HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/22/2015 MINUTES
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
April 22, 2015 6:00 p.m.
Chair Headrick opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Nancy Powers, Duane Morris, David Miller, Scott
Headrick, Chad Aubin
Members Absent: Brian Hunter recused himself of the meeting due to his
spouse's employment with Olympic Medical Center. There
is one Planning Commission vacancy.
Staff Present: Nathan West, Scott Johns, Ben Braudrick, Heidi
Greenwood, Jonathan Boehme
Public Present:
Chair Headrick led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Duane Morris moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner David Miller and passed 5—0.
Chair Headrick read the rules of conduct regarding public hearings and opened the public
meeting portion of the meeting.
Development of a medical office building campus and phase 1 building using the mixed
Commercial Overly zoning.
City Associate Planner Johns presented the staff report in support of the proposed action.
Chair Headrick opened the public hearing.
Commissioner Powers asked if a traffic study had been done for the project area, and if the
utilities would be placed underground. Associate Planner Johns responded that a collision
report had been obtained from the City Traffic Engineer; WSDOT data showed there had been
no reported bicycle or pedestrian collisions reported; and that all utilities were required to be
placed underground.
Commissioner Morris inquired what would happen to the portions of Caroline now
discontinuous because proposed pedestrian facilities. Associate Planner Johns stated that there
is an uninterrupted north/south access lane within the proposed building site and access is
provided the east by the Caroline/Georgiana Alley. Emergency traffic will primarily use Race
Street, with the visitor traffic will be placed more in the eastern portion of development to allow
quicker and safer access by emergency vehicles. The submitted circulation plan is very
descriptive in its intent to place visitor traffic along the building's main eastern entrance accessed
on the mid block of Georgiana between Race and Washington Streets and staff/emergency
vehicle access along Race Street north of Georgiana.
Planning Commission Minutes
April 22,2015
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Chair Headrick asked if arterials will still meet street standards. Associate Planner Johns
responded that yes, they will be required to maintain collector arterial standards.
Commissioner Morris questioned the ability for a vehicle to navigate within the proposed
development. Associate Planner Johns replied that a comprehensive sign plan had been
submitted and proposed signage is both descriptive and concise.
Commissioner Morris inquired about parking lot pedestrian movement. Associate Planner
Johns located the interior crosswalks on the map for Commission members and described the
ability of the disabled to navigate the large parking areas. He then stated that there is an
abundance of signage proposed throughout the MCO.
Cameo Little, Admistrative Plant Operations Manager of Olympic Medical Center, 939
Caroline provide comment on behalf of the OMC on circulation and parking. She stated that
many of the providers are already working in the area; that the proposed development will
consolidate those uses now disparate across several blocks to one single site. There will be some
added traffic impact from new services, but many of the uses are already in the area. Ms. Little
made it clear that the OMC is in support traffic control on Georgiana, and that much of the
hospital staff will park on the western side of the development, accessed from Race Street. In
response to accessibility, she stated that pedestrian access will be available on each of the
surrounding streets, with main entry from the east, and that all handicapped parking along the
building will be curbless with<2% grade.
Commissioner Morris commented that pedestrians seem to take the shortest distance between
two points without hindrance by landscape or curbed impediments, and asked how this would be
dealt with within the proposed site. Ms. Little responded that future development is proposed to
acquire the two parcels on the southwest corner of the Washington/Caroline Street intersection
and continue facility development. The parking area to the south of these parcels will then
provide parking for that proposed structure. The OMC has endeavored to make crosswalks
obvious and safe across all collector arterial streets within or adjacent to the proposed MCO with
physical traffic calming techniques. She stated that the reasoning for not having already
purchased the two parcels within the block of proposed development was that the cost to
purchase the two parcels was not currently justifiable.
Scott Bower, Plant Operations Manager of Olympic Medical Center, 939 Caroline provided
comment on behalf of the OMC, stating that the intent for sidewalks and pedestrian circulation is
to provide a smooth walking/rolling surface for enhanced ADA accessibility between buildings.
The crosswalks will be composed of concrete material vs. asphalt parking areas. This will create
a visual and tactile language for vehicles using the parking areas.
Enda Willadsen, 1719 E. Lambert Ln., stated that with only one entryway, she was worried
about pedestrian connectivity; that there are disjointed uses that may become congested. There
does not seem to be a pathway between the two buildings that will be protected from the
elements. No impediments between buildings for quick access to and from both.
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April 22,2015
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Judi Hangartner, 1815 E. 4"' St., inquired about there being a specific area designated for
labwork. Will there be handicapped access in those areas?
Danielle Lawrence, 934 Caroline St., asked if there will be access on the north side of the
building for those handicapped spaces located adjacent to the north side of the proposed
Scott Bower provided responses to all three public inquiries. Mr. Bower stated that the two
building's uses differ from each other. The main hospital facility is for emergency services, and
the proposed building will be composed of specialty services and preventative medical services.
The new emergency addition is located at the rear of the emergency facilities, and traffic will be
composed primarily of ambulance vehicles. There will be no sky bridge development between
buildings because older building second floor is mechanical space. Existing labs at hospital will
not change, and the intention of changing lab parking on the north side of Caroline to be
handicap only. The western lot is proposed as staff only, with staff entry on that side of the
structure as well. There will be new lab space in new building, and ADA parking is available for
access to all uses.
Commissoner Aubin asked if there is a next phase addition proposed. Mr. Bower replied that
yes, an attached addition is proposed.
Ms. Hangartner remarked that someone who is suffering from an ailment such as hypothermia
or a broken bone, the distance across the building site between buildings seemed to be too far for
people in distress. Mr. Bower explained that the orthopedic department will be located in
northern section of the building. The facility was built so that any doctor will work in three
"neighborhoods"(office clusters) with 12 exam rooms each. Ortho has an x-ray machine, and
therefore is specialized and will remain in a specific location.
Ms. Little remarked that although this isn't immediately next to the existing hospital, many
disparate uses are consolidated into one combined space.
Commissioner Miller inquired whether the new facility would close any of the current clinics
located along Sri' street. Ms. Little replied that clinics will remain where they are at. There is
currently a waiting list for the proposed facility and the OMC is working towards providing more
primary care.
Hearing no further testimony, Chair Hedrick closed the public hearing.
In anticipation of the need, Associate Planner Johns recommended an additional draft condition
concerning traffic safety and control along Washington Street.
Commissioner Morris made a motion to recommend approval of MCO 15-01 with 7 conditions,
11 findings, and 8 conclusions.
1. Approval and completion of Street Vacation STV 15-01, including legal transfer of
property, shall occur prior to final approval of the MCO for the OMC expansion. A final
survey of the resulting OMC property shall be recorded with the Clallam County
Auditor's office.
2. Site stormwater drainage plan must meet the criteria of the Urban Services and Standards
Guidelines Manual and be approved by the City Engineer. A Department of Ecology
NPDES Construction pen-nit shall be obtained prior to the start of construction.
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April 22,20115
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3. All revisions and improvement to City utilities, including potable water supply and
sanitary sewer shall be provided by the applicant and meet City standards per the Urban
Services and Standards Guidelines Manual prior to occupancy.
4. The portion of the Medical Services Building exceeding 35 feet in height shall be no
closer than 18 feet from the south property line of the site per 17.37.040(C).
5. Landscape plant material shall be of high quality and the applicant shall ensure plant
survivability. Trees and plants that do not survive shall be replaced during the first five
years after completion of the project. OMC staff shall provide an annual report to the
Department of Community and Economic Development regarding the survivability and
replacement of landscape materials.
6. All applicable local and state permits shall be acquired by the applicant prior to
proceeding with construction.
7. The applicant shall be responsible for providing traffic control signage as required by the
City Traffic Engineer on Georgiana at its intersection with Washington Street.
Based on the information provided in the Planning Department Staff Report for MCO 15-01
dated April 22, 2015, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony
presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and
the above listed condition of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby
finds that:
1. An application for a Medical Services Building requiring structural features
.exceeding allowed building standards for structure height was submitted and
determined to be complete on March 27, 2015.
2. The application was submitted under the requirements of PAMC 17.37, Mixed
Commercial Overlay(MCO). The MCO is intended to result in a development of
higher quality than is expected by lot by lot development. The Mixed Commercial
Overlay Zone allows for variations from standards in street improvements, blocks,
lots, building height and building setbacks from property lines.
3. The proposed site is Block 1 of Perkins Subdivision Lots 14 through 45, (the block
between Georgiana St. & Caroline St, and between Race St. &Washington St.).
4. The site is designated as Commercial on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and
is zoned Commercial Office. The proposal is being developed using PAMC 17.37
(Mixed Commercial Overlay) to achieve results not allowed in the underlying zone.
Specifically an increase in building height over the 30 feet allowed in the CO zone.
5. No environmentally sensitive areas occur on the subject site.
6. The Mixed Commercial Overlay allows additional height over that allowed by the
underlying zone may be added when specific site improvements are made or
conditions met. The building height limit in the Commercial Office Zone is 30 feet.
The medical Services Building will be 44 feet in height.
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April 22,2015
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7. The project proponent has provided prescribed setbacks and extensive landscaping on
the site to off-set the increase in building height above that allowed by the underlying
8. The development will enhance visitor and patient experience by consolidating a
variety of medical services currently distributed throughout the site in a variety of
structures that are currently not well integrated.
9. The intersection of Washington and Georgiana Streets is an uncontrolled intersection
having experienced 12 reported vehicular accidents in 16.5 years with 3 injuries as a
result. No pedestrian or bicycle accidents have been reported at the intersection.
10. Parking requirements are established in PAMC 14.40. The project as proposed
provides parking space in excess of the number required by code. Parking will be
increased by 74 spaces as a result of the project.
11. A Determination of Non-Significance (DNS #1359) was issued by the SEPA
Responsible Official on April 17, 2015.
A. As proposed the Medical Services Building is consistent with the Zoning Code and
the Comprehensive Plan.
B. As conditioned, all the necessary public improvements will be installed per the City
Urban Services Standards and Guidelines.
C. As proposed, the configuration of the proposed Medical Services Building conform to
the desired urban design of the City.
D. As conditioned, the utility services will be provided consistent with the Urban
Services Standards and Guidelines and the Capital Facilities Element of the
Comprehensive Plan level of service standards.
E. City parks or playfields in the vicinity include Georgiana Park located at the southeast
corner of Washington and Georgiana Streets, and Francis Street Park is located one
block west of the proposed development.
F. As proposed, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety and
general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys,
other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes,parks and
recreation, playgrounds, sidewalks and other planning features.
G. As proposed, the public interest is served in the preliminary approval of The Mixed
Commercial Overlay development as articulated in the City's Comprehensive Plan
and Zoning Code.
H. Proposed landscaping surpasses the minimum required for parking areas and street
Commissioner Powers seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 —0.
Planning Commission Minutes
April 22,2015
Page 6
The meeting adjourned at 7:05 - m.
n Brau n— , ecretary Scott Hea , 'ck, Chair
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick