HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/11/2015 MINUTES
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
March 11, 2015
6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Nancy Powers, Duane Morris, David Miller, Scott
Headrick, Brian Hunter, Chad Aubin
Members Absent: One vacancy
Staff Present: Ben Braudrick, Nathan West, Scott Johns, Chris Cowgill
Public Present: None
Chair Headrick opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Hunter moved to approve the February 25, 2015 regular meeting minutes.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and passed 6 - 0.
ELWHA KLALLAM TRIBE (LEKT) — Ediz Hook: Rehabilitation of approximately 3,500
lineal feet of shoreline area located west of Harborview Park.
Associate Planner Scott Johns presented the Staff Report recommending approval. He added
that imported materials will be transported from the City's Raney well location in the Elwha
Commissioner Powers asked whether the proposed area is identified as segment D on the
Shoreline Master Plan Map and inquired into prior restoration efforts in the area. Planner Johns
responded by using a presentation map that the area identified as Segment D on the Master Plan
Map is located just west of the subject area. He added that partners in this project include the
Washington State Department of Transportation that partnered as mitigation for the Graving
Yard project. Additional restoration is planned in this area as a result of storm damage several
years ago along the southern shoreline of Ediz Hook from Nippon to the restoration area.
Commissioner Powers asked why the applicant was not present. Director West did not know
why the applicant was not present but indicated that staff can respond to questions if, the
� '' Commission wishes to proceed.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 11,2015
Page 2
Commissioner Morris asked if restoration materials the report spoke of is sand? Planner Johns
responded that the material will be sand.
Commissioner Morris then asked if there would be designated parking space created by the
action. Planner Johns stated that the currently designated parking along the north side of the
Hook will remain. The intent is to remove informal parking.
Commissioner Miller asked about the estimated project cost of$700,000 and why if the City
owns the property the Tribe is submitting the application? Planner Johns responded that
salmon restoration is of major importance to the Tribe. Salmon Recovery through the State
Recreation Conservation Office (RCO) and Puget Sound Partnership (PSP) provides several
million dollars annually for restoration efforts. This project is primarily funded by those entities.
Director West added that there are several factors determining why the LEKT took the lead on
the project. The City leases the project area from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
through an Act of Congress, and a portion is owned by the Tribe outright. The Shoreline Master
Program provides restoration guidelines. The City successfully submitted a request with the
LEKT to the PSP to raise the project priority. Due to the nature of the grant priorities being for
salmon habitat restoration, the LEKT has primary priority, but the LEKT holds a partnership
with the City on all phases. Due to storm damage in 2008 FEMA funding involved as well.
Finally, this is an area on Ediz Hook that having the LEKT take the lead on the project works for
the City's benefit.
Commissioner Miller asked if the next phase will remove the boat launch ramp. Planner
Johns replied that the ramp will remain. Only storm related repair will be done in the area for
this project.
Commissioner Morris asked if the picnic tables will remain. Planner Johns replied that there
are picnic tables in Haborview Park, and they will remain. Director West added that the
property in Harborview Park is owned by the LEKT but is maintained by the City of Port
Angeles. The proposed restoration activity is a preferred activity in both the Shoreline
Restoration Plan and Shoreline Master Plan and, from a pedestrianibicycle standpoint, there will
be little change.
Commissioner Morris commented that, although he knows the project will have great benefit,
he hoped it would still focus on the recreational aspects of the area. Director West replied that
this project activity is geomorphologic in nature, but this doesn't preclude recreational activities.
Chair Headrick stated that after reviewing the SMP, the UCA designated land use does put a
focus on the conservancy side of use.
Commissioner Aubin was concerned that a June-October construction period might deter
people from using the adjacent park facility. Director West responded that it's unlikely that
they have that ability to change the project period due to the State fish window. June-January is
time you are allowed to work within the water. Because of grant and ecological requirements
this period is the only feasible window of time for construction. Weather and state/fed agencies
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Planning Commission Minutes
March 11,2015
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are the determining factor for the project timeline.
Commissioner Powers moved to approve SMA 15-01 citing the following 3 conditions, 9
findings, and 4 conclusions.
1. The applicant is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits from state and federal
agencies. Verification of pen-nit issuance shall be supplied to the city prior to beginning
any site alteration or construction.
2. In order to be in compliance with the "Settlement Agreement Among the State of
Washington, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, City of Port Angeles, and the Port of Port
Angeles," dated August 14th, 2006, an approved archaeologist must be on the site during
all ground disturbing activities.
3. The work shall be done in substantial compliance with plans submitted for the project.
Based on the information provided in the March 11, 2015, Staff Report for SMA 15-01
including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing,
and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby finds that:
1. An application for a shoreline permit was submitted by the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe,
on January 21, 2015, for the restoration of habitat and natural processes along the south
shore of Ediz Hook. The application indicates that the work will occur waterward of the
public street right-of-way and the City's waterfront trail. The work includes the removal
of artificial shoreline armoring and the reestablishing of beach characteristics, protected
by anchored large wood pieces and the planting of native beach plant materials. Best
management practices will be incorporated to address potential erosion and water quality
impacts from the construction.
2. Notice of the project was published in the Peninsula Daily News on January 26, 2015.
The site was posted on January 22, 2015. No comments were received during the public
comment period that ended on February 25, 2015
3. A Determination of Non-Significance (#1357) and adoption of previous environmental
documents was issued by the City of Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official for the
proposal on February 27, 2015.
4. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance
and Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection ordinances have been reviewed with
respect to this application.
5. The site is designated Open Space in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Public Buildings
and Parks and Commercial Arterial in the City's Zoning Ordinance, and Urban
Conservancy-Recreation in the City's Shoreline Master Program.
6. The following adopted City policies are most relevant to the proposed project:
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Goal J and K, Policy 5, and the Conservation
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Planning Commission Minutes
March 11,2015
Page 4
Element Goal B, Policies 1, 2. 8, 9, & 19, and Goal D, Policies 1 through 4; the City's
Shoreline Master Program's Urban Conservancy-Recreation Environmental
Designation and Chapter 3, Sec. 1, Policies 1, 2 & 3, Sec. 3 Policies 1 & 3, Sec. 4,
Policies 1, 2 & 3, Sec. 8, Policies 1 through 6 & 10, Sec. 9, Policies 1 through 6, Sec 12,
Policies 1 & 2, Sec. 13, Policies 1, 2, &4, Chapter 4 Sec. 1, Policy l.b., Sec. 2, Policy 1,
Sec. 4 Policy 2, Sec. 6, Policies 1, 2, &4, and all associated regulations.
7. Archaeology review and monitoring required by the "Settlement Agreement Among the
State of Washington, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, City of Port Angeles, and the Port of
Port Angeles," dated August 14th, 2006, will be accomplished by the in-house
archaeologist employed by the LEKT.
8. The City's waterfront trail runs east and west along the entire length of the project area.
9. The site is located entirely within the V6 flood zone as indicated on FIRM Community
Panel number 530023 0003 C dated September 28, 1990 (Flood Insurance Rate Map),
described as areas of 100-year coastal flooding with velocity. In accordance with Section
15.12.240 PAMC, the Shoreline Substantial Development acts as the necessary
floodplain permit.
Based on the information provided in the March 11, 2015 Staff Report for SMA 15-01 including
all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, the
Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of
Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
A. The proposed project as conditioned is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan
Shoreline Master Program.
B. The project will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
C. As conditioned, the proposed project will enhance the shoreline environment along Ediz
D. As conditioned, the completed project will not interfere with public use of lands or waters
and will enhance access and the public's experience on Ediz Hook.
Commissioner Hunter seconded the motion that passed 6-0.
' None
Planning Commission Minutes
March 11,2015
Page 5
The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m
en B ' , ecretary Scot F eadrick, Chair
PREPARED BY: B. Braudrick
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