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425 E 6th St - Building
s ~~.,.. ~JNG PERMIT CITYOF POR:T ANGEBES .' .' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ., BUlLDINGDMSION 321 EAST STHS'W::EJ:!T, PORT ANGELES;W A 98362 '" 1-"{'(~::~~ -". ' CONTRACTOR "N'ORTH OL.YMPIC DEVELOPERS 235 WEST 9TH PORTANGELES, W A 98362-0000 360/452-1242 PROJECT INFO E'roject Value: $6,000.00 Project Type: RE-ROOF Occupancy Type: RESIDENTJAL Occupancy Group: Construction Type: Zoning Use: OWNER/APPLICANT DARLE~EJONES 2315 EAST 6TH Port Angeles, W A 98362 .360/000-0000 T: < ,. - . ,ISSUED:, 10/14/2002 PRgPERTY L::OCATION ", ,425 6TH ST E Lot: 16 Block: 198 Subdivision: TPA Parcel No: 063000019865000 ',. ~$ OJ.,", "_._" -",,_ . '_'{,'_~-V"'_ ",r>.. S: ARCHITECT N/A , 98360-0000 360/000-0000 SFD Units: SFD sa FT: o o o Commercial: Industrial: Garage: . . MFDUnits: MFD sa FT: o o PROJECT NOTES TEAR OFF, SHEET, FELT, COMP RECEIPT#9814 .. '---;r. . c',, "" -,,~- < fEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: Plan. Check: ...State,Surcharge: House Moving: Manufactured Home: Sign: Plumbing: Mechanicill: Radon: $125.25 $0.00 $4.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Misc Fee 1: Misc Fee 2: Misc Fee 3: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEE: AMOUNT PAID: <,BALANCE DUE: $129.75 $129.75 $0.00 Separate.~errnits ar~ required for electrical work, SEP A,Shorellri~;.ESA,utilities, privatea'nd publiC improveme;'~'TI1is ~uUaoct.'<9id.lt~Qrk or co'nstructionalithorized is notcommencep within 18Qdays,lfconstruction or work Is s'\t~p~~'~4id forap~riodof180 days after the work as commenced, orif reC{lJir~d.ln!5pectlons have not been. requested 'Nithi!'l 1&QJ:lgt . .' '.. ImJpectIon:', tiereby certify that I have read and examined ttlisappllcatlonandknow.the same tobetrue.andc~rr~ct~.,;.. yisionsof laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied .with whether specified herein or not. The granting Qfa perm tdoesnot presumetogiveauthorityte)\/iolate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or t/i'EtJ)sffQrmanceof construction. . . .. T:\PLANNING\FORMS\1102.15 [412002] sIgnature of OWner (If owner is builder). ':.'_")'.:(." i7~<;_\:';..,.","_ Date ,\~:3'1~~~:: . :,ilii, . ,~,,! , . rr", ~" ....~:>i . CALL 417-4815 FOR Bt)ILDING ~SeECTION~ .;f,l4EASRRROYIDEf,. MINIM{jtytf1.HOUR NOTICE. 'TIS UNLAWFUL .TO <<t~~R, lNSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY wokK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. ,'POST PE~IT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOGATlON'i BUILl)INGPERl\fiT INSPECTION RECORD ~1&'EP PERMrP.\l1ARDANDAPPROVED PLANS AT JOB SiTE >:: :-';;.^,';);".':;~_;,~.~,,~f:{ . - - _' ;,":- .. :" ,,..,~.:':-::::;:::;':~- r;; , ' . '> ... . . .../.. .....:.............;. " . ~, . \ ./2/..:,.. .. '.. ." ' ./,>': '.> , '" i '.C .,...ji.f;;....... , --:- INSPECTION TYPE n."'''' 'ri'A:TEi"" ,r~ . ."ACCEPTED. .. . .. , COMMENTS c. .. ;',',j;cc'::'lIc., : .' " '. .Y~, 'f~YES .,...., I . ,(L.'F".... "";" ....: :',. ',' NO .' '(0 .> FOUNDA'I'tO~ 'j ..'" :c, it' , -:- ..... . ",.",7 '. .....,." . . . ,. '" FOOTINGS ....., 'L '....', " ;. "'<" '; i, , . ..,.....,. ............ ...... "'')L.:~:: siS WALLS . '.', , " ..,~ ; . ('.' FOUNDATION. DRAlNAGE ,.-,or;.> .;~:c ,.; H ,,5;:. . " '..:/i." I,'" , . .... . .... :..' .>i' ELEC11UCAL;i,.<(LIGHTDEPn,'SEPARATEi>,EIWIT~ '11,.". , . .". ....... ROUGH~1N ' .. < . " ;."', I :;.In '; I .- , .: :F:~-:i '... , .. PLUMBING " .;. ...; :-:- '.bi . ;,; .'. ',1 " . 7~ '. " /~ 5;:',:( .. UNDER FLOORl SI:.AB .:) , ... ROUGH-IN ,( , >~f:-: ..... .... ...... , ..... ,: ." W ATERLINn ; ~ "", / "', . , . '.' .. 'g';' GAS LINE "'." '. ;. . , ..... '..' ... , .. BACKFLOW1WATER ". ;,.; ';--'", "'-V .' " " '. , . .. , ! AIR SEAL ... , '. .' .~ . .' '. , , WALLS ',,! >" .... , -.- . , ,. " CEILING . '. '." ..., I I ... '{ '.. .... I. , .i,> FRAMINC ' "'" '- , ,"./ ~ '. , I, JOISTS lGIRDElUl , .,.'. ... ... ,"J "'. . '::~f SHEAR WALL '. . . .... ....'.>< i".' i,. .'i> .. WALLS I ROOF I CEILING :~ '" .';;' ,. '.: .' j ./'i?:. t';{ : DRYWALL .. '; . ,....... .. '. T.bAR ",. .'. .' . .. ". , . ,., .' '. INSULATION ;. . 7. .,' SLAB" , . ',,' , . .. , I., ..... WALL I FLOOR I CEILING ... I , ......... .. ,'.' . , .... M~CHANiCAL '. u . ~, ; r' :,- ,. HEAT PUMP .".. .',.'. " . " , , '. WOOD STOVE f PEL1.ET I CIUI'vfNllY I ",' , HooD'I' DUCTS" ,. .... . .... ,.i"'t;'- " . ; .... ,,: .... t>W UTILITIES f . srrE WOIU{ (Engineering Division) SEJ:>ARATEPERMIT'II's: , , .' , '.', WATERLINn I Mln'ER "',", " . "", .. . .. .SEWER CO~CTI.ON ,,'. ,,' I' I SANITAlty.. '.. -:. ... ., " .. '...... , , .', , '.. ... , '. ,SroRM /<'j} . , r, ,.."'" '-. .,' . .... .... ." " '. " '~,~ ' . i~; ....,.,. .'./' I' PLANNING l)EP'I'. SEPARAiE PERMIT #'$ . '. .. ., ..... .. SEPA: PARKlNG/LiGlITING .'.;. .. .. -.-- ...... ESA: " I. LANDSCA:PING SHORELINE; ,'. . ... ....' , ....... , ,- ,,= . ".' . """"'f!'f~~t>~O~'1.tE9t)JREDP~t.Ok TO ~CCUp~Cyltf~lt" ,. ',",:.';';;:;,'.,,, " "...... "'7' ,',t ." :" -~\t. ';:><:;.:--;,. ,.t ',"'1',"- I.... .- . "" ." COI\fMERCI~1..i;' ,,,;~Wl!:~,"',,; RESIDENTIAL """,,1' ", ,;j~A'fE"~T:r. i)' YES" NO " ,; ;~,:DATE;i~' .. .... .",d, ,i.) """.. '... .,.,.;",-" '.';LiL,., ...,i. .' ":,' '.. '," " .', '. ',. ;,~L,; .::; " .t,. :~~. 1:;'VEs' ,,,,,I NO 'j ELECnU~~HGIirDEPT. .'. '" ",rL ...: ,." " .("",". ., BiEcTlUitf' ""',.' .i 'I/..'.... ~ s:- ,C" "i,! I,' 417.:4735 ,..','; :',. ,i', ! ~'," , " /: .' , ',,' . LIOHTD "" ,c",' ! ,Ii ,/' .. CO~~ONR.W;/PW1'" .."'" .....:- ./)' CONSTRUCTION - R.w: '.. . !; 1,."',// ;;~i.''''' ENG EE' 0 .' ..... ,'. ' 417-4807 PW I ENGINEERINO '.. ...... f. .. FIRE ..... ...,......{. 417-4653 . 'T I';;:':",~ \.i ..... . ....... .... .... FlRE DEl'!:... .....,"".-,,,- . .'./ ..:" , '.' ..........C? ::;~:f;ft?iif 1>TIANNINGR~' .......,.. ,,, '. ~,,,... .', PLANNING DEPT. '. .' ''''1-;''. " .... ;. .,,! '.'" ,;,,~'\.,.,.. BUILDING ...... "'--' t<'V .. .... "1-'-. , ""C' . " .. BUILDING . ,". .0".;.--" T:\PLANNING\FORMS\I 102.15 (412002] CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT N'! 16696 Port Angeles, washlngton...,LO__:::::.__.,J____S:!m_m_____n.___..... 19...:2__ r' In accordance with the City Ordinance to regulate the installation. extension. or repair of elec- trical equipment in, on. or about any building or other structure in the City of Port Angeles. per- mission is hereby granted to d6 electrical work as listed below. ~:::s__-rt;;~:~:.1~I:~.:~~:::::::::::::----;~:~~~:::---~~~~~~-:.~:::::::==::::::::::::::=::::==::=::::::::: IJ'-=r..&~ '. . ,...~.. Wiring Contractor ___.m~-___....----..-n..n.--------- By._mmm__m_mm_________________mm________m__.mm____ "') ';-b Service, volts ",..~___......___....__..h..... ~?, No. wires .n....~............n......nn... Size wlres....~~!~.'A:..k::.._.. " -- ...., A--.. Main fuse ....._..::/~.':J!....':..L_...___.. LIght Outlet................_....____._...______..._. Receptacle Outlets............._._....__...m... Dryer, KW.........................u...uu........ Range, KW...........m___.........._...___.. Water Heater: Enclosure nm'nm".,'.n"n""","n...n KW.____________________________.________________ Heat: KW_../I.!__..S:.,...B.tt9.______ Type of wiring; Entrance Cable ...._..nm..mm.. Motors: size, volts and phase: RigId Conduit .____________.______ Metallic Tubing ..00.00_......... Current transformers: No. & Size..mn...m.___.m........ SeT. NO............................n.nn............ SeT. No. 00....000000...00...................._....... SeT. No............__................................ Total Load......nmmm.m.n..... Ser. NO....................n...........nn..____... Remarks: ___m~~__n;~__m____________.____m_____m______..___________.....m_____________mm000_000_000000_000_000000____ Total .................................00.... Type of WIring: Armored Cable ......00...................... Non.MetallIc ................................. Knob & Tube__._............................ Rigid Conduit ................._............. Metallic TUbing .........mm............ Raceway ...............................___._ CIrcuit.. LlghL..............___.....__________.. Utillty......................_......_____._..__..... Heat ......................................._.._ Range .............................__.............. Water Heater ...............00.............. Motor ..._........................................ Dryer ..........................00............00......_ FUTnace .........................._................... ...n._..nnnnnnnnn.hdn.._n.nnn.nnn.n....nn.n.....n.n...n._.nn.nnn.nnnUUU..Oh...nn_.nnn.nn.unuu.u...h.nO...nunnn...nn -n....nnunnu__.____n.n.unn.u.hn._.nnun.u.Ud.__n.._nnnn..u.nnnunnhud_.....n..nn.nnn.nun.un.h....hnnnnnnn..unn_nn__ Permit Fee $:___000..___0_______000000_______.___. Treas. Receipt NO.__m__.........m_..m.. Bym&~..._~~_ NOTICE-Current must not be turned on until Certificate of Inspection has been issued. It work Is to be con- cealed due notice must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected before concealment. NOTIFY THE INSPECTOR BY PERMIT NUMBER WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION \. \ \ \ . '. ELECTRICAL PERMIT N? 16696 Address..................._................................................................_......._..........................................Date..._......_.._.._.._.........._.._.._......_......... Owner..__..............................._......_.._......_......__._...........................................................Tenant........_........_......._.............................._........... \ WlrlngContractor...................................___...................._.....................................__......................By....................._........................................ NOTICFr-Current must not be turned on unt11 Certificate at Inspection has been issued. If work is to be con. cealed due notice must be given the Inspector so that work may be inspected before concealment. . . ..._,_.__~ T.....