HomeMy WebLinkAboutFrances Charles (2) June 8, 2010
Dear Fraln.ces,
on behaL f of the CLtu Cou nr'U and staff we send our thanks
for dour partiotpatLon Ln the-f wst MAgenous People's Dai
discussion held at the PenLnsu.la college t_onghouse onJune
sst, 2026. Your ivuput on the matter was greatL� appmLated.
we Loop forward to more discussions, hopefully reachLng a
consensus between our locaL tribes so that we vKGIU together
fwnd a wad to recognize our LOcaL indigenous peopLe with a
desLgnated dad or time period. our LocoL trLbes
Longstanding history Ln this area Ls a sLgvUficantpiece of
our area's culture, we hope to soon see that Kstoru
a6znowLedged Ln a spectaL wad. Than{ Uou again, we loo�z
forward to more opportunities to meet and wor�z together m.
this matter.
grad Collins Nathan West
CoRnoUnl.ember CED DLrector
321 EAST FIFTH STREET ® PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-0217 ® 360-417-4500