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125 E 12th St - Building
. - - . .~RTAN(lELES'. (':~.AS: H I N.~i1'd'N~<1.J,S::A. '. ' . ; "'. ~ . 'PLANNING'OE.PARTMENT',. : .... i , . ~ , ~ -' '. '. '::;May 30; 2001 : l' . ~ . . , . ,. -r " " , '. '!. . :' , -, , . Mi. DavidJ~arks ' .' .- -', . ~,'125. EaSt: 12~ Street ',. "'", . ", :PortAnge~~,'WA:~9836~::. ..' ....+,:. '. . .'\-' ./.' :'. # . ~ ", '. . '. . ~ ,.; :';' . .... ,t .' , " RE:""N6tice ofc6tril>lafu(~tPAMCTitl~ ,17'aD.<l8 '::':>'.;:":1,3 i-~~t 12tij 'Street ,,: '" . " ,;'- " , " .:., ",._~ , . .' {'.-.... "- '., . . ,. ~;, ~. ...... ',; .,' ,..." ," ',. ,'".:" .,~,' ;'~;;'Mi.~,>; .' .. .......'> "', ..',. ',~ .....I>fi'~11jn~~#l~iici~~I~<>:Of~"'~~~~~~'aq31.... ," ".M .' ';,:~~)Z~ S1:t~['l'bead.iviti~;that you, 'described hay~ be~rireViewe4 bi.-CitY.persottne1 trom'" ".;.. " : .~e'j)q?~4~~nt .~t'Co~\P.llt>(D~~elQPmei1t and'h~~~~ee~ f'?Wtd i(},'beili'~~6~ia~onWltli'a '. .: ....~_ ,', ", pel~~~'~~dellcenstruction ac~'V~ty". 'Q1ef~~o~gjs ~ ~ysi~ of~e issu~,orcQ1i~em' .' ,':>~I~ ~:.,you.-noted. " , ,. .' . "~ " .' "', . " " 1.5- , ;ou~CO~';CUhal~~~ O~Vclu~l~ in front or sideyi!tdS ~~hibited undei~~~ .;~ '. , :,"11 :94J50(A) of fl1,e POIt Atigeles'.MuQicip~ Code: The Hocl$alters .explainoo:thRt.th.ey moved. '. . . -llie t>oat an:d trmler to' the side y~d:to dear'the rear yarq for .developnielit o~ a re~ -P.~~g area , . .:; .' '.wlfu~leY',irn.p~vem~fsj~ 'Jhey #Jc~~o: ll~ anowe.d.io stcJre'th~'bQat#, triiileriii-'.the.~ntyard":" , ;'. ; 'fota sholttitne during .-thaldevelopinent,nlther:th~ parldt ~riJhestreetA!ler ~Qn(emng vVit1l" '. '.'.Cotpnitinltf I)eye~opni~(PiiC?ctoi;;B,r~~ <;ol~, jt w~ ,agreed'tha.t:th~y .:co1itd;le~yethe~ boat:,:. '.. . '.- :'::'arid ttail~' iritlle froptlsi<leyard'.until)ttp.e. ~5,2pOl'~ ''lfthe PWki~g area # n~ttomplete by that .' . ..... . ume,'the bOClt'andtraii~w1libeniQve.ato~aD. 'appropri~te.s.totcige,lq~ati9ri.,. ..:. ;',', '.' ,.,..'.. '. . , . ' '..T;"rerrea'~~ieit.rl<l ~e C;iy:s nUisanoe~irolifispeck,~~ Y,~,(s~'~~ w~~. ... c..' ,'~":. ~oit~dthat~e.dig.n()tseeapy,obvi9~ IllllsaJ;lce'vfolatioils'duriDgit,site.yisit. ," i\lthbtigif~e'. " ' .,'jeararea;bf,the, site isjIutst~te',of6uxifappearS\iliat.thei-~sia~tS8rc'jnakiDgh~ad,waYiIl" . ,:. .:comp.lenon'o(!he consinic~9n :actiyity;. Du.ri,ng"DlY sJte ViSit Mr:lioc~alter'waS iIithe.l?focess': J" . , ofreWO,vit)g~~dS #o~the~l~y'at~a ~', The frorjt 'yard app.eared't<>ha,:,e' bee.i1re~e~t1ytrl()We<J;' .. . .. .,. '....: , . . . . ','... < .., , : ~.:... ,..'. ~.~ ".,: ;" ,"':,~ .'.'.~,~' < '~.:,' . 'r .:'. '~'. . ", :_"': .... There is. a good deal of conStruction, debris' on-the property. The owners .are aware 'th~ft:he' site" .'. 'f~ not outwardly ill.a d~~irable or finished condition; but they' ~ppear.to'he diligent'in worKing.' .' . toward ;completirig the constructjon'a<;tiVity w!tich ~ill:hopefully bebY'th~enq of JUIie;200 ~:, '. " . '." .' , .' : <. ,..' "' ,"- ,...', ".'. ,.' EAST 'FIFTHSTREET .:I?: O.60X-1t'SO. PORT ANGELES. w~9a362-o2'7 PHONE: 360-417~4750 . FAX:366-417-4609,.'TTY:360-417~464S . '. ' . . ~ ' -. . " ' . . '. . . - . E-MAIL: PLANNiNG@CLPORT-ANGELES.WA.US. . . ,,\1 . ',-. ' . - ~ . .:'-;. . . . Parks 'Ma;J.D.2.001 ....P4gf#2 .... .. '. .' , . ..... . .... ..' , ; The,. .filfuigc a~tiVity. YO~ ~ot~d: 9ff 9i Lm~o1fi: S~~t: ~oes" ~ot. f~l '~der 'th~ Ci&;~':' :clearingl~glfillingreg9l~tioI.is:" S~tion ~~:28,~Q40(t?).p AMC.exernp.!SprOperti~s l~,s'than : ,,'6i1e:~ct~"in,;~iz.~;.:~~:Il,~~hh~~r proI.'-erty m~eW;,tlllS irit~~i~:,':'\,:,~ ',,;' , ,<:'.'.: '<:.' ,', ,:~,','. '. . ...:.... -::: ....-....\.. ':/,. During site:~isits.by'the Ciiy,'.s. ~~ildingOffi~ia1 ol!M~ '2~'7 2~~, n)y~~if~ on:'M~y 2?;: 2~t, .'.., ,:' an4- . the ' City '~s 'n~sanCe., control mspector ',Qll May 30; 200.1';,. ~e ~torage' of. waSte ~~e,rjal: '".... . .()1.ltsid~:ofpr()p~'tQver~.Cg~~~i:S 6r:feCep~2f~:.wi1s-l!o(evJde.n.ce(lwitli.th~:excepti~.-,of'. ,.' ',/ ;..'" ":.i. .'. ..l. :,:.' ..~ .:: . . .'. ~.. . ... :.~ :. ~ ~~'.r . >.. /.::.;':.::\; ~ .' . . . "~ ~. ~ '. ";:, ..:.. .".. :aas~d ':ori~ihe iiifontiatIon' pr<>:vi.ded: by',the' lIochfuilters' 'arid 'revie)\" .of fue 'pAMC~;tiie,,:':' '. C 'co~oti.o~,aCtivitY.is' ~ding down; and':youniei~bm-';s goan~ to ~o~lete'~th6 rembaei)n. :, '. . r . ~ .~ , ... J' '" .' ...... ." ~., '. .. . ,.. ~ " .' . the sho~est'~e ~ssibJ.e.;' ,Landscap~g 'pl~.art~>coplpletiqn,of~e re,afpai-Idng' ~e~ AAd-.aU~y , iInPt6vements.Win'lliinkthe'si~ehrtO"1~~Wi$'other deY:elopment in th~:jie~ :-:'. ",', " .>.',,':." ....,-" . .',.;. ': ",::,: ',...:',~'/:<',:"; ,'~' :,'::,:,:t: < . .-:..'/,.:.'.':"~',;i ,":'. '.:,< '(:":., ": <:,,:,,:,,:./ :~,." ..We Will continue to monitor tlie: boat and 'trmler locatioJHo:tmsuretli~iinietRble is ,adhered to~" ',:, . - ..~" ".:.J:..\'<.;:.: ~.;,....., .. ~'-:". ;~., ,...,.._:....~-,' p. "-'.>:,,;. ~:).,: l..~~..'..t ...,._ ....:<~-,.,...-.,..:,...,.;<:.. ...<.--.......', :-'...:'.,.....:.. . i:.. .. .. ~:"-.?'. : -'. . j ........:. ....._ .>::'", . ,:;t;! .,"Y:" .....'. ":', "~~~i~'ali~' . ~;: '.' , cc~ ~ ' Buiiding .official " :. . '. '.' <.~'.~l'l:Uis~ce '~~ttP( :< .,.' ' . .; . ',':ar-ad 'C91!ilis:,:' .... (. ,r. ,." .'" '..,' '.'." '. , J.... '.. .-' ~ .:.~ ..' . .< '. :';.{ . /;.~- '. " '.J' \. . ~ -1<'. .", ..... . ,.. ....' :.t' .f> ";' . .' ... ~ . . ~ i ........ ..' , " ., -..:.' .<\ .:: . ,. .f:. .' .~ I... ". :: ::. , . , . -. CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 PERMIT NO. ~t/ z: z.. /;;:l./Jft.3 DATE ELECTRICAL PERMIT Installed By: o READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: o WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Site Address: Owner/Business: Phone: ~ Owner/Business Address: Sq. Ft. ~ RESIDENTIAL tJ COMMERCIAL o BASEBOARD KW _ o FURNACE KW _ w:. FAN/WALL KW ~ tJ HEAT PUMP KW_ o SIGN .p. TEMPORARY SERVICE ~ PERMANENT SERVICE ~. NEW CONSTRUCTION tJ REMODEL o ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS o SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR o SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (LIST BELOW) %f OVERHEAD SERVICE o UNDERGFtOUNq".SEBllICE VOLTAGE: t..20 /.;1..~ 1:8" SINGLE PHASE b THREE PHASE SERVICE SIZE ,:;;l&r) AMPS DetailslDescription: .~I rj , ".- //..t..(~ - . W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE CAPACITY: o O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: 0 CHANGE TRANSFORMER o INSTALL SERVICE POLE DATE ENGR. o CHANGE SERVICE WIRE o OTHER o Ditch Inspection O.K. ~~l !ill Rough-in/cover O.K. o O.K. to connect service o Final O.K. Installer: New Meters - Site Address: . Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Numberwhen ready for inspection. Work must not be covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Buiiding Permi!. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. .--r;;;;; NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT $ 00 57)- Electrical Inspector Permit Fee WHITE - File by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN - Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC. . CITY OF PORT ANGELES LIGHT DEPARTMENT 321 E. Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (206) 457-0411 ELECTRICAL PERMIT PERMIT NO. 1330 /C1/s1fl, DATE Site Address: ~ d'-Ck<- o READY FOR INSPECTION License Number: o WILL CALL FOR INSPECTION Phone: Installed By: Owner/Business: Phone: ~'---" Owner/Business Address: Sq. Ft. o RESIDENTIAL o COMMERCIAL o BASEBOARD KW _ o FURNACE KW _ o FAN/WALL KW o HEAT PUMP KW o SIGN ~ TEMPORARY SERVICE o PERMANENT SERVICE o NEW CONSTRUCTION o REMODEL o ADD/ALTER CIRCUITS o SERVICE UPGRADE/REPAIR o SPECIAL EQUIPMENT (LIST BELOW) ~ OVERHEAD SERVICE o UNDERGR UN SERVICE VOLTAGE: Z :/. V Oil SINGLE PHA 'D THREE PHASE SERVICE SIZE 7ct'--O AMPS Details/Description: /~'l- . W.S. No. SERVICE SIZE CAPACITY: o O.K. NOT O.K. ACTION REQUIRED: 0 CHANGE TRANSFORMER o INSTALL SERVICE POLE DATE ENGR. o CHANGE SERVICE WIRE o OTHER o Ditch Inspection O.K. o Rough-in/cover O.K. A~M. 'ffJ O.K. to connect service . 0 Final O.K. Site Addi~ 5' ,f'. /2. ft, Installer: ~ . Notify Port Angeles City Light by Street Address and Permit Numberwhen ready for inspection. Work must not e covered before inspection and O.K. for covering has been given by the electrical inspector in writing on either the Wiring Report or on the Building Permi!.. PHONE 457-0411, EXT. 224. tJ{) ~/l11 NO OCCUPANCY OR USE ESTABLISHED UNDER THIS PERMIT $ ~ ..- Electricall~spector Permit Fee ~ WHITE - File by address YELLOW - file by number PINK - Top: Eng, Bottom, Customer GREEN - Top: Meter Dept., Bottom: City Hall OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC