HomeMy WebLinkAboutSylvia Arterberry JUL ?_ 7 2016
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12 _ independent Living June 2014
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Dri —tWater
opponents of Forced Fluoridation aining Scientific, Political Momentum
Decades-long policies in many major municipalities of the course of time, fluoride can have the opposite
adding fluoride to drinking water are starting to come effect on bones, actually making them more brittle.
undone. In Dallas, citizen activists cited scientific In any event, obtaining fluoride in tap water is
studies demonstrating adverse health conse- unnecessary given the widespread availability
quences of fluoridated water and touted the of dental and oral health products you can
budget savings that could be achieved buy that contain the chemical.
by ending the practice. In May,they You can get all the fluoride your
persuaded the Dallas City Council dentist recommends through
to seriously consider ending 50 fluoride toothpastes and
years of water fluoridation. mouthwashes. As long as you don'
Why should this seemingly esoteric swallow fluoride-enhanced products,
issue matter to you? According to Ar xA they pose far less of a hazard than
Phillippe Grandjean, adjunct professor of 11W fluoride in drinking water, which passes
environmental health at Harvard, "Fluoride Northrough the body and accumulates in tissues.
seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons Despite what the American Dental Association
that cause chemical brain drain." In other words,the says about fluoride being beneficial for most people,
fluoride being pumped into our tap water without our fluoridated water is not necessary for strong, healthy
individual consent may be malting us dumber. teeth if you take care of them. Keys to cavity-free tees
Does the Mater You Drink include avoiding sugary, acidic foods and brushing an,
Contain Toxic Levels of Fluoride?
flossing frequently.
Consider the findings from professors Helen Cheng Invest in Your Health with
and Richard Lynn, as presented in"The Adverse Effect a Nater Filtration System
of Fluoride on Children's Intelligence:A Systematic There is absolutely no good health-related reason to
Review"(Mankind Quarterly, Spring-Summer 2013). drink fluoridated water. Opt instead for bottled water
They report that average fluoride exposure causes a drop (preferably spring water) or install water filters capab'.
in children's intelligence "equivalent to 6.9 IQpoints. of removing fluoride and other contaminants.
Sensitivity analyses showed that after excluding studies that
had other elements contaminations, the adverse effects of In recent studies, urban tap water has been found
fluoride exposure on children's intelligence remained to be contain unsafe levels of bacteria, viruses, metals,
significant. Further, six of the studies reported significant cancer-causing chemicals, and even pharmaceuti-
negative correlations between fluoride in the body and cal drugs. OMB Watch, a nonprofit research and
intelligence. The evidence suggests thatfluoride in drinking advocacy organization, cited a study that found
water is a serious public health hazard." drinking water in 31 out of 35 U.S. cities was
contaminated by hexavalent chromium. This is a
Thanks to over-fluoridation of drinking water,41%of known carcinogen when inhaled, and a possible
American children over age 12 exhibit symptoms of carcinogen when ingested.
fluorosis(which manifests via discolorations on teeth),
according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control. Unfiltered toxins in tap water can lead to chronic hea
Unseen,fluoride can accumulate in brain tissue at toxic problems. That's why you should consider investing
levels,which may inhibit mental functioning and contribute in a quality water filter. Be aware, though, that most
to degenerative brain diseases. will not eliminate fluoride. One that does is the Berk
PF-2 (and PF-4)Arsenic and Fluoride Filter.
Safer Ways to Prevent Cavities As one health advocate put it, "If you don't have a
Of course, fluoride is touted for its ability to help water filter, then you ARE the filter." M
strengthen tooth enamel and reduce cavities. Yet over
Independent Living • $139112 issues - 377 Rubin Center Drive • Suite 203 - Fort Mill, SC 29708
May 2016 Independent Living 13
Wacky Gender Politics vs. Sound Science
Should biological males who dress Physician Group Cores Out
WarSy, up like women be allowed to use Against Transgenderism
women's bathroom facilities? It
might seem like a ridiculous ques_ Do these radical new conceptions of gender as a
tion, but it's at the heart of the cultural left's latest social construction have any basis in science? No,
Social Justice crusade. according to the American College of Pediatricians.
It recently released the following statement:
Leftists are boycotting North Carolina over a law
that says you can only use public restrooms that "The American College of Pediatricians urges
correspond to the gender you were biologically educators and legislators to reject all policies that
born with. That's a direct affront to the transgender condition children to accept as normal a life of
movement, which asserts that gender isn't biological, chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite
but is instead an arbitrary social "identity." sex. Facts—not ideology—determine reality.
Looney Leftists Get in Everyone's Face "L Human sexuality is an objective biological
binary trait: XY'and XX'are genetic markers of
The New York City Commission on Human health—not genetic markers of a disorder: The norm
Rights recently introduced fines of up to $250,000 for human design is to be conceived either male or
on businesses that"misgender" employees or cus- female. Human sexuality is binary by design with
tomers. Using the wrong pronoun could constitute the obvious purpose being the reproduction and
an offense. According to the city, "some transgender flourishing of our species."
and gender non-conforming people prefer to use
pronouns other than he/him/his or she/her/hers, such The American College of Pediatricians'statement
as they/them/theirs or ze/hir." concluded, "Conditioning children into believing
a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation
In the Brave New World of the current year, anyone of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child
can be female or male-or both, or neither—simply abuse. Endorsing gender discordance as normal
by asserting it. Public schools in Progressive via public education and legal policies will confuse
hotbeds such as Portland, Oregon, have switched children and parents, leading more children to
to transgendered bathrooms. Kids as young as 11 present to gender clinics'where they will be given
years old who are struggling with identity issues puberty-blocking drugs. This, in turn, virtually
are being prescribed "puberty blockers" and given ensures that they will `choose'a lifetime of carcino-
hormones designed to help them transition into a genic and otherwise toxic cross-sex hormones, and
different gender. Such highly questionable "treat- likely consider unnecessary surgical mutilation of
ments" are being paid for by Medicaid (i.e., your their healthy body parts as young adults. "
tax dollars).
Feel free to send a copy of this article to your kids' or
grandkids' school and school board.
Dehydrate r seYour Own Fresh Foods
continued from previous page
packaged to keep in nutrients and increase their shelf fresh cheeses increases to 10 weeks with vacuum
life—coffee, cheese, fish, meat and deli meats, to sealing.
name a few. Contaminants from the outside can't get While using a vacuum sealer, make sure everything
in because vacuum packing seals out spoilage bacteria, is extremely clean—your hands, utensils, counter-
egg laying insects, and other agents that will ruin your tops, bags, and the machine. And most of all, the
food.As one example, the average shelf life of some
food itself.
Independent Living• $139/12 issues • 377 Rubin Center Drive ^ Suite 203 ^ Fort Mill, SC 29708
very high acid diet? So what goes here? Is this national ID card, which will be linked to
a contradiction? The answer is that human obtaining a drivers license.
beings have two kinds of acid, stomach acid Without the card or proof of receipt of
and acid in the rest of the body, as measured
by the pH. Federally recommended vaccines listed on the
card, a citizen will not be able to function in
Stomach acid to digest our foods and protein
the U.S., including being able to get a passport,
must be very low pH, about 3 or 4. In the rest health insurance, enter a hospital or ride on a
of the body the pH should be slightly alkaline train or airplane.
but is very often acid instead. Those who are genetically vulnerable to
Remember that stomach acid is specially reacting to vaccines will have to choose
created to digest foods... and protein. It must between risking vaccine injury or death and
be low pH or very acid, that is 3 or 4 pH. being able to drive or be treated in a ho 1
Ironically, when our stomach acid gets very emergency room.
low or weak, we have a strong signal of TOO
MUCH acid or acid indigestion. This 'is Big!
Unfortunately, the pharmaceuticals have
played this controversial deception to the tune A researcher with the Centers for Disease
of many billions of dollars—no, trillions! Control and Prevention has admitted that he
Yes, the body signals "acid stomach"
and fellow researchers falsified data in order
to hide the fact that the measles-mumps-
creating aFALSE demand for antacids. Here rubella (MMR) vaccine increases the rates of
. comes the parade of antacids to prey upon the autism spectrum disorder in black children by
people, a great hoax to deceive millions into 340 percent when administered before age 36
buying something to ruin their health. It's the months.
perfect crime. Do you think that the govern-
ment knows this? News of the whistleblower broke on the Age
What to do? When you sense "acid indiges- of Autism website. The whistleblower waslater identified as William Thompson, Ph.D.,
tion" be aware that you have low stomach acid, one of the authors of the 2004 De Stefano
not high stomach acid. So "acid indigestion"is a study, which is accused of hiding the link
false signal. It is actually telling you that you between the MMR vaccine and autism.
need more stomach acid. This is all-important
for life and health. The pharmaceuticals are The whistleblower helped Dr. Brian Hooker
lying to you! of the Focus Autism Foundation in response to
So "acid indigestion" says that you need a Freedom of Information Act request and led
more acid. We should be taking Betaine him to information on the data manipulation
Hydrochloride from Standard Process by the CDC. The results of Hooker's study
Company. were published in the peer-reviewed scientific
journal 7�-anslational Neurodegeneration on
For that need for protein to reduce leg and Aug. 8.
feet swelling, take Protefood from Standard
Process Company. Here again, antacids ki According to Hooker, Thompson directed
protein. EZ him to information showing the statistically
significant evidence between the age at which
the MMR vaccine was administered and
Vaccination Statu autism incidence in African-American children
Your vaccination sta us will eventually be was hidden by CDC researchers. Thompson
part of the medical data stored on an electronic helped Hooker to view the highly sensitive
CDC documents. Thompson says the CDC Europeans. As conservatives see it, we cherish
knew of the correlation between autism and independence, personal liberty and self-reliance.
the MMR for 11 years and covered it up. We don't like taking handouts for doing nothing.
After Thompson's identity was revealed We like to work hard and get ahead on our
own initiative. That's the "American Way."
on Aug. 20, he was escorted off the CDC
premises. Prior to his removal, Thompson The inconvenient truth is that more and
worked in the CDC's National Center for more Americans find it acceptable for tax-
Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases. payers to give them a hand. The American
He has since been allowed back to work. welfare state now costs $1 trillion a year.
While this information may be revelatory Forbes contributor Peter Ferrara said, "the
for those who remain stuck inside the para- term`welfare state'does not begin to encompass
digm created by and for the medical-industrial the totality of America's commitment of
complex, it is merely more justification for our resources to aid the poor. It is more like a vast
view that the CDC is little more than a public empire bigger than the entire budgets of
relations arm for Big Pharma. almost every other country in the world."
The Federal government tacitly admitted The American welfare empire spans nearly
years ago that vaccines are harmful when it 200 or more Federal/State programs, including
established the Federal Vaccine Injury 23 low-income health programs, 27 low-income
Compensation program (aka the "absolve housing programs, 30 employment and training
Big Pharma of all liability at your expense" programs, 34 social services programs, 13 food
program) which pays out compensation for and nutrition programs and 24 low-income
autism-related disorders. child care programs.
More proof that the CDC is hiding infor- Among the most visible of the "social safety
mation on vaccine dangers is found in the net" programs, we have Medicaid, Food Stamps,
CDC's refusal to grant Florida Congressman Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Housing
Bill Posey access to the fraudulent study and Urban Development (HUD) programs,
claiming there is no link between autism Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
and vaccines. (TANF), Head Start, Work Study and Medicare.
This whistleblower has likely exposed that Consider a couple of examples of how the
most of what you hear from the CDC is a lie. welfare state is growing in America...
Parents of autistic children are likely lining U.S. Department of Agriculture data shows
up for a huge class action lawsuit. OZ that last year one in every five American
households-20 percent—received food stamp
support (it's actually a plastic debit card now-
The American Welfare
ada not actual stamps). a the
Y � s Ten o
ears P ) Y g �
j American liberals love the European cradle- rate was 10 percent—one in 10 households on
to-grave socialist welfare model and want to food stamps. The ratio has doubled in the past
emulate it in the United States. President decade.
Barack Obama makes no secret that he is an Today nearly 47 million Americans get food
unabashed admirer of the European nanny
stamps, an all-time high. And the numbers
state. From day one in office, he set his agenda are growing. The USDA figures reveal that in
to fundamentally remake America in the fiscal 2013 there were 23,052,388 households
image of Europe. on food stamps in the average month. That's
Conservatives are quick and eager to point an increase of 722,675—nearly three-quarters
out that we Americans are different from of a million per month—from 2012, when
wig . o livingstonletter.com