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1321 E 6th St - Building
Electrical Permit 1321 E 6th St 11 - 1108 ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number . . . . . 11-00001108 Date 10/06/11 Application pin number . . . 217148 REPORT SALES TAX Property Address . . . . . . 1321 E 6TH ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06-30-11-5-4-0260-0000- on your excise tax form Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY to the City of Port Angeles Subdivision Name . . . . . . �,/ Property Use . . . . . . . . (Location Code 0502) Property Zoning . . . . . RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Hot tub. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor YACKLIN BRETT A ANGELES ELECTRIC 1321 E 6TH ST 524 E. IST ST. PORT ANGELES WA 983626603 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452-9264 ---------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc numb Permit pin number 193961 Permit Fee . . . . 110.30 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 10/06/11 Valuation . . . 0 Expiration Date 4/03/12 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 110.3000 ECH EL-SWIMMING POOL/HOT TUB 110.30 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 110.30 110.30 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 tx Grand Total 110.30 110.30 .00 .00 22 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN l FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: G:\EXCHANGE\B U 1 LD IN G oFPORrq� ELISCTMAL ONSPECMN SMOG ONS REPORT S 417-4735 RKS 6 DATE: PERMIT# INSPECT R 611 c- ,2 11-11018OWNER YhCkLl N CONTRACTOR ADDRESS 1 67 .l APPROVED NOT APPROVED ❑ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUGH IN/COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ CORRECTIONS NEEDED: F.$l ASLy e-osAVOLT '5H (-,, � I NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 95 DAYS DO NOT REMOVE 10/05/2011 09:22 FAX 360 452 9265 Angeles Electric 0001/0001 EGEVED OCTq. Ji 79il —_ City oi:�ortiln�oig Pump AppOation01 �uhdlrg)Divh(onlElkWeilhrapUona ELECTRICAL 321 Ei%t�ifOP brj)► A:allottlll0 INSPECTIONS O® PgRMl�eld'Wishitiy j,tro;182 PMYJ60)tiT F t;11dT11 1 Dela; 1L 18,.2 Slnple Fw*-DweWnp -.�.MuIU-Fx*..brCommwdei' Codirher0i Aad m f Altenft/Remodel/Repalr / Plan Reylew Maybe,Required,Please Complete Elecblosl Plan Review Infametbn Sheol Job Address. !o Bufldtrig;were.News. 2� D.esuiptlon.of:aboye i er) a .'Name: Name: ' ;Halling ,..dress: M Address: . Citi State p: 2 CI Statx gip: Phone, - atc Phone• mm=f4A v -Fate -Ezd6 �lcettise Y.,Exp. tJsm f 1 L-Er y60,r-c Total MAY MuMa bd by Unit Chamel 8eMcdFeadec200 � :$146JO'. t SwAc@1Fndw201.100Amp. tZa,Bo $ SeMc sGdvr 0mAmp. 528220 5 SeMcalFaeder QOb1000 Anip. . :.M.4372.60 $ SeModFaedar over 1000 Amp. 5 2.80 5 ftichOVAlVl�Was FWW i $ &moh Ch dit Suvba Fee* _ 160 $ Each AdditW flth Cir d a..a2T0 $ Temp.Sw"Feedar 200 Amp. S 110�0 i TwIL 8sMcdFoeder 2D1400 Amp. f 108.70 $ Tamp SeMalFatlar401-000Anip. 07,Of0:. $ Twv..8smbWFaedwf0140MAmp. S'9590 i paw to Pobtma ry °5 �6e3o 5 Sipn�0uQ6ieUDhbq I i !75:90 $ BVWCtaNWahad&aW-CprrmftAddM=d18005600 $ 1lpnal CNwld UdW EneW•1 A 2 FamlV DwaSne . a 83.p0 $ IknalCkwNUmW.ENW-"FN*DwdM 511>i.p0 � 5 ANOfMA'aCblfad;H01110001Y11CdOn 1 � ;10230. $ ftanewattrl]aotr W •6KVA Spstsm or tees "f VL :11030.; $ Eaa,til4dma,�il WD Fl ar Pcrdm of 3sso _ 5a. Total i :''Ownrrardef7nedbr'RC1t;1t+2R2#1.(1)OwnerwxomprtMatrrremnforwon aftrr"elroafeatpembtb#nab@&P►Qwnab 1040iftAh-Mshow mftctorA' Ti9loir nototrwn.Asrmltrxplrataftara8rmonthaolbatbaparxba. . Mir.iradinp the abova,datumnt: oam Ll hgoW mW that 1 am the or of the above Woad proper or a Immed akcMW ar wcter.i am m .' !ha e(eetr 21twI flon or it corn livu slact",t sn�N.E•C,RM Chapter lea WAC.Ch =4%The Clbr of PatAngdes Munldpal Code�id IJW�►Spaalllo�oa!�. -81914WM 0,owmr,gWd"Gonbutoror ataeh"administrator O Cnh '&;;;Card/ ANGELES crry OF PORT DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -WILDING DIVISION 321 EAST STH STREET, PORT ANGELES,'WA 98362 411712002 OWNERIAPPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION �BRETTYA KLIH 1321 STH ST E 1$21 E.8TH STREET tot: 4 Port Angeles,WA 983$2 Block: H © Long Lego 3W417-N64 Subdtvl rn: CRESTHAVEN T S: Parcel No: 063011 540260000777 CON`UCTOR ARCHITECT PENINSULA HEAT NWA 502 W.Sth Street Dort Angeles,WA 98363 98360-0000 3W457-2775 3 a0o-0000 PROJECTINFO Project Valu: $4,135.00 SPD Units:, 0 Ccmrnercial: Pict Type: HEAT PUMP ADD $FQ SQ FY': C Industria t: : 0 Oompancy Type: RESIDENTIAL. Garage: . 0 Ocoupridy-Group-: MIFD Un : . ." o Construction Type: MIFD S4 FT: 0 Zoning glee: PROJECT NOTES NEW HEAT PULP I LOW VOLTAGE THERMOSTAT -#- 5 RECEIPT#9213 FETES ASSESSMENT s Building Perm-IL, - $0.00 Misc'Fee..1: LOW VOLTAGE $34.40 Plan Check: $0.00 101166Pee 2: State Surcharge: $0.00 MZ :Fee 3:. . $0.00 HouseMtoving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $68. R �Iumaing $0.00 AMOUNT PAID:' $68.55 Mechanical:; $34.16 DUE: $0.00 Radon: $0.00 Separate Permits are requked for el Crical work,SETA;Shoreline,f SA,utifirtiea,prn►ate and;pul 1r► pv mnIs TIS t;be , null and void If work or construction authorized Is not commenced within 180 dad,ff construction or work re"su"spenzte�d 1 odd for a peed of 14©.Mays after the work as comrtlenced,o_r if required Inspectlone'haya.noti�e1 raqups�w� d tFie t inspection. I!hereby cartiftr that I have read and examined this applicadoO and know the earns to be�u�and fat � I laws and ordinances governing this type of Work will be complied with whether specified herein or rat. The grant`g of a pen8 dries t t.., _ presume to give authority to viols or cancel the,provisions of any state or local law regulating constfuci or tlp rmance of construction. Slgrsature of Co,►r aoto Atrtho J Agent beta ,Signature of Owner{]f owner 1s O udder) Date T VPG.�P©r MS"I M-1514aW2] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 4174815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM.24 HOUR-NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVElt INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. DOST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEPT) 'SEPARATETERMIT:# . - ROUGH-IN PLUMBING UNDERFLOOR/SLAB ROUGH-IN t WATERLINE GAS LINE - - BACK MOW/W-TER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS/GIRDERS SHEAR WALL - WALLS/ROOF/CEILING DRYWALL v T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL/FLOOR/CEILING - MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP _ WOOD STOVE/PELLET/CHIMNfiY HOOD/DUCTS PW UTILITIES/SITE WORK (Engineering Division) SEPARATE PERMIT#'s: WATERLINE f METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT Vs SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE- FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED-PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE - RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED t - YES NO - - - ELECTRICAL=LIGHT DEPT, 417-4735ELE4 TVCAL LIGHT DEPsI' CONSTRUCTION R.W./PW/ CONSTROCTION-tW. ENGINEERING 417.4807 PW/ENGINEERING FIRE 417.4653 _ FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. "417 4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUiLDD1G 417-4815 BULLRING TAPLANNINGWORMSU 102.15[4/2002] parr FOR OFFIC4AL USE ONLY: BUILDING PERMIT- PREAPPLICATION P1Rcnnk#:Cc*. � '02 Pro-4 comodo? The Building Permit -Preapplication must be fdkd out completely. DW ApW°`"0&----- "� Please type or print in Ink. If you have any questions,pletue call 4174815 Applicant and/or Agent:C/I&Y14)f,Afe r� . �, Phone: 5 7 a ?7 S— Owner:_ Phone: 4o'-1-7—q'746 Address: /.3i vz f City:_/)e Y- Z" s Zip: J Architect/Engineer: Phone: Contractor erl L n 4 tL�� � License#:1-26V/!y/f>�, Phone: V57-,7 77j Address: � U �' City:_1�� Zip: PROJECT ADDRESS:_ ZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot: Block: Subdivision: 4COl361j TYP OF WORK: SIZEIVALUATION: to l esidential o New Constr. ❑ Reroof ❑ Woodstove SF.Qa S /SF. =S ❑ Multi-family o Addition ❑ Move o Garage SF.@ S /SF.-S-- C3 Commercial ❑ Remodel ❑ Demolition o Deck SF.@ S /SF.-S E3 Repair o Sign •o TOTAL VALUATION S I BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT; COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: Construction Type: No.of Stories:__ Lot Size: %Lot Coverage: % Existing Lot Coverage: /sq.R+Proposed Lot Coverage: /sq.ft.-TOTAL LOT COVERAGE:__/sq-ft PLANNING USE ONLY: APPROVALS: PLAN Permits Required: Notes: BLDG Max Height: Setbacks: Zoning: DPW Site Plan and Use Approved by: Date: FIRE ESA/Wedand(s):o yes c No SEPA Checklist required?o yes o No Other: OTHER PREAPPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your appiko on and,site plan nraat befrlled out completely to be accepted jor review. The Building Division can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittal requirements. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your completed application,site plan(for additions)and building construction Plans are to be submitted to the Building Division. Any addition larger than 500 sq.ft.will need a Preapplication Review. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases,a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Div.to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 4174815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: Your plan check fee is due at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. Allother Permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, this application will expire by 304(d)of e U Building Olde g can extend the tithe for action by the applicant up to 180 days,on written request by the applicant(see Section 304(d)of the Uniform Building Code,current edition). No application can be extended more than once. 1 hereby certify Mal I haw read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct, and I am authorized to applyfor rhis permit. I understand it is not the Ciry's legal responsibility to determine what permlu re required,• it remains the applicant's responsibility to determine what permits are required and to obtain such. ParC:1DATkWPW-UPEML.DAPP.FRM Applican Date: W-11 2.03[rsv.1/%] OF pOR1 qNC �� ��� Fpm CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT U�r`�� 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 77 o rt (206) 457-0411 PERMIT NO. DATE_� Z� l� ELECTRICAL PERMIT Site Address: -7 �' / �r ❑ READY FOR ❑ WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION INSPECTION Installed By: , f-' �'-� License Number: Phone: Owner/Business: Phone: Owner/Business Address: Sq. Ft. )� RESIDENTIAL ❑ TEMPORARY SERVICE ❑ OVERHEAD SERVICE ❑ COMMERCIAL ❑ PERMANENT SERVICE ❑ UNDERGROUND SERVICE ❑ BASEBOARD KW ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION VOLTAGE: q FURNACE KW J0 ❑ REMODEL ❑ SINGLE PHASE ❑ FAN/WALL KW '0, ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS ❑ THREE PHASE frJ HEAT PUMP KW Le ❑ SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR SERVICE SIZE AMPS ❑ SIGN ❑ SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (LIST BELOW) Details/Description: W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE DATE ENGR. CAPACITY: ❑ O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: ❑ CHANGE TRANSFORMER ❑ CHANGE SERVICE WIRE ❑ INSTALL SERVICE POLE ❑ OTHER ❑ Ditch Inspection O.K. ❑ Rough-in/cover O.K. YI❑ O.K. to connect service ' .Final O.K. Site Address: �tl Permit/Receipt No. -7�y Installer: ry New Meters Date: Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection.Work must not be covered ® before inspection and O.K.for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Building Pe mit. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. — NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT Q 471"0 Electrical Inspector Permit Fee WHITE—File by address YELLOW—file by number PINK—Top:Eng,Bottom,Customer GREEN—Top:Meter Dept.,Bottom:City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC. DOE PORT 4 A{ iN CITY OF PORT ANGELES � LIGkIf DEPARTMENT 7� PERMIT NO. crELECTRICAL PERMIT DATE Site Address: !/.� / 11 READY FOR 1-1WILLCALL FOR 1-32 sl I INSPECTION INSPECTION Installed By: P,£ LC+K-ffi t i�.-Li C 7/C License Number: Phone: Owner/Business: / 'I Phone: Owner/Business Address: Sq. Ft. Residential f ' New Construction ❑ Overhead t Heat Kvv ❑ Remodel Underground ❑ Baseboard`SZ Furnace/Boiler ❑ Service update/alter/repair Voltage ❑ Heatpump ❑ Other Dcla ❑ 30 ❑ Commercial/Industrial load ❑ Add/alter circuits Service size fZf� Amps Total Connected load ❑ Auxiliary power ❑ Temporary (attach breakdown) (list below) Total Motor load ❑ Special equipment (attach breakdown) (list below) Details/Description: W.S. No. Service Size-Date-Hold for: ❑ Easement ❑ Letter Capacity: ❑ O.K. ❑ Not O.K. Comments IF h inspection O.K. ❑ Signed up for service/meter gh-in/cover O.K. ❑ Meter Department notified for installation to connect service ❑ Fire Department notified of inspection l O.K. ❑ Plan Review approved/pending Site Address: Permit/Receipt No. Installer: - New Meters Date: �� l f�,J CFcis i 7— 1 —Y,? Notify the Department of City Light by Street Address and Permit Number when ready for inspection. Work must not be covered or electrically energized before inspection and O.K. for covering or service has been given by the Inspector in Writing on the Wiring Report or the Building Permit. PHONE 457.0411, EXT. 158 or EXT.224. Af- NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT j() 422 — Inspector Amount paid WHITE—file by address YELLOW—file by number PINK—Top:Eng,Bottom:Customer GREEN—Top:Inspector,Bottom:City Hall PORT qN ELECTRICAL INSPECTION W-IRI`NG REPORT i 457-0411 Ext. 158 c,r"' DATE,/ �}{� PERMIT# INSPE l , 5__JW / S OWNERICONTZCT , Iiv�/Z 6 4,FCA/ ADDRESS I I - 6AFfPROVED0"CA" NOT APPROVE ` El . . . wr rf;J i;++i . . . . . . DITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 1L" El . . . ✓mn J. . . . ROUGH IN/COVER . . . . . . ... . . . . . . DWwwl illi El . . .fa>. � .%X6W . . . . SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ CxrfalaR it IlI ❑ . . . . . . . . I �. . . . . FINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ CORRECTIONS NEEDED: i C776I/ rp FNp WH-j/Lz lWl fN S' $10-13(u) K17Ltkrti/ JJ£y%IR/-nC 14v,;T �3� Pi�'7)9�csp �avc `IEiIGl� CrUI1 #bME (iunl Wh�Aj $tom c+ tic t At use b , Elf �?07 N u06 A 7 I LUirL� •r,Cary -rkK QMH,) wit-t ti�'f hetic� Q�LyT oN Oar K>. crt clrtcL, , r 4—s I 17Ct14 Lj 2 D+j Nn/ iR d i 277&!' Kl*'r'T P�'�v 11714 1 I Qhl� NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS DUTLV?T- ON ' 7r_vo t cr61rf c(IL i, — DO NOT REMOVE — ' OLYMPIC PRINTERS,INC.120 81 452 4 1381 I Jun 18 02 09: 00a Bobby O. Coleman 360-452-7594 p. 1 ELECTRICAL YERRAiTAPPLiCHiION �..p The Elechkaf PemM ApWiCaUen MI oe R84 mti rprooiaieiv. P4sase type ar nPlyd:n iM. U you tuve ahfl auasfb pfsese ca0(360)417- 4735 Fu mmber.(:f6p)417A711 REQUEST INSPECTION ❑ Owner or Ekm Cmbacbf 1:_—.�-. Property Omer. Z Elecekar Conoae v ticanse t F�P ol� Address: Cjb' ZIp. INSTALLATION VORCD BY: ❑OWNERS ELECTRICIAL/CONTRACTOR Credll Card holder Name SM&W Address- City: Zlp: Credo Card Number' - PROJECT ADBRESS /- q TYPE OF WORK: Check all that apply: ❑New ❑AllerabortlAddilion ❑Residential ❑Multi-family ❑ Commercial ❑ Mobile Home Sq-Ff Remote Meter ❑Detached garage ❑Hol Tub ❑Swjm Pool ❑Septic Pump ❑Low Voltage ❑Telecom. ❑Sign Number of Cimri s added or aaered: - DESCRIPTION OF THE ELECTRICAL PROJECT: Electrical{kat Load Addiihm" PERMIT FEE: Service Information Ll Baseboard KW Ypaage. c cat Li Fure ..�i KW Q Overhmw Service Phase: 1 ❑ 3 ❑fteatPunw ;Z�',-TON LRA OTemp Service Service Size: 200 al Fen-WPI 2�w! ❑thMagiound Service Feedw Size: I Hereby cerKy that I have lead and examined this application and know that same to be true and correct, and I am authorized lo apply for this permit. I understand it is not the City's regal responsibility to determine what permits are requhed it remains the applicants responsdWity to determine what permits are ragtmed and to obtain such. Credit Card Holders Signature: � Date: /S '4 L- Owner or Elec.Coln Signature: r Date: CIELECTRICALPERMITAPPLICATION - �-�- - - �����'tCy*&ra�r<r4rp� 1 C1'1'Y ,' 01POI�T ANU GXS PUMIT APPLICATION R EC El Building DivisionfElvetrical Inspections 321 East F 11 Streot—P.O. Box 1150/Puy(Angeles Waflkington, 94T 2 0 201k 11h. (360)417-4735 Ise r (360)X11'7.4711 ELECTRICAL Dale: 10/20j2014 —I &2 Single Family Dwellin NSPFCTIONS 'Plan Review May Be Requifed,Plt�ase Complete El%ldcal Plan Review inform@lion Sheet jDb Ad*ms:%1321 E 6th St Buiidiq Squye Foosago, 182.2 Deu&n d abow, Owner Infon-nation Contractor Information Nama, Klms Yacklin NaMW Protect Your Horne MaJ*jAdd'%s: i321EGthst South Dr �I&IjAddrW: 3750Pr1orJtVWaVS __ „°l Part Part Angeles _WA p; 9936266C)3 G4 ,' ltdianapolis _S181a: IN i};46240 PhDM;-4604179464. PhOnU866-502-3559 FaX,217-564-2547 P ROTEYH934RS exp 12/1012013 L-reme#I Dp� Memo I Rxp, Item iota[fQtV multiplig 0.4y.Unit ghga-I serviceTeedu 20D�. Sarvic0eie&r 2014100 Amp. Se .600 Amp 20U0 rvicelFeecler 401 Servlce/Feeder 601-1000 Amp, &rvlceffoder ovai 1(100 APV, S373.00 Norich CHCUR W1 smk"q Fteder $ $.GD BtAflCh 04WIl WW&MG4 Feeder S MOD E�Addlilmol SrW Clrcarit S 100 Uranch Gkub 11A S 75.00 Temp,Saryicd FeWer 200 Amp, Wo Temp.Sewlcarreeder 201400 Amp. 1 1U4 Temp.SewicWFeeder 40WO Amp, to.00 Temp, $1GO-00 PoU to Podd Houdy S WOO 819flal CirculY Untied Enqy-I It 2 Family lying $ 64,00 Wnufmiured Homo Conucilca $120,00 Ren ah Efectilcal Ene(gy-5KV A System or Lw tftoo Ttwrmoitat 56,00 Note;55-00 fw each a0lion al1 flat .NEW tONSTRUCTION ONLY' Flat 1300 Squaro Ft. $120,00 Each Adt5knal 600 Sqvam Ft,t�Porflon at S 404 Each 0vtbulft ct Detaciled rrago S 740 Each W.mming Pool or Hot TO S 110DU Oviner as derined by RCW,19.288 1,,(1)OwrkervA occupy lhestmvAure for two yeans after this el dual permit Is finalized,(2)Owner i�required to hire an if above saki prVefty Is for sale,rent a lease,Pefmlt expires after six monk of last Inspection, After foading the above statement,I hereby certify that I am tho owner of the above named property or a 11wrised elecbical oorttraclor,I am making the elackat Installation or Alarallon In cornplialKe WM the elects laws,KU.,RCS,Chapter 19,28,WAC,Chapter 296-465,The Oty of Port Angeles tiAunicipal;Code,Md Ujolty Specifications aid PAM0 14,05,050 regarding 8ectrical Permit Appilcallons. Signature of owner,electrical to ntractor or electrical admIntstrator: 0 cas0 Check X pared, 10/20/2014 i ELECTRICAL PERMIT t CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-9-7-3� Application Number 14-00001277 Date 10/20/14 Application pin number . . , 890117 Property Address , . , , . 1321 E 6TH ST REPORT SALES TAX ASSESSOR PARCEL DUMBER; 06-30-11-5-4-0260-0000- Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY on your excise tax form Subdivision Name , , Property Use to the City of Port Angeles Property Zoning , . , , , , . RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY (Location Code 0502) Application valuation , 0 Application desc Alarm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor YACKLIN BRETT A PROTECT YOUR HOME 1321 E 6TH ST 3750 PRTORTTY WAY SOUTH DRIVE PORT ANGELES WA 983626603 #200 INDINAPOLIS IN 46240 (317) 810--4720 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . Permit Fee 64,.00 Plan Check Fee 00 ISque Date 10/20/14 valuation , . , 0 Expiration Date 4/18/15 Qty Unit Charge. Per Extension 1.00 64,0000 EC)i EL-SINGLE CTR LIMTTEI? RES 64.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 64.00 64,00 .00 .04 Plan Check Total .00 ,00 ,00 00 Grand Total 64.00 64.00 ,00 .00 1� INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH-IN FINAL, COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPME SIX(6)MONTHS FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date: GAFXCHANGEIBUILDING /f