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1147 W 6th St - Building
~<>'~~ ..:.. ~,.," BUILDING'PERMIT OWNER/APPLICANT " 'STEVEN TRIGGS 1417 W 6TH STREET PortAngeles, W A 98362 360/452-7461 T. -'.: . CONJ8ACTQ~ RAINMASTER ROOFING 1205 SOUTH 0 STREET PORT AN(3ELES, W A 98362-0000 360/452-3213 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $1,835.00 Project Type: REROOF Occupancy Type: RESIDENTIAL ,c. . "';.. OCcupancy Group: Construction Type: Zoning Use: Cn:yPFj?ORJ AN~ELES. PUBLIC WORKS, - BUILDING DMSION 321 EAST 5TH sn,EET".PORT ANGELES,WA 98362 ISSl.JED~' 11/15/2001 PERMIT NO: 13098 PROPERTY LOCATION ...1417 6TH~T W Lot: 16 Block: 121 0 LongLegal . Subdivision: TPA S: Parcel No: 063000012116000 ~CHITECT N/A , 98360-0000 360/000-0000 SFD Units: SFD sa FT: Commercial: Industrial: Garage: o o o o o ---- - -t -J ( (;' MFD Units: MFD sa FT: o o PROJECT NOTES TEAROFF/RESHEATH/FELT/COMP FUi~J;IPI # 8260 FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: Plan Check: 'State Surcharge: House MoVing: Manufactured Home: Sign: Plumbing: Mechanical: Radon: $66.20 $0.00 $4:50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 f Misc'Fee 1: Misc Fee 2: Mise Fee 3: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEE: AMOUNT PAID: 'BALANCE DUE: $70.70 $70.70 $0.00 ".-:" ,~:~".",~~,"- ..~' Separate'P'rmitsare required for electrical work, sEPA, Shoreline, EsA, utilities, private and public improvements.This~rmlt~ nun arid ;yold,ifwork or constructionauthoriz~ is not cor'nmencedwithin 180, days, ifconstruction or work Is suslMl)~d:~...~ndp'ne(j for a periOd of180 days after the work as commenced, Or If required InspeCtIons havetflotbeen requested Yli,ttlin;1$O'd~~miti~ last ins~ctlon; . r hereby certify that ,I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and'cOltecl'A1l'prcjViaiqfis of laws ~nd ordinances' governing tflistype of WOrk wllrbe complied with whether specified hereln'or not. The grantingofa1>8rm!f~~ not presume to give authority to violate or cancel, the provisions of any state or local law regulating construCtion or 'the. perrotfuariee of Construction. ' . . '. ";ft: ..-.- 1-1- ctor or Authorized Agent ; \ ~ Dat~ -Slgnature,(jr. Owner (if owner is builder) iOate .i:',~~,>.,'.,.'....;- "i?/; ~;;:lJ' i ~ , --:'--."\'f!t~j,\:!g, BUII.J)INGPERMITINsPECTION RECORD ;';(i{l ,;:f M'_,,"'''' ,-".'N ....~~:"'.,',...,"''''',__.'.;..... ""--"~'._"'" .."--....""..,..._......... ", .::.....;_'_i~_"t!::'i:.t KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE" .... " '.' -"'.- 'j . ..;;:\.~ ~-; ",:.~. 1i' . . .' INSPECTION TYPE "'~:prt;d1ATE Y",,;I 1" ACCEPTED laTE ",," f I' YES I NO 1 ::O,j : . CO~~ )":,;' '" ,".' ' . FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS -1,.. . . ' WALLS ....~.~. , .~ . ',' .,.'ih).; , FOUNDATION DRAINAGE,:", .,.f"l(\,:\(:'::' .',h"",, ELECTRICAL (LIGHT DEP1),SEP~~P~: # ROUGH-IN "'. I . ~"> IT: <,; PLUMBING , . UNDER FLOOR I SLAB ROUGH-IN I WATERLINE GAS LINE BACK FLOW I WATER AIRSEAL' WALLS , :', . ",:. , " ',' " .. G( '",;" "... . " :H:D~Q ~, . . ""'''. " ,,'f " " ',I I i.: ' 'C-:;C;; .. ~ , ';:, .,' . , , ", :',:::; : <" CEILING FRAMING JOISTS I GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS I ROOF I CEILING DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL I FLOORI CEILING MECHANICAL MEAT PUMP .' WooDSTOVE IPELLET/CmMN~y'r INSERT , '., , I .' I i 1;'1 . I I . " ';" HOODlDUCTS .,' j. I." ", PW UTlLrflEs ISITE WORK" : (EJgineering Division) SEPARATE PERMIT #'s: . ',_.3.., "-, . ," --c- ". .'. WATERLINE I ~ETER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMrr #'s ,,' . " '. ., " '." '" ., " " -~ - . .' " . ':'. PARKINGlLIGHTlNG LANDSCAPING -" " SEPA:' ESA: SHORELINE: " ., , FlNALII'iSPECTlO~Stu:9UIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANc:vlUSE , RESIDENTlAL~:n",';.QA'fEi. '1'.: . YES' ..NO .", ,COM~E~CI~ """ DATE'~';J1S,9\<:CEPT,E,n. ..,,': ) 'U y;.,', ; ,,'f' hi . ,,,,,. ,c, ~n' , .',", , . "il ) l)e~) g,. ,: "/..' TI ',t.\YESYfi' "NO 'c'".' . .. ..' """4i7.4h~' ;"Vi.' " "q.';'~'."t ",;,,">: .,.'....'ECiiUCAL"'..'.;' ..- "ql~c'.;'>,;:",;" , ELECTRIC~.LlG~rpEPT. "',' <':, .. " ",',,',' tffG~DEPT,C '" .,'f ;} :':;'i;','; . ." d; 'I"'''.~,. "'...:-:,...'.'."."'."..;.!'U. N..'''S..TR.'';..;.L.''O..".'''R....'W....''.'., ,,;', ~ ',' CONSTRt.1ci10l-tR.W./PW/~'-l1 .ul.'H n . .....;. ENGplEERING .. 4174807 'I' .'" I ",;,' 'PWIENGINEERlNG', ;,jf!l't'$" FIRE"" 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. ! ,,">! ~.:oro'4i7:~';"',_~1<I; Ii' =~', ,\:,:",,""':-, , C:v.ppC:wpI)'