAYFIELD CAMERA REPLACEMENTS ..................................................... 22 SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY .......................................................................................... 22 CARNEGIE LEASE ................................................................................................................ 22 L - 504/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Introduction Page iv INTRODUCTION On a daily basis it takes a significant amount of work to provide municipal services to the citizens and businesses within the City of Port Angeles. The delivery and maintenance of utilities, provision of public safety services, sponsorship of recreational activities and the legal, financial, and planning support for each of these are all labor intensive activities requiring long-term planning and oversight. These services are what most citizens would probably refer to as “routine” and “expected.” What perhaps is less obvious to the basic delivery of municipal services are the one-time projects that represent an incredible amount of work being accomplished “behind the scenes.” The intent of this Work Plan is to be a communications tool between City Staff and the Council, by providing a brief synopsis of some of the many projects being worked on throughout various City Departments. Through this Work Plan, the Council can gain an understanding of the projects, the objectives of the projects, the rationale behind them, and where they fit into the overall Council Goals. The Work Plan can also be utilized by the Council when communicating with the community about the various ongoing projects throughout the City. DEVELOPMENT The development of this Work Plan began in April of 2011 when the strategic goals for the City were developed by the Council and Department Directors. Several Council members attended these work sessions. The resulting goals were then brought forward to the full Council, where they were reviewed and then formally adopted at a Council meeting. After the goals were adopted, each department Director was asked to provide input to the Work Plan, in the form of brief overviews of the major projects that their respective Departments were involved with. These projects were originally developed from several primary sources: Regulations and agreements with Federal, State, regional and local agencies Council discussions and deliberations Recommendations from Citizen Advisory Committees Input from staff During work plan development, the Directors were specifically asked not to include the regular, ongoing projects that pertain to the daily delivery of municipal services. Rather, they were asked to provide input regarding those projects that would potentially have the greatest impact on the City – those projects that Council and the public would be most interested in. L - 604/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Introduction Page v Once these projects were identified, they were then arranged under the Council Strategic Goals where they were most applicable. Then a brief project or program objective was added, with the intent to provide a quick, “big picture” look at the overall desired outcome of the project. Finally, a rationale was included, detailing the reason for undertaking the project and the expected results. The following is an example of the format: BUDGET DEVELOPMENT - Operating & Capital Objective: Provide the financial planning and legal authority to obligate public funds. Rationale: The Budget sets forth the inflow and outflow of all City resources, and is adopted annually by the City Council. The budget provides four main functions, including Policy Document, Operational Tool, Communication Tool, and Financial Planning Tool. The Budget is a requirement of State law. Since the City’s budget is adopted at the fund level, expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations at that level. The City’s budget is generally amended at least once during the year, but may be amended up to four times depending on changes that occur during the year. All appropriations lapse at the end of the year, and unexpended resources must be reappropriated in the subsequent period. Many of the projects and programs listed in the work plan involve the actions of multiple departments. For example, the City Manager and Finance Department may take the lead on developing the budget, however each department spends a considerable amount of staff time preparing their respective portions and providing input into the overall City financial plan. BUDGET FOCUS AREAS During the 2012 budget development process, we added a slight revision to the Work Plan. In order to clarify and focus the broad strategic goals outlined by Council, three “Focus Areas” were developed and incorporated into the document. These focus areas were determined after a number of discussions that considered input from Council and staff. The three focus areas are: Preserving and Protecting Our Assets Physical Infrastructure Financial Infrastructure Employee Infrastructure Strengthening Community Safety and Welfare Public Safety/Emergency Services Criminal Justice Environmental Quality of Life L - 704/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Introduction Page vi Planning and Building for the Future Economic Development Partnerships Sustainability During the budget development process, these focus areas helped us to prioritize the allocation of resources, enabling decisions that directed limited funding to those areas that were emphasized by Council. In addition, by referring to these focus areas; we were better able to reassess existing expenditures that are not addressed in the focus areas. TIMELINE Included in Appendix A is a timeline for each of the projects and programs listed in this Work Plan. As a part of the timeline there is a graphic representation of the anticipated length of the project. The timeline is an approximation. Each of these projects and programs will have obstacles and constraints that can affect the timeliness of completion. Also, even though the timeline only reflects 2016, many of these projects and programs will be ongoing and extend well into the coming years. ACCOUNTABILITY The City Manager, in conjunction with Senior Staff members, will be providing a year-end report to Council on the status of ongoing projects and programs that are listed in the Work Plan. L - 804/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Acknowledgement Page vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to acknowledge each Department Director and their staff for the development of the Work Plan. Their dedication and diligence made this Work Plan possible. It is important to note the majority of projects are due to the self-initiative of Senior Staff. They recognize the value of developing a Work Plan and stepped up to contribute very valuable information and resources. I want to recognize the following individuals for their contributions and direct support in preparing the 2016 Work Plan: Bill Bloor, City Attorney Craig Fulton, Director of Public Works & Utilities Corey Delikat, Director of Parks & Recreation Ken Dubuc, Fire Chief Brian Smith, Interim Police Chief Byron Olson, Chief Financial Officer Nathan West, Director of Community & Economic Development Abbigail Fountain, Human Resources Manager Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk Kari Bailey, Administrative Assistant L - 904/19/2016 L - 1004/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Fiscally Responsible Government Page 1 FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT Provide consistent and quality municipal services that maximize return on investments, leverage outside resources, are equitable for local taxpayers, and increase the opportunity for economic development. LONG-RANGE FINANCIAL PLAN Objective: Provide a plan for long-term financial stability. Rationale: The Long Range Financial Plan (LRFP) will identify City priorities, forecast future revenues and expenditures, and adopt Council policy direction related to the budget. The City anticipates facing significant operating and capital budget funding shortfalls for the near future and needs to develop plans to guide decision making on how to move forward. City Council recognizes that the status quo is not a viable option and that existing practices must change for Port Angeles to maintain financial stability. The LRFP process began in 2013, and included a significant amount of work related to the financial forecast for initial 2014 – 2018 period plus yearly extensions for 2015 – 2019 and 2016 - 2020, and obtained Council consensus on financial policies that guided development of the 2014, 2015 and 2016 budgets. Staff has started the process to update the Long-Range Financial Plan for the period of 2017 – 2021 for both the financial projection of revenues and expenditures. In addition, work will shortly begin on review of the City’s Financial Policies for potential amendment or revision. 2015 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR) Objective: Complete 2015 year-end accounting entries and financial reporting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Rationale: Washington State RCW 43.09.230 requires all local governments to submit their financial reports 150 days after the close of their fiscal year. The statute does not provide for any extensions. We currently anticipate the arrival of representatives from the State Auditor’s Office by mid-April with a completion of the audit by mid/late May 2016. L - 1104/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Fiscally Responsible Government Page 2 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT – Operating & Capital Objective: Provide the financial planning and legal authority to obligate public funds. Rationale: The Budget sets forth the inflow and outflow of all City resources, and is adopted annually by the City Council. The budget provides four main functions, including; Policy Document, Operational Tool, Communication Tool and Financial Planning Tool. The Budget is a requirement of State law. Since the City’s budget is adopted at the fund level, expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations at that level. The City’s budget is generally amended at least once during the year, but may be amended up to four times depending on changes that occur during the year. All appropriations lapse at the end of the year, and unexpended resources must be re- appropriated in the subsequent period. Staff is prepared to being to Council for review Amendment #1 to the 2016 operating and capital budget in April 2016. Additionally, staff is making the initial preparations for the 2017 operating and capital budget process that will have its formal kick-off in June 2016. We anticipate that a proposed City Manager Recommended Budget will be ready for Council review in mid/late October 2016. UTILITY RATE DEVELOPMENT / ANALYSIS Objective: Establish biennial rates by providing projected expenditures and the associated revenue structure required to generate revenues to match planned expenditures. Rationale: Beginning in 2016, responsibility for the Cost of Service Analysis and Rate Setting was transferred from Public Works and Utilities to Finance. With the exception of Medic 1, the City has adopted utility rates through the end of 2017 (Medic 1 has adopted rates through the end of 2016). During 2016, staff will be re-building the costing and rate models to reflect newly evolving and changing conditions. At this time, we do not anticipate any in-depth review of currently adopted rates and we do not anticipate any rate adjustments for 2017. As information is developed and the costing and rates models begin development, we anticipate on-going briefings of the Utility Advisory Committee and periodic updates to Council on the progress being made to date. We do plan on bringing to both UAC and the City Council proposed rates for the 2018 – 2019 fiscal years before mid-year 2017. L - 1204/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Fiscally Responsible Government Page 3 WELLNESS PROGRAM / AWC BENEFITS TRUST Objective: Continue the Wellness Program to achieve the AWC Well-City Award to receive a 2% Medical Premium discount, maintain a healthy work environment, and provide resources for employees to bring balance to work and personal time and reduce stress on and off the job. Rationale: All City employees (except employees in the Police Department who have Teamsters Health benefits) are enrolled in the AWC health benefits. AWC has an active wellness program where the City can receive a 2% discount on medical insurance premiums by meeting certain goals to earn the Well City Award. The City has earned this award and a premium reduction for the past 5 years. The goals are to reduce employees’ health risks, control medical insurance costs, enhance the quality of work life, reduce job stress, promote management support for Wellness, and maintain an on-going balance between home and work life. LABOR CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS Objective: Complete negotiations for new labor contracts. Rationale: The City has six labor contracts which expired on December 31, 2015: the Teamsters Sworn and Non-Sworn, IAFF for the Firefighters Union, IBEW for electrical workers, IUOE for the Public Works & Utilities Managers, and AFSCME for all other employees in the City. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY FUNDING Objective: Explore the possibility and feasibility of an additional source of funding for the City’s public safety functions. Rationale: The City’s police force and its fire and medic crews are understaffed, and this fact has been recognized for several years. Both the police and the fire departments are funded entirely out of the City’s General Fund, and revenue for the General Fund has been stagnant over the past eight years. Moreover, it now appears there will be no significant increase in revenue for the General Fund in the next several years. Therefore, additional sources of revenue are needed to support police and fire. There are a number of possible sources of additional revenue. Each one has pros and cons, and each one requires legal analysis to determine the feasibility and suitability for the City. In the end, complete information must be presented to the City Council, and the Council will decide what, if anything, will be done. Due to the complexity of the topics and the many details involved, we anticipate that gathering information and analyzing it for presentation to the Council will require a good portion of 2016. L - 1304/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Fiscally Responsible Government Page 4 WORKMAN’S COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION Objective: Transition from self-insurance for workman’s compensation to state funded. Rationale: In 2015, the City determined it would be more administratively and cost effective for the City to be a member of the AWC Retrospective Program. Since 1980 the City has been self-insured for all workman compensation claims. As of 1/1/16 the City transitioned to the AWC Retrospective program and all claims will be processed and administered by AWC. In addition, the City per state statute needs to maintain a third party administrator (TPA) to address any open claims prior to 12/31/15. The City is in the process of acquiring a new TPA for this purpose and anticipates have the new administrator by May 1, 2016. SELL, TRANSFER OR DISPOSE OF EXCESS MORSE CREEK PROPERTIES Objective: Sell off City properties along Morse Creek that are excess to City needs. Ensure “best value/least risk” for the City in the transaction. Rationale: The hydro-generating plant is beyond economical repair and is now a liability to the City. Tied to the hydro project is 800+ acres of real estate gained over the last 80 years along Morse Creek, which can be sold to provide cash and other value to the electric and water utilities. The Council has approved surplussing the properties, and City staff is building RFP packages for the sales. Other processes required include surrendering the hydro operating license to FERC, and removing the generating capacity from the City/BPA power sales contract, and removing some amount of infrastructure. L - 1404/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Public Safety Page 5 PUBLIC SAFETY Our community is recognized as a safe place to live, work and play, and is known for excellent public safety services that are provided by well-trained and highly- competent personnel. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TRAINING Objective: Provide ongoing training utilizing the city’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) to ensure that key city staff members are familiar with the plan. Configure the plan so that is available in an electronic format. Rationale: The CEMP document provides emergency response guidance to all levels of City personnel. The CEMP follows the format of State emergency management documents. It is important that key City staff personnel are familiar with the plan and are able to utilize it in the event of emergency. Monthly senior staff training will be provided starting in April of 2016. Training will be structured to enable the City to be able to fully participate in the Statewide Cascadia Subduction Zone Exercise that will take place in June of 2016. The City and County are looking to meld their respective CEMP documents into a single, generic document that will meet the needs of both organizations. CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS (COOP) PLANNING Objective: Develop a Continuity Of Operations (COOP) plan for the city. Rationale: FEMA has identified COOP planning as a priority for all levels of government. COOP plans identify the essential functions of an organization and then provide for the timely and orderly continuity of those essential functions following an emergency event. COOP plans also address the protection of facilities, equipment, records and other assets that support the essential functions. COOP training and planning will be provided for all City Departments. City Council will be provided with a COOP overview during a Council work session. Fire to work with IT to identify needs to enable fire station to be utilized as an initial COOP location in the event that City Hall cannot be occupied for any reason. L - 1504/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Public Safety Page 6 MASS NOTIFICATION SYSTEM TRAINING Objective: Provide training to appropriate staff on the County-wide mass telephone communication system. Develop guidelines for appropriate use of the system. Rationale: The City is an active subscriber for use of the Clallam County Everbridge mass notification system. Similar to a “reverse 9-1-1 system”, the Everbridge system allows users to send mass notifications to all telephones within either a pre-designated user group or an identified geographic area. Unlike previous systems, charges are not levied based upon use, so the system is a very cost effective option for any number of uses. Guidelines will be developed that dictate how and when the system may be used, and who is authorized to utilize it. Initial staff training will be provided for key personnel from Fire, Public Works and Police. Training will be provided by Clallam County Emergency Management personnel. WASHINGTON SURVEY AND RATING BUREAU Objective: Respond to the community protection rating survey by Washington Survey and Rating Bureau (WSRB). Rationale: WSRB provides property underwriting and rating information for the insurance industry. WSRB operates as a non-profit, public-service institution. WSRB uses a grading schedule to classify communities based upon their fire defenses, and they use that classification as part of a formula for the determination of fire insurance rates. The classification process is extensive and it was completed in late 2015. The Fire Department has the preliminary results of the classification and is preparing a comprehensive response that will include a plan suggested plan that is intended to address some issues that were identified during the classification. Results of the classification and details of the plan to be presented to the Council during a work session. FIREWORKS Objective: Provide information and assistance related to the fireworks ban that has been approved for the City. Rationale: The City Council has approved an ordinance that bans the sale and discharge of consumer fireworks within the City limits. The upcoming 4th of July celebration will be the first since the ban went into effect. A significant public information outreach needs to be undertaken prior to the 4th so that citizens and visitors are well aware of the ban. L - 1604/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Public Safety Page 7 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COLLABORATION Objective: Explore ways to work collaboratively with the Clallam County Department of Emergency Management in order to provide more effective, efficient Emergency Management services to the community. Rationale: Both the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County have Emergency Management structures. In some ways, these structures provide redundant and even competing services. In an attempt to address the similar needs of both organizations, provide for more efficient operations and capitalize on shared expertise, it is proposed that the City and County explore the option to work together to collaboratively provide Emergency Management functions. FIRE DEPARTMENT OPERATIONAL REORGANIZATION Objective: To explore options that will enable the Fire Department to provide more effective risk-based response to the community, enabling for more positive outcomes. Rationale: The Fire Department has seen a 240% increase in workload over the past 25 years. During that time, the Department has not added any personnel resources to meet the increased workload. As a result, although initial calls for service are handled appropriately, the Department is not able to respond to an ever-increasing number of simultaneous calls for service – negatively impacting our primary mission. The Department is exploring different staffing and response options that would effectively double the initial transport-capable response for emergency medical incidents. These proposed changes are significant in that they reflect a radical departure from traditional fire department operations, a radical departure that is being prompted by a changing emergency services environment. FIRE INSPECTION TRAINING Objective: Provide fire inspection training for all Fire Department personnel, with the goal to have all personnel IFSAC certified as Fire Inspectors. Rationale: An effective fire prevention program is a vital part of any progressive fire department. Workload issues over the past decade have precluded the ability to provide the caliber of training required in order to obtain certification. A prepared course will be ordered and the training will be provided in-house. A third party proctored exam will provide for certification. L - 1704/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Public Safety Page 8 PENCOM – JEFFCOM CONSOLIDATION STUDY Objective: Continue the ongoing administrative and operational consolidation of the 9-1-1 communications centers of Jefferson and Clallam Counties. Rationale: The 2016 Regionalization Study concluded that there are operational efficiencies and enhanced resource capacity to be realized as both Jefferson and Clallam Counties continue to combine their respective 9 -1-1 centers. The Jefferson County Director currently serves under contract as the PenCom Manager and has a title of Regional Emergency Communications Director. Other ongoing 9-1-1 center combination efforts include: 1) Continued work on a GIS mapping solution that will incorporate both counties into a unified map for field units and dispatch. 2) Continued work on connectivity to ensure that field units from any agency within either county will have access to jackets and appropriate records data from any other agency within either county. 3) Exploration of the “Enterprise” version of CAD and combing of licenses for both 911 centers. 4) Continued work to define and implement “consolidation” options and work to determine the proper end state of this project. 5) Production on a cost benefit analysis to evaluate the creation of an inter-local agreement establishing a unified 9-1-1 center for Clallam and Jefferson Counties. The results of this work plan will further inform and support our future regionalization decisions. POLICE SCHEDULING AND PAYROLL TO AN ELECTRONIC AND INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE PLATFORM Objective: Utilize “Executime” software owned by the City to increase staff efficiency and enhance the quality of scheduling and payroll processes and results within the Police Department. Rationale: There is cost savings and a workload reduction for both Police and Finance staff once this software and new process is implemented inside the Police Department. The project goal includes the elimination of Police Department paper time sheets and manual data entry by the payroll specialist. The archival process will reduce physical records storage needs and provide enhanced records accessibility. The project will involve a “build”, testing and training process. The build will include entering the various Patrol and PenCom schedules, respective employee bargaining unit contract rules and various work categories. Supervisors and managers will be able to run reports on overtime by the specific funding source, the employee or work unit. The software will reduce the supervisory and management time spent auditing timesheets for accuracy. L - 1804/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Plan for a Sustainable Community Page 9 PLAN FOR A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY Strive to provide a diversity of attractive neighborhoods and commercial districts that foster affordable living, walking environments, and a strong sense of place. CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN (CFP) FOR 2017 - 2022 Objective: Provide a planning document that details all active/ongoing projects for the current year as well as proposed capital improvements, maintenance contracts and future projects. Rationale: The City needs to plan for funding and workload impacts of current and future capital projects. This allows the City to make financial decisions on all expenditures. The comprehensive documents will allow for all costs to be considered, not just operational costs. Historically the capital needs of the City have impacted the reserves and ability of the City to maintain its infrastructure. Failure to plan for infrastructure replacement can cause more expensive repairs to keep the City running smoothly. This document will combine the capital for the entire City in one place for prioritizing of City resources. Each division will provide input for their areas of responsibility and a comprehensive document will be presented to City Council for consideration. The document is truly a combination of multiple resources throughout the City, inclusive of all departments and divisions. This allows the City Council to refer to one document for all infrastructure replacement plans. This document will be used to budget for the current year, as well as provide guidance for Cost of Service Analysis (COSA) for all utilities. For utilities and all other operating departments, the cost of the work referenced above must be included in all COSA analysis or budget operational analysis prior to the adoption of any budget or granting of approval for any such work. Review of CFP requests is currently underway with departmental presentations to the City Manager. We anticipate briefing sessions with Council in May and adoption of the Capital Facilities Plan & Transportation Improvement Program before the June 30 deadline. AFFORDABILITY INDEX Objective: To update the 2014 Affordability Index for current conditions present in 2016. Rationale: We will update the 2014 Affordability Index to reflect current conditions. In that effort, we will re-examine the comparibility of local taxes, utility rates and disposable income against a number of our regional benchmark cities. L - 1904/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Plan for a Sustainable Community Page 10 HARBOR SEDIMENT CLEANUP AND REMEDIATION Objective: Continue to participate in development of the City’s legal strategy for the Harbor cleanup and remediation with the goal of assuring the cleanup is adequate and final while also avoiding potentially unwarranted liability to th e City and unnecessary impacts to major employers within the community. Rationale: In 2012, the Department of Ecology named the City of Port Angeles as one of the Potentially Liable Parties (PLP) responsible for cleanup of contamination in the Port Angeles Harbor. The City and other PLPs negotiated and signed an Agreed Order with Ecology. The Agreed Order requires the PLPs to prepare a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study for harbor cleanup. Additionally, the federal Natural Resource Damages (NRD) Trustees have asserted damage claims against the City and the other PLPs. The City and other PLPs deny they are subject to the claims of the federal trustees but acknowledge they may be subject to NRD claims under state law brought by DOE. The issues have evolved since 2012. Work on the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study was interrupted by several unanticipated questions and developments, and now it should be completed by mid-2017. In the meantime, the PLP group is considering the possibility of a comprehensive resolution of NRD claims. Each step along the way with each of these issues could have significant consequences for the City’s ultimate liability and requires detailed legal analysis. NPDES PERMIT – STORMWATER / PHASE II Objective: Implement the renewed National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit – Stormwater Phase II to reduce untreated stormwater impact on the City’s discharges to the Washington State bodies of water. Specific task includes implementing Low Impact Development (LID) ordinance modifications to encourage LID in utilization in future developments (required by end of 2016). Rationale: The City ended its first five-year NPDES Phase II permit with significant progress. The next permit period requires significant municipal code amendments, more strict storm water controls for public and private construction projects, additional sampling, and more costly construction projects to meet the mandate. Modifications to zoning codes could be required. Implementation of low impact development practices will be a major area of focus. A significant challenge will be changing accepted past practices, dealing with the poor soil conditions in various sections of the City, along with rewriting many stormwater and property development ordinances to meet the new permit requirements. L - 2004/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Plan for a Sustainable Community Page 11 COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW PROJECT – PHASE II Objective: Complete CSO Phase II construction in Fall 2016 in order to reduce the number of combined sewer overflow (CSO) occurrences to an average of one per year by no later than 2016, per Agreed Order with DOE. Rationale: The City, through its NPDES wastewater permit, is required to take corrective action to reduce combined sewer outfall events. CSO Phase I is complete. CSO Phase II was awarded in Jan 2015 with expected completion and commissioning of the full CSO infrastructure in Fall of 2016 Current total cost is estimated at $46 million. Funds are being accumulated through CSO rates and low interest State Revolving Fund (SRF) loans. COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Objective: Re-evaluate zoning with an eye on protecting the City’s prime commercial corridor. Rationale: Due to national trends in diminished demand for retail space there is limited growth occurring in the City’s commercial corridors. The limited demand for these properties has resulted in a proliferation of not for profit services throughout these corridors. Some of the activity associated with these services is having a negative impact on existing businesses and zoning adjustments may be necessary to prevent further deterioration of the corridors. RACE STREET Objective: Initiate a complete street design for the Race Street Corridor. Rationale: In 2015 the City was awarded a Federal Lands Access Grant for the design of the Race Street Corridor. City staff will work with the National Park Service to design the street and identify construction funding for the project. HILL STREET OLYMPIC DISCOVERY TRAIL Objective: Complete a design for the Hill Street Olympic Discovery Rationale: In 2015 the City was awarded a $200,000 Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Grant from the Washington State Department of Transportation. The grant will allow for the connection of an important missing link in the Olympic Discovery Trail connecting Marine Drive to West Port Angeles. L - 2104/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Plan for a Sustainable Community Page 12 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE Objective: Complete a Comprehensive Plan review no later than June of 2016. Rationale: State RCW requires that the City complete a comprehensive plan update for June 2016. The update is a process that involves substantial public input and participation. In accordance with State law the updated plan becomes the foundation for all City decision making. A planning firm is being utilized for public engagement on the project. Public engagement efforts will strive to reach all sectors of the Port Angeles population. PROTECTION OF CITY’S MUNICIPAL AND INDUSTRIAL WATER RIGHTS Objective: Long Term Preservation of City’s Water Supplies. Rationale: The NPS has announced it expects that its legal obligations to be City will be fulfilled by October 2016. However, as of March 2016, those legal obligations have not been fulfilled. The City has two water interests in the Elwha. One is a water right to 150 mgd, which was obtained in the 1920s. It is commonly referred to as the industrial water right, although DOE recognizes it as a “municipal” water right. The other interest the City has in the Elwha is the permit to take water from the Ranne y well for domestic purposes. The federal legislation that authorized removal of the Elwha dams specified that the Department of Interior must protect the quantity and quality of both water supplies. The goal of this Work Plan element is to participate in negotiations with NPS and assure that the legal obligations owed to the City, particularly with regard to the City’s municipal and industrial water supplies, are fulfilled. L - 2204/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Economic Development Page 13 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Strive to create a balanced and diverse local economy, while maximizing employment and educational opportunities for the entire community with a well- maintained infrastructure designed for future growth. NPS ELWHA WATER FACILITIES DISPOSITION Objective: Evaluate options for disposition of Elwha Water Facilities. Rationale: The NPS has announced it desires to divest itself, by October 2016, of operation and ownership of the Lower Elwha Water Treatment Plant, which supplies water to the PA Water Treatment Plant and the Industrial Pipeline customers. Short and long term impacts must be considered when evaluating several options available to the City. Negotiations with NPS have already begun, and they are expected to increase in scope and intensity during the late spring, summer, and early autumn of 2016. The Legal Department will be directly involved in these negotiations to protect the City’s legal rights. TELEVISION CABLE FRANCHISING Objective: Assure compliance with federal law governing television cable franchising, and at the same time obtain the best possible franchise terms for the benefit of the citizens of Port Angeles. Rationale: WaveDivision Holdings, LLC (Wave) provides television cable service to residents and businesses in the City under a franchise initially granted in 2002. That franchise will expire in 2017, and Wave has already notified the City that it will seek a new franchise to continue television cable service. Television cable franchises are extensively regulated by federal law, and the franchise renewal process is lengthy. In this instance the renewal process is expected to begin in April 2016. In addition, the City expects that a second television cable provider will apply for a new franchise in 2016. The Legal Department will be a key member of the team that negotiates any new franchise agreements on behalf of the City. L - 2304/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Economic Development Page 14 CLALLAM COUNTY P.U.D WATER CONTRACT Objective: Resolve long term water Agreement concerns with the Clallam County Public Utility District (PUD), utilizing long term service area agreements. Rationale: In 2006, the City entered into a long-term agreement (30 years with options to extend) to sell treated water to the PUD. This ensured a steady supply of water to the PUD in exchange, in part, for future infrastructure needs such as a reservoir. The City has been selling water to the PUD at a lower rate than other customers outside of the City limits. The PUD has not constructed the agreed upon reservoir noting that the cost and growth rate does not justify the expenditure of funds. It is desired to resolve the issue without the need to litigate the conditions of the agreement. Intent for 2016 is to restructure the Agreement, and create new agreements to allow PUD to remain the water and electric service provider after UGA annexation, similar to Wenatchee/Chelan PUD agreement. This has many benefits to both the City and PUD. Included will be a Utility Franchise Agreement, new Electric Service Area Agreement, new Water Service Area Agreement, and an updated Wholesale Water Agreement. Estimated completion is end of 2016 subject to any Council approvals. CHOOSE-LOCAL PROGRAM Objective: Promote and educate the community in making conscious decisions to purchase products and services locally, support local businesses, and contract locally for professional services. Rationale: A conscious choice to shop locally will provide for a more sustainable local economy. Staff will continue to promote and encourage shopping local, documenting the benefits of spending dollars in the local community. IMPLEMENT PUBLIC ACCESS TELEVISION Objective: Improve community involvement in local government and community events by providing access to public meetings, public events, and educational and entertainment programing, through local cable TV. Rationale: In November, the City contracted with Peninsula Area Public Access (PAPA) to provide public access television content, utilizing funding from the City’s existing Cable TV Franchise Agreement. PAPA has formed a Board of Directors and initiated working Committees to tackle items such as Finance, Education, Tribal Affairs, Government relations, Technical, and Programming issues. PAPA is currently reviewing location options to establish a production facility. City has received $30,000 from WAVE to allow PAPA to commence Cable Access resourcing (another $30,000 in 2017). The Technical Skills Center is now heavily involved with PAPA, and it is the goal to establish a strong youth video production training program within the skills center, and within the tribes on the Peninsula. PAPA plans on “going live” Spring 2016. L - 2404/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Economic Development Page 15 FAÇADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Objective: Promote and encourage private sector investment for building improvements resulting in increased property tax values and more attractive commercial corridors. Rationale: The Façade Improvement Program provides up to $10,000 in matching funds to private businesses willing to improve their façades or signs. The program stimulates redevelopment and has generated significant private sector investment to improve the Port Angeles tax base and aesthetics of commercial corridors. WATERFRONT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Objective: Inspire private sector investment and community pride in the Downtown’s Railroad Avenue area by creating a welcoming International entrance for visitors and an attractive and functional place on the waterfront for the community to gather and enjoy. Rationale: The Waterfront Development Project is a $17 million capital project to redevelop the downtown waterfront. The project is broken up into eleven phases to ensure the city can move forward with various phases as funding becomes available. Construction is completed for Phase 1 (The Esplanade). Phase 2 (West End Park) has a few minor elements remaining for construction. An RFP will be issued for vender activities in the Park. Phase 3 public input will be sought for the City Pier and Hollywood beach areas of the project. The public engagement process will be cost shared with the Feiro Marine Life Center who is simultaneously seeking input for a new facility. Grant opportunities are simultaneously being sought for the design of future project phases including Railroad Avenue (east), City Pier Park, and Hollywood Beach. CONFERENCE CENTER STUDY Objective: Finalize a conference center study documenting the feasibility of a Port Angeles facility. Rationale: In 2014, the Feiro Marine Life Center, NOAA Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and City of Port Angeles completed a pre-design effort for a new Marine Campus Facility, including a conference center. Real estate related challenges have placed the campus approach on hold, however, substantial work was completed on conference center research and due diligence. Staff will finalize the study presenting an opportunity for the community to improve the outlook on non-peak season visitation. L - 2504/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Economic Development Page 16 EVENT GRANT ADMINISTRATION Objective: The City has taken over the responsibility of awarding event grants from the Lodging Tax Fund. Rationale: In accordance with State statute, the City’s Lodging Tax Committee should be responsible for reviewing event grant awards. For at least the past 13 years this function was performed by the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce. Staff has created a new process for issuance of these grants and ensure that recipients comply with Lodging Tax related State Statutes. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & TOURISM CONTRACTS AND RFPs Objective: Implement new contracts for Economic Development and Tourism Promotion and initiate a late summer request for proposals for Lodging Tax expenditures. Rationale: City Council has evaluated all Economic Development and Tourism Promotion contracts for effectiveness and overall performance. The outcome of these efforts has resulted in a need for new contracts for all participating service providers. New contracts will be developed with the goal of setting a high standard for performance measures and outcomes. L - 2604/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Excellence in Government Page 17 EXCELLENCE IN GOVERNMENT Strive for government that is predictable, accountable, and honest; actively seek citizen involvement; and incorporate clear and achievable goals that are committed to success. OFF-SITE COMPUTER BACK-UP SERVER FACILITY + CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS + EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER Objective: Provide the ability to recover vital information after a large-scale disaster by installing an off-site server facility in a location away from City Hall. Rationale: Access to data stored on the City’s computers will be essential for on-going operations in the event of a failure at the City’s primary data center, an emergency that could preclude access to or use of the primary City data center or the need to operate an Emergency Operations Center for a limited duration while the City works to recover from a disaster. An off-site back-up data center is necessary to recover vital data should a significant event (such as fire, flood, or other damage) occur at City Hall. This will be accomplished utilizing a phased approach. Phase One, disaster recovery site completion first with minimal equipment but all possible critical data at two locations including server backups. Phase Two, duplication of backup data to a State sponsored/owned secure facility. Off-site local storage is the first step. We have already begun development of a redundant site at the Corp Yard and work on that project should be complete in 2016. In 2016, work will commence on the implementation of the City’s remote data storage facility with work focused on determining the location for the data storage (Washington State site in eastern Washington or the Yakima County site). The termination of the AMI project has allowed the City to re-assign server and storage assets for this project. Emergency Operations Center (EOC) needs are being gathered as part of the 2017 – 2022 Capital Facilities Plan and will evaluate equipment needs and other requirements to fully stock and operate an EOC at the Fire Station. Included in that assessment will be evaluation of remote satellite access. We anticipate that the EOC funding request will be included as part of the 2017 – 2022 CFP that will go to Council in May 2016 for review prior to adoption. L - 2704/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Excellence in Government Page 18 CLICK-TO-GOV BUILDING PERMIT MODULE UPGRADE Objective: Improve customer service for the building permit process. Rationale: The Click-to-Gov module for building permits will allow customers to create, view and pay for building permits on-line. Providing on-line service will allow the City to be more “builder friendly” and encourage further development. Moving more customer services into on-line applications will allow for enhanced customer service across a wide variety of services requested or needed by the public. Work on this project has been delayed pending final decisions from SunGard regarding software revisions and third-party payment vendors. IMPLEMENT CITY-WIDE RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Objective: Increase efficiency in the management of City records. Rationale: Implementation of a City-wide Records Management Program is ongoing. Council recently approved funding for a 2-year project position tasked with overseeing the Records Management program. This dedicated staff person will serve as the Records Management Coordinator. They are expected to begin work in May, and will work with existing staff to determine various departmental needs, create policies and procedures to address those needs, and provide records management training to employees. The City’s enterprise content management system, Laserfiche, will be upgraded again in 2016. Staff will work with its vendor on a Needs Analysis Report and use that analysis as a guide for digitizing existing records, bringing departments onboard the system, and for automating processes within Laserfiche. SUPERVISORY TRAINING Objective: Work with WCIA (Washington Cities Insurance Authority) to create a training plan for supervisors at every level that will set clear expectations and provide specialized training that creates an atmosphere of accountability and employee excellence while reducing the City’s risk and liability. Rationale: The City Manager’s Office will be working with WCIA training staff to provide on-site supervisory training for all management levels to ensure management staff has the appropriate tools and resources to properly manage and support their staff. L - 2804/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Excellence in Government Page 19 SOCRATA OPEN DATA PROJECT Objective: To implement an on-line data reporting portal linked to the City’s SunGard enterprise management system that is available to the general public. Rationale: The need for increased transparency is a critical need for all levels of government; especially for local, municipal government. The Socrata Open Data portal will provide the public with direct and transparent on-line access to: 1. Open Budget 2. Open Books (Expenditures) 3. Open Payroll In this effort, the public will be able to examine on-line, and download data and reports, that covers budget vs. year-to-date actual spending and revenue collection; an “open checkbook” where the public can search what vendors we have paid and how much we have paid them; and how much we have paid employees (salary, overtime, additional pay, and employee benefits). LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY Objective: Advocate on the City’s behalf, protect the City’s interests, and keep Council informed on legislative issues affecting the community. Rationale: In partnership with Council, Staff will work to advocate on the City’s behalf and will periodically update Council on key issues and activities during the 2016 State and Federal legislative sessions. Staff will pay particular attention to the legislative issues to protect the City’s municipal interests, including topics representing a financial benefit or consequence. Council may be asked to provide staff direction and/or adopt positions on unanticipated legislative issues. UPDATES TO PERSONNEL POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUAL Objective: Review and update sections of the Personnel Policy & Procedures Manual. Rationale: Recommend changes to personnel policy & procedures manual to City Council for specific sections of the manual. L - 2904/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Excellence in Government Page 20 POLICE TRAINING RECORDS TO AN INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE PLATFORM Objective: Utilize existing software and the Aegis platform (owned by the Police Department) to increase Police Department efficiency and performance by placing training records in an intelligent and singular software platform. Rationale: Utilizing existing computer software (Aegis) any Police Department supervisor or training officer can search, view and compile individual or department training records. Aegis is accessible remotely and allows the user to run reports and collect the data needed to comply with various training and continuing education requirements. The project goal is to improve efficiency and productivity, and free up staff time for their respective core job functions. COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLANNING RETREAT Objective: Conduct a Council retreat for the purpose of developing a vision for the City and determining the necessary goals, priorities, and action strategies to achieve that vision. Rationale: Port Angeles, like many cities, has significant opportunities it can build on if its leadership can come together with a collective vision, and a roadmap to achieve that vision. A strategic planning process is one of the most widely used tools to develop a community roadmap and is used to prioritize initiatives, resources, goals, and department operations and projects. The strategic plan is a “big picture” document that directs the long-term efforts and resources toward a clearly defined vision. Once developed, the strategic plan will influence the City’s community work plan and its operating and capital budgets. SELECTION AND APPOINTMENT OF NEW POLICE CHIEF Objective: Complete the selection and installation appointment of a new police chief. Rationale: In March 2016, Police Chief Terry Gallagher retired. The City has contracted with the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs to complete the recruitment and assist in the selection of the new Police Chief. The Deputy Chief is currently serving as the Interim Chief of Police. The complexity of the operation, the inherent liabilities faced daily and the workload demands mandate that a highly trained and widely experienced department director be selected within a reasonable amount of time. The recruitment is currently open, if there is a qualified pool of candidates, the City anticipates interviewing in late May 2016 with an anticipated start date of July 2016. L - 3004/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Our Unique Community Page 21 OUR UNIQUE COMMUNITY Maintain our community as a place where our citizens enjoy a superior quality of life composed of abundant recreational resources, a unique natural setting, thriving cultural opportunities, and a balanced economic base. CIVIC FIELD STADIUM/COMPLEX Objective: Extend the useful life of Civic Field to provide a safe and fully-functional venue for a wide variety of athletic, cultural, and community events. Rationale: Civic Field is a multi-use stadium used for football, baseball, soccer, and other community events. The facility was originally built in 1940. The last major reconstruction was completed in 1979. A bond requiring voter approval failed in 2012 for improvements that were listed in the 2010 Civic Field Assessment. In the 2014 budget, the Civic Field boiler was replaced and $60,000 was set aside for the future replacement of field lighting. An additional $60,000 was secured through the school district to help with the field lighting, totaling $120,000. In 2015, City Staff was able to secure two grants for a total of $453,000. Because two grants were received, the contribution from the City went from 50% to 10%. After getting permission from the school board, the City was able to put the remaining school dollars into a special account for future Civic Field projects. CITY PIER TRANSIENT MOORAGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT Objective: Replacement of the City Pier Transient Moorage Floats Rationale: This project involves the replacement of the City Pier Transient Moorage Floats which were purchased in 1993 and decommissioned in 2013 because of rotting and unsafe conditions. In the winter of 2014, the Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Department applied for a Tier II Boating Infrastructure Grant. In February of 2015, it was announced by US Fish and Wildlife that the City received a $268,575 grant to replace the City Pier Floats. L - 3104/19/2016 City of Port Angeles 2016 Community Work Plan Our Unique Community Page 22 PROXIMITY CONTROL FOR CITY FACILITIES Objective: Security and efficiency controls for City owned buildings. Rationale: This project involves installation and configuration of a turn-key vendor supplied proximity access control system utilizing proximit y cards and readers for primary city buildings and facilities. Our current lock/key access control system in not only labor intensive but insecure. Employee turnover, loss of keys, and unauthorized use of keys are immediate concerns of a key-based system. Card-based systems allow differing access levels to be assigned to employee’s cards and provide audit information for building and door entry. Proximity cards can be deactivated immediately. Implementation will start in 2016 and be phased out over a three to five year period, starting with City Hall as the first building to be configured. This includes Police, Parks & Rec., City Manager’s office, and the second floor areas of City Atto rney’s office and Engineering. ERICKSON PLAYFIELD CAMERA REPLACEMENTS Objective: Upgrade the security cameras at Erickson Playfield. Rationale: This project is to replace the current camera system at Erickson Playfield with technologically advanced systems and software, allowing for clearer reception and pictures for better security. The current system has reached the end of its useful life and the new cameras will be integrated into our new system, which is much less time consuming for IT staff. SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY Objective: Engage a real estate professional to ascertain fair market value contract for sale and/or lease of 215 South Lincoln. Rationale: The City Council has declared 215 South Lincoln surplus to any City needs. Since 2007 the City has entertained offers on the property. Sale would be contingent upon the preservation of the buildings historic façade. CARNEGIE LEASE Objective: Ensure the historic Carnegie Library building has an occupying tenant. Rationale: In 2015, the Clallam County Historical Society informed the City th at they no longer intended to occupy the Carnegie Library. Later in 2015 they provided a letter requesting that the City allow the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe to assume their lease for the remaining eight (8) years. L - 3204/19/2016 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2016 WORK PLAN / APPENDIX TIMELINE MAJOR PROJECTS DEPARTMENT(S)Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May June July Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.2017…. Long Range Financial Plan City Manager Finance All Departments 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Finance Budget Development-Operating & Capital City Manager Finance All Departments Utility Rate Development / Analysis Finance Wellness Program / AWC Benefits Trust Human Resources Labor Contract Negotiations Human Resources Legal City Manager Additional Public Safety Funding Finance City Manager Fire Department Police Department Legal Workman's Compensation Claims Administration Human Resources Sell, Transfer of Dispose of Excess Morse Creek Properties Public Works & Utilities Legal FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT L - 3304/19/2016 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2016 WORK PLAN / APPENDIX TIMELINE MAJOR PROJECTS DEPARTMENT(S)Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May June July Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.2017…. PUBLIC SAFETY Emergency Management Training Fire Department All Departments Continuity of Operations (COOP) Planning Fire Department All Departments Mass Notification System Training Fire Department Washington Survey and rating Bureau Fire Department Fireworks Fire Department Police Department Emergency Management Collaboration Fire Department All Departments Fire Department Operational Reorganization Fire Department City Manager Fire Inspection Training Fire Department PENCOM - Jeffcom Consolidation Study Police Department Police Scheduling and Payroll to an Electronic and Intelligent Software Platform Police Department L - 3404/19/2016 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2016 WORK PLAN / APPENDIX TIMELINE MAJOR PROJECTS DEPARTMENT(S)Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May June July Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.2017…. Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) for 2017-2022 City Manager Finance All Departments Affordability Index Finance Harbor Sediment Cleanup and Remediation City Manager Legal Community & Economic Dev. NPDES Permit - Stormwater / Phase II Public Works & Utilities Community & Economic Dev. Combined Sewer Overflow Project - Phase II Public Works & Utilities Legal Commercial Corridor Zoning Adjustments Community & Economic Dev. Race Street Community & Economic Dev. Public Works & Utilities Hill Street Olympic Discovery Trail Community & Economic Dev. Public Works & Utilities Comprehensive Plan Update Community & Economic Dev. Protection of City's Municipal and Industrial Water Rights Public Works & Utilities Legal PLAN for a SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY L - 3504/19/2016 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2016 WORK PLAN / APPENDIX TIMELINE MAJOR PROJECTS DEPARTMENT(S)Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May June July Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.2017…. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NPS Elwha Water Facilities Disposition Public Works & Utilities Legal City Manager Television Cable Franchising Public Works & Utilities Legal Clallam County P.U.D. Water Contract Public Works & Utilities City Manager Legal Implement Public Access Television City Manager Public Works & Utilities Façade Improvement Program Community & Economic Dev. Waterfront Improvement Project Community & Economic Dev. Parks & Recreation Conference Center Study Community & Economic Dev. Event Grant Administration Community & Economic Dev. Economic Development & Tourism Contracts and RFPs Community & Economic Dev. Legal L - 3604/19/2016 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2016 WORK PLAN / APPENDIX TIMELINE MAJOR PROJECTS DEPARTMENT(S)Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May June July Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.2017…. EXCELLENCE in GOVERNMENT Off Site Computer Back-Up Server Facility + Continuity of operations + Emergency Operations Center Finance Fire Department Click-to-Gov Building Permit Module Upgrade Finance Community & Economic Dev. Implement City Wide Records Management Program City Clerk All Departments Supervisory Training Human Resources Socrata Open Data Project Finance Legislative Advocacy City Manager All Departments Updates to Personnel Policy & Procedure Manual Human Resources City Manager Legal Police Training Records to an Intelligent Software Platform Police Department Finance Council Strategic Planning Retreat City Manager Selection and Appointment of New Police Chief City Manager Human Resources L - 3704/19/2016 CITY of PORT ANGELES 2016 WORK PLAN / APPENDIX TIMELINE MAJOR PROJECTS DEPARTMENT(S)Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May June July Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.2017…. OUR UNIQUE COMMUNITY Civic Field Stadium/Complex Parks & Recreation City Pier Transient Moorage Replacement Project Parks & Recreation Proximity Control for City Facilities Parks & Recreation Erickson Playfield Camera Replacements Parks & Recreation Sale of Suplus Property Community & Economic Dev. Legal Carnegie Lease Community & Economic Dev. Legal L - 3804/19/2016 MONTH 11,461 Feet 7,800 Gallons 4,753 Feet 9.05 9.52 YR. 37,826 16,180 7,397 CITY OF PORT ANGELES RAINFALL DATA (inches) PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 2016 1st QUARTER REPORT April 2016 AVERAGE DAILY WATER DEMAND SEWER/STORM SYSTEM MAINTENANCE THIS YEAR TO DATE (MG) 10 YR AVG. TOTAL TO DATE THIS YR TO DATE LAST YEAR TO DATE (MG)2.05 2.02 SEWER SYSTEM JETTED NON METERED HYDRANT SYSTEM TV INSPECTED 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AV E R A G E G A L L O N S / D A Y MI L L I O N S WATER DEMAND 2015 2016 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC RA I N F A L L I N C H E S RAINFALL 2015 2016 10 Year Average PW & U QUARTERLY REPORT 2016 - 4/14/2016 L - 3904/19/2016 AVERAGE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL USE AVERAGE COMBINED ELECTRICAL USE 0 LAST YEAR TO DATE (M Kwh)54.5198 23.239467 THIS YEAR TO DATE (M Kwh)47.1265 LAST YEAR TO DATE (M Kwh) THIS YEAR TO DATE (M Kwh) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TE M P E R A T U R E [D e g r e e s F ] TEMPERATURE 2015 2016 10 Year Average 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 EL E C T R I C A L U S A G E [M i l l i o n K W H ] ELECTRICAL USAGE 2015 2016 2016 Industrial 2 Port Angeles 27% County 36% Sequim 15% Compost 10% Recycling 12% REGIONAL TRANSFER STATION DISPOSAL CO. COM. HAUL 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Curbside Tons 1st Quarter 2011-2016 Recycle Yardwaste Garbage* 8500 9000 9500 10000 10500 11000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Transport Tons 1st Quarter 2011-2016 Reg Transfer 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Recycle Drop Box Tons 1st Quarter 2011-2016 Regional Blue Mtn* City Glass 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2011 2012 2013 2014*2015 2016 Compost Sold 1st Quarter 2011-2016 Compost PW & U QUARTERLY REPORT 2016 - 4/14/2016 L - 4004/19/2016 PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY REPORT *Responded to 30 customer service requests; Changing out residential meters * *Repaired 12 water service leaks; Performed 209 utility locates * *Repaired 19 water main breaks; Assisted contracters as needed * *Replaced 29 water meters; Performed required Dept. of Health testing * *New sample station installed; Reservoir maintenance * *Repaired or replaced 1 fire hydrant; Continued Leak Detection program * *Fire hydrant / water main flushing - 447,980 gallons * *Water loss due to leaks - 999,100 gallons; Air vent maintenance - 0 * * *Unplugged 7 non-city sewer lines and 1 city line; 3.5 yards to Decant facility * ** ** ** *Repaired plugged sewer lateral at 829 Georgiana; Tested portable generators * *Assisted WWTP crew locate hot water lines and repair them * *Raised manhole at 2/3 alley & Penn St.; Repaired pillar at WWTP * *Repaired manhole behind Fairchild Floors; Placed new generator set @ PS10 * *Installed new side rails at PS 13; Assisted contractors clean CSO #8 * Foamed several holes in the wet well at Landfill Pump Station #1 * * *NPDES monthly reports and pretreatment results submitted to Ecology * *Installed new chlorine pump and started on plumbing upgrades in system * *Repaired east trickling filter rotator arm; Inspected west trickling filter rotator arm * *Repaired leak in heat system line to shop building * *Installed new hot water system in secondary building * *Replaced HRR/HRS circulation pump and rebuilt digester heat pump * *Submitted January 2016 Discharge Monitoring Report to Ecoloby * *Submitted lab certification renewal to Ecology; Completed CSO inspections * *Replaced top filter belt on belt press; Replaced tubing on chlorine analyzer * *WW division generators were serviced by Legacy Company * ** * *Completed repairs to Fire engine 3 primer pump and fire valve * *Installed air cylinder release on new wastewater container door latches * *Replaced head gaskets and modified EGR on water division truck 5705 * *Used 11,873 gallons of diesel fuel citywide and 12,805 gallons of unleaded * Commercial Repairs - Parts $26,309 and Labor $35,312 * *1,159 Total mechanic hours billed for 10/1/15 to 12/31/15 * *Completed 268 job orders; Cost of parts used was $65,842 * *Rebuilt spoil tank deflecter plate and cleaned venturi system on truck 1241 * * *Repaired 45 street lights * *Performed 25 service connections * *Performed 499 electrical inspections * *Completed 186 utility locates * *Replaced annealed copper wire with new aluminum conductor on Grant Avenue * *Completed installation and testing at new 69,000 volt 'A' Street Substation * Moved and reconstructed field lighting control circuit at Shane Park * Replaced 12,470 volt distribution switches at 2nd & Oak and 10th & Pine * * * * * * * * * Dumped Decant boxes (14,690 lbs); Cleaned wet wells 5 and 10 Overhead Reconductoring / design; PS 3 Sewer Improvements /design WASTEWATER TREATMENT Street sweeping citywide - including on the Waterfront Trail on Lauridsen Blvd between D and E Streets Citywide-mowed/graded/graveled/ground/educted/swept/applied herbicide EQUIPMENT SERVICES CSO Phase 1 Project / close-out; CSO Monitoring / ongoing Misc jetting/repair/tracing of stormlines in known problem areas or by request Performed stormwater sampling and tracing at various locations as requested LIGHT OPERATIONS Provided asphalt and concrete repairs for Water, Solid Waste, & Light Ops Divisions Installed / repaired thermoplastic lane markings (crosswalks, arrows, symbols, etc.) Raingarden maintenance; Pothole repair - both gravel and asphalt, citywide ENGINEERING Input sign data into the GIS database using mobile devices CSO Phase 2/construction; Front St Stormwater Improvements / substantially complete Responded to illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) events Olympic Medical Center Redundant Power Source / close out Civic Field Lighting/out for bid; City Pier Floats/ design; Yard Light Replacement/ design WATER WASTEWATER COLLECTION Assisted Stormwater crew with repair and installation of fow monitors Rebuilt manhole at 5th & Washington Streets; Cleaned rock trap at the WWTP E Street Reservoir PRV Station / design; 2016 Electric Pole Inspections / out for bid Water System Plan / ongoing; 2016 Power Line Tree Trimming / out for bid Attended Joint Solid Waste Advisory Board meeting SOLID WASTE Attended and staffed the City booth at the local Home Show Attended Landfill Post-Closure quarterly meeting Conducted post-closure monthly inspections at the Landfill; Compost testing Area 3 regulatory and school zone retro reflectivity sign changeout Performed maintenance on Eco Storm Plus filter at First and Valley Streets Quarterly Corp Yard SWPPP inspection; Misc. catch basin repairs Attended Public Works & Utilities quarterly safety training; Compost Operations Plan Attended Waste Connections quarterly meeting and PW & U Safety meeting Underground Cable Replacement /close out; 5th St Sewer Line Repair/design complete Waterfront Development Phase 2, ODT Trail West / close-out STREETS Dead animal control citywide; Adopt a Highway and illegal dump trash pick up Attended First Aid CPR Training and Annual Hearing Test Vegetation control and tree pruning on Hwy 101 from Cherry to Fairmount Avenue and Cut brush that impedes visibility of signs; Removed graffiti on 8th St Bridges-reoccurring Landfill Post-Closure / ongoing; Transfer Station Decant Facility/ grant received-design Francis Street Outfall Repair / design; Downtown Tree Well Repair / design complete Continued street name sign changeout; Trip and fall repair due to notifications General sign, building, and key maintenance, and curb painting - citywide Streamkeepers Monitoring / ongoing; Eclipse Feeder Upgrade / close out A St Substation Transformer/ closeout; Green LID alleys/ design complete, grant awarded Ediz Hook Sewer Repair / design; Sewer Crossing at Marine Dr. Bridge / design Stormwater NPDES Permit Code Update; Marine Drive Channel Bridge / design Wastewater SCADA System Replacement / close-out; Elwha Water Facilities Peabody Crk/Lincoln St Culvert Rehab/design Landfill Cell Stabilization / construction complete WWTP Biosolids Dewatering / design; H Street Stormwater Outfall / design Street Lighting Upgrades / close out; Pole Inspections / awarded L - 4104/19/2016 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MONTHY PERMIT REPORT MARCH 2016 JAN.FEB.MAR.APR.MAY JUNE JULY AUG.SEPT.OCT.NOV.DEC.2016 YTD 2015 YTD RESIDENTIAL-NEW MODULAR/MANUFACT.1 Value $35,000 SINGLE FAMILY 3 1 4 3 Value $461,420 $144,695 $606,115 $365,616 MULTI-FAMILY Value ACCESSORIES 1 2 3 2 Value $15,300 $60,000 $75,300 $38,000 COMMERCIAL-NEW RETAIL Value HOTEL/MOTEL Value OFFICE Value DRINKING/DINING Value AUTO/SERVICE Value INDUSTRIAL Value PUBLIC - NEW SCHOOLS/HOSPS/GOVT Value CHURCHES Value RECREATION Value REPAIR & ALT. RESIDENTIAL 35 43 46 124 84 Value $146,509 $331,916 $363,271 $841,696 $736,154 COMMERCIAL 8 7 10 25 30 Value $277,060 $593,000 $703,728 $1,573,788 $490,571 PUBLIC Value DEMOLITION / MOVE 1 1 2 Value $10,000 $800 $10,800 TOTALS BUILDING PERMITS 46 52 60 158 123 CONSTRUCTION VALUE $884,989 $950,216 $1,272,494 $3,107,699 $1,884,841 BUILDING PERMITS FEE $11,882 $16,298 $21,230 $49,410 $35,670 *CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 4 5 7 16 10 *Certificate of Occupancy applications for new or relocated businesses. L - 4204/19/2016