HomeMy WebLinkAbout001027 Amendment (2) #001027
RELATING TO: 2015 Hydrogeologic Services Feasibility Study
THIS AMENDMENT NO. 2 is made and entered into by and between the City of Port Angeles,
a non-charter code city of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY") and
Robinson-Noble a Washington Corporation authorized to do business in the State of Washington
(hereinafter called the"CONSULTANT");
The CITY entered into the existing AGREEMENT with the CONSULTANT on August 14,
2015, (the AGREEMENT).
The Agreement was amended on November 24, 2015.
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to amend the AGREEMENT to extend the scope of work, and
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the representations and the terms, conditions.
covenants and agreements set forth in this AMENDMENT, the Agreement is hereby amended as
Exhibit A to the AGREEMENT is amended to add Tasks 6 through 9 as detailed in the attached
Exhibit A to Amendment 2.
No change.
Article VI Maximum Compensation is amended to include the CONSULTANT'S compensation
and reimbursement of$20,694.00 for Amendment 2. Exhibit B to the AGREEMENT is amended
with the attached Exhibit B to Amendment 2 and Exhibit C to the AGREEMENT is replaced
Amendment 2,Page I
with the attached Exhibit C to Amendment 2. The maximum compensation is amended to be
In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment No. 2 to the
Agreement as of the date and year of the last signature below.
(k4L Dan ee
City Manager Title:_
Date: C;'51 t Z� Date:
Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk
William E. Bloor, Ci y Attorney
/amendment 2,Page 2
Efforts from Phase I of this project resulted in recommendations for test well drilling in the
western exploration zone of the City. A defined test well drilling program, including site
identification and evaluation, stakeholder outreach, and development of technical plans and
specification will be developed as part of Phase 2 of this project. Phase 2 is comprised of
the following tasks.
Task 6: Well location selection and workshop
The Consultant shall work with the City to refine the findings of the Phase I study to
identify a number of possible test well drilling sites within the recommended drilling
area. The City will provide parcel information for each property under consideration.
The Consultant shall provide a preliminary assessment for each property identified.
After the preliminary assessment, the City and Consultant will hold a workshop
meeting to refine and prioritize the possible drilling locations to three to five sites.
Task 7: Well site evaluations
The City will conduct site visits with the Consultant to inspect each of the five top priority
sites. Site visits shall include photo documentation of the setting, evaluation to confirm
suitability for test well drilling, and identification any logistical issues or concerns that may
need to be resolved prior to continuing. Information for each site will be collected to
facilitate description of the site in the technical specifications for drilling and for use in well
site approval requests to the Department of Health and Clallam County Health and Human
Services, as needed. The evaluation will identify access or logistical issues that the
Consultant believes the City will need to resolve prior to beginning a drilling program.
Finally, the Consultant will define the target depth and appropriate drilling approach for each
Task 8: Preliminary discussions with outside stakeholders
The City's ultimate goal of transitioning some portion of its potable water supplies to
a groundwater source will necessarily involve discussions with regulatory agencies
and other stakeholders such as Native American Tribes or other senior water rights
holders (if appropriate). The Consultant will identify a preliminary list of potential
stakeholders to contact and submit it to the City for review. The Consultant shall
facilitate preliminary discussions with the selected stakeholders to provide a
summary of the City's Project and solicit feedback or concerns. The Consultant shall
facilitate a meeting with Department of Ecology water resources staff to discuss
water rights considerations that will need to be addressed for future phases. Based on
preliminary discussions,the Consultant shall advise the City if further discussions with other
entities are warranted. Water rights discussions may require assistance from a water rights
attorney and, if required,will be provided by the City. It is assumed only the one in-person
meeting with Ecology will be required. Discussion with the Washington Department of Fish
and Wildlife will be by phone/email only. Tribal interaction will be led by the City and the
Consultant's involvement will be by phone conference with technical information provided
via email. The Consultant shall provide a summary of the technical background for the
project (Phase 1 findings plus projected Phase 2 and Phase 3 goals) for the City to use in
stakeholder outreach.
Task 9: Project technical specifications
The Consultant shall assist the City in selecting three priority drilling site based on the findings of
Tasks 7 and 8. Once the three site are selected the Consultant shall prepare a draft project manual
consisting of project technical specifications with boilerplate language to describe the general
project requirements and then define specifications detailing the conditions and construction
considerations specific to each of the three selected test well sites. The project technical specification
shall include three bid schedules with the engineer's estimate(one for each well site). The
Consultant shall provide to the City one electronic copy of the draft project manual for reviewed.
Comments on the draft project manual will be provided to the Consultant to be included in the final
project manual. Once finalized,the Consultant shall provide one electronic copy of the project
manual to the City to be used for bidding and construction purposes.
Exhibit R to
Ammendment No 2 to the
Agreement for Professional Services between
City of Port Angeles ROBINSON
and Robinson Noble, Inc. _
March 22,2016 NOBLE
Estimated Labor Costs
Total Estimated
Estimated Labor
Task Hours Cost
TASK 6:Well location selection&workshop 27.5 $3,813.80
TASK 7:Well site evaluations(one field day included) 36.0 $5,441.00
TASK 8:Discussions w/Ecology,WDFW&Tribes(one 25.5 $4,035.50
meeting assumed)
TASK 9:Well Drilling technical specs 50.0 $6,898.00
Labor Totals 139 $20,188.30
Estimated Direct Costs
General Office Supplies $30.00
Insurance Fees/Miscellaneous Costs $0.00
Travel Mileage $0.62 735 $455.70
Digital Camera(per day) $10.00 2 $20.00
Direct Cost Subtotal $505.70
Handling Fee $0.00
Total Direct Costs $505.70
Estimated Subcontract Advancement/Reimbursements
Advancements/Reimbursements for Subcontractors $0.00
Handling Fee $0.00
Total Subcontracted Costs $0.00
Total Estimated Project Costs $20,694.00
See Attached Fee Schedule
Exhibit C to
Ammendment No 2 to the ROBINSON
Agreement for Professional Services between �.._
City of Port Angeles NOBLE
and Robinson Noble, Inc.
General Fee Schedule January 2016
Professional Positions Fee per Hour
Principal Engineer, Hydrogeologist or Environmental Scientist $176
Associate Engineer, Hydrogeologist or Environmental Scientist $161
Senior Engineer, Hydrogeologist or Environmental Scientist $136
Senior Project Engineer, Hydrogeologist or Environmental Scientist $118
Project Engineer,Hydrogeologist or Environmental Scientist $106
Staff Engineer, Hydrogeologist or Environmental Scientist $96
Senior Field Staff $87
Field Staff $70
Legal Support/Expert Witness Services/Testimony 150% of above rates
Support Positions
Senior GIS/CAD Specialist $92
Senior Technician $92
Senior Administrator $81
GIS/CAD Specialist $81
Technician $81
Administrator $70
Clerical Support $70
Other Fees and Costs
Subcontracts/ Professional services 15%
Management Fee Outside laboratory services 15%
Construction subcontracts 15%
Other Costs Travel (auto) $0.62/mile
Travel (other) Cost +10%
Per diem Prevailing State rate +10%
Other direct expenses Cost +10%
Field and laboratory testing/equipment rental See following pages
This fee schedule is subject to change according to contract or Professional Services Agreement conditions.
Robinson Noble, Inc, rates effective January 2016
Hydrogeologic Equipment Rental Schedule
January 2016
Equipment Unit Rate
Water Level Transducer and Data Logger Per day $2.5
Field Laptop Computer Per day $40
Electric Water Level Sounder(s) 0 to 300 ft Flat fee per project $30
over 300 ft Flat fee per project $60
DC Submersible Purge Pump (Single Stage) Per pump List price + 10%,
DC Submersible Purge Pump (Dual Stage) Per pump List price a- 10%
Double-Ring Infiltrometer Per day $50
Schonstedt Gradient Magnetometer Per day $75
Geonics EM-61 Metal Detector Per day $500
Downhole Gamma/Resistivity/Temperature Per day $500
Logging Equipment
Downhole Caliper Logging Equipment Per day $350
Draw Works Per day $600
Mechanical Sieve Sample Equipment Flat fee per well $50
2-inch Gasoline-powered Centrifugal Pump
(includes hoses) Per day $55
2-inch Submersible Pump + Controller Per day $180
Generator Per day $70
Survey Gear(laser level & rod) Per day $85
FlowTracker Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter Per day $200
Stream Gaging Equipment
GPS Per day $22.50
Other Equipment Negotiated Negotiated
Digital Camera Per day $10
This fee schedule is subject to change according to contract or Professional Services Agreement conditions.
Robinson Noble, Inc, rates effective January 2016
Environmental Equipment Rental and Consumable Schedule
January 2016
Equi ament Unit Rate
Water Level Transducer and Data Logger Per day $100
Field Laptop Computer Per day $50
Electronic Water Level Sounder Per day $30
Electronic Interface Probe Per day $75
DC Operated Peristaltic Pump Per day $45
2-inch Gasoline-powered Centrifugal Pump Per day $100
2-inch Submersible Pump+ Controller Per day $350
Generator Per day $100
Low-Flow Bladder Pump Per day $175
Photoionization Detector Per day $75
Combustible Gas Indicator Per day $65
Water Quality Meter Per day $200
Teflon Water Bailer Per day $30
Soil Sampling Equipment(manual) Per day $25
Mechanical Sieve Sample Equipment Flat fee per project $25
Survey Gear(laser level & rod) Per day $85
Soil Vapor Extraction System Per month $750
Digital Camera Per day $10
Other Equipment Negotiated Negotiated
Consumable Items:
Polyethylene Purge/Sarnpling Tubing Each 10 feet $2.50
DC Submersible Purge Pump (Single stage) Per pump List price + 10%
DC Submersible Purge Pump (Dual Stage) Per pump List price 4- 10%
Silicone Peristaltic Pump Head Tubing Each foot $4.00
Bladders for Low-Flow Bladder Pump Each $5.00
Water Sample Bailer Each $10
Bailer Rope/String Each 10 feet $1.00
Personal Protection Equipment Per day per person $50
This fee schedule is subject to change according to contract or Professional Services Agreement conditions.
Robinson Noble, Inc. rates effective January 2076
Geotechnical Field and Laboratory Testing Schedule
January 2016
Test Fee
Portable Nuclear Density Gauge Per Hour $5.00
Slope Inclinometer Per day $250
Direct Shear Point $200
Moisture-Density Relationship Curves: Each 1 pt$120
Each Multiple pts $200
Sieve Analyses (Gradations-Wet Sieve) Each $150
Hydrometer Analysis Each $175
Falling Head Permeability Each $165
Atterberg Limits Each $100
(Liquid Limit or Plastic Limit)
Moisture Content Each $10
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Day $225
Points Each $20
Resistivity 4-point Gauge Day $300
Consolidation Test Incremental Loading $550
(9 loads, 0.125 TSF to 32 TSF,4 unloads) $50/each additional load
Shelby Tube Extrusion/Sample Description $40
This fee schedule is subject to change according to contract or Professional Services Agreernent conditions.
Robinson Noble, 9nc. rates effective January 2016