HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/25/2015 MINUTES
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
February 25, 2015
6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Nancy Powers, David Miller, Scott Headrick, Brian Hunter,
Chad Aubin
Members Excused: Duane Morris, One vacancy
Staff Present: Sue Roberds, Nathan West, Heidi Greenwood, Ben
Public Present: Angela Raymond, Bob Dickson, Brett Bies, Tom and Bliss
Wood, Kent Sommerfeld, Edna Willadsen, Judi
Hangartner, Kathleen and Courtney Buchannan, Sara and
Sean Dutrow, Brad Schaefer, Alan Shad
Chair Headrick opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Hunter moved to approve the January 28, 2015, regular meeting minutes.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and passed 4 — 0 with Commissioner
Headrick abstaining due to absence at the meeting.
Chair Headrick reviewed the qualifying questions for quasi judicial proceedings with
Commissioners. All Commissioners responded that they had no Appearance of Fairness of
Conflict of Interest issues to report with either of the two agenda items. The Chair then reviewed
the quasi judicial public hearing procedures for audience members. No concerns were voiced by
anyone present.
1303 West 8`' Street: Proposal to allow additional wireless antennae (3) on an
existing tower containing a wireless antenna array and lighting for a public
park in the Public Buildings and Parks zone.
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick presented the Department Report recommending approval of
the conditional use permit. Following general discussion relative to the location of the existing
tower within the subject property, Chair Headrick opened the public hearing.
PbMlirrg COMMiSSi011 d�Iinutes
Februag 25,2015
Page 2
Angela Raymond, 3501 NE 109"' Court#A2, Vancouver, WA represented the applicant. She
had nothing further to add to the staff report.
There being no further discussion, Chair Headrick closed the public hearing.
Following brief deliberation, Commissioner Powers moved to approve the conditional use
permit citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions:
1. The applicant will retain a current lease from the City of Port Angeles for the activity and
will notify the City of anticipated change to the approved use prior to modification of the
equipment. Routine maintenance is approved that does not change the current approved
status of the equipment. Equipment on the site will be of a neutral color.
2. An elevation certificate is required for the current placement of new equipment per
Section 15.12.240 PANIC. A building permit will be required for future equipment
maintenance that involves change out of equipment or additional equipment placement
but unless equipment is placed above the elevation of the current equipment, a new
certificate of elevation will not be required.
1. Angela Raymond of Caseadia PM submitted a conditional use permit application to the
City of Port Angeles for modification of an existing support facility for Verizon Wireless
on January 15, 2015. The application was determined to be complete on January 21,
2. Application materials indicate a proposal to install 3 new panel antennas to a height of 79
feet, new Remote Radio Units (RRU), and new surge protectors on top of a support
structure that houses other emergency, communications, and lighting equipment. Support
equipment will also be housed within a 20' x 20' green slatted private fenced area with a
gravel base. The pole structure is owned by CCTMO LLC under a land lease from the
City of Port Angeles. Collocation use has been provided for communication services at
the site and a tower for many years. The proposed use is an upgrade to services provided
on the site that include City emergency response and other telecommunication
3. A conditional use permit was approved (CUP 00-02) in 2000 to allow construction of the
subject support structure. The land lease for the structure is current and allows for
telecommunication use.
4. The City's Telecommunications facilities regulations are codified as Chapter 17.52
(Wireless Telecommunications Towers and Facilities) of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code (PAMC). The development standards have been in place since 2001.
Planning ConIIIIWion Minzrtes
February 25,2015
Page 3
5. Section 17.52.015 PAMC states that the purpose for the Wireless Telecommunications
Towers and Facilities regulations is:
A. The general purpose of this ordinance is to regulate the placement, construction,
and modification of wireless telecommunications towers and facilities in order to protect
the health, safety, and welfare of the public, while at the same time encouraging the
development of the competitive wireless telecommunications marketplace in the City.
B. The specific purposes of this ordinance are:
1. To allow the location of wireless telecommunication towers and facilities in the
2. To protect residential zones from potential adverse impact of towers and
telecommunications facilities;
3. To minimize adverse visual impact of towers and telecommunications facilities
through careful design, siting, landscaping, and innovative camouflaging
4. To promote and encourage shared use/co-location of towers and antenna
support structures as a primary option rather than construction of additional
single-use towers;
5. To promote and encourage utilization of technological designs that will either
eliminate or reduce the need for erection of new tower structures to support
antenna and telecommunications facilities;
6 To avoid potential damage to property caused by towers and
telecommunications facilities by ensuring such structures are soundly and
carefully designed, constructed, modified, maintained, and removed when no
longer used or are determined to be structurally unsound; and
7. To ensure that towers and telecommunications facilities are compatible with
surrounding land uses.
8. To overcome the potential adverse impacts that poorly or unregulated
telecommunications facilities could have on the public health, safety and
6. Section 17.52.020 PAMC provides exemptions from permitting processes for certain
activities and types of antenna use. Section 17.52.020(C) allows for an exemption for
"Panel, wave, or other similar antennas ten square feet or less regardless of zone." The
proposal is to place panel antenna that are 79 feet in height.
7. The site location is found in the City's PBP Public Building and Parks zone on property
identified as being designated OS on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map.
Section 17.52.020 PAMC indicates that Telecommunications uses may be permitted in
any zone by conditional use permit.
8. Legal public notice was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on January 26, 2015, and the
site was posted for land use action on January 22, 2015. No written comments were
received by the end of the public comment period that ended on February 9, 2015.
� e
Maiming Commission Minutes
February 25,2015
Page 4
A. The proposed activity has been reviewed for compliance with the City's zoning,
Comprehensive Plan regulations and has been found to be compliance with these land
development regulations.
B. As conditioned, the proposed activity will not result in alteration to the existing support
structure nor result in construction below 79 feet, which is below the 120 foot maximum
allowed height for the site. The activity is therefore in compliance with the City's
Wireless Telecommunication Towers and Facilities Chapter 17.52.
C. The proposal will result in minimal land disturbance and will therefore not require a
cultural review of the intended activity.
D. The activity is not exempt from those activities listed in Section 17.52.020 PAMC,
specifically Section 17.52.020(C) PAMC, and was therefore processed as a conditional
use permit per Section 17.96.050 PAMC.
Commissioner Miller seconded the motion that passed 5—0.
Road: An agricultural (marijuana) use in the Industrial Light zone.
Associate Planner Scott Johns presented the Department Report recommending approval of the
conditional use permit. Following general discussion regarding the subject property, Chair
Headrick opened the public hearing.
Kurt Jafay, 1509 Critchfield Road, Port Angeles did not have anything further to add to the
staff report but was present for questions.
Brad Shaefer, 112 Newhaven Lane, Port Angeles stated that although he is not in favor of the
legalization of marijuana, the Washington State voters have approved the use. He noted that
RCW 82.04.213 does not list the growing of marijuana as an agricultural use but since the zone
in which the activity is being proposed is light industrial (IL), he is in favor of the use in the IL
Edna Willadsen, 1719 E. Lambert Lane, Port Angeles asked how seepage from chemicals
used in the agricultural activity would be contained on site. Planner Johns noted that there are
restrictive buffer requirements that should take care of any infiltration of on-site agricultural use.
The use of insecticides is regulated by state law and is designed to eliminate drift into wetland
Mr. Johns noted that the wetland has been farmed for a historic period of time. If greenhouse use
is established as a result of the subject use, current more stringent stormwater standards will be
applied for that construction. The proposed agricultural use will be less intensive than the
previous farming activity because the historic/current use has ignored the wetland that was
driven through during farming activities. Staff will review new development on the site relative
to current development regulations, including wetland and stormwater rules.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 25,2015
Page 5
There being no further questions, Chair Headrick closed the public hearing.
Following brief discussion, Commissioner Miller moved to approve the conditional use
permit subject to the following conditions and supported by the following findings and
1. The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits from the Washington State Liquor
Control Board and any other agency required by law under 1502, prior to the start of
2. The applicant shall obtain a wetland delineation, marls the edge of the wetland and the
location of the appropriate buffer in the field, and submit the report to the City and all
agencies with wetland jurisdiction prior to any earth disturbing activity.
3. The construction of a greenhouse requires a building permit to be obtained prior to
4. Prior to the use of greenhouses, the applicant shall verify that light spilling from use of
the greenhouses is in compliance with the regulations of the Federal Aviation Authority
(FAA) and will not interfere with the operations of the Fairchild International Airport.
5. No new earth disturbing activities shall occur within the 150-foot stream buffer adjacent
to Dry Creek.
Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CUP 15-02
dated February 25, 2015, including all information in the public record file, comments and
testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and
deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby finds that:
1. On January 21, 2015, Kurt Jafay submitted Conditional Use Permit application CUP 15-
02 to allow an agricultural use in the Industrial Light zone at 1509 Critchfield Road.
Agricultural uses are listed as conditionally permitted uses in the Industrial Light (IL)
zone per Section 17.32.040(B)(1) PAMC. The application was deemed complete on
January 21, 2015.
2. The site is located in the City's southwest Planning Area. The Comprehensive Plan
designates the site as Industrial (west portion) and Open Space (east portion). The two
designations are separated by an imprecise margin.
3. The subject site is located at the north end of Critchfield Road. Development in the
vicinity includes the Extreme Sports Park, Fairchild International Airport, farmland,
construction uses, and undeveloped forested areas.
4. Per Section 17.08.010(C), a conditional use is defined as "A limited permission to locate
a particular use at a particular location, and which limited permission is required to
modify the controls stipulated by these regulations in such degree as to assure that the
particular use shall not prove detrimental to surrounding properties, shall not be in
conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and shall not be contrary to the public interest. "
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February 25,2015
Page 6
5. The proposed site is 6.3 acre in area (parcel number 073001340075) that is zoned
Industrial Light. Surrounding zoning is Industrial Light to the north and west and
Industrial Heavy to the east and south. The Dry Creek corridor is zoned Public Buildings
and Parks.
6. Previous use of the site was as a small farmette with a single family residence. The only
known crop of the farm was hay.
7. The City's electronic mapping system identifies that a portion of the site contains
wetlands. Wetlands have been delineated on the neighboring property. The site is
bounded by Dry Creek on the east side. Both Dry Creek and identified wetlands are
Environmentally Sensitive Areas per PAMC Title 15.
8. The City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance codified as PAMC
15.24.050(A)(7) indicates that activities that include "...the destruction or alteration of
iwetlands vegetation through clearing, harvesting, shading, intentional burning, or
plantiniar of vegetalion that would after the character of'a regulated regtiire a
wetland permit. PAMC 15.24.050(B), Allowed Activities subsection 4 reads "Existing
and ongoing cigricailiural activities, including,fanning, horticulture, aquaculture,
irrigation, ranching or grazing(Y'aninials...."and further states, ".4ail�ities on areas
lying fcillow as Bart of a conventional rotational cycle are])art of an ongoing operation.
Activities which bring an area into agrlcultr.iral l.ise are not Bart of an ongoing operation.
An operation ceases to be ongoing when the area on ivhicb it ivas conducted has been
converted to another use or has lain idle so long that modifications to the hydrological
regime are necessary to resume operations. "
The applicant will be required to obtain a wetland delineation from a qualified,
professional wetland specialist. The wetland delineation must locate- the edge of the
wetland, and determine the categorical classification of the wetland prior to proceeding
with the proposed new agricultural activity. Information gathered by the wetland
delineation will be used to determine the required buffer size and the area remaining on
the site that may be cultivated.
In review of wetland permits,buffers will vary depending upon the intensity of the
intended use. An agricultural use is considered a low intensity use when the activity is
outside of the wetland buffer area and the buffer is established with undisturbed native
vegetation. The entire wetland area and buffer have been mowed for hay.
Dry Creek is located at the eastern edge of the property. Site plans for the proposal show
that all agricultural activities will occur to the west of the existing structure and outside oil'
the required 150 foot stream buffer.
9. The City's Zoning Code is nonspecific regarding fencing heights in the Industrial Light
zone, however fences over 6 feet in height are considered structures and will require a
building permit. A fence must be setback from property lines as prescribed in PAMC
17.32 050.
10. Due to the remote location relative to single family residential uses or other activities,
concerns regarding odor resulting from agricultural uses should not be a problem.
Application materials indicate that air scrubbers will be used in the course of processing.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 25,2015
Page 7
11. Application materials indicate that up to 15 employees may be present periodically
depending on the requirements of the operation. No retail sales will be allowed by law.
A 4,000+ square foot paved parking area currently exists on the site. The existing paved
area should provide adequate area to facilitate the anticipated number of employee
vehicles. No additional parking area is required or anticipated.
12. Per 17.96.050 PAMC, the Planning Commission shall consider applications for
conditional use permit uses as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning
Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and
compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. In each application,
the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered
essential to protect the public health, safety, welfare, and to prevent depreciation of
neighboring property. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use
permit if the characteristics of the intended use would defeat the purpose of the City's
zoning regulations.
13. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed for consistency with the proposal. Land
Use Element Goal D and Policies D.1, H.4, J.1, &J.2; Conservation Element Goal A,
Policy A.1, Goal B, Policies B.1, & 7; and Economic Development Goal A and Policy
A.4, were found to be most relevant to the proposal.
14. A development that is approved through the conditional use permit process must remain
in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or may be revoked.
15. Reviewing City Departmental comments were considered in the review of this
application. Those comments have been incorporated into staff's February 25, 2015,
staff report.
16. Notification of the conditional use permit application was placed in the Peninsula Daily
News on January 25, 2015, posted on the site on January 22, 2015, and mailed to property
owners within 300 feet of the subject property on January 21, 2015. Written comment
was accepted until February 9, 2015. Comments were received from Dry Creek Water
Association and the Army Corps of Engineers. Those comments were attached to and
incorporated into the February 25, 2015, staff report.
17. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposed action on February
19, 2015.
18. The Planning Commission opened a public hearing on the proposal at the February 25,
2015, regular meeting.
Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report
for CUP 15-02 February 25, 2015, including all of the information in the public record file,
comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's
discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and listed findings, the
City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
1. The application was processed in compliance with Section 17.96.050 PAMC for
conditional use permits.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 25,2015
Page S
2. As conditioned, the agricultural process will be developed consistent with the City's
Wetland and Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinances (Title 15) of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code and with State law that allows such use per 1502.
3. The proposed activity is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Ordinances and is therefore in the public interest.
4. As conditioned, the proposed activity will not be detrimental to surrounding properties or
the public and will function in accordance with regulations to prevent light encroachment
in association with the nearby Airport use if structures are developed for the use that
require intensive light use.
Commissioner Hunter seconded the motion that passed 5—0.
Olympic Veterinary Clinic— 1331 East Front Street
Planner Ben Braudrick presented staff's recommendation in review of the Facade and Sign
grant applications for the Olympic Veterinary Clinic. He noted that the applicant had revised the
sign portion of the application such that the amended request could be supported by staff as the
resulting sign would be significantly smaller in area than the previous sign. The proposed
construction improvement costs are estimated to be $30,367.27 to reconstruct the parking lot
landscaping and a fenced area along the Front Street property line, install goose neck lighting
above the facade signage, paint a mural along the building facade, replace the freestanding sign
face, and replace lettered signage along the front facade of the building.
Sara Dutrow, 616 E. 9th Street, Port Angeles,was present for questions.
There being no discussion, Commissioner Powers moved to approve a facade grant in the
amount of$10,000 for the proposed improvements including$485.57 to improve signage
for the site. Commissioner Hunter seconded the motion that passed 5—0.
First Federal Savings & Loan— 141 West First Street
Planner Ben Braudrick presented staff s recommendation outlining application points for First
Federal Savings and Loan facade grant application.
Kent Sommerfeld, 321 W 15th Street, Port Angeles was present for questions.
There being no further discussion, Commissioner Miller moved to approve a facade grant in
the amount of$10,000 for the proposed improvements. Commissioner Powers seconded
the motion that passed 5—0.
Bliss Hair Design—207 West First Street
Planner Scott Johns presented staffs recommendation outlining application points for a facade
grant application for Bliss Hair Design. He commented that the building has gone a long time
Planning Commission Minutes
February 25,2015
Page 9
without any real improvement and provided a Power Point presentation to identify the
deteriorated condition of the exterior of the structure.
Director West noted that no staff members other then Planner Johns worked on the subject
application due to appearance of fairness concerns in that other members in the Department
frequent the business.
Tom and Bliss Wood, 501 East First Street, Port Angeles were present for questions.
There being no further discussion, Commissioner Hunter moved to approve a facade grant in
the amount of$10,000 for the proposed improvements. Commissioner Miller seconded the
motion that passed 5—0.
Associate Planner Johns noted that the City is embarking on a review and revision/update to
the Comprehensive Plan. Staff will provide a spread sheet of expected timeline work dates. This
is an opportunity to update goals, policies, and objectives as well as informational date about the
Director West noted that a directive has been received from Council that a Hearings Examiner
be used to determine quasi judicial hearings the hope would be that would free up the Planning
Commission to deal with more long range policy updates.
Planning Manager Sue Roberds noted that Commissioner Reimlinger had resigned, and noted
that the position is vacant.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Sue Roberd�, Secretary -Scott Headrick, Chair