HomeMy WebLinkAboutClallam County Commissioners APR 2 7 2016
Cily OF �ORT AINGELES Board of Clallam
County Commissioners
223 East 4th Street,Suite 4
Port Angeles,WA 98362-3015
360.417.2233 Fax:360.417.2493
MARK OZZAS, District 1 Email:commissioners @co.clallam.wa.us
MIKE CHAPMAN, District 2, Chair
BILL PEACH,District 3 Jim Jones,Jr, County Administrator
File: A14.11.21
26 April 2016
Patrick Downie, Mayor
City of Port Angeles
321 East 5th Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
RE: Proposed Update to 1992 Countywide Planning Policy
Dear Mayor Downie:
The Board of County Commissioners invites Sequim, Port Angeles, and Forks to reconvene a regional
collaborative planning process. The main objective is to review and update the 1992 Countywide
Planning Policy (CWPP). It is also anticipated that the update process may lead to discussion of
issues of countywide or regional significance that may become part of updates to the CWPP or inform
the need for future joint planning efforts between jurisdictions depending on the issue(s) identified.
Background on CWPPs
Prior to developing county and city comprehensive plans under the state Growth Management Act
(GMA) of 1990, the county was required to adopt a "countywide planning policy" consistent with the
provisions of RCW 36.70A.210 in cooperation with Sequim, Port Angeles and Forks. Pursuant to RCW
36.70A.210, a "countywide planning policy" is a written policy statement(s) used solely for
establishing a countywide framework from which county and city comprehensive plans are developed
and adopted pursuant to the GMA. This framework was intended to ensure that county and city
comprehensive plans are consistent as required in RCW 36.70A.100. The deadline for adoption of a
countywide planning policy was July 1, 1992.
In 1991, the County and cities of Sequim, Port Angeles, and Forks reached agreement on the process
and framework for adoption of a CWPP (Resolution 247, 1991 and Resolution 296, 1991). A key part
of the process consisted of establishment of a Growth Management Steering Committee (GMSC). The
GMSC consisted of two representatives from the County and each of the three cities.
j:\public\correspondence\from bocc\2016\update to 1992 planning policy.docx
Mayor Downie
26 April 2016
Page 2
Clallam County adopted the Clallam County Countywide Planning Policy (CWPP) on June 30, 1992
(Resolution 111, 1992). Similar separate actions to approve the CWPP were taken by the three cities.
The CWPP addresses: urban growth areas (UGA); joint planning and contiguous and orderly
development; siting of public capital facilities; transportation facilities and strategies; affordable
housing; economic development and employment; and open space corridors with and between
UGA's. The full text of the 1992 CWPPs can be viewed at:
http://www.ciallam.net/realestate/assets/applets/Plan all.pddf
Updating the 1992 CWPP is not a GMA mandate, but is recommended (WAC 365-196-305). The 1992
CWPP also envisioned updates:
...It is also expected, like comprehensive plans, that this document will need revision, perhaps even
before the adoption of the comprehensive plans. Therefore, a continued process of
intergovernmental coordination is anticipated in order to resolve planning matters...': [1992 Clallam
County Countywide Planning Policy]
Since 1992, there certainly has been intergovernmental coordination on many growth and planning
issues of mutual interest, and each jurisdiction has updated its GMA comprehensive plans and
development regulations. The update of the 1992 CWPP allows for a broader discussion of growth
and related planning issues and to support efforts to ensure the CWPPs remain relevant.
City of Sequim Request
County and city community development directors and planning managers met on a number of
occasions in 2013/14 to discuss update of the 1992 CWPP. In September 2014, the City of Sequim
submitted a request to the County Commissioners to reconvene a regional collaborative process
among the county and city governments to update the CWPPs. The 1992 CWPP states that:
'Any jurisdiction or the Port of Port Angeles or the Public Utility District, may initiate amendments to
the County-wide Planning Policy"through ample notification to the county and each city, and the Port
and PUD. The jurisdiction initiating amendments shall be responsible for making the necessary
arrangement of the parties and preparation of materials. The ratification process used to adopt the
County-wide Planning Policy shall be followed." [1992 Clallam County Countywide Planning Policy]
County and City Director's Recommendation
In February 2016, county and city community development directors and planning managers met
again to discuss update of the 1992 CWPP. The general agreed upon approach and timeline
recommended was to:
• Identify and consolidate each jurisdictions policy update areas of known interest to provide
initial direction and framework for the CWPP update
• Reach agreement on the process and framework of updating the CWPPs
j:\public\correspondence\from bocc\2016\update to 1992 planning policy.docx
Mayor Downie
26 April 2016
Page 3
• Appoint members to Growth Management Steering Committee (GMSC) similar to the process in
1992, or other agreed upon framework
• Commence the work of the GMSC
• GMSC provides recommendation on CWPP updates together with findings and conclusion to
support changes
• Each jurisdiction considers and takes action on CWPP updates recommended by the GMSC
• County and City discussions may continue through the GMSC, or other agreed upon framework,
as needed
The above timeline is intended to avoid significant impacts to 2016 work programs of each
jurisdiction. A more detailed concept of action steps and timeline for update of the CWPPs is
attached. All GMSC meetings would be open to the public.
We welcome city input on the framework, scope and timeline for updating the CWPP. The Clallam
County Department of Community Development (DCD) will coordinate efforts for the County, and will
work with the Community Development directors and planning managers of the three cities to move
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Mike Chapman, Chair Mark Ozias Bill P ach
1. Draft Action Steps and Timeline for Updating CWPP
2. City of Sequim Request to Update Countywide Planning Policies
3. County Resolutions 247 and 296, 1991 that established the process for developing and adopting
the 1992 CWPP's
j:\public\correspondence\from bocc\2016\update to 1992 planning policy.docx
• Each jurisdiction submits proposed specific changes; identify specific policies want to
reevaluate, and/or new policies that should be evaluated to add. Sequim already submitted
requested policies to revise, but could update their list.(Target Dote; Complete by July 2016
• County DCD consolidates and organizes all comments received. [Target Dote:Complete by July
• City/County Community Development staff meets to discuss updates and areas of review
requested by each jurisdiction. [Target Date; Complete by September 2016]
• City/County Community Development staff meets to develop draft resolution template for
CWPP Update to take to respective City Councils and County Board. I would envision the
starting point the 1991/92 resolution templates each jurisdiction adopted, and modify based on
the intended scope of the update.
• Discuss whether to recommend any changes to our respective Council/Boards on make-
up of the CWPP Steering Committee from 1992 process.
• Develop a recommended schedule/timeline for the 2017 CWPP Steering Committee and
CWPP Update Process.
[Target; Complete by October 2016]
• Staff report back to their respective City Council and County Board on:
• A consolidated list of amendments and review/update areas identified by all
• A recommended resolution for each jurisdiction to agree upon in terms of CWPP update
[Target Complete By November 20161
• Each jurisdiction take action (Resolution)to:
• Adopt resolution on joint agreed upon CWPP update process.
• Appoint members to CWPP Steering Committee and take action on agreed upon CWPP
update ratification process.
[Target; Complete by December 20161
• Steering Committee convenes based on 2016 agreed upon process; initial agenda is package of
draft 2016 amendments/second phase is broader discussion of items of regional significance to
all jurisdictions—water, economy, climate change, mobility, ??? (some of which may become
part of CWPPs) [Target: First meeting'in January 207]
• Steering Committee forwards a recommendation on initial updates to the CWPP together with
their findings/conclusions to support changes. [Target: By SpringlSurnmer 2017???]
• Each jurisdiction takes Steering Committee Recommendation for ratification. Remand back to
Steering Committee, if needed. Ratified amendments forwarded to BOCC for adoption.
• Steering Committee sets meeting schedule to proceed with second phase dialogue on items of
regional significance and shared interests.
September 8,2014
Clallam County Board of Commissioners
223 East Fourth Street
Port Angeles WA 98362
As the City of Sequim looks forward to adopting a new Comprehensive Plan in early
2015, the City Council requests the County Commissioners reconvene a regional
collaborative planning process among the County and city governments.This process
would assist in fulfilling a mandate of the Growth Management Act and forestall a
substantive vulnerability in the adoption of our Plan. The GMA(RCW 36.70A.110)
specifies that the County legislative body convene a process among the County and its
cities to enact Countywide Planning Policies (CWPPs)and a population growth target as
a basis for jurisdictional comprehensive planning for the specified 20-year planning
horizon. Sequim's 20-year horizon is from 2015-2035,and those of the County and other
cities will start in 2016 when the mandated plan update is due. The only countywide
planning policies in the County were adopted in 1992 and covered the subsequent 20
years to 2012.
Our Director of Community Development Chris Hugo has been in regular discussions
(including several meetings) with Steve Gray, Nathan West and Rod Fleck over the past
two years. They have been discussing restoration of a regional process, and at the
suggestion of Steve Gray, Sequim has agreed to prepare initial discussion materials for
the regional process. These materials will include proposed revisions to the 1992-2012
Countywide Planning Policies in an effort to bring them into consistency with changes in
the GMA as well as changing local conditions and needs. A new population growth target
is also required to support jurisdictional comprehensive plan updates.
The Sequim City Council looks forward to commencing on these activities as soon as
possible. The"Sequim 120 Project", to prepare and adopt a new Comprehensive Plan, is
scheduled to conclude by the end of April 2015. In light of that, the Sequim City Council
is ready to appoint its participants to a newly-convened growth management steering
committee as soon as we receive notice from the Board that it is ready to proceed to
address our request.
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September S, 2014
Page 2
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Candace Pratt
Cc: Steve Burkett, City of Sequim
Chris Hugo, City of Sequim
Dan McKeen, City of Port Angeles
Nathan West, City of Port Angeles
Dan DiGuilio, City of Port Angeles
Rod Fleck, City of Forks
Bryon Monohon, City of Forks
Jim Jones, Clallam County
Steve Gray, Clallam County
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Agreement for Process and )
Framework for Adoption of a ) RESOLUTION NO. ,1991
County-Wide Planning Policy )
WHEREAS, Section 2 of Reengrossed Substitute House Bill 1025 (hereinafter referred to as
H61025)requires that the process and framework for adoption of a county-wide planning policy be agreed
upon by the City and County governments of Clallam County by October 1,1991;and
WHEREAS, representatives of the City and County governments of Clallam County have met as
required by Section 2 of HB1025 to establish a collaborative process that will provide a framework for the
adoption of a county-wide planning policy;
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Clallam County Board of Commissioners; that the process and
. framework for adoption of a county-wide planning policy shall consist of a Growth Management Steering
Committee(hereinafter referred to as GMSC)subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. Composition. The GMSC shall be composed of two representatives from each of the governments
of Clallam County, the City of Port Angeles, the City of Sequim, and the City of Forks.
Representatives may be elected government officials, government staff or anyone else from each
of said political subdivisions. Representatives may change from meeting to meeting.
2. Facilitator. The GMSC facilitator shall continue to alternate every sic months between Clallam
County and the City of Port Angeles,as has been practiced in the ad hoc City/County GMA Task
3. Decision Making. GMSC decisions shall be advisory and shall be based upon consensus. GMSC
decisions shall be final upon ratification by the governments represented in the GMSC.
4. Mandate. The GMSC,subject to ratification as specified in paragraph 3 herein,shall determine the
procedures and provisions necessary for the adoption of a county-wide planning policy. These
procedures and provisions shall include but not be limited to desired planning policies,deadlines,
ratification of final agreements and demonstration thereof, and financing, if any, of all activities
• associated therewith.
PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 1&h day of S M AfA), 1991.
d" re _
Dorothy Dun ,Chair
Dave Cameron
Lawrence Gaydeski
C C: �Gr,1 rn r lrl,�,
Kar'n F',ores �eUPI rpm e�
• Clerk of the Board
In the Matter of )
Amendment of Resolution ) /�
No.247,1991 Regarding ) RESOLUTION NO.� ►O,1991
County-wide Planning Policy )
Ratification Process and )
Desired Planning Policies )
WHEREAS, Section 2 of Reengrossed Substitute House Bill 1025(hereinafter referred to as HB
1025)requires that the process and framework for adoption of a county-wide planning policy be agreed
upon by the City and County governments by October 1,1991;
WHEREAS,the Board of Commissioners passed Resolution No.247, 1991 agreeing to a process
and framework for Adoption of the County-wide Planning Policy;
WHEREAS,the City governments adopted similar resolutions for a process and framework;and
• WHEREAS,the County and Cities wish to amend these agreements to establish ratification
procedures and define desired planning policy areas for completion and adoption of the County-wide
Planning Policy.
County Commissioners that the ratification process for decisions made under the AGREEMENT FOR
planning policy areas of the county-wide planning policy shall be subject to the following terms and
1.1. General Ratification Process. The GMSC shall submit proposed county-wide planning
policies, as identified in the Growth Management Act, for acceptance or rejection to the
legislative bodies represented in the GMSC. The GMSC may also submit the planning
policies for acceptance or rejection to any other organizations the GMSC determines
should participate. Upon the receipt of all of the determinations of acceptance or
rejection, the GMSC shall then make any necessary revisions to the planning policies to
best accommodate the concerns raised in the determinations. After all revisions have
been made, the GMSC shall submit the planning policies to the legislative bodies
represented in the GMSC for ratification. The GMSC may submit planning policies for
acceptance or ratification all at once or in sets of one or more. All of the planning policies
required under the Growth Management Act must be submitted for ratification to the
legislative bodies represented in the GMSC fourteen days or more before they are required
to be adopted under the Growth Management Act. Attachment A outlines the conceptual
model for this process.
1.2 Determination of Approval An acceptance of a proposed county-wide planning
policy as identified in paragraph 1.1 herein signifies that a legislative body or participating
organization has determined that a planning policy is acceptable for ratification. If a
legislative body or participating organization accepts a planning policy, it may submit
recommendations to the GMSC to consider for revision. If a legislative body or
participating organization rejects a proposed planning policy, it shall inform the GMSC of
what changes are necessary for ratification.
1.3 Public Hearings. Each GMSC member and participating organization shall be j
solely responsible for conducting its own public hearings and may use any hearing
process it deems sufficient for acceptance and ratification of the proposed county-wide
planning policies.
Resolution No.�9&1991
Page 2
2.1. General Desired Planning Policy Areas. The desired planning policy areas which will be
addressed in the county-wide planning policy will include the following areas: policies to
implement designation of urban growth areas; policies for promotion of contiguous and
orderly development and provision of urban services to such development; policies for
siting public capital facilities of a county-wide or state-wide nature;policies for county-wide
transportation facilities and strategies; policies that consider the need for affordable
housing;policies for joint county and city planning within urban growth areas;policies for
county-wide economic development and employment; an analysis of the fiscal impact;
policies to identify open space corridors within and between urban growth areas_
2.2. Desired Plannino Policies. Desired planning policies within the policy areas identified
in Section 2.1 are attached to this agreement as Attachment B.
PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS day of -/}(Y }�h ,1991.
orothy Dun n,Chair
Dave Cameron
rence Gaydeski
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Clerk of the Board
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Urban Growth Area Designations
L Agreed upon population forecast and distribution by geographic subareas.
2. Agreed upon process to designate urban growth areas.
3. Agreed upon policies/principles to designate urban growth areas.
4. Agreed upon process to amend urban growth area designations.
Contiguous and Orderiy Development
1. Agreed upon service provisions within designated urban growth areas.
1 Agreed upon service provisions outside designated urban growth areas.
3. Definition of special purpose district role in the provision of services inside and outside of
urban growth areas.
4. An agreed upon process to establish consistent and coordinated service level standards for
public facilities within geographic planning area and urban growth area. Process should
. also establish how"concurrency"would be addressed from one jurisdiction to another.
5. Policies to prohibit or discourage'leap-frog"development inside urban growth areas.
6. Policies regarding annexation and phasing of development.
T Agreed upon policies or process for consistent development standards within urban growth
IJ areas.
8. Agreed upon policies or process regarding land division and land use review within urban
I growth areas and geographic planning areas.
Siting of Public Capital Facilities
1. Agreed upon process for identifying which public capital facilities are of a county-wide or
state-wide nature.
2. Agreed upon process for scheduling and distribution of facilities,including within urban
growth areas.
3. Agreed upon policies for locatior,and size,environmental and design standards of public
capital facilities.
CWPP,Planning Policies • •
Page 2
County-wide Transportation Facilities and Strategies
® 1. Agreed upon process for adoption of transportation policies and strategies,including the
role and linkage with the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization.
2. Agreed upon policies for the improvement of state highway system.
3. Agreed upon policies for the linkage and improvement of transit and non-vehicular
transportation in the regional transportation network.
4. Agreed upon process for insuring consistency and coordination of level-of-service
Affordable Housing
I. Policies to encourage affordable housing opportunities through land use regulations.
2. Agreed upon strategies for encouragement and development of affordable housing.
3. Policies to ensure a fair share distribution of affordable housing in Clallam County.
4. Policies to address compensation for displacement of affordable housing with new
• Joint County and City Planning in Urban Growth Areas
1. Policies to encourage consistent development standards within the urban growth area.
i 2. Agreed-upon process for joint public facility planning.
3. Agreed upon process for financing public facilities within urban growth area.
4. Agreed upon policies for public infrastructure transition in urban growth areas.
5. Agreed upon process for intergovernmental coordination and communication of
development projects within urban growth areas.
6. Agreed upon process for adoption and amendment of coordinated and consistent plans
within urban growth areas.
County-wide Economic Development and Employment
1. Policies that consider the need for economic diversification and employment.
2. Policies that consider the county-wide linkages in economic development and employment,
such as tourism,conventions,promotion and marketing,transportation,diversified
manufacturing,retirement,forest products and infrastructure needs,etc.
3. Policies that address need for sites for economic development,particularly suitable land for
commercial and industrial development.
4. Agreed upon process for siting,coordination and consistency of economic development
plan implementation.
CWPP,Planning Policies
Page 3
Fiscal Impact Analysis
1. Policies that consider service transfer as areas become annexed.
2. Policies that consider revenue transfer as areas become annexed.
3. Policies that consider phased annexation within urban growth areas.
Open Space Corridors
1. Agreed upon policies or process to identify open space corridors within and between urban
growth areas useful for recreation.
2. Agreed upon policies or process to identify open space corridors within and between urban
growth areas useful for wildlife habitat.
3. Agreed upon policies or process to identify open space corridors within and between urban
growth areas useful for trails.
4. Agreed upon policies or process to identify open space corridors within and between urban
growth areas useful for connection of critical areas.